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The Lake Geneva Herald from Lake Geneva, Wisconsin • 4

Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
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perata over tlie prospect of defeat; but- boodle will not save it. Buffalo Jliatnsaa too. Th Oak wood Rreat folks are clearing tip the bottoms the creek for garden purposes. Slestless nights taads Cti2srv A KZimSCCT rernia. 1.

S. Cm, J. S. Umiwtr, KMtor BuIhh Buitr. I.A..I.

uJiA KVA. OCTOBER 5, 1E3S REPUBLICAN TICKET. 'Jr Tor President. BENJAMIN HARRISON, of Indian. 5, Tor Vie President, LEVI P.

HORTON. i of New York. STATE TICKET. Governor D. Hoam Lieutenant W.

Brian Secretary of State G. Tihhb State Treasurer. Henry B. HaBeaaw Insurance Commissioner Phil H. Cheek Railroad Peterson Superintendent Public Instruction-J.

B. Tbatbb Member of Congress L. Caswell 8tate 8tb Diatriet J. C. Reynolds S.

Ke ceive his voting paper at once. 4. If a foreign born person becomes a naturalized citizen during the minor- County Ticket. I. G.

Foster Register of W. T. Tatlou his second or final naturalization papers. The first paper must be produced at this application, and two nesses must swear to the fact of the residence. 3 If a young man comes to this country lefore he is eighteen years old he IS not required to take out the' first paper but when he is twenty-one years old, and has been in the country five Oteiace Editor Herald Please publish tha following from the Earlville Leader of Sept 21st, 1S53: The Rochelle races last week Vere a bonanza to the get of Alroy, three cf them winning races.

A tlaa. owned by Harper of Paw Paw. won the three rear old race for either pacer Or trotters, obtaining a record the fourth heat of 2:23, the last half in and the last quarter in 35 seconds.some thing never before accomplished by a three year old In -this section of the country. Alro, owned by Clough Smith, of th? three, minute race and obtained a- record 6( 2:42. Alro never before started' in a race.

Alcaid, owned by R. A. Mead, of Paw Paw, won the free for all trotting race best time 2:29. All accomplish ed on a half mile track. -'-J4' The Sandwich fair has been in progress this week and has been quite well attended from this vicinity.

A number of horses known here have taken away premiums, doing some creditable work. Among them Atlas owned at Paw Paw, won the pacing race. Happy Al a two year old, owned by A. H. Frank, won the race for his class, and also captured first premium in the show ring for two-year olds; and Alking, owned by A.

H. Frank, carried away the first premium in the show ring for four, year olds. All of the above by Alroy. In each of the above classes there were-several contestants. It will encourage those who have patronized my horse Albion, to fead such evidence of performing ability in his immediate family.

To those who contemplate breeding and are not informed of the grand success of Almontssons and daughters, grandsons and grandaughters, I would ask them to read up and inform themselves as to what particular sires have had the ability to transmit their qualities to future generations. Wallace Year Book for 1887, price $2.10 is a good book for breeders to study and from its pages you can soon learn to disregard the advice of persons who know.Jess of the breeding problem than you do. Their personal interests shonld not effect you or your opinions. Look well to your own interests and decide, fop yourselves, having stick to it. Respectfully Yours, ALvan E.

Tyler. Good Bye Grover. The following campaign song was composed by Charles Bane and sung enthusiastically by the traveling men on their visit to General last week. The grand old ship is afloat again. Good bye, old Grover, good bye It is loaded down with Harrison men, Good bye, old Grover, good bye.

Chorus Bye Grover, bye oh, Bye Grover, bye oh. Bye Grover, bye oh. Good bye, old Grover goodbye. You said one term would be enough, Good bye old Grover, good bye, -But getting a second youll find quite tough Good bye old bye. That youre independent youve made your brags, Good bye old Grover, good bye, But you didnt send back the rebel bye old Grover, good byer-" You tried to stuff us with English fish, Good bye old Grover, good bye, But crow, old crow, will be your dish, Good bye old Grover, good bye, 1 This countrys not run.

Ill tell you that.v Good bye old Grover, good bye, By a nineteen collar and a 7 inch nat, Good bye old Grover, good bye. You can go down south where you belong, Good bye old Grover, good bye, 5 Pack up your trunk, take Thurman along. Good bye old Grover, good bye. The old bandan may do for you, Good bye old Grover, gooa bye, But we prefer Red, White and Blue, Good bye old Grover, good bye. i i For four long years weve been hoo-doo-ed Good bye old Grover, goodbye.

