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The Journal and Tribune from Knoxville, Tennessee • 4

Knoxville, Tennessee
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE DAILY JOURNAL AHD TEIBUlIEi KNOXVILLE, TEHTT.V FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1908. in Ait Ainiaail la ur that Genres V. Tillman la hi equal ia 'ail lb qualities of head and of aaalauaca and adrtea. Out ft la a aart-oa m'aLak to aappoae. from tba faet ot tala eamaiiaUoe'a ereatlua, tbat tha America a farater aeceaaarlly aa objeet of pity, la aced of raitacal refortaatorr attea- heart that commend mea to' the conn COMMERCIAL SECOETARIES JUMPED FROM i RucjrjirjG At The Journal and Tribune, Imam to KXOXTILU wBIO A'ao ta I KVOXTIIJL DAILT JOCRXAU KxoxritXB dail tibcm.

DELEGATES dfOff of their fellows; nj Mr. Tillman the nominee of a rejnlar eonrentioa. of regular dtlttxtt. railed by tioa. '4 1 ED1S0P1 ON SKY SAILING.

HIGH SPEED tbe reptibiirsn state committee, and tlierrforr the rrulaHy nomioated cnd Sayi Hearier-Than-Air Machine data of fba minblicao part of taa atete. 01 The South, Perfect Return i From State invention Dally. tartWIag nadsr ee ehly. r(rr4 at tha raataffleo at lie iiauli for thai reaaoa bar tue Will Solro the Prohlem. nailed itirport tb repuUIicana ot -'at Nashville.

tlon Which May Become National In Ur. Ediaoa abowed icreat intereat la the rarioua attempU being made ia dif ferent parta of tba. world to trarel ia Man is Believed to Have Been George Henry Smith, a New York A Newspaper Mari No Trace Found of Him After a Close Search of the Locality Suit Case Recovered; Ur. T. 3 TUB JOCWXAL.

ASP TBIBCS? CO. Xa. Cr RC. XirU Tv 4. ti.

r. aa lift K. W. CXJDEX Besrelarr. Wat.

BCLX Editor. i citt stmscnrrxio! baie- tba air. "It la coming; aoma one ia liable to malrm tha nroUlem anr dar. he aani- W. E.

Cooper Says It Was the Ctattanooga, Teun-' Ang. 13. With "Ooa't rott Mr. Ediaoa. that tba nroblem ta already aoirea: na iai tt atate aad of au who Imt ore noting tba dioratie tk-ket bat rbo beiiere tb tirae baa eoaae vbeatb tatereata of the Volaateer tat aria be aobaerTed by change.

Ia Oeere N. TIHaiaa the Bablicaaa "of bara'a Cndl-data for fOTerooe aroaad mrboaa ataa-dard tbej' majr proaJly rally, ad wbo may ba aapparted bf thooaanda of mea all bow needed ia eeieatific and engiaeer- Finest Gathering Ever Held by The Party in Ten nessee. selection of W. B. Kojafer, of Chattanooga, president, Edwin 1.

oar lea, ot Petersburg. Va secretary -treasurer, tit iag: talent and roouey be waa aaaaa. 1 daai't tbiuk that. It tan 1 aura A man who ia believed to have been 1 from' the train, while it waa moving at teaming of a number of state ice-presidents, the selection of Atlanta aa tba 4. DaJ'y Sao4ay.

4svere ay rUsa, I eeata per wok- MAIL BATES. tHatl rata apoty eey whoa ta ears oca. yet I dont thlak iarenlora bare been on tba ria-bt track. Tba great difficulty, George Henry Smithy a visiting Kew a rate of about thirty miles aa hour. of coarse, ia the tremendous power ra- A search made shortly afterwards place of meeting for 1909, ti first an- uoa! convention of tha Southern Com' York newapaper man wbo spent the past week in Knoxrille, jumped from an east bound Southern railway train, two and a proved that no one had seen, him, and nuieed ia the engine, which -at tue aame time must ba ao Tarr iiabt.

There are Knox county delegates to the Tennes tr.erciul Secretaries association waa ka bare bees vatias wUh tba oppoaute partr. withoat doinr rWraca to either their eoaacietire Or to tbelr principle. a see republican convention which met at lota of mea working; nirui and day on Dafty aaa Sashay. 1 jrarv. Mi atitli Three waa the -J? Om a(k rwite Birkaai knhr.

1 Tea -ou brought to a close this afternoon. A-er-mancnt organization was aid naif miles east of Knoxrille, on Wed nesday morning. Hia suit case found cuaKtitntlnn aixt hrJsara adonted. I list problem nd aoma ona wtu ao uim trkk. Liable to ran across tba eolation any day now" added.

-'Ue told Jir. Farman tie bad made too afterwards proved bis bat a l. iiEprBUCAJfs riioniBrnox. If. Ute-aeaaocrata -arUl tafca-paiaa to "Threw anootha search of half the day, orer extenaiTe experimeata fifteen- yeaa ajto 1 1 1 one formal session waa held; As noon it waa decided to carry out the morula on til ali business waa transacted.

