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The Chanute Daily Tribune from Chanute, Kansas • Page 5

Chanute, Kansas
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PAGE FIVE. CRYING FOR HELP. Cherryvale to attend a meeting of FIXING FDR THE DOG tHOW. RICK NEW; THE 1- 8 National Drill and Mfg. Co.

Have an unlimited supply of the best, up-to date Drilling Tools and Machinery Ever brought into the Kansas field. Warren Engines and Boilers, SSIS. and un' I Our No. 8 Drilling Machine has no equal, a a We sell everything known BBBaB4BaBB4an4aBQnnnnaBaQ4QAno4iitO HILDREN, ILLING CONTRACTORS to the trade in oil well supplies. Western Office Chanute, Kansas.

THEATRE. Of OIL AND GAS WELLS. andard Rigs. Practical an Experienced ia I fillers Two years experience in Kansas field. Office ir.

J. ne Block; 1st stairway west of Morrill Hotel. Phon 403 Kefer. nces National Supp'y Frst National lank hanute, Kansas. 8IBBBBB4BBBB4BBB4B4BB4BB4BB4B4B4B4BB0 week, commencing FEB.

1st. Compte Flesher will the favorite tl it II tl II tl tl ti 11 tl tl tl tl tl II ta HETR1CK ti a ti 13 tl a LUELLA One MONDAY, Ie 4 present MOBEY In Scenic SHORT MENTION OF LOCAL OPERATISNS. Cbanute Men Go To Cherryvale to Attend Directors' Meeting-Field Notes. J. C.

Ramsey, conductor on the Pittsburg "plug," is laying off and went to Girard this morning to look after the drilling -work which he is now conducting, there. C. E. Young succeeds him as conductor, temporarily. The DeWitt Co.

has brought in well No. 7. The company is operating in the Altoona field. installing shackle-rods to pump his wells on the Cross land, south of the city. Charles T.

Nixon in yesterday from Wellington and went on to OIL AND GAS LEASES FOR SALE. 160 acres five miles east and north of Chanute, in Neosho developed property; pumping on adjoining lease. 160 acres 5J4 miles southeast of Humboldt, in Allen five oil wells on adjoining lease west and one oil well on south and east lease; well within 600 ft. of line. Looks Good.

16 acres north of Coyville. 160 acres south of CoyvJIle. 890 acres on Verdigris river, north of Toronto, close to rig now drilling; high grade of oil; want proposition to nil otii production; no rentals. 7,000 acres, Chautauqua three miles from oil well on south and twe miles from oil well on north. 8,000 acres Elk County.

7,000 acres Anderson surround inj lease on which oil was struck Dec. 28Mi, 1903. EL. GROSS, Orental Block. Chasute, Kansas 3 a A CD a a 5" CO 1 oq a a 2-3 mm- 9 2.

a So (D a 3 I ur 9 J3 03 5T 2 3 SB 3 err- CD l-t 3 2. 3 r- 3 CD 3 U. at -So OB 9 OB on 7s CO (D (t 7s 3 GO en 2 ll 3 fcS STOCK Presenting MOREY -a 1 Productions. New Scenery, New Plays, New Specialties. Lots of it in Chanute But Daily Grow-.

ing Less. The kidneys cry for help. Not an organ in the whole body so ueiicaieiy constructed. Not one so important to health. The kidneys are the filters of the blood.

When they fail the blood becomes foul and poisonous. There can be no health where there is poisoned blood. Backache is one of the first indications of kidney trouble. It is the kidney's cry for help Heed it Doan's Kidney Pills are what is wanted. Are just what overworked kidneys need.

They strengthen and Invigorate the kidneys; help them to do their work; never fail to cure any case of kidnej disease. Reed the proof from a Chanute citi zen, C. B. Young, agent for the Wells Fargo Main says: "I thinV well of Doan's Kidney Pills. I procur-i ed a box at Boschert Williams' drug ww taut luua wew iui ivlLlilcy iruu ble and they did me an infinite amount of good.

