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The Times Record from Troy, New York • Page 2

The Times Recordi
Troy, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THK TIMES RECORD, TROY, N. WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 26, 1971 Nine Transient Fruit Pickers Found Murdered In California (Continued from 1'age 1) half-mile from Ihe'jirst discovery, i hired hand was working a tractor In a field wheii bo spotted mound. Called Sheriff Recalling' Hie earlier discovery, he thought It might be a grave. He told foreman Kay Duron, who called Ilic sheriff's office. The second body was discovered.

Searching further, deputies found four more graves close to- Scther three-quarters of a mile nway, A half-mile in Ihc oppos- ile direction they found the oilier three. Deputies said in each case the Abrams Says Yanks Not Keeping Alert (Continued from Fagc l) Siavos on the Sullivan land were about 315-fect lo 5-fcal- deep and six-feet-long. Late Tuesday nlRltt deputies dug for bodies beneath auxiliary powered lights in a drizzle hricf- cly lurncd inlo a rainstorm. The area was cordoned oft to preserve any evidence that iniehl be found. Yubn Cily Is a farming community of 14,000, about 130 miles northeast oi San Francisco.

Slinks I.llllc English In a news conference alter Iho rrest, Hie sheriff said Corona as been In this country for o'uie time lint speaks lilllc Enfi- sh. Whileacro said he had to se an interpreter to comiiimil- ale with (he Mcxlcan-Amorl- an prisoner. The sheriff had a terse "no ommeiit" when asked about a ouble-bladed axe, pruning nifc and shovel brought into ie jail before Corona was led i. Whiteacre tentatively identi- ed a second victim of the mass itlings. He was Pete Peterson, 3, of nearby Jlarysville.

Abrams was interviewed after ceremony at nearby Long Binh at which M.ij. Gen. Jack J. Wagstaff took over the 3rd Regional Assistance Command from I.I. Gen, Michael S.

Davl- json. Tlio latter is taking conv maud of U.S. forces in Europe. On Ihe baltlcfront, South Vietnamese forces claimed 43 North Vietnamese killed in a clash seven miles southwest of Charlie 2 and said they also captured as 122mm rockets, wilh which the enemy pounded bases along the DMZ last week. Seven South Vietnamese were reportct wounded.

The South Vietnamese govern tncnt, in a delayed report, sale Viet Cong sapper teams and tcr ror squads attacked four Mon tagnard villages and a tempo rary resettlement camp in the central highlands last Fridaj night and killed at least 44 the mountain tribesmen, Th governmnet said 20 more were carried off by the Viet Cong presumably to be used as por ters, 'and another 29 wn Mounded. The U.S. navy announced lha 11 has turned over a second lo gistic support base to the Viet namese base on Ph' Quoc island, in the Gulf of Siam supports coastal surveillance forces off Ihe southwest coast Vietnam. Square Dance Slated Friday Lew Harley will call at th Jligldand Square dance Frida at 8 p.m. in the Charlton Height Elementary School.

Refreshments will be serve by Edna and Richard Bors Eileen and Donald Dunn an Virginia and Edward Tracey. Jury Imprisoned In CINCINNATI (Uri) A wen-woman, Rye-man Jury returned a guilty verdUl Tuesday in i Municipal Court cuse and spent the nest hour Imprisoned In courthouse elevator. The Jury had been released by (be judge shortly alter the end of the trial and walked lo the elevator lo go home. II became stuck between the first and second floors. The perspiring 12 were rescued by firemen who dropped a ladder tbrongh the hatch in Hie elevator's ceiling, "I've heard of hung Juries before, but this is ridiculous," laid one of the women.

Cambodian Spy Teams Operating (Continued from Page 1) American and Thai helicopters penetrated the enemy-held re- ion to pick up a number of Vietnamese "solders captured by the Cambodians. The helicopters relmncd after a month lo bring the intelligence agents out, and the teams are now located in territory con- rolled by the Cambodian government, the sources said. One team came upon an enemy camp in nallanakiri prov- nce, near Ihe Ho CM Minh trail luns through Cambodia. The team called for air strikes which plastered the camp with napalm and causcc icavy casualties. But the bombs also alerted the enemy, and soon after Prince Norodom Si hanouk, Cambodia's ousted for mer head of state, singled ou Lon Non's 15th brigade for an especially strong attack in one of his broadcasts over Peking Radio.

