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The Coffeyville Daily Journal from Coffeyville, Kansas • Page 5

Coffeyville, Kansas
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fODAV'S MARKET REPORl Live stock markets. lot. Montgomery county, in said stated I will, on Saturday the 20th. day of July A. D.

1907, at 2 o'clock m. of said day, at the south door of the court ishing work. We. will soon have a park here that proeably Kansas City only can excell In 'beautyand attractiveness nd of whlca the citizens of Deering may well be proud of and the writer suggests that we enjoy the honor while we can. For two or three years hence that fast growing progressive city Coffeyvllle taken us in and it will no more be Deering but West Coffey ville SHE CLUNG TO HIM.

1 in (First la The Coffeyville Daily 29, 1907.) SHERIFF'S SALE IN PARTITION. State of Kansas, Montgomery county, ss. Martha A. Ibbertson, plaintiff, ys. A.

T. Ibbertson, Mary Slater, Alice Clark, Carey Ibbertson, Stephen Chicken and Austin Chicken, only heirs at lav of Lovina Chicken, George Ibbertson, Mary E. Dove, "olio Ibbertson and Fauntelroy Ibbertson. only heirs at law' of Milton rbbert.con, deceased, Under a decree of partition in the above entitled cause, and by virtue if an order cf sale to me directed, de-'ivered and issued out of the judicial district court of the state of Kansas, sitting in and for Voodson county in said state, I will, Saturday, the 29th day of June, A. D-, 1907, at 2 o'clock p.

of said lay, at t.he south door of the court iouse in the eity of Independence In r.he county and state aforesaid, offer it public sale, anl sell to the high-ist bidder, for cash in hand, all the "ight, title and interest of the above aamed plaintiff, and all the right, title and interests of the above nam-3d defendants, in and to the following lescribed real estate situated in the county of Montgomery and state or Kansas, to-wit: Lots N. fourteen (14) and fifteen (15) in block No. thirty-two (32) in the city of Coffeyville, Montgomery county, Kansas, together with all and singular the tenements, heredieaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in any wise appertaining. Said property to be sold as the property of the ibove named plaintiff and defendants, C. M.

PAXSON, Sheriff. HARVEY BACKUS, Deputy Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Independence, Kan May 23. 1907. OF LIGHT CLYDE WHITE CITY WILL BE BEWILDERINGLY BEAUTIFUL.

WORK NEARING COMPLETION Walks and Flowers Now Being Put Jn While Other Work Is Moving Along With Equal Success. Deering, June 26. (Special. As the glorious old natal day (th July) will soon be upon us and our good Montgomery county citizens will want to take their usual holiday outing, we want to give them a description of what Deering will have for them in the way of attraction. The Clyde White City Park.

Your correspondent made a special Investigating round through the park today. In conference with A. G. Stevens, superintendent and general foreman of the electrical force we glean the following: Electrical lights now being installed: On the entrance building 450 The German building 250 Dancing pavillion 150 Merry-go-round 150 Roller coster (figure 8) 250 Candy stand 75 On trees in park 250 Through grounds and walks, toilet rooms 250 Total 1,825 The above does not include lights for the different concessions which will amount to about 1,000 lights. A large electric sign will be placed over the entrance reading: CLYDE WHITE CITY.

A complete pole line is erected all through the grounds which carries the electric current all over the ground from the switch-board in the west wing of the entrance. The Union Traction Company will furnish the current. The figure 8 will be propelled by an 18 horse power motor, and the merry-go-round by a 10 horse power motor. The Stevens Electric Company has a large force of men on the grounds and Mr. Stevens is rushing the work with all possible speed.

Mr. Langon and Withers have secured concessions for their electrical theater, consisting of moving pictures and many other attractions. The German Village. The German building is now Hearing' completion while a busy force of workmen are rushing work on the large dancing pacillion. Roy Harvey, foreman of the roller contract work, can be seen rushing (hatless) from one point of the work tr another, directing the men on the work.

Great bents fifty feet high now tower up over the trees. When this 'structure is completed and the electric lights are installed, this alone will be worth a visit to the park. Many artistic beds of flowers are now planted, while others are being put dn shape. Walks through the park are' being graded and ballasted with Joplin chatts. Mr.

