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The Memphis Evening Herald from Memphis, Tennessee • 1

Memphis, Tennessee
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WHOLE NUMBER 3 0 VOI 2 NO 149 MEMPHIS TENN SATOUDAT JUNE 22 1878 A 5ATIU5AL STANDARD TELEGRAPHIC theentraicetothiswonderfil care was discovered Undervear -AND- FURNISHING GOODS The Herald has the Lir'est circulation of any newspaper in this city and double that of any even ing: paper published In Memphis OxEthcnsand cotton oy entire struct at Bnry England Tub President will soon abandon the White boose for bis summer retreat at tfce Home EMPEBOk UJLiAM utters much from helplewneja and it will take a iong time for his complete recovery AT ROCK BOTTOM 5 PRICES AT BEOS We beg leave to announce that we are now exhibiting the choicest lines I SUMMER MERINO GAUZE BALBRIGQAN AND PLAID NAINSOOK UNDERSHIRT8 LINEN AND DRILL DRAWERS OF THE VERY BEST AND MOST RELIABLE MAKES British Balbriggan and Fancy Half Hose Fine Dress Shirts Limn Collars Bows Cuffs Ties Scarfs Linen Cambric and Silk Handkerchief At Lower Prices than ever before offered in Memphis SPECIALTIES IN UNLA UNDRIED 8HIKT8 The Best and Cheapest in the City at LOWEMSTEliM Ot BROS QUEENS WARE BU1LER JACK McCREA JACK Ja a EC I 3ST A EC ALL JACK S24 1-3 Main Street A laree and varied stock of Glassware and House Famishing goods kept constantly on hand White Mountain Freezers ani Fruit Jars a specialty RICH COCHRAN A HATCHER A COCHRAN Xj aOaiHIIRACLT Ss CO MANUFACIOREKS OF Ink Lai Sillies Doors Sash fills And all Kinds ot JPaeltiigf Boxes FOOT OF WASHINGTON ST Near the Hiver 5aw Mills and Packing Box Factory North End of 5ary Yard Receipts 51 bales Middling 11 Stocks MORTUARY REPORT For week ending at noon to-day as taken from the books Rtja 6 months female white entritis 8 Strickland 18 month? female colored measles infant Jobnron 32 days female colored measles James Alien 10 months male oolored injury from fall Lula Worth 1 years female colored dentition Arthur Jones 2 years male oolored whooping cough Ellis Moore 9 months male colored dentition still born America Raw lings 19 years female colored consumption Rose Brown 96 years iemate colored old age Wm Henry 5 years male colored entenitis Stillborn Lula Banks 4 years female colored bronchiti- Pat Carvin 87 years male white bronchitis Curtis Summary 4 years male colored infonitum Fannie Faulkner 85 years female colored diarrhea Eddie Brown 2 months male colored convulsions Ann Williams 85 yearsfemale oolored consumption Minnie Joses 2 years female colored consumptiion Williamm Case 8 years 6 months male white dentitives Edward Broozs seven years male white inanition Martha Gallagher 41 years female white consumption Jno Eader 16 months male white gastro entrerites Total 21 white 6 colored 12 stillborn 2 from hospital 1 Fanny Davenport accompanied by her brother Edwin went abroad a week since on the steamship Spain She returns to play at tbe Union Square Theater New York In October AMUSEMENTS HR MAN CASINO-BASKET PICNIC SUN DAT JUNE 33d At Wilber btatiOB) on A Six mile from Memphis Train last a etmtd on lexltaMono Fare for ths round trip 2Se clii'drea b-tween and 13 years 13c US At EH JAB FLAHERTY BCLL1VAN FLAHERTY SULLIVAN UNDERTAKERS 317 Second Si Near Monroe Mtiillie and Weedee Burial Casas and Caskets Elegant Kobes Baits and Coffin Trimmings Orders by telegraph sent promptly CO Special attention paid te embalming NOTICE oed quiet Sales 50 bales 781 des Wilmington June 21 Tbe market closed firm Receipts 2 bale Sales 87Jbsles Stocks 44) bales Norfolk June The market closed dulL Receipts 125 bales middling 11 1-18 Sales 2044 bales Baltimore June The market closed dull Recsipts 543 bales sales 75 bales middling 11 I stock on band 2271 bales BoeroN nne 22 closed quiet Receipts 175 bales middling 11 stock 7745 biles Philadelphia Jane 22 Market to-day quiet Receipts 69 bales sales 253 bales middling Ilf stock 4901 bale New York June 22 Tne market closed steady Receipts 23 Sales 171 0 bales middling 11 7-16 Stock 124213 bales Spots opened quiet and steady now dull and easier salea 719 quotations unchanged New York June 22 Spots opened and le wer to sell and are now Sales 984 bale Quotations unchanged Ordinary 9 9-16 Good Ordinary 10 716 Low Middling 11-1-16 Middling 11-16 Good Middling 11J Middling Fair 12 11-16 Fair 