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The Laclede County Republican from Lebanon, Missouri • 3

Lebanon, Missouri
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LETTEH LIST. The Refublican. PUBLISHER J. E. MCKESSON, The following letters remain unclaimed at the poetotlice at Lebanon, the week ending January 9, 1901: Dismang, Willie Russell, Lillian bhaw, Mrs.

Templeuure, Ciias. 25 CENTS A YEAR. Entered at the Lebanon poevofflce a mail matter of the second clans. Holies of Flual Proof. Land Office at Springfield, November 15, 1909.

Notice is hereby given that the following-named sealer has tiled notice of his lutenuon to make final proof in support of his claim, and that the said proof will bq made belore ttie county clerk, at Lebanon, on January 29, 19U1, viz: Joel H. Fox, homestead application No. 23207, for tbs southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 4, and the east half of the northeast quarter of section 9, and the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 10, township 32 north, range 15 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and culti-atioD of said iand, A. J.

Lawson, ud Albert Lawson, of Pease, A. J. Nesbit and Barney Jones, of Orla, Mo. M. V.

Gideon, Register. MARRIAGE LICENSES. YOU I PARTICULAR ABOUTYOUR COFFEE? OUR GUARiNTEED JNM of roasted coffee is giving mart rid more people every day the A satisfaction that they demand guality. it is always fresh- iy roaeted and alwaye uniform, no matter what the grade no better, but ju at as good ae it has been and alwaye the beet. 4 OUR The beet for the price.

1 FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, tflota Homer Frank. Attie Phipps. young woman, with yher emotions stirred to their depth) by religious zeal, will get a man where he cant escape, place her dimpled and velvetty fingersjon his wandering paw, bend an entrancing look on his countenance and proceed to snatch him frm, the burning. As he gazes into the depths of het heavenly-blue and limpid eye he is at loss to know whether he is still off earth or wandering in the sunny vales of Paradise, and he professes conversion while he couldnt tell the Sermon on the Mount from a last year birds nest. Either this or he is so embarrassed that he vows never to be caught in such a place again and stays away from the.

meetings, a chance for genuine conversion is lost, and a young man ridicules the teachings of the gentle and loviqg Jesus. FRISCO LINE TIME CARD. Order of 1iiblH-allon. -v EAST BOUND. Nq.

2 8t.Lpuis and K. (T. mail. 11:45 a. No.

8 Eastern express. 1:13 a. No. 6 St. Louis Kansas Ltd.

1:49 a. m. Ho. 40 Local freight 11:80 a. WEST Ho.

1 Texas and Kansas mail. .8:58 p. No. 7 Western express ..8:13 a. No.

5 Texas Limited 2:40 a. m. No. 39 Local freight 12:54 p.m Order of Publication. In the Laclede county circuit court, in vacation, 19U1 Action to enforce tax lien.

Ihe State of Missouri, at the relation and to the use of W. H. Butts, Collector of the Revenue of Laclede County, in the State of Missouri, Plaintiff, vs. Anna H. liarvey and J.

A. McIntyre, Defendants. Now at this day conies the plaintiff, by counsel, before the undersigned clerk of the circuit court of Laclede county, in vacation, and hies herein its petition and athdawi, stating, among other thmgs, that the the delendanls are non-rideuts of the state of Missouri aud cannot be summoned in this action. It is therefore ordered by tbs clerk aforesaid, in vacation, that publication be made notifying said defendants that an action bas been commenced against them by petition in the circuit court of Laclede county, in the state of Missouri, the object aud general nature of wbich isto enforce the lien of the state of Missouri for taxes upon the following-described lands, to-wit: Tbs south half of the north west quarter of section 29, township 35, range 15, eighty acres, and to recover the amount of taxes due on said lands for the year 1397, That unless they be and appear at the next regular term of this court, to. be begun and held at the court house in Lebb-non, Laclede county, Missouri, on the first Monday in February, 1901, and on or before the 6th day thereof, (if the term shall eo long continue, and, if pot, then before the end of the term,) and answer or demur to plaintiffs petition, the same will be taken as confessed and judgment will be rendered accordingly.

