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The Waco News-Tribune from Waco, Texas • Page 5

Waco, Texas
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THE WACO NEWS-TRTBrNE-TIMES -HERALD, SUNDAY. AUGUST S. enry Ford Discusses Education, Food and Other Things Wizard of Motor Industry Foresees Aviation Progress Detroit Auto Dean of the Shooters' Familiar With Thrills 0 Virtually Stands on His Nose or Hangs by His Toes in Gloudland a definite function, and every experience, even hanging, is valuable." "Well," remarked Mr. Ford, "some are getting that kind of experience Tobacco and alcohol must be necessary or they wouldn't be here. We Copy right by Universal Service; have found good use for alcohol, but not as a beverage.

As for he hesitated a tobacco has never found its real use There is a lot of power in it, but I Gives Edison and Otto Credit for Gas Engine Development GEORGE S. VIERECK accompanying interview with Mr. Ford, In which he expresses upon a number of topics, is of peculiarly timely interest because of the fact that he celebrated his sixty-fifth birthday during the past week. On that occasion he declared that he has not vet found his "age and declared that he expects to more during the next five years an he has during the past we nty.) do not believe that we can get the benefit of that power by smoking it any more than we get all the value of coal merely by burning it up. Same True of Alcohol DETROIT, Aug 4 mother is in my workshops," Henry Ford said to me.

"She is in my workshops to this is impossible for me to tolerate disorder or uncleanliness anywhere. "The same Is true of alcohol. I do not think that we serve a useful purpose by drinking "Perhaps," I suggested, "the German chemists may find new usese for alcohol and tobacco. They seem to be constantly producing new! miracles. They fish nitrogen out of the air and I hear from my friend.

"I am, as you convinced of Dr. Rumely that they are now on reincarnation. I believe that our the verge of producing svnthetiCj characters are shaped by our exper- rubber. Would the production of i iences in past lives. But we also synthetic rubber influence your own owe a debt to the exper- plans for rubber production?" ience of others.

"Rubber is one of the necessities "My sense of order is a heritage of our life. No matter what anyone from mv mother." else may do, I shall continue to Henrv Ford was seated at an im- plant rubber in South America Fire- maculate desk in one of the stone will continue to produce rub- ulate glass cages which constitute ber in Africa and Edison will con- the offices of his executives. tinue his experiments in Florida Ford speaks of Edison with rev- Orderly Procession erence. To my question, "Who is your greatest contemporary?" he re- Through the window I saw trees plied: planted in orderly procession like "Without doubt. Thomas Edison, aoldiers marching I remembered He is not only a pioneer scientist but that the miles of workshops through also a pioneer manufacturer.

Edi- which I had wandered until my head son, to a greater extent than has ever and mv feet grew weary, were meti- been recognized, is the father of Baylor Libraries Receive Mention United States Publisher and Literary Digest fer to Browning Collection of University Two Baylor university libraries have been given double page publicity in two nationally read magazines during the last month, the I'nited States Publisher and the Literary Digest, Two articles on the Browning collections have appeared in the Literary Digest, the first by an English reviewer and critic, the other being taken from the editorial and news columns of Baylor, of Texas and of other newspapers The two articles on the lournalism library were written by Miss Mary Watters of the Baylor university faculty. Draws Researches The fact that the Browning rol- lection is the most extensive in the world has brought groups of researchers and other Interested devotees of Browning to Baylor In recent months The guest book shows only a small number of the aggre higher in the southwest, again waves the flag of discovery in the establishment of the first Journalism library in the southwest. Assure Good Road Limestone County Highway Will Be Names Committee On Entertainment Commander Walton D. Improved Hood Appoints Of- Aug. -Repre- ficials for National Convention of Legion MEXIA, sentatives of Limestone county towna along the Exall highway, Dallas to Houston, were assured of hard surface topping on the highway from the Navasota river, south of Mexla, to Bremond, a distance of about 40 miles, by the Texas highway commission a few days ago.

