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Carolina Watchman from Salisbury, North Carolina • Page 8

Carolina Watchmani
Salisbury, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

4 We Iisargo otliing for Consultation Advice. US MKDK'AI, INFIRMARY, "HAKLESTON, ILLINOIS. TO TIIK llksiiMLE UiTlul.lLMir.ST Wo respect our cautiousness. It is not strange, in View of the fact that Impos tors and Char latttiis are thicker arennd us than the "Locnsls of Egypt," that intelligent men and women should be Yery careful whom they trust to accoL iplis.i their fondest earthly desire, the restoration to health and happiness. Buwhat other proof can we oKer on? hat more do you WAXT than those we have here gireii? For thirty years we have been treating these diseases.

Wearc established here and are responsible for everything we do. Do you doubt the GEMIIXEXESS of the endorsements given WRITE to some or them, and do it AT OXCE. Ia you want MORE We have still in reserve an array of reliable testimony UNSURPASSED in the history of philanthropic institutions for the afflict eL SEX!) US YOUR If A3IE. Give us an OPPORTUNITY, and we will deal out proof to you till you NAY' that you are THOROUGHLY SATISFIED. We hare affixed the professional title to these namesthat you may know they are men of integrity, whose word may be depended on.

i I HEAD THIS FTwOai THE PES OF ELD. L. IT. SCOTT. I believe if it had not been for treatment received from the Illinois Medical Infirmary, Ishould long ere this have passed from time into eternity.

Mrs. L. A. LMC, Jamestown, N. C.

AfHictexl ladies -should write to Mis Azenath AkmfieliV, cf Jamestown, N. C. Siic has lii en under our treatment, has been to tlwHniTrmary, and knows us 'rite her and let her tell her own story. i READ THIS ENDORSEMENT FE03I JDDGE XcHIXX. Dr.

S. Van Meter Yoh may refer all douiters to me. Among a score of others benefitted by you in this community, was a nephew of mine, who went to you when a mere skeleton, and his doctors and friends believed Tnat he could not live longer than one month. He is now well, and weighs more than he ever did before he was sick. TelftHent I know money is rot your sole oijeeL That once when I was at your Infirmary, you examined a mannd told him that no doctor on earth could benefit him, but to go homeland save his money.

The mart told you he had come six hundred miles, and if you could benefit him, money was no object. YPii told him to be wise, go home and straighten up nis affairs, save his money for his children that you could not cure him. If you had taken his case and his money, the man would have been better satisfied. But you being too much of a Christian for that, told him what you belived to be true. Your friend, W.

A. McMINN, Justice of County Court cf Bollinger Mo. cted to tl.e Illinois Medical Infirmary, as the only VICTORIA BENNETT, Oak Point, Wilson Tena. I always point the affll earthly source for relief. April 1st, 1874.

The following was published recently from the pen of EMer Lawrence W. Scott, one of the Editors of the "Southern Christian Weekly." His address now is. Sulphur Springs, Texas. Write ti hint. The article is too long to give entire, so we merely quote extracts.

Speaking of the Charleston Infirmary, he says "We have twice visited this, celebrated institution, and from observance and experience, can pronounce It to be all that is claimed for it. V. really set the part of a public benefactor, when we call attention to it." Then after speaking of the mailing department, the packing and shipping department, the drug and chemical department, the seen tary's department, he continues "The next steps brings yon Into the reception room, where a number of invalids are awaiting examination, some conversing, others making goe'd use of the interesting reading matter furnished there. Soon a tall figure appears through- door, ushering- one man from the examination room, and beckoning fur another to come. That is Doctor Van Meter.

On entering with him, vou find well-fiirnishcd rooms for examination, and all necessary instruments. You scon learn what ails you and the probable time it will require to effect a cure. Patients, as a rule, are not required to remain at the Infirmary during inent, but can return to their homes. doctor is very jovial and cheerful, and sometimes amusing conversations take place. He told a lady from Tennessee that she must not go to work when she went home, or she could not recover.

