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Fall River Daily Evening News from Fall River, Massachusetts • 1

Fall River, Massachusetts
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S500 PER ANNUM i SINQLE COPIES 3 CTS 1 FALL RIVER MASS TUESDAY JULY 21 1863 VOL V-NO 43 Groceries imllans The Daily Evening News 18 PUBLISHED BT A MILNE EVERY EVENING kt 5 At No 20 Main St Corner Market Square JVatfhes Jewelry sc I A 1 DEALER IN Watches Clocks Jewelry No 5 Pleasant Street WATCHES CLOCKS JEW- ELRY AND SILVER WARE Anne Old Stand Cor South Main and Pocasset Sts A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF SIZABLE GOODS In addition to the ahyve GO PENS every aise warranted the best article SHELL COMBS every variety PLATED WAKE ail kind very rich styles and new HAIR BRAIDS FK1A-ZKfTKs and HALF WIGS also Ornamental Hair Work ol every style made to order Barometers Thermometers 1 r- do Silver Napkxn Rings Razor and £cisserst best article also ZMHETDiaUSTES The following may be found at Jc 27 Pleasant Street Arabian Balm Croup Syrup Peaeli Cordial Panacea or Purifying Syrup Neutralizing Cordial Botanic Ointment Root and Herb Bitters Vegetable Composition Stomach Bitters Tincture Emetic Pure Emetic Medicated Candy Liver Pills Stimulating Pills Also keeps Spanish Remedy nova dawtf 27 Pleasant St STORES AND TENEMENTS TO LET No 13 Central St No 11 Central Street Apply to Wm HODGES dtel dtf Richardson House y4o u-isrE BRAG AND ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS A good assortment on hand and for sale by dtl DR WHll AER 24 Ferry st ENGLISH Ext of Dandelion- at BEN LI rJHE Mocha aiid Java Coffee MARKET Manufactured by NOAH DAVIS Co Boston And lor sale in Fall River by LEWIS ARNOLD VVM A and ROBERT SMITHIES This Coffee is prepared in a new and Patent Roaster so constructed that the oil ol the berry is developed in roasting and the proper aroma saved It is used in the principal Hotels in ostou and is mcli praised by epicuieans It is much cheaper than other ernlees as it requires less weight to procure the same quantity oi the beverage No Rye is mixed with this coffee and there is therefore no danger of being poisoned with the Seeds oi noxious weeds that irequcntly grow lip amongst rye it you want a Good Cup ol Coffee therelore try Combination Mocha and Java lor sale as above 121 dly JSTABLIcSHED 1760 PETER LORILLARD Snuff Tobacco Manufacturer IG 18 CHAMBERS ST (Formerly 42 Chambers Street New I ork) Would call the attentiou of Dealers to tile articles ol his mauulucture viz- BROWN SNUFF Macaboy Deniigroa Fine Rappee Pure Virginia Coarse Rappee Naclntocbes American Gentleman Copenhagen YELLOW SNUFF Scotch Honey Dew Scotch High Toast Scotch Fresh Honey Dew Scotch Irish High Toast Scotch or Luudyloot 03" Attention is called to the Large Reduction in Prices of Fine-Cut Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos which will be found of a Superior (Quality TOBACCO SMOKING FINK CUT CHEWING SMOKING Long A or plain 8 Jago No 1 Cavendish or Sweet Spauish No 2 Sweet Sceuted Oronoco Cunaster Nos 142 mixed Tin Foil Cavendish Turkish Granulated A circular of prices will be seat on application inf dly SHOATS! PIGS! SHOATS! or a fine lot of 8hoats aud Pigs from his own stock Anyone wanting to buy better call and take a look at my 8tock 17 ALEX MACY CAPS! CAPS! SPRING STYLE CAPS re- eived and for sale at HAT AND CAP STORE No 6 North Main St ml3 Under the Richardson House CE ICE ICE The subscribers have established a Depot for ICE North Market street to accommodate those who may desire to obtain Ice in small quantities in theab senceofthe Ice Wagons and have made arrangements with Messrs JAMES BOOMER A CO Fish dealers under the North East Corner of the Market Building to supply all who may call upon them dtf COOK DURFEE LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SPRINC DRESS GOODS! Just received and selling low for the times at mli6 CHAS DEANS GREAT CURIOSITY! A MACHINE FOR MAKING ICE CREAM SODA! IN TUREE SECONDS! The Most Delicious Beverage Ever fntrifiluded in this country and perhaps the World' The subscriber takes great pie isure in announclngto the inhabitants of this ity