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Public Ledger from Memphis, Tennessee • 1

Public Ledgeri
Memphis, Tennessee
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I 4 5 fc -i I Jv MICOU Attorney at Law S3 Pail Municipal JLl LARGEST CITY CIBCUULTIOM MEMPHIS TENNESSEE FRIDAY EVENING APRIL 24 1868 PUBLIC DIRECTO DVEK IS KMKlJTbXEBIKSf IS tbis Oolump at 1venx a a ime pqfQQSth A6BURY CflAPEL7MKTH0If aYCOR Hernando and Linden street JJARNARD RARNCM SCltfOL FUR- CAROLINA Main street JH Kdmondsen agenU CJ alarp yance a andkrsJ aItor- neys-at-Law Beidea Eaiiduil Madison Street Memphis Tenn aiutni msifiE OALVARYCHCRCH (EPISAL) COIU vy Second and Adams sis Ref Dr White IKS THAI METHODIST fjURCU 178 VV Union street Key piling pastor (CHRISTIAN CHURCH CSfR LINDKS and Mulberry streets Revl-lr Caskey CONGREGATIONAL UNS CHURCH Union street bet Third jjd Desoto CIO KG AT ION BEN fdETH (ISRA-J ELITE) oor Second aniMonroe stg CUMBERLAND kISBYTERIAN Charoh Court at hot ifcond and Third BEAN4C0WM193A m'A POPLAR street dealers in Grooetes leas to TAICKINsONi-J-j i BI10 COTTON 1a Factors 210 Front it DROMGOOLE CO DIUG9ISTS ETC SOI Main street bet tfryoso and McCall IDIRST METHODIST street near Poplar IURCH SECOND IRST BAPTIST CRURCH SECOND st near Adams Re A Miller IRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHCOR of Poiar and Third jtreeta LANNERY JOsfPH PRACTICAL Plumber Gas and team Pipe Fitter 63 Jefferson street RACE CHURCH EPISCOPAL) HER-nando street bet rontotoo and Vance AYS COAL COMPANY-BEST PITTS-ffiurg Coal 287 Mun street TYeRnANDO INSURANCE COMPANY Jtl 17 Madisoa st Williamson Pres ESSE LEVY A fcO DRY GOODS Eto 238 Main street I NSURANCB-LINDSEY Ao VREDEN BURGH Agents 11 Madison Street 159 RAU8 A CO FRY GOODS NOTIONS etc 213 Main Itreet near oor of Adams EMON BRICK MASON ANDPLAS-j terer at 48 Monroe street 26 OWENSTEINBA BR0SDRY GOODS corner effersoo nod Main streets OKWENSTINE BROS DR I i Goods 231 Mm street Clay Building IITTLETCTn A COii INSURANCE 22 Madison street ADAME ANNA FORTUNE-TELLER No A3 Gayoso street MoOAFFREY A CORNELIUS UNDKR-takers 300 Seond street EMPHIS A OHIO RAILROAD DEPOT head of Main street OORK A WEST INSURANCE oor Main and Madison st PACIFIC GARDEN ON HERNANDO Road opposite Race Track two minotoe walk from the Street Railroad Ten Pin Alley Shooting Gallery Swings eto Best of Wines Liquors and Ciaara Frank Steele ICKET ED BURKE ATTORNEY AT Law and Solicitor in Bankruptcy Office No 6 Conrthonse eor Union apd Second sta PACKER DEALER IN PITTS-burg coal Ne 233F6 Main at PAINT STORE MATERl-als McDonald A Cole 44 Monroest OLICE OFFICE No 4H Madison street IJOBTOFFICE COR JEFFERSON AND 1 Third streets 0 Gist Postmaster ACKENBFSH DEALER IN SASH oors and Blinds 341 Second street OBESON SNEED A CO DEALERS IN Clothing 305 Main street OYSTER TREJ5EVANT A CO Auctioneers 276 8eeond street PRIVATE MEDICAL Dispensary 40 and 42 North Conrt street T) USSELL GROVE A CO GAYOSO PLA-JV ning Mill 212 Adams street east of the Bayou OECOND PRESBYTERIAN CflURCH eor Main and Beal streets JT CHURCH (CATHOLIC) 5 corner Desoto and Linden streets (CATHOLIC) COR Adams and Third streets GERMAN CflURCH (CATa 0LIC)sor Market and Third streets LAZARUS CHURCH (EPISCOPAL) Madieon street east of Third ST CHURCH (EPISCOPAL) Poplar street near Alabama nPOBACCO AND CIGARS-A LARGE AND I superior stock at Thurmond Tobacconists I Monroe street "WHITMORE A CO STEAM JOB PRIN-V ters 13 Madison street Yeomans attorney office (with Wright A McKissick) Kit Williams Block -9-t Collecting Agency rpHK UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY asks leave to inform his friends throughout the city and county that hereafter be will give prompt personol attention to theCoIlection of ail Accounts and Claims of what oever nature and when necessary put the same in suit He will also attend to the Renting and Sale of Property either Real or Personal He may be found at his office corner Washington and ain streets Give him a oll 19-44 WMB COTTON No In the Chancers Court of Memphis Tennessee Insolvent bill John Hallum administrator estate of Matthews deceased vs James Matthews et aL THIS CAU8E IT APPEARING FROM affidavit on file in this oause that defendants antes Matthews Joseph Matthews Stricklin and wife Bettie