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The Coffeyville Weekly Journal from Coffeyville, Kansas • Page 7

Coffeyville, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

yvill Some discussion having arisen as to Under tho Cruel Wheels. A Handsome Testimonial. Will you suffer with dyspepsia and liver complaint? Shiloh's Vitalizer is The Journal. the capacity of the new M. E.

Church, now in course of construction in this On Monday morning as the south guaranteed to cure you. Rammel Bros.l Report of Steward of East Brown ap Establisfied 1875. AID fflO bound tram on the K. V. road pointment, uoneyviiie Circuit, to the city, the writer applied to the mechanics and examined the plans for the pur which leaves the depot at this place at Presiding Elder and members of quarterly Conference: Our Pastor Rev.

II, A number of our Republican friends went to Liberty on Wednesday to meet Judge Perkins and escort him to the pose or ascertaining just now many was passing through a cut about searings it win contain, or the pur three miles below town, the engineer Spear, has given us notice that pose of making the statement perfectly clear, a comparison is made with the 2ETThe editor will consider it a favor If patrons and friends of THE JOURNAL will notify the office of social events, marriages, deaths, accidents and local whether in the city or country. we particularly request news items of a personal nature, such discovered the body of a man lving along side of the track. The train "was city. Two or three fellows "filled up" on Saturday evening, and succeeded in Jbider Murphy has called him to fill the vacancy on -Edna Circuit, and after consulting with members at this point, old structure. The old church was 28x55 from out to out.

The vestibule stopped and he was picked up and placed in the baggage car and taken to disgusting everybody by their silly con ns tne arrival ana oeparture 01 visiting men as and relatives, as they give a local value to the paper not otherwise obtained. i and closets occupied eight feet and the duct. uuu considering mat ne nas dui nve months more to remain on this work, where the labor and travel are so great and the work to which Bro. Murphy as platform and altar space twelve feet. ciaremore, the nearest point at which a surgeon could be reached.

The body proved to be that of a young man nam xnis leit a space of ax3o for the pews signs him so much better suited to one ed ispencer, who rormerly work FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 18QO ae numtjer or lull seats was 190 in eluding the chairs on the platform ed in the city meat market here, and Sleepless nights, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. Sold by Rammel Bros. 1 E. Bouilley, one of our substantial "sons of toil," called on Saturday of his health and strength, therefore we cheerfully submit to the wishes of who is a son of a man called Dr.

Soen- About 255 persons could be seated by i 1 1 -i. cer, wno now lives about eisht miles A PRESENT TO OUR our LJder, in removing Bro. Spear from among us. believing that Bro. me use oi cuaxrs in me aisies.

ine main auditorium, of the new church is 9x45 in the clear. This alone will down in the Territory, on the Vinita Are still selling Boots and Shoes roan, lie at one time resided in the Murphy does so after careful and evening to renew for his favorite home contain 230 full seats in the pews south part of the city, it was ascer prayerful consideration. We earnest paper. It Is with pleasure that we announce to our The lecture room which is on a level tained tnai tne untortunate vouner Marshal Clifford, as auctioneer, sold with the auditorium, is 18x28 in the man naa ueen run over bv the cars ly hope and pray to the Father of all mercies that Bro. Spear may do much good in his new field of labors, as he a lot of household goods on the Plaza clear.

It will conveniently and com and both legs cut off, the one above Iks Ear House kj Other fortabiy seat 110 persons. The class the knee and the other below. He on baturday afternoon, lie got good prices. room on the north, and in the rear of was still alive and conscious. He died on Monday eveniner.

From him has done on this circuit, and that he may imder every circumstance through life, be sustained and encouraged by an unfaltering trust in God. the platform, is 14x18 in the dear, and will seat at least 75 people. The it was learned that he had been em amen corner" and choir seats will ac ployed in running a hav press near Our relations with Bro. Spear have Id Montgomery County. Mayor Livingstone, of Liberty, came down with the Perkins party on Wednesday afternoon and staid for the meeting.