Tli on resolntlnna. WBOSa 'Om aaoala that he bad not been seen to leave ine train, but when the restibule was found open those- who bad known of the circumstances felt sure that be liad jumped. On Thursday noon, a banting party of eight, of which Hann. law awent for tha Southern at this point was in charge, Mt the city afoot, and two- miles and a half east of the city discovered the point at which Mr. Smith bad jumped from the train.

'Tney found a suit case, marked with hia name, and bis Panama bat. iareatixate fba record of tba repobliraa a half square mile of territory in the in raaamioa who uyuis; ancuurav 4ir 1 rear Nashville Wednesday returned from too capital city yesterday morning and with them were scores of others from upner East Tennessee conutJes. Tbe local delegates returned in an enthnsrastW: frame over the proceeding of tbe gathering of 'and axe sanguine of a victory in November. Discussing the coureutida which nominated Hou. G.

N. Tiliman. of Nash JO Weekly. I year party ia the atate. it will nod tkat tha 'bad been cocapeJled to sire bia attention repoblkan.

caa constantly at.fld thing. ih.tJmd ainca enad "state wide Steakinr of the criticism 7oS often vicinity where he jumped from, tbe train while it' was moving some thirty miles an hoar, proved nothing aa to bia where inrtiT)ta RATKA recommendatioua were adopted, farored the tiltimate conversion of the association Into a national organise tkm as soon biMUbK aaa auda known UU onTVo aa epptlmrioa. I Erery. repabSicaa in Eaat Ten- made of the aeroplane that' when the abouts. He is now believed to be dead.

as it Mwdimt The dttlerent maivia- Jji engines atopped it waa In danger ot fau 'ineasee haa roted'itaelf dry except RETT TOBK OrriCK TIj ro 'log to the ground, Mr. Edison made a nnl cummercint bodies were asked to do all in their power to aeenre the beat class of white immigrants for the south. The meetings are to be held yearly. The following vice-presidents were se Special Advertlaiaf Agency. also his glasses, tine, 01 uie' lenses in these had been broken.

The place where he jumped from the train, would give him an mfoankmeut some four feet hisrh. besides the dis FoHette. ItepnbHcaa membem t)f the 1 legislature more roted for 'aU of tba prohibition lwa of Tennea- rough akatcb showing a aitgat jooam-cation of an old derice of bia, in which a parachute which remained Hosed during the operation of the motor would foreign asveruaing. rainna arrictv- Bore Ball inc. YBEICLASD BEXJAMIX.

ateelal tance of the steps from the ground, which ty. Keat- ae than hare the When a propmitioQ for a atate wide prohibition instantly open abnuld the motor atop. lected from tltelr respective states: tc Sbannott, TennctRee; i. O. Da we, Ala-tama.

K. A. Jacobs. Virginia: John A. 4 Aseacy naprseesmuvs ar, Baafer.

'amendment to (be constitution was snb- ville, for governor Wednesday; JW. K. Cooper, chairman of the Kuox county republican execntive committee; "aaid that it was the finest gathering ever held by the party in Tenneasee.1 Probably there were more delegates at the convention nominated Clay Evans for governor two years ago than were at Wednesday's gathering, said Mr. Cooper, yet this week's conveutiou must take first rank for the imrral and intellectual standing of the. delegate aiid ita business like methods.

Enthusiasm was rampant, said Cooper, aud every delegate went away cheered and with a wonld make a jump ot six icet. tte nan landed, however, according to the way the weeds were beaten down in a grassy spot. There were rocks all around which bad been missed. A close search of the ground did not show that anr blood had been lost. The party of eight spent all yesterday mitted aereral years arn.

tba republican The' campaign rigarwea poliuea lu I of lt: -v its riciaaitndea, Tne aakma keepera bare teen almost a r.ul of coon-1 unit tn their aUesiaare to the democratic as no proof is obtainable that he went down fiie road afoot after jumping from the train, or tbat he returned to the city. story as related by the conductor, and two special agents for the Southern railway company, Carey and Hammock of this city that when Mr. Smith, whom he proved afterwards to be went aboard tbe east bouud vestibule on Wed-uesday, he took a seut iu the smoking apartment of the negro coach up forward. He then drew down the blinds of the apartment to darken tbe room. The two special men for the company, who, having the privilege to ride any place they might choose, went into the same apartment, and it was there that the conductor of the vestibule took Mr.

Smith's. ticket. After the conductor had passed him, the man left his seat in the' smoking apartment, and overtaking the conductor asked him if the ticket ha 1 lam war accomplished through utilization of centrifugal force. Mr. Farman received the sketch aa a gift, Mr.

Edison first placing on it bia autograph. "How about the future of the dirigible balloon. Mr. Ediaon? "It haa no future, speaking commercially. It baa no great- future any way yon take it, was his prompt reply, "it may be -utilized in aome measnre ia war but the hearier-than-air machine that cau go straight against the wind ah! Betjeman, tJeorgia: George I.

