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The Asheville Weekly Citizen from Asheville, North Carolina • 4

Asheville, North Carolina
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)


1 CHEAPER ELECTRIC LIGHT. A POSER FROM THE SOUTH. not an acquittal. night. AGEI1TS VAIITED i Swearing nd Taxes ThrSemi-WedlyCitizcn From the Buffalo Express.

In view of the movement which has been started by the board of council-men to secure a municipal electric plant for Buffalo the statistic collected by the Merchants' association of New Tork in connection with the municipal lighting agitation in the me tro polls are of interest. The following table covers the cities in which the price is lesa than the rate now paid in Buffalo: Kvansvllle, Ind (t.8 C2.32 C4.S2 85.00 (5.00 68.00 S8.50 70.00 71.00 72.00 Erie, Pa Portland, Ore Wilmington, Del Peoria, 111 Saginaw, Mich Seattle, Wash Dayton, Altoona, Pa Oswego, N. Washington, D. C. Cincinnati, 72.00 74.95 St.

Louis, Mo These are for lights of 2000 candle power, burning all night and every night in the year. The price named for Erie Is not that now paid, which, according to the councilmen's report, 1b $58.60. NOT A NICE STATE OF THING8. From the Washington Letter to Brooklyn Eagle. Little has been said about the that have been established In the office of tho assistant attorney general for the prMtoffire department since Oeneral Tyner was disrr.imed and fleorc Christlancy was suspended.

This Ii due to the fact that Air. Pobb, wno is now -n cnargc mere, is t.iw- re.oriuer. lltui nniuiiiniiiug Binic of nffaiis. was found to exist In the office, tine of the special appointees of General Tyner was spending his time In crlving expert advice. to a lot of questionable concerns us to how they could open.te, their business nnd not come within the prohibitions of the law.

Tr.e.ii concerns had been coached as to hoiv they could amend their bylaws and change their advertising lit-orntur. ro ns tn escape being barrad fiom the of the malls as fraud. AN ANCIENT CHAIR From the Catawba Enterprise. Mr. Sumuel J.

Hawkins showed us a chiir which was made in Spartanburg countv, S. for M'. Edgewood Moore, before Hie revolutionary war-that is, fcffore 1776. A COLORED 8TAYER. From tho Republican.

An obi colored woman. Mary Reed, living on Columbia Heights, claims to he 107 yeirs of age. fc'he belonged to the late Judge Settle of Rockingham and says she was born in 1796. GRAFT UPON GRAFT. From the Detroit Tribune.

To get nt the bottom of the postofllce scandal will Involve the purchase of mining machinery and thus provide for another rake-off. MR. PEN LAND HERE Mr. John Pnnlnnd of Spartanburg is here, look ing after interest of hla factory, FOR. 1 l.cvcr J'inder.

1 Culsor Tlireshiiig-Maclilne. 1 Two-horse Carriage. "T-1 Disc Plow. 1 O-We-rio Disc Wheat Drills. Two-horse Wagon.

Tho are ulmost bargain easy terms. aZJYorth Main, The Lanier Southern THt MOST PAC7CA MACON.0A IIS) The Jurors knew Breathitt county methods and habits and whi.t was likely to happen to thera if they convicted -Curt" Jett snd Thomas While. For the best citizens of that patch of Kentucky have very long memories and very iuu guns, and this is a com btiiatiou that no man of sense wishes to jam himself against carelessly. Educational Loin Fund The Ftfltj Hoard of Education has adopted the following rules and regulations governing the ua of the 1200,000 kian fund provided by the last Legis. lature for building and Improving school houees in the more needy dis tricts of the Htate: 1.

Not more than half the cost of new and grounds or of the improvement oi old school-houses shall be lent to any county for any dl trlct. 2. No loan will be made to any county for a district containing less than sixty-five children of school age, unless, after careful Investigation, the State Superintendent shall certify that the continuance of such district Is necessary on account of spars It)- of popu lation or the existence of insurmount able natural burrler. t. Preference will be given to the following counties and districts: (a) To rural district or to towns of less than one thousand inhabitants where the needs ar Igreatest.

(b) To rural districts or towns of less than one thousand inhabitants that suiiort their schools by local taxation. (c) To those district that will help themselves by appropriation and prl-vate subscription. 4. One-hulf the cost of school-houses snd grounds will be lent to a county for any larRe district formed by consolidation of two or mora distric ts. 5.

