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Aurora General Advertiser from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • 1

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I fBliniED (Dim) BY HfllXIAM DUANE AT KO 88 M1RKET STREET PHILADELPHIA I NINE DOLLARS PER ANNUM SATURDAY NOVEMBER 7 isi NUMBER 6747 JL ENGLISH FRENCH AM) SPANISH EVENING SCHOOL 100 SOUTH SKCOWD T1T (lITfllH WAJ-HUT AND DOCK STKBXTS) MStfoKY t)F 1 IRELAND ANY perron havingodil volume of HISTORY OP lRntANDeihsrj boord cxn boordf by apply tog at th office of the Am ora may have them eachang qd so at to mk corn ite setta Novemtar 5 d3t United States District qf Pennsylvania i THE President of the Unit (saL) ed State to the Marshal of RICHARD PETERS the District oCPennsjdva nia Greeting WHEREAS the District Court of the United States in and for the District of Pennsylvania rightly and duly proceeding on a libel filed in the name of the United States of America for the use of the owners officers and crew of a certain armed vessel called the Marengo (whereof Jaques Bidois ia master) hath decreed all persons in general who have or pretend to hare any right title or interest in a Brig called the ST ANTONIO (Whereof Joseph Dayd or Joseph Hughes is master) her tackle apparel and furniture atul the goods wares and merclmndize laden therein taken by the said private armed weasel the Marengo to he monished cited and called to judgment at tine time and place underwritten to the fleet hereafter expressed (justice ao requiring) You are therefore charged and strictly enjoined and commanded that you omit not but that by publishing these presents in at least two of SAMUEL 0 JACKSON DRUGGISTS CORNER OF ARCH FOURTH STREETS HAVE just received per ship Brilliant from London a large addition to their stock of Dregs Medecine which they offer for sale on favprabie ermt AMONG THKH ABB 106 wt AQUA FORTIS 100 OIL VIT RIOL ewt TURKEY UMBER 5 do ROSE PINK eases MAGNESIA 7 2 hales CHAM MOMILE FLOWERS 1 hhd GENTIAN ROOT 1 MtkZINC I I do GALLIPOT? do BABBADOES TAR 5 10O wt SAL AMMON 1 case ORANGE FLOWER WATER 80 wt DIGITALIS X) 9L JUNIPER ALSO IN STOUR 'r 5 cases MANNA 4 esse ALEXANDRIA 8ENNA 100 bag JUNIPER BKURlES SO bbl SPIRITS 1 URPENTINB 1200 wt CRUDE NITRE ease AQUA FORTIS Duplex marked imported for the use of Brass Founder and other Artificers Orders from the country merchants and physicians executed on the best terms and with punctuality and dispatch October 81 d2w I 'Ell OBUJ win aim tot arioni pi wire ry i stFmtb esnjittol' Sctenct 1 FOR SALE A NEW SHIP 73 feet keel 85 feet bean 14 fret hold 88 feet king deck built of the bcff materials double tie '5 cabin and joiner work finished with dead eyes and chaint on I board Lying at wharf Northern Lihertiet 'Appfi-I cation to be made to Wah'T- fie Co No 87 north! Water street who will hew the VCtltt and make' known the terms Btt October 7 dtf the cartel Cfv SHIP PENNSYLVANIA ft-1 -f i Captain ROBINSOV Captain ROBINSON WILL positively mil for Liverpool on the 80th mat pwatge apply to JOHN DOWNING Wharf For October 1 hit ut FOR SAVANNAH THE BBODJAR PACKET BBSD HETTY m- wharf will be dispatched immediately' hat excellent accom ICSNRY SKINNER Master now Uying at Summerf wuWTj wiu DC ctsptieneo inuiiwiiticii ui uiwicni icwiii tatiouA For freight or passage apply to the Captain Wta i IDLER PERRY JVRO OFFER FOR SALE Prime Sea Island and Upland COTTON MUSCAT WINE ANNISEED I German STEEL November 5 dtf FOR SALE FREIGHT OR CHARTER Wiy' D10 rn SOUTH CAROLINA BELONGING to fbia port built by Joseph Grice in the I year 1 809 brtheo about 245 tons coppered to the bends I now to the port of