She replied, I'll do nothing but a little sewing." Why, that's the very thing I don't want you to do," replied die doctor, if you must wort, chop wood or hoe in the garden." He inquired of one man, What's your occupation "Saloonkeeper." ",4 do you want me to cure you, po you can go on with your work of making widows and orphans I want to get well. I can't take your case, unless you arce to change your business." He agreed. The last time I saw the doctor, he spoke to me like tt father. Son," said be, "let me advise you to save up a little means, and invest it in lands in a uw country, so you will have something -to fall back on in old age; for when warhers get old, they are turned out te grass." My Dear Doctors I am glad cf any opportunity of doing you th least favor, in view of the wonderful things you have -done for me and for many others through this section. You would be pleased toses ius, now that I weigh 179 pounds, with an arm likcGjoliath of Gath.

What do you think of the lllinois-Medical My reply to this question always is, that they are unequaledjln theTJnfcedj States for skill in the treatment of Chronic Diseases, and besides, they have, the honesty to tell the patient the whole truth. Refer any to roe. who doubt your skill. your reliability, or you honor. May thf Lord bjejs, ygu.

3B keep you, is the prayer of your friend and patient. Eld. J. 1. CASSADY, Nov.

iS, 1674. CassaflyComSFJowa. Dear Sirs I can not do less as an homage to fruW anSJostt'Q tfian address you these few lines to be used as you see lit. Before I put Bry case in your hands, I had been an invalid for ten yfrtrt and was considered by my friends a liopeless case. But I rejoice to say for the benefit of other poor suffering mortals, that I was cured by you otfotff different chronic diseases and now enjoy hcaltii in all its purity Your Infirmary fafili osdj jgrp than This is to certify, that I was nftlicted severely with diseased throat and lungs.

My disease had exhausted the skill of good physicians. I had used bottle after bottle of patent medicine and highly recommended lung balsam. My case was pronounced hopeless. I then commenced treatment under the Illinois Medical Infirmary, and I feci thankful to God that -1 did, for to-day I am a sound man. R.

T. TAYLOR, Nov. 27th, 1874. Virginia, Cass 111. I would like to say for the benefit of my afflicted fellow mortals, that I had been afflicted for ten years or more, with rheumatism, neuralgia, nervous prostration and an affection of the heart, as the result of which, I was obliged, a few months ago, to give up tny work in the school-room and felt that I was nearing the end of my earthly pilgrimage.

I was advised by a friend to visit the Illinois Medical Infirmary. 1 did so, and have pursued their treatment about five months they have accomplished for me what I believed was beyond the power of man to do. I have refreshing sleep I have no pain no sign of rheumatism or neuralgia. My heart is nearer its normal action; my muscles have become hard. I am not entirely well yet, but feel continual improvement in every nerve of my body.

I rejoice that I am thus able to testifythat there is one such institution where may be found genuine skill, experience bcieacc in the treatment of diseases, instead ofquacl.cry and deceit. I. L. CASK, A.M., M.D., Joint Trincipal Henry Male and Female Institute. Paris, Henry June 25, 1873.

DkaS Doctors I am glad cf the privilege to express my gratitude. Yoiir medical skill has rescued me from the grave and saved me, I trust, unto years of labor and love for my family and the cause of Christ. When went to you, a Complication of chronic diseases Catarrh, J'iles, extreme Kerzous Cjtuzu-t-tion and lnc ifient Consumption had brought mc within one step of the grav Now my health is almost completely restored. 1 am under as much obligation for your noble charity and philanthropy, as for your great success in my case. God bless you and spare your life for the r.tilicted.