I recommend them to the citizens of Chanute as a remedy of great merit" For sale by all dealers. Price 50c. Foster-Milburn Buffalo, N. sole agents for the United States. AS TO OIL NEWS.

The Kansas oil public wants oil news while it is fresh. It also wants exhaustive and accu- rate news. The Tribune comes nearer meeting these require- ments than any publication In the field. Send In your sub- scriptions and let us demon- strate that fact to you. The Tribune gives more and better oil and gas news, and gives it daily, and that is what you want.

An Artist in a Butcher Shop. It take to cut, trm nd prepare ments for the table in the inn riner that we alwav do wh-i wh send th-m to your order We not only kep the primesc meat and choicest cuts to be btftiiifd, but we make them tpetizing and cut them triat they cut tender, juicj and delici us. Our meats are away in quality BUTLER Wholesale and Retail. Phne 39. West Main.

D. M. KENNEDY INVESTMENT BROKER Office in Ftrt National Bank building Money to loan on City and Farm property. Money ready when title Isapproved SHORT TIME LOANS A SPECIALTY LOWEST RATES 'Phone 433. Q.

E. DEKENBERGER, RIG BUILDER, Erector of Air Plants, Steam Huads Shafeelrods. Shoit and Full Staodard, AI kinds of VVell Equipping Sarisf actum guaranteed. Offlc wHh W. Keller, Tutcber Alexander Bulldine.

EUREKA OILER WORK BEGLEY 4. BURR, Proprietors. MANUFACTURERS OF Boilers, Tanks and Smoke Stacks. Special attention (riven to Boiler Repair work. Second-hand achii ery bought acd sold.

Corner 3d end Grant, Chanute Kes Monday Night the directors of the Cherryvale Central Oil and Gas Co. George W. Al-cock accompanied him. The Boss Co. has located its ninth well.

It is 300 feet west of well No. 8. The Forest City Co. has commenced drilling oh their second well. The Southwestern Co.

has brought in its Rosenthal No. 24. The Invincible Co. has shot its sev- enth well. CITY HEWS.

Call up 39 foi all kinds of Meat at Butler Harry Jenkins went to Ottawa this afternoon. Investigate Rock Oil Co. stock for an Investment. Stock in the Rock Oil Co. is a rock-ribbed investment Select Oysters in bulk at Taylor Green's.

'Phone 370. Fresh Fish and Oysters all the time at Butler C. F. Birdsall, Drilling Contractor, G29 Lincoln Chanute. See Dorothy Dodd perfect fitting $3.00 shoe at McCune Bros.

McCune Bros, are closing out cer tain lines of shoes regardless of cost. Elocution! Nellie Marshall Fleet, 101 S. Steuben. C. F.

Birdsall, Drilling Contractor, 629 Lincoln Chanute. Rosenthal's shoes cost least, wear best and makes life's walk easy Anything you want in fancy Groceries you will find at Taylor Green's, 'phone 370, Diamonds remounted, rings cut down and made larger by L. E. Gar-nett. If you want comfort and style buy a pair of Walk Over Shoes at McCune Bros'.

The O. K. Barber Shop tne place to go for high grade work and courteous treatment. Fancy Missouri Pippin, Black Twig and Greening Apples, at Taylor Green's. Thone 370.

Adelina tells your past, present and future and gives your full name. Clairvoyance, 50 cents; palmistry, 25 cents. Pretty Girls, New Songs, Dances, Funny Comedians, nothing but laughs with the Katzenjammer Kids, Williams' opera house, Feb. 2d. Say, how is that ring you got; has it genuine sets? If not, bring it to me and I will put in a good Full line on hands.

L. Garnett Do you kjiow of any reason why Rock Oil stock may not some day bo as valuable as Barker, Kansas Crude, Kansas America and other dividend-payers? One Dozen Photos for $2. At McDaniel's Gallery for the week of January 25th to 20th, we will make one dozen of our fine photos for McDANIEL, 110 West Main Street, Masonic Block. Women love a dear, heaftky complexion. Pure blood makes it.