Cox, Kentucky; J. A. Arnold, Texas- The appointment of the remainder of the state heads will be made by ths executive committee. The resolutions recommend that "this congress should meet in Washington junt prior to the important National Rivera and Harbors congress formed of delegates from all important cities of the union." afternoon searching fr, a further clue I I party in Tennemee. and bare ateadfaatly as to His whereaoonts.

xuis proveu Uea Jbe, Chattanooga meeting was, of roorse. an orersight- tb-at ia the thing tbat must come. nothing. In rows, going eight abreast aud close together, they searched for a radius of half a mile from the spot where he jumped from the car, but Homing was ever found further. A cave in the vicinity of the place where Mr.

Smith jumped was also searched but this disclosed nothing. supported democratic candidate The platforma-of tbo repnblicana of Tennesaee bare nearly always goue farther in their declarations for probibiton than hare the democratic platforms. The republican press haa more consistently and nnaaimoualy atood fur prohibition Yon refer to the aeroplane 7 some Chinamen Deported. Ogdensbnrg. N.

Aug. 13. When ten Chinamen were arraigned before U. Commissioner Kellogg today, charged body suggested -No." he aaid. Til tell yoo what think a boat this sky-sailing biuine.

As I hare aaid. it's snre to come. They In the stut case. only, wearing npparei and letters were found. One of these una kept was not the one which was to legislation than baa the democratic preaa baren't got it yet but they will.

But A iliaaoori man baa dreamed aereral limea'of Brfjaa teln la tile White Uooae bat ao has Bryaa. gome ot the political boooaa of this year might aa well take warning from Count Xeppelia'e experience. There ia one adrtaUge phourapbic toHtScal apeecbra might be orer- iooked. They can he atopped. A Borliogton (Vt.l man atahhed bia wife far wearing a merry widow bat carry Mr.

Smith to Washington. The I letters were from Alex McMillan of this rnnitiiin rnnlii1 tha i 1 Ta. I. a atr A nril conductor that it of The candidate nominated for gorer-: when tba question ia solved you will replied was not. but breast fall of hope tor a crowning achievement at -the polls-iu November the election of Hou.

George N. Tillman to the governorship of Tennesxec There were about 6even hundred delegates to tbe convention, sakl Mr. Cooper, and they went down wuh conviction and determination written on their faces. They were men with a purpose and with the spirit to achieve it. Ninety-two of the ninety-six counties in the state were represented and harmony ever prevailed.

There was not a contest. Everybody seemed to be of the same njind and possessed with one purpose aud it was achieved. The speech of acceptance ot Mr. Tillman which consumed about thirty miuutea was concluded about four o'clock Wednesday afternoon and convention adjourned. Mr.

Tillman's speech was enthusiastically received and the delegates went away stimulated to work untiringly for the success, of the city. It had a post mark August nor by the republican? is more in faror of prohibition than is the democratic candidate and i not indebleJ to liquor men for farora rendered. If be ia elected there are greater poH-ibillties of the txtaDMon of Kqnor legislation than if his with having ei-tcred this country unlawfully from Canada, by way of Rouses Toint, last Js unary, an attempt was made br the cefense to abow that all of the Celest'aU had relatives here. The Chinamen ar-anped themselves in groups of two. and was observed that each pair wore necktie of identically the same pattern aud color.

Five other Chl-iisniput ia the room Immediately Identified each rropp of prisoners and claimed relationship to them. But the authorities came to tbe conclusion that the necktie were identification marks. Commissioner Kellogg ordered the Chinamen tbe third, bad been stmt rrom acre, nut had never been opened. It was addressed to him at 3 Park Row; New York City, where his other mail had been sent and there was one letter which bad been addressed to Mrs. George Henry Smith, at Cedar Grove, N.

Sheriff Iteeder was notified yesterday evening of the disappearance of the newspaper man. He has been requested to lend any assistance whieh his deputies up the road, can give. No cause for tbe action is assigned by any one conuected with the road. The special agents of the road. an Mr.

Nichols, a Western Union lineman state that they believe Mr. Smith threw hb ticket out the window after the conductor passed him in the smoking apartment. He was seen to throw something out and it is stated by them that it was the ticket which was returned to him. tnat ne nau returned that portion of the ticket, and had seen him put it in Lis pocket. The conductor told him to look in bis pocket aud that he would find it there, as he saw him put it away.

This Mr. Smith is said to have refused to do. He said further that he would leave tbe train himself before he would be put oft. This remark is said to have passed after tbe conductor bad gone to the special agents in the smoker at the time the ticket was taken, and asked them-to be a witness that he had returned to the passenger the proper portion of the ticket. At this time the train was about two miles and a half east of the city.

