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The Times Record from Troy, New York • Page 18

The Times Recordi
Troy, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ii TUISOAY 1V1NWW, AUOUJT 4, LfOAL NOTICI MfncB 9T jrtJMjc KOTECK IS HtKEBT GIVEN 'that Wittr County Courthouse Chtmbera of Troy. New iu r.M.. on-: day. puMlc -beH CltyCottatU. City of Tto 'tortbt pro- (potal for undertaklut of ecrly Ian by ibe Troy Urban Renew Afwcy for part of-the area known ai Urban -Reaewal Project C-more- par (Uculariy dtKritwd; at the City ot Troy.

Count Seeateiaer, State of New York, an bounded generally fcft BEGINNING ai. f.nter**ction weal line of Fifth tbc of Broadway: thence wes along the south Une of Broadwa to east line of River Street: theco along the north of Rive Street to a line ai extended, sai Jot located 225.2 feet south the of Broadway; thenc westerly aloat said Wt line to th east lini ot Hudson River: thenc Mrtherly along; the east line of tb Hudson River to the north risht-of way of the former T. A. Railroad easterly aloas the north right of-way T. A.

Railroad the east line of Sixth Avenue: thenc ffoaiherly along the east line of Sixtl Aveoce "to tte north line of Feera (Kreei; westerly along 'th, north of Federal Street thi of- Sixth Avenue; thenc loutherfy-ilong the west line of Sixth Avenuo to the south line of Fulton Sireet; thence westerly along th Una of Fulton Street to the line of Union Street; thenct Ktutherly along tbe west line of Union Street for a distance of approximately feet to a lot line; thence wester ly said lot line tor a distant approximately 65 feet to a lot line northerly along said lot Jor a of approximately 30 feet to. a lot line; thence said lot line for a distance of 15 feet to lot line; tbence northerly along said lot line for a distance of SO feet to a lot westerly said lot-line to the west ot Fifth Avenue; tfaease southerly ftlons west line of Fifth thft point of BEGINNING. 1. purpose ot the hearing Is to consider a proposal for the undertaking ot early, land acquisition by Troy Urban" Renewal Agency raider and Local Law. with Federal financial assistance under Title I ot Housing Act of as amended; to acquire land and buildings in the project area, to demolish or remove build- Ings and improx'ements; and other activities as authorized by 3aw.

The proposals with respect to relocation policies and the -program of the Troy Urban Renewal Agency with respect to relocation will-also be open for dis- at hearing. property to acquired by early Imnd. acquisition procedures is ptrticu- tarly described as follows: Located in the City of Troy. oCunty of Rffisselaer, State of New York, acd bounded generally as BEGDvXIXG at "the Intersection of the west line of Sixth Avenue and a fat line. lot line being located approximately feet north of 'the north line of Fulton Street; westerly-alone said lot lint for a.

dls- of 150 feet to-the west line of alley: "thence southerly along vest of said alley for of approximately IS feet to lot line; westerly along eatd lot line for A-distance of SO feet to a lot lice; thencft -southerly alone said- lot line for a distance of 22 feet to a. lot line; thence -westerly along said lot for distinct of-70 feet to the east of Filth Avenue; wutherly tlrt'east of Fifth Avemii to south Une of Fulton Street: easterly along the south, line of Fultoo Street for a distance, of feet to a lot. line; thence westerly said lot line-for Distance'of fcppioiUnittly 14 feet to a lot line; thencV-BOiitherly along said tot line lor ot approximalelv 30 feet to a tot line; westerly said lot for a distance of "approximately 15 feet, to a lot line: -aoutfcerty along skid 'lot line. diitance of 30 lint; easterly 'Along said lot for a distance of approximately .65 to the ivesfc "of Street; tbence northerly the west line "of Union Street to. of Fulton "Street: easterly along toe aouth-line of.Fnlton Street to lint of Sixth Avenue; thence northerly along of Sixth Avenue to point ot person organization ae to beard will be afforded'an -opportunity to be" heard at sudt hear- InR- 3 Project-Eligibility Report and Plant are available lor inspection at of Troy.

Urban Renewal "gency, and at of City Cterfc of City of Troy. Clerk of 5Ciy of Troy, THOMAS H. RROWS, New York. MAJ PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the BoiiTd of Kohtag Appeals of the City of" Troy," Ktw Tork, hold a. public hearing on August 13.

196S, at 7:30 P.3I. ii the Surrogate's Court Boom In Kensselaer County Court Houae'Iti the City of Troy. New York, to act upon tht lollowicg appeals from decisions of the Superintendent of Eniltitngfl of said Citv of'Troy, viz: (1) Appeal ot William I. Kehn from Decision No. 6S-15 dated July 1, 196S.I denying permission to an wcten-' sion lo of premises'in the rear Ssld premises are located on the.

