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The Raleigh Sentinel from Raleigh, North Carolina • Page 3

Raleigh, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Lai DEATT: Or OEX WJA. BlOOrT, 1ST G00D1 "1 II A. Ne, Iti, a I a I I tOmihlfKllIIC tiKtli IZT Jt tcJk Blfl a ttz aw; Tacsday Artrra Vlspatrliee THK RaMCALA CASjtf VAriHiNUTON-MB. n'AauiiiuTus, 1vm at. The KaJioala Aaveeanted Uuot; by aia- jemy, aae kave a tssjoritj la the Ciy CosJncO, nr.

Davis wul reataia euraur eaaniMT at lHaasra, a sesatirel attfe ntUeerarot uT TJm oifeii CAeadA, ea tlx taW A So raileuos has eaea atto4 up lur bv acunaaudiiua, BEMOYAL VT T1TE miVFKSOR OP 1-uVJii. UNA HY.81liaUlAH. i Saw OautaWL'isu 4. jr srtbr of ike Preahtfut, IhrOnKh Ui Mt t- ary war, Oen. Mtendag bsr momf Uie T)hJr eoauuiaaiouera, i nni.uauee witb a peti- tioa frost dev.

Wvlls. Oea. Mteridaa, ia obeying, OMMHiaosa Ooverarf WeUa ta strong tarau, aoal rewovea Aim, ep- KautUigTbaSiJ. Iumil in Urn yUtm. Son.

Kbvriilu slx nnovmt tlui tttrest niaauaer ai4 ainKjiutcJ WIDimi flanas sa I Ktw loss, Jum 4, Wrdur4ity nornlnv Dtapttlthea. cniKr Jl'KTir CHAKE. Btraaoan, lane CUiof JaaUns Cbaaa srrlvwl bwa today and taenia few lialwiia, N. t-omw vanmiaK, to preeMe at the tsteloa tk Dtenat Court tkere. OKtK MO.

S3 IK Wll.klNUTOH- ItESIOTAL OK THE MAVOU AM) COMMlHMlONKloJ OF mfCTTKYIIXK. 1, -f I WU-amoToa, Jum Ovaeral arder Mo. i Ooa. atasJea aa a very deprn lay iafliMaee ea tit polilw aiiud acre, but It will ke earrlea eat ia food raith. The Mayor and ComuiaafiHivr of Farsttvviue have aeaa neaeved ami Badieala appulnttHl Iu their stead.

BEUUVAI. OF TB MCKIUIPAL OrpfCERS OF MUB1LK. -Moaua, Junst. Aa ardor Ate been reeuivei from the Head- quartera of th TUirJ Military DUiriet, declaring th ofiioea of tb eitrTax OoUeetur sad oily Trnaa-: arar ami the board of Ahlerwea vaeaiod by the removal of tb present meaniUmU and providhig fur th fnaagoraUoa of th new appuiutee bw- mod lately alter the promabratien of th ordur. FINAACIAL ATTEHa-KHE '8 Ae.

ATTOBNKt OKXEBAL, AO. On aosoaatof the ajwxpeetudly larg rMupt of a uiaOBlbuwoa eharaoter, and from Internal revenu towards th cloae of )aat mouth, and th awail raqaisiUoaa from tlis other lhjwtiuuuUi the d(H Btatmasnt lur May will ahew not only a Try latRe eorraaey btlanea, but a eolnuloraoW redaotiua of th debt. bteraai'rmrao-day 11,035,000. i Tb monthly debt etateaMut will be pubhahed to-atorrow. 1-- Qm.

Hhf ridan's aotioo of yeatnrday as pro-dne4 profound seasaUoa in political circlet Imre. It is eoundeatiy expeoted that th PreaKlent will, 00 hi retara from flaluigh, tak th rein. It i stated that Doraut baa declined the Qoveruor-ship of TyoaWaaa. Attorney General fUanbtry ie ia modpt nf many letters with questions regarding particalar points ta his opinion. The answers to which eauaot iawfaliy fir, but thenar asturanoe that th snppionwutal epinioB baaed apoa ab atraots from th Mate lava will prspared sad nreaMlirated ia ample tint to auet th ieauaA.

Advieea frost OoL FarkMr, AelW of Oaa, Orsat's etaS whe want wS aavaetigaUthe Fort Kaarny Maaaaar, orraboral th report of Indiaa hoatiiluee. It I4 stated Anofflcfaity that Qen. Hharman will tax th Aald. Tfi Maw York Oeaatitatioaal Coaveniioa ba orKauiaad. Wax, A.

Wheeler is Pridnt, badges King, of XUaonrt, aud Fraaer Jnf Too- msm, bav been impeaebsd by their iptfr Ittat SeastM. w. OOMMXTa ON TUE I1KM0VAL OF GOT. Wells. --v-Use Obuums, Juaeirr Khertdau't romoval of Gov.

WuUa is eonimuut- ed apoa favorably by th preaa, aud appear to WKartUd twvraUy by a atejurity ut ta poe pi. MARKET AMI fLNANCIAL. Haw Ioaa.jBM4,P. M. Oottoa Ira, tn fair demand.

Hair SMod balea 274S. Fkiur duQ. Btate tB.atmtlX auuth-era tb good tUMuttlt. Fawty tomtrslia.t0ieUS.TA. Cora low.

New mixed Wtra tl.lfi tl.Si. Old ILK. 1 Meet Fork heavy, liaval amrae Ana. Burnt Tmrpauxtaa 2iai. Odd sirj.

Baltihobs, June V. M. Cotton Arm. Middling K. Cera steady White tl.H)tl,18.

