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The Carson Daily Appeal from Carson City, Nevada • 3

Carson City, Nevada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE DAILY APPEAL 8H00IIHO AFFBAY AT PISE BUT VALLEY. Sheriff Bolleo of Douglas count; w8 in tows, yesterday, having in charge Frank Rack, arrested at Dayton night before last, charged with shootinp. John L. Roach. The shooting occurred last Friday, in Pine Nut Valley, near the intersection of Lyon, Ormsby and Douglas counties, some sixieeo miles from Carson.

Mr. Rank pleads entire tnoocense of the snooting, and of any knowledge of it except in reports in circulation, and until bis arrest irs pursuing bis usual avocation of wood-bauling in tbe vicinity. Upon bi evidence be was arrested, we are not informed. In relation to tbe matter we find the following statement in tbe Enterprise of yesterday About one year ago Roach brought suit against Rank to dispossess him ot a certain wood ranch near tbe bead waters ut El Dorado Caujou, about 18 miles from Davion. A good deal of ill ieflirig nan engendered id consequence.

10 liars ago Rank lost 30 cords of wood by tire. He Itum-li to have fired il. On Friday morning last he im-i Roach on the disputed territory, f-ouie angry works passel be tween tbem, wtien he drew a botgun upon Ilonch Roach ben unarmed and tbrrutened bioi that should he attempt to remove any wood be would shoot liitn. Tney parted, boweier. without any altercation.

On the same evening Mr. Roach was oui driving in hiscaiiie, and wben passing near ibe cabin of inks, he was attacked by tbe latter and fired upon with ut any warn ing. Tbe charge of shot whs of various eizss, some Ure and oiht-rs email, and a numtier of tbem struck Roach on va rious parts bis bo ly, tio entering the coals of his abdomen, j'ist below tbe ribs, tin tbe right tide. Dr. lim lett, of Dayion, was calkd and extracied some of tne fbot and pnted tbe wounds for others.

He gives it ns his opinioo tbat, sb iuld there be no damage done lo tbe iuiesrines or their tbe injured man will in lime -cover, otherwise tie must inevitably die. A few day must necessarily elapse before tbe nature of the wound can be ascertained. The horse that Roach wns riding received the grr er portion of the charge in bis nabi flank several ot the snot entering bis bowels from lue effects of which be has tine died. CuatiGKUiTS Bask. Our pet railroad has taken a new direction.

Instead of coming from tbe foothills to tbe nest ot Carson, durn Treadway's lane, it is surveyed to run across Miss Clapp's ranch a ongjide our pomio patch, in cloe proximity to tbe front door of our dwelling in the direction of the Mint- If Lewis of tbe Crescent resided where we do, be could see that railroad track without looking beyond bis nose tne ex'ent ot his vision. A New Kind of Whkat, for this section at least, is tieiug raiser! by Mrs. Haines, iu tue uurtLera part of town. Il is oarued Ej ptiari or seven beaded wheat. lis bram-by beads are nearly as large as far of torn, and tbe kernels are of extraurdiuary s.ze.

We are informed that Mrs. 11. has several acres of this wheat, wbicti she proposes to carefjjly preserve fir Beed. A speei men niuy te seen at Ibis utfiee. I'aixoutNA of rare beauty occurred in the sky f'r hour after sunset, last evening.

Clouds floating just above ilia western horizon changed color to the deepect green, reflected upon tbe clouds eastward Gradually there was a change in lighter and most charmingly Varied tiuts imaginable. Finally the scene became one of brilliant, blaz ing firelight slowly tadiug and disappearing about 8 o'clock. No ClUE has yet been obtained of the mnrdert-rs of Mrs. Wilford of the highwayman who failed in tbe attempt to rob Spooner; of the perpetrators of the robberies in and near Empire nor of tbe burglars who broke into tbe store at Genoa. Th jioosiigiit which succeeded tbe 'brilliant display which canopied us with golden clouds (elsewhere noticed), last evening, was of a peculiar, delightful, hazy character, accompanied by a refreshing breeze, which made tbe night deligbtfi.l.

Tb Traveler's ltiurance Comrany, af which Geo. Chedic is the local agent at this plce, is nqw prepared to issue policies for the Overland route, including the round trip. For terms, see advertisement. Ta Nevada annual conference of the H. E.