13 7-16 Gold closed last evening and opened today and continues te be reported at Futures opened steadier and are now dull June 1151all 53 July 11 53a II 54 August 1154all55 September ll23all24 October 31 05all 06 November 1091al093: December 1091a 1092 January 1095al097 February 11 Olall 06 March ll12all16 April 1122all25 May 1131x1134 Sales 20360 bales Liverpool June Market dal and unchanged Estimated tales 5000 bales for exporters and speculators 1000 bales Uplands Orleans 6 7-16 Receipts 5750 bales 5200 American Additional 12: 30 Arrivals are quoted at partially 1-32 better June and July 6 316 July and August 6 3-16 and September 6 7 32 September and October 6 9-325-16 October and November 6 9-32 4:30 'm Arrivals firm October 6 5-16 Havre June 2212:30 Tree ordinary (spots) 77 low middling (afloat) 77 Bremen June 22 Middling (spots) 61 middling (afloat) 61 Where He Went To yer gwice marne am going np the street to tee a you take me Pete not this time 1 am in too great a suddenly turns a corner and goes into tbe saloon kept by Frank Huppert at No 186 Main street where he knows be can find the best beer wine liquor and cigars kept in the city Newport I Special tolls ExmoIh Hkjlcld Newport June The latest marvel from Men'o pfrlt Is the tadmeter or instrument for the measurement of pressure which Prof Edison has jast completed It is to be used in scientific experiments to be made by astronomers from all rarti of the world at Denver Colorado next moiith daring the total eclipse of the snn visible st that place Prof Edison starts -for that State July 8tb accompanied by Drayer Barker and other scientists from this eect -m of tbe country The results thus far htained from the tasimeter are al most incredible used in connection with the galvanometer of Sir Wm Thomson It ha been fqypd to record the pressure of one five hundred part cf an inch 5 San Autonio Texas Special to toe Lnami Huild San Antonio June 22 A telegram from Eagle Pass states that nothing is definitely known of the movements oi Gen MacKenz'e or Col Snafter It is supposed they are heading toward Sara-gosta mountains The Americans sre still volunteering their services and horses are being impressed The move mentsaredecidedly warlike A courier arrive i from Piedras Negras yesterday with news that Col Nuncio an i OoL Valley are at Saragossa with a force of about 400 armed men The courier stated that a commission would be sent to meet Gen MacKenzie and ascertain tbe purpose of his invasion Nothing is known of Escobedo Marticex the revolutionist is supposed to be on this side of the river with fifty or sixty men Lewiston Me Spvctol to tbs Exerting Hjuii Lewiston June 22 The following are the horrible particulars of a ferocious attack by a savage 1 ull dog on four boys who were in bathing near this plsce on Wednesday afternoon A boy named Fagen seven years of age bore the brunt of the attack the others makiDg their eectpe Eagen has eighteen wounds which are all over his body and legs The dog literally ate a large piece out from under the arms so that the ribe can be teen The boy is lying in a dangerous condition St Joseph Mo Special to tbe Jfxvaiog Huuo St Joseph Mo Juue 22 The First National Bank Jos Hall Cashier is abort nineteen thousand seven hundred dollars The money was in the bank when it opened but was discovered misting at noon by the Cashier while tie remainder of the officers and employees were at dinner The disappearance is very mysterious and unaccountable no suspicious characters were in the Bank during the forenoon A reward of two thousand dollars is offered for the capture of the thief and the return of the money Detroit Michigan Special to tho Exonlng Ribald Detroit June 22 Orders were received to-night by the Twenty -second 5 lntantrv stationed in this city to proceed to Wisconsin without delay It is supposed that the movement is on account oi anticipated Indian troubles The regiment leaves in the morning Chicago 111 Special to tbe Exxoin UnuLO Chicago Jane 21 Sherry and Connelly were executed at 10:20 this morning for the murder ot Hugh McConville They had nothing to sav on tbe scaffold About 2000 spectators were present Chillicothe Special to tbe ExeniDf Huuio Chillicothe June Bowsher was executed at 11:05 this morning Hs had nothing to say and died without a struggle totios Memphis June 22 The market today is with