Harvey, architect is busy laying out the landscape scenery, while his son, Ralph, superintends the fin GEORGE Architest and Superintendent. 1 Plans and specifications on short notice. Office In McCoy block, ft Eyes tested and correctly fitted BLINDNESS We do not preteud to core, bnt ciu and do avert it, relieve ve ttraii and many a headache and fir. of nervou. neFs.

Witn glasses ground to fit yom individual eve requirements. We ni you wo you see tight, look right and feel right. Our prices are right Open evening. flickiiiaster Uftsva PHONE 364 i HOOSIER I CHATTEL, LOAN COMPANY. Money to loan on watches, diamonds, 1 lu'miuI.

suns; Horses ana; wagons Unredeemed business confidential. Elmer Hol in uiugbwurtn, manager. 719 Union Coffeyvllle. Kan, OHS. WIIISLQtTS SQOTHlim STOIJP A 6 Tb per month.

Address. J. T. pare Journal. 214f FOR RENT.

FOR RENT. Nicely' furnished room in private home. Married couple preferred, 413 West. Sixth street, 25-tf. FOR RENT Six rooms at Seventh 'street with barn.

inquire of J. W. Cubine. 26-6 FOR RENT. Four room- house at 1113 West Ninth street.

Call at 1109 Wrest Ninth street for particulars. 25-3. FOR RENT Five-room house at 804 West Twelfth street. Inquire at S03 Union street. 25-6 FOR RENT Nicely furnished room; ground floor; modern house, 703 West Fifth street.

20-tf. FOR RENT. A 5-room house, close in; also a nicely rurnished room. Call at 502 East Eighth street. Phone 532.

24-3 FOR RENT. Three rooms for light housekeeping at 1405 Maple street. 21-6. FOR RENT Furnished rooms; cool. modern, close in.

211 West Eleventh street. 25-3 FOR RENT One olUce room at 124 West Eighth. F. M. Truby.

1-tf FOR RENT Two houses, 5 and 6 rooms; well at one house, cistern at the other; near Mason fruit jar plant; $10 per month each. Furnished and unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping; one new Singer sewing machine for sale. Inquire at 602 West Eighth street. 24 6 FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping; pantry, south iporch, cistern, use of telephone, gas furnished party with children not taken. 1418 South.

Maple. Phone 239. 26-3 FOR SALC' FOR SALE Hay at the Garverick barn, 113 E. 11th street, at reasonable prices. Flse bales, and up delivered free.

Zack Johnson. 25-6. FOR SALE One first-class roll top office desk. Address Jour nal. 25 3 FOR SALE-Hay at the Garverick barn, 113 East Eleventh street; at reasonable prices.

Five bales and up delivered free. Phone 812. Zack Johnson. 25-6 FOR SALE OR TRADE Acre tract. House, barn, hen house, well, shade, all kinds of fruit.

Part long time. A snap if taken at once. Also good work horse for sale. Inquire of R. C.

Hilts, 1123 West Fourteenth street. 25-6 FOR SALE Two good lots on West Sixth street; feet; $200 each; good terms. Security Bldg. over Journal office. 246 FOR SALE Scale books at The Journal office.

FOR SALE Good second hand incubator, cheap. Bessey 1021 South Walnut, 7-tf FOR SALE Two panel doors, 2 feet 6 inches by 8 feet; one transom, 52 x64 inches and one transom 52x44. In-Wire at The Journal FOR SALE 25 seconfi-iiand bicycles, $5 and uin. New bicycles $20 and up. R.

A. Nash. 118 West Eigh street. 20-tT (First published in The Coffeyville Daily Journal, June 26, 1907.) NOTICE OF HEARING FOR DRUG-' GIST'S PERMIT. State of -Kansas, 'Montgomery county, ss.