It is further ordered that a copy hereof be published in the Lebanon Republican, a newspaper printed and published at Lebanon, Laclede county, Missouri, for four weeks successively, the last insertion to be at least four weeks before the next regular term. Atruecopy. Attest: OLIVEB 8habp, Circuit Clerk, BLEND Equal tg moet 25e coffee. pound Our own brand and blend. A pouna 2bc If you prefer green eoffeet try our GUARANTEED UEE at these prices: A GOOD RIO Othere sell at 8 our price, tb (l.oo A BETTER Fine qualty, 8 lb (1.00 THE BEST And it Ik I the best, (1.00 Ticket office open at all hours for sale of local, and coupon tickets, -Pullman sleepers and reclining chair cars on all through trains.

For full information call on or address, A. R. Van QiesoNj Agent, Lebanon, Mo. ANNOUNCEMENT. State of Missouri, 1 County of Laclede, In the circuit court, February term, 1901.

Lee W. Allen, plaintiff, vs. the unknown heirs of Catherine- Carrigan, defendant. Order of publication. Now at this day comes tbs plaintiff herein, by his attorney, and files his petition and affidavit, alleging, among other things, that defendants are not residents of tbe state of Missouri.

Whereupon it is ordered by the clerk, in vacation, that said defendants be notified by publication that plaintiff has commenced suit against them in this court, the object and general nature of which is to obtain a decree against the defendants vesting in plaint-id a title by limitation, unaer provisions of the section entitled Limitation in Cases of Certain Equitable Titles, of Chapter 48, Revised Statutes of Missouri for 1399, fob the north halt of lot 1, northwest quarter of section 18, township 84, range 15, and divesting all title from defendants in and to said land. And that unless tbe said defendants be and appear at this court, at the next term thereof, to be begun and kolden at the court house in the city of Lebanon, in said county, on the first Monday in February next, and on or before the third day of Baid term, if the term shall so long continue, and if not, then on or before the last day of said term, answer or plead to the petition in said cause, the same will be taken as confessed, and judgment will be rendered accordingly. 3 Olives Shabp, Circuit Clerk. For fsuuty hetioul 4'enmilaatoner. We are authorized to announce R.

L. Alexander as a candidate for the office of county school commissioner of Laclede county, subject to the action of the qualified voters at the annual school election, Tuesday, April 2, 1901. The heavy frost of Wednesday night will aSect early gardening to a considerable extent. BURLING10N ROUTE. New Through Trains to Portland and Puget Sound.

"The Burlington-Northern Pacific Express a New Daily Through Train front Kansas City and St, Joseph for Lincoln, Northwest Nebraska, Black Hills, Wyoming, Montana, Washington', Tacoma, Seattle, Puget Sound and Portland, Oregon, via Billings, Montana the short line and time-saver to the Upper Northwest. To Central Montana in 43 hours; to the Puget Sound in 70 hours from the Missouri River. Through coaches and chair cars, through tourist sleepers and through- dining car service and standard 6leepers. This is- the main traveled road Missouri River to the Northwest. Number 15, Kansas City and St.

Joseph to Nebraska, Denver, Colorado, Utah, Pacific Coast and the Northwest, via Ogden; also to the Northwest Montana, Washington, Oregon via Lincoln and Billings. Weekly California Excursions. Number 23, Nebraska-Coloradc Express, from Kansas City and St. Joseph the latest night train for Nebraska, Colorado, Utah and Pacific Coast. To the East Chicago and St.

Louis, greatly improved trains In time and equipment. To the North. Best trains daily to Omaha, St. Paul, Minneapolis and the Lake Region. L.J.

BBICKER, L.W. WAKELEY, T. 823 Main Gen'l Pass. Agent, KANSAS CITY, MO. ST.

LOUIS, MO. HOWARD ELLIOTT, General Manager, ST. JOSEPH, MO 1 OEMUTHJKE SPECIALIST GROCERIES AND OUEESSWARE, The Shakespeare Club will meet with Mrs. Fuhlendorf tomorrow. Emerson and Longfellow will occupy the time of this session.

Nsllc of Flual Proof. Land Office at Boonville, Sept. 25, 1900. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before the clerk of the county court, at Lebanon, on January 21, 1901, viz: Henry Stidham, homestead ap plication No. 16315, for the southwest quarter ol the southeast quarter of section 18, And the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section 19, township 36, range 17 west.

He names the follow ing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cujtivation of Baid land, viz: J. Dampier, P. H. Kamper, W. F.

Hunt, O. of fra, Mo. 3 Wm. Mabtin, Register. the worlds greatest newspapers appeared.