The Groeabeck Chamber of Commerce has been particularly active for the topping for Highway No. 14, claimed to be the most direct route from Dallas to Houston. County Fountain Kirby of Groeabeck, Commissioner E. R. Leach of Thornton, John Young, president of the Kosse Chamber of Commerce, and Phil Karner, Mexia Chamber of Commerce, headed the delegation to Austin.

Plowing Their Cotton Bartlett Farmers Are Busy In Their Fields BARTLETT, Aug gate, for approximately 5D0 visitors more rain thia week and the fanners were admitted to the Browning have been buay plowing over their cotton, which ia and fruiting shrme on commencement Sunday, May These visitors were members of the ederated Clubs of America They were on their wav to San Antonio to the biennial convention. I'sed Pictures of the hooka in the new cases appear in the Ihsf atorv of the Literary Digest about the Browning collection Two other noteworthy book cases nre filled with Browning items which are discussed in the article In the United States Publisher nicely. So far there has been no complaint of worms or weevils, but it. is not yet time for them to appear after the recent rains It. will take time for them to multiply to where they will be a menace to the crop and by that time they may be a ben RAN ANTONIO, Aug.

of a state entertainment committee, headed by Dr. T. Dunning of Gonzales, to entertain visitors to the American Legion's national convention here in October was announced by State Commander Walton Hood of San Antonio, today. Dr. W.

T. Dunning is past commander of the Texas department of the legion ar.d alternate national executive committeeman. Miller Ainsworth of Luling, Ben J. Dean of Brerker.ridge, J. Frank Parrish of Honey Grove, and Ralph Cooper of Beaumont, were appointed as vice chairmen of the committee.

A. G. Babel of Braunfels is committee secretary. Other committee members are: C. S.

Rlomshleld, Sulphur Springs; H. A. Crausbv, Timpson; Joseph Sanger. San Angelo; Peace, Point; R. A.

Gill, Wolfe City; Benton Morgan. Greenville; Dr. P. P. Haslitt.

Dallas, Leo Fox, Dallas; C. L. Baker, Brvan Redford Jester, Corsirana: Ous J. Bass, Galveston H. J.

Glasscock, Palestine; A. P. Latourhe. Houston Frank J. Reeves, Houston.

Torn Wallace, Gonzales; B. Young, East Bernard; Anton Dittert. Belleville; Edwin A. Gajeska, Brenham: C. B.

Morrow, Waco; Spencer Young, Killeen; C. C. Patterson. Cleburne; Lindsley M. Brown, Arlington; S.

Onssey, Burkbur- Major II. A. F.rlrkson, left, his first aerial photograph, above, and a recent one lirlovv. left, below, he is taking a picture from the air. efit to the crop by eating off thr foliage so that the sunshine can get Rhodep, Vernon; in lief ween the rows and keep the BeevilJe; F.

S. Treadway, Cor- cotton bolls from rotting. Uhristl: F. Blesse, Diliey; W. A.

Buck San Benito; Julian La- The Light company of Baltl- rroase. De! Rio; Allen Shahman, Fa- artlcies the pioneering Interest Is more, organized in was the first hens: V. Earl Earp, Sweetwater; T. stressed for it is pointed out that gas company to be formed in the J. Kelly.

Ran Angelo; T. Biahop, i.aylor university, the pioneer in I'nited States. Flovdada; F. D. Rupe, Lubbock.

culously clean. "I understand that your mother was "My mother," Ford remarked, "was not German, but Dutch. There Is not much difference between the American industrial methods." "What is characteristic of the twentieth century?" "I would call it the motor age. the age which annihilates distance on land and in the air No doubt this phase is an essentia! part of human Our talk drifted to the subject of evolution The world was ready for education. We discussed trade hools.

"What Is your main educational Vinciple?" "I was once Ford replied, "whether I believed In 50 per cent theory and 50 per cent practical application, or some other proportion the motor age. Hence the world brain sent men like Edison, men like Otto to work out it well." I asked, "is Otto?" Gas Engine Inventor "Dr. Otto," Ford replied, "invented the gas engine, a four cycle engine I rep.led that I in 100 per patented, I believe, in 1870. That cent theory and DR) per cent prac- invention marks the beginning of tire. To the one completely you gas engine and denotes the dawn must completely get the other also." 0f motor age "Theory w.thout practical applica- -j had originally worked with lion is futile.