Charleston South Carolina ready to take aaeargo on for particular apply to WILLIAM BETHELL j-v No 138 north Front atreet October 7 wstf FRENCH CANTON AND ENGLISH! GOODS THE SUBSCRIBERS KO 182 market street HAVE JUST OPENED 60 PACKAGES OF SAID GOODS i Which with their former assortment they with sell on mo I derate terms I THET consist or eaaei White and Colored embroidered French LAWN for the Havannamarketi do StiffSattin RIBBONS No to fi Soft do do do Plain fit Stamped China do Stamped Satua do do Mantua do do Hank RIBBONS do do do do fdo i asiorted do SilkSHAWLS 1 do FLORENCE and MANTUA 1 dos Black FLORENTINE I do Silk STOCKINGS 29 dd eontaintog fringed Black and Checked IIDICFS i 'r Plain do Blaek Green Plain and Changeable SIJNSHAWS i Plain Chocked and Changeable SARSENETS assorted colored Sewing SILK PUNGEES GALLOONS UMBRELLAS 9- eobtaiiucg 4-4 and fi-4 Cambric MUSLIN LICOj Furnimre do Colored CAMBRICS dw THREADt CHECKS and Cambric Shirt- tog MUSLIN jBORLElfXAEORLE 162 Market Sleeet September 30" tuihtiSt GERMAN LINEN? Etf I BOHLEM HAVE FOlt SALE AT THEIR STORE no 67 aoDTE ropRTH It TtCKLENBURGHS OSNABURGH3 BURLAPS 1IALBLAAKEN HEEDBN ROLLS HESSIANS BROWN PLATILLAS SILESIA SHIRTING LINEN L1STADOES CHECKS No 8 STRIPES 7 HEY HAVE ALSO ON HAND llo'iUnd heavy and tight Sail jhmia Sail Duck lotaa Sheeting Lven Duck hurt fine Holland Shirting white sad Brown Flemish rfineBroad doth' jifib i 1 1 Orieaaa and Georgia Upland Cotton Si Goods Flmt half pint Tum-irf i SstembertO Holland Gin of the best qua-lity' Prime Dutch Madder Looking Glass Plates White and Brown Havasna Sagars La GauyrsSt Domingo and Java Coffee London Particular Madeira Wine Nutmegs Cloves and Nlaee Logwood Gum Senegal Gum Guiacum wltScthataSv SALE kited States of America 'frict of Maseachiiaetts $es '(JRSUANT to a warrant from the honorable John Da- Judge of the District Court of the United State tor rict I do hereby give this publie notiee i hal) expose and sell at publit auction and to the high bidder at the long rooma on India wharf within the tosn poston on Friday the 15th day of November mat at 10 A the allowing Merchandize composing a the Ship Venus captured and into the port of Salem within this District and or- he mid lor whom it may hereaftei concern namely taiki White Lead containing 529 8 17 tateof assorted Earthen Wa of Sheathing Copper containing as follow! viz etoof 24 oz weight 40 18 do 1 26 oa da 50 0 23 ox do 55 8 14 cM do 30 oz do SO 2 26 3 cub Copper Nails 24 3 9 Cotton Bagging eontaSntog 12500 yard Liverpool Cou i Jrf containing about 18500 yards brown Holland atottaintog 2014 pieces rich (28 yards) fanaj and Cambric 1 cont stoiiig a bo lit 8000 piece (28 yards) fancy wand Furniture eontaintog 700 piece (28 yard) Chintz contsiamg S7 dox Cambric Hkts containing 100 piece (28 yards) fine Scarlet i 1 i I I an I 1 5 GITEjI ON Sem RASSI il igenerd SEEDS HehuMv! nt TOl RCJSSUS I redgrKi 8 atutbu 90 Opposite the Office of the Pennsylvania Insurance Company THE ENTRANCE IS jn DOCK STREET THE independence of South America appear to he d-termined and established and that rich and fruitful region toast every day become a more interesting reaort of mercantile and lucrative enterprise from the United States France on the other hand from her boundless influence ia Europe land In the vast markets of the European Continent presents to the American merchant the certain source of a vast and comprehensive commerce Those whose concerns call them to those countries mast be Swire of the advantage of Inure- acting business with a know lege of the language of the country A Literary Gentleman Author and Translator of several works in