demand good and light offerings Quotations nominally unchanged Sales 400 bales SlaaSaxS AmrlMa tliiMlflmllMf Low Ordinary Ordinary 91 Good Ordinary 10J Low Middling 10 Middling 11 Good Middling Ilf Middling Fair 12 Fair 12J Clean Stains 9 to Fancy Stains COTTON STATEMENT Bnraa Cottom Ixoumb June 22 1STS 5292 Stock September lit 1577 AteoalTed to-day itooeixed prgnooaly 40SS23 408741 Shipped to-day Shipped preyioaaly 4'S 403I2S 412033 405 336 stock ruonlo aceont IS-aci actual Count- ncroars Thai far thb veek Thus far laat week Stnoe September let 49 OS ws 408743 BJtrOBTS Thus far tbla week Thai far iast week Since September let 407 7R4 405 334 New Orleans June 22 11:30 a Market opened Receipts 143 bales Sates 200 bales Middling New Orleans June 21 Market closed dull Receipts 164 bales Sale i 200 bales Middling 11 Stock 33914 bales Mobile June Market close! quiet and weak Receipts 255 bales Sales 250 bale? Middling 10 rocks 5092 Savaitkah Juna 21 Nothing! HVce scripts 3545ales jfddiog II 2743 Charleston Jane The market Butler Announces a 'Willingness to Absent Himself at the Examination cf Etanliy Matthews Before Ccmmittse if 'tbs Senator so Desiree Dlsoovery of Another Big Hole ia Kentucky Which Far Surpasses th Mammoth Gave ia Yastness Professor Edison Agaia to the Front With Another It's Hams ia Taximeter A Savage Bull Dog Attacks a Party of Four Boys and Horribly Mangles One the Others Escaping A Bank at St Joseph Ho $19700 Short Interesting Items from Other Points Washington I) 8peclil to lk £xmn Ussaui Washington June The Senate closed its calendar pretty well briore adjournment but in the House there were seven ty bills left ou the public calendar and over four hundred on the private calendar to come up for consideration next session The most important bills which failed were the following The bill granting pensions to certain soldiers and sailors of the war of 1812 and their widows and widows of revolutionary soldiers for tbe appointment of a commission to investigate the origin and best means of destroying the cotton worms for the relief of the Choctaw Indians authorizing the Secretary of War to sell certain ordnance establishments to prome the refunding of the national debt and tbe loan of savings to the United States for that purpose providing for the classifications of mail matter and rates or postage thereon to provide lor the deposit of savings in a popular loan and to provide for funding the national debt In home bonds convertible into currency to establish a postal savings depository as a branch of the Post Office Department and to aid in refunding the interest-bearing indebtedness of the United 6tates Besides these all bills relating to subsidies and all effecting Pacific railroads failed and go over until next session Mr Noyes will be examined before the Florida commission next Monday The President will abandou the White Housj for his summer retreat at the Home about the 15th inst Nearly all the members of congress have departed from Washington not over thirty remaining here Senator Paddock Carter Harrison of Illinois A Wyman Assistant Treasurer and Messrs Daniel Baker Taylor and White of the Treasury Department and Middleton banker of this city were on November let appointed by Secretary Sheiman to examine fifty boxes of cancelled steel plates dies rolls etc heretofore need by the bureau of engraving and printing Josh Carpenter of Philadelphia and the Co lumbian hank note company of this city in printing fractional currency They have completed the examination and are now directed by the Secretary to destroy the plates etc' in tbe blast furnace at the navy yard to-day QjMr Butler read an article from a newspaper stating that Senator Matthews would not appear before the committee because he feared Butler would inEUlt him Mr Butler said he did not know Matthews but any time he wanted to appear before the committee if he gave notice Butler wouki absent himself Glasgow Junction Ky Special to the Kronins Hiuu Glasgow Junction June 22 Another wonderful cave has recently been discovered near this town It has already been exolored for a distance of twenty-three miles in one direction called the long route and ten miles in another direction called the short route The avenues are very wide A span of horses can easily he driven through for a i stance of eleven miles Three rivers wide and