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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 7

Logansport, Indiana
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Tdl Your Wife that you have read that Santa Claus Soap is one of the greatest laborsaving inventions of the time. Tell her that it save her strength, save her time, save her clothes. The merits of SANTA CLAUS SOAP at once to every thoughtful woman. It's the beat, purest, and economical soap to be procured. Sold everywhere Made only by The N.

K. Fairbanh Company, Chicago. "OLD FAMOUS PITCHERS OF SEASONS CONE BY. Mntthcwn, Rradlcy. tmlth ami Others Who 1'itvhcrt Golil- Uiulor tlio OW Ot Them Tew Are In Evidence.

VU Only a BKOAJ) CHALLENGE. BICYCLIST HOU3EN MAY MEET ZIMMERMAN. Challenge to Knco Any In the Aohluvud Grent Prominence In of the Whee). UBERT HOUBEN, who has Issued a challenge to race any bicyclist In the world, hii.s achieved prominence In Europe by his succession of victories over all the leading profesulonals on the continent. The fact that Arthur A.

Zimmerman, the American champion, has accepted Houben's challenge to a match race for a $5,000 purse has created additional In- tercut fn this rider. Houben was born In 4n. TSSrn. Eacn relay was ten miles, tne clubs providing a man for each relay The last ten miles were ridden by Otto Zelgler, Wilbur Edwards, Clarence Harbottle, C. 3.

Wells, Walter Foster and Casey Castleman. Tba prize Is the Varley Trophy. Last year It was won by the Garden City 'Cyclers of San Jose. The 'Cycle Board of Trade has arranged with the management of Madi- aon Square Garden, New York city, to hold their annual 'cycling show at that place during the week ot Jan. 18-25, 1898, from Saturday to Saturday.

The date has been so arranged that a special train will run direct from the Chicago 'cycle show to New York, carry Ing the exhibits for the latter. Exhibits will be received at the Garden two days preceding Jan. 18, tha exhibitors will be allowed two days after the show closes in which to remove their The now officers of the Liberty Wheelmen are: President, M. Adee; vice president, W. T.

Cowenhoren; secretary, D. A. Sammls; treasurer, H. J. Valentine; captain, Clemens Weiss; lieutenant, F.

A. Hulst. The Hudson County, N. wheelmen last week elected thtme officers: Presl- HUBERT HOUBEN. ability to sprint la said to be Inferior only to Zimmerman's.

Upon Zlmmer- first appearance In Brussels last Houben defeated him antl also Heeler, Modlngcr and Louvet. It was fell defeat of Zimmerman that placed him In tho leading rank as racing This year he him beaten Henri yournler. tho acknowledged French champion. His repeated victories In France this year were Instrumental In bringing him to Issue a challenge to the world. It Is said that Houben refused to race Zimmerman last year after hla victory over the American.

but now that a match assured the Whole racing world will watch the out- oome with deepest concern. The annual one hundred miles bicycle club relay race from San Francisco to Ban and back to Oakland, was run last week. Seven clubs con- and the Bay City Wheelmen, of Ban Francisco, won by about two making the one hundred miles Jn Hording Will Row Omulnur. Capt. John Grotty, the manager of the Austin, Texas, International row.

dent, Frank Eveland; vice president, Brussels and la 21 years old. Physically ThomaB Cuddy; socretary, Homer he Is tall and slim, the muscles of his Gr treasurer, Frank Price, body being remarkably well developed. Until last season Houben nsver trained conscientiously, and consequently did riot oomo prominently before the public SB a chair.plon. la 1891 he won tha 1,000 metre handicap, which was the race he ever rode. In tho following he won the Junior championship Of Belgium and in 1893 captured the 100-kilometre championship.

Houben defeated Protln, the champion, In 1893. Ho became a professional that year and won ail the International events at Brussels, beating such men as'Beaumont, Pope, Moon and Milliard. In the fnll 1893 defeated Cotteau, Delansorne, Louvet, Glrarflln and Dubols, all noted racing men. Houben's turn of speed Is wondorful and his VIGOR MEN Cully. Quickly, Permanently Rwtored.

Weakness, Uobllltr. nod all tho train evU.1 from tarty orrors or iter excesses, the results of vorwork. sicknew, worry, etc. Full stronKtu, devel- opmon i anti tone given to orpin And portion of thebody. Immrdi- ate improvement seen.