Br-dock Blood Bitters makes pure bloot. Remember the name Doan's aad take no other. A. Currie, Restaurant and Confectionery Short orders, lunch and Chili a specialty. Main 2 doors E.

Santa FeRy. Thursday, Feb. 4 One Night Only. The Original Nashville Students WITH fl. (5.

SLowets's Band and Oichestra 30 COLORED ARTISTS. 30 1 I Featuring Sam Lucas, the Com edian, and Miss Pearl Crawford, the Prima Donna. Band Concert and Cornet Solo at 1 5 2 P- m- Prices only, 25c, 35c and 50c. Different From All Others. Famous ri ts 11 ti ti ti ti ti ti 11 11 ti ti ti 0 ts tl tl It tl ri 11 tt BOO EM LAMB Great Fuss Ins and Infinite Palm Taken in Preparing Animals for Exhibition.

To put sleeping socks on a dog and do up his hair in curling papers would seem a prety enough pastime for child-dren, but hardly what the average adult could call work. Nevertheless, in preparing dogs' for such a show as the exhibition of the Ladies Kennel Association of America men are employed in giving dogs even more elaborate toilets than these. More time Js doubtless spent In combing and brushing the hair of some dogs than in arranging the pompadours of their mistresses, says the New York Tribune. When dogs come from all parts of the country for a show various breeds stand the journey in various ways. Terriers, because of their highly nervous temperaments, are likely to lose considerable flesh, and need to be fed well jus before the exhibition.

Bulldogs, St. Bernards and other large, long-haired dogs are good travelers, and sometimes gain so much weight by a change that they have to be exercised sharply to reduce their weight. When exercise does not bring off the flesh, a still quick-er means of "shrinking them" is massage. The keeper rubs and rubs- and rubs his dog until his extra flesh, like the smoke of Sir Walter Raleigh's pipe, cannot be weighed. The longer hair a dog has, the more work to "condition him" for an exhibition.

For example, after a Yorkshire terrier recovers from his journey, he is bathed and his hair brushed. This kind of a dog should be put up for exhibit a3 "near out of the tub" as possible. The man who brushes his hair must have an arm of iron, for he must keep brushing for hours. Often two men alternate at the task, and after one has thoroughly exhausted both arms his relay takes up the task. A special kind of brush is employed, which resembles a brush for the human hair, but the bristles are about twice as long.

After the hair has been brushed until it waves, like the fabled fleece which Jason sought, it is tied up in curl papers. Should the dog care to take a nap, socks are put on his feet, lest in scratching his ear he should dishevel his toilet, and his ear placed just so that the weight of his head will not crumple it. In the preparation of a French poodle a man must be a carpenter as well as a londscape gardener. The wooolly hair of this breed of poodle is not only cropped skintight about his loins and legs, but tufts are left here and there to represent bracelets, rosettes and earrings. Some dog artists use merely an ordinary pair of highly sharpened scissors for the task, and tlaey spsnd hours cutting the hair- of one leg so that the bracele of hair which sticks out around the anlie will be perfectly symmetrical.

To insure results that will geometrically correct, the most scientific artists use calipers, just as does a carpenter In turning a block of wood. The bracelet of one leg must, of course, correspond exactly with the bracelets of all the other legs, and often hours of patient toil are wasted by a slip of the scissors and the gouging of an Immaculately rounded circle. Though the average spectator at a dog show may not know it, there is a greaJ cfenl of "faking" in preparing dogs for 1 he bench, which his untutored eye cannwt discern, in an Irish, Welsk or Airedale terrier which are the breeds now parimount in "swell" dog society, a great of attention is given to the shape of the head. The ideally shaped head lcr these breeds of dog is that of a rat, which is straight all the way fror the forehead to the tip of the nose. Th very 17 dog, which gets lost and ends up in fhe pound, has what is called a "stop" 9 bout leyel with his eyes.

