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The Coffeyville Weekly Journal from Coffeyville, Kansas • Page 3

Coffeyville, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LOCAL NEWS. A. WUSLER, Lemme sit down a mhitite, a stone's got in The Fwlemphis and Charleston FORM THS MOST DIIiECT AND SHORT LINE TO ALX. rOKJTS 1 EAST, SOUTH-EAST -AND FLORIDA. Tcllman's VssTXBuup Buffet Sleeping Cars From Bsniphis fo Chattanooga, Kcoxvills, Washington Philadelphia and Mow York PULLHAN'S SUPERB DININP CAR on oar SOUD VESTIBULE UlilTED TRAIN Tw WASHINGTON.

(No extra charge for seats in Day Coaches.) SOX4D TRAINS with Pullmnn liuflet Sleepers from Chattanooga to Gallon, Rome. Atlanta, Macon, Jacksonville and SL Augustine. f) Our schedules, have been so arrang-cd that close connections are assured at all Junctions and Terminals. At Memphis, ample provision has leen-inade to insure immediate connections witlia.ll Xra.iUk. For Rates, Schedules, call on your nearest Ticket Agent, or T- JOTiTiY, Wtent Paaseocer A rent, ATiTiAS, TCSZC.A.C a.

ev C. A. DKSAU-iSCKE. Dir. MEM 111 IS.

TS I be published statements of the irst -N ational Bank and the bank of M. Condon present an excellent showing for Coffeyville's monetary institutions. They each have over sixty per cent, -of their deposits on hands in good, solid cash, to meet any demands that may be made on them. A. J.

Bidison returned, from the Strip on Friday, aud will remain here a few days looking after legal business. He iuforms us that he has decided to locate permanently at Paw- the county seat of county, where he has two good business lots and a residence lot. He is deputy county attorney and is highly pleased with his prospects. A man named Thompson who had secured a claim in the Strip went to the land office a few days ago to file, leaving his wife and three children camped upon the claim. During his absence, a prairie fire swept across the country and the mother being unable to save herself and children, all perished in the flames.

The following is the tax levy for the city of Coffeyviile aud School District No. 3: Valuation 63 General Revenue Tax 2,480 04 Street Purposes. 954 40 Twp bonds int. and principal 49 City 62150 Improvement 248(50 School tax 6,070 51 Total 112,128 01 In some of the towns in the Eastern states ihey have what they call 'kid bells." This bell is rung by the marshal at 9 o'clock in the evening and all the boys and girls under the age of fifteen not in the care of parents or guardians, must leave the streets immediately aud go home. If they fail to do this, the officer takes charge of them.

A 'kidbell'' wouldn't be a bad institution in Coffeyviile. Increase of business on the K. T. railway has caused a demand for more freight cars and a lull force of men will be employed at the shops in Sedalia, commencing Monday morning. The working hours will be increased from thirty-six to fifty-four per eek, making an increase of the pay roll of about $7,000 per month.

Up to date the shopmen have been working on half time shifts-Kansas is divided into nine health districts. There are also uiue.mem-bers of the state board of health. Each member has general supervision of one of these districts and Dr. Dykes, the secretary of the board has just received reports from the members of the board as to the state of health in their respective districts. These returns show that the general health of Kansas is good.

At Augusta, Butler county, there is an epidemic of typhoid fever and also a few cases at Wellington and Salina. At Olathe and Topeka there are a few cases of scarlet fever and diphtheria reported but these cases mentioned constitute the entire amount of contagious diseases in the state. 2i B. W. WREXS.

Genl Paiw. 3c Tfct Art, KNOXVII.1.E, TE3JX. Mr. Shanahan, the genial conductor on the Coffeyviile branch of the Santa Fe, has resumed his run, after spend ing a tnree week's vacation at tiie great Fair. Teachers and others who have items relation to the public schools, are invited to send them to The Jour nal, we are always glad to receive and publish the news.

Of all the fool disputes those that occur on religion are the most useless; they convince nobody and prove noth ing, except that man should control his propensity to dispute. senator Martin nas nitrouuceu a bill to reimburse the state of Kansas $352,012.46 principal and $97,380.46 in terest for property losses during the war paid by the state in 1887. The A. O. U.

W. lodge at Indepen dence is making great preparations to entertain the visitors to this city on the occasion of that order's district meeting to be held thereon the 25th. Mrs. M. F.

Bead, of Jopiin, a sister of Mrs. J. A. Wood, and Miss Kittie Brooks, a niece, arrived in Coffeyviile on-Sunday and will remain for a week or two as the guests of Mrs. Wood.