Strioklin Jas Hamer and wife Sarah Hamer and Mark Heaiy are non-residents of the 6tateof Tennessee it is therefore ordered that they make their appearance herein at the Courthouse in the city of Memphis Tenn on or before the first Monday in March 1868 and plead answer or demur to bill or the same will be taken for confessed as to them and set for hearing eg parte and it is further ordered that all creditors having claims against the estate of Matthews deceased file them with the Clerk and Master on or before the first day of May 1868 nr the same will be barred and that a eopy of this order be published in the Public Ledgkk a newspaper published in the city of Memphis for three months A true Attest A ALSTON Clerk and Master By Black C- and January 22 1868 a Hallux Chalmkm A Solim tor for complainant 1 vi-43 Adrertise in the WHITE COUNTY RECORD SEARCY ARK IT HA8 A GOOD CIRCULATION IN ALL tha mountain counties and is the Oily Newspaper in tbe Little River Valley The RECORD is read by all the merchants In "White Van Bureo ConwaV Jsard and £earcy counties also by many in Woodruff Prairie Jackson and Independence Address JACOB FROLICH JR Meod Searcy Ark The Weekly II published in the center of West Tenneesee and in the moat prosperous and populous oonn-ty in West Tennessee save Shelby and is i offered to the business men of Memphis as The Best Advertising Medians thip end of the State It circulates In nearly all tha oonnties west of the Tennessee riv II GLASS Editors and Proprietors eod-89 UTJDJ Fifteen Cents Fer Week NO 45 a 00RNIUH8 mccaffeey Cornelius GENERAL- UNDERTAKERS AID EMBALMERS OF THE DEAD NO 300 SECOND ST NEAR KONROE MEMPHIS TENNESSEE rTAL Ivj Wood LIC CASES AND CASKETS AND Wooden Coffins ronsantlv on hsnd WHITMORE 00 Proprietors of tb PUBLIC LEDGER 8TRAMI PRINTING WORKS So 13 Madison Street RE DAILY EXECUTING ALL KIND Of JOB PHINTINO IN A STYLE Unapproachable In this Market AND AT LOWER BATES THAN ALL Our old patrons know and appreciate tbe above faots and all we ask of othsre is toi them to GIVE US A TRIAL I The Fastest Presses Newest Styles or Type I Large Stock of Stationery Exceedingly Low Dent 1 Together with the large patronage extende ns renden It In our power- to offer-induce mentsjin prices which our competitor canne afford tolgivej WHITMOBB A CO MEMPHIS TENNESSEE 139 vi-139 MENELL CORY DOCTOR Can bO found at No 194 Main Street Cp Stain corner of Washington Quick Time East BY THE MEMPHIS A LOUISVILLE Railroad Line Doable Dally Trains Continued -ROTHTRAIN3 MAKING DIRECT CON-JJ neotiona fur BALTIMORK WASHINGTON PHI LA MELPHI A NEW YORK and BOSTON An advantage offered by no other route from Memphis Commencing Monday Marc Is 9 1868 Will leave Memphis as foUowt 1 Morning Express 1 7:00 sm light Express 1 1 4:00 pm Passengers taking Morning Train make direct through connection for all Eastern Cities reaching New York 1 hours in ADVANCE of those leaving Memphis the same day by any other route and with one night LESS travel Passengers taking Night Express from Memphis have ehoiee of three routes from Louisville either by the Jeffersonville via Indianapolis or Cincinnati or the mail lino steamers via Cincinnati and reach New YerkLUi heurs in ADVANCE of those taking night train from Memphis by any other route Passengers by this train arrive at Nashville at 7:16 a-m 6 hours in advance of any other and at St Louis at 1:80 24 to 36 hours quicker than by river 4" Through Tickets can be procured at 237 Main street aBd at Depot head of Main street SAM JONES AAA HILL Pas nger Agent At TAX-PATERS TAKE NOTICE BY A RECENT ACT Of THE GENERAL Assembly of the Frate it is made mv sworn duty te aid twenty-five per cent to all taxes on property that is allowed to be advertleed for non-payment of taxes It ie also mads unlawful for rae to give a receipt for taxes after the property is advertised unless payment of the said twenty-five per cent is madein addition to all taxes costs and fees consequent on said advertising I refer all parties interest'd to sections 17 and 18 of tbe Act to Amend the Revenue Laws of this State" published ia the Memphis Appeal Apri1 14 15 and 18 also in the Memphis Weekly Post of the 9th of April All property which has been reported to the Circuit Court must socording to legal enactment