Bt. Louis, which was then a mere overgrown town on the western frontier of civilization, has developed into a great commercial metropolis, and that great modern newsgatherer, the St. Louis Globe-Democraf, has kept pace with the progress of the city and section. It has been, from its first issue to the present time, the childrens tutor, tjje youths counselor, the womans companion, the farmers instructor and friend. Its circulation extends to every state and territory of the Union, to Canada and Mexico, and to every part of the world where there are any readers of the English language.

It ought to be in your home during -the coming year. See advertisement elsewhere in this issue. Seven and a half millions of letters went to the dead letter office last year; all because a lot of people couldnt understand the value cf a little of the printers ink. Please remember that you promised to pay your notes and accounts before. Christmas.

Please call at once. ImoTtant to you. W. IE Owen. Holies Final Front.

Land Office at Boonville, Dec. 7, 1900. Notice is hereoy given tnat the foliowing-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support ot his claim, and that said proof will be made before the circuit clerk, at Lebanon, on Friday, January 18, 1901, viz: John F. Long, homestead entry No. 15320, for the southeast quarter of section 11.

township 35, range 15. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said iand, viz: Henseli Palmer and Willis Sullivan, both of Stoutland, Elijah Vaughn and Jack Nortbrip, both of Sleeper, AJo. 3 W. H. MAbtin, Register.

A Mathematical Discovery. in regard to the new mathematical feat accomplished by Gertrude Cutchin, a member of the Lebanon High School graduating class of 1901, the following press dis patch has been widely published: Miss Gertrude Cutchin, a member of the 1901 graduating class of the Lebonon high school, is about tobecome famous in the niatbematical world. She has just solved a problem in geometry which no scholar has ever solved before, one which has puzzled the mind of many a brainy person, and if she can successfully bring her problem to the attention of educators and mathematical book publishers she will not only create a revolution iq mathematics, but will bring a fortune to herself. The solution hich is about to bring her so much notoriety ie simply trisecting an angle. It is such a simple thing that the uninformed do not stop to consider it, but when it is known that this problem has never been solved, before it is surprising that this village girl, only 17 years old, should give to the world bat promises to be of so much value.

She is already in correspondence with a leading educator of the state, who is assisting her in placing her discovery with publishers, with a view to their handling the solution on a royalty, it is said by those who are well posted that thia discovery will add a new book to the science of geometry and be of incalculable benefit to civil engineers and surveying in general. Miss Cutchins fame has spread very rapidly, as will be seen from the following note received by the Republican this week Lafayette, January 14, 1901. To the Editor of the Republican. About twenty yeara ago Q. W.

Ashby, now an architeet of Chicago, trisected an angle withirfa hairs breadth; to anyone it was perfect. He sect it to the Washington patent office aud it was so near that, by figuring it out, it was found to be as near as ever had been done up to that date; so, if Miss Cutchin has come nearer she has eurelv gained an honor by a hairs breadth only. Yours respectfully, Mbs. A. W.

8mith. In mathematical problems, especially in trisecting an angle, close doesnt count, and the solution is wrong, whether it misses by one hairs breddth or by the distance to the Mars signal tower, so Miss Cutchin is entitled to as much hon or as though Mr. Ashby had never puzzled his brain over the Hollee of Final Proof. Land Office at Boonville, October 29. 1900.

Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support ol his claim, and that said proof will be made before the clerk of the coun ty court, at Lebanon, on January 21. 1901, viz: Peter H. Kamper, homestead application No. 16159, for the east half of the southeast quarter of section 17, town ship 36, range 17 weat of the fifth princi pal meridian. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land Stidham, George H.

Btidbam, J.C. Dampier and Charles Dampier, all of Ira, Missouri. Wm. H. Martin, Register, VIED There is no death! an angel form Walks oeT the earth with silent tread, He bears our best-loved things away And then we call them dead." THE ST.

The Great Republican Paper of America. The Epworth League of the Madison Avenue M. E. church will serve oysters at Mrs. Fishers restaurant next Tuesday evening, the 22d inst Invite you all to come.

Professor Ira Remsen, L. L. will contribute to McClures Magazine for February an account of some nsolved Problems of Chemistry, in which he treats' of those curious and puzzling phenomena that baffle all the efforts of science to explain them. On Tuesday, January 15, at her home, in Lebanon, Annie, wife of W. F.

Jones. Funeral services were held at the Wood Street Baptist church yesterday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Mr. Bates. Interment was in Lebanon cemetery.

E- I The.dfeireat Newspaper of the World. Bring in your old iron, bones, rags, copper, brass, lead, zinc, and.rubber boots and shoes, H. J. Cbumb. TWICE A WEEK.

ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Heilee ol Final Froul. Land Office at 8pringfleld, Dec. 10, 1900. Notice is hereby given that the following-named sett lei has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in sup 30 rt of her claim, and that said proof will 3e made before the probate judge, at Leb anon, Missouri, on Saturday, January 28 1901, viz: Anna Tyree, homestead appli cation No.

22879. for the northwest quarter of northwest quarter of section 15 township 33" north, range 15 west. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cuiti vation of said land, viz: E. M. Graves, B.

B. Malone, J. C. Barker and J. H.

Graves all of Russ, Missouri'. 4 M. Register. The announcement of R. L.

A1 exander as a candidate for county school commissioner will be found in this issue. Mr. Alexander is a teacher of first-class qualifications, a young man of good common sense and business ability, and he will fill the office satisfactorily if the voters confer the honor on him. Scatter Seeds of Comforts The following little verses are published for the benefit of the Golden Rule Club. The membeils should clip the verses and paste them under the pledge: If any little word of ours Can make a life the brighter, If any little song of ours Can make one heart the lighter; God Help us speak that little word And take our hit of singing And drop it in some lonely vale, To set the echoes ringing.

If any little love of ours May make a life the sweeter, If any little cares of ours May make anothers any little help may ease The burdens of another, Ood give us love and care and strength To help along each other. CHRISTIAX CHlBCH NOTES. Legal Notice. Mr. Slowmen and others Please remember that you got goods of W.

H. Owen and promised to pay him on or before Christmas, and if not paid by February 20 will give same to constable for collection. St. Louis Store. As a newspaper, the reputation of the Globe-Democrat is world-wide known and it circulates wherever the English language is read.

Its Weekly Edition, issued in semi-weekly sections at One Dollar per year, is almost equal to a daily at the price of a weekly. It gives the latest telegraphie news from all the world every. Tuesday and Friday. Reports of current events are carried forward from section to section and Ehe complete news of the world, in full telegrams, is contained in two sections. As a home journal, it has no equal.

Its departments devoted to the Farm, Garden and Dairy, The Family Circle and The Home are each of the highest and most helpful character. Its market reports are correct and complete in every detail. An interesting story is continued from issue to issue and it has many other features which continue to furnish help, amusement and instruction for people in the conditions and circumstances of life. In each department and as a whole the Weekly Globe-Democrat, issued in semi-weekly -sections, is the peer of any family newspaper in the world and it ought to be at every fireside during the coming year. Send One Dollar only One Dollar for a years subscription to-day, or write for free sample copies to the GLOBE PRINTING SL Louis, Mo.

Sister Carrie Hull was buried last Fri day. Her obituary will appear next week. Hullee ol Final FriMil. Land Office at Springfield, Dec. 10, 1900.

Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in sup' port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county clerk, at Leb anon, Missouri, on Saturday, January 26 1901, viz. Davis W. Glowers, homesteac application No. 21026, for the west half of lots 1 and 2, nortwest quarter of section 4, and the east half of lots 1 and 2, northeast quarter of section 5, township 32 north, range 12 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resi-fince'upon and cultivation of said J.

G. Cunningham, H. E. Tracy and W-. T.

Hodges, all of Plato, J. Q. Allen, of Lynchburg, Mo. 4 M. V.

Register. One more added to the church last Bun day. We rejoiced. The paBtor was called to Friendship Sunday. His place here was ably filled by James McComb.

Our county evangelist has been at Con way since the 11th, where he had good meetings. The writer was with him on Monday and Tuesday. C. DRAPER, Lebanon, Mo. INSURANCE AGENT, NOTARY PUBLIC, COLLECTION AGENT.

at LacledeCounty Bank. The Dally Globe-Democrat Is without rival in all the West and stands at the very front among the few really great newspapers of the world. Brother J. B. Jeans will preach at Old Liberty next Sunday.

The outlook for prosperous years work in Laclede county is quite good. The first Sunday in February will be our missionary day. Let all take notice a little self-denial And shall we observe The Test of Beauty. A writer who has thought over the subject and arrived at his own conclusion unburdens himself in regard to feminine beauty (prob ably feminine is superfluous) in the following lineai- Any woman who looks pretty at breakfast table is really is one thing to be charming at a balf tn pale blue silk and tulle, with touching up-of all sorts and under the gaslights, but quite another thing to be pretty in a dark calico with the morning sun-full in the room and all the accessories of daily life by way of background, and tbeu hair in crimps. There are plenty of girls who are pretty on the seashore, in big hats on horseback, in walking costume, with until To Prevent Grip.