Church will meet at tVashoe City to-JaT. Fob Yobemiti. Tbe Governor and Mrs. Blasdel started, yesterday, by private conveyance, on a tour in Cali fornia. Tbeir destination direct, we are informed, is the Yosemhe Falls.

Thi Fmtival, last night, was well attended, and doubtless was a pleasant reunion of the friends of tbe church, and we bope, a financial success. Treasure Citv, August 16. A prize fight between Johnny Grady and John McGlade, for $1,000 raroe off yesierday about one mile from Hamilton. Ahout 300 spectators were present. They fought 34 rounds, occupying two hours and a half.

Grady was declared winner. This was McGlade's twenty-fifth fight. Grady was trained by Joe Coburn, and seconded by Coburn and Mclntyre. About $1,000 changed bands among outsiders on the result. FIRE! CARSON AGENCY OF THE JSSl'RASCK COMPANIES, op-HART FORD SEW YORK.

Cash 00 DEVOTED TO FIRE INSURANCE EICLVSIVELY. Losses equitably adjusted and promptly paid in I'XITKD STATES COLD CUIX, delay or trouble to the assured. BKAXCn OFFICE. SAN- FKAXCISC0, SO. 424 CALIFORNIA STUKET.

II. H. MAGILL, Manager. Policies and renewals ttaucd rcct, without reference to San Fraaciico, or elsewhere, by GEO. W.

CHEDIC, Agent. CAB.SON. J. A BKIMSK Agent, Virginia. jy.j.:liii DOUZJIs G2 DAILY LINE OF STAGES.

U4.GE OF TIME! ON AND AFTER APRIL 1st flakes wul leate larnon City for Rene At 8 o'clock P. connecting with the Train For Sacramento Direct. Also, at 8 o'clock A. connecting with Train direct fvr Klko and. White Pine.

HETUKNINQ On tbe arrival of Train from Sacramento at 4 o'clock P. M. ami on the arrival of Train fioin fclfco aud VYhf.e 1'ine at It o'clock A. M. I.

II. DYER Proprietor. March 9. 1S9. C.

M. CL4RSK. THOHH WKLLS. ALEXANDER LEP0RT BAS MKOTIS HIS Family Grocery Store To the Brick Bnilding owned hv O. A.

Sean, and itely occui'ied by Louie Maodlebaum, on Kinii Street, Carson CitT Where ha is prepared to furnish Families, Hotels and hettauranu with the r'intait brauds of French and California Wines, BrnLiiies and Whiskiea, Flour, Ham and on, Kicir, Lard. Teas. Coflee, fcupira, Syruis, t.ieeu, Cau and Dried Kruita, and in tact KVKKVTIUNO pertaining tu the Grocery and Provision Line. Canon v. Jari trr I.

1HH9 ial CLARKE WELLS, Attorneys and Counselor at Uw( OFFICE, IN COUNTY BUIl.DINGS, Carson Citv Htvaea practice in all the Coins, Btatis ind.Fad-ral, of Jevada. Scial attentioa given tu all matter sent them fruaa abroad, in the Supreme Court. Jr2 lm JACOB TOBRINER, DEALER IS GHOOBZIIES, PROVISIONS, WINES, and LIUTJ0BS, WILL PAPER, PAINTS AND OILS, ALSO GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. CORNER CARSON AND MU3SER STREETS, CARSOJf CITT, NEVADA. Carson, Anunst 6.

1S69. SOMETHING NEW 13! NEW FI RMTCRE Constantly on baud auJ fir Sale. JSj SPUING BDSMAITEESSES, iSofae and fc Lounites MiOC TO UltOCfC. Also Agent for the Grover Baker Family Sewing Machines, AND The Shuttle or Lock Stitch Setting NEEDLES, OIL, Extras and Duplicate Parts, If AT REASONABLE ItATES'it Sewina Machines' Sold at San 1'i'iees. Sewing Machines all kino's CLEANED in anl '10 tllVK SATIS ACTION Second Hand Furniture Bought and Sold C.

