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Aurora General Advertiser from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • 3

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i coimtnu pose A SPECIAL meeting ofthi Compsnv will he heM THIS EMNG the 2WI law ntjlilm tu'ern ni-uvintly ut fl Velnek on Bv vwiler of the Presi JOHN BRIGGS Wry January Wed In ptetneir 1 be rul afip tomato 1 tetrifc irotkt 5 Ves of Gtei tpateho ft! ider tl) by iforeasi fv rne- (tv Rfr Pittman said that all the in the vaults was considered tlie property of the bank and that the distinction pointedout in the resolution as to whom it belonged could not be made Mf Tallmadgc could have wished that the subject had been discussed on its merits lie was in hopes thaUwould have been the case But the resolution on the table was calculated to excite party feelings The secretary he said had not the power by the charter call for a list of the stockholders and therefore the call of the house on him would be improper Mr IVright said the charter prevented any man but a stockholder and a citizen of the U-Statcs from being a director and have we not a right to enquire whether that tart of the charter hat been violated or whether it has been complied with I I am authorised said Mr Wright to state that the firettdenf of one ofthe braneht it hot a citizen ift the United Statct that he vtata confederate tf the celc DR COMATEXTARIK UPOXTHK BIBLE JU'lNF WATSON CORNER 01 THIRD AND CHESMVT STREET INFORMS the public iu gtmeral and his aulwrilicrs in particular that he has relimpmhed hi lairpnae of ftruuiiif Cnminenfan hating been recently bonvini cd tlm' Ur Ezra Sargent of York is publuliiiigthcrn for the lament of the aothnrgRut atson lias pnrnhasrd a part of thia edition fiir the suppiy of Philadelphia Jersey Ac and is prepared now to deliver tliefrtnom'itr to any pit-sent aohscri-hers and to as nmny more as wish to possess tltemsclvci nl thit iiiialuablc work To those who are unacquainted with the merits of dm greatest commentary eer oflei-rd to the Christian world it may aiffice to sav 'that it is pal ionized hr Clergymen of every denomination There arc at present 40 Cloigymen tihscrtiars in the city of New Yotk and near Silt citizens although the list Isprobaldy not more than half completed It possesses the pernlmr merit of familiarising tint rarest Biblical leamirg to the plainest rapacities The various Ian-stages of the world as nltrn as they are tpioled are put luwnin their origono characters ancf are always tiau -ed for the hem-fit of the unlearned rend-r This work ia also tit he hail of VJyssrs Bravxax It Moa-rOED as heretofore aimunor-rd to tie nt-1-1 January 'i'l tutbs1t Mitiae sbaBift eases Wttero there ii an informer not Wag in jT tarfot ef tlie United State be given to auoh iafoamer tul vliert there ia no inch uifiirmer shall be give a the eoDeetor to be apportioned eraWigst the collector naval officer and surveyor in the Mine manner a ia profiled helea for the diftribution of one halt' the ponaltier and for-Zum accruing by reaaon of infraetiom sf tlie law for the aePeetion of duties on the importation of merchandize into the United States and in aU eaiea whatever the other hall giaH be diitribuledin the tame manner at ii already provtd- eSee'U And bt it further enacted That in all easel of rizure of merchandize in any ilinrict adjacent to the colo-aie nr possession of a foreign nation made on aeeonnt of any infraction ot' tlie provisions nf thia act or of the aet to which (hit act ieaiupplcmcn it be necessary for the claimant wr claimants to prove that tlie merchandize thna seized wni legally imported into the United States and that tlie duties pavalde On the importation uf the same hail been paid or se enrol to be paid and in failure of making such proof the mer-chandjae thu seized wa forfeited gft 16 And be it further enacted That the president of tje yTticd States be and lie Iterehy ia authorised to hire arm Mf ifipi'iy seventy-five vessels not exceeding in tonnage xmo pond red and tfiirty tons each belonging Or citizens of the 1 twtd States and many seamen as shall be necessary to nan th same for imeiediate service in enforcing the laas ol United States on the sea coast thereof aail to dismiss