-East jride of-Fourth Avenue, between; 104th and lOotn StreetB House No 224; Fourth Avenue, in the Fitfeentb Ward' Of tht City ot Troy, New York. i Appeal of NeTsrnor from! No. 88-21 dated July 23, denying ptfnmssfcm to hare rear setback of 13'-5- -instead of 20'0" on premUei located of Biscayne betwetn Biscayni and FoiripajiQ, Lot House.No. 5, in the Seventeenth" Ward City of Troy, York. -(3) Appeal of Arthur Collins from Decision No.

68-lT dated July. 25, 196S. denying permission to erect a storage 100 ft." 100 it. to existing concrete brick building. Said premises located on tht West side of Sixth Avenue, between Rensselaer and North Streets, Ixtt Nos.

3A, 4, 5, 6. 7, 9, House Xo. 2739-2751. In tbe Tenth Ward of the City of Troy, New York. (4j Appeal of Allelne.

V. Conway and Evelyn M. Conway from Decision No. 6S-lfi, dated July 31, 1968, denying permission to erect one awry block building with brick front, 97' -deep and 20' high on premises located on the North tide -of Hoo- Street, between Woodroiv Court and North Lake Avenue, in the Fourteenth Ward of the City of Troy, New Tork. Said premises to used as a Any person interested tr'Ol be heard it said time and place.

Dated: August 1965. BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS OF THS CITY OF TROY, NEW YORK DOROTHY TYMESON, Clerk. MtE LfGAL NOTICI or srccLu. oaxTiSc aM C.WI XOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN. that ecial of voters, of above.

name4 District will bt held Columbia High School Gywnaslu: on Monday, Aiipust 19, at 11:31 a.m. local for toe ot. cou PROPOSITION NO. i ml" (he cwit'ngertcv budget for tfc fiscal year 1965-69 be Increased by tb urn of $32.610 to ccntinue to provM transportation with the 2 and 3' ail egil limit fcr elementary acd secondar ichools; acd levy of therefo PROPOSITION NO. 2 Snail the contingency budget for fiscal year if 6S-69 be increased by th urn of- for -the purchase wo (2) iJtiltJioll butes, ivfo (2) ad Itional station wagons, and tbe Wrln.

f. nefeJsay drivers to provide trans wrtaiion an additional 300- ztu ents, acd the levy of the there or be approved? PROPOSITION' Xo. 3 KlemenUry TrxtbooLs ill coatfepescy budget for the year 1965-69 be Sacreased by ig thereto an appropriation in mount of 522,060 to provide free ele lentary textbooks, and levy axes therefor he approved" PROPOSITION NO. 4 Library Books, IVriojltalf, and Shall the contingency budget for th) seal year 1963-69 be increased by add- thereto an appropriation in th mount of for library books periodicals and supplies, and taxes therefor be approved? NO. 5 Shall the contingency budget for the seal year 196S-69 be increased thereto an appropriation in the mount' of 39.192 to operate the inter- inolaiiie athletics program In sub- amlally the jsame manner as fi 967-65.

and the lew of approved?" PROPOSITION NO. Cftfrierift Procrani Shall the Board of Education be B.U- TOrired for the fiscal year 196S-69 to ntinue the hot lunch and nailfc pro- on a self-sustaining basis? PP.OPO5ITION NO. 7 Equipment--New and Replacement Shall the contingency budget for seal year 196S-G9 be increased by ddini: thereto an appropriation in the mount ot to provide new and placement equipment, and the. taxes therefor be approved? PROPOSITION of School Facilities Shall the Board of Education be to allow use of school bulld- ngs and grounds in substantially the same manner as provided In 1967- TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the iters will vote upon the entioned propositions on the aforesaid th day of August, 196S. between the ours 12:00 noon and 9:00 p.m.

D.S.T. The vote ahall be by ballot glstered.upon voting machines. Copies-of said propositions may be Jtained by any qualified voter of strict during the seven (T) days Im- ediately preceding the Special Meet- at any school offiw of district rom. 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., -except and Sundavs." Dated; August i96S E.

H-- DUPRET. District Clerk NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids for Construction, ating Vejitilating. Plumbing and ectrical Work in connection with an ddition and Alterations to the ENTRAP SCHOOL. WASHINGTON CADEHY. SAU3M.

SEW iiORK will received by the Board ot Education, alem Central School District No. 1. wns of Hebron and. Jackson, ashington County. of New Turk offices located in the Salem ntral School.

Washington Academy, lem. N'ew Sort, until P.M. 196S irblcb time and olace" all bids will publicly opened and read aloud, 'laformatinn for Bidders." "Form ot "Form of ami "Perfornjanct may DC examined at said office copies thereof obtained bv prospec- bidders from the office of Clark, ark, Millis A Gilson. Architects-Engi- ers, S25 James Street. Syracuse, New rk.

upon Deposit of 550.00 for each of General construction Plans and educations- and S25.00 tor each set Mechanical Plans and Specifications, Consulting Mechanical Engineers Heating and Ventilating, Plumbing, Electrical Work are Robson A oese. Syracuse. New xork. Piani and specifications will be avall- on or after Monday. August 5, Any bidder upon returning aucb plan: specifications to the Arrhitect, ornptly and in good condition, Trill be traded his deposit and any non-bid- upon so returning Mich documents 1 refunded one-half- bis deposit, turn of deposit to-successful bidders 1 be subsequent to job completion and urn of documents, "or the convenience of prospective, ders and material men.

plans and cifications will be placed on at 1 following' locations: i 1 W. Dodge Corporation. 3522 James Street, Syracuse, New Sork Syracuse Bidders Rxchange, 1045 James Street Syracuse, New York Bodge Corporation. 16 Russeil Road, Westgati Bulldlnr. Albany, New Utica.