W. M. JORDAN, Pastor I'ank Street Baiitist Church, New Albany, Ind. it represemeu to rc. Truly, etc.

Nov. 24, 1874. O. W. fcrTTENGEft, Lewisburg, Greenbrier Ca.ii.

a. Dear Drs. of Illinois Medicai Infirmary Thc Vtrte cfnni girl whom you ore so kindly treating for sort eyes, is improving fast, Th iuorst eye the one you expressed some doubts about) is Improving equally as last as the other Hep poor old grandmother would gladly pay you, tf it could be done in money, but she can only send the thank-oQerings of ft greatful heart. Truly yours, JOHN BRICE, Nov. 1S74.

Mo. We cured Mr. trice also of lung disease and scrofula.) I would like to say to the afflicted women ef the fefid, that I had fmcfefjjone a great deal cf treatment for diseases peculiar to my sex, ncf without avail, until I placet! myself under the treatment of the Illinois Medical Infirmary. And now, after tnvniy-t-i'O years of childless married Ufe have a jin9 boy, and my health is to a good degree restored. Mk5; SAM'L POLAND; SahAisfty, t5e Calov Dear Docrors.

Your treatment of asthma ts a tOTnplefe TrrarVftns success sxnd, judging from the great which Mrs. Hainline, Mr Moxntjoy, of this place, Messrs. and James Musick, of Hartsburg, Mr Uuloii, ol Treniont, and others within my knowledge have experienced, your success must be equally as yrcat in other diseases. R. it JttDV, Nov.

1S74. ArmingBbn, Tazevefl ill. In the year 1G69, I applied for treatment at the Illinois Medical Infirmary. I was suffering from consumption, I had lost all hope for myself, and was givtii up by ray friends. 1 weighed 116 pounds.

I had a. severe cottgi, hectic Jerr and night sweats. I was cured. To-day, nearly six years afterwards, I am in fine health. 1 am 3 years of age and weigh 170 founds.

R. A. CANTER, M.D., Lynnville, Graves Ky. I attended Dr. Canter in his-sickness and can endorse the above statement in full.

We have been practicing medicine together since, and he is doing a hemy practice. j. C. TERRY, M.I). Nov.

1274. Lynnville, Ky. 4 4 '4 4. Li im 4 S8 Our son had a severe case of scrofulous arfrl granulated sore eyes. We took him to the Illinois Medical Infirmary at Charleston, 111., and he was, by their treatment, cured.

That was in 1870, and his eyes are still bright and sound. We can testify that their mode of treatment in such cases is easy and effectual. It will not only alleviate but permanently cure. J. S.

LONG WIFE, Nor. 16th, 1874., Albion, Marshall Iowa. T- I bad a large abscess in the left side, just at the lower part of the left 7 lung, which had been discharging for a long time great quantities of corruption mixed with blood. I was cured by treatment from the Illinois Medical Infirmary. The discharge was not healed by local applications but I was cured by a constitutional treatment, which I believe has entirely removed the impurities fron my C.E.WILEY, Three Groves, Cass Neb.

Dear Doctors I have arrived safely at home my father is well pleased with my looks, and mother says, if she had been told how much 1 had improved, she could not have imagined me to be as well as she now sees me to be. Some of the neighbors and others who told me that it was no use to go all the way to Illinois to get humbugged, really seem just a little disappointed that I come home so fat and hearty. But so the world goes, and I have great fun with these prejudiced friends of mine. Your ever thankful patient, MATTIE MORRIS, March ao, 1875. Waynes ville, Warren Ohio.

Dbak Doctors Attn Friends I can bear testimony to your great skill and merit and the virtue of your remedies, and I would advise any one afflicted with Chronht diseases to avail themselves of your treatment and be healed. C. S. PEAK, 133 Market Street, Chattanooga, Tenn. AH that scientific treatment can do for the invalid, is done at the Illinois Medical Juirmarv.

It stands at the very head of that class of institutions. The afflicted can go there, with the assurance that if human skill can cure i them, they will bo cured. JKhbh. 11. 1JKKKV, Co-cditor of Christian," published at St.