thoae languages ha the honor of notifying that he eontiouea to teach the three languages to a select number of Gentlemen--on liberal terms His EVENING SCHOOL for the Spanish language is and the Englbh languages on every Tuesday Thurs- jn ifWi fiwia ft ffe 0nS to Kson afhZ dnring th day and 6 private instructions to Ladies and Gentlemen' In the three languages at their own boo sea Hit method bat been so successful that ha ean say without exaggeration that under his instructions those he teaches may in a very short period ol time be enabled to speak write and translate and to transact basinets of every kind to either language November 5 rawat5tq JOHN DUBARRY HAS MOW ON HAND 'AT HIS STORE KO MARKET STREET THE FOLLOWING GQOD3 4 i Which he tall dispose qf on the most reasonable terms ENGLISH GOODS ABKIVALS BKCBtVBD PBB LATBSt Aa follows: 4-1 and 6-4 CAMBRIC MUSLIN 4-4 5-4 and 4 Fine JACONET MUSLIN C-4 Fine CORDED CAMBRIC 7-f end 4-4 SHIRTINGS Pink and BlackCAMBRICS Aaaorted Winter WAISTCOATING 1 Cotton SHAWLS assorted Mens BEAVER GLOVES APRON CHECKS CALICOES WORSTED BINDING Coored and WWe THREADS Cotton CASiMERES 1 GRAVDURELLE CORDS and VELVETS Colored Pocket HDKF3 ALSO EXCELLENT" ASSORTMENT FRENCH AND INDIA GOODS C0NSI3TIK0 OF MANTUAS FLORENCES figured and plain 4 LEVANTINE figured and piaio SATTINS figured and plain Aisorted MANTUA RIBBONS figured tml plain Soft Stiff and Figured SATTIN RIBBONS Plain and Figured Frtncb German and India CePd St ALL ON LOVE RIBBONS HAIR RIBBONS VELVET RIBBONS A4 CRAPE Arm and Hat CRAPE SILK GLOVES Mena and Womens Short tnd Extra Long KID GLOVES Mewsr BUCKSKIN GLGVES A HTIFICIAL FLOWERS" SILK VELVETS LOVE HDKFS GAUZES plain ard figured THREAD and SILK LACES Colored Changeable and Blaek SENSHAW3 Plaids plain colour and blaek SARSNETS SEWING SILKS black and enlortd Black and colored FRINGE HKFS -Blaek and colored PLAIN HDKFS FLORENTINES FLAGS and AND ANNOES ALSO 30 balet of ml TURKEY YARN and 2 trunks French ready made SHOES FANCY MUSLINS Jost received an assortment of FAN CYMUSUN consisting of fine Fancy Blitter Seed Seeded and Striped MUSLIN Border Stnpe HDKFS Plain LEKO -colored border Stripe HDKFS September 28 dtf PURSUANT 2t testament hf Johw Shrphbrd de- aaiuul caiili hm awnMail Aa stnkliA wnii aa tlin ceased will be exposed to pubhe vendue ou Thursday the YCth of November next on the premises THAT valuable GRIST and SAW MILL and FARM situate in Lower Dublin township Philadelphia County on the waters of Penny pack and within ten mites of Philadelphia The Farm contains 48 acres aud 156 perches of good land a suitable proportion of which are woodland end mea-j dow the improvements are a grod Mill calculated for merchant and eo no try work and has three ran of stones a complete Saw Mill a good Stone House ami Barn and other out buildings all to good order Alto A Lot confining 4 acre and 97 perches on which are excellent Quarry Ot Curb Stones adjoining the above The convenience of water carriage js great as tide water comes within It mile of the Mills and Quarry Any person wish tog to view- the premise previous to the day of sale wilt please to apply to William Shepherd Junr on the premises Conditions of sale will be made known by the sub tcriber on the day of aale Sale to commence at I -i Wm SHEPHERD Sea Ejtetatori- November 3 itaitoffllq WANTED IMMEDIATELY A JOURNEYMAN BOOKBINDER who is well acquainted with all kinds of extra blank binding Generous wage wiU bejtivcns Apply to JANE AITKEN i No 71 North Third street October 27 tmhstSt til I TO BE SOLD LOW AT xo 46 Uhion street 500000 best auperfine White Chapel NEEDLES 9 lV- rTf i nvr i 3 boxes best Turkey OIL 1 