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The Semi-Weekly Knoxville Sentinel from Knoxville, Tennessee • 1

Knoxville, Tennessee
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.4 to .6. 1 rlebe Weelt-ly 4 'I 17 7 A A A 1,1 II 1 1 VOL VII NO 52.. 'KNOXVILLE, SATUEDAT, FEBIIIIA1tY.17, 1894. $1.00 DL VII NO 52 KNOXVILLE, SATUE DAV, FEBIIIIARY.17 1894. $1.00 A nun 4 7som IF IT IS SMALLPDX THERE IS A WAY KNoxvILLEI HopE recently, it.

One men on the Newark ill with yellow fever. I have Ironsterred him to the hospital. I shell send the Newark to the Rio De Le Plats. .1. tend It to do barn', and no burnt has been done.

That's ell there le of It." Prof. White's card Published )esterday in which he moot positively denied baying used abusive or unkind language toward The Sent Inel or its reporter, and saying that he was Wished Tbe Sentinel intended no injury to any one, was entirely satisfactory to The Sentinel. 1. TWO YEARS'- 0 0111 11A) Is The Sentinel's Presen Management OLD TODAY 1111111Likalliblit. Jja 111 Ilas i By Which Democrats Can Get in Office.

There are Many Employes of the Knoxville Postoillee Against Whom the Charge of "tilleashro Partisanship. Could Well HauledAnd Their Edit Would Be Certain From Friday's Daily. The Knoxville poetoffice id under the civil eervice department. There a fact. And fa consequence of it being a tact too republican employes of the Wee have been chuckling to them-elves.

But when Col. Gaut adjusts those well knowu spectacles to his eagle eyes and Ibtows searckting look aloft he will Lnd a motley crew cliegingto the rigging. And of that crew might ae well jump oti! of their own accord, for nothing will save them; not even Prof. Ilarrisone piece ot partienn trickeey by which he hoped to keep republican off ce hoidere alive until he could call for their votes again It id true that there la only one matt In the employe of the Knoxville post-office to whom Col. Gaut will be obit to say go end he goeth sod come and he comet it but there le an etersol tics which presides over the destinies of all monies well as republican poet-office employes, and that inevitable end imumeulat power might as welt quit the bueiness if it dou'll come to Col.

Gaut's old in cleaning oat the Knoxville pootoffice. Offeneive partleauship" is a favor-it a and oft tried charge aud one that meldom fails of the desired effect. It le also one on which Col. Gout can xely with perfect ameurence. For instaece, who would deny that Frank Carty would fall at the first volley? And there are others like hint, Postmaeler Iludiburg soya he has beard of none of the employee who will resign.

It is not to be supposed that they will. They will have to be removed. Ludburg any, that he did not retiree to retaiu democrat In office during his term and declare that he enjoyed good health and, wee reasonably happy under each an ar rangenient Some of these democratic employee are Mr. Nelson the regietered letter clerk; Mr i Burwell, the mailing clerk Mime Davis, the new stamp clerk, who cannot vot si but who would probobly drop in a democratic ballot should wornan's suffrage ever come Ibis way, and three subetitute callers. Col.

Gant geld this morning OW had given be matter of appointments" practically no conaideration, and would aot be able to say anything in refer. ence thereto until after be le confirmed and big bond made. Mr. Fulcher, one of Mr. Gaut's most aggressive opponents, has tot made application as assistant postmaster Col.

Gent Wee greatly gratified at the kindly feeling of a number of Keolville's most prominent citizens who in congratulating him voluntarily offered to go on his bond for any amovni. UNIFORMS BEING MADE For the University of Tennessee Bali Team. Phi IAA IPIP111111111111P Been Its Record During These Two Years. CON OEMNATICN OF ALL CORRUPTION Controlling Principle of the Paper. I.