By in-noc-u-ous de-su-e-tude, -Good bye old Grover, good bye. Salt river, they say, is deep and wide, Good bye old Grover, good bye, 1 On it next fall well give yqu a ride, Good bye old Grover, good bye 4o One thing quite sure, this Nations found Good bye old Grover, good bye. Youre a very great man if you go by the pound. 1 Good Dye old Grover, good bye. Just see the drummers come round the bend, i Good bye old Grover.

good They all vote solid for Uncle Ben, Good bye old Grayer, good bye. bit by that terrible cough. EMloh Cure is the remedy for you. For sale by W. H.

Hammersley, druggist. -An arched stone bridge will be built over the outlet at the cheese factory and other worldone on that street. Thosa who are interested In the formation of. classes in German, either commencing or advanced, are requested to at the. High School room on next Saturday evening, October 6.

at 7 oclock. WllLIAM The thanks of the office is due to Mr. Jason Hetrick for a bag of fine eating apples, which have been put where they will do some good. Lost On Friday last, between the corner of Broad and Wisconsin and Sage streets, a pocket-book containing a small sum of, money, a key, ring, etc. Will finder please leave it at Phillips market and receive Brown Buell took first premium on carriage horses at the fair and then they sold the team for a long figure.

Will you suffer with sia and' Liver Complaint? Shilohs Vi- Dry Goods. talizer to cure you. For I We never saw a finer selection of Dress Goods sale by W. H. Hammersley, Pettets boot and shoo department tbey are not a11 in Iet- is enjoying a boom.

I His Boot and Shoe department has been very much enlarged. He says The following-list of letters remain- the Ludlow $3.00 Fine Shoes! for Ladies, is the best shoe for the money, made ed dead in this post office October first I John Becker, Lizzie Belm, Ezra Bobst, 1 in Amfinfa- W. J. Brown, E. R.

Johnson, J. J. Lairns, C. Nelson, Geo. A.

Reid, 1 Mary S. Snyder, Laura C. Smith, Anna M. Trimble, Lake Fiew Thomas WEttoD Wills. It is beginning to get cold enough fai almost anything you should call at the Emporium, for T.

C. Smith Company would like to consult you before you buy a new one. 1 At M. Pendletons will be found a full supply of materials for school use, such as pens, ink, pencils, paper, rulers, sponges, book straps etc. A share of the patronage is solicited.

-With "sound dry second growth wood at from four to four and a quarter a cord, it is a serious question whether it it is not cheaper to burn, wood than coal at eight dollars a ton There are millions in it said a druggist when asked about Dr. Bulls Cough Syrup, Price 25 cents. Almost any kind of produce necessary to run a family will i be. acceptable and turned on that little subscription account. -For some time past I have been rheumatic.1 I recently tried Salvation Oil which gives me almost instant relief.

-I sincerely recommend-ix it has entirely cured me. James Gordon, Balti. To insure change, copy of advertis-ments should be handed in before Tuesday noon each week. The best reform in domestic life is without doubt the introuction of Dr. Bulls Baby.

Syrup. Where it is knowa no more laudanum is given to babies. A large. Crown Jewel, coal stove, in good order for sale; price $12. Apply at house! James E.

Heg. An excellent remedy," Laxador is superior as a cathartic to any otfifer in all cases ia which a purgative is required. At all druggists. Price 25 cents. Millers wagons are in demand; buy one at their shops in Genoa Junction.

Remember that Rred Burgett, of Genoa Junction, does a general black-smithing business. Do you want any barrel salt McCabe Deignan have a car load. Price way down. Golden Rio coffee, green; 20 cents at C. Paines.

4 The annual meeting of' the stock holders of the Odell Type-writer held October 2, at their" office in this city the. following directors were elect ed: John E. Burton, C. H. Odell, L.

Odell, C. E. Buell and F.E. Odell. The directors elected the following officers: President, John E.

Burton; "Vice President, C. Odell; Treasurer, C. E. Buell. The company has done a good business for the first year of its existence.

For Sale or Exchange. 320 acres of valuable land in eastern Kansas. Any one owning land in the neighborhood of my South Park Farm can make a good bargain. Alvan E. Tyler, Pettet says he is too busy to write adds this week.