Yelloe II, 11 (11,1. Westara witad Mats Pork WiutuMrroa, Jnn A Oottoa qui at, 33J. A HpiriU TorpenUq etaady, Si. aWu arm Speculation differ as to tb probable affect on the European monarch of the massacre of Maximilian. Soma think it wilt deter them, effectually -and forever, from further interference ia America, or from desiring territory here.

Others anticipate a fierce animosity against republics, that will leek opportunities for indulgence. The anxiety ia Europe ia represented at Intense as to AfaxiniiliaD 1 fate. DIED, Oa Tnoaday avonung, at th rewdntnt of Mr L. U. lirnwh, Gent, Is.

Vfclh. year of hia aya. Th frWnn ef th family ere rwipwHiully raquMtml to atUnd the riaeral (rout Christ hureu, Xhoiwlay eiormog the at eieiea etclociu 11. 'i QREEIjMEIEi. WHITE SULI'HCB BriUN(i, will in ortsiD 1st.

of una, 1807. A DnspoTir Obdea. It difTicvilt to re strain withiat'uelimits of rational disciwuon our iadiehatton at the extraardiaary order of Geii end tSchofkld, which puta the Whole civil syateui ot Virginia the court the pones, the stierills, IliecunatAolsa, ta A word all the ohVial M' the Stat under the supervision, not simply of tieneral Schofield, but of hIH-tty subalUirnA A more dejotic attwarsB bar.ttrcivToTIf tie Exe- eutiiie pnipoaraiu rutain theraspeotof thoae woo relieve in rtiucrty regtitateU by law, he canaot mix louder refiaia from inatmct ing hi auburdinates a to the limits of their authority, tieneral Schoneld may be a aiaa of the purest intentiona, and we certainly bava so disiHwition to aaaail him but Una order Is uwalled ftr and luiimiumt. and tuiljodiiA the very of dutpo, Pkkxtor 8t mskh. Senator Sumner left for New Kdgland on Thuratiay night, pttmmg the opinion that Tils services would not lie required here until Dccenilwr.

I am able to autlioriUtively deny the statement that he haa reniainvtt tiiere merely for the purpoae of aasiatme in waking up anuornra of tlie Kenate Mm ae 'MH- waaion. Th truth ia, that his k'gilimate binunos has detained hiui here, and he has not for some time entertained any-ide that the indicia ry Committee would be able to find evi lonce to sustain a bill of imiieaclintent. wr Itiflre, Hcneral Brown, of the FroHUueA'a Bu-4 reair, Sir Una rttatn, has eutered the politi- ral caayanA I oter tlie oanvantent report that STmiMdy bvgoing to keep the negroes of the State from r'gitiTing, -which no binly ever ililmubt he instructs all hi subordinates to urge upon tliem Imth to retrisler and to vote, and swh Bu reau officers as may omit a single frecduian in liia atleiiliou to lie dealt with for a derelict Km. k. We hav not yet brnr.1 of similar intention to the whites, A'irAmoad Tlia ToriMito savs i aYe understand that a innill and unpretending tenement in the vh itiity of tli'nllf, on tlie Canadiaa side of the river, 1ms been r-intod ftor the oc-cupatirm of Jefferson Davit Arid hia family dnrinif the ensuing milliliter.

The house it half way between lilton and Quiriiatown." SPECIAL NOTICES 1ft VASM UkM't HSbLAUT IKK) I AT A. If H.iKiapau' ft 1L ltOhkhUAtM A April rtnat tttSIVNtllTO K- aa. phyreat Aietac pat enncaat M. lulHENUACM April lT-211-tf A l.L 'TUB UTIjSI BTVLES OEXTo AND a. A.

iv a a M. UOKE.N'BAt'MU Ai'rU 17 211 tf KXOW TIIV IrKSTIW. Ku'iul E. F. Taoiucros, the great Eugluh Aaloaogiat, Clairvuyaut and 1'arcAoavaLratiaa, haa aatoniahud liie seieutiAo eiaaee of tb Old World, has now hmated heraetf at Buaaon, S.

X. Uauaiu Thurutou paaauaae waudar-ful'powwa af around Kiiflit, a te enable bar to tmi-art knowledge of the greateat hiiportanot to th ninfilc or married of lW tax. While ia atale uf ttane, ah delineate the vwy featureaf' ef the peraon you are to marry, and by the aid of an biaUunirnt of iiitrna puacr, kuuwu aa th Ptyobiiwutropti, guarantee to jirodiKie a hfe-hka picture of the futnr hnalwnd or wife of th applicant, toother with dat of marrtago, poeluoa ia lift), ktaUng trails of cbaraetur, A. '1'loa ia ao humbug-, as thooaaada of teatimotual eaa tawiit Sh wUl tend when dmired a certified eertiAeaU, orarilteaguaranU), that th ptetur ia what it Prporte to ha. tly aouloaiug muall loek 0 attr and stating place of birth, diapuaiUun aa4 oomplexion, and aneloaiug fifty oont and tamp ed envelop addressed to yourself you will teoaive the pwtnr snd deairad lnrnrmntioo by return mall.

All ooniiuunicttioiit sacredly eonndonUaL Addraas in conndene, Mm E. f. Taoajrroa, r. u. not TO, Hndaan, Y.

Apr AAuAlydaw iarx to A Larg pp. Cirenlar, giving hrfia-matiua of tlie greatcat iiiijjojlane to tho young of eaeaw it toechoa hitw tho fanuii'ly Buy twonni heanti-ftil, the detniw-d rcuptteUil, aud th foraakaa loved. Ao young laily or gtUlniwi ihuuld tail to aend their Addreas, and reoeitw a 'eoiy puwt-paid, by return mail. Aililrua P. 0.