Been Accomplished During the Past TearA -Pledge for the Pittner. Sentinel under lie present mansigement Is two years old today.Without boasting, but simply as a tnatter news of the city, it-is not to affirm that The Sen. no tortolge. Vegetation under 'the pedal extremities of papere, but The Seniinel irr fields which are "ripe harvest" and only need a newspaper with modern ideas and civilised to helr'gather the grain. In respects the twZi years have been In lite experience of The Sea! In the growth of beautiwul city.

The t3entinel's mechanical an innovation has been putting in the latest improved type-setting- Inachinee, which to print more matter In six days of the either of the morning papers seven days. Thus it is that Sentinel not only furnishes its every day the usuni quota of telegraphic Hnd local news, the best line of miscellaneous to be found In any pafier of the -country. In furmishing material for the, paper, The has all the advantages of the telegraphic and eflecial service, editorial ores of experienced handle the happenings of the present the most readable of events to Sentinel readers. is no small Matter to make a and eepecially a reliable Sentinel prides Stself upon the men who know bow to do thing. Probably no paper in was ever so thoroughl fr9uL the eompottition room buelneass office, to do the work first-class newspaper Sentinel daily publi-tations of The Sentinel prove this as.sertioni the subscription book show advertising patronage of the eloquent on the subject.

In connection the members of The i company point with pride, position of the paper on matters Importance "Reform" has watchword of The Sentinel, has been B0 uncompromising unrelenting foe to thoue city officials would intrigue to rob the and to such corporations as to clutch the throat of the government. In these Sentinel. hes been sustained people, and wherever The Sentinel exposed Corruption in public the people have wood at the side and by their ballots throttied cunning' of conspirators. been the- work of The Sent I- will be its future policy It for the boys and girlsa for the father," and mothers. daily publicatitm such as the Sentinel, and' the Semi-Weekly which are given for subscription price of Is no surprise that The Sentinel the most popular, the most read, and the beet circulated Poet Tenneeeee.

On this see-odd anniversary of the present The Sentinel doffs its cap to of Knoxville and its large outside subscribers. end promises The Sentinel shall tidyknee lines of efficiency-and stand the front rank In all movements that contemplate the welfare of glorious garden Spot of East CON OEMNATICN OF ALL CORRUPTION DISABLED BY THE STORM. The Steamer Paii" Puts Back to Queenatowa for London. Feb. 10.The American lins steamer.

Paris. which sailed at 2 ft. in. February from South ampton for New York. was sighted early this morning lying at anchor oft Robe's Point at tte entrance to Queenstown harbor.

Shebad returned on account of tier rudder below abled. A dispatch from Queenstown says: As stated on Monday last a berry sea struck the rudder of tl a Paris, snapping the post off in trunk 'The stmmer continued ber westward courae until Tueaday afternoon when It wee decided to put tier about. Ono of her engines was stopped and little difficulty was experienced in turn. lug bor. DICK GAUT BACK, lie Tells How Ills Father Won I the Fight And Also How Senator garris Work ThingsFavored Wallace but Endorsed Falcher.

Dick Gaut, eon of Cot. W. Omit. Kndsville new ptottinaster. and who dirt.

sub hard and effective wen le In Washington for his father, te turned from be national ill Rol last nigk When seen by a Sentinel man this morning be was ready to way a word about the fight over the place. which has been carried on for weeks past In Weehington. "Senator Bate favored my father from firet to last, and, of course, we feel more grateful to blut than to an.i of tk'e therm I knew positively on Monday that the preeident wou'd send in my father's name, but I did not care to oily anything until the matter wee finally eettled." "Was there any in tbe end?" poked the reporter. Senator Harris favored Fele') tr, but be wale very honest and fair with my father. Ile told we that be would not be averse to my father'is appointment, but that in endorelmc Fetcher be wee simply carrying out an old rule of his trout which be never departs.