he advertised at least forty day previous to the first Monday in July The Tax Collec-torand Printer mast have fifteen days to make their preparations for publishing I am disposed to give all the indulgence that the law allows hot it will be readily seen that I eannot extend this indulgence beyond the 10th day of May next Lot ail who wonld aave themselves trouble and unnecessary expense he warned in time I shall not withhold publication of ax one's property who fail to pay by the 10th of May and I hope my friends will remember that I eannot attend to everybody on the vkkt list Dav Those who are wise will come forward early and reoeive prompt attention and so avoid a crowd and the oonsequent bustle and eonfuaion and possible mistakes which are always incident to the Inst days on which a Tax Collectar keeps bis office open for receipts of taxes PHILIP GARVIN 47 Tax Co1 lector tih-lby County March New ready the fol- lowing work containing 1038 closely printed large nctavo pages weU bound in law sheep Price 910: THE LAW REGISTER comprising all the lawyers in the United States THE STATE RECORD eontalningthe State and county officers the organisation jaris-dietion and terms of the Courts for every State and Territory THE OFFICIAL DIRECTORY for the United States containing the officers of the Federal Government the daties of the several Departments sketches of all the members of Con- £ressthe offioere and terms of the Federal THE ASSISTANT: giving the laws for collecting debts executing deeds verifying claims and takirg testimony with forms for every State with much other useful information the whole constituting an Official and Buainess ManuaL Prepared from official returns by John Livingston of the New York bar Secretary of the Union Law Company New Yorks Published by the Union Law Company No 128 Broadway third floor (ia the American Exchange National Bank Building) The hook will be sent prepaid to any address is the United States on receipt of ten dollars or it will be forwarded by express with bill to be paid on delivery From Alex- Randall Postmaster General St John Skinner First Assistant Post- Blaster General Joseph Blaokfan Chief Clerk Postoffioa Department Washington February 24 1858 John Livingston Esq Secretary Merchants Union Law Company New York: Diau Bit: Your new Law Register and Offi-cial Directory jnst issued appears to have been very carefully prepared and we think may be of great service in the transaction of the business of this Department Thu work will doubtless prove valuable to every official banker merchant and business man ALEX RANDALL Postmaster General BT JOHN SKINNER First Assistant Postmaster General JOSEPH BLACKFAN Chief Clerk Postoffice Department From Hon FRANCIS SPINNER Treasurer of the United States Wasbinoton February 21 1868 John Livingston Esq Secretary Merohanta Union Law Co The new Law Register and OS-eial Directory just i-sued appears to' have been very earefully prepared and we find it of great service in the transaction of the business of this Department Re think the work would prove a valuable aoquiiitiou to and should be on the desk ef every prominent official banker merchant and business man FE SPINNER 6- 1 Treasurer United States THE OKOLONA NEWS WIXSOX Editor PabllshMt In the town ef Okolona Miss every Thursday Morning nnHE NEWS IS PURLISHED IN ONE OF A the most thriving towns on the line of the Mobile and Ohio railroad has over one thousand readers and is a valnaWe advertising medium for MEMPHIS MERCHANTS whose Interests will be greatly enhanced in North Mississippi by making their business known through its columns 8 A Wells A Co 40 North Conrt itreet arc agents for thii paper eod-Si IL Dr Whitmore St Co VOL VI PUBLIC LEDGER PBBUSHO EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY i WHITMORE AID A TILER Under the firm name of WHITMORE Sc CO No 13 Madison Btraat The Public Lsdsii is served to City subscribe! by faithful earners at FIFTEEN CENTS per week payable weekly to the carrier By mail (in advance): One year $8 si months $4 three months $2 one month 75 oents Newsdealers supplied at 2K cents per copy Communications upon subjects of general interest to the publio are at all times acceptable Reieoted manuscripts will hot be returned RATES OF ADVERTISING