ONE in small pieces October 13 tuthi9tq THIS IS EUBUSUfD BY KIMBER AD RICHaRDSOA VO 237 market street Medical enquiries AiiD OBSERVATIONS ON 1 HE DISEASES OF THE MIND BY BENJAMIN RUSH Professor of the Institute and Practice of Medicine and ef Chimieal Practice in the University of Pennsylvania IN tins volume it eootaied not only a view ot ail the forma of Maduea as tliey appear in the under tamltog but also a history of the Diseases the mr-moty Ot the will oi the passoni and of all the other faculties of the mmd ev tt have eonstantiy on hand a general assortment of the must approved MEDIC BOOKS II mo 3d EUll 8AL1S SO BVSIIELS FRESH ORCHARD GKASb SEED And 16 000 feet Coach broad Half Inch Tellov Poplar seasoned PANNEL BJARDS SAWFD from Logs of die first quality and in the lea order1 Enquire of BENJN LeHMaNj Near theMarket House Germaato wn Oetober 6 tuUiJtf WAN I ED AN cturWoman who 'mileriautievery branch of com-' mon needlework uwisdly rrimrt In a ftmily Sue must also know Hw toiwaVapastiT pekescMprervea A person so qualified ili fiiHha good place by enqiuring of the but non- nee I ajto ho earn ait to rug a pesidve teat- mony ef good character fr-ia sm reotaUe tattaen oli Philadelphia dTt WANTK1L A WAITER who can be wait rrccmmteeded by wane respectable e'lzenof -be must underaiand the branches ot hit bum as and know how to Lf out a cna-oer nd desert Apply at the office November 5 dot FOR SALE OAJ2 HUNDRED ST1ND OF 'arms UNITED' STATES "PATTERN COMPLETELY finished tw ids iLyoncta CHARLES WESTP1IAL November 5 d3tq ALL persons indebted to the etude of JaarViaH Ho as- KRVh late of theeuy of PlidaiUlplito Brick Maker eeastil are requited to aiake p-vment of the end all those who have any demand agienst tii said estate to' render their accounts (tested to either of the sub senbera MICHAEL kX ADAM ECKFRLOT i Elteutorf WHO HAVE FOB SALS A IaaCE OOAKTITT Of BRICES At the Yant the corner of Vi ard Broad streety October 17 dins DISSOLUTION OF TliD Partnership of Moan is 8t Glut la this day dit solved by mutuJ consent erson huvvng any demands fviust them will ideaseto coll at their tats countiii hock for payment on FaaoaaiCK amt all those indebu- ed are requested to make innned ate pymeiri to tout by whom the business will in future be carried 6n and Vlio res- pestlully so lefts a Coutinuartce of the custoa of ilieir fornteg triends and the pubke QUL 0tember 4 4Sw ATTENTION! FIRST REGIMENT OF CAVALRY NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN to the members coo posing the first regiment of Cavalry of (he mty aud comity of Philadelphia that so Ejection will be held at (ire City Halt on Monday tbe 9J dsv df No ember and then amid tliere between the hears of 10 and i of the are day to elect by ballot one Lleutenair Criooeh DANIEL SHARf Brigade Io-paetvr October 31 8l05i4-S TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS a THE first drawn numbered on the next or' tyth drawing of the Vaccine I Ml ery will be entitled to one of the four Capital Psixes of TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS s' Which this splendid Scheme CenUtiut To allow (dvcnmrers as much time as potable tre supply themselves wish Tick thie jorporUwt dLrmwiog ih 4 take plaee before oext Tuesday week November Th drawings however wilt afterwards be continued not lest than I three times each tteeks and will certainly fo finished four before any of the other Lotteries now drawing ia this city THE VACCINE LOTTERY 4 KX COXTAIX 4 prizn of S2nQ00 2 ef 500 TO 1 SIMKIN5 CALDVELLi 4 Who have for sale great variety ot Numbers in the MEDICAL CULLEGE SUbQUEHANNA CANAL ID ri EUlES both of which are now drawing