Drawer, 21, April Iroy, N- MISCELLASEOITS. KOCH IiLAM MiMrACTlIt CIIAIILOXXE, N. C. TOS OUT HERN I.ERCHANT8, I Jr you utHur to aupply yonrselvi for th FaU aud mwr trailo, iUi Uw very boat doaei and atyle ot ALL-WOOLCAfiMIMERES, 1 AND WITH THE MOST. t-lttACLg jBtANA ANA KkAKKt rtBHKS, All fre.from Hlloddv and nlhr iminin'tinM.

order naKitih a from tii auhaeriiMtr, auil they will he fiirwuilrd, with prtct attached, dunna th of July and Aiifrutt. From Haiuphii y.nj ran mala your a-lt-tiona, and return your uriWa, ail lint giaala U1 be furvarded thruet u-fioi thf uiaimfiv-tiirT. JOHN A. ChariuUe, Bay 5U-iiU-tia uL JOCKUUIDOE ALCM 81'WNOH. OfatM JAAtl 1.

TlthB Mvfrtt ua drUtTbtfuI i.iiiK Itavvuig ini(lrwm lltrtrttj rujftUirkL, tm pm-tavruti iu iv viaitfrw 'i Ik- nm bv tuvU terwry rntrt in tlie wit fit t4iuiiiMit Ut rajttiWr the BKrr titan vt a.iifat,Ur it tivm in auvM of rt evti-Hi, tviiiit; to Ui invftiitl Hm itAwli-1 CtlfaU -VUe- mull AIV UH( li(rt (t lU'fciLU. It miy t6 uKnrMiiitljr fcUintf fur at lii-y havfi in tv Kratt 11t.11 hmn in uiJy metre curotl, tJin foti iirgtf filiwiuau tk.MV ut, avu4 Biavfjyr tkinnue tlwmtuM Chuohic i tibUnM ntXiM, iif.f JiA, atomic UlkHMMdH, IWJJHl. AvtASnttn4 KlUXRT tWMl f.ti i'n fj fijiiiri llirt IatUe, HH' lHt. kt A I-. i An an i 1 1 i i 1 1 ttf.M?'-'anfrt --i n-'T'-tl Ttwr.YS? T- aat cmwlmiu.

la t-bMr1 uu. i Aiocja rut pi iMuaa lataMMH'U I1 tiM. AHlVfH rf.fl rtAAirt m( both fir the Liws an.I llitfm.ili i Fr-rfu thevery khjr.v bow auxin at a.l lh Wa-oua; 4irtriis a lo.ay tlavei ta aAd, aa tiihtX, a ill be at-tra -od. it Im the Biin fit.tli ua.h riu'd to ti.vir I114.K ur it tat Foaatvavt and they b.i to a n. wl of ut 1 of I pK JisdvroBT covmrjy Toe friend of tins eenersUe gentli Will not be surprised to kAr of his death, lie died at the rraldeuce his daughter, Vlra.

L. 0 B- Bmneh, in Ibis City, on yester daj (Tuesday) morning. Mr. B. ha been in had health for years, but has teen rspidly declining-for several aaootbs.

II ie feeble fjut once rigorous couaiitution tuwuuu many shock, till at hut the very wheel of life stoodstill, aud he ceased to UveOea. B. bore an part in the war of 181 1, sna devoted moat of, his life alterwany tus qutet vorAtion of farming. are not advised otrth acti-of til pubtie Ufa. Tie was a gentlemen of the old school, kind, hospitable, food of bis circle of friends, and few possessed iu A higher dt-Kree than be the iiiforuWion Aud alUity vtiuler collo quial iiiU roourau entertaining agreea ble, llelvAvre a large circle of friends to la ment bis deAth.

i -f vka Til or aox. ji if, vosselL We learned At too late A period, on Moo the deeth of lion. It 8. IoontlU-Jilt. notice in yteterday's ianaue.

He died at Newbern on Moixlay morning, after many years of suffering and pain, of govt, Mr. had filled with credit far htmaelf a seat ia Congress and several asMona of the Legisla ture of the rtaMv He was higlily esteeai an excellent counarltor, a reliable lrieud, Mil mud of UtIiiii; Integrity. Puw poli- tieians have ruor pie In motive or more honest iu the maintenance nf prin ciple, or more ingenuous towards those who differed with hint. His death was not unexpected, "Peace to his ashes." TaK Diunkr given by Mnj. Blair, of the Yarborough llou, in honor of (be on yesterday, was aspkndid affair and paaMid off with grvst eclat.

We shall notice this and other matters more At length here after. SavaaaA matters which claim our edito rial notice are necessarily deferred. The political events of the past few days are of profound siguiflcAuce. New ADveBTiREMEHTs. ejituation wanted as Teacher: Misa Eleanor Muldluton, Louis Laud for sale or exchange Address Box 40, Halifax, X.

C. Agricultural implements and mechanical tools Mitchell, Allen Office for real II. 1. Cotey. i Note lost or mislaid: George F.

Goodia. Locka for Dog Collars, J. Brown, with Hart Lewis.) j- For the Sentinel. WJTKJi. VIjura Eoitoks A premium, might safely be offered, for a town of equal size iwith ours, that is as poorly supplied with wnUir.

The writerof this lives near a town pump that has: been out of order, probably, ten months out, of the last, twelve. I have out knows it to give water many week) at a time, until lately. Of late high hopes were excited the eeiahhorhood, bv the apearauce of a force or pump men. Tbey took out the old stock, put in a new one, painted it bine, and lft. The old wster.that hat hf-en there pmoably mi or twelve mon the, aa leit in tiie wen, unnt tor almost any earthly purpose.