The agents were considerec highly successful for According to one source, thi force of some 250 men lost only Iwo men, one to enemy fire am one to malaria. But the teams reportedly hai leadership problems during Ihe month they spent inside enemy territory, and as a result "the; have been receiving special ac dilional training. Where they will be droppE' next is not known. Punks Beaf, Rob Elderly Sisfers LOS ANGELES Iderly recluse sisleri were avagely beaten and raped Tues- snd their $15,000 In life sav ngs stolen from Us hiding place enealh Ilieir bed. Police salil teen-age boys were arrcsled.

The sisters, Lucy, 71, and lanuela Torres, 76, were beat- wilh a flashlight until they old the assilants where they ad hidden their money. Their creams alerted neighbors who elephoned police. The women, found unconscious and covered with blood on the icdroom floor, were taken lo County-USC Medical Center They were reported in crilica condition with multiple fnc- urcs and head wounds. Police arrived at Ihe sisters ionic in time to arrest one sus ect, 17, fleeing out a rear door Officers said the youth liad 570' pockets. Another youth 17, running out the front doo eluded officers, but authorise said he was arrested at hi ic-me 10 blocks away where po Hce recovered $14,300 in a brown paper bag under sink, The two 17-year-old Weri Booked on suspicion of attempt ed murder.

The three other boys taken into custody--ages 13, 14 and 1 --ivere booked for robbery. 01 fleers said they had acted a lookouts during the robbery. The suspects' names wen not released. because of tbei The sisters kept their saving metal box ijnder a bed in their two-story, 10-room house. Authorities said the two women had been robbed of $400 several weeks ago and lhat one of the 17-year-olds allegedly had been involved in that-theft.

Officers said the youth confessed that he convinced his friends there was more money in the sisters' home. predecessor, trial of HID Mllwauken 14," hod "pollllcal vcrlones thai gain the Hc-picseiilfil Judge The lawyer, Frnnklyiv M. Glmbcl, represented federal udge Myron Gordon, who di.v n'sscd federal charges against 0 of Hie Vietnam war protest- rs in 19GD because "of the elect of adverse publicity on the prospective jurors." Tlie 10 hnd been convicted arlier In stale court on charges burglary, arson and Ihcfl. 'he Justice Department ap' icalcd Judge Gordon's action, ml Ihe Supreme Court refused Hi Feb. 24, lim.

Seale Charge Dismissal Seen Unusual (Continued from 1) 1970, to overrule Only two of the nine Justices, Varrcn E. Burger and 1'otter Blewart, favored hearing the government's argument thai udges must either swilch the ile of a trial, delay it until the publicity eases or keep trying to impanel an unbiased jury. Says Hilling 'Old' Richard Uvillcr, a former New York prosecutor who caches criminal law at Columbia University, said Judge Milley's ruling "seemed odd." "There have been many Instances of highly publicized 1 crimes in which it has proved possible, though difficult, to assemble an impartial jury nevertheless," Uvillcr said in discussing the action with a newsman. Noting that it took four mon Hi to pick a jury for the Seatc-Huggins trial, the ex-prosecutor went on: "I don't say ne's wrong. The cost to the courts of these protracted trials is very, very grave.

Maybe all tha system can afford is one trial per customer." "Forget Quickly" Still, Uviller said, "it's remarkable how quickly people forget what they read and put it out of their minds." To Insist on using only a jury that has never heard of defendants like Jack Ruby, Alice Crlmmiiis, Charles Manson and Bobby Seale, "might mean selecting a jury only of morons and illiterates," he said. The Sureme Court' has been exceptionally protective of defendants' right to a fair trial, Longshoremen Demand Tip Of $450 NEW YOUK (AP) was during March last year when entertainer Jackie Gloason's luggage-all 21 pieces of It--was being carried aboard Ibo luxury liner France about to depart tor Europe. Tlie Waterfront Commission said It was being carried by James Maluszcwski, 33, and four other longshoremen. Main- szewskl, according lo the commission, demanded a Up so ftleasoiiV assistant, Frank Butler, handed over $50. "What's this for?" Main- szewski was quoted.