XX. MAISS, Oplnwite Fargo Curean Street, Carson citv, nevada. Give me a cull. m29-tf JOHN OIIONIN, Manufaorurer and iealr in BOOTS AND LEATHER, Has opened a SHOP O.V KIXG STREET, Will do Custom Wotk, and keep on hand a fine it ut BOOTS tFTHE BEKTllUALITV r.EI'Al:iGI DOSE WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH ON HKASON'ABLK It S. Austin 1, 159.


April 1.1S6. PiiOIPIO UNION EXPRESS COMPANY sow ruiPAKtD to Do cxi'H Collection, umlsslon, and Faruardlaf Between this City and all the priuipal places in Nevada, Calilornia, Oreeon, Tks Atlaatle States anil Kurave. atw All order promptly attended to at mnch leas than heretofore charged by any oilier oanpaiiy. Kreiiilit ircm Ba Fraaciaeo Outs per ponml. Knrelores $3 pT 100 less than 100, Cents t.ach.

Office I Comet ot Slpsanr and Carson streets, is County Buiidiusj, Carson Cily. C. UORIET, Agesst Oanoo, March 1. 1MB. THE PACIFIC ixsuraxCe compaki OF BAN FRANCISCO.

SBZ1 HOME COMPANIES, WHO DO BCalNKBS ON A OOIN BASIS STATKMaNT OF Til a CONDITION OF THE fAUFlC I.vMJRANtK COMI'ANV, San Francisco, California, for the fiscal yt-araad ing June 3J, 18M. CAPITAL STOCK, $1,000,000 00 Am't in hand in excess of) capital, available lo pay 09 Lueses aud Auviueuda, ASSli Lonns on Unit iu rips. 05 bittiumteti value of luiiil ni'irtpEMKel (1,000,000 Eatiumiuil value v( build- iugs on 016.000 Value of Dicrtngcd preru- BuilttiiifCA tiu pretuiM'tt in-uml lor 3,300 LtMtt Oil Collrttel Ml AKrK trslit nm ket T.tlut -if H. 54f ,04 U. S.

(it-T cent. 6 owned by ttie ct'iiiwtuy, Nevtittn Mtnin pitl MiM of ttir Crtp titl Cath on lia iti ttml in link titearul Marine I'rtfiiiiiuiis ui.Ci-llrxttvJ HiemimiiM tul Ltihtnt-m in tmu lK of follrfl tC'ltS It'fHMtr-tt, llllt (Hit Hid 1 merest fcriif(i hut ut due hi fiiiiir- iluc nnd nn(uii Hlate atil rent-tal pttaiiip-. Real e-i pit pHfiy i'ir. OiiloiuiMud Lt'iUerHluiit 3T4.302 CO 1W, ,000 00 ooo uo 70 0 aso 4 00 LIAII1I.I Losties iu process of aojtisiuieut 00 JONAillAN A. J.

RALSTON, crtary. II. V. Ascnt. At the Office of Wells, Fargo Co.

rAKUM CIT. July 31, lStiD. OSCAR GREENEB AUM, uiui in rvauuii ikd domutig Wines, mi Liquors! Havana and Domestic Cigars. VIBOIBIA CHEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCO, STATIOKTEIIY CKOtHEKV, GI.ASSIV ARE, BAR FIXTURES AND OUT 3jJE3 ri. "5T Orders from the country respectfullysolltiled Coiaty Uutldluga, Csrioa S3C, Carson City, Kevada.

OSCAIl GIIKKSIKHA1M COLiTJ arrnrcrGS WATER WORKS! 'MIR CNDKRSK.NHD, HaVINi. UNDKR-X taken tu nuiinly tlie Citiztus ut Camon Hith Pure, Soft Spring Water, TAKKX raoM LIVINQ tsPHINGS, Heretiy notilies the I'ublic ttiut lie Is propaicil to ujijly Families, Bars, Hotels, wtrH iy 313 n. PUOM THEIR PIPES, At the following tates To Iamiliee or 15ars, riFTl l't To prm UMjnir an fxtm supply a Launtlry pur Itriatttiug, Ac, tbe rattrs will prtpir-tiitnalty la per. will lay our 1'ipis the ur To Acfomtnndad Two Partita Tbo Customer fnrninhing the Top rip. IIaWTIIOH.K 4b STEVEXS ProprltM.


tsr-All the cboiceat toittied liiiuors ill be found at this diilooa." STsT Tbe Salooa la the saeet eam pteie of tlie klnrt la the uarson. larcn I. itnw. LAST AND ONLY CALL! CIT WILL BK COMMEKCtrO ii airaiii.t each and every pfrswa iadeeud to the tale ut William de vaard, if avt within niteeu days from tills date. Cara City, July iOlh, lstal.