Our Republican friend, G. W. Culp, of Fawn Creek, helped to always been of the most pleasant Nowata, ana came up one evening commodate 20 more. Thu3 it will be seen that 435 seat in es are provided for cnaracter in an his labors among us. witliout using chairs in the aisles and ihsc wees to visit nis parents and get some clothing.

On Sunday evening he got on one of the cars of a south bound And while we regret to lose him as our on the platform. 1 he architect in his Pastor, we bid Bro. and Sister Spear swell the shout for Perkins on Wednes explanation of the plans says that freight train that left here about 10:20, intending to steal a ride to Nowata. day evening. when all the folding doors are open "God Speed" and commend them to the Brothers and Sisters of Edna Circuit.

tne nouse win seat irom 400 to 500 As the tram was passing through a Independence had another failure The seating capacity of the new church Read and adopted as unanimous voice cut he lost his hold and fell off. He struck the bank and rolled back under on Monday. The grocery house of Ov- many patrons that we have made arrangements with that wide-awake. Illustrated farm magazine, the AMERICAN FARMER, published at Fort Wayne, and read by nearly 200,000 farmers by which that great publication will be mailed direct, FREE, to the address of any subscriber, who will come in and pay up all arrearages on subscription and one year in advance from date, and to any new subscriber who will pay one yeor in advance. This is a grand opportunity to obtain a first-class farm Jou rnal free.

The A merican Farmer la a large 10-pasre journal, of national circulation, which ranks among- the leading agricultural papers. It treats tho question of economy in agriculture and the rights and privileges of that vast body of citizens Amer-can Fanners whose industry is the basis of all material and national prosperity. Its highest purpose is the elevation and ennobling of Agriculture through the higher and broader education of men and women engaged in its pursuits. The regular price of the AMERICAN FARMER is $1.00 per year. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING.

From any one number Ideas can be obtained that will be worth thrice the subscription price to you or members of your household, tet you get it free. Call and see sample copy. LOCAL BREVITIES. of quarterly conference fer Coffeyville neld Son was closed by a merciless is more than double that of the old. This ought to satisfy those who are disposed to be hypercritical on this Circuit.

G. W. Akers. Steward. chattel mortgage.

the wheeis of the last car, which ran over him with the above terrible result. He laid there all right and point. Beggrs Family Medicine. In the neighborhood of $90,000.00 Since writing the above, Prof. Sin through the heavy rain and storm that occurred.

His sufferings can be will be paid out to the Osages this Aiiese meaicmes are daily gaining week by agent Miles. It is an unusu better imagined than described. His gieaier popularity, and the steadily in ally large payment. clair, who heard some of the discussion, made a calculation from actual measurements of the two buildings, which differs somewhat in results from ours, but does not change the conclu creasing demand for them can onlv be remains were brought to Coffeyville on accounted tor bv their true mpnt 1 uesday evening, where thev were met Our trade since we have been in Coffeyville Ims been much better than we expected. That shows that we must have been selling the goods right.

We are going to stay here and keep on selling you HOOTS AND SHOES Just as cheap as we have been doing. OUR FALL GOODS Are beginniiig to arrive, and it would be impossible for us to tell you about tho different kinds and prices, but having had a great many years exjwrience in the Boot and Shoe business, we think we know where and how to buy the goods. When you want anything in our line, we want you to Come and See TJs, And we will suit you in price and quality. WALLACE BROTHERS, Coffeyville and Independence, Kans is. Luther Perkins is having a brick side walk put down in front of the build ihey are prepared with the utmost care, and each medicine is put up for a by his grief stricken mother and sisters.

The funeral occurred from the Presbyterian church on Wednesday sion when it is known that in taking ings occupied by R. J. Mitchell and Wallace Brothers. tne dimensions oi tne old cnurcn the measurement is from "out to out." particular aisease. Hivery bottle is guaranteed to do all that is claimed Rev.