He is opening up and arranging his new Fall Stock of Dress Goods, Trim-dySpep. i ming. Hosiery, Underwear-in fact everything in the line of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods. In any country town, and in America. Some of the very best makes Men and Boys Boots and Shoes arerepre-sented in his If in need of a Trunk, or Gents Furnishing Goods, or in almost anything you should call at the Emporium, His Grocery Department is literally jam full of first-class Goods.

Digging and Cementing Wells. I make a Specialty of bulldiDg three sizes of GROUT CISTERNS, Putting inTubular Wells and all kinds Iron and 'Wooden Pumps. Repairing of Pumps and Wells promptly at-62 tended to at Reasonable Rates, Lank Raymond. FRED BURGETT, EcrsQ Sliosr and General Jobber. Special attention riven to Interfering horses'1 and those with tender feet.

'call the attention of to my carefully selected and late novelties in SPRING MILLINERY I have a fine asortment of Misses and Childrens Trimmed Hats.T Special bargains in Infants Lace and Muslin, Caps. A Large stodk of Fancy Ribbons New and Late Shades. Please call and examine my goods and get pricer before buying, as I am selling goods at ceedlngly low prices this Spring. Two doort South of Bank on CENTER STREET. i A question that has often bren ashed is the number of years a foreign-er must reside in this country before be cau vote.

The following gives a synopsis of the naturalization laws: 1, A person of foreign birth may at any time go before the clerk of any court of record and make oath to his intention to become citizen of the United States. The clerks certificate of thi is called the first. paper." 2. Two years after the issue of this first paper, the applicant, if he has resided in the country years, may go before any court of record and receive wit-, ity of his sons, such sons become legal voters on arriving at the age of twenty-one, the same as if born in this country. Patwiug lie Democratic Either the Presidents campaign contribution did not have the desired effect or the National Democratic Committee is inordinately greedy, for an appeal has been made to the Democracy of the country to pome down with the dust if they wantr victory.

In passing around the hat the committee issues an address signed by mule-buyer Bamum, of Connecticut, and Calvin S. Brice, who made his millions roasting Vanderbilt in his Nickel-plate oven. Neither would have ever had any political prominence except for his great wealth, nor do they have any conception of politics except as a shamble. The address, signed by these two Bs begins thus: To the People of the United States: TheNational Democratic Convention, held in St. Louis in June last, when it unanimously nominated Cleveland for' re-election to the Presidency simply proclaimed your choice.

It remains to be seen how that is. The people of the -United Staes will be heard from early in November on this very point. It is doubtful if even the Democrats of the country really preferred Mr. Cleveland. A popular-vote Presidential nominee, and confined to.

the democratic party, would hardly have resulted bis favor." Allen. Thurman Is the man, of all others, the Democratic element' of the people i of the' United States would delight most -to honor, and this very address indicates it. The reference to the President was cold and curt. He is simply called Mr. Cleveland, without any adjectives, but when, in the next sentence, reference is made to the tail of the ticket, mention of the name was both prefaced and followed by complimentary language.

It (the convention) expressed your will when, remembering; the rugged integrity of Allen G. Thurman and his able and long-continued public service, it nomi nated him for the Vice Presidency This may have been a case of unconscious discrimination, but if Mr, Cleveland is not too dull-pated to appreciate it it will be all the more odious for its piobable spontaneity. Evidently the President is a dead weightfa heavy load, and the committee wants to get up a fictitious Thurman boom to serve as a good enough Morgan, until after election. The notable thing about the address is the attempt to make out that the Mills bill is not so very important a measure as is generally supposed. It proposes relief only from a small part of that unnecessary taxation with which the Republican party has oppressed the country.

This is the attitude of crying apprehension Instead of haying the courage of its policy, the Democratic party is now trying to placate popular discontent by pleading that the changes proposed do not amount to much. To make good this claim the address falls back on the false and misleading mathema- SSUSSS as to percentage, namely, that the bill only proposes to reduce the average proposes percent, on dutiable goods from 47.10 to 42.19. These figures, false in any possible light, are specially misleading from the fact that they leave out of the calculation the additions made to the list. Wool, for example, now sub- ect to duties averaging 37.16, is free- isted under the Mills Dill. Such dis-lonesty in the use of statistics is posi-! disgraceful, and in the end, will hurtful to the party.