the lame from the service of the United States whoever he shall deem the same Provided however that such hiring or employing shall hot be for a term exceeding one tfSro XT indie it further enacted That for enabling tlie JJretidea of the United States to carry into effect tlie sil 0CERT The Taffies tnd Gentlemen of Philadelphia art? rropactfitiV nfornu-d that on 1 1 svoa fvtsix a duioarv 'tMI at Mr Ball man wailli I'uwtb street wiU bef given A (DNUIRT OF Yorit Ayn IYSTftVMETin MUSIC rou the never or me da let FORMERLY OF THE NEWTHKAT RE flatters himself the aebxtiim for tlie e-lai iMiiineut will merit tlm attentwai of a generous MMie iv wane of the ladle and gentlemen uf tin thcntivr ami the gen-th-men of tiieorciievlru liave kiirtly oflered llair aswstauec for the ia uimi PUT FIRST Gratnl Iluch New IVikvI Mr Chnrnrk tlie won's by Mr nt Movie It lri ker Comic wing How to Ur JrJermn Reritatiun and somir Master vat vim great nptro Mr Went 1 Stix-pliou thus yon teaze Mr Hilmot what a rhanning A Ift Seymour Concetto Hr Gtllnschoin PART Si-JiOND VruAuwer Swert luusmwir -vus a)e wur Jl usKt ftlnyy Smig foist that fought for Mrt Muni by Pelltnieiiw Smiw Mr Acirzie Doctor Trotter Song When Ed vard left Iu native II it mot Comic The country ttr Jeffernn Full Monzart Tha Concert to commi-nce preriselv at 7 Tickets one dollar each to he hvd ut Music SuwcAit vt door to Mr llall-romi ami of Mr lluiicy No 33 Powell street Januarv I'J 6 3 iV brated Aaron Burr and that httt traitor thl rnnniru0 to thit country Mr Quincy ald the gentleman from Maryland ought not to make such remarks without being willing to avow to whom he alluded Mr Wright I allude sir to the president of the branch at New Orleans befo Wf 4 shall board on oft erritori oi bowt ted ad ebie tie trticlee iMW on boot eiitioe leathers ip or fall rft thereof of Mak article this at i or od diy therrff tlie ia 1 of aek nutted i signed Undel rmit tie and an foittna i relat Unhid euUsster tens slri and me ogcffri been INCUd ukUng a itiagm they mt iilizemh oocesl tok hall mount tr Waled -H-t-St formerly aror teamed pdwtet POST OFFICE Phitadelfthin 211 January 1811 uv-TTia ran tux ixitux nextr DUKE OF JiENT Caft Coteswobth FOUT nlntonfli ilimt he received nt thia office until I'liurahir tlieUh in it at I B- The iidaad jioVage to New York mint be paid JaiHinry MILLTABt AND NAU LTCAL BOOKS B1UVXJX Uf A fOPFOUV NO 119 CflCUrVT STRltTj HAVE 0R SALE A VARIETY OP MILITARY AXD HOME XAUTICAI BOOKS Among them are the lulloning ADYE ON COURtS MARTIAL dtPHJIAKDlER or POCKET GUNNER by RW Adve TftnZn PILOT wih ohm ot ihe coavt ol differct pons AVAL TACTICS ith explanatory plate CONMBERAllONS on he nature and use OF RIFLE HARRELL GUNS with reference to forming DUTIES ofthe acveral Ehtts-Vlajm-s in tlie French army DRILL anil INSTRUCTION in movement ami in duty of Light Infantry and regulation for exercise of Riflemen DUKE OF PLANS OF FOR'l IFICA-TION with olnervalinns tliei-ena Mar-temnnt Ar-tiUerr oi-r-ntiont me- laghtln-fimtrTaml YL-VESTFIl A nt perform-tnec on van-due ot itnpe-mevits f9AAC FINE Sheriff January 22 tHt FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD WAS stolen the 31st inst siiiAed to lie about sun rite iu die morning out of an opm lot in Miry street between Sixth nnil Sexenth street a DRAY with die Shaft- minted red The above reward will lie paid to any rate who will jr lirehcml die thief that he may be brought lo jiMtiee and return the property or 21 dollar tor the Drhs try applringto riis tuliscnher at his Still 1 liaise turner of Lu-y street and Sixth street GKO J1UMKS January 22 tutlislt JOUft EYMEN BLACKSMITHS HIE members ot the Beneficial Society of Journeymen Blacksmiths and such others ot the same craft as have nut yet beeaine members are respectfully informed diat thrii constitution is now duly executed and established according Inlaw i those who may choose to become members will mm meet every due attention January 22 ONE HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD FOR TWO RUXAIVAYS RAN AWAY from the tulisip-iber on about thc25ib May last NEGRO MOSES he is alaaiUaenty years of age fite feet two or three incite high thick set and well made liis complexion ijiule black witlt diiek lips malting else remarkable