W. B. Chamberlin and S. or it on the labe, so 2577 sq. ft New building', floor area Old buys a bottle of Beggs' Family Robb, of this city, have been allowed afternoon.

Our citizens made ur a fund to defray expenses, and the ity authorities gave some aid to the family. The victim of this fatal ride on a freight train, was about eighteen years old, and said to be a steady, in Medicines can be disappointed. Sold Differerence 1092. pensions recently. They each got snug sum for arrears.

by K. M. Kane. Seating: capacity new building: .645 oiu A true friend is a real treasure. He A strance fatality seems to follow dustrious boy.

Register in person. Difference who has one friend on whose love and that class who persist in stealing rides Mrs. Spencer has requested us to fidelity he can rest unquestionably is Register now. It pays to advertise, and it pays big on freight trains, innumerable acci dents follow that habit. convey her gratitude to the undertakers, liverymen, citizens, and others ncu above tne average, of his fellows, to do it through the journal.

On Do you say that 5 0U have never known Thursday afternoon of last week, Jos. who so kindly assisted her her sore J. J. Barndollar went down to Paw such wealth as that, and that you are bereavement. A.

Jones, of Cherokee, had a valuable Do not neglect to register. Reading matter on every page. Local matter is scarce this week. mule get away from him at his farm. huska on Tuesday to attend the Osage payment.

He was accompanied as far questioning whether you can ever hope to? Then see to it that at least one a- O. Hj. long -k- The Independence Reporter is both He looked around for it on Friday, erson whom you know is thus favor as Uartlesville by Mrs. liarndoiiar. facetious and solemn in the following but failed to hud a single trace of it.

On Saturday morning early he came to Catarrh cured, health and sweet item. The last statement has some political features about it: "County ed friendship. Whether you can have a friend or not, you be one; that is your privilege and your duty, in the Election notices have been posted. Everything neat and fresh at Baird's. this olhce and had some dodger3 print breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh ed, announcing his loss.

He started Attorney Lrgenbnght went to Cherry- Kemedy. l'nce oO cents. in uan or gou. out to put them up and distribute jector free. Sold by Rammel Bros.

1 vale yesterday and we presume his trip will result in adding some more cases XiOans and insurance. ANCHOR YOUR BUILDINGS with a FIRE AND TORNADO POLICY Insurance Written cn GRAIN AND LIVE STOCK. AT CITY SCALES OFFICE, Qm T.QTTQ them in the farmers' wagons. Before Street fakes continue to afflict our city. Chew Love Tobbacco, at Barndollar to an already large criminal docket.

That hacking cough can be so quick he had scattered half that he had printed, a gentleman who resides It is certain that the next term of the ly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guaran district court will have more criminal eight miles east of Mr. Jones, came to tee it. 1 Rammel Bros. Bros.

business to dispose of than any term him with a dodger in his hand and Frost fell In this locality on Monday the information that the stray mule The worst cases of asthma relieved in thirty minutes, and cured in from night. CONSUMPTION was at his place. Before night he had recovered his property. forty to fifty days with Compound Ox Finest cigars in town at the Banner for years, from which it would appear, either that Montgomery county is growing wickeder, or that the officers are more vigilant. We hardly know how to account for the increase of crime.

We would not bo surprised in the ygen. Dr. Snow. COUGH or COLD Throat Affection Wasting of Flesh BRONCHITIS Store. Hon.

G. W. Benge, the nominee of BROKE OUT IN A NEW PLAGE. For weak eyes, use Finley's Eye SCROFULA Rev. Hyden lectured before the Teacher's Meeting on last Friday eyen- Salve.

the National party of the Cherokee Nation, for Principal Chief, visited Coffeyville on Tuesday. He was accompanied by ex-Solicitor Jesse Or any Disease trliere the Throat and Ziungm ine. He had a good audience and least to see the probate court overwhelmed with insane cases, as there are more evidences of insanity than' The Journal gets all the news that are Inflamed, Lach of Strength or A'erve his lecture was very favorably received is going. Power, you can be relieved and Cured by we have ever before known, not only Cochran, another prominent Cherokee. Judge Benge is at present one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of the Go to Baird's restaurant for a first- Kev.