Impossible. references. Bock, explanation and proofs mailed (seitlod) ERIE MEDICAL Buffalo, N.Y. JAKE GATJDAUR, Ing regatta, recently offered a purse for Wag- Hoi-dlnpr, the champion sculler of England, to come here and row Jake Gaudaur for the championship Of the world next June. A reply has been received from Harding accepting the proposition.

He will ajso bring Sullivan and two others tojow In an International four-oared race. Continental engagements, however, will prevent them from coming until July. A Bother Kinky Move. President Freedman has advanced the price of exhibition games In New York to BO cents On the ground that the play a superior article of ball and that those who see them must pay for the privilege. The move Is regarded with misgiving outside of New York, and the Cleveland Lender comments on It emphatically, as follows: 'President Freedman will know more about base ball when the season of 1895 ,8 over.

He Is new to tha business, and he will find that base ball and theatrical exhibitions are as far apart as black and white. Often the theory has been advanced that a ball team might be run on the same basts as a theatrical company. It would be worth a man's life to try It, to say nothing of his pocketbook." It may also be remarked, en passant, that no ball team on earth ever played as well In exhibition games as In championship games. However, as only the New York club will be affected by tha risky move, what does It matter to outsiders how It may turn out? HEN "FATHER a boy," the pitcher used the old side arm swing, resembling the motion that Is used by bowlers when they deliver the ball. Strange to say, It was possible for the early pitchers to put considerable speed Into their A.

G. delivery with this motion, and Spaldlng, now so well known by reason of his connection with athletic gports, was one of the most successful pitchers in the United States at this style of delivery. It would sound Btrange nowadays to hear A. G. Spalding referred to as "the boy with the Iron arm and the sagle eye," but that what they called him in Illinois In the days of his prosperity as a ball player, while In Boston, prior to that time, he was called the king, as Clarkson was called later on under Spald- lng.

As early as 1876 those who were eponsors for the national game had In mind the curbing of the talent displayed by the pitcher, and the dlnposl- tlon to embarrass the pitcher in these latter days may be said to be honest legacy. The rules of 1876 provided for a box six feet square, from which the irbfesaional ball field In this year. He taras signed by the Providence team ifter the beginning of the season, and Before the year was over he had pitched 'ilmself Into prominence as the Star pitcher of the organization. The statistics at the end of the year showed that the perctntnge off bast hits off his was but However, the Bostons won, the pennant. 'In 1S79 George Wright was ihe manager of the Providence team, and it the penAant.

Ward was star pitcher of the team and the star of the League. Bond was still with the Bostons, but he seemed to have lost some of his cunning. Larkin of Hartford fame, had been transferred to Cht- Thc Umpire's Annual Lecture. President Young, of the National league, is Just now engaged' In preparing a general letter of advice and coun- Bel to the members of the staff of umpires. He does not consider it necessary to call the umpires to Washington to receive Instructions as to their duties, but he is of the opinion that a few suggestions from him in the shape of a personal lettei 1 will meet all the requirements tfhc situation.

W. A. CUMMINGS. pitcher was to deliver the ball with the arm swinging nearly perpendicular with the body, -and the arm In being swung forward pass below the line of the hip. Thin was designed to prevent overhand pitching, but It often Called of Its object.

The pitchers would throw the ball with a fast Jerk whenever they thought the umpire's attention was attracted the other way, and now, the captain of the other Bide would register his complaint with the umpire. Some of the pitchers became so proficient that It was difficult to tell whether their hands went below the hip, Just on a line with the hip, or a little above the hip. However, if It looked as though the rule was violated, some one was sure to call out, 'Make him get his arm down, Mr. Umpire." The famous pitchers of 1876 were A. Spalding, A.

Cummlngs, "Bobble" Matthews and George Washington Bradley. Spalding was a member of Chicago team, and It won the pennant, In spite of the fact that he could not pitch a curve and was obliged to rely altot'ether upon a straight arm delivery. It was not considered necessary In those days to earn' more than one pitcher with a team. Arthur Cummings was a member of the Hartfords. Ho could not pitch curve ball, and Is said to be the only pitcher who ever lived who was able to curve a ball with the old fashioned straight arm delivery.