and its surroundings that he has put up anil has now in operation one of Ice Cream Soda Apparatus- The quality of the Cream and Plain Soda drawn by this apparatus is not excelled in riehnos and flavor Lovers of good Soda give this a fair trial JAMES HATHAWAY No 32 South Main st Fall River May 29th 1862 my29dtf 400 for soon at LBS Prime White Live Geese Extra nice can be found tfcalled WESTGATK A A CHECKED BRIGS STRIPED AND PLAIN BOOK AND SYVISS MUSLIN 1 Cheap Store North Main Street THE NEW STYLE of Lace Collars only 121 cent Every Lady should have one right oph At A FINE LOT 0 COTTON COMFORTERS Just received and will be sold very low at dlO WESTGATE A EMNANT CALICOES Lot Rem- IV nant Calicoes an excellent Bargain At Jy3 GENTS AND BOYS cl FINE CALF BOOTS The best assortment In theeity SelK i Mil ing at lew prices at No Granite Block TAFT PEAS BEANS Champion of England Horticultural Dan very early1 Early Six Week Black Eyed Marrowfat Eagle White Maucrew Blue Imperial Ac Ac Ac A very choioe variety of Sweet Corn Onions Car rot Beet Squash and Pumpkin 8ecd by the Pound or Ounce A ANTHONY 17Bedtord street apd-Utf A The subscriber is prepared to supply bis Mends and the public with All the Varieties of RED WPITE ASH and SUMMER AT TILE LOWEST MARKET PRICES At his Yard on Davol Street next North of Rod- Wharf All orders left at the store of FRENCH corner of South Main and Pleasant streets and at the store of FRANK EDDY No 2j North Main sheet or addressed through the Post Office will receive prompt attention GREENE Fall River Feb 25 1803 feb25-dtf 17 6 LODBEURY SUMMER COAL 200 TONS BURNSIDE RED ASH COAL 100 TONS ocust Mountain White Ash Coal 5400 TONS FRANKLIN FROU LYKKNS VALLEY A BOWEN my20tf WHARF EMNANT SALE! AT 16 South Main Street The Subscriber has a large Btoek of REMNANTS Which he will sell at very low prices consisting of Silks Thibets Alpoccas Bombazines Alt Wool Del jxines hollies Berages Muslins Curtain Muslins Cambrics Broad Cloths Cassimeres and Flannels Also the entire stock of CLOAK and DRESS TRIMMINGS at very low prices The Ladies of Fall River and vicinity are invited to attend this sale m4 WM HENRY MASON FRESH CANDY PLAIN aud FANCY! SEE WINDOW PASTRY Of Mr Own Manufacture AT SALOON! TT Si 3 Amusing and Pretty AT FANCY O- X) Ornamental and Useful At Patent Groats for making pure Gruel in ten minutes can be found at ml8 EBER 15 North Main 8t Glycerine Soap Bkin soft and smooth At -it keeps the my2 ARKED DOWN! 75 VENTS We shall close out the balance of our KID GLOVES at 75 cents the same as we gold for EMBROIDERED BACKS Now is your time to get the best bargain you ever got At Cheap One Price Store 14 North Main St gTANDARD ARTICLE Superior Quality Corn Starch Original Brand THE BEST IN THE WORLD PREPARED FROM SOUND CORN It produces the most delicious and healthy dish In the form of Puddings Apple Fritters Corn Cakes Cream Cakes Blanc Mange Custards Thickening for GravicB Gruels Soup AC Sold by grocers dauggists and dealers everywhere and in 4 ail River at wholesale by John HaTHA wav Pooler Hawkins and dealers generally Manufactured by CLARKE Sharon Mass feb20 dtf NEW YORK BROADWAY SPRING STYLE OF SILK HATS received Together with all Leading Styles of SOFT HATS and CLOTH CAPS For Sale st NO 0 GRANITE BLOICK f28 REA ID OO CHEAP I Cheap Another Lot ol those Cheap Dress Goods selling at 12114 and 20 cents a yd at CONSTITUTION WATER for sale by JeO CHACE SON LOTH FOR CAP AT LOW FIGURES ES At Cheap Store 14 North Main street jel9 dtl 'fkf3 SELLING OFF BARGAINS BARGAINS In Boots and Shoes at 11 Granite Block Fall River June 25 PICTURE and Glass Frame Coverings Tartaltans of all colors 2 yds wide prlee 25 ets PERRY A BARNARD 100 Westmlnstmt Prov How a House is Sacked Haying witnessed the proceedings ot the rioters on several occasions in the destruction of the household eflects of our citizens we describe them for the benefit of our readers On yesterday afternoon about 6 they visited the residence of a gentleman in Twenty-ninth street A few stragglers appeared on the scene consisting mainly ot women and children Two or three men then demanded and gained admittance white their number was largely increased