In point of act the by the Mills bill would be between 23 and 24 per cent of of the entire revenue from imports, End Bamum and Brice both, know it I perfectly well. Inter Ocean. A straw. Editor Herald: As straws show which way the wind blows, yonr readers may be interested in the result of two votes taken on the Columbus, Hocking Valley Toledo Railroad. While en-route to the encampment at Columbns, Ohio.

September 8, a vote was taken with the following result: Hamson, 186; Cleveland, 23; Labor-, Belya Lockwood 1. On our return trip over the same road a vote was taken which showed up as follows: Harrison, 50; Cleveland, 23; Prohibition, Doubtful, 2. The last ballot would seem the most instructive as Grand Army men were largely in ascendency on the first one, and they are not, as a whole, -very enthusiastic for the Presidents re-election. Yours Truly, E. T.

Hibbard. A Safe Investment, Is one which is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, or in case of failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan yon can buy from our advertised druggist a bottle of Dr. Kings New Discovery for Consumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case, when used for any affection of throat, lungs or as consumption, incarnation of lungs, bronchitis, asthma whooping cough, croup, etc.

It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and can always be depended upon. Trial bottles free, at W. H. Hammers-leys drug store, 1 Clerk of .1 Dewing County Clerk L. Cowdeut County Treasurer L.

C. Church District A ttorney Wallace Ingalls Supt of A Willians County Child Coroner L. Ltokb The Republican National Platform 1 Condensed. We believe In a free ballot and in having every vote counted. We believe protection for protections sake, and we are not ashamed of We believe in abolishing Internal taxes created for war purposes.

1 We believe in the direct protection of American labor against cheap foreign laborJ We believe In free internal competition. We belleve-in railroad regulation. We believe in homesteads and good homestead titles for citizens. We belief in home rule for big and intelligent territories. We believe In a double monetary standard.

We believe in the utmost facilities for tion, as worth all they can cost. We believe in a big merchant marine and in American ship yards. We believe ia a good navy, good coast defences and good water routes for commerce. We believe in making other nations respect our rights and pay for all they get from ns. Wei believe in protecting American citizens against foreign Interference, not only at home, but in any part of the world.

1 We believe that nothing is too good for the soldiers who risked their lives to" save the country, and saved it. The Senate has passed the bill giving Mrs, General Sheridan a pension of $3,500. Clevelands Canadian "Retaliation bill is believed to be sleeping its last sleep in the quiet room of the Senate Committee of Foreign Affairs! The Kenosha Courier and Telegraph have consolidated under the ownership of L. Cass. This leaves one Republican and one Democratic paper in Kenosha county.

The list of Farmers Institutes as now made up, shows that only one meeting will be held in Walworth County the greatest agricultural county of the state. This one meeting held In Delavan next March. Ex-Senator Doolittle, of written a letter to the president of the democratic club, positively declining to allow his name to be used as a candidate tor Congress. He says that his health and his business engagements will not permit him to accept the place The Republicans of the 1st Assembly. strict, baye nominated-Capt.

F. C. district. Kizer, of Whitewater, as their candidate for member of assembly. He is a first class man in every particular and will make an able member.

He was a soldier and is one of the most popular meii- of the county. The next convention of the National Press Association will be held at San Antonio, Texas, on November 21. The meeting promises to be one of the largest in the history of, the association. The Wisconsin delegation ought tcf go to work to have the convention of 1889 held in Milwaukee in July or August. No state in the Union has more natural advantages for entertaining strangers than has Wisconsin and especially in the summer.

An effort should be made to have the next convention held Wisconsin. Mu. Barber, is proprietor, of two linen factories, one in, Belfast, Ireland, and one in Patterson, J. The Belfast factory employs 2,800 and the Patterson factory employs 1,500 men, both workmen doing. the same kind of Mr.

Barber states -positively that the pay roll for every two weeks for the 2,800 Belfast only exceeds the pay roll of the 1,500 Patterson workmen about half the number, less than $300, How is that for a difference in wages between England and America on the identical articles manufactured by1 the same For a plain, simple democratic administration it Is surprising how much money there is forthcoming for campaign purposes in high official circles. The New York Sun asserts positively that four members of the cabinet, Messrs. Bayard, Fairchild, 'Whitney and Dickinson, gave $10,000 each to the democratic corruption fund, making $50,000 from the President and Cabinet; and that $150,000 in all was contributed by the rich men in office at Washington. The administration is growing des- of the 1 in ex Miss A. WHEELER.