in this Frizes in all the Lotteries are taken for I iiket the same a Cash or Cssli Is given for Pi izes as soon a drawn' ta -C krep Chrek Book of all the Lotteries and gve core reel information reipeeting them gratis to 11 persons to-v terested Baltimore 82d Oet 1812 (24) I dl9t 4 11 1 1 ilVnil i il i it ii Mi SELECT 1 YOUNG LADIES ACADEMY WILL be opened oo Monday the SOth of November at Na 119 Spruce itieet betweeu Fourth and Ffih streets tu Academy for tbe reception of Select Yoarg tbe tmldiiig is spacious aud irjwJic rooms arc uncommonly easy ol access One room ia parcularfor tbe schotari coats bonnets or any part of their apparel useless through the course of the dsy To panegyrise oneself is of no cooso-quenee Unless where merit is wanting wherefore 1 wiU only add that the Utmost eodosvors to benefit tbe stlwlar will bo JOHN ItARNEB 5 JU112 11 For character capacity end other particulars apply aa' above Novembers 'd3ik 'dotknaiStiq LOST A RED MOROCCO ROCKET BOOK itindryoapknf in it also TWO FIVE DOLL All NOTES on the Wk NeW Brunswick The papers are of no use to any person but the owner as there ia nuke all persons that foti paper was on The Money thkt was in it will be green wih thanks to th finder of the Pocket Book by leaving it at thft otfiod of ti Aaron -and to farther questions asked ABRAHAM KELSEY November -NOTICE 4- ALL persons indebted to the esta'o of Ltdia Wit lliMS deceased are requested to make llkose havtag demands to present their accounts without delay to SAML CAItR i to Tenth between Pine and Lombard streets' October 99 thrtg LATIN GREEK EVENLYir -SCHOOL WILL he commenced oo Wednesday ever in? 4th in a room of the CotamUan Acsdcmj SJikererts' Buildings south Sixth street Ihe numbrir of Students nr fimited to ten the greater part A which are already ei gjg-ed Evenings of attendance XV ednesdaya and iv data Foa further info racoon apily at No 17 North1 Alley Norember 3 tutiis3(q -s VALUABLE PROPER! FARM GRIST AND SAMr MILLS LEAD AND COPPER NOSES FOR SALE MILL GROVE FARM the road to five utile Norristown 2 horn Philadelphia n(j mike from Schuylkill in Montgomery county state of qxefa(e ormustinrof Urge Stone Dwelling Douse' anp Bara Mill and stone bunt Gr ami rids to pair of stones the fine stream of taomau-and containing (bewdL-taU tl bed and watered (lit Creek) tl5j acres a Lad'wbtreof about Jare Vi ood and art thy aontinder meadow and athle Luml 1 1 A Lead ami Uotper Mine ret the Mme eon-' listing of regular of tlicse wo valuable Mineral tnK having teUiMily yfehted seve-at too oi ore The utuauoB is healthy and wellcdiuiUted for tr kind a mamiOtetme-vwfcvM a nererfaiunv stream of water is wnlj" ed for FyrreormfirmaTi apKvto FtAXCIl mCriSFk No- lf south Saco a ar- O-Vrf i the daily newspapers printed and published in the city of Philadelphia cite or cause to be monished and cited peremptorily all persfina In general who have or pretend to have any right title or interest in the said brig SU Antonio het tackle apparel furniture and the goods ware's and merchandize laden therein to jppear before the honorable- Richard Peters the Judge of the said court at the District Court Room in the city of Philadelphia on the twentieth day after publication of these presents (if itohe a court day or else on the next court day following) between the usual hours of hearing causes then and there to shew and alledge in due form of law a reasonable excuse if they have any why the said brig St Antonio her tackle apparel and furniture and the goods wares and merchandize laden therein should not be pronounced to belong at he time of the' Capture of the same to the enemies of the United Slates and