Louis, Mo. Co. You are at liberty to rise fily fiaTTW anyway can' most heartily recommend your skill as medical oracti- Dr. P. Van you please.

I tioners, and also your noble generosity to the poor. Mar God DroEDcr vou. Doctors I gladly and gratefully give you my name, confidently and fully? endorsing your treatment 01 all the diseases fr.r which you tTer relief. Mrs. ELIZABETH 1'.

JACKSON, Nov, 25, 18T4. Knoxville, Tenn. Dear Doctors Had I the "tongues of mcnand of angels," I cor.Id not'! prolong vour lives and greatly enlarge yoursphere of usefulness. Fraternally yours, VS. President Eminence College, Emjucnce, Ky.

I was severely afflicted with lung disease, ahd afteT SceTng tolTW of the publications of the Illinois Medical Infirmary, was convinced that these men understood their business, and so Ltook-the train for Charleston, I expected to have to -give them a full history of my case, and went prepared to tell them all the symptoms, but they stopped me and cat down and told me my condition and my feelings in a few minutes-' time, better than I could have told them in a quarter of a day. I took their treatment for several jrtonthjj, and believe my lungs are as sound as anybody's to-day. G. HIGGIXS, Dec. 1st, 1874.

Glencoc, Gallatin, Ky. Hen. John M. Townsend (member of Alabama legislature sends us word that he will cheerfully recommend our Infirmary to the afflicted that he can fully indorse us and our mode of treatment. His addicts is Athens, Ala.

express the gratitude I feel for the benefit 1 have received through your treatment. When I went to your Infirmary I was treading the borders of the grave. I was troubled with congestions in all vital parts. I had dimness sight, dizziness, nervousness, ringing in the cars, despondency; Lwas weak, debilitated broken down. All this has Koto disappeared and my weight is 178 pounds.

The life which you saved is now consecrated to the proclamation of the Gospel of my blessed Master. May he graciously spare your lives that thousands more may be rescured from death's embrace. Your grateful patient, Rev. SAMPSON COX Nov. 24, 1874.

Marengo, Crawferu Ind. The wife of Hon. S. M. Glassford member of.

Illinois Senate) is under our treatment. His address is Vienna, HI. REFERENCES. George W. Vincent, Clinton, Hickman county, Ky.

L. F. Crain. Villa Ridge, Pulaski county, 111. Prof.

A. J. Youngblood, Kokomo, Howard county, I. J. M.

Archer, Salem, Fulton county, Ark. 15. F. Burk, Buchanan, Bolinger county, Mo. Mr.

and Mrs. M. W. Wilhoite, Glasgow, Howard Mo. fc.

S. Estill, Owingsville, Bath county, Ky. T. J. Strickland, Pulaski, Giles county, Tenn.

J. R. Murphy, Eddyville, Lyon county, Ky. Rebecca R. Miller, Glendale, Hardin county, Ky.

Elizabeth Hornbeck, Dorsey Station, Madison III. Ellen A. Mason. Auburn. Saneamon countv.

111. Ashby, Hurdland. Knox county, Mo. J. w.

Mill, iiwing, franklin county, 111. W. F. Lankford, Butler, Montgomery county. III.

Edward A. Green, Tyler, Smith county, Texas. John A. Armfield, Jamestown, Guilford county, N. C.

Mary Ann Wilson, Benton's Ferry, Marion county.W.Va. mrs. uzzie rtiner, oreenbusb, treble county, U. John O. Bridges, Princeton, Jackson county, Ala.

Geo. Broach, Murray, Callaway county, Ky. Mrs. G. M.

Wilev. Three Groves. Cass rnuntr. S. S.

Hollowav. Chillicothe. Peoria co 111. James-L. Hicks, Tleasant Mount, Miller couutjj Mo.

T. D. Biggs, Sftelbina, Shelby county. Mo. John L.

Moyser, Limestone, Marshall county, W.Va. Thos. Day, Sannemin Livingston county, Ilk J. W. Newby, Woodlaw, Monroe county, Mg, John Gull, Red Wing, Goodhue county, Minn.