very deep are' encountered on the long route One of them is navigable for fourteen miles until the passages become too narrow to admit a boat This forms the third river rente which hasto bo explored in a boat The cave is wonderful beyond description nnd far surpasses in grandeur the Mammoth er any cave ever before discovered Several mummified remains have been discovered in one of the large rooms They were reposing stones coffins rudely constructed and from appear-anoes may have been in this cave for centuries they present every appearance of the Egyptian mummies Great excitement prevails over the very important discovery Edward Mortimer of Chestnut street Louisville Ky purchased three of the mummies and has them now in his possession Major Geo Proctor of Glasgow unction Ky purchased the" remainder of the mammies from the owner of tbe cave 'whose nsmels Thomas Kelly He is or we a fow days ago a very jxxr man ttrugglb to make a payment vn a farm of twenry four acres upon which by mere aeciJent Unabridged 3003 Eng raving 2840 Page Quarto 1000 Word etui notin other Diction arir rOl'R PAGE rom RED PLATEN A WHLE LIRBkRY IS ITSELF IN TALC aBLEIR AWT FAMILY AND IN ANT SCHMI Fubliibxd by 4 4t MERRIAM 9 rinffield Warmly Indorsed by Bancroft Preeeett Motley George Marab Fitx-Grw no Kciieek John Whittkr Willi John Pax Da iel ebeter But at Cboat-k Coterie- Suiut Hone Mann More than fiflff Col leg President And th bast Amonoi and EuropiCe Scholar Contain OHE-VIITH more matter than any m-ner type fixing mucbauoreoa a page Contain-SOtO luot-cUon marly three time as nrnx aa sn other Dictionary irL tlK AT the tbroe picture ol fur eo pear 1731-theM (lose illustrate the mean in I cf as than lOO xrords and terms far bnterthan ibex ean be d-8 a venla More than SOUO0 copies naxa been ptaerd ia tne public schools ol the United btatsc Becooimend-d by 14 ts tteperintendente of Schools and more than SO College Presidents Ha ebet 10000 words end meanings not in other Dicitensr rs Embodit about tOO yem literary labnr and is ee reml years late 'tan any otb are dictionary Ihen i of Wehe'er' Dictionary is 90 tim-e a great aa lhesalecf any other eerie IMi tiooarie Anaast 4 1S77 Th Dictionary used in tbe Goxernmect Printing Cfhoe ia Webster's Una Is It not rightly claimed that Wibsti la THE 5ATI0X iL STANDARD! FOR HALF OLD PAPERS ia perfect condition at the low Frio of CpntH r(h Cents For Hundred AT THE JERALD OFFICE 2Z7 SECOND STREET BUSINESS college: Business College SO MAIN STREET MEMPHIS TENN fTIHlS INSTITUTION 18 OPEN DAT AND NIGHT the entire year and afford superior adrantagee for young men ana boy desiring a sound business education or Irruiar ini other Information address ffHER8N Prtncinel HAVANA ROYAL LOTTERY Capital Prize 8200000 Only 27000 Tickets Class 1019 draws July 13th 1020 30th 1021 Aug 16th Prise ptlii in full without any discount In 8 eu rtencx if told by me Ticket and money ent by Ezpree (0 D) if dind peed for cirenleru Pitee of ticket: Whole $40 hilte $J0 quit-ten SlO'eigblbs S3 twentieth f2 io tietU Si of ticket eold uader price they sre coun Veileit MAN lib URKAMT1A 181 Common Mitel New Orlesme La THCS KOFFORD Carpenter and Buildei Shop No 44 Monroe St T1CNN 0V Jobbing promptly attended to Utime-intde on ecotretU OHmicoi br flie or etbenri four patronage feepcctfuily solicited To the Voters of SHELBY COUNTY An Address from the Central Club of the Kational Party The Contra! Clnb of the National party of Sbtlby county appointed a Campaign Ooamittoo ebirgee with the oond ct of tha eaova for Ooanty offleoro to bo elocted In A gnet Thin Com mi tie deem it proper to na mit to tbo public a Jew of the coo troll tup reason that roootram tho National party to labor tor chan In tbi character of oor local gow-a nment and especially tho method of ita a-JBilnii ration i ho organ of mach no politico In order to eon-tinne th- opproooiro nd corrupt irotom that now electa oar mlra a rk to coo-act Work logmen ot theooontry with tboae nho are charges with conimanipm tbo locont efforts in tbU a tree DOB Memphts by one of tho or an of tbo old cor rapt stoma bowe that tho National partyia to be the object of aboao and aiaader ia tho coming cea Tberforef so that no nai need make a mistake we hereby die tow any concoction whatever be tween the National p- rtf and eommotam socialism or any other mm calculated Co disturb tne