BuHders Exchange. 30" Court New York The Board of Education reserves ht to' vraive any inlonnaimes in or reject any and all bids. Each prime contract bidder must deposit with his bid. securitv in the amount listed as follows in the Form of Certified check made to tte Board of Education. Salem Central School District No.

1, Salem. New York; and subject to the conditions provided in Hie "Information for 'General Construction $50,000.00 Heating Ventiuatinj 9.000.00 Plumbing 2.000.00 Electric Worft 8.500.00 Attention to bidders li particularly called to the requirements as to minimum wage rates to be paid under the contract. bidder, may withdraw Bis bid within forty-five (45) after "the actual date of the opening thereof, but may withdraw It at any time prior to the scheduled closing time for reception of bid: This is in the pas several, there has been a wide spread deterioration of ash maple and, to a lesser extent oak trees throughout the Great Troy Area, it has been noted County Co operative 'Extension Service Agricultural Division. The nature of the malady sug gests the possibility that it is due to unfavorable environmen ai conditions such as the cumu- ative affect of several dry periods over the past JO years. In maple trees, the disturbance has been -'called "decline 1 nd is most often seen along 0 a ds ides and on home grounds, 'he oak problem occurs mosll 1 forested areas.

all cases he symptoms are dwarfed corched or prematurely colored eaves and early leaf drop. In ddition, shoot growth is re- uced to twigs, branches. Whole rees die in numerous cases. The cause of the behavior is ot known definitely. More than one agent could be invol- ed, agricultural agents believe, specific disease organism is resent consistently.

Prolonged dry periods, how- ver, would tend to increase the everity of winter injury to oots and thus produce perman- nt damage. Injured root sys- ems would become incapable of aking up water and food ma- erials although supplies of both be available: Without definite knowledge iie causes of the diseases, lere can be no'firm basis for ontrol recommendations. From is known of all three prob- seems likely that the niay "be prevented or essened by conscientious care ncluding fertilization, watering nd insect control. Bulletins with more infornia- on on the tree, problems are Bailable at the Cooperative Ex- ension Office in the Troy Post i NOTICE TO BIDDERS Pealed bids for furnishing and in- 1 tallies new heating boiler with new oil burner and new oil burner wid protective devices at tin Miller HOI School. Sand Lake, N.Y..

will bt received -by tht Board of Education (hereinafter called the of Avirill Park Central School District, 'jLverill Park, N. tt the Offices, Sand Lake School, Sand Lake, X. (on" Routes 66 arid 43) until E.D.T., August 22 Ths information for bidders, bid form of contract, specifications and drawings can bt examined at the following locations: Mr. Russell Jones. Business Manager," Averill Park Central School District, Lake School, Sand Lake, Harold H.

Friedman Associates, Con- Engineers, 32 Fuller Road, Albany, N.T. of plans and. specifications for each prospective bidder may be ontanled upon payment of $15.00 to Harold H. Friedman Associates. 32 Fuller Jtoad.

Albany, N.T. Deposit for thft Mi- Of -plans will be refunded only If bonafide bid is received and and ipeclficatfons are returned in good and Drawlngl and remain property of the Engineer and must be returned within fifteen dayi after, receipt Tbi Owner the right to reject any or bids to iraivt any or defects In such bEdi eltbK or after No bidder may. withdraw hH bid within 30 days after of AvcrlU Park -School Dlatria Averlll Park, N.T. RUSSELb H. JONES PUBLIC CitJ PUBLIC NOTICE pvin Uiatat a BMtlnj ol Uii common Council i City of -CohMi.

to in common- Council OliaStKi In thi city Hall on the 13lh day ol IMS at ,1:15 P.M., a public Uarlnr will -Bt conctmlni S. dlKOTUn'aoM as a public alley- mlltta land known Trojan Alley on th. WMt ol LancMtinnmt in CUT tf Cohoei, 'ninnlm -from, th -Wtlt Una ot Lancaster Street thi of- All'. ptrKMi -'deilruuj to nearit with' to KribtO, an InTlteil lo attend said pub- lie Swill ef whlCB- nolle. Ii htrehy 1 th.

prlvll- ol and for or Dated: July 30, 1968 ANXR S. fiOUOULD, Clerk Board of Education Salem Central School District Xo. i. Towns of Salem, Hebron; and JaeKson. Washington County, of york JPUBLIC AUCTfO.V Property or former District No.