HOW HARRIS HOLDS HIS JOB. "It Is his custom, he said, to let the people Nay who they as Fulcher mimed to have the preponderence of endormements, be situ favored him. In doing so, Senator Harris declared the he was ignorinit his own personal choice, Person ally favored Wallace. bak.lor, the reasons mentioned be endoreed Fuleber." 4, What Mr. Gaut probebly meant to say was that Senator Harris alwaye relegates personal frienndship to poll-tics, In endorsing Fuleber he no doubt knew, not whom the greateet, natuber of people nrefell'ed, but who eou id control he greatest amount of Influence for liarrie In appointing Colonel Gaut the president not only seated himself on Senator Harris' neck, but turned Bleeell down In great shape.

It is a well known fact that the post master general had named Colonel Williams, but when the muddle arose the president simply called for all the papers concerning the matter end hit upon rosonel Gaut as the most acceptable compromnle. --Mr. Dick Gant hoe no doubt-as to hie father's confirmallonn. TUE ALABAMA MINE FIRE. Birmingham, Feb.

mine fire at Norton le still raging today, but will probably moon bp under control. No further iattualtien have been reported. The loPe win be heavy. A NEAT PLOT To Overthrow Dole's Government and Land British Troops, New York, Feb. 14.The Tribune hats dispatch from Honolulu dated Feb.

8 stating that Honolulu was thrown into intense excitement by reports of a threatened royalist attack on the ezecutive bultding. Tte too, was that the royaliats had devised plan to throw dynamite bombs Into the council chamber vt.hile President Dole and his assistants wete holding a session Then a strong armcd force would fall upon itie building and take posseasion at the point of the bayonet. The moment throyaliete wer in posseasiou word would be tele phoned to WodehonEe, who would ognize the new government and innd the British marines ostensibly to pro feet British interests. Up to 8 o'clock no attempt had been made to carry out the plot HOUK IN THE CITY. Congrosmon John Houk is in the city today and speaks at.Trundle's Cross-roads tonight.

rTo a Bent trial reporter he aaid: -I will carry Camp hell county notwithstanding-Sha fact that Gibson claim It as his banner Chas. C. Snyder. a member of ihe Chattanooga board of publieworks, was in the city yesterday. He expects to be Tomei Awarded Highest la the Com Dii Tbe Se gement out boaS curter presuutpi tinet Lii 1 thrive ol some pal gatobolin onto bar paper wl Inethoda inany rea potable I 1 as, Ibis beat In departnit made tt proved I enables readYsel 't, week tba print in The Ben readers editorial but also 'reading 'this sect nishing best tele ond an 4 itten to I day and all curie! While It 1181V8p810 one, The baviNr lust that noxvi equipped to the bt tf 8 fl The San ations sertion; It; the 1 paper leo this cow Sentinel to the pc ot local been the and It I and unre (la's kvb people, have trio tounleitta 'Honig Tb by tbe tinel but affairs paper's 8 tied tb, This has tierthis la a par paper to With a afternoc Weekly the usua papersol -tinel is widely 1 vetoer In utid ann agetnent the peof Iist of el foes tba -along ci In ments tt ibis gilt Tennesw SU the Whitt Tbe of current presumptuous linet is -thrive owe gamboling onto many Potable ae Ibis In department made by enables ready-set week than print in The readers editorial, but also 'reading 'this section Sentinel best ond an men to day and all current While It newspaper, one, The havirqr Just that rnoxville equipped, to the a 'The 'Iti the paper Is this Sentinel to the of local been the and it and who people, have tried municipal The by the bus affairs PePer's the This has nerthis Is a paper paper With a afternoon the usual is -ldely paper In agetnent the people list of tba all -right in this Tennessee.

l'erry's Old Cell Mate Declares That He Has It Too As Ee and Pere 7 '21( I Out' Alike Weeks Ago. ayi Peirry Bat-Another Instate In Its IC it At tad Form. and "Broke Out" thlok Way Whoa. ewer ha Oot Drunk or Caught Cold. te II SelltiipOt? The question was esked yeeleiday by Col.