Robert D. McGinty, Pleasnnton, Decatur county, Iowa. Samuel Ross, Quincy, Adams county, Iowa. James C. Rhodes, Buena Vista, Shelby county, Texas.

Mary E. Taylor, Staunton, Clay county, Ind. Mrs. Mary Roe, Vanceburg, Lewis county, Ky. H.

O. Jennings, Eureka, Woodford county, IU. Mrs. Isabella Hughes, Bismark, San Francisco Mo. Mrs.

Elizabeth Tarman, Gridley, McLean county, III. R. A. Dunham, Mackinaw, Tazewell county. 111.

E. C. Miller, Eureka, Woodford county. 111. Mr.

and Mrs. M. J. Robeson, Secor, Woodford Til. Mr.

and Mrs. Norman Wright, Centralia, Marion 111. W. V. Rife, Pulaski, Pnlaski county, 111.

Tames W. Crutchfield, Rome, Peoria county. III. Mrs. J.

S. PodVChenoa. McLean county, 111. Fred. L.

Saxton, Long Point. Livingston HI. John F. Paine, Ewing, Franklin county. 111.

MrsrS. T. Dunlavey, Wayland, Schuyler cownty, 111. Mr. and Mrs.

James T.Wbitehurst, Gridley, McLean 111. Youmans, Clinton, Vermillion county, Ind. John Wilson, Reading, Livingston county, III. W. E.

Sarff, Sulcarte, Mason county, III. Mrs. S. M. Glassford, Vienna, Johnson county, 111.

Mrs. Hester Johnston, Ashley, Washington county, 111. Mrs. Ann Dillman, WTenona, Marshall county, 111. Mrs.

John S. Forbes, Armington, Tazewell county. 111. Mrs. J.

W. Kline, BroadweU, Logan county, 111. S. M. Gadiff, Shirley, McLean county, IU.

J. S. Ragsdale, Greensboro, Guilford county, N. C. rmes H.

Shawgo, Otto, Fulton county, 111. O. Hales, P. Wesley, Hickman county, Ky. 1 H.Brown, Kennekuk, Atchison countyv Kansas.

Owen, Camargo, Douglas couDty, ill. T). B. Andrews, UnionIaury county, Tenn. Wm.

T. Stewart, Vienna, Johnson county, 111. W. R. Kirkham, Crescent City, Pottawatomie, Iowa.

W. II. Arnett, Secor, Woodford III. Noah M. Bollinger, Marble Hill, Bollinger county, Mo.

Mrs. Carrie Rulon, Tremont, Tazewell county, 111. Janes Peoples, Bellefontaine, Logan county, O. MiS. Floyd Holly, Columbia, Caldwell county, La.

Will D. Pettibone, Macon county, Mo. Miss Mollie LrRouzee, Eminence, Henry county, Ky. Edward Mace, Dusten, DeKalb county.Tll. Mary E.

Levens, Vermont, Cooper county. Mo. Geo. Spill, Mineral Ridge, Trumbull county, O. W.

W. Holmes. Brasher. Adair counrv. Mo.

Elder Thos. MunnelL Cor. Sec. Amer. Christian Missionary Socirty, Cincinnati, O.

Elder Isaac Errett, Editor "Christian Standard," Cincinnati, O. Elder L. B. Wilkes, Editor "Apostolic Times," Lexington, Ky. Elder J.

H. Berry, Editor "Christian," St. Louis, Mo. Elder L. W.

Scott, Editor "Southern Christian Weekly," Sulphur Springs, Texas. Prof. R. Graham, President Lexington (Ky.) Female Seminary. Prof.

W. President Eminence (Ky.) Female College. Elder David Memphis, Term. Elder B. B.

Tyler, Brankfort, Ky. Elder J. Atkins, Chattanooga, Tenn. Elder Geo. W.