All houses upon which loans are made must be constructed strictly in accordance with plan approved by the State Superintendent of Public instruction, as required by law. 6. No loans will be made for any rural district or smalt town for any house costing less than 1200. 7. No loan will made to any count for a district until all informa tion requested of the county board of education, the county superintendent and the school committee, by blanks or otherwise In regard to the loan, snail have been furnished to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction.

It will be seen from the above that lu the uffse and Intelligent use of this fund the Stale Superintendent will be dependent to a great extent on mo aa vice and representations of the various county boards and county superintendents, and he is entitled to their best efforts in this direction to the end that there may be as few abuses of the lawns possible. I'roperly used, this fund of $2011.0110 and the annual additions to it arising from the Bale or lunus to the state board of education. rendering available un annual loan fund of about $30,000, can be mnde to work a transformation lu our public school-houses and their equipment within the next generation. in nfiiklng application for loans from lhia should be remembered also thut Is not a'glft. but ft loan on easy terms, to be fell Id by those who have been helped by It nun passe.i on to help other districts that need help, rcvei-y cent of thl fund borrowed by cny countv must be repaid, and every cent of the school fnd of the county is under mortgage for tts repayment.

Columbus, Jlftf" B. Wilder, a young whlP1riii lh-s at his homt in Phoenix City. critically ill with hydrophobia caused by bejng bitten by a mnd (log-some two months ago. He was jdnylng wIlh-tlirL dog when It bit him and he was not avtare-ii was inrtd until few days later. ichma Bay he will du.

AGITATO rVVV A3 ARRESTED. llerlin, June fa. A dlsnnterT-to-JJiv lokal Ansl-ger front Kidkuhuen says" that the revolutionary agitator Ger-schunln, has been arretted, lit Klet. Gerschunln, it Is asserted. Is the "organ-zer of the murder of M.

Rogolepoff, hte Hussion minister of public Instruction, and M. Slpiagunc, Husslau minister of the Interior. Washington, June 10. President Roosevelt received-three callers, who If they shall return to their native country, might be held lluble1othe penally for high treason. They were Cpiimiiien, Professor Long Kal Chek, ice-president of tlie'C'ineso Reform nsRoidution; 'Pow-4'hee.

necretnry of the organization and" Charles Tip ci inpatient of tbo branch nsswia- liou in Cuna They are cede avorTlnaUL create sentiment among imminent trrrwugn- Inament From the Chicago Chronicle. The Bouth I anxious to know from the Supreme court of the United States if the Vermon Suffrage qualification is constitutional. In the language of the Green Mountain soloua. all those shall be excluded from the suffrage "who have not attained the approbation of the board of civil authority of the town in which they reside. The Atlanta constitution say it want nothing better than that Grandfather clauses would beb ut the guuiy tissue of the adolescent spider compared to the wlthea which the Vermont clause would wrap around the black voter in carefree Dixie.

The Constitution oredlct the Vermont Idea "woud reslly work with charming effectiveness in shutting out the venal and Ignorant voters cf our precincts, whether hite or black." Which is evidently and patently true, provided we disregard the Southron exuberant, fairy-like figures of speech and substitute for his fanciful phrase about excluding "ighornnt voters, whether white or black," what he meant by it the word "negr-jes." Nevertheless, the Southern editor ha put up a knotty question. The Supreme court must pass upon the constitutionality of the statute as it operates In Vermont. Vermonters have never availed themselves of It to shut out negroes. Neither In language or spirit does it contravene the 14th or 15th amendment. The Supreme court can hardly, by the strongest stretch of otherwise.

If thee ourt uphold the Vermont statute the South will ut once adopt It and nothing can stop It. And then the Southern negro will be disfranchised as effectually as he I now, but without the remote glimmer of hope before him that the Federal court may Intervene and hand him back the ballot. RUTHERFORDTON DISPENSARY (Special to The Citizen.) Rutheriordton. N. June 19.

The last days of the dispensary are passing away rapidly. One week from next Tuesday Its door will close never to be own again. There will be no auction sale there will be no whiskey left It will all be gone before the last day. Manager Itucker Inform your correspendent that the fixtures within the dispensary, outside the whiskey, will not amount to over $25,000 These will be turned over to the town and county comnils sloners. who will dispose of them In the best way they can.

One more bar rel of "white-lightning" will arrive to day, ond that will "wind up the ball of yarn. A PRETTY SAFE GUESS. The Marlon News tells of a store robbery In that county In which the thieves took only a pistol and a few packngci of cheroots. It is an easy guessfrom that what sort of folk the burglars were young cigarette amok ing, pistol-toting boys. With that clue it ought not to take Sherlock Holmes to find the guilty parties, especially as this i the second time the store has been burglarized within tho lust lour months.