Frierson, secretary of the chamber of commerce, and auother prominent Today it has been asked by a hundred and maybe a thousand It is strange that doubt should be be co prevalent in the mindit of the people. But there is no denying the fact that no two men you meet are able to egrets as to whether the us gro Perry bee emelipoz or another and even more loathsome disease. The Sentinel estabildbed the feet thie morning that he had the letter In the most aggravated loran and be "BROKE OUT IN JAIL. The Sentinel learned toduy that Perry wee at one time during hie con finemeut in the Knot county jail almost completely covered with stores similar in nature to thooe now seen on Will Nelson', a negro hose confined In the county jail, was Perry'e cell mat and he declares that there was a "breeking out" on Perry'd face end body just a few week ego. "I ain't 'Spilt ill nobody," he acid, rbut it Jim's got itmatipox, I is, Cease we got (teatime thing.

Pe broke out all over and I broke Out too. Anybody see yer would avvear yer bud smallpox but tainti "Will nigger In hyur bed It lea like we did and po did Ed Morale. It's a new kind er pox dal Iota er Knoxville niggers is got. "Whenever I'd drink er lot er ticker en may out en ketch er cole.I'd Otero brek out all over tnyeelf. thinkin' Ferry went en got drunk es soon es he got out en jail en dot made 'ins Wok There were others in the tall eho twitted to the Perry suffered with each sores on his body at different Gillett, which would dry up and dienppear DR DIAGNOSIS.

While such a et element att the ebove la important as evidence In caee there is doubt to the miter ot Perry'e divestb yet, of course, it is hardly so be coneidered when it conflicte withOverion'to diagnosis, us 'well Sc That of Dr. Hood. The Sentinel asked for tin opinion from several physicions this morning and Dr. Overton wad generally en one 'toying "while I hays not seen the cads I- am willing to accept Dr. Overtond diagnodis es being entirely correct, He Is a the oughly competent physician and knows a cues of smallpoe when be area it." One Optician stated that it wee the eaeleet matter in the world to tell smallpox it breake out in the mouth end le at with high fever, whereas the other and kindred diseased is Dr.

Hood has bud long -experience with it is generally believed that he ought to be able to name Perry'd dieeuee if anyone cJuld do so. Thoee who me willing to accept the phymician's (Buenos's ot the case say it is preposte-ous lo'doubt the opinion of profeeelonal men who bare es unlined the caee earl give we'esenee to the opinion of men who have not examined Perry and who wouldn't know a case of smallpox if they could see one. PERRY CONFESSES That he Caught the etnallpox In Tirgini Says he Swapped Coats Wit). a Negro Who' Had lied the Diseasethe Face is "Pitted" to Day. Perry, the small-pox negro, made a confeesion this morning to Pt.

Hood the be caught the email-pox in Vir ginia. "The negro told me," said Di. Hood to the Sentinel man, "that after being released front jail be WOW UP to Southweet somewhere near Glade Springe, I think, and that be swtppedelothes with another negro wh bad bad etnall-pox." "But I itt bard to tell when Perry Is speaking the truth. Ile tells all sorts of tales, but today Is the first time be ever acknowledged having been away front Knoxville. "He said be knew all the time that be bad small-pox.

Bur, no matter whether he knew It or not. we did." Dr.ilood (lays Perry's face id already "pitted" and net his pox sears will sbow whether or not be had the die-ease. He reports the naarro's case as being still favorable. Dr. Hood also said the I he outletpated no spread of the 41oleade, al though, he says, about 580 people live within the infected district and might have caught the disease from Perry, bat all of these people were vaccinated, and of hotety expained since then only two failed to get the effect of titer vaccination.

There need be no fear about the pest house for a time, at least. for. as stated In yesterday's Sentinel. Perry will not be removed from CM ple Creek. WHAT BENHAM BAYS.

Wastingtou, Feb. 16.The navy department confirms the report of yellow fever on board obr fleet at Rio, which was yesterday officially dented. Secretary Hebert makes public the following cable message: "Rio Janeiro, Feb. 14, 1894. Secretary of Navy, Washington, THAT COLLISION IN RUSSIA.