In the probate court, in and for said county and tate: To all whom it may concern, greeting: Know ye that W. B. Newlon, the undersigned pharmacist of said Montgomery state of Kansas, did, cn the 26th day of June, 1907, file in the probate court of Montgomery county and state of Kansas, a petition duly signed by twenty-five free holders and twenty-five women of the Third ward of the city, of Coffeyville. Montgomery county, Kansas, where said business is located, prayinj for a druggist's permit to be granted to me" to Eell intoxicating liquors for medical, mechanical and -scientific purposes for the period of one year. The averments and allegations set forth in said petition to come on for hearing at the office of the probate judge, in Independence, Kansas, July 27, 1907, at 1 o'clock p.

m. W. B. NEWLON, Pharmacist Dated June 26, 1907. house, in the city of Independence, in the county and state aforesaid, offer at public sale and sell to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest of the above named defendants in and to the following de scribed real estate, situated in the county of Montgomery, and state of Kansas, to-wit: Commencing at the northwest cor ner of the right-of-way of the Missouri 'acific railway company's leased and operated lines, which, said right-of- way was purchased from the saia Andrew Hawkins, thence north one hundred (100) feet, thence east one hundred and thirty (130) feet, thence south one hundred (100) feet, thence west one hundred and thirty (130) feet along the Ime ot said right-of-way to the point of beginning.

Situated in Montgomery county, Kansas. Said property levied on, and to be sold as property of the above named defendants. C. M. PAXSON, Sheriff.

By D. E. LOVE, Under Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Independence, Kan sas, June 10, 1907. J.

P. ROSSITER, attorney for plain tiff. First published In The Coffeyville Daily Journal, June 17, 1907. SHERIFF'S SALE. State of Kansas, Montgomery Coun ty, ss.

K. Lieneman plaintiff vs. Geo. W. Jenadum, The Coffeyville Mercantile Company, a corporation, James Newman and Carrie Newman, defendants.

By virtue of an order of sale to me directed and delivered, issued out of the Fourteenth' judicial district court of the state of Kansas, sitting in and for Montgomery county, in said state, will, on Saturday, the 20tn day of July A. D. 1907, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, at the south door of the court house, in the city of Independence, In the county and state aforesaid, offer at public sale and sell to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest of the above named defendants in and to the following described real estate, situated in the.

county of Montgomery, and state of Kansas, to-wit: Lot eight (8) in block one (1) Heth- erington's addition to the city of Cof feyville, Montgomery county, Kansas, as shown by the recorded plat thereof. Said property levied on, and to be sold as the property of the above named defendants. C. M. PAXSON, Sheriff.

HARVEY BACHUS, Deputy Sneriff. Sheriff's Office, Kan sas, June 10, 1907. J. P. ROSSITER, attorney for plain tiff.

Telephone 1000 Day or Night A. fiRFflG. Pnysician and Surgeon. Office 815 Union Street Cohn Building, Coffeyville, Kan. T.


Southwest corner Ninth and Walnut. Office phone 101. Resl-derce phone 374. Mjie. CLEMENGE MAGNIEN PArisikkne Dermatologist a Specialist Supeifluous Hair, Warts.

MoIps and otbtr blemighds reuiovcd hair. manicurinr ra'ntinjr ana renen language taught twioea wock. dd bellows Building rnone7i, iJoirerviue, Kan. ALBERT E. MARTIN.

D. ENTI8.T. D. 8. Over Saylor Kendall's Store, 820 Walnut.

Phone 420. DR. C. L. Makes a Specialty" of DISEASES OF RECTUM, Piles, Fissure.

Fistula and Ulcers treated in the latest approved methods. No knife, no ligating, no pain, no detention from business. Room 4, Hall Building, Coffeyville, Kansas. DR. D.

W. B. KURTZ, vhlOrfhyvcst Cor. Ninth -and Walnut Phone 455. J.

BO ILLY Does ail kinds ot Llgnt and Heavy Transferring. Prompt attention and qalck aervk given all business entrusted to' mt car Fire proof storage house at 106 West Twelfth street JOHN A SIMON. Architect and Superinteadent. Estimates on application. Plans on short notice.

Room 9, No. 128 West Ninth BtreeL' CotCey- ville, Kansas. P2ni9 626. Phone 222. Over forrli Shoe DR.

MARY S. MARTIN PHYSICIAN arid SURGEON Office over Saylor Kendall's, S20 Walnut Street. I General Practice; also Patents, i Pensions and all Govern- I meat Claims. PHILIP H. CASS.

t. Attorney at Law. 1 Phones: Office', 128; residence, 1 1 8. T. HALL, DENTIST, All jrork dons by tha latest and most lnxproved, metnod3.

Crown and Bridge work specialties. Office 111 West Ninth street Over the Haines Drug Store. LODE DIRECTORY. THE HOMESTEADERS. Gate.