And it is only by catching rsin water, anil sending long distances for freab water, that we keep moist at sIL It seems that there are twenty-lour street pumps in Raleigh, to a population of snar six thousand pcojile, that Is one pump for each two hundred and fifty, excepting such as have pumps or wells their own. The earth under us is well supplied with water. The depth is by no means exoee-sive. And it said tlmt the Aubterrsneaa deposits under ns are Interspersed witb Feldspar, a mineral that imparts a peculiarly agreeable flavor to wu-r. In the granite, water is remarkably cVil.

Better water cannot be had, nor a greater abundance of it It is iutolwrabls to live so near such water, snd not be able to get what you want of it, What is the matter I Our town might burn to ashes for want of water. Do the Intu- ranee Companies want the place to bnrn up I Does the City Council care nothing for the place or the eople Or do the tax-payers dialik to spend their money for wells and i pumps Money cannot be better tpent Even the old Kouians knew the virtue of water; and they went so far as to spend money to erect public bstbA But we en lightened North Carolinians have lost this appreciation to a niouruiul degree. What is a temperance uaato do I Liquor, they asy, hurts, even wben pure -feuf the liquor of tlie present day it poiminpue. Kllilk is out of tlie ALe'Khtyeents per gat -whom oou bie. tlie ra price.

Coffee is too hot for summer. Water is better than all cheaper, purer, mare wholesome, better every way. Come, ye "City if you have no use for water, others have. Give utmore pumps, or, at all events, fix the pumps we have, and above all, them fixed. 4 While on the subject, let ut call up aa old piece of Raleigh history.

Many years ago, this city was' supplied with water, by a "water-workA" Tlie bead stream was soar the old Hunter place beyond the site of the present Insane Asylum. It was conveyed, through wooden pipea, under the ground, and Conducted into interna, located ia different parts of the City. One of these ehv ten was located near the old Common occupied by the new Bank building, Opposite Williams tfc Haywood's. Tbete cuHcrne were soppnea wuu uuie torce-pumps. But all this was when Andrew Johaaoa was a baby is wcrrwrtrirRm t3 ntu wrui jf, and i by a v.

KicIiimooiI iii)liml troi to Jumet by machinery. Llnrnn gi-tsJtAAupp'y I ram the I.itXt, o. -t Aa exiHrSiv ter, and niTtriorfs-Ttf tittte-fotl Tor1a the pipes, it Was foubd neceuary to bend this iniw iiiitwtU, ao aa to L'irt the mouth sear, the surface, where tlitae little creature seldom go. bo they the Annoyance. But even without the the a alc-r i "BVO tlie fa But artificial watcr-aoikt reach their climax ia New York.

A pipe extends from Crotoa river to -the city, some thirty Biilea It is said that the Aqul'ict is ao large that two men rowed the whole length of It in a canoe. A cool riile tor July. Mill, ia that city of ofuleie, 'ttrifa two rotft eouSd makr a lortanc, l-y ethibitin'f tlirmnvlveg at tlie veritaf.le that wcut ItiXuiilt the t'rotou AqiHdtK-t. I 1 f. II.

Jk TOi'XG, H. II. YOUNd, AUK bow remKuig from Ibe North a Uvrra and aeh'UI a. of the moat jteanaUe aud Faahiiaiable sriuso ASn blmmer good, Whi. li havtmi ba bought at jw agua wdl beaoid verr kiw rou CASH.

W.i feeieclfiTly reifneai oar friwW, and the paoiar -ueraiiv, to eaa and ear exwa, iM-for iMiviiifr elavwhmav ApnllMHtH 1 R. 11 a. r. voi.Nt.. 01 8TAP1.E ANU FANCY DRY (lOOOS, llwlS HKla mhI Miort for CifM's 1 Vuk HOIS 4-VI JffJWM A.

Call and ae ua at the old (land of MayS-tf 8. II. Yol'lYtl. IS LITK AU.UN 1HK VERY; LATEST ARRIVALS WO 1) Htl tvi 1'MT mrKiK A MUlTTIFl AMrKibT- Meet of UKKVAIHNKX MvllAlliX AN1 fiU.0WlyiU.-of tlie fruit you evo iw. The goods hY been bought fine the ItKCKNT DECLINE IN l'KK'K, 80 that wo ran (rive you handaomiv goods for Uli puce Utau we faav beau aUw to au since tlM CLOSE OF TUB WAIL -ALSO, LAUQB STOCK OF IiLSACUEV USD pXBLtiACHKtl JWMKWS.

VlAlD UQMESl'UXK, CENTS AND BOYS WEAR And a UnMrnl tiek of tavllea'and Miaons' Trint-bunI and I mnimifH UAiS, luuiUisa, Aluia. Hi 11. B. my UD-tf jpnm aaii. I MA AC ia vjw In full reelt of hia 8onig and nmnmer aloe Of itH i' nonrtN.

jtXAir-MAK rtonuxo. gWTS, MM MII.MNRKT, AMI A'AAVV uoo li.i. They a ill be oll at a very mall adraiKi On FifWT Th WUIuiary bnauwaa will earriod ua by M1W. tETTINOKU, ia all ita Innriim, having been North herself ana vnwteU tlia ui a iiunf uiiii.iiinenta ui the nountry, laid in harowu toek iu tMinaia. and.

bMl.Wa that, having a tb bifeatiteaa, will be euahlrd to auit on and ail from Ihi rivh In oe, Openiug day for Hiirlng and Hummer Himneta will Ij ou tlia'liHh. day of April, In wuiiii all her avly IrKuda ar reeelhilly mvilott a ara ttao tulrudueuui a new all 1 UOUr- BKiiiT called th ODESSA, PATKUT COLIAPSIS-Q BKIKT, sakirtfar anporior to anything that haa mar bona brought to Una eoiuitry. Vi aak aa in.estiou oftheaania. TouwiUBotrvgrat a walk to Hu. tH Favethmlle IWreek April t-iMft-am 01E STOCK IS KQW COMPLETE? WF.