as goods of their enemies or dtherwise liable and subject to condemns tion to be adjudged and condemned as good and lawful prize And further to do and receive in tins behalf as to justice shall appertain And that you duly inti tna'e or cause to be intimated unto all persons afore said in general (to whom by thetenur of thete presents it ia also intimated) that if they shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned or appear and shall not how a reasonable and lawful cause to the cctra-ry tliq said district court doth intend ind will proceed to adjudication on the said capture and may pronounce that the said brig St Antonio her tackle apparel and furniture and the goods wares and merchandize laden therein did belong at the time of the capture ofthesame to the enemies of the United States of America and as foods of their enemies or otherwise liable and subject to confiscation and condemnation to be adjudged and condemned as lawful prize the absence or rather con tumacy of the person eo cited and intimated in any wise notwithstanding And that you duly certify to the firid district court what you shall do in the premises together with these presents Wit sess the honorable Richard Peters judge of the said court at Philadelphia this I9lh day of October 1812 and in the thirty seventh year of the independence of the said United State D- CALDWELL Clerk of the District Court In obedience Wtlie foregoing Citation and Monition have caused the $ame to be pubUahed for the information of tliA concerned 2 JOHN SMITH Marshal ManliaP office Philadelphia October 21 1812 (22) d20t three hundred REWARD DOLLARS THE Simp of the subscriber No 44 north Seventh street was opened in the night of the 8th instant And tbe following arlie'et stolen One Gold Chronometer maker Barraud No 236 Corn-bill London d9 Do Do' i One double eased silver pstent Lever Watch Maker Robert Roskell Liverpool Nx 1827- with Gold Chain and Key the key marked One Do do silver patent Lever Watch maker Robert Roskell Liverpool No One silver Hunting Watch maker Reed Well minster No 18U8 One Da double cased do maker Kiler Dublin No 7610 One new Gold Repeating Do French make One double eased Gotd Do Dublin make-with a Scotch Pebble Seal with A eypher of WB i One tingle cased Gold Repealing Watch with a Urge balance sat with gargoos vibratiog seconds maker Dreg-net A number of Gold Watches doable and tingle cased of French and English Mcuutaature A number of Silver Watehesof English and French Ms nulacture Among which were 2 double eased patent Lever Watahea made byToaia Co Liverpool 1 angle aase Gold Watch tbe cap injured at the spring the point of the minute hand defaced Billon on the face 1 doable eased Silver Watch maker Wtltiam Smith London No 1 1 1 do do da Engraved on the case II I Silver Box Hunting do maker Gullion engraved on the ease A 41 with a gold stirrup teal sett with Wbita Cornelian Some Gold and Silver Watch Cates The above reward will be given fur the apprehension of the thief or thieves and the restoration of the AU Watch Makers and Others are requested to stop say of the abovenLmtioncd articles if otlcred to there for sale THOS VOIGT Angust 12 J- -dtf One Silver don -One large -do yt Cethro Lon-iuble cased TO LEI THE STORE now occupied by the Subscriber one of the best stands for the Dry Good business in the at the corner of Market and Second streets and possession may be had immediately ALLEN ARMSTRONG October ft dtf CHEMICAL LECTURES THE first Lecture of Dr course of Chemistry be will be delivered at his Room corner of Fourth and Chesaut (tree's on Monday the Oth instant at seven in the evening and continued every