is recollected He hating fur several years been my ostler it is pmbaide that he may endeavor to gel cnitdoy ed in tlie same character or as he has been occasionally in my boat ami fund ol the water lie may procure a mrdi on hoard ul'some shallop nr craft lie had mi when he went away a light colored doth coat corduroy puiitstooons and forliat but no doubt his clot lies will be changed as lie bass variety of them I will git fdi dollars rew ard for taking up and securing in any jail said Moses if within the state or tot dollars if taken mu of the state Maty laud and all reasonable charges if brought home ft is conjectured that Ite went olfiu eompsoy with a negro man 4 bo rails himset! Sami Moore and his wife Milly a very light mulatto woman who paied as being free and they said they were going to Philadelphia FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD will lie given for EST-HFlt a lduk woman vvliorin away on the fith June I die ha a round lace large lire ists is very black and about IS years of age THOS COFFIELD Living at the lower terry Susqoebannab Angust 4 1 ilstuthtf CENSUS DIRECTORY FOR 18U JAXP AITKFX HAS NOW IN PRESS AND WILL BRING FORWARD WITH ALL POSSIBLE EXPEDITION Tin: CENSUS DIRECTORY FOR 1811 COMPILED from the survey taken by William Shannon Willi am Chafmam GgjyaGE Astitv and Charles 8 Stuart who were respectively employed as the assill nuts ufito iHHtvhalnf ETiis district in taking the third United States census of the city and tibertie of PliUaitctplua From the peculiar leitnre of their employment they were necessarily led to tlie most minute particularity in their en-tpiirie and the tlteties of their etigagemout -rvuoiruig an extensive range the CENSUS DIRECTORY will consequently be found to contain a more correct and ctqiiotis scale of infiwmation than lias been heretofore more tlian five thousand names are nuticetl which have never bet ue been described in a work of this character persons of colour occupying a sept-rote and distinct department The stateof manufacturers being a subject uf peculiar interest the most active endeavours have been used to render thia department as satisfactory as iossible In addition to an authentic schedule of the aggregate Census ofthe city and suliurbs of Philadelphia and of each respective ilistrict and ward that also of the state of Pennsylvania and of each county individually besides a variety of otheruscful and interesting matter a catalogue of which cannot be here detailed will be given Collected with the greatest assiduity and attention the materials of this work are compiled with much care and precision Pai ticular attention has been iaul in the directorial department to a strictly nlphalieticid arrangement as well ofthe Christian as uf tlie sirnaines find to a correspondence between names of the same sound and of different orthography the advantages ef which regulations are loo obvious to need a comment Conscious ofthe numerous inarcoraeiwe which must ever he the concomitant ofa work of tliis dejaaiptiou a re-survey lias at a very tote period been taken ui order as far at its nature wiH permit to preserve it from imperfection To thit consideration the more early appearance of tliis work has been sacrificed superior correctness being deemed a sufficient counterpoise to the evil of a short period tf delay the indu- gence of the public for a few (lays more is therefore solicit ed in which time they will be presented 'with a wot It which it is confidently hoped will not disappoint their expectations either in point nf matter paper workmanship orhiiidiiig (Xj Persons wlm have recently removed will confer a leaving their rexidOnce and occupation with Jane Aitken No 71 North Third street William Shannon No 19 North Fifth street William Chapman No 33 Crown street George Aksbey No 42 Sooth Fifth street 'or William Norton No C2 North Ninth street January IS iftuthsSt NOTICE ALL persons listing any demands against Dr Dyott of Philadelphia either hy Bond Note Book debts or otherway are requested to preient their account for payment and all thow wlm are indebted wiH please to make immetlinfe payment to the nihscriber DYOTT -Vo 116 Xorth Second street January 9 iidtf IN THE PRESS OF AXD A IV HUMPHREYS AT THE CORNER OF