TAKE F.AHt'BF, TH LVPORWINGOtm fririi.i and the pubtiu, that a hava in oar on of th aiowt COMPLETE AND ItEAUTlFUL AlSOItTMENT3 of Oooda, ever offered In thit Market" fMrDllI'W fOli1 are e.miiMid of all th latnat atyleaand i lilit of the eeaaoo. Our I. In wf While (ioedi Is I'tr- lrl, consisting of Ml LI, SAIsOK An IH.V 4VbUIX Ha ix. mixst.i ANUHTMVtn oRiiAMilEX, i A A M. lt.Aix Axrr Kvnr.ffz tikHf.O LlAt.X ASD iti sux wra, Our ar nf tha boat quality and prion a Uw a s1 eail a.

ll V. MI.1.L mil 1 F0U AH1L and ar cn- Hit Mil .11 All ar ank Mi an riununilt nf our act! we thiuk wo tau iih a. T- mr tf.M jllAUiaiU.t, AprUS-Alitf err i iti: 1 Al)l'ITI! TO H18 ALIlllUIX LAItOK, g. au.1 we'lM-hictad 1 of IA ttarat wlyla ti.d.patttrn aud I'oi'UN HAiUjL tK, ft tMiinnoat weiar -tllM tlwxr -fli4ft4att4 Bfti W'f, SI- IT' wi av- KlSCrLLAKFOLS I ntCt'N JiACDMIll' A'uTHI WfOV ri.iMK JvclTHAMIlHH hilitJ-vri'ivml by iKJLI l.AS Hi.I, AlaJ ael'jiiare. Mav 1H.7.- A.OiNu BlAChiNt.H.

in oil lhll'" 1 naril and W. I KIUVKD AT LAMT. i'. Mil A Ba Fwh Ulf Bat. -t iua (iaitnrs, OHord Tt-a, Tarlng I ( and Bot.

Cuiliiraa Uaka and iioys ahoe and gaihTt Aprfl n-33-V GRO. T. tXHlKKH. JJATbl UATall hioiitil Mnleakia Bat. lna.

Fum Alt wm A -CaahaMe aad Wool A htrira stocA of tiw Uste, fear boy and awa. eaumg at reuuoaa uruee at 0AT.tXKXKth Ai a-zi4-tf at A aw t. a akb AmaiAa.i.Aa. A bwitiful ateek of Panatda. 'liubrauAa, amad aad iarg aixaa, at -V U-fcU.

T. UOUkE'H. April ta-tua r.fl wa.iJtiniSiruNKS All UU 1 AifcU T. IXXUMiU AprU I'J-Ut-U CrSCUL KOTICB. 11f hu-Kt aud Bnrat tuvk uf Oauta Boolt and bhuea that tiaa ba fouau in ilia ntv, at At.

it- i-'a 1 vi. i.iaiaci April Al-tM-tf BOoYsTOEESr1'7 JJnt AMI! All AH. Juat to band at tenlrwaa orwer. BHANSCiN, FAlUtAR A CI). KKMWtKI rm NEXT DOOR TO TIThk.hH KEff BALL.

Call aud mm oar hew atm-k. BRAN.SON, KAU11AH CO. my IT-SM-tf TUhT KKfFJVIiU, It AY, ATIKH NEW artiltB. fliamliMg rlooae Htalea lwt qnalllr, ehNrt UJUNSON. FAliliAR CO, mylT-XM-if JAPMnT HYMNl jBomceo, aheep aud Iloan, rtHMuvetf at itUANSON, FAKKAK CO.

May tl-Mi-tr tUUKAHUOOU) FuEl-St Ooi nanrrM, Vioaaawoara, i. Uoob, Cowraa, Mooaa, I'aaaroa, lt ax a Tr.KavmiN, 1 Limoi'Hiuw, 1 Weoiax, UaiJJtca, th-olT. MtKanrm, At- iiiHia, Ain Klaus, Brvavs, tlaaesnix. mi ooa. All )nt neiwt at liar aew bum, noit to Tuakar' aew Hall.

BRANSON, FAUUAI1 A CO. May W-Ht-U Ha, Wa are rwwlrinc. everv week, new eupphe of ad th Htamlard SCllOOL BOOKS, LUlBAISt BOOKS, STATION- AND MlMt'tlXANKOUa In onrllne, which etWto tb Trad and to school Toacbera at the lowewt pn'oa. WILLIAMS ds LAMBETH. Next dour to WUhaiss A Uayaoud a Drug MUMS.

Myil-aU-tf tCCC HiTE, BUFF, AKB CANARY AiULl Snvel' i ea. i'aria Kiivelopoa, Whit and Colored Fin Freaeh Mot Paper. WIIXIAM9 LAMBETH, Next door to WUham A Haywood' lirag Htura. stay w-atv-u A 1X1 KN HOUTULUH HAJtMOSX AND HI He eal tjnipaaHxi. im Jlra.ll.onp a ralda Chain sad t'eur, 1UW ISahliatii Kehoul WrsaUi.Au., Ao.

wfLLIAM9 A LAMBETH. May -t-tf lOSCEIXANEOUS. BEAD THE I OlXOtVIVtl XX- cr.Ri Fowuxa riECEs. 1K AST PERSONS BKFM t'Nt'KMTAlS AM the eonatruetioB of uaa, wrkiea' order aKaaitt carrying 'deadly wipona, and ar afraid to bant aqulrrala, ao. Vo ara aasared by anodioaron th Uanaral'trtiaff, that th order i only hitan.ld to prohibit tli too eunavio prae- tto or earf ting conceal, waaiwana bpob tna Bon.

and to chaek tlia tewlaaaimaa ao pravaitint artais eaotioa ef the eouutry. auoa MtguUtr. At th sergeeaoa ef aameraoe friaad. bav ardeiwa a la EXCELLENT 8H0T 0VS8I Which wewifl tlf all i small atlvaoe oa th anuraiiiriir a pnr. tail aud th articla at k.

a AsnnEWH fox ClntLiiig ami J-uiuiahing titiir. Jtlaleiilh, un 3M at at, A. Ml AK, wllh good board and loilKing, Kioar oa 'Jr. Prawat, oa taaorahla term. Harhoiiaei imo.

nult ailnmO il, on FayettevUl rttraet, Baar to th biwinea portion the city. Apply toon. AtaySo-ajO-U DlTTEat HtlTTtUt III TTKII I A I'KIME AKTltLK, lieeei.rrl loday hr JXiUilAJi iiU.L. May! xjcai iejh uiiptjwti- May li)l fiKlia. 11.