Monday and Thursday at the Same hour Ticket for a Geptiemen g(j For a Lady course of Leeturea to the JUVENILE CLASS will core menee on Tuesday the 10th iust at the same hour lickettfor either sex 8 1 isketo to be had of Dr Jonet No 85 Sanaom street or at tbe Room on toe stated evening November A thstult FOR PRIVATE SALE A SMALL FARM pleasantly situated about mile from Philadelphia in the township of Oxford the said Farm is in the best condition having been lately highly manured the fencing upon th place is made of the best materials and nearly all new there is a convenient Frame House Barn aud Uai-ratki upon tbe place with a pump of most excellent water at the door a young bearing Orchard of the best a retted fmt with about nine acres ot young thrifty Wood Land Tbe arid place wiil be sold a bargain aa the subscrw ocr wishes to remove from the state For tnnher particutafs pplyto WALTER SHBB Near Fwnkfbrd Mrch ft stuthtt A FRONT ROOM TO LET SUITABLE tor an Office or end a few Gentlemen ean be stcammmUted with Bov bog nd Lodging- Apply at No 18 north Ninth itreft i COKES FANCY CHAIRS The subscriber be-s leave to infurm hit friends and (he pub-lie generally thithe has A Large and General Assortment of FANCY AND WINDSOR CHAIRS AT HIS WARE ROOM co'rsbr walbot' wb DOCK It Made of the best materials and finished in the neatest homier WHICH he will dispose of at a jrfcdueed price' aa he it about declining the basnets ISAAC BIRD November 3 dlfl'q NOTICE IT is with great astisfaetiun that the subscriber informs hit fellow men tlut he becomes every day more convinced from his extensive practice durmgthe last six months in eases of Syphdus (Vi C) that hit Phdostqihtsa! Kseovery will sooner or later pat an end to the almost alf ay Injurious practice ol Mercury i If those laboring under that dreadful disorder will apply at hit Medical Room established fotf ttat purpose to south Fourth street' the entrance to jwh-bh i through aa alley opposite the Philadelphia Bank they wiU ba referred (if required) to persona who have been cured in eases wltich had baffled the skill of surgical knowledge 4 The arrangement of the apparatus it such that no patient it exposed to another though taking the operations at the same time fH LAUTU September 29 tuftf i i -i DRUM BEAMING (COPY RIGHT SECURED) FOR SALE AT MUSIC STORE XO 24 SOUTH FOURTH JTBkltV (APPROVED of by die War Departraeot and a number of Copiel engaged tor the United States Army) a tiew use pleie syttem of DRUNF BPvUN Including ful and com toe the ttcvUtes Troop Retirea Tattoe a) Ulcer CUs Smta Salutes and the- whole of the Camp" duty a practised at Head Quarter Washington CTty Intended parbeularly for ttie use of (he United State Army and Navy By Charlbs Ashworth Price g2 single tod tierdozen Thu-is the work ot the kmd ever published in this country and contain a complete aystem-of Drum Beating as practised not only at Washington City but by the European Armlet upon plan so perfectly simple and easy that it mav he learned with very little time and trouble by any ore not the least acquainted with the Drum It is recommended to the patronage of the Officer of the United Armies and to the Offleet of the Militia thrdtgbout the United States at a mean of producing a uniform method Drum Beating in the Militia the musters when corps from different towns parade together the jargon produced by the vsrioua way of beating may be remedied The filer will also find it greatly to his adrayage as there is added every tune on the fife key that should accompany the Drum" October 3d fm2m PATENT BOTIOMfpIAIRS ELLIOTT FAhCY PAINTER AND ORNAMENTAL GILDER HAS the pleasure of informing