Practice, without theo- hut when I saw the Otto ry. may be useful, but it is intellec- i immediately accepted the new tuallv barren. idea. I chucked everything else, and "Work done without an intelligent devoted myself to the development understanding of its underlying prin- of the gas engine." ciples becomes meaningless. It He gazed out of the window where makes a mere machine of the wmrk- the stream of Ford cars passed to and fro, while overhead sounded the whirr of Ford airplanes.

"I picked up my first Information on the Otto Ford went on reminiscently, "from a mechanical publication. I saw that it was a self-contained unit and did not need fire. The first gas engine I can remember was eight feet high and had capacity of only two horsepower SAN DIEGO, Aug 4 the calls, there were the dean of Amern an air photogra- many types of cameras in this coun- the first sky iefly frorn in the States. He helped 1 No development of consequence had develop aerial photography for the i been undertaken with U. S.

army. He has stood on his nose, landed on mountains, had his film burn in his hand from friction and now is the photographic section the air reserves on the Pacific coast. Major H. A. Erickson Is his official title.

fraternities earner i- then only dreams of a few men doing aerial work. "During the first six months of the war." he savs. "a number of cameras were developed in the United States. The first American aerial To the photograpnic and air ities known as "Jimmie." mapping cameras were designed A Dangerous Stunt Erickson took his first air picture during his first trip into the air. In the wunter of 1911 he went aloft in a Curtis pusher-type biplane, ascended 800 feet and, with fear and trembling, "shot." Mar Trained Photographers "Personnel has developed from the war.

Aerial photographers were trained during the war, and some of these brought back their new knowl- erige to their professions, but few went into the trad as a business days photographer and are few good sky Pilot sat on eane away nut in Photographers today Mnthinf, Todov picture fa ng from "I derive more delight from Intelligent workmen than from mere machines. Doesn't Believe in Charity "I do not believe in charity. Give and take is the of the universe. To accept anything without paying og Bide, particularly the making of maps, becomes very involved. Often Erickson has occasion io map an area 10O miles long and 20 miles number of Each itudc and for It in some form is immoral.

It Compare this with the latest motor debases him gives and him for automobiles and with the motors who takes. No one can be helped fnr airplanes and you must confess much unless you can put him in that progress is a "reality." the way of helping himself. That is are not inclined to agree not a platitude. The only doorway wjth the philosophers who say that through which help can enter into mankind merely moves in a a man is through mmself. "No, Mankind progresses like front.

Nothing hindered their vision They sat on thin The picture he got that nay was fair for an amateur of today. It was the best product of expert then. Its comparison with modern air pictures represents the develop- lOq long ment of aerial photography. mu bn aerate as to latitu Since the first flight, Erickson has alritude. been aloft hundreds of times He was the.

first passenger to ride in the "Spirit of St. Louis" with Colone Lindbergh pictures for air maps. rhotographs Forest Fires His most spectacular work, As a result, such maps become more accurate than computations, for the camera tells a true He's made thousands of I Erickson is probably better known than anv other commercial photographer in the world. His monogram, "The Flying Photographer," was attached to thousands of prints says, has been the photographing of of I hi he thing gets its return. "When I speak of returns, I am it thinking in terms of money but terms of va ue.

Gold," tne master of temptuously, "ia the most useless thing in the world." "Your friends the bankers disagree with you," I interjected. "I know much about bankers and banking," Ford replied. "My business is not to make money but to make transportation. I am not Interested in money, but in the real things of which money is merely a symbol. "Capital, used in creative industry, can do more for labor and receive more in return than professional charity, or hypocrisy disguised as charity.

"We, are now experimenting with a new article of may help to revolutionize the daily diet of the American people. The present method of producing milk is too laborious. I believe that we can make milk bv scientific process, eliminating the cow." Inherits Interest "I did I remarked, "think you were much interested in food." "Perhaps," Mr. Ford replied, "I have inherited iny interest in the household from rny Dutch mother. "A largo section of the American people is committing suicide with their teeth.