City Homestead No. 104 every first and third Tuesday even ings at Ferguson hall, Ninth street. Neighbors invited to attend our lnter- estinb meetings. A. Freese, prsel- dent Mrs.

L. D. Jones, secretary. KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF 3E- CURITY. Elliott Council, No.

166, meets every econd and fourth Tuesday evenings In Ferguson Hall. R. J. STAGE, OLIVER SMITH, President Secretary. BROTHERHOOD OF YEOMEN.

Corfeyville Homestead, No. 1674. meets the eecond and fourtn Friday nights of each month in old dad Fe. lows' hall at 7.30. archers ordially welcomed.

J. W. BRITT, MRS. EMMA BROOKS, Foreman. Correspondent.

rRIFLH TIM BENEFIT ASSOCIA- Meets second and fourth Friday nights the Ferguson hall. Tlaltlns Members lmrlte. MRS. WOOD RHODES, Pres. F.

COTTRELL, Secretary. THE IONA TRIBE OF REDMEN. Coffeyville Wigwam, No. Meets every other' Saturday in the Ferguson building. GEO.

MILLIKAN, Gachent THOS. DANIELS, C. of R. FRATERNAL ORDER OF ANTLERS Coffeyville Lodge, Jf9. Meet 1 their kali om West Kighth, treet Ter lloberto Bteam' Um4r7 GEO.

NOBBLET, Pre. J. Secretary. AHCIESIfT ORDER OF UNITKD woiuancEV. -OeffeyvUle Lodare Wo.

JTt. Meets la X. O. O. P.

kali, 813 Wiat imt. ctcft ThnradT realaj(. Visit aiembera always welcoate. B. F.

Zimmerman, Master Workman i. Lm WOODRUTP, Reeorier. M.fW. A. Meets every Wednesday night at nail over Hub store, 812 Walnut street Visiting neighbors always welcome.

T. L. EAGLE, Consul. O. G.

MITCHELL, Clerki B. P. O. ELKS, No. 775.

Meets at hall 711 Walnut street the first and third Thursday nights in each month. open all the time to home and Visiting Elks. GEO. S. COLBY, tH S.

FREESE, Sec W. NEWMAN, Tress. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Meets every Thursday night at Ferguson hall, 114-116 West. Ninth street.

Visiting sovereigns are always W. H. WALTON. C. C.

Clerk. NDEPENDEN1 ORDER OP ODD FELLOWS. 8tar Lodge, No. 117. every Tuesday evening In Odd Fellows' Hall, corner Eighth and Maple.

Visiting member always wejj come. W. M. BUCHANAN, N. a J.

M. tccretary. -l FRATERNAL. ORZB OF EAGLBS. tToffeyrtUe Aerie, If.

108. Meets In their hall, 111 East Ninth street every Tuesday evening of each month. Visiting Eagles Welcome. C. M.


Coffeyville Council, No 40, meets every Monday evening at Ferguson hall, Ninth street. J. M. WISE, Councilor. -EARL PADGETT, Rec Kansas City.

CATTLE Receipts, 5000; steady to ten higher. Native steers. $4.50 $7 stackers and. feeders, cows and heilers, bulls, calves, HOGS Receipts, strong to higher. Heavy, $5.824 lackers, light, pigs, Chicago.

CATTLE ReceirS, 16,000. Beef steers, 4.65 stockers and cows and heifers, 1.75 $5.40. HOGS Receipts, 27,000. Top, $6.15 bulk, St. Louis.

CATTLE Receipts, 5500. Beef steers, $440(3 stockers and feeders, $3 cows and heifers, $2.85 $5.30. HOGS Receipts, 6500. Pigs, light, packers, butchers, GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Kansas City.

WHEAT Dull and steady. July, 86; S8; '90; cash. No. 2 hard, 8096; No. 3, 8495; No.

2 red, 90; No. 3, 8688. CORN Unchanged to higher. July, -49; -48; Dec, 45; cash No. 2 mixed, 51; No.

3, 50 SO1; No. 2 white, 52; No. 3, 51. OATS No. 2 white, 46 47; No.

2 mixed, 4545. RYE 7S2. HAY Choice timothy, choice prairie, BUTTEK-TCreamery, 2VAl pack EGGS 14. Receipts of wheat, 20 cars. St.