peace oi society or to interfere with the execution of the ws nndor which we liye JCeery tisen knows that tbe cost of local rerern-mnt city and coantyi extra racani beyond meas urej that the promises econome are not perform -d The moment an officeholder is inducted into office be acts if tne position was personal property and imagine that he and the Government are one and the aame thing and that the people are ont aider and enl It to he wied and draw water for tbo officials Eence these officer a hen once in tnsiton remain donnr life They are enriched br fee at the expense of tho public and they make oe of tho money thus gronnd oat of tho pe pte to perpetuate themseWee office by tho trickery ot primary election for delegatee to oelect candidates to serve the dear people These pn marie are ex -nente and the poor man has io ehaoea whatever bowerer wortaror well qualified be may be Offices are bought and old and tbo longest pan usually wias The sxecatir eomimttoeo bare the especial charge of tbe financial depei tment and if one man doe not dance to their music another will and so thinrt gboe smoothly along tilt the people wake qn as at Bartlett (we mean the original not tbe to oa) and toli their false oerrant to begone That tin-e baa come again and wo call np tho people to wake np 1 be noiiti al leeches are sucking the life bioo-i ad will not stop till yon pat roar heels upon lh el necks fits cost of criminal prosecutions in bbelby county amount to onr for weary rotor ard yet liie ia not eery sacred The poor tbo helpless and tho ag' tortnnate norsr escape nor thonld they if guilty nor should others if guilty escape tno punishment dn to enm because they are rich and influential Tha enormous core bn sat ton paid by taco to tbe officer be a id is redneed to tbo present standard ot hard times and eery candidate bond be pledged to -u sport ererr leeiel a iec effort looking to that end A liberal salary aboard be paid on i of tbe foes of eeery office and tbo rm inder auould bo uod lor purpose of supporting tbe public tehooie dooon etone of tho Prosperity of tbetdimtty It much bettor to -tnld school bouse tbm 'jils much better educate tbo poor than food tht-'m in poor bouses and prison The rule ud to be that tha offic should ek tbo man but now under tbeeoirupt methods of tho oil partis the mn seeks tho office and mast oork it through a system which makes ban a lare to a few Hut master to whom be most swear alleriioe Thi kind political government and it atrocious methods we mean to -erthrow in Shelby county shall not tho public with collecting ierks to nattier aerew meats Wo hail not enter! from tandidatce forced conributious to be paid a tho pn of poetical suberxioncy Wo shell us money for the purpose of tupppreeaing public opinion ns has been done tni bounty A an earnest of onr good toith a ticket will 1h presented to tt oters of tholhy connie of candioatea for tbore-pcns-hl offices to bo iled In Angnet wMeh wiD deeerio the support of tho people ad which wa be lisvo will sociur it BepectfMy yhr SAM A TAILOR Chairman Camowiga Goiamittee JAMK8 I POX 2 LORDS 3c DIBHIi BOTTLERS OF Ale Porter and Lager Beer MANUFACURERS OF XXX BELFAST ClfiSCER ALE Cider Mineral Water ol all Flavors SOLE AGENTS FOR GAFF ADRORA LAGER BEER 303 FRONT ST MEMPHIS TENN A WILLIAMS PLAIN WILLIAMS 5c CO MANUFACTURERS OF Liiler Slules Hal Doors Sasl Blinds And MOULDINGS and ALL KINDS OF FRUIT and PACKING BOXES Office and Yard Cor Gayoso and Second Sts MILLS YARD HST FRONT ST MEMPHIS Send for Our New IPrice Last They are having more trouble with the Indians ard General Howard with bis usual bravery is keeping cut of tbe red way Jr is estimated that the aggregate o' appropriations made by Congress for tbe fiscal year ending June 18tb 1878 wiil be about $1700u0000' Mr Noyes wiil be called before the Potter investigating committee neat Morday to toll what be knows about the election frauds in Florida Tun Senate baring failed to pass the till reducing tbe tobacco tax the tobacco men propose to bold a convention to urge Congress to put the law in effect next April The bill will doubtless pas at the next session of Congress Mb Ei65E Beebe Secretary cf the General Committee of the National Party in Nets' York has presented a petition to the Common Council praying that a reception and the hospitalities of the city be tendered to Air James