The man picked tip bis suit case, and went through to the back part of tbe train. None of the passengers realized his intention, but passing out of one of the coaches, he opened one of the vestibules which had all been closed, and jumped up in the air- screwa itself vertically into the air haa answered the riddle. Tbe helicopter? he waa naked. -Right." be anewered. This, by the way.

involves the Tery principle fancifully ascribed to the marvelous flying machine of "Robnr the Conqueror" by Jnlen Verne a genrration. ago. New York Tribune, Icemaking By Hand. Coaaal Albert Halslead, of Birmingham, states tkat the iaveottoa of a sew Drirlata 'remaking machine la reported which worka oa the principle tbat water will freece whea evaporated rap! 1 7 by a raraum pomp and a powerful altaortteut. snrh aa sol-pborlr acid.

ta aaid that tha marblns caa be worked by hand ami will tarn oat carafes of Ired water at the rate of one In three mlaatea.aad blocka of Ice weighing a boat 1 pound tn twenty tnlnatea. The apparatus, constating of the alwurber and tbe opponent ia elected. Tba republican party has ita bad element, of course, Jm-t aa the democratic party ha. With respect to temperance tegialattoa, tba republicans mnst be jndgrd as a whole, by their past action and attitude and by their present candi-doate. And of course the name general text mnt be made of the democratic party.

This fairly done we bare no fear of the result among fair-miuded people the and now abe may become a merry grass widow. o- The democratic paper are delighted at the moltiplicrty of gabernatorial cao-didatea. Bat these papers wHl be sitting oa a warm anxious seat yet. Tb. Aati-aloMeagae will not ba tarn by coo 9 id i tig doubts la making a choice between the twa rega'ar caadi-dates for gorrraor Tenneaaee.

-yazj" Connors of New York says RETAIL HARDWARE MEN ELECT OFFICERS 8perlnl to Th- Jonrnal and Tribune. Nashville. Aug. 13. Tbe an nual meeting of the Tennessee retail hardware dealers' association cloaed to atate over, republicans and democrats, day.

The vuitors were eatertained by can bay all the brarat ba want -i tW9n X. TiTlman and M. carafe, or the Ire mold, are rocked hy local dealers and at business session the B25 a week. ut it might a different republican candidates. The delegates at Nashville seemed to feel, Mr.

Cooper, that because, of democratic diaenrd and because of the many democrats who favor, state-wide prohibition, chances were never so bright tor a republican victory aa tbey now are. During all the proceedings of the convention aud during all the speech-making not a single reference was made to the convention last Monday at Chattanooga. None appeared to take it very seriously aud seemed to think that whatever strength it may possess will waste away in a brief time. There did appear, as shown by private discussion among the delegates, considerable surprise that Mr. Wright had consented to accept the nomination of -te no-colled convention.

A -a To Mri Cooper fell' the fionor -of "placing in nomination the unaimons choice of the conventiou for its standard bearer. Mr. Cooper made an eloquent speech of about ten minutes and was frequently Interrupted with loud outbursts of applause. The nomination was seconded by delegates from every quarter of the state. To Mr.

Cooper also fell the honor ratteraaa for leadership for ataU wide rTe, Mlmo 0 thr raPOIn. Thia aaa Iter if it came to what be needs following officers were W. I). Columbia, president; i rt.hiW'n. japparatas la made at Beading, England.

I 1 1 onaniar iteoorta. STRONG PROTEST WILL RE MADE The democratic press naw nodertaking to apeak lightly sad alarriagly about the ainrrriry of thcrepablkan in taking op It i iiuv aaid that a barber union Xew York will not sapport any lw, bm ufrti raaor. Mr. Reflections of a Bachelor. Some novela are written for thinking the 1.

atate-wide uroMbtloa. fhonld face people, but must of tbem for Women. and real Tarts an 01 mem. ovurm; What a tilrl likes a boot an old bcaa an. to waive llgbtljr aside the Is tba way abe can anlt blm for a youo ceaj try i real truth.

one. Wm. Hager. Hartsrille. and F.

J. Warner. Memphis, vice-presidents; Marion ltlcliardson, Ia wrenceburg, eecretary treasnrer; John I). Dobbins. Columbia; M.

A. Ewlng, Gallatin; J. G. Vaughu, Winchester: W. Tucker.

Ripley: ami T. Parker Martin, executive committeemen. The next meeting will be at Chattanooga. Alnuit forty dealers attended tbe meeting. SPEED TRIAL OF AIRSHIP IS AGAIN POSTPONED What if tbe prwligal ano had come What makes a coilece boy proud Is to DEATHS AND FUNERALS.

SELBY Mrs. Amanda SeJoy, wife or Sergeant James Selby, of the police department, died about Boon Tbnrsday at the family home at 802 Kast Church avenue. The deceased bad been ill for a period of five monttisvMrs. Setby was born in Washington county. -Virginia, in 1S47.

She was married In August. 1SIR). For many years' she w-aa a member ot the Church street M. E. church, south.