GKAU.SJlXN'ri TAILOUI.VU Next to Tucker's Hal 8Fixa ash Eirxxia fashioss. 18 0 7. HAVE A LA ROE AM) WII AmOltlFI) t.a't of Hftrmg and biiluuter loaiia, of tlrat iuaiiy, eonaiatuig ot I'ltKVt-H, F.Snl.IHH AM) OI'HMAW MnoAU-tlli IIN. OA! VK1 IN tM, Cart r.r krr. nut am rfraparad Ut Bitta tn any Knai.l nr.

aj -h awa-4 aril I ailopii'if lnahlialimetit la lorki. ami in a alvta wi.k ll im pi Ihw ia. 1 A alm nw4.M.r..:imlV -tva and W.irainen, ami gqariuib aiiafamun to aa, WHO favor with th.or al nf CLOlIll rjlAI3.XJUTi; BUM i 14, OllufcSlr And CeHlrnirii't urn)U( f.t)UI)1, will dd at anma iliae any g.wh of Mv iV AhliiVAIJI Tw A Hit vi 1 1 ynui I JAAal If AAA I FAS 'I aV'tt wthr haeWM at Uat aud, Wllh It FASH OF AIXRII'jf AND M'Bir IIO.M, fa t'KH srif tut rt: a a i ISO 11 ait ei t.HVI. lv.lii.M.1 -I it. wa, a I i.o rt It v.n a la-l-k L- at 1 all at 1 AdvertiaanMMit will be iurrkj at lit jMUf Ar-uf at th fblluariiuj tNM Ji aaadrv J1 Brenr nuiuiauxl at is auaud luint, or 14 larAwa.

On4iimi mw Uti imm nnjm maamtarnkaBt- then a week ftw Ww Kjirare fto ek $, 7 hAca additfcaial aowarVaaaa wtk to auar two woek. S.UU "F.aeti aldininar atuare two watisa. a.jnara ongjhaulh im au.imonal auar mm ntontB. i.MI OlH-MlUn IM UiOlltil rh a.hlitiunal A 40 I hr anar thro nwititbji. I Kan-h additioiud A.oi) hi quarter iuiaK till half UoiUillU i.UM m- w.liiiiin Itig.tlar bnaiiHua earda, IS aiitaioa una ill be only tin Aw three atoutha.

Ail adrortwrrieiit or tenia Biua4 be jrhnrd is fnraa at iwrj Ikm aaonlha. Contract fcr tanr thau tbroa n.ntha mad only tbrsbov Hiavial aothwa or adwrtiaai-atHt miuire.1 to bo UMttrhil un uUhk. or any apeeud plan, ill bo charged Jftprr oaaWUiyiW tliaa tawatami-hargoB. AdVortisMuoul uimtUhI ut Weekly aud Mu- Wwklv at rate mm auondinr wtth the ikm. I Court uiipgrtiMBimiUi UwU-d work lor 17 eaahortluifebanfed.

AJCTiwr wilJ alwaya fiinlrl pjUieir avantae to wlow tlx oaathiwhrn ttwty: aend KlvrrtiwiBnufai, lue ciwiit tUoj mi to fmy ftm Hum. THE BENTINEL. LOCAL DEPAETMIHT. WKDNKSDAT, JUNE 18fl7. THE PEESIDE5T1H KALEIOH I TUB VISSKUVANCKV OP YK8TER- PAT It jjliKswUt'Oi notiuiU tue rowptio lielil bj the Preaiilcnt in the t'oiniijin Half on jreUtrUa Borliij(.

IjjT ibe Secretary of State, tlie PMmuUr Geocrl, aad gtntlcuien of the Prei ileat't ait, dot. Wrath, Gen. Sickle, Go. Swsinth orator jjf the daj, ud other erai nrut gtntleiuen, miliUrj ai) eiviliaa, nd the Major aixi City Coniuitwiimen, pro ceed etl, in earring, from tlij Yai borough Hoaaa, with a tmall military escort, to the City Cemetery. All the alorei au public buitUiugi in the City were cloned in honor of the occaaion.

An imnnluK) couC4iiir of ptsraoni waa aa- aembled it the Cemetery, emhracing all nexea, coiora aul age, long prior to the ar-riral the UintiuguiaheJ party. i i i have LtwUifore iW rilwd tjte which ia of native aanj-atone, and ia it ainij)licly and unpreUntiouutcta a lit ntcoioiial of the humble uaa who worth it ia tieaigneil to comnteuioraU. Tuiiuecliattity facing the luonutnent waa erected a neat Aland. I'poa it were aeated the President of tlia United State, the See- retary of State, the Poet ma tor Ouiteral, the I OoTemor of be. Stale, Got.