BIG BLACK BEAR KILLED From the Newbern-Journal. A large black bear was killed Tues day evening by Amos H. Koonce, who lives near Rhems. Koonce was at tracted by the loud squeals of a hog Just across the road from his residence, In a pine thicket. Grasping his rifle, he ran to the place and found enormous benr attacking one of William Scott's hogs.

One shot from tho rifle did the work for him. The tear, stand Ing on his five aiid-a-foot. which was exhibited nt the Journal offlre-jyus four inches wide nd seven long. A WRONG TO THE CHILDREN- FronTthe-SlatesvUle Landmark. The Cltlxen say-mes3 politics and more business Is one needs of our-public school manage.

meat." Thi is correct. Not only should county superintendents be se Pied for capacity und lltness, but mem bers of county boards of education and district school committeemen should be selected from the most Intelligent, progressive und broadest minded citizens of the county. The idea of giving a rmu-on" of these places solely to tickle his vaniry regardless of his fitness for its duties, Is a cruet wrons to the chil drcn. STOCK LAW IN A NEW LIGHT. From the Lumbefton-Argus.

Mr. A. C. West. -who Is unite tt-ae.

spr0us ohiectlon nirafnst the l-rte- lie iav ho oue.l to think the barbed wireTreTteifcLas too bud, but fellow could sit on th-Yeaund and lean ugninst a post, but now a.lfStteiJ wnen ne geis 10 enu oi ine row, has to sit flat on the ground und hang his feet livetv Anyhody-whf knows the delkiousness of slttlng-on-thc lene ut the end of the row can sympathise v.lth Mr. West. iREKJ MEETS GREEK. From tho Chicago "Young men." said the stcr he paused at the parlor thresholdr ed his optics on his daughters new beaiTrcHse-lhe front doer Promptly at 10 o'clock good Idea, old man," replied the nervy youth. "It keeps those addle-pntcd Jays out ho don't know: enough to line up under the wire beforethe gong RUSSELL-GETTING GAY.

From the Providence Journal. There Is a story afloat that credits Mr, Hussell Sage with en extravagant tip to club waitr. Probahlv it is Tmt-true. Hut If it is, nil is over with SaSPrJl is a fearsome thing in- devj ftVYtt iW not to sow his wild oats untilTtttiMttlife. "The blood of youth burns notwith auch excess As gravity's revolt THAT ENDED THE ARGUMNTV- From thcA-Haota Constitution.

"Dey' no use tr-4os5tlme prayln' Wen a mad -bull's ta said i "The News' man Inquired of all the baggage men If such a bundle of stone was among their packages tagged for i narioite. jsone seemed to be aware of handling the Petrified Gentleman, so he must have given Charlotte the "goby. This would Indicate though we are exceedingly loath to believe It that the 1'. 11. was unwilling to face that photograph of the1 Plaster Paris Gentleman that some years ago figured In Charlotte as the real artlcle.but wasn't, as those who gave up good coins of the republic later discovered.

If that is so, then Indeed are the days of the P. usefulness as either a scientific wonder or a Pristine Pet-rifled Phenomenon numbered. And we fear ua greatly that that dreid event has happened, for this ominous testimony comes from Kpartan-J burg. We quote the Journal: he sojourn of the petrified man In this city was very brief only 24 short hours instead of a week as announced, and he was up and gone before people were aware of his presence. "The trip to Spartanburg and he sudden departure would make un'in-tcremlng story; heewMiM to a statement of a policeman here, who Is rather skeptical on the subject of the petrification of this gentlemuii.

The owners of the petrified man stated on leaving that they making expenses but" were really losing money. Whether or not they had heard that one- of the local policemen was out looking for evidence rather unfavorable to the genuine character of his petrified lordship 1 not known, but however that may be, the latter is gone and it Is evi.iont that his stay here was not remunerative. It Is stated that the petrified curio depreciated wonderfully In value on reaching Columbia. Tne wonuer was Shipped from Ashevllle, N. to Ht.

Muls. Mo thence to New Orleans una from there to Columbia, valued In each case at 11,000. but when the man came to Spartanburg he was valued by the owners at $1." How have the mltfhty fallen! To think thut 'Biiulre Bltton's "find" could ever have descended to this, that the love romance woven for th gentleman of stone could have ever been so rudely shattered, that' the article for which half dozen Ashevillc folk paid out three thousand "five hundred good hard dollars should lift wo short months de preciate to the value of one lone dol-hr! It can but have a depressing upon the petrified man market In this lection In future. A New Republican' Paper A Republican pnper Is to be started at Morganton. It will' be Issued weekly snd Charles V.