The deceased is survived by bef husband and five children. They are Edna May, George aud Selby of this citv, W. Selby of North Carolina and Mrs. Eva Thurmau. The funeral arrangements hare not been completed, bare somebody recognise he Is one by the Against Action Of Railroads In Southeastern Territory In Increasing Bates.

aroaod and kicked trp a rampo about tbe brother's portino. This refers, of rare. to lU Saath Sea Islands ar the way be amokea a pipe. The greatest pleasure a woman ha from going out to dinner at a restaurant Martiaaa or way off amn where Is telling all the things they bad to ea of a place on the committee to notify Mr. Tillman of bis nomination and to escort him to the convention ball.

mhlrh they roily didn't. Xew York 1-rcss. TV rninhlrcaaa of Tennesaee are ni snore like tbe republican of Texas t'aan POINTED PARAGRAPHS. tbe democrats of Trias are like tie predominating democrata of Tennessee so TIIK A3IKRICAX FA It I Ell. One nf the characteristics of tbe ItAoere't mmd.

i that It warms with sympathy for every class of American ckbenstijv Tbe mind of the President is active, and it embraces a large acope of thongbt. be iajleeply concerned in the welfare of all the people. If he could be weeld improve the condition of all tha people. Ha believes in a strong army and a strong aary; bat at the same time re kaowa tbat happy and peaceful homes is what make a strong gavrrnment. So long as we are at pea with ourselves, and ao long as there are a in- In but the service will probably be held some time Saturday.

Washington, Aug. 13. -Strong protest against the action of the railroads in the Southeastern territory in putting into effect on August 1 increased rates on grain, grain products, fresh meats, packing bouse products and bay, will be Xo. A Ion so. the rats women wear their balr are not ranght ia traps.

Life woull be awfullly monotonous we dtda't nuke aa occasional enemy. Although Mr. Tillman is not very strong, physically, he will make several speeches diiriug the campaign and he will be rendered every possible assistance to make the' campaign the most stirring and effective ever waged by the party ia this state. CLOSING ARGUMENTS NOW BEING MADE CALL1SON Mrs. P.

Cailtson, aged Xerer ludge a mna'a good or had qnalt tics by whit hia relatlvea say about him Washington, Aug. 13. Owing to a ten mile wind from the south. Captain Baldwin postponed the second official speed trial of Iils airship until tomorrow morning at eight o'clock. Mr.

Curtiss has repaired the parts of the motor that gave trouble yesterday and Captain Baldwin is confident be wil make tbe required teed of twenty miles an boar. The air-snip will not he rejected unless a speed lower than sixteen miles an hour ia msde. In the event tbe speed trial tomorrow seventy-one years, died at ber home near Hull's t'rnii Itimflu at o-13 o'clock lodged with the Interstate Commerce we aed bear nothing of the wetness of Texas republican. TW Aoirrwa tOa.J Mail is aeenaed ef pr latin its lynckiag newa 00 the a parting page. Majba tbe lynching page waa crowded iota by tho report of tba baseball game or maybe it waa the umpire that was lynched.

within tha L.rt n- nursnav aitemoon. tier ueatn ronow Nothing Jolta a small-minded man like helag farced to admit tbat he la ti. tba ed an illness of two months, tobe is aur- days. on behalf of the state railroad com- two wrong. mission of Alabama This protest will daughters, MCfSC.

Callisfnn. of Panhan ternal dUleiencea that esiraagexBa ciass i Uae mant7 lboot llw Dun ylng be brought to the attention of the com with their moatha rkwed. dle, Texas; 1. J. Uallison.

of Fountain City; Lloyd Callisou. of Harbison's or one seciwn rroca anotner we are iu- morning Drove nnrcessful it Is likely mission in a formal complaint against those railroads, somewhat similaV to L.M??.?,?..!.- that Captain Baldwin will make tha Any man could earn a living hy utilizing the time he wastes la trying to convince tbe world that It owes him one. Chicago endurance trial in tbe evening. In this vincible. Recently President Roosevelt baa se-leeted a rommlsskm of experienced and knosing men ta investigate and report upon tbe coadKioa of tbe farming classes latter test, he will he required to make Xewa.

the one recently filed with the commis- iv xr 1 1 sion the A. P. Morgan Grain com- 'E" pany and others, of Atlanta, and I arrir will held from elsewhere, but will, it is understood, be lLo'n three clock trlday after- noon. Interment will be BITS OF BRIGHTNESS. seventy percent of the speed shown in the speed trial.

The machine mnst remain aloft for two hours, traveling continuously without overheating the In Mjuatt's cem couched iu more vigorous language. In The Sneed Case at Butledge. Will Go to The Jury Today. The testimony of witnesses has closed ia the libel suit of J. Sneed vs.

The Journal and Tribune, now on trial In the circuit court at Rntledge on change of venue. The last speeches will be made this morning and the case will go to tbe jnry perhaps by noon The defendant's last witnesses wbo went on the stand yesterday morning were Messrs. J. C. Oroner.

l- H. Post, Hugh Lynn. James II. VVelcker and Harmou Krels. The closing argument was limited to three of tbe aatkm.

Tbe proposition baa excited discussion, aome have c-riliciaed him and have charged that he is embarking etery. FOWLER The funeral of James W. Fowler, the venerable citixen who died "Oh. yea. he'a been In jail half a dosen Notice of the intention of the Alabama railroad commission to take such action was given to Chairman Knapp.

of tbe Interstate Commerce commission times and he doeati hesitate to admit it "Yes? Hss the eoursge of bis convic upon a fool a errand. Not many of his tloas. ehf Philadelphia Press. Four Chicagoans Drowned. Kilbotirn.