Swain, Got. Graham, the Mayor of the City, Gena Sick lea, Miles, Avery, Barnee and Grejt, Col. Boiuford, and otbrra. After preyar by the It 8. Maeon, D.

of the EjiiN)ttl Church, the capital the nittoufueAt placed in position, the crowd riiiing sVl uncoTering while the een Diony was being performed. The lion. I. L. Swain then delivered the address which had been appointed for the oocaaion and we may safely aay, without the fear of any exaggeration, that we can conceive of aothiug that could have been more interesting in iUelf, or more entirely Appropriate to the occasion.

As a histori-: eal document, a graphic and highly en tertaining resume of the early days of the Count i and CityAnd aLJlio characters of its rcpreaentKtive mea of the olden time, it was alike tapoaite end admirable. His tribute to the bumble-worth of the subject of his sketch was touching and genial, and' his allusions to the illustrious eon happy and striking. We have rarely seen an audience so much gratified, and the Governor, on concluding, rjoccived the hearty congrat ulations of nearly all the distinguished gen-1 tlemcn who were present We have neither the apace or opportunity, to-day, to say" more of this most excellent production. We shall have the pleasure of presenting it to our readers to-morrow, and shall be glad of an opportunity of putting on record so valuable A eoutributioa to our hiatoricAl literature. After the delivery of the address, the beoedictioa was pronounced by Dr.

Masoa, and the large asaeuiblage dia(red, deeply impressed sitb the observances of the oecaaioo. tun Kzcernox a tits commons HALL Yelerdny morning, between the hours of And UVclock, the President gave' reception to the citizens hi tb Commons Hall. Duriug that time immense crowds of er-sona, both white and black, were pasting the position occupied by the I'realdent, Meagre. Keward and liandall, Gen. Sickles and Got.

Worth, to all of whom the President extended bis hand and introduced them to" the gentlemen aar him. It is seldom that more interest has been evinced oa a similar occasion. i Tug Paesidekt and suite leave this mora-1 ing for the I'niveraity. We are pleased to learn that not only he, but all the gentle-men of hit party, have expressed themselves greatly- gpettfwd- at the manBer-TA-wliltlj i1? fii'hh iuim And his gonl Sorre-tary lUft, is equally notorious ir attuiding j-WonT'ai hipu taTi is -tjrKrra-AAATlij'isT Any" man iu the State. It so happened at one of the depots on the Weldoa Road, 00 Monday, while the Presidential party was on thoir way to this place, tlist Mr.

Seward, whm called on to jcak, Was ar Mr. Iirwt, our retaty vi htate of litis StAtA At be' "arose to sWak, fr. Best stood towering above him. Mr. Reward said thatheeould but feel enibarraMed in attempting to the lit waA.Sjetr.f State of the in the overjioaelicg looking op at Mr, presence of rcTi-tsry of tut of North Car- be eipcfieoced diCcnlt This, ofi arte, Uoa-ht down ttit hoasc TH08.

BRANCH ft 60NS, ft) Old Mrrt 7 PiSTKHHHt liO, VA4U BHANC II, KO 1, Stree tv- gjl, if Conxmission Merchantsf Kwwiv MiatayveWprOt, MllijeM-t til mli'ht tWn'k, ihl miUm iiWri tni mi ar.rl uita h- lMftiia Mko t'nili-i vu'Iib titrinmhttut inltd HtirtirTat. aad bur aUui rU a rMHtrta, Uvuik MK 'I'ltff aViaatl list IF Mtn ttaj tuf tl U4 lh iratwM-r, I ttti-A. iLraMt.t, wtih ui 9Xirntum if tturiy ywr iu tb omiirwtx.n traaiu, will bl H.riMMlaVl ttllA iVlMfU 1 ttl) IUttllU.Hl tlOllHM, 4UHl PlWtt IdlglVaV rUklfrtraVt Vt ht K.lf fUlnU aVwU win my Utt-m itk Uvur H-4ftatr. aViatKAMI mtsaj Oil tHeijrtt4l IttHAI MrwIwmi. ki ui liAjiitm'p, Nw ttflVtMyamMK imtWvm Autwtri) Ajl AlVilAAIA, (iaaiHS wti uilx-r txwxrHii A4 iMamint tmr UUltaSKo Uhflff f.lUM- byr ntlWt RANriT BONK, Mnkif( fiUANCH, HONH A A adnata, 'la.

Th lliehmoiid Hoiiw tianauiiinmr trleu-iachie orihra eiihtr himaa, aa mav iw Via an faaytitg tho In. liaak Mit ami HcHtihora Cn. will luuid rvtntoa with eiwi.4 mt Aew lias, i.i. for fU paeaatre sent to our eare. at bat Wl buy ol.

Nrih Carolina BoiMta, Von. ptass, also d. tatlwd uoatioua. iuitioa.1 st.u honi'hl ami aol.l, Th following are tl pr. rate of our 11.

him he N. fi. Iwuk tMtiM, and are UaJ.lo to ehang-4lM blKhoat rates Paid wttwa ante ar ted. ilaiik of t'ai )s harlot it larvuthai .4 4 I IMHr lit ra.vettovitta.,.'.,...,,...., I 1a'xiiu Ornhanl. rr.T,.'.T.r.

North. ii.i... n.noaavuta a.1., aun.v IS. i.oiniHfreil iuok WilniiHL't a iainiert ltili ot atoiura (irnnnatMtro Mutual lliauraiui Vt.

of ir and 1 -af i hot. rlianell A na aulfotar trttn llor bttrg, free of oomif.fwwl.-M, alhj.Hitiyhnt,.nt to IIIUW. .11 A luibiaoud. Fahe-lSt- KISCELLAXlOtJS. JOLASHKSl AM Hilda, and 40 TeireiA aii i.

ru)l and "aitiaeova.l.i" 11 It ie bl'lljlit ami new pH. a. Jtiat lalioilig, for aala liv WIM.AIIIVthi..i iW 38 aud ill VV -K niv-47 3 Irn umiiiKh, i t'. (itamlaid toi''. in i lia nnderahrned i authorised tn rec pro TManUi for furiohtiig Una loatiluii.tH wolt urn) Veto of ViimkI, tlajt anil i'lite in e.pttU ioahULl.