on the outside One elderly gentleman was tound in the bouse who had liberty to leave Then commenced indiscriminate plunder This was carried on- mostly by old men women and children white the men of muscle'' stood guard JCxery article was appropriated the esrriuryiYea flSSIding under harQfens yVmeB inef dren hatless and shoeless marched off having in their possession the' most costly of fabrics some ot them broken and unfit for use To this wanton destruction of private property the neighbors and the many visitors drawn to the spot were silent spectators A word of remonstrance cost a hie Two gentlemen we are informed paid the penalty yesterday for expressing their righteous indignation After the pillage had progressed for an hour a number of soldiers and policemen arrived and passed through the streets but no sooner had they gone beyond the house than the work recommenced with increased energy Hearing of this the armed force again passed that way and a number ot shots were tired aud several wounded on both sides An hour later in another visit we saw the crowd engaged in breaking the sashes and carrying oft the fragments of wood work Thus in two time this family were moved" at the good pleasure ot the mob and a fine residence destroyed in broad daylight in a populous part ol the city Fost Colored Victims of the Mob Mr Hy-maman of this city was in New York day before yesterday and saw two negroes assaulted by the mob One of them was McConkey of Edgar-town who arrived in this city yesterday The other ran into a shop near the clothing-store ot Mr Reiser late of this city and was placed by him and Mr Hyman his son-in-law in a large box for safety and carted to the Fall River steamer Through the representations of Messrs Hyman and Hart of this city the two were given a free passage and McConkey having lost his hat in the riot was supplied by Mr Hyman and forwarded to Edgartown per steamer Monohansett The other proceeded from Fall River to Boston Standard ROCADE GRENADINES ENTIRELY NEW STYLES Of goods New Dresses just received and for sale at the oue price cash Dry UuodB House of PKKRk A JOB LOT of Old Style Bereges Goods that cost 50 and 75c to import we are selling lor 25 and 374c Also Summer Goods for Boys wear price 33 42 and 50e per yard PERRY BARNARD YARDS wide White and Black Crape Maretz and Bereges for Mantillas PERRY BARNARD ELEGANT Toilet Soap at LOOK Twelve and-a-half Cents for a Fast Colored Print the best print in the market for the price Full assortment just opened Large variety ol all the desirable styles of the season at very low prices PERRY BARNARD Westminister street Prov BOOTS AND A large assortment on hand and seUing cheap for esah at 11 Granite Block Jj'LOUR BARRELS WANTED FISH GUANO FOR SALE Cash Paid for Good Empty Flour Barrels and Pure Fish Guano for Sale at lARRAGiNSET OIL AND liUANO WORKS PORTSMOUTH I Janl3-daw-tf Dr Infallible Liniment Cures Rheumatism and never falls TO OWNERS OF PIANO FORTES Having made arrangements with an experienced sad faithful Piano Forte "1 uner to visit this city Quarterly viz in June September December and March those who desire to have their Piano Fortes kept In order by a thorough workman at a reasonable price will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly June 3d NIELS AKNZEN HIRT FRONTS 8c 12c 15c 20c 25 A 33c At the Cheapest Shirt Front Store in the city CHEAP STORK 14 North Main St A WALKING DOLL! NOYV ON EXHIBITION At 32 South Main street A WALKING DOLL Call and see it JAMJCd fi HATHAWAY 1GHLY perfumed Toilet Powder for the blessed baby at BENN LACE VEILh from 25c $5 a good assortmint at English Honey Soap the best Honey Soap in use Sold only st 2m 15 North Main Street OEVEN TUNS of Nice New OAT STRAW for Underbeds just reived and for sal at WESTGATK A ENERAL ATION TREASURY DEPARTMENT July 1 1863 TO COLLECTORS OF THE CUSTOMS No vessels other than Steamers and Packets known to beengagtd on regular lines or in the employ ol tne Army and Navy will be allowed to leave Fort between the hours of Sunset and Sunrise ntl All vessels on entering port wiU jorthwlth report to the Revenue Cutter or Guard Ship before proceeding nlSwill give public