"The Great One gives, around $450 One." So nuller gave 5200 more to the longshoremen but refused to go higher. Then, the commission said, a hiring agent, Edward Gray, 36, went to GJcaspn's stateroom, demanded drink and became abusive and was turned away. Tuesday tlic commission announced the lifting of Matuszewski's license lo work on the piers and Ihe suspension of Gray's for 45 days. We get from Ihe Great unspoiled 1 TROY PLAZA HOOSSCK ST. Fashion Fabrics For The Creative Women 3 DAY FABRIC SALE! Thursday, Friday Saturday May 27,28,29 COTTON 45" WIDE--WASHABL! REG.


45" Wuf. Reg. $3,99 Yd. COTTON DENIM PRINTS 45" WIDE WASHABLl REG. 99c YD.

YD. Bacron Polyester KNITS MACHINE WASH--NO IRON 34-60" WIDE--SOLID COLORS $099 YD. Last January, it upset a con- iclion of the Bev. James E. roppi because his plea to he outside Milwaukee, where MONTAGE BONDED ACRYLICS Wear by Momenta 54" Wirfl MachintWoih REG.

$4.99 YD. alleged crime took place, as rejected. The best-known ruling along hose lines was in IMS when the ourt upset the conviction of Dr. lamuel H. Sheppard on charges if murdering his pregnant wife fhe 8-1 decision said "virulen publicity" in Cleveland had de nied him a fair trial.

Judge Mulvcy's ruling will never reach the Supreme Court. denied prosecutor. Arnold Markle's motion to appeal to a Connecticut appeals court. "Under Connecticut law the case is dead," Markle told a reporter. Astronauts To Take Moon's Temperature WASHINGTON (AP) The Apollo 15 astronauts plan lo take the moon's temperature when they visit it late in July.

Apollo 15 commander David Scott will drill two 10-foot holes, into the lunar soil and insert rods containing extremely precise thermometers. Marcus E. Langselh, of the Columbia University Lament- Doherty Geological Observatory, told a news conference here Tuesday the thermometers will How scientists lo determine Ihc mount of heat escaping from Arsenal Men To Present 7 Papers Watervlict Arsenal mathematicians and engineers will present seven of the 50 papers to be delivered at the 17th Conference of Army Mathemaliciins lo be held May 26-28 at Red' stone Arsenal, Ala. Ths arsenal representatives whose papers were chosen for presentation at the annual Army wide conference are at! on the staff of the applied mathematics branch of Ihe Benct Rcsearcl and Engineering Laboratories; Papers will be presented by Mathematicians Dr. Gary An dcrson, 4 Genesec Troy; Dr Eugene Brunelle, 154-G Dela ware Troy, and median: cal engineers Dr.

Struan Rober; son, 184-D Delaware Troy Dr. Wayne 9 Gurle Troy, and Dr. Moayyed A Hussain, 35 Zelenke Drive, Troy and by mathematician Dr! Pi ter Chen, 27 Margaret Drive Loudonville, and mechanical en gineer Charles C. -Thomas, Latham Village Lane, Lathan' Dr. Hussain's paper 1 was pre pared in collaboration mathematician' Dr.

San LI Pu 2 Comely Lane, Latham. 077 YD. AIINKI, WARP KNITS MACHINE WASHABLl 60" WIDE REG. J3.99 YD. TKe Perfect Cloth for Travel.

Cnaiet Come Out In Minultl. 45" Wide--Machine Wmh ACRYLICS MACHINE WASH laidi Solldi Sliipti SAVE 5 147 1 Yd. ARNEZ NYLON STRIPES MACHINE WASH TUMBLE DRY--45" WIDE Reg. $3.49 Yd, fa Yd. $047 CRUISEWAY PLUS IN SUMMER SOLID COLORS Mothlnc Woih--Permo Pun 45" WIDE Reg.


$1.19 Yd. 97' PATTERN GUTTING BOARDS With Niw Spttiol Bioi Llntl Reg. $4.00 Peasant Dress Cotton Cliallis Moehlm Woih REG. $1.49 YD. ie moon's interior.