An epidemic of grip prevails at all points generally, and in view of the liability of all persons to fall victims to the most uncomfortable and dangerous illness, the suggestion of the following simple precautions is not out of place Keep warmly clad. Keep the feet dry. lAvoid cold and draughts. Use no stimulants. Eat nourishing food.

Take your meals regularly. Do not overheat your house. See that the ventilation is good. Take quinine in tonic doses. If you are taken ill call in a physician as complications which may arise are dangerous.

Your are doubtless aware of the plethoric value of an ounce of prevention; remember it. these precautions, you may not be too far gone when the doctor gets to you to set the old machine to running again and cheat the worms out of their feast awhile longer. WANTED ACTIVE MAN OF GOOD character to deliver and collect in Missouri for -old -established manufacturing: wholesale house. 900 a year, sure pay. Honesty more than experience required.

Our reference, any bank in any city. Enclose self-addressed stamded envelope. Manufacturers, Third Floor, 334 Dearborn Chicago. SUNDAY EDITION 36 to 60 Pages. One Year f2 00 Six Months 1 00 Three Months 50 DAILY.

Without Sunday. One Year 4 00 Six Months 2 00 Three Months 1 00 DAILY. Including Sunday. One fS 00 Six Months" 3 00 Three 1 50 Miss Flo Spiller will lead the Endeavor meeting Sunday evening. The lesson for Sunday morning is The Greeks Seeking Jesus, John hope many more will soon exclaim We would seo Jesus.

There is life for a POPULAR PUBLICATION-POPULAR PRICES look." Preaching in the evening, aCTIie softening of waving frizettes and usual hour. A cordial invitation is ex-H black mask veils, but the family break- tended to all. A. A. Beeby, Pastor.

Notice ol Flnnl Proof. Lmd Office at Boonville, Dec. 14, 1900. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice oi his intention to- make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the clerk of the county court, at Lebanon, on Friday, February 1, 1901, viz: Charles A. E.

Ny-berg, homestead application No. 16267, for the north half of the southwest quarter of section 14, township 35, range 17 west of the fifth principal meridian. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of Baid land, viz: Peter Breech and Joseph Wilson, of Laird, William Guthrie and John Johnson, of Prosper-ine. Mo. 4 Wm.

H. Mabtin, Register. has for nearly sixty years been recognized as the People's National Family Newspaper, for farmers and villagers. Its splendid Agricultural Department, its reliable market reports, recognised authority throughout the '-country; Its fashion notes, its Science and Mechanics Department, 1 1 fascinating short stories, render it indispensable In TDISHilf every family. Regnlur nub-ItllOyHC serlptlon price, $1.00 per jeur.

THE WEEKLY published on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Is a complete up to date daily newspaper, three days in the week, with all Important news of the other four days. ITofusely illustrated, and filled with interesting reading for all who wish to keep in close touch with news TBBSJnUEof, the nation and world. I fllvvlvia Regu lar subscription price, $1.50 per year. NEW-YORK TRIWEEKLY No Evangelistic Tricks. In connection with The Tribune we offer to those who desire to secure the best magazines, illustrated weeklies and agricultural journals, the following splendid inducements: With fast table is the test.

Yes, it is the test not only for beauty, but for better things If the smile is bright and the speech soft the movements gentle and the, temper sweet, then you may rely upon the dispo sition under almost any circumstances. The writer probably didnt intend to set up an angelic standard, but he has very nearly gone beyond the limit. It is an occasion like angels visits when the rare and radiant maiden who floats through the mazy waltz as a lark floats on the billows of air, and dreams of celestial ecstacy while strains of the Beautiful Blue Danube steal through her being, does not arise next morning with her hair pulling four ways for Sunday, an attack of temperamental strabismus, and an overweening disposition to snap oil her unfortunate little brothers head. Suggested Improvements. A school note from the office of the state superintendent of schools contains this information: Carrington has done this season what no previous state superintendent ever attempted he has inspected about 150 rural schools in different parts of the state.

He is quoted as saying: My observations seem to warrant my emphasizing the necessity of improvement along the following lines: Closer grading and better classification, each school preparing pupils for entrance to schools of a higher grade. More getting away from the formal text book work and an interest aroused along lines of personal work in nature and in good literature. More money put into supplementary books and less into maps and charts. More attention given to school room decoration and hygienic conditions. Steps taken to provide for rural boys and girls that stimulation which cornea from the opportunity to attend a good high school.