William Wilbur, tne new Pastor of the Baptist Church of this in this county, but all over the state. It is believed, however, and hoped. class lunch. annri city will preach next Sabbath morning. Nation, and he is a gentleman of abil that early November frosts will tend to alleviate the prevailing complaint." porterhouse steak, call All are invited to attend these services.

McCoy Untitling, Coffeyville, Kausas, DEALER For a good on Mitchell. The animus that inspires the local It's a Filthy Sheet. ity and influence among his reople. He is strictly honest and bears an ex-celent reputation wherever he is known. He will make a good chief, and we are glad to observe that his chances for election next August, are occurred on the Another runaway square on Monday.

fact that he is a sincere prohibitionist OF Editor Journal: Don't vou think He will vote for Ingalls and against PURE COD LIVER OIL Fan Machinery asi Iipkests, Roesky'8 Fresh 13read received daily it would be an act of charity if tlie citizens of Coffeyville would erect a resubmission. quite good. at It. J. Mitchell's.

With Hypophosphltes. monument to the memory of the de Traducing a man and villifying his Rev. J. Emory Weeks, a member of Cubine for a parted brains of the idiot who sends Leave your order with boot on short notice. character, will not win in tins cam the Cential Pennsylvania Conference, items from Coffeyville to the infernal Superior Shoe Drills, paign.

Mr. Wilcox will gain votes in consequence of the attacks on nim. PALATABLE AS MILK. Ask for Scott's Emulsion, and let no eas planatioi or solicitation induce you to accept a substitute. Sold by all Druggists.

SCOTT A DOWNE, Chemists, N.Y R. J. Mitchell keeps the finest line of blackguard sheet known as the ''Kansas City Sunday Sun?" and a valued friend of the editor of The Journal, joined his wife in this city on Tuesday morning, Mrs. Weeks having preceded her husband about a IMPROVED INDIANA SPUINti HOI2 Dill S. (.

8. AND IO Better quit it. confectionery the city. Mc. GlNNIS.

Prof. St. Clair, the lecturer aud HOE), TRICYCLE, OANO JkftD SULKY PLOWS, PICA I-. RIE QUI2EN SULKY PLOWS. WALKING PLOWS, DLSC AND TOOTH IlARltOWS, xne ieiiow ougnt to oe ducKed in a Confectionery, pies, cakes, bread, week.

They will spend some time pop, lemonade, at Uaird s. with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. H. phrenologist, had some printing done at this office on Tuesday.

He is visit H. Luken, and other friends in this locality. It gave us great pleasure to The Banner Store gives the most ing the adjoining towns and lecturing on his popular subjects. goods for the least money. welcome our former neighbors at the MeCormick Mowers, Eagle and Indiana Hay Hakes, Windmills, Fanning Mills, Carts, Harrison Wagons, Buggies, Phaetons, Spring Wagons, etc.

old I'ennsylvama home. We trust II. W. and W. T.

Read svent to the Go to the Banner Store to get your that their stay among us may be pleas Osage Agency on Tuesday. They are ribbons, jewelry, etc. ant. HUMPHREYS' somewhat interested in tne pavnient If you fail to register you will fail to of annuity to the tribe, which began Mrs. J.

K. Morgan sent a large vase A FULL LINE OF FIRST-CLASS MACHINERY, 'VETERIUARYSPECIFICS get your vote into tne box. on ednesday morning. filled with the handsomest flowers that our eves have beheld in many a day, to Go to the Blue Front Grocery for The ladies of the Christian church And everything usually kept in a well stocked implement house. 3PItICEff DOWN TO THE LOWEST NOTCH.

horse pond and started out of town on a rail and clothed in a suit of chicken feathers and tar. It does seem that society is getting to a low ebb in a place where such sneaks are tolerated, if known. The fellows who sell and the fellows who buy the dirty sheet are partkep criminis. A notable wedding occurred at the Willard House, in this city, on Wednesday evening, it was evidently intended to be a very quite affair, in view of that fact the newspaper men were not let into the secret or invited to be present. But our reporter never misses an item, and so we have to chronicle the marriage of Mr.