The "stop" consists of a depression, whlclt makes the forehead bulge. These terriers, however, should not have a "stop" If they want to claim distinguished pedigrees. If such a dog does have a "stop" Its owner crops Its hair close on his forehead and leaves it long between his eyes, and so his head is "ob the level." It is also by the clever manipulation of shears that a dog canbe made to loo broad chested when, in fact, his chest narrow, or his legs fashioned eiraigh when the bones are crooked. SWEET AND PURE. "Quincy Adams Sawyer" a Play That Satisfies the Most Delicate Sensibilities.

In the three years that the great New England drama, "Quincy Adams Sawyer," has been before the public It has been stamped by a succession of audiences all over the' country as "the best, the sweetest, purest and most wholesome of rural dramas." At its every representation the applause and laughter are almost continuous, and every fall of the curtain is the signal for an ovation to the players, which is to be construed as a most emphatic endorsement of the play. Such success as has been won by this drama is vouchsafed to but very few of the, plays that see the stage, and can be won only by a play that appeals to the best elements of the commuaity. Yet "Quincy Adams Sawyer" preaches no sermon except the eternal one of the golden rule. Its sweet, clean story is strong in unconventional fashion and its humor is natural and wholesome, but none the less convulsing; its characters are types, not caricatures. These are some of the reasons for the unprecedented popularity of "Quincy Adams Sawyer' Others will be apparent to those who witness the play at the Willlame opera house Feb: S.

1904, i4 fc tl Positively first time ever in Chantite. Tuesday night "MICHAEL STROGOFF." Prices 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c. Seats on sale at Boschert Williams' drug store. aBBBBDSB0BBBBBB4BBBBBBBBBSBa Yon Will Have to flurry It you want to get a HERRICK REFRIGERATOR Before they are all gune. 'iaaranteed a perfect Dry Box.

Have sold tweniy-tliree up to June 26. Sold only by E. S. Lowey Co. VVe sell the Jewel Gas Raoge, the best made; Builders' Cresting, and estimates made on material.

All work E. S. LOWEY CO. WILLIAMS' OPERA HOUSE i I 0 Oil Stocks Bought and sold. Call or write and get report on any develop ment of any company you are interested in.

W. E. flcANDREW. Chanute, Kansas. Office in Times Building.

Fairview Second Addition. Platted by E. C. Butter. Now on Sale.

These lots are mst west of the Tuesday, Feb. 2d THE HIT OF THE SEASON. Blondell Fennessy's Hurricane of Fun and Frolic, "THE KATZENJAMMER KIDS." New Songs, Catchy Music, Funny Comedian Pretty Girls. Prices: Seats now on sale. OIL FARM FOR SALE I have for sale a 130 acre farm in proven oil territory.

Not under lease. WALTER TRTJTTT. At the Green House. Phone 62 Winter Tourist Rate? to the i 1 Sunny South VTA. RI 0 SYSTEM- Tickets on sale dally until April 20; 1904, to the principal winter resorts of Mississippi, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Tennessee, South Carolina, Louisiana, and Texas.

Return limit Jane 1, 1804. Full details on applica-- tton. C. W. STRAIN.

v. Wichita, Ks. Lr-uU UidUXJ zJ PROCURED AND DEFENDED. model, orpboto. for expert search and free report.

Free adrioe, how to obtain patebts. trade markup, (N ALL COUNTRIES. Business direct wilh Waskbtgton saves ttmr, aoy and often ike pattitt. Patent and Infringement Practice Write or come to us at S23 math. Strut, opp.

United Etatea Patent Oflee, WASHINGTON. D. C. most rapid growing part of tke city on north Washington avenue, and within one block of the elec trie line which will ran from Chantite to Humboldt and Iola. We offer these lots at splendid bargains and on easy terms.

They are selling rapidly. Come early and secure your choice. They will adrance in value very Shortly. BMOJOBB Williai Opera House Bloc. (sip.


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