Elley, Lexington, Ky. Elder Samuel Rowiet, Eminence, Ky. Elder G. R. Edmofids, Fredericksburg, Iowa.

Elder W. Hunt, Granville, O. Elder G. Sidner, Howard's Point, III. Elder John R.

Hulett, Lagrange, Ky. Elder Robert Vlckers, Elizabethtown, Ky. Elder John I. Rodgers, DanvHle, Ky. Elder Thomas Goodman, Charleston, 111.

Elder John Hall. Loutre, Mo. EWer John Tamblyn, Toronto, Canada. Elder Zack Sweeney, Augusta, Ga. Elder John Sweeney, Paris, Ky.

Eldr John Darsie, Lock Haven, Pa. Elder W. A. Caplinger, Valparaiso, Ind. Elder Wm.

Gowen, Bartlett, Tenn. Elder J. 1). Cassady, Cassady's Corners, Iowa. Elder R.

B. Chaplin, Normal, 111. Elder R. M. Judy, Armington, III.

Elder J. C. Tully, Union City, Ind. Elder Badger, Mitchellville, Iowa. Elder John Lindsey, Eureka, III.

Elder H. O. Judy, South Pass, 111. Elder E. C.

Miller, Eureka, III. Elder H. D. Clark, Quincy, 111. Rev.

James Shaw, Farmer City, III. Rev. S. G. Odell Woodvi'de, 111.

Rev. Caleb Hainline, Minier, 111. Rev. T. B.

Ruby, Warsaw, Mo. Rev. W. M. Jordan, New Albany, Ind.

Re. A. M. Hutchison, Lincoln, 111. Rev.

Eli Kinder, Buchanan, Mo. Rev. S. Cox, Marengo, Ind. Rev.

J. B. Fly, Corsicana, Mo. Rev. J.

A. Stephens, Beatington, V. Va. Rev. H.

P. Cole, Raleigh, N. C. Rev. J.

D. Dobson, Sahsbury, Mo. Re. D. W.

English, Beardstown, III. jecT-. u. it jearastow fWe give the names of a few patients. Write to seme 0 them.

1,000 hour given, if necessary. W. R. Carle, Wapella, DeWkt county, 111. Mrs.

B. H. Graves, Ladago, Montgomery county; Ind. iames M. Swain, Rockville, Parke county, Ind.

Brewer, Walnut, Bureau county, 111. John C. Pirkey, Streator, La Salle county, 111. T. J.

Wright, Somonauk, De Kalb county, 111. S. D. Poor, P. Grantsburg, Johnson county, 111.

Mrs. Jacob Zimmerly, Paris, Edgar county, Jill Mrs. M. E. Austen, Saltillo, Hardin county, Tenn.

Mrs. John Scherer, Pecksburg, Hendricks county, Ind. S. W. Zerber, Burlington, Des Moines county, Iowa.

B. F. Morland, Tama City, Tama county, Iowa. Mrs. Eli R.

Kendall, Wheeling, Livingston county. Mo. Mr. and Mrs. E.

J. City, Clay county. 111. Mary J. Snowden, Bartlett, Shelby county, Tenn.

James Buflington, Columbia June, Louisa Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Long, Albion, Marshall Iowa.

John M. Goodell, De Kalb, De Kalb county, I1L J. S. Lewis, Atalissa, Muscatine county, Iowa. Mrs.

Nancy Waddelf, Astoria, Fenton county, 111. Mr. and Mrs. t. Glasgow, Dresden, Weakcly Tenn; S.

A. Houff, Kansas, Edgar county. 111. Mr. and Mrs.

N. I SpriHger, Severance, Doniphan Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Smith, Glendale, Hardin Cennty, Mr.

and Mrs. Peter Speeee, Mackinaw, Tazewell 111. iohn S. Goldtrap, Cincinnati, O. w.

Angell, Areola. Douglas county, HI. oseph Brownfield, Urbana, Champaign connty. III. Elizabeth A.