W. L. Bowers, of St. Louis, and Miss Sadie D. Kent, of this city.

Kev. W. Chamberlin performed the ceremony. The proprietress of the Willard provided an elegant supper decorate the speaker's stand at the groceries and Fresh Bread. gave a dinner in the Montgomery building on Wednesday, to the visiting ministers and laymen who were in attend JEP RICHEY, Salesman.

-'Mrs. E. J. Mulvane returned from Perkins' meeting on Wednesday evening. They were tastefully arranged into a beautiful and attractive boquet.

ance on the district meeting. the close of the meeting Mrs. Mor her visit to Illinois last week. California canned goods at at Mitchell's, next door to Wells Bros. This office turned out some fine gan presented the nowers to the chairman of the meeting, and they consequently adorn the desk of the editor printed stationery last week for J.

E. For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Do3, Hogs, A1TD FOUXTfiY. 600 Face Book on Treatment of Animal and Chart Sent Free. cubes 5 Inflammation A. A.

i Hpinal Meningitis, Milk Fever. B. II. Strains, Lameness, Rheumatism C. C.

Distemper, Nasal Discharges. D. D. Bots or Grabo, Worms. E.

E. Conghs, Heayes. Pneamenla F. F. Colic or Grines, Bellyache.

G. G. Miscarriage. Hemorrhages. II.

H. Urinary and Kidney Diseases. I.I. ErnptiTO Diseases, Mange. J.

Diseases of Digestion, l'aralysls. Single Bottle (over DO doses), .60 Stable Case, wrth Specifics, Manual, Veterinary Core OU and Medicator, 87.00 Jar Veterinary Cure Oil, 1.00 Sold by Drnggists; or Sent Prepaid anywhere and in any quantity on Receipt of Price. Humphreys' Medicine 109 Fulton W. T. THE FARMER'S STORE Preachers were plenty on our streets Campbell, at Al-lu-wee, i.

andj. E. Campbell at Nowata, I. T. Our work takes wherever it goes.

of TnE Journal, where they are admired by all visitors and greatly ap during the hrst part of the weeic. preciated by the writer. in Wishes to thank its many friends and customers for their liberal patronage Our job presses are kept busy, a fact Lost. About two weeks ago, a light that we take delight in recording. Mrs.

S. B. Kay, of Fawn Creek, is the past, and we shall try to treat you so well as to deserve a continuance of the same. visiting her daughter Mrs. S.

O. brown overcoat. It fell out of my buggy near, or east of the Willard Ho cures nasal ca- Compound Oxygen tarrh. Hypes, of this city. She expects this Dr.

Snow. tel. Please return to to be her last visit for some time. She W. S.

TJpnAM. Charles Armstrong, a prominent Delaware, was in the city on Tuesday. is going to Stafford county to visit relatives and friends, and will take train from there to Ohio, where she expects to stay for some time. She will be We invite you to examine our large new stock of Mrs. J.

K. Morgan, Mrs. Thomas You can get the best and biggest HOMEOPATHIC ij SPECIFIC Ho. 28 Jesson and Mrs. George Black, the latter of Leavenworth, called at The Journal office on Tuesday to witness the process of printing a newspaper.

greatly missed by her only daughter here and the friends she has made Clothing, Boots, Shoes. For Throat or lung trouble Com since she came to this part of the pound Oxygen is the thing. Go to Dr. a la use 30 years. The only sneceasfnl remedy for Nervous Debiiity.

vital Weakness, and Prostration, from over-work or other erases. (1 per 6 Tiala and lmrg Tial powder, for 9a. country. Rev. n.