"Advice is cheap" is an old adage, but the "truth of the saying depends altogether upon the character of the advice. If it is bad, it is worse than worseless, but if it is good, it is price less to him who heeds it. A returning boomer had the follow ing lines written on his wagon cover: One sweetly solemn thought Comes to me o'er and o'er, I'm farther away from the Strip today, Than I was the day before. Mr. and Mrs.

J. II. Wilcox and family returned on Saturday evening from a six week's visit among friends and relatives in Iowa and Illinois. They also viewed the wonderful sights at the World's Fair during their absence. Why is it that the tough young man will sit in a cheap theater and loudly applaud a maudlin song about "me dear old mother's picture," and then go home and throw a stove lifter at her if she asks him to milk the cow.

One cent per mile rates from all points in the West to Unicago went into effect Saturday at midnight and will remain in effect till after the World's Fair closes. Present indica tions point to the tremendously heavy traffic in consequence of these rates. An intelligent and industrious ed itor of a neighboring town, has dug the following information out of the debris of the new election law: "Any person entitled to vote is allowed a vacation of two hours on the day of election, without any deduction of wage provided that an application for leave of absence be filed with his employer prior to the day ot election. The employer may designate at what time of the day the employe may ab sent himself but he cannot prevent his going. BAKERY AND CON FECTIONERY J-1S BKEAD ISjTHEiSWEETEST, lightest and most delicious.

Pies, cakes, buns. and everything- foun In a first class bakery. Pastry for parties a specialty. Satisfaction uaranteed. The Finest Conf ectionery of all kinds to be found in the city always on hand.

Give me a Call. CITY TRANSFER UY- J. E. BOOTHBY. 1 WMVH nB crnrwrl roamo and nramma i and is prepared at all times to do all kinds to hauling in or about the city J.

W. Glass, Paper Hanger and Decorator. HoilSe ald Sign Painting men employod. Leave orders with- Lang- or at shop, on Tenth treet, between Maple and Willow. Bond's Cream Eye Salve.

For Ulcerated and Granulated Lid. Inflammation of the Eyes, and all acute ana chronic diseases of the eye. Cool ing and healing. Guaranteed; 25 cents. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat- ent ousiness conducted tor modcr ate Fees.

Our Office is Opposite U. S. patent office and we can secure patent in less time than those 1 1 I 1 1 emote uum wasmngxon. 4 Send model, drawing or with deserip- uoo. aavisc, 11 paicniaDic or not.

iree 01 charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured, A Pamphlet, How to UDtam patents, with cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries) sent tree. Aaaress, C.A.SNOW&CO.

Opp. Patent Office. Washington, D. C. DR.

GUMS ONION smup 1 eno miiisus I COLDS AND CRO(fP. GRANDMOTHER'S ADVICE. In raising a family of nine children, my oxly remedy for Couch Colds and Croup was onion syrup. It is just as effective to-day an it forty years ago. my grandchildren take Dr.

Ounn's Onion Syrup which is already prepared and more yleassnt to the taste. Sold at 50 cents a bottle, Slosson and Company the druggists. Sore, Prompt, Fosltrra Curt for Impotence, Lou of Manhood, Seminal Emissions, Spermatorrhea, Nervousness, Self Distrust, Loss of Memory, Ac. Will make you a STRONG, Vigorous Man. Pries St.

00, 6 Boxes, S5 00. Special Directions Mailed with each Box. Address SOIO LuOASAvC 6T.LOUI3, MO. HUMPHREYS' Dr. Humphreys' Specifics arescientiflcally and carefully prepared Komedies, for years in t.rlvate praotio and fcr over thirty years by the ijcople with entire success.

Kvery single Specific a sceclal cure for the disease named. They cure without druRginjf. purring or reducing the system and are in fact and deed the teovereijn Heuiedies of the World. or rawcwAfcuo. gvres.

2 FeTers Congestions, zta Worms Worm Fever, Worm .23 3 Teething! Colic, Crying, Wakefulness .25 4 Diarrhea of Children or Adults .25 7 Coughs Colds, Bronchitis 25 SlNearalgia Toothache, .25 Headaches Sick Headache, .25 10 Dyepepsia Bfliousness. Constipation. .25 1 oppressed or Painful .25 1 Whites Too Profuse Periods .25 13- Croup, Laryngitis. .25 14- Halt llhennt, Jryslpelas.Eiuptins.. .25 j3 Rheumatism, aim.