Resinger, Farmington, St. Francois Mo. Mrs. Alvey Horrum, Chandlersville, Cass county, 111. W.

Elliott, Clarksville; Pike county, Mo. C. Johnson, Cedar Rapids, Linn county, Iowa. John Coe, Ancona, Livingston county, UK larvinand M. S.

Keithly, O' Fallen, St. Charles Mo. O. W. Kittinger, Lewisburg, Green Briar county, W.

Va. Edmund H. Steel; Rockhold, Whitley county, Ky. C. E.

Brandon. Linn, Walworth county, Wis'. M. J. Duren, Adams vine, McNairy county, Tenn.

Mrs. C. Brigendine, Elkhart City, Logan county, 111. S. M.

Poland, Sandusky, Lee county, Iowa. Maj. S. W. Howe, Decatur, Macon county, 111.

Malcolm Davis, Yorkville, Gibson county, Tenn. Aureiia R. Speer, Seven Mile, Butler county, O. Mrs. George Hendrickson, Hannibal, Marion Mo.

Elizabeth A. Hall, Hurdland, Knox county, Mo. J. P. Bates, Charleston, Bradley county, Tenn.

J). M. Bartlett, Prairie City, Jasper county, Iowa. Elijah B. Labaw, Fountain, Fountain county, Ind.

B. M. Townsend, Elkmont, Limestone county, Ala. Mrs. Johannah Veburg, Glendale, Hardin county, Iowa.

Andrew Clark, Cedar Falls, Blackhawk county, Iowa. Mrs. Hannah Taunton, Cazenovia, Woodford county, 111. B. Roberts, Hallsville, Boone county, Mo.

Mrs. Elihu Armitage, Exeter, Scott county, Brott, Wilmington, Will county, 111. Mrs. Jacob Crum, Beard Station, Gldham county, Ky. Eli Lutes, Lutesville, Bollinger county, hio.

R. E. Shelton, Miami, Saline county, Mo. Mary Cosby, Woodlawn, Monroe county, Mo. James Cottingham, Tremont, Tazewell county, 111.

Alex. Thompson, Grand Island, Hall county, Neb. Wm. H. Hays, Long Elm, Henderson county, Tenn.

Christian Balmer, Sonora, Hancock county, ill. Wm. Ross, Deer Park, La Salle county, 111. L. Chamberlain, Ransom Center, Hillsdale county, Mich.

A. H. Franklin, Pleasant Mount, Miller countv. Mo. D.

R. Church, Danville, DesMoines county, Iowa. John Westfall, Emden, Locan county, 111. Vm. M.

Golden, Miller House, Cincinnati, O. J. S. Meyers, Verona, Dane county, Wis. John M.

Shotwell, Colorado Springs, El Paso Cal. Miss S. W. Karns, F-ayettcville, Wash county, Ark. Mrs.

Malvi na Cheatham, Carlisle, Nicholas county, Kv. Iohn Foley, Tremont, Tazewell county, 111. Mrs. A. B.

Richardson, Dysart, Tama county, Iowa. Mrs. Mary Vehrs, Grant Station, Kankakee county, A. G. Bowman, Montezuma, Powesheik county, Iowa.

Mrs. Elizabeth Haley, Booneville, Cooper county, Mo. Frederick Hedinger, Sardis, Monroe county J3. Mrs. J.

R. Williams, Leroy, McLean 111. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kendall, Mannington, Marian Va.

Jeremiah Smith, Prairie Home, Cooper countv, Mo. Irs. N. C. Brighton, Hopedale, Tazewell James M.

Dunn, Buchanan, Bollinger county, Mo. Lyttleton Reynolds, Beaver City, Furnas county, Neb. Wesley Reynolds, Sullivan, Sullivan county, Ind. Morgan Hays, Mcndon, Mercer County, O. H.