Gordon Bennett on bis return which ia exacted soon Tbs sum of 1658633 47 was spent the public schools at Philadelphia last year but it was not sufficient to provide accommodations for all the children and 50000 went without instruction Tbe scholars number 101124 and tie money raised fer educational purposes was certainly enough properly managed to give every child tbe full advantages of the public school system In Philadelphia however as in other cities there has been an immense amount of money wast-d in joh-Wry corrupt contracts and big salaries to useless officers and In costly buildings and furniture All these things have doubtless doubled the cost of the schools to tax payers who however entbusiss'Jc on subject of public education would prefer supernumeraries cut off superfluous and useless studies abolished and plain and substantial buildings put up instead of garish architectural abortions A Meeting of the manufacturers Chicago was held a few days ago and there whs a general dit-caesion concerning mea-nrea to secure a trade with Mexico The importations into Mexico aggregate 75000000 a year and it is estimated tbst only 5000000 or one-fifteenth of this amount goes from tbe United States Ihey passed resolutions declaring it to be the duty of the Chicago manufacturers to take immediate steps to try and secure a market in Mexico lor their products and manufactures Chicago manufacturers have already been shipping machinery into Chihuahua for micing operations and the macufac-tnrers have very enthusiastically indorsed the Texas Pacific bill which provides a way for them to reach the Mexican frontier The extension of the Texas Pacific has now been delayed by the failure to bring the bill to a vote and the postponement of its consideration until next December Tile Berlin Turkey-gobblers yesterday decided a ter a lor discussion to admit a Greek representative to the council table in a consultative capacity with reference to strictly Grtek interests This will make Srvia Montenegro and Eou-mania boil with indignation Greece being an independent 'State however should certainly be allowed to vote even if she did not sign the treaty of Paris for Hellenic interests in the dismemberment of Turkey are very great She should have Thessaly Epirus Mac edenia and Crete to round off a strictly Hellenic kingdom Ferty-eight years ago when the powers were fitting her out as a kingdom Greece asked for these titbits of territory but was refused out ol deference to Turkey The Greeks have never lost sight of the possibility of getting this territory however and It will be for interest to insist that they get the whole country up to the Balkans There are one million Greeks in Turkey in Europe Courier Journal Weighty Brides Throughout the empire of Morocco there are villages where the elder members of the adult population follow professionally the pursuit ot fattening young laliee for the matrimonial market of Barbary The Mrs like the Turks and mot other Orientals give a decided pie erance lor wives over leaos ones and are more solicitous as to tbe number of pounds which their wives weiih than about the stock of accom-pluhmeutx which they possets A girl is put under tbe process et fattening when she is about twelve years of age Her hands are tied behind her and she is seated on a carpet during so many nours every day while her papa over her with a or big stick and her mother at times pops into her month a ball of -r stiff maize porridge knerled up with grease and just large enongh to be swallowed If the unfortunate girl declines to be crammed she is compelled so that ere long tbe poor girl resigns herself to the torture and gulps dawn the beluees lest she should be beaten The electric light is now used in the! Chatlet Theater Paris 1 JEROME HILT FONTAINE NAPOLEON HILL TTTTT FONTAINE CO Cotton Factors AND WHOLESALE GROCERS Non 360 362 Front St MEMPHIS TENN HIST IS ALWAYS TAB CM I G-TTItTlsr BL AOK Manufacturers of Lumber AND DEALERS IN DOORS SASH AND BLINDS Dressed Flooring: Ceiling and Weatherboarding Office and Yards Brinkley Ark and No Mala Mint Mejnphis Tehnnx To Owners of Dogs 1 THE police btxe born instructed to destroy on 1 and site MONDAY the 24th but all doge u-t propariy mnxsled found running at Urge on tbe pohlie fre'nd alleys JL AIHT Chief of Poliee.

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