Sit Petersbera. Feb. 16.A fatal accident boa occurred on the raliway between Samara end blatsouskt In (were Russia'. Two trains collided near Jelan and thirteen person we killed and several badly injured. HANGED AT MIDNIGHT.

Jeffersonville. Feb. M.Julio-it E. Stone was banged at 12:03 o'clock this morning for the murder of the Wratton family on the night of Sen. retaber The family consisted of sit persons, Mr.and Mrs.

rat tee. their three chifdren and Mr. Wrattens mother, MATABELET giNG IS DEAD. Copetown diens ich re ceived here from Holoweyo confirm the repot Ahab Lebengula Ling of the Ma tabelee. hod died in the bush, PreetufloblS froof the 'effects of gout and espoeure to which he was objected while fleeing from the Britieh GENERAL JUBAL EARLY Meets With a Serious But Not Fatal Accident Slipped on the Steps and Struck HeadOver SO Old Years 4.

New York, Feb. Herald dis Patch from Lynchburg. Va sass: General Jabal At Early ranking otft eer of the late confeeerticy. met with Ott accident last evenidg which In ail probability the attending physicians ea will prove fatal. Ile lid ascend log the stake of the postoftice, a hen be fell heavily the ice of the steps rendering them slippery.

He outwit on his head and the CO DC1108'011 was so severe as to render hint ut conaciods. Owing to his advanced age. the gen tral havitig nestled his HOth yeat it la hardly possible be a ill ever gei up from his bed La late hour be had not egoined conitclouenese, EARLY NOT SERI9USLY INJULED Lynchburg. vo" IdGeneral Early' a physician. Dr, 'Terrill.

Nutt ed today that the general is not serionsit Injured and will be out in a few days. KILLED HIS WIFt And Her Twins and Confessed it ea, the Gallows. Frederick, Md. Feb. Leonard, the Englistnen who shot and killed Jesse Anderson in Septets-her last, was banged in the jail said this morning.

Before dying Leona Id confessed tha I be itturdtrett-ids thltd wife and her newly born twins. THE YELLOW FEVER. Continues its Rages in Rio. London. Feb.

dispatch re. ceived here today from Rio Janeiro states that the iellow fever con. tinues to spread hi that city. On an average forty eases of the disease are reported daily and twenty ease of other fevers. The dispatch further states there Is only one ease of yet low fever on the United States cruiser Newark.

The patient was taken to a shore hospital. All vessels of tl A tuerican squadron except the Newark. which, as before reported. gone to Montevideo. will remain oft Rio Janeiro.

OLD CHARLESTON1AN DEAD. Charleston, S. February 16. Robert N. Gourdin, died this morning.

He was ore or the oldest citizens bt Charleston. lie wag boro in 1812 and educated at the South Caro Hog college, NO QUORUM. Washington, Feb. Bland motion to close general debate on his seignorage bill at 8 o'clock today, there were on division of the house 99 vot ea in the affirmative and none in the negative. Tracey, of New York, made a point no quorum and the 'yeas and nays were ordered.

At 12:25 the serate went into execu live session 'o continue consideration of Peckham's nontlnation. SUNIe IN THE Ltiliedon, Feb. Tbe British et earner Fails, ot Inversuaid, Captain Wilson. from Norfolk January 27, ran Into and sank the schooner Chase in the Mersey river The otetstne was proceeding up riverto pool when the accident occurred. Everybody on board the schooner was saved.