McKesson, formerly clerk of the Federal court In ABhevllle, will be Its editor. Its prospectus Indi cates that It wlll bo "ti warm number." In fact If It conies anywhere near living un to the promises made for it, it will Justify Its name of Lance" nnd be worth many times the 12 a year asked for It, and will furnish no end of fun for the rending pubtle Here Is Mr. McKesson' tuTnouitre-mcnt of principles and purposes of the liew paper: The i'Tee Lance will devoteits col umns to the upbuilding of Mm Re coun ty In geivral nnd Morganton in particular. J- It will sustain Governor Aycouk In his campaign of education. It Is opirfroi'd to llooseveit, nut lis ne seems to bo the choice of the purty, it will support him.

'11 will dtinounee some of the ina- ltepubllcanwiiiuiBera In North Carolina. It 111 miho the Htate husplta Morrnnton'for Its great work; nnd ulso the Deaf and lhiinli school, but It will .1.1,11. tin, iiint ii mi-1 1., i. hrtffli qHK "It will, without stint. juWWsttol- litis and his crowd of political advls- or It will embalm In Infamy wmv of the men now prominent In Mate nnd Nation, and will give a serial story on Wash llyiims, who is clerk of the United tr'tutea cOurt Jit Ashevllle.

"It will at all times lie hold und vigorous and speak the truth 'without fear, favor, reward or the hope of reward. it will endorse lllackbum for con-gTesaJn 'de and a true North Carolina KenTiMlcan in the Ninth, nnd perhaps Mike WfrtrwKi4or Catawba. "It In tHicke.1 by see that it iroes We await with palpitating" im Hence the coming of Thursday. July 1, when the "Free lHin and Kditnr McKesson Will make their bow to the rub-Ik- l'he rfrnet-cheerlnK sign In the edn- caTTrmal Held is th-imvcntpnt to se- eel tne lcst-iuen lor scimoi oiiiiaiu. employ higher teachers 'aiuTtt4 bullil better schiHtl of thesr ililnus lost nionev.

but In the rnnnJLUii thev are the most economical. Man? of the public school buildings of the are not only unattractive to the children, hut positively Ibetr health In unpleasant weather. fn small is the salary or the tcacherw that ineiAiind wttinrn of-real talent have not Wbeu attracicTt-tOuthe profes- s.on AM.nttc In this policy wU nuilh the of the pwi- pie. ThePruyideiltie Journal prints this editorial pariigTapR Mr. Marlon tl.

Ilutref to believe that the flood losses In the West will result in a considerable Populist vote next year. Mr. Hut-" icr-s a Populist may not be roIiik down for-ne third time, but what he Is grasping at indeed a straw. When nnd where TTtrt the Kndless TTtTtH--from Honcycutts get -middle Initial It stand fori Per haps the editor of TTnwwituvllle tte- fleetor, who has always lieeu nanny livtimr ainiroi.rlste names, can tell us. The closing of collcviC ill cause gciieTHl.x.egrel and snrptiHN but under clrctlin.

stances it was the only thing to do. The trusters could not be expected to no on forever making up a deficit with no hope of relief lu slKht. After he against the Slate as well as lUeFedraI Jaw- to "moonshine." ing Pa Id said, "All men are liars" and Pi.vld wnsnV a lx assessor, either. The wise man will list his property before June Until 4 atldaatv double tuxes, THE NEW RAILROAD. The trains will be put on regul arly Spruce Pine, N.

and John- between aton Citv. Tenn the mad that Is be. Ing bu'dt to Marlon, being completed that far. An excursion over It from Spruce. Pine to Johnson City will be run over It nrx-yeqiicsuay.


SEE LARGE ADVERTISEMENT OF SAME ELSEWHERE. 4. THE SEMI-WEEKLY CITIZEN, N. a TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. We appreciate your patronage and prom's you before many more Issue to make the paper fully (0 per cent better than it 4 evtn now.

To do thl will cost a great deal of money, out take pleasure in pening it In an effort to give you more and more- for the n.oney you pay us. Now all we ask In return Ib that 4 you watch when your Bubacrlp- 4 4 tion expires an send In your re- newal without waiting for to go to the great expense of send- Ing bill to each one. We regret that some of our (ubscrlber have to be notified more than on. that their renewal are due. Thl is a hardship on ua and ln- 4 cerely hope that all who have ret been a prompt aa they might 4 have been In the past will now make by.

seeing that their subscriptions are kept paid in advance. i 1 4V 44444444 RESULT WAS SURPRISE. St, Paul, June 20. Chattanooga. was chosen today us the next meeting place of the Supreme Lodge A.

o. W. Tho result was a general surprise as the expectation wai that 8t LouIh would bo but the vote was about three to one for Chattanooga. The afternoon was alien up with Hie Installation of officers recently elected. The convention will meet again on Monday.