.55 16- 9Ialaria, Chills. Fever and Ague .25 17 Piles Blind or Bleeding .25 If Catarrh, Influenza, Cold In tiie Head. .25 20 Whooping Cough 27 Kidney Diseases 2S-Nerv" Debility ",,52 50 Urinary Weakness, Wetting .25 Sold by DruKSfs's. or xnt oa reettp of prfca. Dm.

Xamcai. (U paJ au.d rta. BTmriraTSp.cou. mailt iraa nw tok. SPECIF ICS.

DANIEL GRASS, Attorney-at-Law. Coffeyviile, Kansas my shoe: Don't commence your cussh I ain't done notnin' to you. Yes, I'm a tramn. What of tt' Folks say we ain't no good, Bat tramps hastolive, I reckon, though folks don't think we should. Once I was and handsome, had plenty of cash and clothes; That was afore I tippled and giu gdt into my nose.

Down in the Lehigh Valley rue and my people grew, I was a blacksmith cap'en yes, and a good one too; Me ana my wile and rsellie Nellie was just sixteen, She was the pootiest ereature the valley ever seen, Vfc iseauxr ny, sue naaaaozen naa em from near and fur, But they were mostly farmers, none of 'em suited her. There was a city stranger, young hand some and tall. Damn him I wish I had him strangled agin that wall. He was the man for Xellie she didn't know no ill; Mother she tried to stop it, but you nnow a young girl's will. Well, it's the same old story common enough you'll say He was a soft tongued devil, and he got her to run away.

More than a month after we heard from the poor young thing; He'd gone away and left her without a wedding ring. Back to her home we brought her, back to her mother's side, Filled with a raging fever she fell at my feet and died. Frantic with shame and trouble, her moth er began to sink Dead in less than a fortnight that's when I took to drink. Give me one glass, Curnel, and then I'll be on my way, I'll tramp till I find that scoundrel, if it takes till the Judgment Day. Kaw's Mouth.

Jack Frost not only withers the pumpkin vines and kills the leaves on the trees, but it nips the ice crop in the bud also. These is no business today that re quires more intelligence, more study and more 4sand" than the business of he agriculturist. Anybody can be farmer, it is said; any fool can plow and sow. Yes, and anybody can be a awyer, a preacher or a doctor. A man can practice law and medicine and lave very little sense.

Nor is there any law in this country that prevents a simpleton from being a preacher. The lawyer the doctor and the preacher cater to the wants and demands of men. The agriculturist has to do with and meet the demands of nature. The lawyer and the doctor yes, and the preacher too can. humbug the peo pie, because the people love to be hum bugged.

But the agriculturist caunct humbugjiature. She will not yield up her treasured to those who deal dishonestly with her. The business of agriculture is a good and high calling. Few, indeed, compreheud its greatness or are qualified to meet its demands. The man who reads many books is not necessarily more intelligent than the one who only reads a few.

There is such a thing as overfeeding in books the same as in food for the body. Some of the best read men in the world, men whose memories are stored with information deriyed from the works of others, are singularly inefficient. Tteir knowledge does not enable them to compete with men who are inCnitely less learned, but who have the faculty of making successful use of what they do know. "What is the education of the generality of the -world?" said Iiurke. Iiead-ing a parcel of.

books? No! Restraint and discipline, examples of virtue and justice, these are what form the education of the world." The man who relies upon books entirely is sure to find them inadequate and disappointing. Thev do not cover all contingencies, and when they fail him be is helpless, as they have taken away his self-reliance and his inde pendence of thought and judgment. He knows only what the books have told him, and they have not told him how to deal with the numerous small circumstances which collectively count for so much in all schemes and pur suits. All About Ireathingr. A school boy from the Indian Territory was assigned the task of prepar-a composition, lie was instructed to "tell all you can about breathing." Here is what he said: "JJreatii is made of air.

We breath with our lungs, our lights, our liver, and kidneys. If it wasn't for our breath we sliould die when we slept. Oar breath keeps the life agoing through the nose when we are asleep. Boys that stay in a room all day should not breathe. They should wait till they get out of doors.

Boys in a room make bad, unwholesome air. They make carbonicide. Carbonicide is poisoner than mad dogs. A heap of soldiers was in a black hole in India, and a carbonicide got in that there hole and killed nearly every one afore morning. Girls kill the breath with corsets, that squeezes the diagram Girls can't holler or run like boys because their diagram is squeezed too much.

If I was a girl I'd rather be a boy, so I can holler and run and bare a great big diagram 1 Register. Register, at once. Voters should register. Travel on the railroads is good. An ounce of help is worth tons of pity.