WALNUT AND SECOND STREETS And "nift be Published in a few days A NEW MEDICAL Wnuuv In on omltuae octavo juice two Entitled A VIEW OF THF DISfAsES MOST PREVALENT IV THF UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AT DIFFERENT SEASON3 OF THE YEAR WITH an ACCOUNT ot THE MOST METHOD OP THEM BEING an abstract of the practical observations not only of the Editor but of several Physicians ot distinguished ahilitifS residing in the different states Including the substance of all the latest anil most important impi'oremonts that have been made in the treatment of similar Diseases mother countries Collected and arranged it fTM CURRIE Fellow of thp College of Physicians of Member ofthe Philosuphical Society Physician to tlie Magdalen Atyfuin ficc January 19 if dfifq 1 JUST RKCEIVRD AXD FOR SALE AT THE AURORA Gft'lQE A COPIES CONSIDERATIONS ON THE APPROACHING DISQLUTKfN OP TOE IP3TUJ STATTS ANK egrf- ted IthCrtt edStaaf avOTM Ult nut ml wii eeeaddg1 swell nt before of Uuitt-NehpK of any has act follow iuj take to sod of M) tesor da next viz othobca t-enthstetip i ot tlii act the sum Jf 1 to lie naidoutof anv money in tlie treasury not olhxrwise milled shall be and tiiw same if ticreby appropriated A bill from the tenatc authorising a subscription on the part of the United States to thctock vf the Ohio Canal company the bill for the relief of the heirs ot major pen Anthony Wayne and the hill authorising the i'lfvey and grant of a cetain tract of public land to the Chesapeake and Delaware CanV company were severally twice read and referred to a committee of the whole Mr Quiney presented the memorial of the Middlesex Canal company praying the aid of the United referred to a select committee A report was read from the department war respecting clerks in that department A report was read from the secretary of the relative 10 contracts -made by him' and the purveyor of public supplies ORLEANS TERRITORY The house resumed the consideration of the bill authorising the people ofOrieans territory to elect a convention to form a constitution preparatory to its admission into the union as free and independent state Mr motion for indefinite postponement -consideration Mr Poindexter made a speech of consider able length in reply to the observations of Messrs- Pitkin and Quincy made yesterday During the course of bis speech Mr was twice successirely called to order by Mr Pearson and Mr Shelley but both calls to order being withdrawn before any decision on them ty the Speaker they are not here noticed Mr Gold next spoke half an hour against the biU Mr Bibb a few minutes in favor of it Mr Wrigh( half an hour on the same side ofthe question I Mr Key tke samo lenght of time agai9t to 1 ahd Mr Macon a few minutes in reply to him Tho question Was then taken on Urn motion for indefinite postponement and lost as fottows- yf VEAS-VUro BWsdefl Chamber! Chsm-Vthus CbiUKxk By Emote thAhhorough CeM JUhJ Hatter Jnekio Jeakmi Key Lwu Utvmgwon Brole Trortnffakus Potter Qmacy Stonier Swoope WhtoUm AltoW AhtoaTJUiAermn B-Burry Burnt Bibb BoyS Brown BurwellBul uT Calhoun ClayCochrin Crawfonl Uutto Okwm Ue- Fki Franklin Guonett Gardner Gar-Gholion Goadwyn Helmi Holland Hulk)- Johnion Ken Kennedy Lyle SUeon M'Kitn M'Kinlcy vrjiZ MStekdl Montgomery Moore Moore Morrow Mumfovd Kewboht Newton Nicholaon For £Tb Porter Res (Pen) Rheen BichnnU Ring i fiummMi Sawvpr Seiinilpr Ss The question on the passage of the bill was then decided as follows Views- J- Alston Alston Anderson Bard Bacon Barry Baitett Bibb Boyd Brown Harwell Butler Calliom Clay Cochran Crawfonl CuUs Daw-on Desha Eppe Fiudlcy Fisk FYanklm Gannett Gard- MixiriJ Momford Newbobl Newton Nicholson Porter Porter Rhea (P) khea (T) Richard Itmeeold Roane Root Sage Sammons Sawyer Schnd-derrover Seibert Shaw Smelt Smilie fi Smitl 3 Smilh Stanfonl Traey TVonp Turner cakley WMte-hill Winn Witherspoon Wrfeliq 77 Messrs Bigelow Ubnalcll Chamberlain imberiam CWttenden Davenport' Ely Erttott cnugli GoM Hale Heistcr Hubbard Huntington Jscwson Jenkins Key LewtvLivingston Milnor Moseley Pearean Pitkin Potter Stanley Stuiw-s Swoope Taggart TaBmadgo Van Dyke Yau Horn Van Reosteluer vVheatc Ihw 36 itwa passed TT to 36 And the house adjourned at half past four Extraetof letter