WILL OBSERVE IL Washington's Birthday and the Knoxville Public Bch oot Superintendent Ruth, of the public schools, held conference with the school board yesterday relative to the observance of Washiagron'e birthday on the 22d of this mouth, by the schools of the city. It was decided to set apart a portion of the day for special in each of the schools. The teachers will make interest ing talks relative to the life and character of the "Father of his Coon try," and the children will furnish recitations of a similar character. HOGG AND BACON. Blocton Curiert If Tints should send Hogg to the senate and Georgia Bacon, a question of precedence might a rime; one la re material 'so to speak.

the other a finished product? FILED rrs CHARTER. The Mutual Res ern Fund Life aaroelattotLVt'w York. filed Ito ab tractof chart 2t- with the county retr later today Lies In 'ter Live, Progressive Young Men. They Would Infuse New Life and Blood Into Zverything Mr. 16016 (.1 ores Is a Strong Bleed of the Young Mena Business League Move, meutA Meusihis Te ik Frew Alen McMillan.

The propoeition to organize a Young Buoiness league in Knoxville Is growing in interest. tiusinees men, young and old reeogi nize in such an organization the very meane of infusing new life into Knoxville and everything connected with Knoxville. One of the IiveSt young business men In le Mr. well known real estate dealer and clerk of the supreme court. Mr.

McMillan bats always taken an active and unwelfieb interest In everything tending to benefit Knoxville. lie is a fair type of the young business men on whom Knoxville tette' now depend, and it le gratifying to know that he is thoroughly int ereated In the movement for a Young Men 'is Bneiness league, But I don't care to be put In the lead in this matter, I am willing to fall in line and do 88 ranch wok as any one, but I Just woedn't have the lime to act as the 'head of such 1 an Organization; 1 "I would like to suggest Sol of George, Dienrukes 8c as one who is greatly interested in this movement and who would be a fit man to head it He can give you sows splendid ideas, and yoe can count on I that hie ideas are Nvorth Just as much as gold dollars. Bs is sale, conservative and looks at these matters' from a strictly business standpoint. THE GOOD OP' IT. "Well, I don't mind giving you some of my own ideas as to the good to, be derived from such on organize and ho'co to work It.

"In the first place, it le my idea to begin it on a small attempt to do -anything until we grow a little on velves. For instance, I think we should orgenize with eay 100 members or as Many live, act ive young business men as we can get in. Let each member pay something like $5 Per month Into the league, and in the course of a few months we will have a sufficient sum in the treasury to begin business on. SMALL YACTORIE8 FIRST "Then let go to work to bring smell factories to Knoxville, When we eee a good thing, eomelhing like George Andes' knitting factory for Instance, let tie agree to go in and take a certain amount of etock In faith in the enterprise, thereby ehowing on 1 by works, Let the league induce such en enterPriee to lobate here and put $1,000, $2.000 $3,000 of its own money into it. "Then when we have accumulated another rued Mart out to find an other industry that will give people employment and help to make Knoxville In this way it won't be long before we have started a number of live indnstrirs into business and besides bringing new people to Knoxville, provide employment for who are here.

PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY, "It can readily be sem, bow Mlle connection busirass mien with industriee of this Med wil tend to promote 4heir ea business men would be financiallY interested In them they would be pretty certain to buy as much of their product ae possible, thereby-providing a home market for home industries "It le such a movement am this, In my opinion, the I will make Knot ville the great and prosperoun city for which her remources and loention have fitted her." A Former Figures in a North Carolina Sensation. reb. Emily Cunningham Lyman, wife of Theodoie Lyman, filed so amended on ewer to her hoeband's compleint In Lb wile with Claude Preecott, an artiet, as co- reepondent. Mrs. Lyman denies the allegation, and in her anewer tiled today says that Mace two weeks alter their marriage he has treated berm a cruel and inhuman manner, and has been an habitual drunkard The couple were married in Rich mond, January 25,1886, and belong to one of the most prominent families in Virginia and Nora, Carolina.