2 Petersburg, New York, (located on Ta- Road) will be sold pubic auction at lO'OO A.M. Aug. 24. 196S. Property: Om room building and record as follows: "ALL THAT CERTAIN PARCEL OP LAND, situate in tbc Town of Petersburg.

Rensseiaer County, New Tork, described is follows: BE. GINNING a. point two hundred fifty (250) feet Northeast corner of a little near tht old School House on the road from Petersburg to Lake Taconic, at a HftU ash tree standing on the East Side of said highway and running in an Easterly direction about one hundred fifteen (115) to a stake and in a Northerly direction about one hundred seventy-five (175) feet to an old stone wall, thence Southerly along said highway as It winds about two hundred (200) feet to the, point of beginning." Building will be open for inspection at 1:00 P.M. on Aug. 17th.

Terms: cash at time of sale, balance by certified check at time of delivery of deed. LOUIS H. PREY, Clerk Board of Education, Central SchooJ District: Ko. 1, Towns of Berlin, Grafton, Petersburg, Powlenklll and Stephentowc. Eensselaer County, N.Y.

NOTICE OF FILING COMPLETED ASSESSMENT ROLL WITH CLERK AFTER GRIEVANCE DAT (Pinnut tn Sectfwt sit of UM Real Property Tat Law) NOTICE IS HBREBr GIVEN thai Ajswiment. Roll for the Town of North In the County of Kens- teiaer for the year. 1969 been'flnally completed bjr undentgned ai and a certified copy thereof WM placed In UM offlct of the. Town Clerk, on tht lit day of'Augiiit, -lSSB the will remain open public apection until. Octobtr Dated thlx lat day of August.

IMS, GEORGE HENRY KING WILLIAM PRENDERGA8T AMtflfori of Town of North PCBIJO NOTICK NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that aHewmfnt roll for ttw Town. of Grafton In tlie County'of Rewielaer thi year 1M9 hiu finally com- pliivd by underilgned aMMfon, and a certified copy thereof wai filed In the of Town on of AjiRUit, 1f48, will ttmafn public in- flpectlon until' Oct. "1. IflM. H.

8TKMONfl, chilrmnn, Boxrd of AwwiorJi WACAR ROBIRT N1EUWN i Ai.Hi»n of Town of Qrafton Deterioration Business "How was your Hawaiian vacation, Miss Belts?" Check vacation spots in The Record Newspapers Classified Ads. CaU AS 2-2000 to advertise resorts. Vow-Taking Ceremonies Held By Sisters Of St. Joseph BERLIN idwin Gilcher 658-2429 The annual clamsteam of the erlin Volunteer Fire Company ir present and past members ud commissioners will be held unday at the Rod and Gun ufa grounds wifh activities arting at noon and the steam 'heduled to be served in the lernoon. Mr.

and Mrs. Allen Matfeon Woodsport were guests of and Mrs. Robert Wells and Phyllis Wells. 'The pre- ous weekend Harold Mattison nd Mr. and Mrs.

Dwight reenley and family of Bing- ampton were guests at the 'ells home. Maynard Goodermote has en- red the Berkshire Medical enter in Pittsfield, for" eatment. Mrs. Erastus Corning II of Ibany was guest speaker at the "recent meeting of the Ta- onic Valley Branch of the 'oman-'s National Farm and arden Association held at the ome of Mrs. Harold Hall in erlin.

Mrs. Coming's subject as "New Plants From Old," nd she gave a demonstration propogating by cuttings, member of the Fort Orange arden Club of Albany, Mrs. orning was president of the arden Club of America from 962 to 1965. Mrs. David S.

uncombe, branch president, in- oduced guests and Mrs. John Bogucki poured Mem- ers and guests then toured the all home and grounds. Serv- on the hospitality eommit- were Mrs. Morrison Wilams, Mrs. Lester F.

Beers, rs. Henry P. Allen and Mrs. ichard F. Connery.

Several ac- vities-are planned by the club uring the visjt this month of rs. Neil Schroeder of New ealand. The activities include covered dish dinner Wednes- ay, Aug. 21; a trip to Fort railo and the Schuyler Manon Aug. 23, and a ip to Old Sturbridge Village in assachusetts on a than Expensive Glass A glass less inches high was sold at a ondon auction recently for said to be the.

highest gure ever paid at auction for a ass art object. The piece, ailed the Hedwig glass, dates om the llth or 12th LEGAL NOTICE Ceremonies for both the first nd final profession of vows of ie Sisters of St. Joseph of 'arondelet were held today at tie mairi chapel of the provincial ouse, Watervliet-Shaker Road, Sisters who made their first rofession and their home hurches are Sister Marie Joeph Bouchard, Sacred Heart, lohoes; Sister John iliriatn ipp, St. Joseph's, Fort Ed- ard; Sisters Marie Ann Mead, Maura Ann Ha'mel, Robert lary O'Rourke, all of -St. Mary's, Glens Falls; Sister 'auline John Kovage, Immaculate Conception, Hoosick Falls; Sister Maria Jude LaPoint, Immaculate Heart of Mary, Hudson Falls; Sister Elizabeth Vincent Urtz, Annunciation Church, Ilion; Sisters Lua Joseph Lescinski and Marian John StrecK, both of St.