"It is hope that this irment will give direct evr ence a.bout the temperatures leplh within the moon, and inv wrlant clues as to the compose lion of the moon's interior," he aid. experiment was lo have ccn conducted by Apollo 13 year ago. However, lhat space craft was damaged by an cxplo sion in flight and returned home vithout making a lunar landing. Each probe suction also con- ains healers lhat will he actuated by radio commands from carlh. The heaters will enable scicn- llsls to determine thermal properties of the lunar soil.

This part of (he experiment will operate only for the fint month. World's Biggest Aircraft Now At Paris Show PARIS (UPI) --The world's liggest airplane, American C54 Galaxy, and the Anglo- French supersonic Concorde landed today lo join the Soviet supersonic TU144 at the Paris air show which opens Thursday. For the first time, the largest aircraft and two of the fastest aircraft were side by side, The Concorde relumed today from Dakar, Senegal, where it flew Tuesday in 2 hours and 20 minutes on a trip that normally takes five hours. Chief lest pilot Andre Turcat said the plane behaved "magnificently" on the trip that was equal to a trans-Atlantic flight. The Concorte landed ahead of the C5A, gliding in gracefully and taking up a position near ho TU144, It differs from the Russian aircraft in that it has is engines under the wings and he TU144 has them under the fuselage.

Both appear like birds with long necks and beaks. The 76-foot-long C5A Galaxy, a four-jet Lockheed, made a pass over the field for the 'icncfit of spectators and came in for its landing, black smoke Irailing and jots whining from its drooping wings. It was let lo a parking area half the size Extortionists Get $560,000 From Airline (Continued from I'ago 1) lonih bail been put In airport ockcr. 1'olico raced to Ilio locker area and found (lie bomb. With it were throe miles.

One said a similar bomb hail been put aboard Qantas flight 755, vhlch had loft two anil a half hours earlier for HOUR Kong. Raromctlc Device Examination of the bomb bowed it was filled wilh an unconnected barometric device. If connected, it would explode be- ow 20,000 feet. Also In the locker was demand for $500,000 ransom, or 560 000 U.S. The notes said the locution ie bomb on (lie piano and Instruction! bow to defuse it would bo given when the ransom was paid.

The aircraft, tlien en route to a slop at Darwin, on the north coast, was ordered lo return to Sydney immediately. The passengers we not told of the lomb threat, and the crew searched the plane but found nothing suspicious. Nothing Found As the airliner approached ydncy the pilot advised pas- sengcrs lhat a. warning had icen received of a bomb aboarc he plane. The passengers' luggage was searched, but again nothing suspicious was found.

While blackout was put' on news of the threat, Qantas officials conferred feverishly with military and police authorities. They decided that the money must be paid. Instructions for the payof came In a telqphone call to Qan- as from a "Mr. Brown." He said Capl. llobert J.

Ritchie, general manager of Qantas, ihould hand over tho money in front of Ihe airline's office in the center of the city. Qanlas officials raced aroum the banks, collecting the money At 5:45 p.m. Ritchie walke into the street. Money llandcd Over A yellow hire van drew up be side him and a man identified himself as "Mr. Brown." Ititch ie handed over the suitcases money, and the van sped nwa into the rush-hour traffic.

"Brown" was believed i have worn a false beard. Watchdog Stolen KANSAS CITY, Mo. (UPI) -Police reported a burglary-Tucs day at the Monkey Motors Aul Service Sales office. The onl item reported missing was German shephard left In th office to discourage burglars Park's Party Seen Victorious In South Korea SKOUr. (AP) President huitK lice 1'ark's Democriitic opubllcau parly Appeared (flay to have won a sure majority i a new Koulli Kovciui National ssenibly, Tlio opposition New Uonio- 11:11 (y pulled a number of lsct victories across tlm conn- 'y, huweveli and was virtually ssured of well over onc-lliird of ID 204 seals.

The minority parly needed at cast a Ililrd of Ibo icali to ilock any constitutional amend- tent. It claims Park's forces re planning one lo make him resident for life. Most obscrv- rs bad given the parly little nance of winning tlic necessary ne-thlrd. With more than 80 per cent of ie votes counted, Ilio ruling larty had won 56 scats and was eading in 27 districts, The oppo- itlon party had 35 seals and vas leading in 33 contests. The splinter Mlnjung party von' one seat and the Nationalist i.arty of former Yun Po Sun was lading In one district.