notice of this Regulation 1 the necMsary Instruction for it atrlctob-ervance at their oflhe Treasury district and port of fall biveb CUSTOM HOUSE Offick July 7 18631 Masters of vessels will be expected to comply with Je8-TuATh-3w ALMY Collector the foregoing regulations until further notice Five Dollars per payable quarterly In advance Advertisements inserted at the following rates day 1 square) 50 cents 2 days 75 cents 3 days $1 Twelve ines of Nonpareil type constitute a square Transient advertisements must be paid for in advance Professional Cards BORDEN DENTIST -t the Sign of the Golden Tooth (over Ellis stoee) Ijststh Inserted "on- Viot Gold Salver Platin' and Rubber Piute-' All diseases of the teeth and gums treated in a scientific manner Ether usgd in extract ln teeth if desired Toothache cured Style apd quality of worlc not excelled by auy In the Profession J3T All work warranted Examinations and advice ree of charge no3-dtf GEORGE FAIRBANKS DENTIST Section Granite Block Fall River Mau Irregular discolored or decayed teeth restored to the great est degree of beauty and durability of which they are capable Painful useless teeth carefully extracted Artificial Teeth inserted on Pivot or Gold Plate and war-anted to give satisfaction dtf DR WILLIAMS DENTIST Section Granite Block Fall River Mats Where he may be found 'll prepared to attend to any work in the Dental Pro-I fesion TJbth inserted on Gold Silver Tlatina or jSgjQg Rubber platen XT" A 11 work warranted to give satislaction Mr Teeth extracted in the easiest possible man ner Office' boni from 8 to 12 A a from 1 to 5 TEETH by GALVANISM KENDALL DENTfST SECTION GRANITE BLOCK Special care taken in Filling and Cleaning Teeth to restore them ah far as possible to their natural beauty Artificial Teeth inserted on Pivot Gold Sliver or RubberPlate All work executed in the best possible manner and warranted to give satisfaction Decayed Teeth carefully extracted MUSIC TEACHER PIERCE Has resumed his Lessons Music He will give instruction upon the Organ Piano Forte and Melodeon also in smgiug Orders or communications may be left at the Music store of Mr Niils Aknzkn or at Mr Solomon Mouut Hope Block VOCAL MUSIC PARKER BORDEN Will give Lessons in Vocal Music and Cultiva-l ion or thk Volcu Persons wishing Ins services will receive prompt attention by calling at Ins residence North Main St ftusiness Cards YVM PEIRCE ATTORNEY COUNSELLOR AT LAW 16 NORTH MAIN STREET (CouNhit of Main and Bedford Stb) Fall River Mass Bounty Bulk Pay and Pensions collected for Soldiers ap24-dtf BOUNTY Arrears of Bay anti Prize Money Procured for Soldiers Widows Seamen and their heirs by li- WINSLOW Licensed Claim Agent No 3 Second St corner ol BetUurd Street ap'25-dtf COOK Dealers in LUMBER COAL and FLAG STONE corner of Pond and Central sta near Railroad Depot Fall Kivkb Mass ROBERT REMINGTON DKUQS AA I -A-Xj AND SUPPLIE8 dec27 Fall River Mass d-tf Paper Box Jttanuf actor GEO YV FRAPRIE No 40 NORTH MAIN ST FALL RIVER Paper Boxes of ail descriptions for Manufacturers purposes made to order In any quantities Ordere solicited HARGRAVES 30AP GLUE MACfCTFACTURER DKtLKK IN Hoofs Homs and all Kinds of Bone For Button Manufacturers NEATS FOOT OIL BONE DUST Fine or Coarse Always on hand at his Works on the WATUPPA TURNPIKE Fall River Mass YV MACOMBER Dealer in WATCHES CLOCKS JEWELRY FANCY GOODS SPECTACLES No 2 GRANITE Block Fall River Mass Particular attention paid to the Repairing of Watches Clocks Jewelry Fans Parasols Ac Jan7 l) tV ARU PIERCE Agl 10U8R CARPENTER and JOINER No 4 Bobdbn Aviso Rear of Union Hall Building Fall River Mass BELLS hung and furnished at short notice ED WARD MASON NO 44 A 46 ARCADE PROVIDENCE 1 Dealer in ail kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CF003DS Which he offers at low prices for cash dtf VOSE HUXPORD GILDERS Also Manufacturers and Dealers in LOOKING GLASS PORTRAIT AND TURE FRAMES Paintings Engraving Materials Ate kc NO 154 WESTMINSTER ST Directly opposite First Umversalist Church Providence I JOSEPH VOSE JOSEPH A HUXFORD A Large Assortment of Wool Thibets Wool Delaines Lyoneae Cloths of all shades just recelvd at CHAS DEAN 8 Sped acies! To