Pius Loudonville. Also, Sister Helen Peter Laurenzo, Church of the Assumption, Mechanicville; Sister garet a i a 'Boudreau, Sacred Heart, Scheneclady; Sister Carol Frederick Hudson, St. Schenectady; Sister Paulette Marie Zampier, Our Lady" of Victory, Troy; Sister Helen Michael Lawton, Sh Francis Sales, Troy; Sister Ann Jude McGuirk, St. Mary's, Troy; Sister Anne Marie Fitzgerald, St. Patrick's, Troy, and Sister Maria Hogan, St.

Jude's, WynantsMll. The first profession took place at an 11:30 aim. Mass concele- bratnd by. Rev. Msgr.

T. Gerald Mulqueen, V. St. Bernard's Church, Cohoes; Rev. Joseph Hennessy, St.

Joseph's Church, Green Island; Rev. Robert F. Hart, Christ the King Church, Westmere; Rer. John Keefe, principal of Catholic Central High School; Rev. John F.

French, principal of St Mary's Academy, Glens. Falls, Rev. Paul P. Tartaglia, chaplain of the provincial house, and Rev. John E.

Fetcho, assistant pastor of St. Patrick's' Church, Binghamton. Rt. Rev. Msgr.

Matthew M. Brennan, pastor of St. Peter's Church, Troy, was presiding officer, and Father Keefe will preach the homily. Sisters made their final profession today are Sister Thomas Mary Murphy, Cathedral, Albany; Sister John -Margaret Siary, St. Ann's, Sister John Joseph Gilligan, St.

Theresa of Avila, Albany; Sisters Agnes Leo Winkle and John Pius Spanburgh, both of Mary's, Amsterdam; Sister Francis Clare Marsicano, St. Michael's, Amsterdam. Also, Sisters Karen William Gaube and Robert Marion Webber, St. Paul's, Binghamton; Sister Bernard Eillen Dolan, St. Benedict's, Buffalo; Sisters David Clare Rowe and Maria Albert Bouleris, St.

Bernard's, Cohoes; Sister Aline Joseph Bourgeois, St. Joseph's, Cohoes; Sister Genevieve Donald Francis, Our Lady of Mercy, Colonie. Als'o, Sister Sena Marie Murphy, St. Mary's, Hudson; Sister Marion Patrick McPeak, St. Patrick's, Jordan; Sister David Patrick GJynn, St.

Margaret's, Mattydale; Sister Miriam George Cavanaugh, St. Rose of Lima, ruwuc XOTIOE PLEASE TAKF3 NOTICE that the ntaR Board of Appeals of the City Cohow, 1 M.Y.. -vvill hold a Public faring at 8:00 P.M. on the 12th day August, 1963, In the Planning corn- salon Room, located on the second xtr In-the-City, Hall, in the City" of ohoe.t, In-regard to the appeali Edward R. Cepiel for permission to ect a -residence at lots 287-292 New orh.

Avenue, within 30 feet. of hia line; by John J. Guzy r. permission to erect a residence at U. 296-299 New York Avenue at an facing Second Street "within 25 it ot his front property line; by.Rob- Snrprenant, for permisstnn 'to ect a at lots 55 and.

56 easant Street within 20 feet-of hli ont, property line and by Joseph Van- ferpooi for -permieaiofi in. allition of gaj ptimpini: lucllttlci at Community Car Wash on Garner -reet; RALPH SUR2TN, Chairman Dwners, 1 Vice Gilbert Secretary Anthony Pondlllo NOTICE. Tli.CFEniT(»R8 ROK E. Framenl," 187 Rlvd Vnd Andrew J.n.. Cohnei, torlc, iNo- Is.

1 hereby Riven ttint any person vlnffa clilm her estate shun hmll an JUmUfirt' 1 Philip''-n. M. Ullun, New Vort 1 Oswego; Sister John St. John, St. Paul's, Oswego; Sister Lawrence Louise Costanzo, St.

Clement's, Saratoga Springs; Also, Sister Catherine Wilfred Gratton, St. Peter's, Saratoga Springs; Sister John Damien Grasso, St. Mary's Rensselaer; Sister Martin Patrick Mauger, Sacred Heart, Scheaee- tady; Sister Peter James Birdsinger, St. Peter's, Stillwater; Sisters Michael Eileen Wiesnet, Stephen Katherine Burdick and William Loretta Rogers, all of Blessed 'Sacrament, Syracuse; Sisters Esther Thomas Sexton and Kenneth Michael Caveny, both of Cathedral, Syracuse; Also, Sisters James Patrick Fitzpatrick and William Ann Ball, both of St. Anthony of Padua, Syracuse; Sister Catherine Stephen Fetcho, St.