bis friends and the pobfic that he has obtained a PATENT for tbe BOTTOMS of FANCY CHAIRS It is not necessary here to mention the many advantage they possess but will leave it to a generous public to judge for themselves they may want nothing more than inspection) for those that may honor him to Call at No 135 Arch street and see them to confess them to be in punt of durability aud elegance superior to all others and he hopes by a strict attention to the painting and ornamenting and in tbe taste and strength of the workmanshp by empb ytog the best workmen to deserve public patronage September 23 wftf IN THE CASE OF JOHN HELUNGS An Imohent Debtor FIRST DIVIDEND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by virtue of an act entitled "An an act tor the relief of insolvent debtors re ski- 4 A AA4 Ad DLUKLL sL al I ingin the city and eoubty Of Phildelphia and their neeaoftbe passed the 13th dav of March last the Assignee said John Hellings did on tbe4ih day of this month exhibit before the Commissioners ot Insolvent at their Apartments a statement of the proceed of HI the estates re I personal and mixed of tbe said John Hetlicgs together wilh the Schedule of Debts due by him and July proved and the said commissioners havng audited the same a dividend thereon has been directed of twelve per Cent on the amount of the respective debit so proved which will to paid to die said creditors or their representatives duly aa-ihmixed on Monday next tbe 9tb ins'aoi at the store of Samuel Harkbr' north Second street between the hours of 10 aud in the forenoon DANIEL MANN 5 Samuel harkeil November 5 thsm3t PHILADELPHIA BREWERY i MORAVIAN ALLEY BETWEEN' SECiipD AND THJUD AND And race sirkhtS Philadelphia THE subset itosr having commenced Brewing at the above Brewery and engaged an expeneneed person to attend the business and who is weil quabnedin brewing of Malt Liquor having served tt regular apprenticeship to the same The subscriber intends brewing STRONG and TABLE BEER FOlil'Klt and that much admired and refreshing drink PALE ALE and warren afi Liquors that go from his Brewery equal to auy made in the city of Philadelphia aid mot res- pectfuily solicit the custom of lus fri-tuli rod the public The bighegl price given for BARLEY and HOPS For sale several parcels of COFFEE entitled to debenture THOMAS 8 KELLY October 20 Iuths2m GOLD LEAF THE subscriber haring been tppotuled ageni by Jlr WltntaM Jones Gold Beater ot New urk tor tha purpose otvcnujng his GOLD LEAF in this uy now offer for sale on ihe following terms to wit Large DEEP GOLD wsrnrited ot in exert ens ly turany number under five packs 00 tor hve pack anil upwaids tri Si sBIRD It CO No I7D Market 8- corner of Filth street October'S I 7 ir I Reg--- Tucf4 andjwr mate st1' romthel tat of New ad pi14! bout fe vide elW tuaV tvb of the for two aoUto41 ise Tbf never ery ri Itiaadtoi On ash LOTS I 16 Repf ter at aepremisA enfeetc en fee' nd betv'f jiB0rth tliey hve etin treat two feat nire of th Kii'hai'db'S staining 1600 pieces (28 yards) rich Cafieoev t-e onutotog 650 pieces (28 jrarda) rich dark Cadi Itoa I 'V i Ljefl 200 pieces (28 yards) fauey Cafieoe ho 1 P'eee (23yrd) fancy Trafalgar! ivTYi 3JVU Sep1 exputod )th day of and Cambrics i5u0 (58 yards) Pink 8t Cboco totitaining 450 pieces (28 yard) Printed Caiicoea Ja 250 piece (23 yard) Calicoes Boston toil 27 ih October 18i2 JAMES PRINCE Marshal d4t J1USRRT8 cUTLASbEB a S'iLE ON REASONABLE IE RMS nV VANTITY OF MUSKET a ANu CUTLASSES i SUITABLE FOR QH ARMED StiSS" Na lu wh Third tree i 10 to ihstubt HouteSa 010 or i i iu'a to Of- IEWlffi.

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