suit all eyes in Gold Sliver steel and Plated Bows with Pebble Pemcopic Double Convex Concave and Colored Glasses Eye Folders in bheil Gold and Steel Frames Glasses reset in Bows Repairing of Watches Clocks and Jewelry Also Sewing Machines Galvanic Batteries and other Electrical Instruments American Watcnes lor sale and warranted good timekeepers dtf ELLIb GIF FORD WATCHES JEWELRY ff SSILVEK WARE All persons wishing Watches Jewelry or Silver' Ware Plated or Fancy Goods are Invited to call at thi Old Stand NO 2 GRANITE BLOCK where the subscriber still oilers to the public his usual variety of the above articles oasisting in part ol the following A tine assortment of Gold and Silver Open Face and Hunting Case WATCHES both Ladies' and sizes A variety ol Pins and Ear Rings i-ine Uold Piub for Miniatures and JJair A large variety ol Finger Rings Constantly on hand an assortment of 18 car Plain Gold Rings suitable lor the marriage service Gold Chains of various kinds aud qualities Epckets Crosses Bracelets Ac Si 1 EH WAKE PEAT ED YV A SPECTACLES FALSE HAIR CLOCKS A11 the above Goods are from the best makers and will be sold at lair prices fj- particular attention paid to the repairing oi Watches Clocks Jewelry Ac MACOMBER an 14-dtf 2 Granite Block I AND GLOVES If you want Bargains in Hosiery aud Gloves call at Cheap Store 14 North Main street BATTING TOWELS Every one should have them Sold at m2 SLADE's Opposite Richardson House rPRUSSES of the most approved styles JL For sale aY CHACE A Druj and Je26 ISLNG Cottons are Rising but we win ror tire xtexx me uays- 'BeiT at our uiu i rices Embrace the chauce while ou can Cheap Store 14 North Main street HEALTH FOR THE MILLION DR SHERRY WINE BITTERS! Palatable and Healthy from Rock Rose Sarsaparilla Dock Root and a great variety ol aud HERBS Preserved in the best Sherry Wine and Whiskey Will immediately cure Loss of Appetite General Debility Dyspepsia sour siomacli Falpitauou ot the Heart Asthma Coughs Colds Boils Fimpies on th ace and Humors oi all kinds They are safe for the young effectual and Agreeable for the old and indispeusible lor the ladies as they enrich the blood aud invigorate aud restore the sstem you wish a good Bitter Call for and take no other Beware of all Imitations as they contain vile drugs and cheap poisonous liquors which will destroy your hcaltu aud Hie quicker than disease Oar system is to keep up the quality and make the price in proportion Sold by all druggists grocers hotel keepers and dealers generally Mauuiactured by CLARK Sharon Mass REDUCTION IN FRICE-Fint Bottle 36 els quart 62 cts 2 quarts $1 00 4 quarts i5U Sold in rail River at wuolesale and retail by A Ua and at etail by all the Apothecaries Grocers Hoteis Ac ieb20-dtf SODA FOUNTAIN with its Draw- lug Apparatus for sale cheap Enquire of JAMES Hathaway )el0 32 South Maiu street Dr Infallible Liniment Is a certain remedy for Neuralgia BARGAINS! BARGAINS! FOR THIS WEEK! FOR THIS WEEK! FOR THIS WEEK! BEST SPOOL COTTON 5 Cts BEST SPOOL COTTON 6 Cts BEST SPOOL COTTON 5 Cts WARRANTED 200 yds Warranted 200 yds WARRANTED 200 yds 5 yd ps LINEN TAPES 5 cts 5 yd ps LINEN TAPE 5 cts 6 yd ps LINEN TAPE 5 cts SHIRT FRONTS Sets SHIRT UONTS 8 cts SHIRT FRONTS 15 cts SHIRT FRONTS 15 cts FINE LINEN FRONTS 25c FINE LINEN FRONTS 25e EXTRA FINE LINEN FRONTS 33c EXTRA FINE LINEN FRONTS 33c FANS FANS FANS FANS The biggest kind of a bargain In Fans PINS 6c SHAKERS 25c PINS 6C SHAKE RS 25c PINS 63 SHAKERS 25c THE HANDSOMEST THE HANDSOMEST NECK TIES NECK TIES IN THIS CITY IN THIS CITY Also a large addition of NEW' DBESS GOODS At great Bargains Shirtings Linens Cotton Cloths Table Linen Doyles Napkins Pant Stuffs Linen Handkerchiefs for Ladies and Gents at the lowest prices All the above can be found st the one price New York Cheap Store PHILLIPS jelO 14 North Main Btreet PERUVIAN SYRUP for Dyspepsia JL can be obtained at 15 North Main street PLANTATION BITTERS Bitters Cancer and Canker Syrup Blood and Liver Syrup White Pine Compound Celebrated Salve Con motion Water 80s je26 No 11 Granite Block Dr Sweet's Infallible Liniment Corn Toothache la on minute.

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