Brigid- St. Joseph's, Syracuse; Sisters Anthony Clare Pondozzi and Maria Bernard Walsh, St. John the Baptist, Syracuse; Sister Anne Madeline Clark, St. Patrick's, Syracuse; Sisters Maria Edward Collins and Patricia Maria Hepp. St.

Patrick's, Troy; Also, Sister Noel Michael Slillington, St Peter's, Troy; Sister Rose Raymond Proulk, St, Alphonsus, Tupper Lake; Sister Edwin Marie Reilly, Our Lady of Lourdes, Sister Catherine Joseph Croghan, St. Sales. Utica; Sisters Anne Bryan SrnoUin and Mary Catherine Denver, St. Brigid's, Watervliet. As a result of a General Chapter decision in December, 1967, sisters who are making final profession may do so either at their provincial house or in their own parishes.

Several took advantage of the opportunity. The ceremony at the provincial house for (hose taking final vows was held at a 7:30 Mass, concelehrated by Very Rev. William J. p'Donnell, O.P., sub- Dominican House of Studies, Washington, D.C.; Rt. Rev.

Msgr. Gerald H. Kirwin, St. Pius Church, Loudonville; Rev. Robert E.

Ross of the Catholic Central High School faculty; Rev. Bernard J. Nelson, assistant pastor of SL. Mary's Church, Clinton; Rev. Michael J.

Carniola, assistant pastor of St. John the Baptist Church, Syracuse, and Rev. John Donovan, S.S., of St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, Md. Most Rev.

David F. Cunningham, D.D., Coadjutor Bishop of Syracuse was the presiding officer. Father Tartaglia was as North garet Syracuse; Sister Mar-. Frederick Emery, St. Stephen's, Oriskany; Sister John Michael Whellahan, St.

Mary's, CtASStflED tn-mt M4-SIM Days iSUJ 1 Day 7 Days 4 Days 3 1 Day Atf iDtpt' I A.M. MoMay Frtoiay. A.M. I r.M te r.H twHy at JTM UHphmi. who wtU you woni your Whether tr owl pay Ml) ttil nkm an.

tbrn and ttk Art. Watervlitt ftrmMfc I7t3 Broadway Cobota Branch ttt Ontario St. Uthaa Troy-Sch'dy MechanlcvUIe Offtce- North Main St Koostck faiU 3S Mala, St WAMT AD KATIS Aavll 1VU NON lOSIHlIS ftATKS Per Lint Per Dr 23c Per Per Da Me Per Line Per Day 32c Per Une Ptr Day RATIS 24c Per Ptr Day ate Per Lint Per 34c Per Une Per Da; Me Per Ptr Da: Contract Rate on Application A 50c scnricc chirre H-1U be made OB Tray Record box number ads. SPICIAL NOTICIS Birth Notices 30c Ptr Line Ptr Day Cards of Thanks. Confirmations, niaiemenU.

Marriages. Anntver tary Masses, ID Memoclams, Resolutions of Respect. Unvellinfs etc. 35c Per Per Day. Classified advertisements are punished In both Troy ftecorc morning) and Tht Tunes Recon evening) of the same day for one irlcc.

All advertisements start In he mornlnf edition and appear in he evenlnj edition constltutint uU Insertion. No advertisement counted as less than three tines Part lines courttei as full lines. When an ad is It Is automatically enteret on klU sheet Cor cancellation on be day following vour instructions Claims that an sd was canceled on a different- date cannot be honored unless substantiated by our CHECK YOUR AD The Troy Record Co. will not bt responsible for more than ont Incorrect publication. The Troy Record Co.

reserves the privilege revising or rejectlni any advertisement (even after acceptance) which deems objectionable and to chance the classification of any advertisement from that ordered to conform to the policy of 'this Company. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 "Chter-E Hotel" TO: AGfirE AND FRANK ZINK Congratulations and a warm vrel come' to the new arrival. DEBi TO: Dewev and Anita Happy vacationing. May your trip be a pleasant and enjoyable one. WALTER AND EDNA TO GEORGE: Have a relaxing 'Goose Feather Campsite' this.week.

FRIENDS TO. Immaciilata The best of luck on your new job WALT 2 Loit end Found DASCHUND--Female, black, tan, no collar. Lost in Pittstown area 663-5027. DOG--male, mixed breed, dark brown, very furry, 4H months answers to Brandy, lost July SO lower Burgh. BE 5-4782, AS 4-5770 I DOG haired terrier, answer, to Duffy, lost vicinity of Sunse Cohoes, Reward.

237-1341. master George ceremonies, and corresponding secretary of the Parents and of the of St. Joseph, was commentator. Mr. Guevin Attends Ambulance Meeting John Quevin Sr.

of the Troy Ambulance Service Corp. attended the 5th annual national ambulance and. Medical Supply. Association convehtion'in Atlantic City. N.