Louis. WHEAT No; 2 red cash 90g'91; No. 2 hard, 9193; July, 900; 92V292. CORN No. 2 cash, July, 50; 5L; No.

2 white, OATS No. 2 cash, 44144; July 42; 3637; Nf. 2 white, 46. LEAD Dull, $5.62. SPELTER Steady, Galveston.

COTTON--Steady, 12. Chicago. WHEAT July, 92; 05V4-CORN July, 52; 53 OATS July, 37. PORK-Tuly, $16.22. LARD July, BUTTER Creameries, 19 24; dairies, 1721.

CLASSIFIED ADS MISCELLANEOUS. Mrs. M. Wilhite "has opened a first-class rooming house at 1210 Bch street. Everything new.

17-12 MEN Our illustrated catalogue explains how 'we teach barber trade in few weeks, mailed Iree. Moler Barber College, Kansas City, Mo. 21-6 PIANOS TUNED Uy Eck Tackett. Leave orders at Johnson's music store or phone 72. TO THE PUBLIC Why not try M.

J. Dickson, the Star Tailor. He makes a specialty of fine cleaning, pressing and repairing and will guarantee no old spots and gasoline circles to ever return in the garments. All work called for and delivered. 1203 South Walnut street.

24-6 VE HAVE moved from Tenth and Maple streets to 817-19 1 Spring street, wiere we are better than ever prepared to take care of your automobile 'and all kinds of general repairing. Come and see us in our new quarters. Cole Coffman. EVEN THE JURY SAID Well have" to give "It to GARVERICK SON because Others have 'em' for sale. But they sell -'em.

Afif ED. WANTED Two unfurnished rooms; close in, for light housekeeping. Se curity Building over Journal office. 25-3 WANTED All kmcs at tsecond hand goods, especially furniture, at 1021 South Walnut street. Bessey Bro.

Phone No. 485. 7-tf WANTED. All thLe carpets and rugs in city to clean at The Coffeyville Carpet Cleaning Works, 405 North Walnut. Phone 622 21-6 WANTED Old furniture, stores, car Pfltn.

etc We pay highest prices or trade. Trada your old fnraJ-hir something nev "Hi Economy Furniture Co. 921 South Y'Walaat, Kloehr Bldg. Phone 273. I XI WANTED Man competent to keep a set of bocks, with JZOO to invest in This Young Colored Man Not Allowed to Leave His.

Wife. Tuesday morning a well dressed young colored man went to the K. T. depot and purchased a ticket for the south. He had -with him a suit case, which contained his belongings and judging from his actions ho was making ready to leave the city for all time to come.

Before the train pulled in he was leisurely walking around on the platform perfectly1 at ease but scon a young colored woman came up dressed in her morning house attire and wearing a sun-bonnet. She took the young man by surprise and he seemed to be at a loss to know what to do but when the train pulled in he started to get on and the woman who was about to be deserted grabbed him by the coat They had a few more words and when the conductor yelled "all aboard" the young man grabbed to the rear coach, but not alone. The young woman, supposed to be his wife, clung to him and succeeded in gaining entrance tothe" coach, losing her bonnet in the ordeal. They 'both left the city but it is not known where they went. The woman was determined to keep her lover here or go with him and she succeeded.

TO CONTROL CEMENT TRADE. Gigantic Trust Being Formed in-the East With Millions. New York, June 26. New York and New Jersey men are the prime (factors in a concern fwihlch. has been formed for the purpose of- combining several of the largest cement plants in the east, outside of the control of the American Cement company.

They will construct in New Jersey what is said will be the most extensive Portland cement plant in the world. The concern will be known as the National Cement company, which has been incorporated tinder New Jersey laws with a nominal capital of This capital, it is said, will be Increased to-' $25,000,000" within the next few weeks, by which time it is exipected negotiations will be closed for the taking over of fourteen big plants in New York, Newr Jersey and Pennsylvania, giving the company a controlling interest in the industry. C. L. Murphy of New York is pres ident of the new company, and R.

Emerson and J. K. Baillie, are treasurer and secretary respectively. The vice president is F. E.

Warmau of Newark, N. J. The board of direct ors consists of the officers, also Mar cus W. Lyon of Newark and C. B.

Luf- borrow of Plainsfield, N. J. COUNCILMEN ON STRIKE. High Prices of Living Stir the City Fathers. Madrid, Iowa, June 26.