V. Spear entered upon his Snow. On Friday J. K. Morgan brought us new work as pastor or tne ana cir BI uuuooiins, or hii ponqwia OB receiptee E.

A. Hamilton, of Independence, cuit last Sunday. He preached at Ed a spe cimen of good sized ripe straw Hats, Caps, Groceries, Flaur. Meal, Bacon and Lard, We have just received a large Invoice of visited Coffeyville on Wednesday evening. i berries which his boys had round in na and vaieda, and received a nattering reception from his new parishoners.

their strawbeny gaiden. The fruit was well developed and there were Once more THE journal rises to remark that, yon must register or you Rev. J. F. Black, the Evangelist, quite a number of them on the vines.

Dry for the wedding party, and the W. R. C. called and presented the bride with a handsome testimonial of their re- 5ard. The congratulations of The ournal are tendered to the happy pair.

Sealy Brown is the agent for a household invention called the pinless clothes line. He has a territory embracing four counties. The invention is evidently an excellent one, and entirely does away with the use of clothes pins. It will undoubtedly meet with the favor of housewives generally. It has to be seen to be understood and appreaciated.

J. W. Glass has the right for Coffeyvillle city, and he will take pleasure in showing the patent. Mrs. W.

II. Lewark and little daughter Katy, returned on Saturday evening from a long and pleasant visit among friends and relatives in Pittsburgh, Pa. Mr. Lewark was all smiles and pleasantness on Saturday, and no one got a heartier welcome than Mrs. L.

received from her many friends in this city. Married: At the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Thomas Corn-thwaite. near Tyro, by Rev. W.

E. Means, on Thursday evening, Oct. 9th, 1890, Mr. John Gaskell and Mary J. Overpeck, both well known and highly respected citizens of this county.

County Treasurer Wood has settled in full with the State Treasurer, and A number of our people have had ripe -j and Prof. Newton, his singer, took their departure on Sunday morning strawberries within the past ten days, but none in great abundance. for other fields of labor. They did not accomplish great results in Coffeyville. Jacob Good, the reliable and always Mr.

and Mrs. F. W. Johnson return trustworthy nurseryman of this locali ed from St. Louis on Monday evening.

ty, called on Saturday and gave us an order for some printing. He informs On Mr. Johnson was compelled to make their trip shorter than they anticipated in order to resume his duties in the Mo. hat he has about finished a large barn a a 1 1 Of nearly every style and variety. Come and see them.

Special low prices on CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SIIOES. For Anything You Want, See Us First, We promise you kind treatment and fair dealing. Respectf ully, Iflathews 5 Price. SAMPLE COPY Pac. yard.

on his tarm, wnicn 13 duiie mostly from lumber he purchased from the Trustees of the M. E. Church. South Side Square. Rev.

J. Emory Weeks, of the Cen tral Pennsylvania M. E. Conference Married: October 11th, 1890, at Coffeyrille, Kansas. will preach in the Presbyterian Church the residence of George Arnold, Mr.

Charles H. narmon and Miss Amy HAS THE Murrv. Rev. II. V.

Spear officiating. The happy pair have the good wishes of many friends. They will move im Finest Surry cannot vote. The attention of cattle men is called to the notice of A. J.

Blackwell, in another column. Dyspepsia and Indigestion radically cured By tho use of Compound Oxygen, at Dr. Snow's. -Go to the druggists for Finley's Eye Salve. The best remedy for eye affections on earth.

Charles Yoe, of the Tribune, came down with the Perkins delegation on Wednesday evening. It you have rheumatism oif; neuralgia, take a course of medicated vapor baths at Dr. Snow's. Dr. Snow treats all rectal, 'uterine, urinary diseases.

A competent female to attend lady patients. For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cts. For sale by Rammel Bros. 1 The boycott ordered by the toungey Mrs.

Lease, is finding a few obedient subjects in this community. Croup, whooping cough and bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. by Rammel Bros. 1 Senator McTaggart occupied a seat tha nlQtfnrm at. fho Yier Kennhlican mediately to tneir new nome near Coody's Bluff, I.