ASKED AND AN8WERED. From the Chicago News. Little Willie What is flattery, pa? Pa Flcttery, my son, Is tho praise we hear bestowed upon other people. A CHEAP DIET. From the Poor's Ford correspondent of the Polk County News.

The blackberries will soon be ripe and we will live on and hope. REPUBLICAN EXTRAVAGANCE. From the Madison County Record. Madison countv needs a new court house nnd Jail, and with the debt that 1 is piled-tip against us we should have I them both. SALE! as good new and will be sold at a F.

P. INGLE, AthevHIe, N. Ci Business college BUSfftSSCOUt Atlanta. Ga. remutable for tlw vsrlety snd Interest of kt Bow- jfe wotda, therefore, deacriptive of it are I UU4 II will Hp IP aa.

aetoima aa asi Slewrm aw KltOhOfli i Dlninp Room, I v8erlnjp- Itoom, Tho Studf-f for Old, Chb. fit fit. single -1 sret the benefit nf ink WfV! Kv CATAL66util bljbi Mm blj bj 1 1 i l'. The ease with which a man of bad character an prove a good character, when on trial fur a serious offense, has often been rem irked, and the judge who recently ordered the grand Jury to bring in a bill for perjury against a witness who gave a good reputation to man of notoriously bad character set an example that ought to find general adojHioji by the bench of the Htate. As the IJniolnton Journal remarks: "A few more examples of punishment for thin evil will greatly aid the majesty of the law." Another offonder of the same kind, and one that stands sadly In need of attention from court and jury, is the tax dodger the fellow that swears lie has only one or two hundred dollars' worth of furniture in his house when he has I2.0U0 or worth: whose watch is worth 110 on the tax list and $50 at the Jeweler's; whose horse Is worth J20 for taxation purposes and 100 for trading puroses.

There is too much of this false swearing, and it Is confined to no special class or titisen or section. It is perjury exactly the ime sort of lying thut Annanias did and yet we find men who claim to value their word and hold sacred the oath swearing to valuations that they know absolutely are false In order to save a few miserable dollars In taxes. is it not about time that this violation of the law und growing abuse were called to the attention of grand Juries by Judges and prosecuting attorneys? A few convictions for this offense would have most salutary effect. The difference in the valuation placed upon property by the owner when given in for taxes and hen he seeks sell it or recover damages or Insurance on It was perhaps never better illustrated than lu a recent case before the State Supreme court. A resident McDowell county sought to recover from the railroad company damages his burned flour mill on the ground that the lire was caused "by the net? II-sent emission of sparks from the defendant's engine." The defendant Introduced the tax lister to show that lie plaintiff valued the property at much less for taxation than the amount demanded of the railroad for Its destruction.

The trial Judge Ignored this testimony, charging the Jury that the plaintiffs evidence as to the value of his property The Hupreme court very properly say this was error und orders a new trial. A long ns men are allowed to sweftr ont value for public taxes nnd another for privates-purpose, we can hardly expect otherwise than that tax valuations shall be uvvuy below what they ought to be. "Bloody Breathitt" ThcT mlBtr-lat of Jott and White In llrealhitt county. swas expected, but none the lesa to regret- Those who have followed events lheTi-tUoing the past two or three weeks could hardly have expected a different result. The spirit of existing there and thojrelgn of terror prevailing during the trtnl la well reflected in this paragraph in the Associated I'ress dispatch uunounciiis the result: If the verdict had been ouo of conviction the residents here feel that violence would have followed and that It would have extended to -others than witnesses, lurors, and those who-had iken part In the prosecution.

hts-stutement seems rimy justineu by'evonlStn-JJIoody Hreathltt during past wcck. Saturday nigat a are told, neither a-peuce officer "or a public lamp was on Jackson's limits, t.a.igs of drunken hill i.ien staggered through the black streela, whooping and 11 ring. A wakeful soldier In the' ramp counted 163 shots. The. racket did not die out until daybreak.