KAYE SEYMOUR. -DEALERS IN- HARD AND SOFT Wood, Lime, Brick, Cement, Plastering Hair, 1 1 Tile, Etc. WEIGHING DONE. Main Office atthe i at Deoot. G.

L. PHILLIPS Ci SOU, Proprietors of pEliTnflL L1EAT LlflUKE and Dealers in Freak, Dried and Sail Heats OF ALL KINDS. 1 Highest market price paid for HIDES. PELTS, and TALLOW. i Orders promptly attended to.

G. L. PHILLIPS SON Telephone No. 15 i r-a 1 a 1 c. (Oil We desire to say to our citizens, that for years we have been selling Dr.

Kings New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. Kings NewJLife Pills, Bucklens Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have neyer handled remedies that -sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase firice, if satisfactory results do not fol-ow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. W.

Hammersley. -1 No Free Trader. Genoa Junction, Wis. Oct; 3, 1888. Editor Herald, and to whom may concern: Report has been circulated that I contemplate delivering a free trade speech at Genoa.

By way of correction I will say: I cast my 1st Presidential vote for Garfield, my 2nd for Blaine and my 3rd will be cast for Harrison and American protection. I am not yet ready to betray or forsake the Republican party, Yours Truly, E. OKtrLL. 4 Public Sale On Saturday October 13, 1888 commencing at 9 oclock a. m.

All the furniture in the Pishcotaqua Park Hotel containing about 150 rooms. This property will be sold to the' highest bidder on the premises on the north shore of the lake about four miles from this city. A credit of six months will be. given on all sums of fifteen dollars and over. merit Winn.

Drown A Duell Have a fine assortment of open and top buggies of eastern make, and are bound to sell at the lowest possible irices, also an assortment of road carts, umber wagons, feed cutters, powers, in fact' everything connected with the implement line, give them a call before buying. 16tf T. J. Hflllllfl Ci SOU, Undertakers and Furniture DEALERS. All kinds of furniture on Land Patent footers, Easy Chairs, Parlor Suits and Lounges, CHAMBER SUITS In 'Walnut.

Ask, Maple, Etc DNDERTAKIIV DEPARTMENT: Coffins and Caskets ack and white broadcloth and wood finish constantly on hand, also a full line of trimmings, shrouds, gloves, crap etc. -t -j Repairing and Job work done to order. Agents for white SEwnra HACHmE, T. HANNA Ss SON. opposite First National Bank.

CAMPBELL BROTHERS, AUCTIONEERS. Special attention gieen to telling farm prop-erty. Terms reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. Will sell by the day or on commission. Auction bills furnished free.

W. H. Campbell. Lake Geneva. J.

F. Cahpbell, Springfield Wis. TIMETABLES. Chicago Korth-Westem Time Table 5 TRAINS LEAVE LAKE GENEVA. Lake Geneva 6:50 am Lake Geneva ......7:45 Elgin .2:45 TRAINS BEACH Lake Geneva Express a Lake Geneva .10:30 a Elgin Passenger ..5:50 TRAINS LEAVE CHICAGO.

Elgin .........7:15 a Lake Geneva ....3:15 Lake Geneva Passenger. ..4 :15 Janesville Accommodation 4:45 TRAINS REACH LAKE GENEVA. Elgin Passenerer ...10:40 a Lake Geneva Express. pm Lake Geneva Passenger ......7:35 Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul TRAINS QOINO WEST.

Passenger No. 1. 12 15 am Passenger No. 8 11 pm Accommodation No. 13 11 45 a TRAINS 60IN9 EAST.

Passenger No. 4 7 17 am Passenger No.2 12 44 pm Accommodation No. 14. 2 25 am HAILS CLOSE. 6.00 a.

HAILS ABRITB .....10.50 a. 1X0 p.m 5.40 p.m 7.20 a. 1 l6.30 a. to canvass for the sale of Nursery Stock! Steady employment guaranteed. Salary and Expenses paid.

Apply at once, statiDg age. (Refer to this paper.) CHASE lEOTHEES C0IPA5T, Rochester, N. Y. as salesman, with good pay, to any reliable man furnishing satisfactory references. Apply to A.

S. McOMBER Rochester, Y..

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