Aug. 13. By the critics have promised themselves tbat anything definite is to come of It. Tbe Beg esr I wasn't always like causieing of a pleasure launch on the this. Perhaps tbat is ao: but the trial will Wisconsin Hirer this afternoon, four respectively of the Alabama railroad i nntrtP nt TYinitv comiasion.

held a brief conference. La-1 ffSi XL 3. HSI X'tTSSi hours for each side. Col. W.

Ledger-wood opened for the plaintiff. He was fol Tbe Old Man I know. It waa your other A Texas blacksmith got lEMWW votes la Ma race for governor, tbe gross ex-pea Wi a rJ. It affurds a case for an latareadog and peraapa profitable atody tbe part of campaign committees tkat are compelled to resort to new eranomtcal arethods. Xaahville American nays tbat tbe re'pnbraraas are Insincere in their stand tt atate wide prohibition and says the legiMtioa records will show.

The record wU! show and the A men. a a woald weB to take a good and borons )wk at tbem be for making aaaertions of tbe sort mrnrJoaed. With a strong desire to rote for Tafl, with one presidential candidate and oae Tice-preaidential candidate -of its own and a sort ef habit of rating fur Bryan. Georgia tirring with aa animation anay ba taken a breaking away from that lony chrysilU atate in which Chicago people drowned. The dead are not coot much and it can do no barm.

foot von hsd bandaged last week. Illua lowed by Major T. 8. Webb aud CoU "LT rail camp Uround. Hon.

James A. trated ta. i Miss Mabel Ward. Mrs. W.

U. Heath, K. G. Pfeiffer and Ralph PfeifTer. The launch containing nine persons.

Fowler, assistant United States attorney John R. Holloway for the deefndant. Hou. Jerome Templeton began his closing ar file with the commission and tomorrow will bold a more exteuded conference with him relative to tba matter. The Tld Tom have any hick banting tiger general, arrived Wednesday to attend the funeral of his father yesterday.

gument, but hadn't finished when court adjourned for tbe day. He will conclude thts morning and will he followed by Jndge In India "Ves great "Howr was retnrning from a trip through tba dells. When ear the dock tbe boat got into the wake of a passing steamer and the launch capsized. The accident was complaint will also call attention, it is expected to the increased rates effective August iO, in the southwestern territory which the Alabama commmission claims affects their state. Commissioner Nes- H.

B. Lindsay who will make tbe closing "lie dldat meet any tigers." Xew s- HARRIS The funeral of William S. Harris, wbo died Tuesday at his home ou the Middlebrook pike, was held at ten o'clock Thursday morning from the speech fo the plaintiff. seen by many people on the dock and book Tbe Jury In the rase now has but tea bridge and rescue at onca was attempted. members.

For some days the court baa i. rr. with boats and launches, bat Toar sank She Oh. Chsrlle. juppose I lost all my before aid arrived.

uouie. iur service was coiiui H'tea oy i g0ue alonR wltB eleveu members on the Rev. T. Ashburn pastor of the one having been taken suddenly Ul money, every penny. Tou wooldn't hesi Condition among tbe farming classes taken aa a whole are better than in regard to amebther classes of our population; bnt tbey are not perfect.

Many farmers' wires have a bard time. Tbey are bnrdened wltb cares and with their household da lies. They are situated so tbat those even whose Bnaneial condition wonld warrant, cannot have tbe benefit of help they need and ought to have. Mea and women who are willing to do tbe work tbat would be a relief to the farmer'a wife and daughter, prefer to go about the towaa and citiea. believing, there is a better chance for them there tha a la tbe rural dktrk-ta.

But thia only one feature, there are The bodies of E. G. Pfeiffer and his tate to carry oat onr engagement, would vuujinriitfuu i irnujicuaii iruuitru ui early in the bearing of tbe case yesterday son Ralph have not been recovered. roaT He I woald hesitate at nothing. Boston which the deceased was a member, interment followed iu New Gray cemetery.

The service was under the auspices of Ed Maynard post. G. A. tt. of which Transcript bit declared that the increased rates would have a very injurious effect upon the state of Alabama.

He asserted that the alleged agreement between tbe traffic managers to increase their rates on certain commodities constituted an illegal combination in restraint of interstate commerce and in violation of the Sherman anti-trust law. ADMIRAL'S EXPERIENCE IN MAORI COUNTY Mercantile Agencies. Detroit. Aug. 13.

The Nation ft baa done ita part la maintaining tba -olid soath." Geo. X. TUlaaaa, ta repabllraa aom- He's forever prating about what hia a second, one. Juror Williams, bad to leave on account of critical illness In hta family. TAX COLLECTION OUT IN LONSDALE coaarieace telle him.

What does hta con the deceased was a member and the pall bearers were members of the First Tennessee cavalry company in which Mr. Association of Mercantile Agencies science tell htm. aaywayr erased ita anunal convention here tonight Apparently tt usually tells hm what with a lutimiet at the Hotel Pontchar- awfnl alanera hia neighbor are." cat nolle lae. favorite af bis party and asteemea of the desmaerata! ila ki kealtk im--Dewre and each day draw him nearer tba Boston was chosen for tba text JJUms aerved during the civil war. They were J.