First Off per square Subsequent 50 For One Week 8 00 For Two 4 50 Three 6 00 For One Month 7 60 Displayed advertisements will be charged according to the spaok occupied at above there being twelve lines of solid type to the inch Notioes in local eolnmn inserted for twenty cents per line for each insertion Special Notices inserted for ten oents per line for each insertion Te regular advertisers we offer superior inducements both as to rate et charges and manner of displaying their favors All advertisements should be marked the specific length of time they are to be published Ii not so marked they will be inserted for one month and eharged accordingly Advertisements published at intervals will be charged One Dollar per square for eaoh insertion All bills for advertising are due when contracted and payable on demand t3AU letters whether upen business or otherwise must be addressed id WHITMOBB ft CO ubliphersnProjorietors Thk Kentucky tobaccq crep of last year which is now-coming into the market it is announced is of excellent quality and large in amount D1 Alter brain weighed fifty-nine ounces fifty-four fifty-eight and fifty-nine and a half The ordinary weight is forty-five ounces In New York there is a report that a new daily is to be started called the Globe with a capital of $150000 and that Robert Ridgway formerly of the Richmond Whig is to' be one of tbe editors Eight hundred women sang the Marseillaise" in Marseilles the other day They were employed in a government cigar manufactory and as the tobacco leaves served out to them were too dry to work with they chose this way of asking to have them dampened The ominous chant threatens soon to be heard all over France The American Sunday School Union held its annual meeting in New York this week The report states that within the Ia3t ten years 20000 schools containing 1000000 children have been established During tbe past year 10000 teachers have been employed in teaching 70000 pupils and $115000 have been expended The intelligence from Mexico continues to show that country to be in its nsual sad conditioh and like all other countries whose governments are not very stable her officials are suppressing newspapers for publishing intelligence and warning correspondents of the dire consequence of telling the troth about the condition of Mexican affairs Mb Charles Conor is warmly urged by mafiy of his friends and admirers as the Democratic candidate for the Presi deucy in the eusuing canvass The New York News has nominated him anitbe suggestion has called forth warm responses Unfortunately perhaps Mr is not enough of a politician to have any chance for tbe honor A Frsedhas who left Charleston 8C for Liberia a few months ago writes back the most glowing accounts of matters and things there He says he never felt free until he reached the colored own republic" and is quite rapturous in describing the luxuriant fertility of the country He advises all his friends to join him in the new 11 land of The prisoners in the Cleveland jail have revived the story that that uncomfortable domicile is hauBted by the ghosts of two or three murderers who have been hanged in the yard adjoining the building Dr Hughes the wife-slayer is the most regular of these ghostly visitors dropping in every night just after the stroke of midnight and slowly promenading the corridor The Colombus Journal tells the following of General Sherman: one of the Connecticnt towns where he was brought oat on the platform to be seen by fellow-citizens just before the train left he observed a tall awkward looking fellow approaching the cars elbowing the crowd in the most excited manner and bellovciDg Sherman 1 Sherman I you know me The General intimated that he did not at the moment recognize his questioner as a familiar acquaintance you remember down In Georgia stopping one day on the march where there wae a crowd of fellows looking on at a chicken fight The General laughed Yes he did member said the fellow with a grin of ineffable satisfaction and modest triumph 'that was my rooster what whipped I'" THE jk WHAT IT? The New York fferald professes to have received the annexed circnlar from an official source Whether it be a genuine document or aot is a matter of question but it is at least interesting: Union Cxuitkrt 8onren15TTis) Apnli the 7th To the Editor of the Herald By command of the Grand Cycleps of the secret order known to the ontside world as the Ku-Klox Klan I am directed in the name of trath and justice to make the following statement in reference to this organization The columns of the Herald have been selected as the medium of this statement for the reason of its well known metropolitan circulation It is a well known axiom that men prefer misrepresentation and slanderous criticism to truth and charity It is equally well known that there exists at this time in the United States two (if not more) gigantic aecret political organizations sustained by Congressional legislai tion to wit The Grand Army of the Republic" a secret oath-bound military order and the Loyal League" which composed in tbe Southern States almosVexclu8ively of negroeff and Radical emissaries from the North Tbe grand objects of these secret Radical societies is to keep in subjection the Democratic party of the North and to Africanize the South and thereby acting in concert with Congressional legislation perpetuate the rale of the Radical party and change the American Government from a free republic to a mongrel despotism The army and navy of the United Statea nnder the control of a Radical Congress have been and are being nsed to destroy the liberties of a once free people and to uphold and sustain with their mighty power the insidious and devilish purposes of the secret organizations of the Grand Army of the Republic" and the Loyal Therefore it is by no means wonderful that these secret societies should raise the cry of a new rebellion" assassin" etc Let the enemies of free government and the advocates of negro equality and negro domination beware I White men and white men alone are the comprehensive exponents of constitutional liberty and mnst and will exclusively rul and govern the American republic Michigan and Connecticut but re-echo this sentiment What then of the Ku KIux Klan? Is it a myth or a stern reality We answer that it is a great and unconquerable organization It is not confined exclusively to any State or Territory of the American Union but has strength and form wherever the flag of the American Republic ia recognized as the emblem of constitutional liberty In some localities the organization is much more powerful than in others It is stronger in Kentucky than in any other State Tennessee next Missouri third Virginia fourth Maryland fifth and New York sixth There is not a departmentof the Federal Government of the army and navy that has not a potent membership Confederate and Federal soldiers Confederate and Federal Bailors alike vie in the objects and purposes of the organization There is not a leading daily newspaper throughout tbe entire country that has not their Ku-Klnx Therefore the Ku-Klnx is neither sectional nor partisan but eminently conservative and national in its organization and purposes White citizens of th United States can only become members of the Ku-Klnx Klan Radicals infidels and negroes cannot become members of the Ku-Klnx Klan for the meaning of the term is a Circle of Friends the sole object of which is the perpetuity of cousti-tional liberty The organization of the Ku-Kiux Klan originated from a necessity the result of Radical legislation and the foi mation of the aecret political orders of the Lengne" and the Armv of the consequently the Ku-Klnx Klan is the effect of Radical despotism and injustice The Ku-Klux Klan was first organized ia Giles county Tennessee in August I860 and was an absolute necessity resulting from (the tyranny domination and aggression of the Brownlow Legislature The passage of the bill and supplements in the spring of 1867 gave the organization a new impetus throughout the 8outh The increase of the organization in the Northern and Western States and especially in the Pacific States from the 1st of November 1867 to the 1st of April 1868 has been beyond the expectations of its most ardeot friends The organization at this time numbers over seven hundred thousand members with as rapid additions as the public security may require The Know-Nothing parly was defeated and utterly destroyed by the National Democratic party without recourse to a counter secret organization