Will your "Uncle" let you have that overcoat? The Gas Company's fprce of plumb ers is kept busy. Civility is something that is never practiced in vain. Airs. Augusta Ruhl is visiting her daughter at Thayer. The silver men are on top in the Senate, for the present.

Wherever the'gospel is preached there will be gospel results. The right place for every Christian 13 where he is most needed. It is never hard to find people who want t0 pla the first fiddle It won't do any good for a Christian to talk louder than he liyes. very time some people speak in church the devil feels better. xne moment we die for const we find out that He lives for us.

If there were no little sins there would never be any big ones For every? failing aiman can point out in others he has two of his own. One of the saddest conditions in life is to have nothing good to live for. The man who worships a God of his own imagination, worships himself. The man who has God to plan for him always does a good day' work. Wild geese are about ready to hi a away to the hurricane and yellow fever liooa 1'ins are easy to take, easy in action and sure in effect, 25 cents a box.

He who has never been tempted has little right to boast of his honor or his honesty. Sunday was a splendid day to attend church and take a drive into the country. If you fail to register you will lose your vote- If you want a big trade, advertise in The Journal. xnere is a amerence between "a pa and "a newspaper" The people understand it. F.

D. Benson and E. E. Wilson re turned from the Midway Flaisance on Saturday evening. The editor of the "Kansas" column in the Kaw's Mouth reads The Jour nal very eatefully.

Times are' so hard out in the country that even the trees are leaving and the corn is shocked. How much easier it is to tell others how they oueht to walk than it is to keep in the middle of the road your self. Strong nerves, sweet sleep, good appetite, healthy digestion, and best of all, pure blood, are given by Hood's Sarsaparilla. am a a 1 1 1 Our rates for job work are as low as is commensurate with lirst class workmanship and good stock. Give us your orders.

The Eoworth League devotional meeting at the M. E. church on each Sunday evening at 6:45 attracts a large crowd. He that cannot forgive others breaks the bridge over which he must pass himself; for every man has need to be forgiven. Good Tidings Day" was observed at the M.

E. church on Sunday morning. The exercises were interesting and entertaining. Mrs. E.

II, Collins returned on Friday evening from Leavenworth wfiere she has been for the past two week's visiting her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Sealy Browu, who reside east of this city a short distance, returned on Saturday from a three week's visit to the World's Fair. Dr.

J. A. Wood and J. J. Barndollar staited for Chicago on Sunday morn-ning.

They will spend two weeks in sight seeing at the World's Fair. Mr. M. V. Barnett, proprietor of the Big Backet, was taken suddenly ill on Saturday evening.

He left for his home at Ft. Scott Sunday morning. Messrs. McCoy and Wells Bros, are putting down an elegant piece of side walk in front of their premises on Walnut street, north of 8th street. Give fools their gold, and knaves their power; Let fortune's bubbles rise and fall; Who sows a field, or trains a flower.

Oi plants a tree, is more than all. Whittier. Mr. and Mrs. J.

Guthrie returned on Saturday evening from Enid, in the Cherokee Strip. Mr. ftutliria -has larcre interests in that locality. Nearly every community is afflicted with one or more persons whose sole aim in life seems to be to accomplish the overthrow and destruction of some nther nerson. To all such we com mend the careful study of a verse from an old hymn: digged pit.

he digged Heep, He digged it for his brother; By his great sin he did fall in The pit he digged for t'other." I had a malignant breaking out on mv lr below the knee, and was cured sound and well with two and a half Dotues of Other blood medicines had failed 1 to do me any good. Will C. Beats', VorkUlc.S.C I was troilhlurt fmm AhTTAtinwl vfth mm. gravated rase of Tetter, and three bottles cf i cured me permanently. Wauac-e Mann.

MannviUe, I. T. Onr book on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Swirr firEciriu Atlanta, RECULATE THE STOMACH, UYEg AND BOWELS, PURIFY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR IattffcitUn, BIHoaMena, Hcadarbc, Coa4l.

patios, Drapepola, Chronlo Liver Trouble, IHxsIneHa, Bad Conplexlon, ITratery, Offcntlve Brvatk, aad all disorders or Stomach, Liver aad Boweln. Ripans Tabulcs contain nothing Injurtonn to the most delicate count it ut Ion. lnjnt to toka, eafe, effectual. Give immediate relief. Sola by drxursrints.

A trial bottle sent by mall on receipt of li ceuta. AUdrexs THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. 10 SPRUCE STREET, NEW YORK CITY. tfltaOKllGI W. L.