"A battle might have been prcsrons Judging from the volleys," wrote one newspaper men. "The unfortunate. Inhabitants kept to cover, while buiii'Ts wlil.zed through the darkness and flash after-flash of lire marked the imsilionH i of the marauders, wro.c an other. Sunday afternoon raValcade-of forty-four horsemen rode Into Jack-sun -the raw Jett-While Jury material collected by Kilsor John Jones from cabins of Mitiolrin county, inner boTiHuiyfioui the Maine, straggled IndimHE. the evening.

'The ven tre nun were laTtimUithe fflmp of the Militiamen, and orders wtrnhflvcn that nobody should be allowed to lines and approach them -not even the n'lwstiaiier men ilonJiiv. nt a suggestion from lh Judge liedwiuo Jones to go back to Me-tlollln county and bring in-tw ent)'-tive That lime the Klisnr--had ailvrnturre. At ta ociock evening he vTTs-udliig aloiiR a lonely about forty nnTeSuilii tl.e oun- trv. lie had irot only three or-ttiajnen, and lied twenty-two more to get native lilcd bin! and advised his turning linck: there was danger ahead, IP.

but Jones replied that he bail iTTstrrMLJi) do. with scant tune doing it, aTidTrvdojMi. Alio. it mlJ-nlghl. in a thick ncTk-otwUucs neir l.lck Creek, a man Jumped -from roadside.

"Halt!" demanded the man. "Crack!" s-ild Jones's revolver. The man -dropped, and Jones rode on. He not his adventure until Tuesday evening hen ho casually mentioned It to an old chum, "t.doiit snow whether I got he said, "but in best." Tuesday Judge James Hargls. -uncle Curtis Jc-I went on the s'and and gave a liearjjf perfect exhibition hinvuiK seen rrts-Jiephew indulging nUie murdOT of MurnmuJuit of!e oiiHr-WiUiesa no was.

able to see bn iRsr-iu, the poVntmusaiid relations that would redtt that witness's testimony as wTint fir-had een. This particular witness. Cnpt. Kwriv-iifter bis testimony was KTvemhml ilic'iurhnppiiiess to see his little Inn, rcTncniing his entire-prop, ertv, hum 'o pTTrte-gjound. with the additional 'misfortune thaTtiw-Jiifiir- ance coimwnles.

know ing tMimethlng habitn of Iti-enthltt county, nail canceled his Insurance jaiHi-tos Just as coon as thev became aware of the nt- ture tf hl testimony, and of course be. fore the Kwen not he Curtis Jett kill Murcunutmtf thai In his house hills to the summit of JiiinO were counted out before his eyes hewns told the Whole wnd as his he vvouiit "promiao tn ny nothing would be mag I rg o-'Curt Pees use of th I and the "threats him. the witness had iofatirreil out of nls house-after the murder ofTMareum until the troops arrived to prntwt Tiita, and he ha sine had to flee to Lexington for protection. And thus the weefc passed not a day It vlthont rts advenutres and tts bloody threats. Every man who entered the court room wits first made to shed his gun, end militiamen, with fixed bAyonets, guard a the doora.

In front the court houi a Catling gun and a Hotchklss gun look-ed up and down the street, ready for tmsluess. It riot -surprising, under these circumstances, thai there was no convic tion. The wonder la that there wa WERT TUESDAY AKD JTUDAY. LN tar Month Three Month Look at the Label. Th cntJI addri label pn jrour Bayer wfll toll you whtn your ubicilp-ttoa expire.

Wttca thta ana be iura mew before that data aa not to any numbers. OUR CLUi RATESi Tbb SemlWeekly CltUen Ob Tear, $1 in advaace, mm Months, He In advance. Three Months, ttc in advance. tu Oeml-Weeklr Cltlsen and Die 'AOairta Constitution (wet My); er Tba Hew Tork World cthrica-week- l-rMi. The amt-WaekIy Cttlaen and Home ana farm 11.10.

The Berni-Weekly Otlaen. tba Wwk-lr Oonjtltuttoo and the Sunny South (weakly) -one year, fl.78. Tba Semi-Weekly Cttlaen and the Amertoaa Afrtculturltt, both for a Bmttad time only, one dollar. The America Arrlcnlturlit la the rraet-t pejpef for farmer puhllahed In thi JUNE 1903. Four Hundred Patriots Will Lose Their Jobs The principal complainants at the Watts bill, which (toes Into effect on July 1st, are not the distiller, mi one would suppose, but the patriots who are supposed to bo serving Uncle Sunt In itu L.

era, clerks In the revenue offices und other similar holders-down of jobs. "Ttiiv nrerilft it lrfttt fulltnir nflr In population by removal of distillers to other states, an Increase In "niooitshln-In," a drop In quotations for corn, rye and barley and a skyward turn to the price of whiskey and many other like valitmltiea, Nor la It to be wondered at when It la i considered that there are now some 150 store-keepers and guacers In North Carolina and the belief prevails that more than 400 of this number will walk the plank July 1st. the Watts law, driving- distilleries to incorporated towns and cities, goes Into effect, With the Watte law In operation, North Carolina will lose the distinction of being the home of the small distiller. The litot annual report of thci voinmissioner or Revenue shows that North Carolina had 1,001 -registered more thnit 400 In eiofsa of the number In operation In -any other one state. Virginia hud the next largest number, with a toliil of 6s.