They separated months egos (The man Preecott mentioned in the above telegram will be remembered by many Knotvillians who, it is said, bald sundry bills against him) SUSPENDING STUDENTS, Immoral Theatricals Attract the Ohio Wesleyan Boys. Delaware, 16.About half a dozen more students have been suspended from the Ohio Wee leyao University. They were found guilty by the faculty of frequenting immoral thbatricale and visiting saloons. The taculty is determined to break up al such disobedience of college rules, and several more students are now being weighed in the balance and the prospect is that they will be found wanting soon Some of the suspended students, ai well as of those on trial, were to be participants in an athletic entertainment on birthday Most of them were fraternity men. Five students, were suspended oeveral weeks ago for the above named offense, Tha prosecution on the part of the faculty is very vigorous against some 1 SWITCH ENOrNE KILLED DIM.

Attends, Oa b. Whit laket. highly reepeeted citizen, shil'e duetting the track of the tieolfI.ta railroad in the ynrd, was run 0'; trend killed We morning by a engine. He formerly reolded in Charleetua. FIRE.

Norfolk, Feb. 115.The Norfolk Cereal eompony's mill on Water et met IV ON dee' royed by fire curly this mo; Ink. Loss allout $20,000. Insurance slight ALTO(I ETTIER wrrn CARLISLE. Washingtot, Feb.

15.Judge Brodley, of the district supreme court, today refused to grunt a petition (40h-- roll L. Riker, of Chicago, for mooda tons to compel Secretary Cordate to Imola to him a prorola share of $50r 0004)00 bond issue on the basis of pto posa lesolsmit I ed by bhn. Judge Brod ley, In denying Meets application, said that he bad no uuthority to grant the application, and that Secretary Carlisiee power in the premises was discretionary. FROM NEW MARKET, A Marriage under Protection of the PatronflaintPersonal Motel. Correspondent to The Sentinel.

New Market, February 14s-8t. Valentine's day! Tbe malls have brought to this place the tweed Quota of heart messages, showers of taco tamer, tinted hearts and debt ty cup ide loaded with sentimental quotations, have fallen among the blushing and susceptible school, girls. Well. well, It is an innocent amusement and B. Valentine la as popular today 118 ever; cupid's reign is based noon a sure 'foundation.

and his followers are now, as always. legion', Under the auspices of the Seaeon and the protection of the 'patron eaint of lovers hi general, and thoee partieular who thus honor his day, Mrs. Erwin wan married to Mr. Full Friend'e Stations at tbe home of the bride's brother, Dr. Palmer, yeeterday afternoon at o'clock.

Both partiee having taken voyages on the turbid matrimonial sea" before, they did not etart out with the timidity that usually accompanies the embarkment, By the light Of their peat experience they Will doubtless be able to steer clear of boulders and make a smooth, pleasant voyage. O. Itt. Dy elute making some improvements on his lot way of grading, etc. I Is hoped that he will be so much pleased when the work is done that he will corns back and occupy it.

Major Thornburgh is remodeling the interior of his store building. The Endive Missionary society will give a Boom. Washington hatchet party next Thursday evening at the hotel. I I protniees to be quite a Pleas' ant affair. -They will nerve oysters and other refreelunente durIng the evening.

Rev. Mr. Eakin Is bolding. a revival at Spring Place. Ed Minnie spent Sunday with home-folks.

Sam Dick has retOrned to tnol- yule. CROCUTION SUGGESTED. Cieyburne New tra: Among the Kondeu people, who live on lake yepea In' Attica, the favorite form of suicide to to enter the water and allow one's self to be dmoured by a crocodile! The state of Ne'iv York should procure one end crococute her criminals meriting capital punishrupt. His appal alas would always be In order. SIMPSON'DEAD.

Well-Known Epworth League Organizer Passel Away. From Fridarii Daily. There are many peoPle insElletthrile wbo will learn with raciness of ti death of Ed M. Simpson at Chattanooga yesterday. such a brigt mind should inhabit such a weak frame and maintain its brilliancy in tb tett of disease, bag been a marvel to tba young man's Mertes.