imm gentleman at YVasliington to his friend Aw York Washiwtos 1G Mr Wright proposed the followihg Resolved thatjthe secreury ofthe trea-surr be directed to lay before this housej a list of the directors of the United States fbank and its branches a statement of thcstock held by foreigners and in what country and of the stock held by citizens of the' United States and in what state er territory Mr Eppes with the consent of the mover so modified the- resolution at to direct the secretary to return also the-amount of the specie according to the last returns in the vsulttof the bank designating th amount befewging tq individuali from that belonging toffis Mr Fisk denied the possibility of obtaining during the present session the information re euWed-by the resolution bank in Phila-uelphia he said cfruhi'Bqt inform the house tthat amount of specie was in the branch at New Orleans The effect of the resolution Vould beif it prevailed to postpone a decision on tftq question relative to the bank un-till he nefft aession Mr Wright wished to know Where this stoqk Wat fvejd and by whom Whether it was (h interest of foreigners or the interest our own cltitens pn which wc were to de liberate If Wc were to have a bank he said fie wished the hooka to bp thrown open and to let our own countryfoeft derive the advantage Mr Burwell paid that he presumed the emission of the amount of specie in the lost repprt arose from the nature of tlie ttse He was authorised however to state the ttecic in the United States bank and -ches amounted to about ve million of toudt Mr Pitkin said ho considered the rekolu- i -ii MIL11ARY MEMOIRS ol Camtiaignsllnt- tton of very lutle importance he wished the main question decided) and although in favor of it he had no hopes the charter of the batik would be renewed Mr Mosely did not feel the solicitude he had felt on the It was'usual he said for the chairmen of commutes to give a support to the bill which they reported to the house but iu this case the chairman of the committee on the bank (Mr Burwell) was endeavouring to destroy the work of his own hands as soon as he had got it out of them Mr Fppcs Wished to know the amount of specie the bank already had its vaults because the friends of that institution would and did contend that the want of specie would produce great distress to the nation in winding up the concerns of the bank He wished to know to what extent this disstress might be The payment of a part of the six per cent stork had made a change in the situation ofthe But said Mr Eppes it will be vain 1 ran tell the gentleman from Connecticut (Mr Talimadge) to hope that this question will not take a parts turn It is a party question and will take that course in the deliberations on it It commenced in party principles It was the first question which divided unalterably divided the two great parties of this great country Mr Love contended if we had not a right to demand the information contained in the resolution still we might reguett it and if refused we had a right to draw our own conclusions There is a part of the resolution said he which we have a right to enforce and information which it is important for us to I allude to the amount of tfiecie in their vaults and the amount of individual deposits I cannot help Mr Spoaker congratulating myself and niy country on the evident change of sentiment in this house since our last session Mr Boyd made several remarks in favor of the resolution Mr Knickerbocker said it was now openly avowed that this subject was to be decided upon party grounds If so why call for information VVhy procrastinate Why talk about the unconstitutlonality of the measure If this question is to be decided on party grounds I know its fate sir And that it is to be I have no reason to doubt when the declaration conics from such a quarter as the hon gentleman from Virginia (Mr Eppes) I view that gentleman as the leader of a party in this house and I believe that no man ofthe party will give an independent vote after such a declaration Mr Moore I call the gentleman to order for using these words I believe tbatjnogen-i tleman oftbo liarty will give an independent vote afteP Mich a 1 Mr Knickerbocker wished to He meant to have said if he did not That