Of the 204 seals, 153 were de- ided in direct balloting, and 51 cere to be distributed by pro- lotlional representation system. Hiding massive wave of urban votes, the New Democrats wept of the 19 districts In the capital and five, of the eight eats in Ihe second city of Puan, It lost only two seats anc vas leading in remaining dis- ricts of the two cities. House OK's Merger: One Action Corps WASHINGTON (AP) The- Ion so voted Its approval TIICJ- lay 'of President Nlxoti'i proposal lo merge tho Pence Corps, VISTA mill other volunteer agencies into a new Acllon 2orr9 Tlie vole was 224 lo 131 against a resolution lo reject Ilia vJIxoii administration plan, the Senate does not reject tlio proposal, the reorganization plan becomes effective June 7. Late Tuesday afternoon, tho Stnalo Government Operations Committee voted 10 to against rejecting the plan. The House yoto after three hours of dobala during which plan proponent! argued that tlio new agency would provide for more efficient snd fecllvo management of federal volunteer programs.

Olinirmcui diet llollflcld, D- of Hie Government Operations committee also said tht administration lias given assurances tltat it had no intention to dcempbasizo the domestic and poverty volunteer program. Holifield argued that the Administration said It would seek $12 million more for VISTA to give it a budget of $45 million next year and $8 million for other domestic volunteer programs. Rep. Ogden SI. Reid, also said he has been told that (he White House will ask at tha end of the week that the Peace Corps budget be Increased from $75 million to $85 or $89 million.

Tuned-in Jo Womens Fashions WE'D LIKE TO TALK WITH YOU ABOUT BECOMING i i' A SALESWOMAN If you're experienced in lady's ready-to-wear and available far full-tirVie five day all store benefits. A SEAMSTRESS-FITTER If you're experienced and available far full- time position with sa'rne hours and benefits. 1 ft. Jt JS mil lOLfwfv Tt Fouilh i Fulton Troy, N.Y. of a football field.

The U.S. Air Force uses the Galaxy for transport between Travis Air Charleston, Base, ant S.C., to fields In Southeast Asia nnd Europe. Its arrival shortly after that of Ih Concorc marked Us first land ing In France. 97 YD. SPORTSWEAR PRINTS COTTON DUCK 45" WIDt PIRMA-KARE--WASHABLl Reg.

$U9Yd. 97' Yd, OPEN DAILY 10 to 9-SAT, 10 lo 6-TEL 273-2644 Movie Group Gives Honors To 3 Members memberi of the Motion Picture Machine Lo cal 285, affiliated with the In ternatlonal 'Alliance of Theatrical Stage and Mov Ing Picture Machine AB'L-CIO, were prcucntad 50-year at a recent meeting at I'roc tor's Theater. The honored members arc Lester Smith, local prcildent who has been a member Jn; Felix Mflngione, vice president, J015, and John Ron secretary-treasurer, 1918, Troy Fireman Examination Slatecj July 17 An open competitive rlunlcipal Civil Service C'omml io'i examination for flrcmc will he held July 17, it wan In nnuneed today hy Gerald Mlnchan, commission chalrma Final dale for filing ippllc ic June 17. Candidate must have been legal rcsidcn Ilcnssclaer County for cast four months preceding t. date of written test, Various minimum (lualllic Jons have been established well as duties of and subject of examination, Oilier information porllnont Ihe exam may bo obtained contacting personnel at Iho en) service olflcc, The office, (ipcn from 0 to p.m.

weekdays, Is local on the Ililrd flnor o( Ihe Ccnli on Stale Strict. RCA AccuColor TV -The world's Irtejst- In "generous 25" screen size and powered by an exclusive solid state chassis. Yes, It's here right now the Space Age of Solid State. That makes It the most durable and dependable color TV available. A Crowning Achievement.

A.F.T. and the new AjpcuMallc Color Monitor give color that's unbelievably easy" to tune for beautiful viewing. Ever think about this When you buy and own RCA AccuColor TV It's for this year, next year, next year and many more. Headquarters For NICHOLAS DISTRIBUTING CENTER AU. 8MK ItCA NKTSi tt ZIJ" 221-223 RIVER TROY Sea Ui For Tho Lowoit Prlcoi In Thi Atou!.

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