H. Louas, J. H. Smith, H. C.

Parham, E. Kirk, C. F. Miller and John P. Adair.

Ktasdard and Times- affect not only tbe wives year a convention and tha following officers-were elected: chair on77be 7. ther away! May eoafaaloai acampaaai others that believe lie Too seem hard of bearing, and' yet when 1 proposed yoa seemed to hear rmers themselves. However, President. William B. Burr.

Rochester. MASON The funeral of rhilin we and know there baa been an i X. first rice president. William A. Auckland, N.

Ang. 13. Rear. Admiral Sperry, commander of the Antcri- ao K.tttAahtn flant aiwl tha Oft officers all right. Morgan, Boston; second rice president.

Recorder Wood, of Lonsdale, has received the tax books for that suburb from County Court Clerk furrier, lie baa the books at his home on Tennessee avenue and Is there from to 10 p. m. ready for offic- Inl business, he being employed during tha -day at tbe Knoxrille Iron company's plant, i i mo Hoe No. I really dhro't bear yen. dear; a rr I bnt yoa looked so foolish that I knew what sisrrj ApuiiuK.

jjuuistiub, jjvho made the trip Into the Maori conn William F. Thompson. New retarr. yoa mesat. soakers Btatesmaa all wha would pt iiffJcnruea ia hia way I may ha win and make more lotion the atate of Tenneaaea.

llO.V. GfXI. TIIXMAX. :..4.. Iln Geurra N.

TUl- Mason, of 828 Eleanor street, will be held at 10:45 o'clock Friday morning from the Trinity M. E. church. Rev. E.

Ross, I). D. will officiate. The remains will be accompanied to Philadelphia, where they will be interred try were present yesterday afternoon at the dedication ceremonies of a Maori York. Imrro cement.

There was a time within tbe recollection of aome yet living, when tbe farmer'a wires not only took care ef the children, looked after the cooking and tba washing and Ironing of tbe family, bat wbo actaally apun the thread. "la yoar summer cottage conveniently CHURCH REUNION locatedr "Tea, rerv. We caa get, to It either by King Ed at Marienhad. Marienbad, Aug. 13.

King Edward wor tbe cloth and made the garments. boat or taoflar. "la that sat Then I'll come out snd spend Sunday with joa." Detroit Free Presa. arrived bera today from Ischl. Tomor NIGHT RIDERS INVADE INDIANA row he will begin hia annual euro.

Not many of them do that now. We are disposed to take tba lew expressed NEAR ZION, SUNDAY A reunion of all the members and former members of tbe M. E. church, Bouth, at Zlon, near Bearden, Tenn. will le held Sunday, August 16.

Services will be held in the morning at 10:3 o'clock. Dinner will he served oa the ground at noon. King- Iron re mm tbe matter in band, by the Appointed King's Counsel. Hamilton. Bermuda.

Aug. 13. 'Regi- bouse. Later a number of Maori women guided the American visitors ta witness the thermal wonders. Admiral Sperry himself applied to the big geyser it will not erupt otherwise, and the explosion that followed was magnificent.

The steaming water was thrown to a height of 200 feet. The adbmiral and tbe officers with blm entered heartily into the various native ceremonies. They wore bats and carried in their hands ancient weapons of the Maori tribe. The American rifle team suffered defeat at' the hands of tbe City of Auckland owing to tbe fact that, they have had rery little practice in long distance land shooting. The storeship Graeia and the collier Ajax have arrived.

They were delayed Owensboro, Aug. 13. The night riders made their appearance iu Indian just opposite Owensboro last nigbt. naltWray, attorney-general for Bertnn--' lug in tbe afternoon. Everybody Is cordially 1 along the banks of the Ohio river, aud invited ot attend by Rev.

M. J. Carieo, paa aot? of ir Brownlow Gray, rormer chief, justice and president of tbe legislative conncil of Bermnda wbo recently Washington Star, in tbaae perapgraphs: Taking the' sltnatUa la tbe largest as-port, It "Ooubttal -whether there la as mnrh steed ef tavsatigsttea aa reformatory effort on behalf mt tba farmers of taw Coiled States aa ta the tatereat of tbe ety dmrllera. Kara evils aa afflict the farcer Ja those regions where ha Is aa ma a aa caa-Udate for gwreraor repaUk-aa party of Teaoeaaea baa made t.a mistake. He not a stranger ta tba jeopl.

He waa ooce before the aominee of the party foe, governor and more vote were cast for him than nave ever before. or ainee been cast for republican candidate for governor. He at aa able ma a. He a clean man. lit ba the ratereft of Teunesaee at heart.