'1 he to Its di-hveml In l-'a of Una than 14) itta per luonih iam tli th Aaiuiu. 1 11M11 II, hja Slrtl Mutt. my -i'l7-3tia Jua-tue Annum. UBTEE'll 8ALK OF 11KAL LnTATE. flT virtue of Peed of Trind.

ee. I. 1 T. rlawyer to It. W.

Ililliaui, W. 11 and n. W. ou tiia UbV toawnii tha pavment of night hmi.lie.l ami ilor-tv aix dollar, will iiom at puhue at in fviurt llouae in I'll if or 10. l.

I halnnlay, th Ullth. day if dnue, f. eh, tlie H.tua and bit atnl ti-Mrrih. 114 aald lled, aituaUl near the Jih ttaao.ii hail Hoad li.t. in tin.

tlie aaate tantned hy aald hawv-r. Tii priierly hi Va'iiahh. a Pnlue snj OnaH'ry Wtora, Tha Huiim eoniituis l.ior mam, kitchen and ltltnr twetm nut altaeiMHl. Una sale will be niaOeto a.tlmfv lh i.i iH nr. by aaid th.l 4 Truat and the eiwi uu urred in uiuig tliiiaam.

aaU ill lain plawi williill thu h.mra ao- piauUHl lor JU1I11 laialti. 11. v). ri i iAu W. If.

littl.a.tllii'SOS, ataXM-stS-'iawul nrut Teatifeimaii. It la Well tatahliahvd KHiAPt'tl nil Havin'ed 0011011111.1 a Ulli.l u-r rtaily aale than it wh.n n.t or i.ut hueh th eftJMs w.hrl it it'it to Ilia llill hi' to owe ptttyt rlavi'lltig luateliAhi, an. aa Oil Arnm-ta, J'FKaUltot, I iniuMtniu, 1 ui'tintji. (ifiiiimni, Slif bdim, JwUtrartxtt, Vi HiWrK'rUg ntitauiuja lUk, SMlHi'V-t A It hlltttiW ii'i-tfin (ajuitttit-tll Arsl.u, Oitvv U.l. VS tlAV CtrlttaUltitv Mi lmll'l aV UiLn taf it.aa.

ti nrln lui aliu, JitrtM lir mlt ui all kaiiUr, nittriv pri Vtt FOR ATLAIttltt, CoMIUiIjKjLh. ASH VI IJ. ItavWU ii OK-I, IUi. LI la Ut 1.X ihi tTirn trrvmifT Al rtlif-onnin it A'ttfUatlrt (4. I Pi 1 1 1 HIMlflc-r fr-r-fy tMHttM' ftto'V Iwt.t.

if Vr-rtt- Ht-ta -tttrrr ''-t li'Hbtl. in tti Vi niiiit.t.l tj.i 1 N. ml I ui 1 tm m'H tt, 11 .1 rtiitniaitr fi ji. l-' llirtf ittit 4'-lJMl i-l- ii If Aft IMfl l) MK'l, itiv luraai lil- a 1. i tit i- T-iatiE-t'Mt' fH 1 fr Hi Fl- ivl in tt.f 11 hMfM -irt (i'S 'ij 10, Lj Dm I'H v.itiH axi CO.

Grwi.l;rieCsin!jW.;'A.Jiuliia. r. It It be npen th iuii.i- a. fur iiv whiik- dsitue a Utit muUt mtrt Vt it 1 en i.u., awifteu ijy vtiio.IAU II. PK I'Hi't, WfBif of the nutri-Aai Kar tn luto bulyhur is aa txotiieet Chaly- 83.4 BHAW A aTRtMdi aeawm.

i riihla of partiea owning fottagea at lliraw tlrea wili raapectetl ejjoa tie-r gtvibg uiuo-Ij auUo to the luaauaa of their purpow iu i-viipj lue railroad will CurtnirWhy lat. Joty froai theuoa to the K'ring by aiagn, and a aaAieHna ef euaehea wiii be prutxW Mr tailurt to ptaarimtets, a Bui (ftw aa wul go Bpoa a aKla aoawi. t4rrai BfiXauwa utiuaWgtiaia of th Wluie bsiiaiiir apuua. I FF.YT0M A CO. aaef-ea4w Ihkbii ririd cue.

fetit tvttt OIA.15 f.litJiS, i I 1 ill. Li.Lt tH 1 1.1 and varjy fif Car 1 A UMr A ai 1 Kri. tt' 1-1- dAAiuaM.lU.A 1 Xju fet ai.M.liuaui tetti 1aaegr4. Ihe -r JOB antral I atrrneaf a 1. a piMian.i iw aau auvie St Hta tsprilifia.

B'MBD, t3.50l E8 At J0 I'Ka! M0.VTH; Wi tiavaai.inired lb Rieoit m. rvteea of ftp-tain Wo JUS II. JH14-K. ao Urfol Vl Ua-4l-l ko.n to the in a "i Un-a. Lii'A Li! Ah-A Ml ITojmtKr, i lt.

Lai.o A Hi- liB.eHld 1 -A. b. kMi. l.ti- A a.t 'e. lu i Af-o loo Wt'r Jiae ut fese, ii.y iv.iv-v ll V.

I a 11.,. I OffiT a ll If l.Vrf.rr a. It. i.l of But thU it di-rcanion. lct have more water.

Vous trtiir, FAlil-JtKKfcjT. U. A Call am. ru i.h V. n.TLXl.rJt Aty..

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