for the main reason that the Koow-NothiDg party had not the control of the Federal Government and hence were unable to uphold their organization by the pnrse and sword Until recently however the Ku Klux Klan possessed the government and wielded its mighty powers They possess it to-day but only in name not in reality Let the tyrants of a mongrel and infamously corrupt party beware I Your party is but a shell The castle of Radicalism has been permeated and undermined by the white ant of tbe Ku-Klnx The Ku-Klux Klan is therefore a secret political organization the result of necessity the sole object of which ie to thwart Radicalism arrest negro domination in the South negro equality in the North perpetuate Ae Federal Union and preserve the Constitution as tha fathers made' it And whoever asserts to the contrary utters falsehood That the Ku-Klnx Klan have eecrets unknown to the uninitiated is not denied so have the ancient orders of Free Masonry Odd Fellowship and other secret order and societies but like Free Masonry and Odd Fellowship the objects and purposes of the Ku-Klux Klan have thus been for the first time officially promulgated The incredulous and guilty may carp and misrepresent but the wicked the ungodly and the perjured will soon feel the keen edge of the sickle and the invisible boring of (he white enL Let the coffin be closed Gabriel The sea serpent of the Cumberland has swallowed the local editor of the Nash' villq Union and Dispatch The aforesaid local had described the an animal which ate nothing but fresh pork Flan for tha Gradual Resumption of Specie Payments We copy as follows from the New York Tribune Mr Lynch of Maine has pending in the Honse of Representatives a plan for gradually resuming specie payments Briefly stated it consists in issuing from tbt Treasury coupon bonds to the amount of $300000000 of denominations of $100 and npward bearing interest at four per cent payable quarterly in lawful money and making these and greenbacks reciprocally convertible into each other at the pleasure of the holder after the 1st of May next all United 8tates legal tender notes received by the United States lay $180000000 per year or 15000000 per month are to be retired and destroyed and in their stead notes psysble one year from date in coin are to be issued to all creditors to whom legal tenders have heretofore been paid By the 1 st of May 1869 $180000000 in coin notes would have taken the place of the present greenbacks having been paid out for salaries Government contracts currency interest and all expenses of the Government These notes will become due at the rate of half a million dollars a day daring the year 1869 and are to be redeemed in gold By repeating the same operation for 1869 and 1870 tbe whole issne of greenbacks now outstanding would have been converted into demand notes and would be redeemable in gold by May 1 1871 Mr Lynch aays he firmly believes that tbe presentation and redemption of the first $15000000 et these notes would so establish public confidence as to reduce the premium on gold to a nominal figure The difference between the plan aid that of immediate resumption is that it limits the amount of notes which can be presented to the Government for redemption to half a million dollars per day after one year from the 1st of May next As our gold receipts from customs amount to abont a third of a million per day it is thought that so gradual a run on tbe Treasury could be successfully met nntil tbe pnblic confidence had so far improved as to reduce the premium on gold to a nominal figure when specie payment 041 Id be resumed by the backs and the people voluntarily Mr plan is one of the most thoughtful of the gradual plane of resumption yet advanced Explosion of Cosl Oil From the St Louis Republican One of the most distressing accidents we have been called npon to record for sometime past occurred yesterday morning at tbe house of Mr Clark No 2028 Morgan street betweed Twentieth and Twenty-first etreets The occupants of the house were Mrs Clark and two daughters Mr Clark being absent at Chicago where ha is doing bnsinesB as a real estate agent At about 8 o'clock Mrs Clark told her yoilugest daughter Artkaus a girl of eight years to light the fire which she proceeded to do