WM. PATTH SON. Attorney fir Aaaa Joy, Adaiinietratris of said Katate. 3w A. B.

DRIESUACH, WbolMl and KuU DUr la PROVISIONS, WINES AND LiaUORS, Flenr, Csra Meal, Braa and harls, Ana. Oround Food( Crockery aad Tla Ware, Sardwaro and X3oltsB. Blastlaa; aad ilportlas Powder, aafriy Pais, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, CALIFORNIA LI MS. FLATTER PARIS, KAsTtltN CEMENT, KASTUIIN HAIR, WIIIT1N0, Ve. ate.

Orders from the Couutry Fromptly Attended to. BIIICK STOHK, CAIlU.M ITHKKT, CAHSilN CITY. NtVAtA Janutrv 1. lH'IS SALOOxV! upon ami nuw turnpit tht djs l.ttp ly Ijk Mark (sajt pri'fMrMrn ht ht it out on ihin line it it Ukoi uutil the Cut'itol buiMniff i hiii-hnt II luvit(ail hm i fi ittnN nnt lie public Kn-eralty tucall, (Willi rtlu it. tliuit ickcis), mr9 him; and piomiHi tlmi imImmIv "hull l- isH.n-.l.

Hwill ktfpun htod tha t.kt bttt procuml'lfarticiwi of WINKS, KUM, IlKANDV, GIN. MALT 1.T0,, An'l will be on hnt, iltlisT la prnn or at tractive proxy, t. tir(n the. huic Iu iyU aai quantity touit bit Mtritt. Next Dook to MrNriTott'i Imco tTvr.i, CARLOS CITV.

J. MART RKr RK, Proprietor NpM-tf CITY WATER WORKS rjlIR CNDER8IQNKD, ntOI'RIKTOR OF TUE Carson Oity NVnter Worlca, HTIK0 hid ntt nrts Through the Principal Streets of the City Is now prnpured to furnish Stores, Motels, hestauralits. Trivsle Kniiiloncus, ec, With a cun.tant and sni-ly of Pure, Soft Water, Fit EMI FKO.H TIIK COLD srni.YCaS of Tin: Sll ItlliS. IX atoa 2VI oddratoi N. Fsmiliva and ntliera alllle su riled with di aler froiii I lie Cart, as lirret.

r-. In -orh prt tbe City as are eot tiaTerwd i-y tlie rijM. Cl. SMKIM.V; rnoruti-Toa iuwn Cut Watlb Worts. Carsou City, April 25, 1.

tf KEY PLACE OF BUSINESS FTJRN IXTTX-CE AT AUCTION I' II I I. The andersltined will sell, at hi. ol basl. nn on arsiii sliest, ai llie foinirrly vein-pird by I'i'tiin A Co an assii tmeiil ul HOlSliUOLO FtHMTlUt, Con.lstlus: of CUUtKllhT, BEDSTEADS BX.liDIXJ, STOVES, CUAIlis, TAIII.U. tOTkf, Ai Oetirral IIOFSCIIOLD II KMI KL.

Tenons desirlna: to stick articles wle do well to sie a call. Juiyai, ln. J. MIHNM ZjAW OAIID. P.

H. Clayton, M. S. Eonsificld nan T. W.

DA VIMS, ATTMtNKTS AX1 AT tAW. Milliactlre in the Oeilitiea tM.lie line. Iiuilrr, Mko and lliitnuolilt, sua tlrvwhnre that eiay lie tritlied. urn, a At lliunlltonand t'nlontllle. tnlil tl HI I fjenunf unu3 AoteiJdoJrf HJIKVf 'panval jed eitjae 'vaos NIHSVA osV einut eqiot sm sed ot! It aii4H em it) Ait 01 sinjeilns eietij MY0S 3AH0 TV0IK3H3 AlJ aaeswa eit ana asj fMUn 5nnd r(l Bo.

seinii ki am bkuojki nuKOicMxtisn rikIs i iVOS 2 T08 i siv08 i dVOI.

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