if thit question was to be decided on party grounds as he understood the gentleman from Virginia to say that no man would give an independent -The call to order was withdrawn Mr Eppes rose ti explain He did not mean to convey the idea that this question was to be decided on party principles alone if he had intended to convey that idea the remarks of the' gentleman from New York would have been very proper MrGoldsborough did not believe that the independence of the honse wo to be shackled by the opinions of any member He should vote for the motion but considercdcd it unnecessary Mr Talmadge did not wish to withokl any information but contended the resolution was not within the powers of the housemd wa therefore improper While he was 'up he would notice the violent attack that had been made by the gentleman from Maryland (Mr Wright) on Mr D' Clark of New-Orleans docs that gentleman known that Mr Clark has been a member of this house Mr Wright did not allude to Mr Clark He too-is director of the bank I am informed tlie gentleman may take him also- I have nq better opinion of him than the other They may both go together Mr would vote for the resolution He thought it necessary that the main question relative to the bank should be promptly deeided It was well known that the United States bunk and its branches were endeavoring to embarass and check the operutidus of the State banks After a few remarks from Mr Stanley Mr Montgomery Mr Pitman and Mr Fisk the question was carried by a very large majority The bill in fovouroY the heirs ofthe late general Wayne called up and under consideration when I left the house half post 2 o'clock -vO- Since -I left: the house The bank question was called up and is now under discussion Mr BuMVellhas spoken thfee hours against a renewal -7 tie and sinvtagemsof war ancient and modern INSTRUCTIONS and REGULATIONS fur tlie formnUunt nod movements of Cavalrv KING OF INSTRUCTIONS to hi generals and officers of hit armv from tlie French KOSCIUSKO'S ANOEUVRES of HORsE ARTILLERY translated from the French by Col William PRINCIPLES of FORTIFICATION PRINCIPLES of ARTILLERY INSTRUCTION! tor onoduct ol hfautry in nctuul ervice with the Math of ibapline of all 4-nulu in tlie FRENCli liifmtrv awl Cavalry aevvicei trojulatcil by Donald INSTRlCTlONS FOR OFFICFRS ON MILH ARY Dyaingwithagreatv-ricty by of tlie French lloval Artillery MILITARY OPERATIONS at the Blockade and Srlgeof Genoa trotn taking the command until! the blockade from tlie French of l'hlebalt general ol Brigade MILITARY MENTOR a acriea ol Leticia from a general officer to lii aon on entering the armv MODERN FIELD EXERCISE AND MANfEUVRFS otihe French Infantry tnaniE tvx-s of the Field with Inhritry miy plates NAVIGATION MILITARY CABlNET-toom tin- L-u author containing initrucUon to young officer on the mUitory prolia-aion MARINE pICTIOVARY MANUEL 'IN THE FH'IO a seiic of MILITARY PLANS representing the pi-inctpal of a campaign ROBERTSONS NAV IGATION 2v lvt RULES REGULATIONS for the Manuel and Italoon Exercise formation field Exercise kc tor noncommissioned officer RULES REGULATIONS for the formation field exercise and mnvementa of Ins may sit fin ces RULES REGULATIONS tor the torimuions and movements of the cavalt RULES AND REGULATIONS for the Sword exercise of the Cnvalrv VHIJTARY EXPERIMENTS OF ATTACK AND DEFENCE witlt Infantry Cavalry and Artillerv a INSTRUCTIONS tor tlie Dill and tliotl of terforming the manient res MOVEMEN TS AND CHANGES OF PO SI HON of a Rattatinn of Infantry At plates REGULATIONS fortlie exercise4 Riflemen and mstrurtkais for their eluet in the field TAHLES OF NAVIG YTION AND NAUTICAL ASTRONOMY REVIEW OF A VT TALION OP IN-FANTUY MILITARY HINTS to Non-toimnissioned Officers on actual service ROLES AXD REGULATIONS for the field exercises and mauteuvres for tlie French Infantry issued bt-der translated bf DonaM 3 vol EXERCISES SPIRIT OF MODERN SYSTEM OF WAR TYTLER on Mihtorw Law ad pract ee ot Courts Martial SHOaiTJtS GUIDE WARE ON ARCHERS GENERAL SYSTEM OF TACTICS and MifiMf-r arrangement ke INSTRUCTIONS by the Geueral of Division FRANCIS WIM PFFENto bis sons and ait young men intended for tlie Translated by MrDnmdd January S3 iftu3w I-- a NEW MR FKXXELL'S XIXTH XIGHT (J 3 The