Aug. 1-3. Ambulance operators and para-medical service personnel from all states participated in the three- day event. On the agenda for the convention were a' study- of needs and trends in the ambulance industry, standard accreditation for private, ambulance firms and discussions ori'taxes, Medicare and home care The Airlines need young men and today for JET AGF expansion. HiRh paying positions as HOSTESS.

HESP.RVATIONIST, COMMUNICA- -TION1ST and PASSENGER AGENT offer opporlunily 10 celebrities and TRAVEL interesting places Preliminary preparation need not interfere with your present job. High school 17 to St. MC it you CM quality. Mail coupon to Boi 196, Troy Hecbrd Co. WMW Airliin Sctiwl me information pn.Sty Jtbs GERMAN SHEPARD--2 yr.

male silver and black, has choke chain and. tags. Lost between Ida aiu Sixth Ave. Answers to "Shep 1 AS 2-4218. GERMAN SHEPHERD 5 months old, black with tan paws.

Slight wart under nose. Answers to "Lady." Reward. Dog is under doctors care and needs shots CE 7-3392 after 4:30. KEYS--for ca, house, etc, lost Sat urday vicinity of Troy Record Co. central Troy.

Reward. 272-3850. and chartmese Answers to "Ricky." Lost viclnit of 65'Howard Cohoes. Reward 237-8821 or 237-0752. POCKETBOOK---Slack, lost at Whitebridge.

Contains valuable papers and keepsake Reward. NoHcn DRINKING OUT OF so, contact Alcoholics Anonymous, P. O. Box 771, Troy, N. PIANOS Old, taken awaj free.

CaU 4W-7305. Person-Is ELECTROLYSIS--Hair removed permanently. Newest methods and equipment. Reasonable. Martin Goldstein, 12 Second St.

272 1156 5 Auta Transportation RIDE WANTEI-By -woman from Griswold Heights to 121st Troy 8 to 4:30. Call BR 1-7722, after 6. RIDE WANTED-Conoes lo Spencer Business School, Schenectady, Sept Call 237 2161 after RIDE WANTED From 112th St. bridge to G.E.,' Schenectady, 8 a.m. to pjn.

RIDE WANTED--From Hutton and 12 Sts. to Bldg. 22, State Campus 8:30 to 4:45. 274-5765. STATE WORKER--Needs dally ride.

Downtown Troy and from down, town Albany. AS after I P.m. EDUCATIONAL 13 Mitkil ImtracflM MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS--On all Instruments. Specialists in (uiUr, base and drum. Troy Music Acid- emy.

AR 3-0777. PIANO LESSONS--For beginners, at my home. SI per half hour. Waterford. 235-0475.

14 PrirtU ImtracthM JUDO OR KAKATE -'Learn under qualified black belt -Instructors. Men, women, children Troy Judo Club. 177 Hiter St TRACTOR TRAILER DrlTer Training for Ciast 1 LlcenM Write or Call Alb'iny 434-1UI 57 Columbia St. Rensielaer, N. Y.

CHAUFFEUR TRAINING SCHOOL Licensed by the State of N. Y. VICTOR COMFTOMETER, 100 State Albany 434-3121 EMPLOYMENT 20 ADVERTISING to trivel? Car, opportunity. No re(lstrti6n Can John Allen 'Agency, 504 Broadwty, Troy AddVtis. CityTM.

Will be accepted until Auf IHi, by the Berlin Centril School District for the petition pf Director nt Trnniportitlon For in application and and'dutiei'contact the Builnesi Of(Ice Berlin School. (PhonV Berlin ASST. to'SUPT. of PUBLIC WORKS Salary open depehdlng on and experience qualification! Khnwledxe' of water system required If Intended, tend riiume of batkfround iml eipirlince: tn (no phone calli) VllUie Trcnurer lll.M tt YoorhmvlUe, IMKOYMfNT 'ALBANY PUBLIC. immediate Openings FULL TIME CLERKS Grocery, Dairy and Produce Depls.

Excellent position with a growing company. APPLY PERSONNEL DEPT. 1640 Central Ave. Albany or phone 869-0223 for Tnlerview DRESS CUTTER-Wc HM4 iwrlenced Ana cutler to work la our alr-condltloiwd cuttlni rooo. We offer exnllent uliry company paid frlnje bemflU.

For further Infonnilion notify nel office; KORELL Veek- N. Y. AUTO MECHANIC Needed by Franchlsed Dealer. All company benefits. Apply to Mr.

Adams Service Manager. KNOWLES Pontiac, Inc. PONTIAC CMC TRUCK DEALER Corner of ttt at Rensselaer AS 4-7240 AUTO MECHANICS Have' opening for 2 lit clus chtnics. Excellent working conditions, all fringe benefits. Pine opportunity for security ind steady employment In Troy's largest GM dealership.

Apply In person to Mr. F. W. Moore. Service JUtnaier.

W. H. BUMSTEAD, Inc. H5 CONGRESS STREET, TROY BARTENDER WANTED For evenings. Please apply In person to Daniel's Restaurant, 55 Paine Green Island.