Craw, Sadorus, Champaign County, 111. Mrs. M. H. Griffith, Athens, Limestone county, Ala.

J. B. Cecil, High Point, Guilford county, N. C. I I.

F. oore, Kosciusko, Atala county, Miss. Sylvester B. Hainline, Hopedale, Tazewell- county, I IT, Mrs. E.

R. Prenitt, Dorsey, Madison county, III. Christopher Schoop, Spencer, Will county, III. Mrs. Eliza Bryan, New Mavesville, Putnam Ind.

A. F. Kittrell, Popular Bluff, Butler county, Mo. James W. Musick, Leroy, Bartow county, Mo.

Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Young, EvansviUe, Vanderburgh county, Ind. Mrs. Mattie Benson, Ladoga, Montgomery county, Ind.

Mrs. M. E. Keller, El Paso, Woodford county, 111. J.

G. Clark, (kiblerville, Van Buren county, Michi R. L. Seay, Chillicothe, Livingston county, Mo. J.

C. Hogan, Colton, Bovd county, Ky. Mrs. Margaret Taylor, Winchester, Scott county, III. Dudley Butler, Madisonville, Ralls county, Mo.

A. L. Butler, Madisonville, Ralls county, Mo. Aaron Waddell, Dublin, Wayne county, Ind. G.

W. Rinehimer, Elgin, Kane county, 111. J. H. Abshire, Chillicothe, Livingston county, Mo.

Maggie McGraw, North River, Marion county, Mo. Wheeler O. Harris, Alta Vista, Daviecs county, Mo. P. W.

Hannahs, Calais, Monroe county, O. Samuel Dorsey, Chandlersville, Cass county. 111. C. K.

Omer, Camp Point, Adams county, 111. Levi Rees, Ridce Farm, Vermillion county, 111. A. J. Austin, Hutchinson's Station, Bourbon Ky.

J. B. Bruce, Massack, McCracken county, Ky. Mrs. E.

C. Lewis, Walkersville, Green county. 111. Mrs. Louisa Tribble, Quincy, Adams county, 111.

F. M. Shaver, Kansas, Edgar county, LL Rer.JF. Palmer. Dal ton.

Ga. j. w. wnght, vvarrensburg, Johnson county J. C.

Watson, Culleoka, Maury county, Tenn. Mrs-. J. W. Stewart, North Platte, Lincoln county, Neb.

Addison Errett, Kingsville, Shawnee county; Kansas. Thos. Nelens, Troy Station, Obion connty.Tenn. Mr. and Mrs.

J. W. Crow Tranklin. Simpson county, Ky. Vm.

M. Miller, Scioto, McDonough county 111. Samuel Livingston, Rantoul, Champaign county, III. Daniel Hibanrer, Polo, Ogle county. 111.

Mr. Mrs. Mich'ICowen, Mahomet, Champaign 111. J. F.

D. Bishop, Gosport, Owen county, Ind. James Burns, Vinton, Riley county, Kansas. Mary Standiford. New Rutland, La Salle county, 111..

G. W. Taylor, Caverna, Hart county, Ky. H. A.

Johnson, Nebo, Pike county, 111. F. W. Blue, Montezuma, Park county, Rer. O.

W. Duncan, Tally Ho, N. C. Dr. L.

Hawk, Saltillo. Term. Dr. Geo. Boyd, Marysvffle.

Cal. Dr. A. Canter, Lynnville, Ky. Dr.

Thos. Revnoldc. MitChM Dr. Addison Broach, Mansfield, Tenn. r.

Addison Broach, Mansfield, t. J. C. Terry, Lynnville, Ky. Jos.

Scarborouch, F.wing, Wm. Hays, Milforton. O. Dr. Dr.

r. r. uuiki euuiJiy, J. Josiah Purcell, Logansport, Cass county, Ind. Ni-J.

Helm, Murdock, Douglas eounty, 111. ux. I. Case, Henry Station, KucloKe a stamp, and to some of the above Keferences..

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