puhiie are respectfully informed Uiat for their better accommodation in future all the boxes will be let in any number uf teat not less than 4 nor more than ttMthe two stage boxes for not more than and that no box wilt be considered as exclusisely occupied unless 10 seats are taken WEDNESDAY EVENING Jasuxnr 21 lSll Will be presented tlie celebrated Tragedy of DOUGLAS OR THE XOBLE SHEPHERD Written by Mr Home Glennlvnn Mr Fennell Young XnrvaL i Mr Cone End of the Flay a Comic Piece in one acts called DAGGERWOOD The Mad JJuru table Ictor To which ill be adttod A MUSICAl DteAMA IN TWO AC IS CALLED THE HUNTER OF TIIE ALPS In act 3d A RUSTIC DANCE in die couse of which PAS SEUL ly the lulaiit Vestris In Friday the Comedy of the PROVOKED HUSBAND Or a Journey to London Gird Tow lily Mr Fennell his last night but two On Saturday (4Ui time) COLUMBUS On Monday die MERCHANT OF VENICE Slyiock (first time) Air Feunell Placed in die boxes to lie taken of Mr Pullen in front (he 1 licalre from ten till two anti on tlie day a uf from ten gill four clock (ff Gcntlemeu are partictilarfv entreated to observe dial moulting segars is alisolutely prohibited in die Theatre Box Tickets iu future will be mid at die right baud door ia front of the Tlieatre Box I Pit three Gallery half a dollar January 23 v- TEN VINEYARD TICKETS ONLY ARE FOR SALE AT TWELVE DOLLARS AND A HALF EACH If appSed for in the course of the present day at 11 LOTTERY Uf EXCHAXGE OFFICE pd 17 north sidoitD street THREE DAYS more to draw and tlie re ia if the wheel one prize of EIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS betides malwr ones The Lottwy finishes drawing on SATURDAY next FOREIGN BANK NOTES exchanged at moderate discount a above A few grocer PLAYING CARDS of an eieeHent quality tor tale eh Also some article of STATIONARY PATENT MEDICINES lie Ite 5 January 23 It SHERIFF SALE OUeuster County AV Jn BY virtue of writ of Fieri Farias tome directed will Saturday the Sflth inaMvt at two in the afternoon at the house of William Hogg fcGkwiter at public commence the asks of e- A VALUABLE MACHINE tog the manufacturing Cotton or Wqp with aA the apparatus and thereto hefonpng 'anted a tha ptxtpertier of John WiiaTmovgh ufieum execution at the suit of James YtxsEnwd fobo mdy THE MEEKLY MONITOR BRAXXAXUf AtORFORDy NO IIS CUES XV STREET HAVE THIS DAY PUBLISHED In 1 vol bus price g-2 neatly bound THE MEEKLY MONITOR A lerici of Essay on Moral and Religious Subjects -JIV A JJIYMA -THF Monitor was nriginally puli tidied in weekly numbers the t'harli'oton Courier From the imioriieeit' fits tub jeeti which tjlicne papers discuss still the ability with which they are written they evened the most lively interest among Christian nt every ilrnominSti oi whnennideml litem as a powerful apteal to rcosmi and to the feelings in behnlf of re-figinu and virtue and cbcnslied the fote that much good wiaild lie deli veil from them Impiessed with these feelings tliev found with tmeere regret tlwt tha avocationa of the author cnmielled littn to relinquish -the cmdinuanoe ui a ptibto cation 0 (Idiglitfid and to iisrful But that a work ao men-tmimisin itsolijrct and so cycelleut in its execution aliould two he fiugotteti in the fleeting columns of a newspaper the puhlivluTS were tirgentiy called utnn Ity tlieir friemL to rn-print if in a more permanent form The author having row vised it and added a good deal uf original matter to those numliet whiili he deemed In be incomplete the fVrekty Monitor now presentcu to the public nnder die pursuatcoQ -that it wiU be a valuable addition to the library ut every Christian isof Pbibuletphia wire formerly much grwti-lied with a pnhlicaiiou of a part uf those numbers in Mr Foul Daily Adrrtiser January iUitk XE1V ARRAXCEAIEXT or THE UNITED STATES MAIL STAGES BETWEEN PIHLADFLPHLV It BALTIMORE SINCE the arrangement to carrv'thc Mail an sulkies or horseback it has been concluded to-rvm Tittf mam stages to accommodate The Stages will iu future leave this office every morning at and lodge at Elkton and arrive at Baltimore earty tho next erenmg and will return in the sime way except fonving Baltimore at fi in the morning no mme than passengers faro 8 150IU baggage equal to a all baggaga to be at the risk of tlie owners 