The Washington rorreHponileiit of the t'harlotte Observer, from whom we get the above figures, adds: "It Is the opinion of ptTU'lnls here that Vhlle-a latse number of distillers will go out Of business, good per cent of ttjhm wilt l.n 1 i uiv pinm uuuilUHIjr, locating hi Tennessee, Virginia and Bouth Carolina. The smaller fellows MM V. A I m.m,.,ivu iw mc-ii nurrvuuuttlKR mill I i wnue ii would not require much effort I iito shoulder their live- gallon affairs and change camp, they are einerted to go out of business, officially spenk- Ing. '1t tm Hi wno navanaa experience In such mutters, derived from-the of the antillriition of somewhat similar iii oiner amirs, mat mere will ue a larglacrease In blockading in North Carolina atteJuly 1st. Talking with ne of the vetenmHerk In the tnteni- al Revenue- Department 7Wrtaoln he aid: 'While the efTert flf the new Nm th vnnmn taw win nnJOMUiy nviuu.

in touch good to the people of the Htale, there is one or phase of It that will. In my opinion, result In more trouble. The moonshiners ure certain to grow In TiUmrw.t-B Hllll tllla u-lll iiuhi manlreattJlself. North Carolina bus far more small flleMUerles than any other state In the Itnlon, trm1tfc4 jai secret that many of thepe have tTTruiltrTlM' law to do business. They are nut a equipped extract the spirits from tin product.

Thev lo Well ti get two hi three gallons from the "corn, wherein the big distilleries, ualnur approveil ma rhlnery, extract five gallons to the bushel. Their primitive jnethoilH make the business unprofitable and they can-. litcomttow'ltli the big establish-menta. Many ofThenv-hnveevmled the law and they will contiinieto--ih--a. The government ought not to penult the operation of a distillery that haa a rapacity of lens than 60 gallons per oy." "If the government should apply the above principle there wtMlie no need far a Watls law.

list year there -were only tour illstineries in tne Mlale witn capacity In excens of 40 gallons per aay, farmers of the State will be affected aa the result of Ihe-turnilnation of the whiskey-making husiMraaJUi "dunn vnriaiiia. iini eitr int'tr iimim' tries Tottsuined 26 .52 bushels of Jiorth Carolina of these ere4'orn, 203.070 buslleliH-heal, 23.44U bushels, nmT barley busheiaAt the same time "llnchs Sarirwlll loSerr-ttir last year 'the government the North Carolina distillers. an evidence of the fact that there Is a desire anion mime people In the 'fctrtte to make whiskey without I'ncle Pam's has only to be recalled that i70 stills were selrted last year.and -k i f'ederat-eouttjor violations of the law. 4 "While the slrirkperB and guagurs will go out of business after-July 1st. the deputy "collectors will In nil probs-4- bllity be stronsiTesenforceil, ami the tore-keeper who Can land us a deputy should be exceedingly glad, for thev If they catch -on as deputies "they will pick up something like I.Ji" per annum.

The Internal Itevenue La. partment IS looking for tin Increase itvj. xne roll or deputy collet-tors In North Carolina when the Watts luw goes into affect" Is the P. G. On the Run? la the Petrified Gentleman on the ruhT--ll would eem so from certain rumors that come-to.

our ears from the sections he has recently-visited. We clip tht from Thursday's Char, lotte News: "A report was currentlft-Qharlotte this morning that the Petrified Oentl. man, who hs been' on exhibition In a number of South Carolina towns, hud arrived In the city. "The report as handed from mouth lo to the effect that this once i. habitant orthe-tnountaln rlons of Jorth Carolina, came In aboard one of nlgttl trains from Bpurtanburf- 1a.