I have reached the conclusion that the secret of all neaith is in food and the ause of all disease of mind and boov can traced food I have always in favor of temperance it universal too much. "I am not referring merely to The three mmi deleterious things of modern life the.r present order of importance are: Tobacco, alcohol and intemperate eating. But intemperate eating kills more people than tobac and beca ise it is 'he ost widespread fault. Ail people use food, 1 onlv some use tobacco and alcohol. If people knew how to ear.

properiy thev would retain uielr youthful resiliency much "Do y.u believe in Steinach and Voronr ff "I believe that modern science is on the trail of momentous discoveries, Eut I am convinced we need not replenish out by I artificial means if we feed the machinery of our body with the right of fuei. Rejuvenation Possible "I believe that rejuvenation is possibJc By that I mean the recovery of norma; alth by norma! means, at whatever age If we eat properly we need no artificial get it daily. We must give cur bodies at same care which we give out a tom obi lea Our food sh'Uid be as suitable as the fuel that goes into a motor "Both ai'xh and toua-'-co are taboo in your plants''" crd nodded vigorously. Yet. according your own thievery thing the universe has progresses spiral.

It goes upward and on. It only seems to move in a circle, "It seems almost incredible with what clumsy instruments we were compelled to work in the early days. Today we measure our machinery within four-millionths of an inch. "If you walk through the engineering hall you will find a man at work, Johanssen, who makes those gauges that measure to the four- millionth of an inch." "How did you become Interested in aviation?" Interested In Aviation "The young people got Interested in it," Ford replied. "It Is a part of the motor age.

am interested in motors. The development of aviation is dependent on power. The development of power will permit great changes in design. At present airplane design is under the imposed bv engine design. That is my chief interest in aviation "Do you think that, the problem of aerial navigation is "No, not yet, completely When I left London on mv recent trip I was told, watch the skies after you reach your boat and we.

will show you the latest, thing in and sure enough our boat was escorted by a helicopter, a plane without wings and four "Do you think," I said, "that America's future in the "At Mr Ford replied, shall take air into our future. In other words, we oanr.ot make any I ans ir 'Bure without tv d- ering the "What will be the airship of the "I Mr rd "that it combine the helirnpte- the wing and the dirigible It will have lifting power, buoyancy and driving power A motor that can he red that us pointed to left or right, is needed Learn From Fish, Birds to from the birds and from the fishes A fish ran turn h-ad to one side and propel itaejf. We be able to do same thing in the air We must invent an airplane that will do at some things that a bird can do and that a fish ran I was struck r.ot for the bv a certain bird-like quality in Ford himself, in the way in which he holds his head when he is listening, ar.d in swiftness of his motions How will the aerial of the benefit "It will increase circle of experience of every human being and draw ail mankind closer forest fires "Over these he explains "one finds the air very rough. On occasion I have literally hung on by mv toes. "You shoot then drop down, the suddenly, far and fast.

Now I never only go aloft, even or a simple photo- tl rv st fr graphic flight, without parachute who equipment. Bumpy air offers diffi- solicit your cuitics in flying, particularly at 10'. i. low When the, I'nited States entered famous plane. They have traveled to the cornera of the world.

desire to thank my many friends who ve nu- i ai supo in ection, having lost by have but ndlv feeling for those ainst rae. to vote and support for MAZAN EC. Advertisement Precious stones are compos'd of very simple elements An opal, for instance, is flint and water; while ef the sapphire is the mai action of one gram ci iron on 3 of Hearing as a rule is more acute with the right, car than with the ieft. CROSS EYES ARE HOT JUST A Cox's Final Sale of All SUMMER SILKS and COTTONS Everything Your Best Opportunity to Prepare for the Remaining Weeks of I lot Weather Summer Silks Summer Cottons $1.69 to $2.95 Values 1-29 1 Printed CrppPA ffPorcffttFs $2.110 printed Diislinhlc hrondrloth $1.09 shnntiing pongee Imagine choosing from all thoso Cox silks! And bear In mind that, they are all from regular stocks good weaves von buy day In and day out. Five different kinds in many different colors and patterns.

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