He used a peculiar motion of the wrist that "put English" on the ball. The star pitcher of the season, so far as his record was concerned, was George Washington Bradley. He was a mem' her of the St. Louis team. "Bobble' Matthews was with the Mutuals ol New York.

Tom Bond first appeared professionally In this season. In 1S77 Tommy Bond and Will White Joined forces with the Bostons. Bond began to Improve from that time, and by another year the battery of Bond and Snyder began to be famous. George Washington Bradley went to the Chl- cagos, and Larkin, a member of the Hartfords, had his name printed In all the Illustrated publications of the day as the crack pitcher of the League. In 1S7S one of the watchwords among the cranks was the "Only Nolan." He was a member of the Indianapolis team of that year, and one of the most prominent of the professional pitchers.

John Ward first saw the Inside of a "BOBBIE" MATTHEWS." Con- Perfect health is maintained bv cipeUJngr from the body the decayed product of digestion, stipation, with the terrible results following- the absorption of excreta, is quickly relieved by LEMON TONIC LAXATIVE. The refreshing- properties derived from Lemons with the Tonic and Laxative principles of select vegetable products form an elegant tasting: liquid Laxative, Ladies find it of priceless value. Many cases of supposed Uterine Enlargement prove to be bowel accumulations. Gentlemen will find it productive of Appetite, Energy and a Clear igestion, Headache and Biliousness. LARGE BOTTLES, SO CTS.

AT ALL DRUGGISTS. LEMON 'TONIC- LAXATIVE G. SPALDING. where he still did good work, but Chicago was not strong enough in other departments of the team. Cincinnati bothered with "Spectacles" Will White and McVey.

Cleveland had the coming star of the pitching world, although not so well known at that time, in the person of McCormick, the first truly wonderful pitcher to appear on the diamond, as was afterward proved. Galvin was with the Buffaloa and George Washington Bradley still remained in game as a member of the Troy team. In 1880 the pennant went back to Chicago, and with It considerable notoriety for Corcoran and Goldsmith, the pitch- en, although It was generally conceded at the time that Chicago won the pennant because of all around strength. "Mickey" Welch flashed on the base ball arena for Troy, and for the first time in its history the League started a first class sensation over the prowess of a left hand pitcher, who was none other than Lee Richmond of the Worcesters. He was a terror to the batters for the brief time that he lasted In the League.

In 1881 Corcoran and Goldsmith, aided by the magnificent batters that the Chicagos had under contract were again too much for the remainder of the League. Galvin was the hero of Buffalo and pitched ball then as he did for the next ten years. Cleveland swore by McCormick and trusted to "Blondie" Purcell to help him out now and then through the season. Rad- bourn's star dawned In Providence, and Bond was still hanging on at Boston. The pitcher, however, was beginning to attract too much attention, and he was placed hack to the distance of fifty feet, Instead of forty-five feet, and his pitching position was confined to a box feet by 4, instead of 6 feet square.

Radbourne was the of the year, so far as records went. Chicago captured the pennant again in 18S2 with the same old pitchers. Corcoran once more led the League. In 1SS3 Chicago was vanquished, and great was the consternation in tha west. Boston won the pennant with Whitney and Bufflngton for pitchers.

The fame of Buffing-ton's drop ball traveled from one end of the country to the other, and hundreds of people went miles to see the Bostons play in order that they might see what a "drop" looked like. It was an innovation in professional pitching. New Tork was in. the League this year, and Ward was transferred from Providence to New Tork. Great was Providence In 18S4, and Radbourn's fine work carried the team on to first place, and he was ably as(listed by Sweeney, the man with speed.

Both Boston and for Infants and Children. iHIKTY yeaiV ohtorration of Camtorla with the at of persont. permit to of it without It bent remedy for aa the world evor known. It Childro Mite It. thorn health.