She went from the bedroom to the kitchen where after sotting the paper in the grate on fire she ponred some coal oil out of a gallon can upon it to make it burn more quickly While pouring it out the flames set fire to the oil in the can which exploded with a loud report The girl's dress was immediately in a blaze and her mother ran to her assistance She wrapped a blanket round her and succeeded in ex tinguishing the (lames but not before the daughter had received fatal injuries Her own clothing took fire while she was endeavoring to save her child and she was fearfully burned The report of the explosion and the screams of the mother and daughter startled the neighborhood and Mr John Harnett Mr Butts and some others rushed iu to see what was the matter A heart-rending spectaole awaited them The flamee were extin guished and Dr Cooper was sent for end came immediately and did all in his power te relieve the agony of the sufferers The girl however died at half-past eleven and the mother continues in a critical condition What makes the accident more deplorable is that tbe eldest daughter of Mrs Clark a girl of about sixteen is at present confined to her room by sickness and requires almost constant attention during the night Mr Clark has beeu telegraphed for to Chicago The shocking event created a profound sensation ia the neighborhood and will excite general sympathy- It furnishes another illustration of the care requisite in handling that dangerous explosive fluid now in such common use An Old Nan Bsaten with his owg Crutch From an Alabama paper How long wilt thou abuse our patience On Monday last we were in Jacksonville and witnessed a sight sickening and revolting in the extreme After the arrest of Judge Pope who was so feeble from ill-health that he oonld jcarcely walk aod as the guards were conducting him to jail an aged gray-haired man soafflicled with para lygis that he had not walked for years without tbe aid of crutches too outraged to himself cried out are they taking you to jail Well me if go with For this monstrous utterance a soldier made a tilt at hint with fixed bayonet- The choleric old man bestowed a shower of oaths on the soldier who tnrned away and left him His friends now coming np got the old gentleman in his bnggy and started ont of town with him Lieut Johnson commanding the post came np about this time and ordered the buggy stopped and arrested him As he was being conducted to jail he again cursed the lieutenant aid the guard and for this was beaten with his own crutch until it was broken over him I Another is breathing' the tainted atmosphere of tbe dungeon there for a much less offense than this These are no exaggerations We conld mention other victims for even lighter offenses than these be at alL Citizens ara arrested and incarcerated at the caprice of this small tyrant who by the potency of a first shoulder-straps lords it over the patient and tolerant and law-abiding citizens of that section We intend to send a paper with a statement of these facts sblished both to Gen and the commaqdant at Montgomery and we call npon them in (he name of humanity to consider of them and if we have no political rights to respect to at least see that we are protected In the enjoyment of the netn-ral rights of man If not let them notify ns through general orders that they intend to regard no right of ours political or natural that we may know our remedy and knowing dare use it 1 New Yore has 235000 smokers according to the aocount of 9 reformer Who Cheked off Father 1 It has been whispered about that the biography of General Grant by Grant's father heretofore published by instalments in tbe New York Ledger wae suddenly off" by and rnmor said the choker was none other than Grant who it was hinted began to be ashamed of its silliness It now turns oat however that rnmor was incorrect a letter from Mr RoheA Bonner Ledger editor) to the Tribune stating tbaf: "General Grant had nothing whatever to do with the writing or the publication of the sketch of his early life written for the Ledger by his father The sketch was begun and finished before Gen Grant knew anything ahont it and appeared in the Ledger in full juBt as it came from the father without the curtailment of a tingle word so that tke General