On many occasions be has addressed large pub. lie gatherings in Knolville, organised chaptersNot the Epworth league throughout East Tennessee. and I la friends in this section were legion In spite of repeated bemortbagea be went about doing bin duty ea En-worth league organiser of Holston conference, wbeneevr be was ablf to travel at el. 4. few weeks ago be went to the large botipit al of the Methodist church at Cincinnati, but no remedy was there or anywhere for him.

Be then co. turned to Chattanooga ard died yesterday at the home of hie friend, John A. Patten, who is a member orth Epwortb league board of control -The funeral will occur DID HE SLECIDE? Assistant Clerk of the Senate Supposed to Rave emptile, Feb. Chinn-beret swilainnt chief clerk of the Tenn eseee bens te, is suppoeeci to have cow milted suicide here yesterday. Chambers wrote a note to a friend, etating he intended drowning himself in the Mississippi.

He then disappeared. The river, hanks were searched and a negro skiffman found who staled he rowed a man answering Chambers description across the rivet at a Point belowI be bridge --yesterday morning. No further trace of the missing men could be found. Chambers was employed on the staff of the Nashville kmerican a year or I wo ago and at the last session of the legislature was elected aseistant chief clerk, of the senate. ED.

M. i 'I I 4 t' i i ,71 They Wil lie of Greg loth med With RedTo Move 'the Park Back to the 014 Site. The new uniforms for the UniversitY baaeball team are being made. Tbo uniforms are to be of a dark grey cloth. with red trimmings.

cao of the same and red stockings. Tbe contract for the salts was let yesterday to Leiber and der Is for the Vet', best that can be made. Baseball la now tie chief matter, ot latereat among the University at letes; Omit Is, of course. next to regular studies. The boys have made op ti air mind to win a reputation and expect to adjust the pennant to one ot the college buildings at the close of Ow eeason.

AN IMPORTANT MEETING. The old baseball park company la being reorganized and is doing lia share for Ile promotion baseball in Knotwille, A meeting is to be lyNld in a few days and final organization perfected Bowe new men are to be pat on the board of directors atd several of these are men of wealtb. who will opend their money to give Knoxvillo good baseball Ms year. There Is a proposition to move the ball park back to the OA site, where ti people of Knoxville witnessed so many fine games in dais woe by. Tbe old location is much nearer tl'e business portion of.

the city than tre present park and Its conveaienceeaused the attendanceto be large at all times It Is understood tbat such an or. rangement ca a be maee.aml the friends of baseball are warmly in favor of SUPT. RUTH TALKS Deprecates the Attempt to Put the Sentinel iu a False Light. 0 The ridiculone attempt to put The Sentinel in the light of attempting to taring a sensation and create a panic concerning vaccination in the schools los rebounding with full force on those who tried it. And this le only another Instance of the fact that the truth is mighty end will prevail.

The Sentinel was "-ill greatly gratified a the remarks of Superintendent Ruth, of the public schools. made this morning about various pubs licatione concerning the matter. Superintendent- Ruth teeognised the motive of those who tried to make believe the tThoi Sentinel was trying to create a 'panic and said: "I never looked at it in that light a all. I saw at once that oome one had made a tnletake and all. "I also knewthat your first publication would not create alarm.

as every parent knew whether or not Alla child bad been vaccinated. and knew the etthe rules had been strictly. enforced. There has been no alarm lel and lbeattendancehas not dropped off a hit. "I am eatiefied that The Sentinel merely printed what, it believed to be a piece of reliable information, lust as any other paper might have done.

It was a mistake, but you didn't in Deprecate' Smati The ridii le Sentinel in (wring a a closcrceercul cnd a whotried And tbit ot the ter linTdb ew I I ISePil ttoenedreenat elt made thie ighl ni cerBoaal believe ladntobetl(til A cballenge was sent to Mariville. a few days ago and bas been accepted but no date bas been agreed upon. HonorsWorld's Fair. 11PRICEYS Nea ne age ixd ES The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of IT Years the Standard, emapoicieu 01111.1UVLI1 tUILLIF VI.

imr I suspected student, editor of a "13q.

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