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The fac-timile of wrapper. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. JfflGOLfi BEST IN THE WOFRL-Pf For keeping the Systnm In a Healthy Condition. CURES CURES Constipation, on the Liver and Purifies thtf Blood, Dispels Colds and Fevers, Beautrflen the Complexion and ttt Pleasing and Refreshing to the Taste. Sou? mr ALL DRUQQISTS.

fftt. nicely Illustrated elflitj-piff Lincola Story Book to every pbrchiaer incoln Tea. Price TEA Cd, Fart Wayne, tafc- For Sale by Ben Fisher. MANHOOD RESTORED tlon of a famous French piiyslclnn, will quickly cure von of all nervous or dial-lisa) of tbc guiwrativo orpang, well iw Insoraiilftil'iilnsln UieBuck.Scmliml Nervous PimpJCH, UnfiLnfcsa to Marry, KxlmuBdiiK rjrnlns, Viirlcooole Constipation. ull IONKC.S by dav or night.

nc-ss 01 dlsclwrgo, wlilcli If not leads to Spormiitorrhoui nil Impatcncy. the icUneyngnd urinary orRiitis of ull impurities. CUPIDKNK ulrengthonsunil went orRuns. Tho ruuson MJffVrers nro not cured by Doctors in becnune ninety per cent arc tronblort wltti CDITDENEIstheonly known remedy tociirewILlioutun operation. nls.

A written (runnmice clvon money returned If sir boxen does not elTocl fVir $0.00, by mnll. Send for and testlmoDlals. Address HAYO1. MEDICINE r. O.

Box 3070, San Francisco, CaL for Sale by For Sale by P. KEESLING. and do it too in a way that he will lite. Every man that wears collars and cuffs should know about the "CELLULOID Interlined. A linen collar or caff crcd with waterproof CELLULOID." They are the only Interlined Collars and Cuffs made.

They top notch of comfort, neatness and economy. They will go flrough the day with, you good sliapc, no matter how hot or how busy you get 'You, can clean one yourself in a minute, without dependence on busy wrves, unskillful hired girls or uncertain and distant laundries. Siniplv wipe them off. Every piece is marked as follows: Yon nrnst insist npon goods so marked and take nothing else if yon expect satisiaction. If your deader should not have we will send yon a sample postpaid on receipt of price.

Collars -5c. each. Cutrs Soc. pair. Give size, and specify standup or tatned-down collar as THE CELLULOID COMPANY.

437.49 "EW YORK. Chicago were furious at tnc loss 01 tna pennant. In 1885 John G. Clarkson became a member of the Chicago club, and from that date until 1891 there was not a pitcher League who excelled him. ana proDabiy not one was his equal ror every day work.

He wag caJled truly and rightly the "king of pitchers." He was transferred to the Boston club in 1888 for the sum of $10,000. While Clarkson was prominent in the League there were other pitchers who were better than ordinary. Keefe, of the New Yorks was one of the greatest generals who ever stepped into the pitcher's box. Getzein of Detroit was the wonder of 1887. O'Brien of Cleveland flashed like a meteor across tha sky in 1SS9, and for the brief time that he served In the National League was a wonder.

In later years, notably In 1S91, the three most brilliant pitchers who have come to the fore are Rusie, Young and Meekin. Rusie is with New York and Meekin, starting in with Louisville, has finally reached New York. Young is 1 still with Cleveland, where he has been since he came Into the National League. Other pitchers, like Nichols of Boston, Klllen ot Pittsburg and Brelt- ensteln of St. Louis are men with fine reputations, and quite equal to Meekin.

None of the three, however, has pitched with the steady success that has char- acterized both Rusie and Young. Strange to say, both the latter pitchers began their career in Cleveland. i Late In the eighties the League gave up trying to fight the pitchers who wanted to deliver the ball with a swiff overhand motion, and the pitching rules were so amended that the pitcher could throw or pitch the ball as suited his fancy. It was found useless trying to contend. against the advances of the pitcher, and In order, to even matters as much as possible, the number of balls entitling a batter to first base was reduced.

The pitcher haa been moved back to a point sixty feet from the home plate, and must stand on a I small rubber square inches by 6, from which to deliver the ball. It la the nearest approach to the old fashioned batting that the public has seen since the first curve was pitched. It is all different, however, from the time that "father and grandfather on the Smithvllle nine," and it is no wonder that the game appears to be changed. T. E.

8. FOOT OUTFITS THESE HEAD-TO-FOOT OUTFITS consist of One COAT, Two Pairs of PANTS, One CAP to Match and a Pair of Shoes. And the price of Whole outfit Is Only If on receipt $5.00 do not consider tbem the on over bought for Ton can tend back theoatttkud weexprttsjj agree to retain TOM money. Bend for of the cloth and fnll of the outfit, tor onrnew i soot free oo application. THE HUBt.

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