'I he New Yorr Mail Stages leave thit office everyday at 1 (noon) ear-ries fi patsrngeiToulr a Mail Stage Office No 28 south Tliirtl street opposite the Post Office Jaiwary II ifdif SALES AT AUCTION FINE SALT AT AUCTION-On lYtdneiihybnonumt nett at half past 10 prucmly On wharf will be tohl 2000 bushels best FIN as lots to suit purchaser- Terms sale HUMES It ETTING Jaauary 22 HAVANNA SUGAR AT AUCTION' On Wednesday mormnratoMockprecitdy In the store on wharf lielow Smith (tree wiU he sold HO boxe BROWN HAVANNA SUOAHr-utided to drawback HUMES It ETTLNG January 23 LONDON PARTICULAR -MADEIRA WLVE On Monday moniiitf at II precisely at the Frout street will losiuvely bo The 28th inst 1 Nn 15 s6utli I eoncem 3 pipes Uhhds8 qr casks Ixxton particular Madeira inef entiilcd to drawback Sample of which may be teen at tlie Auction Store two toys previous to tlie sale HUMES It ETTING' TOC AS AXD REAL ESTATE On Tuesdoy evening The 22d at the at halt wat 6 I0(T sliares PaintGompany 15 sliares Farmers anil Bank 10 shares Hank of United States 1 share Delaware and Chesapeake Cmtal Afterwhich Real Estate A House and lot in above Figlrth street A House and Lot on tlie PrjnklVaxl RuH A House and Lot at the owner nf Water and Atoh street Esq tle country place of Sandora A Lot on Scliuy Ikill Third street near Market Ut GlttXIKKlKS Post pox on account op the xveatmeb at 12 at stare r4 4 pit Holland Gin I) boxe Herring ltLehests Bobtm Tea 2(1 qr chests Young Hyson 1810 SOI) Aqua Fortia 3U boxes Spanish l-egai-g IDbufo Cotton sieeimen of 100 balre Stial KW lb Soat Leather doe Wa CaR Skins 3 1-2 dot grain tlo Boot leg anti top After which Furniture within (Sews REAL mt Hrgioter) Pursuant to an order of tlie Orqihaii court of (lie ejty and county of Philadelpliia will he eXitMe( to lHiUia sale on Tuesdur tlie 5th February at 5 the premises all dial three story brick kilcltmt aivf the Jut of ground on wllcli thev are erected situate on Ilia weak ride ot Delaware north Kiftli street lietween Mulberry sndCMV-ry street No 64contaiuingin fixmt mt tahl 5th atvuot IS feet and extendmg that width westward SU feet fiartlspiiaia mVkmgfoOte-hoto leplii 50 auhjcet to a ground rent nt 9 1 19 id peg num Uouditiousattale ISRAEL WALKER Atlniinistrolor tothe estate HaiinehPigd) REAL (Mb 1882 Register Valuable Woodland Water Power and Cetor To hriek mnkeiN mwl others Oti Tuosdwthe StitKdtwof Februar) at die II in tlie city of Pfttiadelplua half it not preciously diqajtetl of hy private eontraet will hesuld nine hundred arret or thu-rcabouts of welt lim-heteil prime wotallnnd rutisting of ouk tnwple pme Rad tina (imlier of fine situate in Kveslmm township Burlington county New Jersey on a branch of Peacock MUl creek withhi a mile of a sate miU and ft mijet of Lamher tun at which place watch conveyance may be bad for any to Philadelphia Or elvwliere a never failing stream cuna through the tract on which an excellent suite for a null wbish eba be rreoted at small it will be divided into tea bus torach nf which a proportion of tnaplctiramp wRthe fatid off wliich ean rendily fit-made intogoud meatlow the purchaser ofthe first kit of which will have privilege of taking tho whole at thrsnme rale Otar at the samp time sndptoee' will he sold a valuable ardor swamp containing ahemf Pi ueros enwxisting chiefly nf saw nd rad timber wtwl fine tadutgs it is situate near the tower end of Mtowham luting Ihirntgton county xml ahottl fi inilevfrunrtheUtOM Krvs ftirmerfy the proierty nf Jopathan (Ire spin' One tliird(ofttie purelmaa moory to bts twiit pn delivery of the deed the reaidwe pavmeot cast ho made to accommodate the draft wftlrepve tmsiw will beeshibitrfl atvpp tirawof siito Jl'fllX JJOftBKYj A indizeth term or in anywf rcwel I imindi' fuU(iii exttoUn ted States rm) tliit araag eonsigmf hnportr eatlierm fa that I ids wtre rcIwmSst lately of da ifistri laltielvf vliicli Ik and rt Mf Of format the tA petaf lOuditlOte MOMsd te mitp bifitiet todhl edfhajji V-'-! built hi Vmld ortortite iredf by ream i theact i nick to-r wid Mhtrr leh aeti tod Saw tcil SoV s- hr UteU At k9 doeuag aniiize I portio ocnrreJ 6 ceding ible to no disc taietr enne of th tf Eton fotKt Ores person -f.

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