A better understanding of the course of study and a higher appreciation of the necessity for correlating the subjects and articulating the schools. Expert county supervision could do much in harmonizing and unifying the work and would be worth many times what it would cost. Notice of Final Proof. Land Office at Boonville, Dec. 17, 1900.

Notice is hereby given that the fol-lowinp-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in sup-port of his claim, and that Baid proof will be made before the clerk of the circuit court, at Lebanon, Missouri, on Saturday, February 2, 1901, viz; Perry N. Kinnett, homestead application No. 15834, for the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter and the east half the southeast quarter of section 33, township 36, ranpe 16 west of the fifth principal meridian. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Ernest R. tiatterly and Freeman Holiandsworth, of Dove, James T.

Rollins and M. Brown, of Mo. 4 Wm. H. Martin, Register This unique and unusual an nouncement was officially made in print just previous to the opening of a series of meetings in a prominent- Southwest Missouri Presby terian church: We have decided not td allow anyone who attends the main evening meetings 'to be cornered by evangelistic tricks or personal conversation.

You can come out with perfect composure on this point. Those who want to be talked to Will be invited to another meeting. All workers will observe this strictly. Ask your friends to the meeting with this understanding. This is an idea that might well be adopted at all revivals.

The words from the pulpit should appeal to a mans reason; should be calculated to act on his intelligence, not fear, prejudice nor hope of fleshly gratification. Men who adopt Christianity, 6hould do so through a conviction that it is the thing necessary for their temporal and eternal welfare. At revivals It is customary to persistently corner the unregenerate and attempt persuade thtm to retrace their ways as a personal A very handsome and altogether lovely fcorfh American Review, New York City Harpers MagHzlnc, New York Harpers ltasnr. New tork City Harpers Weekly, New tork City Century Msgaxine, New lork City St. Mcholan Mnansine, New York McClure Mnuaslne, New York City Frank LeaUeH Monthly.

New York City. Mnnney'a Magazine, New ork SnceeN, New ork City. Lecturer Monthly, New York City. Inclv, New York City Judge, New ork liesilen Weekly, New lork Review of Review, New York City Scribner' Muvnzine, New lork American Aartculturf New I ork Hiirnl New orker, New 1 ork City. CoNiuopolltan Magazine, Irvlnuton, N.

Y. Country Gentleman, Alhnny, N. Form Jonrnnl, I'liilndclphin. Penn liippincott' MnvnMne. Philadelphia, Penn Nouths Companion, llonton, Form and Home, Sprlnatteld.

Mnnn New Knuland Homentend, Springfield. Mai Good Hounekeeptnsr, Springfield. Mann. Form, Field and Firelde, hlcniro, HI. Orange Jndd Farmer, thfcnjco.

111..., Fpitomlnt, Ind Inna poll, Ind Ohio Farmer. Cleveland, Michigan Farmer, Detroit, I1 arm and Firenlile, Sprlnn field, Ohio. Farm New. Springrtteld, Home and Farm, l.oninvllle, The Farmer, St. Pnnl, Minn Tribune Almanac.

lOOl Please send cash with order. rSPEClAL NOTICE. I am pleased to announce to Tny friends and customers that I huve been pointed agent tor the Mermod Jaccard TO 4 have a full line of aamp'Mof Wedding and Reception Invitations, Calling Cards and Fine Stationery. Also complete Illustrated cata-loguM of Diamonds, Watcher Silverware and Jewelry. JWOrdcrs received at my store and goods Delivered Free here at St.

Louts Prices. SAM FARRAR, Druggist and Bookseller, Mray Police. Taken up by Walter Ross and posted before Russell Mumford, a Justice of the peace in Osage township of Laclede county, on the 10th day of January, 19J1, the following-described property, viz One cow, red in color, tip ot tail white, and marked with an overbit, crop and undernick in right ear and an overbit and undernick in the left ear: appraised at fl6 bv Eli Thomas, Tom Tnomis and D. A Thomas. The Great Modern Newspaper.

When all' that portion of the United States west of the Missouri and Kaw Yiv ers was a trackless wilderness, nearly a half century ago, the first issue of one of The Tribune may remit at publishers' regular pm Address TUB TKIDINC. New-York illy..

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