BEVERAGE Co. Car and expenses. $6,500 to start plus bonus. No registration -fee. Call Vince Martin, Ethan Allen AKency, 504 Broadway, Troy.

273-8070. BOOKKEEPER- OFFICE MANAGER (Full charge). Medium size construction companv, Troy Area. Top salary and good frlngt benefits for tbe right man. Reply Box 177, Troy Record Co.

BOOKKEEPER--Pull charge. Gleni Falls Fee paid by company. Modern ment. 272-5064. BOOKKEEPER--Part time 4 houn per day.

Wholesale fruit and vegetable company. H. Pusatere Inc. 272-6520. BUS BOY Bar boys, lull and part time.

Willing to work. No experience necessary. Apply in person, Mrs. Moore, Jamaica Inn, Latham. CADDIES WANTED For tournament of 16th, 17th and 18th of Aug.

at the Troy Country Club. Apply in person. CARPENTER be experienced ant, have his own tools. Apply Karl Motors, 2773 6th Troy. NOTICE Advertisers and Readers IN ACCORD WITH N.Y.


Ctll F.r liquor rtort, SUle age tai rtCiriui IB rtply to Box IM, COOKS--bakir. joatrr inn, trainee mtn. uliry mi worklny contftloiu. IB son to Donald Jtmfita Ion, after 1 pjo. CREDIT bank kw an for a Man with ctrolt eipnincc and collection uptrl- encc.

i Salary FM JirfoUablt. Call Ken Murphy, TtJ- 45ZI, Atlantic, tenonnel Antntf, rn Old London Lattam. D1SHWASHBR--Apply In peraoi. Mirk Restaurant, 35 DRIVER.SALESMAN To Elk. wholesale dellvtrlei In Trl- Clty area.

Year-round, steady job. Based on commission. Reply to 185, Troy Record Co. DRIVER--Over dm license. Deliver meat and neat pro- duett In local area.

40 hour Paid by company hospltatliatlon; major medical, 54,000 life Insurance, work.uniforms, 7 paid holl-. diys, 4 weeks' vacation after 15 years, profit Send lo Boi lit, Troy Record Co. ENGINEERS all 'flelu. yiat decree or some college plus perlence. Excellent opportunlUea.

Fee paid. Modern Cmployant Agency. 271-5064. FLORAL DESIGNER Experienced. Full time.

Replies eel fldtniii. 489-5461. INVESTIGATOR Prefer man with experience in retail investigation field. Must have jnin- imum of 4 years high school and be at least 25 years old. Applicants will be subject to background check.

Mail Order Personntl Office, 8th Floor MONTGOMERY WARD I WANT A 'hard wbrldnf man who wanU stead; employment and foot) Income. Car necessary. Phoae 1744161, to 10 a.m. only. JANITORIAL SERVICE wanted full lime.

Paid holidajJ, vacations. Wajej. WM1JO week. 40 hours. Box 187, Troy Record Co.

MACHINIST Experienced. Aje no barrier. Dial 17W42I. MANAGEMENT Train for manaleratnt career. All degrees.

Immediate. Start to $7,900. Fee paid. Call Sandy 37MOM, Cerqua Placement Acency, 40S- Fulton-St. MAN To assist carpenter, nust- have-oy-n'triMiiortatlan.

CS MAN--to drive truck 'and work In shipping room. Dolan Suply 102nd St. and Jth Ave. Apply IB person. MAN--To load and deliver irareL.

Class one license. CaU 434-2331. MAN--To train for assistant position. Experienct not nee- essary- Must be willing to learn retail sales and Transport tatlon furnished. Salary plus commissions, hospltallzatlon -and re-" tlrement plans.

Excellent opportunity for Inquire Mr. Rlennart, Staler 137 River Troy. MAN Tri Cities. Permanent, all benefits. Starting range S102-J12S with regular raises.

Sales and service. High school or 'equivalency diploma required. Send letter In confidence to Box 196, Troy Record Co. MAN--Wltb working knowledge In servicing oil burners, plumbing, and electricity. Highest wage schedule with full fringe benefits.

State experience in reply Herzog and Hopkins, P.O. Box Quail St, Substation. Albany New York 12206. Phone 438-7856. MAN WANTED To work in hardware store.

Would like a littlt knowledge about palnU. Plealt write Box 183, Troy Record MECHANICS Steady employment and Tication. Schenectady TraniMrtatlon 1344 Albany SehenecUdy. LAB TECHNICIANS We Have Immediate Openings For Recent High School Graduates And Returning Servicemen. Math And Science Background Preferred.


"AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPJjOYW" SEAITEST HOME SERVICE SALESMEN Required by New York State's most progressive essor of dairy products. Positions offer: 1. Guaranteed minimum Week 2. Commissions 3. 5-Day Week 4.

Established and Customers 5. No Previous Sales Experience Necessary 6. Training Program 7. No Saturday or Sunday Work Call 785-5461 for an appointment, or stop inl Forte Rood, Latham, Ntw, Yorli. i i i.

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