"He ia a republican; bat tbat does not prevent aim from- thinking- snore of the welfare of all the people of the atate tbatr he does of that of a political party aa a party. Ia the ojcf be wUl faliHfuIly gaard tbe beat Interests of tbe atate. He haa ewnideae ia-tW atue, for of the Knoxville circuit. o- returned mm Ottawa, -where be was warned the farmers that they bad better pool their tobacco this season or there would be They-did not commit anr violence, bnt the farmers of that the goest of Earl Grer. eovernor-gen- Feminine Inconsistency.

rpou the proclaiming of the new eoo-stlrotlqa la Constantinople tha other day "thousaada of 'unveiled women paraded the streets, rejoicing ta Ibetr new found Ptaea the veil was adopted in Turkey with tha llohammadan Its weaving helag prescribed by the Koran. It la seen what a revotatlonary step hss been taken hy the Tart Ink women. Their action is Inspired by their new for re-iigtoee and political liberty. Tbe Newport women wha have taken up tb afahamme-4mm veil are simply fasciasied by the nor-1 elty of the ttlng. Blues ait femluloe fash- lona are plant ed to please the men.

the neighborhood are wrought np over the af eral of Canada, received official notification nf. bis appointment ss king's ewnseL Mr. Gray is the first lawyer fair and it is rumored that tney will ask bjeet of cwaamiarrarioa are minor -cess-parra with those which beset the araaatte small mesas, low Intelligence and tittle laUiattro Tba llt-tlvlng farmer is never by rough weather. J. he three other col FRED LANHAM COMES TO JOIN LOCAL TEAM FredfLanham.

a former "Knoxhlle ball, plsyec, -returned to the t-ity biat night, the season having Ha has been with Spartanburg in tbat league. in. the colony on whom this distinction civil authorities do not take a band in iiers have not' yet been- sighted i. Una been conferred. 1 i the The night riders left a note at every as batty off ss the llHIrtug city dweller.

II ha rhUdren have a all events fresh air, whoieoowe exercise sad la the mstn saf-rVteat food. They may grow ap benighted, bat aot necessarily flrg rat let by -contact Spanish Royalty's Jaunts. San Sab-istun. Ang. 13.

King Alfort- Hitchcock at Washington. 13.i-ChaTrman Frank II. Hitchco-k. of tha repnWlcaa national commftteev- accompanied by his secretary, James arrived la Wash- eo and Qneen Victoria left 1iere todar doable veil Is rot likely to last long. Reory i ua a with a a ex tan si re femlnlno acquaint-! on the south express.

Tbe qneen farm nonse door, i he notes were written in blood red ink, and two matches were also left The note read as yonr fobneco. A hfnt to the wie is sufficient. R. in i i i.O i aare knows one or two women, perhaps. I gotniTi to the Isle of Wight to ler tngtoa morning from Hot Springs.

Va baa knowledge of Us vat an.l varied re-sverees. and aa tbe chief affL-er of the -ffliMB wealth will di whatever Hca ia l.i power develop and prni Jte the jrowth and progre-t of Tenaee. whom he wonld ungaltsatly prefer to see motber. Princess Beatrice, of "BMten- where he conferred with Mr. Ta ft rested day.

Mr. Hitchroek started for Chicago at 3MO p. today to meet eastern and He win probably get Into the Knoxviue-Tuscaloosa game'today, t4 1 Eagles on Parade. Washn-i Aug. thousand members of the Fraternal Or- der of Eagles from every corner of North America paraded through the ii streets of Seattle today.

1 There was no grand lodge session to-t day and several thousand Eagles went to Tacom.t to take part tonight in the dedication of a new lodge halLv-v wHa their mrrooBdlngg. Nevertheless, It ts Just ss well to ex-a sitae lata tbe eowtMtloa of tba farmed with the Mea of helping him to help himself. Tbe srrtcalmral schools, experlatent slsrHins, farming preaa aad other Influence are at work to as-Ust him as reowtt of the l'real-rfent a ilcht mf te ulied npoo tba chirker pla-e. so tbt the scaf-ta may f- miar dtrerred tnr the rtt weartog tna Monsmmeoaa veil, as ne Knows nut will sroo orer in rin lor a a few air a wbo wonld appear to better aiMday inrozrri' to. King Alfonso will advantage in masks, bnt woman's Iw-anty was cotnnany the qneen as far as Bordearx, not otade to None realise i wle he will remain orer to enn' this snore clrarry.

than the dear creatures Morre. operated on his It i tM4 oar parpne ta say a-wwrdj T. who 'was caaJ.i.!aff of a meeting iw lt rear. ninkf an-examination western- oSIcmls of the national committee who are to tpeet there Saturday and open the western headquarters. Mr.

Hitchcock had no political engagements' here but closed and surrendered the last, of the rooms used as Mr. Taft'a pre-couveaUon bcadqiiartera. Quiet Day in Alabama. Birmingham. AIa Aug.

13. Reports today indicate, that today was the quietest day so far since the coal miners strike began Jnly ft. There was no trouble yesterday or today. themselves, A few Judlrloua hints to tbe effect that tbe double veil is worn only by those who n-ed It should sooa pat an end to the fashion. Pittsbarg Gctte-Tiiuea.

of tl-at onnn. Tooimtow the king will ehoanl his yacht Giralda and sail for Billboa to attend the regatta there. htit r-slit tif mhn are la most sertuoa need.

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