DOUGLAS S3 SHOE fioTttp. Do you wear thiem? When next In need try pair1 Oest in tho world $5.00. 54.00 $3.50 $2.50 $2.25 $2.00 FOR Ifyouwantafine DRESS SHOE, mads In the latest styles, don't pay $6 to $8, try my $3, $3.50, $4.00 or $5 Shoe. They fit equal to custom mado and took and wear as well. If you wish to economize In your footwear do so by purchasing W.

L. Douglas Shoes. Name and price stamped on the bottom, look for It when you buy TF. Im DOUGLAS. Brockton, Mass.

Sold by FOll BY WELLS BROS. CARTERS rilTTLE IVER FILLS, 13 BlcV Headache and relieve all the trouble IfieS Jcnt to a bilioua state of the yBtem. snob SM Dizzloeas, Katzaea, Drowslneaa, Diatreaa alter eating. Xaia In the Bide. ko Whilo their mot) remarkable succeea has been shown la cotfsg 4 pr7 ret Chrter Little Hirer TSO 1 equally valuable in Constipation, curing and ps dentins this annoying coca plaint, while they a correc all disorders of he tomachtimulate th9 liver and regulate the bowels.

fiTealltbeyoaty urea Act they would be almoe priceless to those wn roller from this distressing complaint; but orto-Sntely their goodness does notend herend those) Who once try them will find these little puis Tain able In so many ways that they will not be wll jl to do without them. Bat after all sick beafl the base of so many Urea that hare Is when I we make our great boast. Oar pills cure it whlla Others do not. Caster's little Lirer PULa are Tery small and wery easy to take. One or two pills make a dose.

tChey arewtrictly Tegetable and do not gripe or purp, bat by their gentle action please all wba-csetheni. Xnrialsat25cents: five for $1. EgI Vj droggiats ererywhere, cr sent by naiL CARTER tSEOIClNC New York: SaALLFILL SiiALL DOF SiiALLFuC: Tte-Cett. II. LEWAKK Prop.

for cn 8taad y. MeLTea 5t Lc work's Oaro. mm 2.50 A Sm I fa FOR LADIES 1 JJ2.00 I FA It BflVl miy life loctor, HeMoeiPsoini 102 IQ4 7. Sth KANSAS CITY, 00. Tk OldlUlUbl Dociat.

A Rtpdar Graduate in Medicine. Oldtri in yffff 0- frrf dPft gwtt jcctt ftffj OVER 27 YEARS OF SPECIAL PRACTICE. Authorized by the State to treat CHROMIC, NERVOUS end SPECIAL DISEASES. Cures guaranteed or money refunded. AU medicines furnished ready for use.

No mercury or injurious medicines used. No detention from work. Patients at a distance treated by mail and express. Medicines sent everywhere, free from gaze or breakage. Charges low.

Over 30,000 cases cured. Age and experience are important. Bead little book, then state your case. Send for opinion and terms. Consultation free and confidential or by letter Seminal Weakness Sexual Debility, iSmnmtorrJue mnd Imjxrtency) riised by youthfalfoUiand excesses, producing nerrous- tiess, losses, pimples and blotches on the face, rushes of blood to the head, pains in the back, confused ideas and forgetfulness.

bashrolness aversion to society, loss of sexual power, loss oX manhood, cured for life. I can stop all night losses, restore lost sexual power, re store nerve anu Drain power.eniargeanasireugfcBeii wea pans you lor marriage. Cvnfiilte that terrible disease, in all Jj yilllll its forms and stages cured for life. Blood Poisoning, Skin Diseases, Ulcers. SweUings.

Sores, Gonorrhoea and Gleet, and all forms ot PriTata Diseases vwMitlvelv cured or monet refunded. Kntr or both sexes, 80 pases, 27 ple-DUU1W tares, true to life, with full description of fra diseases, the effects and curcsealed in plain wrapper for 6e in stamps. Bead this little book aiul answer questions. Free Museum of Anatomy It-WilC OBt caustic, cutting, bou- pies or sound. No pain, no exposure.

Pa- tier can use the treatment at home. Rheumatism "StSZtiSg A SUEE CURE. The greatest discovery in the annals of medicine. One dose gives relief; a few doses remove fever and pain in joints aeureinafowdays. Send statement of case, with stamp for circular, life-like models and wax figures deeply impress the mind a school ot instruction a sermon without words.

M. hace 500 deposited I Utm tank, which I will forfeit for abooe diseases that I eaxitot cure Will practice in all the Courts. All business attended to promptly and carefully. rTOffice with C. II.


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