AMtftlCA. Also, branch college 28.1-2 Paachtrae WONDERFUL out the world, im billing people In theiTT-fir. I.I llnrllm u. By tfteUmrridpmtmi are enabled to offer I the Amikicak AoscuLritttlh WiV venM, aa undoutwcaiy immium ol the JU 1 To. Vmm.t know ft, Simla, in ctab with this paper, at aa exceedingly rlHt UgHJ" mm BH I ii bt b.

ii a i bt ii a lai GRIOUMEUkiSIIV ORIGINAL. PROGRESSIVE. PRACTICAL. If Farm Feature, 04 Hftkwttwrt, Pmtitry. MmM Gardening-, and other topic written py Practical and Sue-miSf Fmrmtrt, aunplementtd with lihutratitrj ny 'abla artirt, eon.

bine to make it i'kuh'Vi to tboac whs "arm bt a liruig." Tklmitst MmrMt and Commercial ilsW Crf Jtrfartt to ilxir imjm, CmensrJ fmrm Nwwt, and Lcttm nrnmg the Fmrwmrt are iiatiinf Ftatnrtl in whir a the AmksicaM AoaicvLTvaiaT la not excelled. It baa reliable Social Qm ftfcmmtnU at the Grnrrnl and Ltcmt MmrmH Cnttn all oyer tba United States. EVERY FARMER It Witt katlp 0 Ml tXB ikniMn nontAMLMa 1 cvnn The Field, Live Stock, Dairy, Horticulture, Poultry, I A riancuiiurn-i i Apiary, ttna, Fmtf 'rrk, Tht pnt I ill lima oi a constitutional monarcny. that the power of the enipeior of be restricted, but tint the government should I under a definite and well stood constitution. They have c4tablisTM-4uyni association In many parts of the worrrr-rwulare hoeful of tin- success of tlu ir worK-ajjey ue urMil simply to pay their rospee" lienidcnl llooseveit.

iO OF HYDROPHOBIA Wns Bitte-vvTaaoirMorThsn A Month Ab, -Memphis, Teun June A special l.T th-dinmeriiul Appeal from Holly Sptings, iss John ltiXKiks. a piomlnpnt -planter of Marshall county, died toduy of hydro? phobia as the ivsalt of a dog bite received more than forty days since. ItrooNs and twelve other persons were tiUten by the deg cad all received treat-nVtcr-(trui a uu rtone. Hrooks first irtwcdyniTTtreMtjif the poisoning nu i ise eurn day cut nilna ll today; None of the other victims has displayed un- fuvornble symptoms. Council Tor- the two competing bid for the contract for printing the liionejr-tttuer forms, the bids whtrli lea to dismissal, have been asked to sirbmiCthelr briefs to the ilepartmeiii as soon as In order to enable earUi' action on th Postmaster Ccucial Payne said toj av that hhHils.jMe no final decision of Mr.

Metcalf'E ryqutsH lorUio Ojienlng oi ins case. 1 PATTON TO BE CADET Washington, June $0. Tho President lod-ty -jippntAU'ii, Fruucis Putton1 son of Cor. of the quartermaster's department, A pallet at the I "nltcd Ktutes military academyr-4o fill a vacancy "cwttsfcd. by th discharge or a ucncient vaaet.

TO-L 0-TAN Cures Catarrh Cted Can, TaUu with the Dvlrr, Pmtk CanmmU, tUnrf Cmmrr, mnd Yfnnjt fjtW Parr, uombin to-ake this de. pxitniest of as mock -rmlue and iatsicst as-awst of tba ipecial Family Facers. THB MACAZINE FORM. Each 1sm cumcaout wiLil a beat corcx, aotoo poes. Entomology, How to Buy, nd How to Sell.

1 Brother pit-key. "De Ihlng ter do Is TerfA-SamDle CoDV AitbbicaV Aoicm.toit will be mailed ym bysddraaaing rthntMi. tree 1 oamijic upy Amejucan AGEicuLTL'iuST. tt Laiavctus Place. New York.

OUR SPECIAL-OFFER 1 a ine aemi-wekiyvitizen. $1.00 1 The American Agriculturist 1.00 1 (lit hi TTPMhf umm SPOSt a cyclone come along eh" blwvcdde tree down?" "Well, aia. Itrot her IMckcy. "dey ain't no use tcf go Hnnuirln' too fur tu tor ue mysteries er Provided J.4rM0teR;I4 Contractor1 and estimates furnished on application. General Jobbing a specialty.

Correspondence solicit Monti-eat, X. C. 1-11 lino Our Price for Both $1.00. Old Subscribers may rirst seeing that jheir subscription ispaid ahead and then remUting $1.00 for another full year for the Senf-Weekly Citizen, with a request for the American Agriculturist..

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