could not have choked off the old gentleman as you assert" Death ef Captain Hartstona late of the United States Navy Captain Henry Hartstene formerly of the United States Navy died in Paris on the 30th of March of paralysis The Newark Advertiser says Captain Hartstene has an honorable record iu the navy He made the celebrated voyage to the Arctic Ocean in search of Dr Kane and Sir John Franklin and was succes'fal in finding Dr Kane and bringing him home Subsequently he wag entrusted by Government with the complimentary duty of returning the Resolute one of the British Arctic discovery fleet which was found abandoned and adrft at sea to Queen Victoria after the ship had been put in thorough repair by this Government Captaiu Hartstene was a South Carolinian by birth and retired to Europe on tha breaking ont of tha reballion AMBR0SIA FOR TI1E I1AIH IMPIUMED! It is an elegant Dressing ror the Hair It causes the Hair to Carl beautifully It keeps the Scalp Clean and Healthy It invigorates tbs Roots of the Hair It forces the Hair and Beard to grow laxuri-aatly It immediately stops Hair Falling Out It keeps the Hair from Changing Color from Age It restores Gray Hair to its Original Color It brings out Hair-on heads that have been bald for years It is composed entirely of simple and purely vegetable substances It has received over sit thousand voluntary testimonials of its excellence many of which are from Physicians in high standing It is sold in half-pound bottles (the name blown in the glass) by Druggists and dealers in Fancy Goods everywhere at One Dollar per Bottle Wholesale byDemas Barnes A Co Wells A Co Schieffelin A Co New York vi-9 vnr-8 NEW STYLE HATS In all tbe different ool irs Finest and Cheapest in thee ty at WHEATON A The Stanley Bos Breadway Irving St Paul Pickwick Jaunty Cobden St James Le Favorite Dickens Peabody Tourist White Fawn Elert Essex Arthur Poeket Hats Hats in every variety of style quality and prjoe can be had at WHEATON A 199 Main street 43 TUB SOMERVILLE FALCON JS THE ONLY PAPER PUBLISHED IN the Wealthy and Populous eounty ef Fayette It circulates widely in Fayette and adjoining oonnties and is read by that class of persons who deal largely and almost exclusively with 1 Memphis making it a desirable advertising medium for those wishing trade from that section A SPARKS eod-102 Proprietor 44EM IYE PANAMA HATS The finest ever brought to this market Straw Hats of every kind in every style at all prices Every kind of Hat yon want at WHEATON A 199 Main street Price Reduced 1 43 THE MADISON PIONEER A Weekly Newspaper Published at Madison Arkansas GEORGE BROWN Editor and Proprietor A FIRST-CLASS MEDIUM FOR ADVER-tising for MKIiGHANTS and others who desire a trade from Eastern Arkansas Cash orders for advertising and subscription promptly attended to Terms as low as other Southern papers eod-99 DB PRIVATE MEDICAL DISPENSARY (Established in 1S59J THE ONLY RELIABLE PLACE FOR THE CURB OF Private Diseases DR RUSSELL Nob 40 AND 42 NORTH Court strsetnorth side Conrt Square Memphis Tennessee is acknowledged by all par-tieaanterested as by far the HOST SUCCESSFUL PHYSICIAN in the treatment of Private or Secret Diseases Quick thorough and permanent cures guaranteed in every ease mala or female fte-ent cases of GONORRHEA and SYPHILIS cured in a few days without tbe use ef Mercury change of diet or hindrance from business 8KU6NDARY SYPHILIS -the last vestige eradicated without tbe use of Mercury Involuntary Lots of Semen stopped in a short time- Sufferers from Impotency or Loss of Sexual Power restored to free vigor in 9 few weeks Gleet or Gonorrhea of long standing when all internal remedies have failed permanently and speedily cured by a new treatment Victims of SELF-ABU8E and excessive Venery suffering from SPERMATORRHEA and loss of Physical and Mental Power speedily end permanently cure-i AH consultations strictly confidential Chronic Rheumatism Neuralgia Gout Paralysis Deafness eto treated by the aid of Electro Magnetic Battery For sate VENEREAL PRE-VENTIVE-Orriri From 9 ag to 1 rw and from 3 rn to 8 FX 33-69 1 JOHN A DENIE I DSALEK IS HIT COES OATS BEAN LIJIE Cement Plaster Hair FIRESBSICX AND 'WESTERN PRODUCE No 41 SonthJConrt Square 1 vi-M.

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