T. Before vou start out in the attempt OF THE- to down a newspaper with your disfav or or attack its editor with your unjust criticisms, be sure that your subscrip- tion account is in sucn conaition mai you can discontinue if you want to without having to borrow the money ST. SjOIXIS to do so. The heavy rain of Sunday evening Ever shown in Coffeyville fcr the money. Cal and see it.

Also keeps ho IBest Unggies In the market. Come in and eee the best Cart you ever saw for the price. Dealer in Harness and Saddles I have the flaest assortment of Blankets and Robes To be seen in the city- If you wantsomethlnff fine in a ROBE, come in and see Davis, the Saddler. of this city on next Sunday morning at the usual hour for services. All are invited Why is it that the opposition to Mr.

Wilcox kept all their "startling information" back until after he was nominated? If he is a dishonest man it is strange it did not get out until the convention was over. The W. C. R. will meet at the Odd Fellows hall, Saturday, October 18th, at 7:30 o'clock.

All are requested to be present. Mrs. Georgia F. Dyke, Pres. Ida McCreart, Sec.

Tim- O'Brein, the jolly lightning manipulator who spent the summer in the Mo. Pac office in this city, spent Tuesday among his friends here. He is traveling for an inusrance company, with head quarters at St. Louis. The Presbytery, at its recent session at Fort Scott, directed Rev.

Chamberlain to assume charge of the Caney appointment, in connection with his work at this point. This he will do, beginning with services at Caney on next Sunday. W. HIIolton, who resides at Edna, stopped over in Coffeyville on Wednesday evening, on his way back from a protracted visit to Indiana. lie was accompanied by J.

F. Hayden, of Jennings County, who will probably remain in Kansas. caused a portion of the area wall or Hall's building to give away. The presure of the falling water from the roof of the old wooden building that has been kept on 9th street during the construction of the new one. was too handed the keys of the public money box over to his successor.

Everything is as straight as a string in the Treasurer's accounts and will be just that way when Mark Tulley goes out. Mrs. Homer Leighter and children arrived on Wednesday evening over the Mo. Pac, from Ames, Colorado, a town in the San Miguel mountains. Mr.

Leighter has a large grading con-, tract that he will finish in a week or two and then come back to Kansas to warm up. They have about a foot of snow on the ground where they lived. A joint session of the Churches and Sunday Schools the Disciples of Christ, for the 3d Kansas district, began its sessions in the Chrisiian church on Wednesday morning. A large number of ministers and delegates were present. We were unable to procure a report of the proceedings for this issue.

A good flow of gas was struck in No. 2 weU on last Friday evening. It was found at a depth of 135 feet. The drilling will be continued until a stronger flow is reached. Mrs- B.

B. Waters spent a part of the week with friends in Chanute. Weekly JGlobe-Demoqrat Sent Free to any Address. much for the unsupported walls. Cattlo Wanted.

JM i xne unaersigneu warns VU luviv i. meeting on Wednesday evening. George Hickman returned home on Wednesday evening. He has been in Memphis, for nearly a year, Mrs. Sarah Clay and Mrs.

Twiss were among those who called on Wednesday at The Journal sanctum. ties having good stock to sen "Send Tour Name at' once to should write to me at once. Address A. J. Blackwell, Chelsea, I.

T. Kejjistration liotiee. NOTICE Is hereby ftren that the Begistra tion Poll liooks of the city of Coffeyville will be closed according: to law on Friday ere n- ing, THE S4th OF OCTOBER, 1S0. Persona offering to register will please bring-with tbem the number of the lot and block on which they may GLOBE PRINTING CO. ST.

LOUIS, MO. Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures consumption. Rammel Bros. 1 n.jL A GOOD FARM for rent.

fVJl Houses for rent. -JUiiJ, W.S.UrnAM. Attorney S. M. Barr, of Mondav afternoon in Coffeyville.

He was on his way to Moscogee, I. to attend to seme legal business at that point..

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