This city facing a serious dilemma ty reason ol the strike of the members of the city council, who demand higher pay than the charter allows. They declare that in these days of high prices for all necessities it is impossible to sustain life writh the dignity required of a city alderman on the stipend of 50 cents per council meeting. With one exception the members according ly resigned. They had previously at tempted to raise their own pay by passing an ordinance fixing, the rate at $1 per meeting. The attorney gen eral of the state was consulted and an opinion that the remaining coun- cilmen could appoint five- colleagues, ISSUES OWN WEDDING PERMIT.

Girl, as Deputy County Clerk Keeps Marriage a Secret. EdwarAsville, 111., June 26. Acting in her capacity as deputy to her father, County Clerk Edward Feutz of Madison county, Miss Edna Feutz was married and was able to keep the fact secret for more than three months. Yesterday Mr. Feutz received a letter, telling him of his daughter's marriage to Albert JVIiss Feutz had access to the marrrage license blanks and filed one out for herself, taking care that it was kept from the records.

Marriage Licenses. Theodore Russell Bartlett, age 25, Kansas City, Winifred Pattou, age 24, Coffeyville; Edwin R. Patty, age 24, Independence; Lucy L. Min-ton, age21, Independence; Wiley Brewer, age 23, Coffeyville; Ada Addison, age 17, Coffeyville. Mrs.

J. J. Clough Buys' Property. Mrs. J.rj." Clougti has bought the property Noi1 SOL West Tenth street.

The sale -was made by tie McMurtry Realty Co. (First The Coffeyville Daily Journal, June 22, 1907.) NOTICE OF HEARING FOR DRUGGIST'S PERMIT. State of Kansas, Montgomery county, ss. In the probate court, in and for said county and state: To all whom it may concern, greeting: Know ye that 1 E. M.

Kane, the undersigned pharmacist of said Montgomery county, state of Kansas, did, on the 22nd day of June, 1907, file in the probate court of Montgomery county and state of Kansas, a petition duly signed by twenty-five free holders and twenty-five women of the Fourth ward of the city of Coffeyville, Montgomery county, Kansas where said business is located, praying for i druggist's permit to be granted to me to sell intoxicating liquors for medical, mechanical and scientific purposes for the period of one year. The averments and allegations set forth in said petition to come on for hearing at the office of the probate judge, in Independence, Kansas, July 22, 1907, at 1 o'clock p. m. E. M.

KANE, Pharmacist. Dated June 22, 1907. First published in The Coffeyville Daily Journal, June 17, 1907. SHERIFF'S SALE. State of Kansas, Montgomery Coun- ly, ss.

K. Lieneman, plaintiff vs. A. R. Wilson, Olive M.

Wilson, Gustav3 A. Cushman, Cushman, his wife, Am- berry Martin and L. A. Martin, de fedants. By virtue of an order of sale to me directed and delivered, issued out of th Fourteenth Judicial district court of the state of Kansas.

6itting ana for Montgomery county, in said state, will, on Saturday, the 20th day of July4 A. D. 19jD7, at 2 o'clock p. in. of said day, at the south door of the court house, in the city of Independence, In the county and state aforesaid, offer at public sale and sell to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest of the above named defendants in and to the following de scribed real estate, situated in the county ot Montgomery, and state of Kansas, to-wit: Lot thirty-nine (39) in block three (3) in Uphamfs south park addition to the of Kansas, as shown by the recorded plat thereof.

Said property levied on, and to be sold aa the property of the above named defendants. C. M. PAXSON, Sheriff. HARVEY BACHUS, Deputy Sheriff.

3 Sheriff's office, Independence, Kan sas, June 11, 1907. J. P. ROSSITER, attorney for plain tiff. First published in The Coffeyville Daily Journal.

June 17, 1907. SHERIFF'S SALE. State of Kansa3, Montgomery Coun ty. ss. Andrew Hawkins and Mary L.

kins, his wife, plaintiff, vs. The Orna mental Glass Novelty Compaany, i corporation, By virtue of an order of sale, to me directed and delivered. Issued out of the Fourteenth Judicial district cour i.J the state of sitting in and Ml 5 ell i ee 1 on ay ou tai i I 1 i fit: I 8 let If i iuc I I.

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