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The Santa Fe New Mexican from Santa Fe, New Mexico • 3

Santa Fe, New Mexico
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

te A lontlay. June 9. 1919 Santa Fe New Mexican Page Three OFFICIAL HEWS OJ HEW LEG'S CAPITAL Mayor Proclaims Boy Scout Week Flag Day Parade to Be Feature et THUS WHEAT CROP AND DECLINE IS FIST EAST OF MISSOURI ost that a largo number town Mine, end additions jin red by law to in? file tl offi, while Kept in in a dihorbemj and di I 1, I Of pi if to -iou I ill he iei a v.iu It ti mty Clerk Lucero Declares edecessor Bequeathed Him Allcqed Mess in Court House i ihe If of ih I strut court This ii Ul irtvow sun i iia work in tin iTMiigihg numii iitiu im! Indexing of 'n old tlu i.fxt ami expense whhli ought i tall entiulv I on thj present lth i i ount (jjmmis i -in i tan spru tl provide for ih tiu employ ment of some ooiyimtent pervm to do Ministers of Santa Fe Start Ball Rolling at Services Yesterday; Elks, Soldiers and Sailors, Boy arjd Girl Scouts to Take Part in Pageant; Santa Fe, Prepares For Hearty Recognition of War Work of Americas Boys. Explains to Bar Association Reasons For Ap lointing Bergere Deputy Instead of Safforcl, ndexes in Most Deplorable State, Bar Asso-iation Reports iapida 'I mdition without index or other mb to them Thev should be kept in as-! made for the jur)ose numbered ancf indexed so that they' can be rc olilv accessible i Ail of I11 is respecifullv sub-; mitted I Mr Lucero4 Letter. I Mr 1 ii letter to Judge Wright followh ruz.

New Mexico y(uent sermons 4n the tope I Th Sunshine Health company. filed Hem It 'right In to the pro lanzation of paifr.It.otinjr,1 0 Mm vv rigni lh anrt t.r at Deming. Pollard buiu- hairmnn hania funmy Bar A fr eln ant fonnrd to do A gen Association Auieiican jxmpie irom ocean to ocean laf hltMmA. im Z.n, are boosting the Bcjv Scouts and aid u. tl tfalized- at $75 000 divided Into 750 a the drive for Condition Five and Half Points Decline, Report FORECAST STILL, TOR RECORD CROP I Mblu oHstrtKd the resolu Molls of this hmk i.iuoii sliuli PU ul Ii led in luusp.jprr at- an iijon 1 ni a entail) loik.

al HomJi ho himself did not so mu'ei slum! them have him ih throe wn no intention to ennui him anv wav hut nieiilt to tall ai 1 ntmn to had conditions in his offu a which was not lesponsihlt as he had inherited them lrnnt his pro ssor and has not had time to remedv them dating of the mmilicH of Uu County Bar Am union the tountv court hou.M the CtimTUiUoe imported ihe om the (ounty clerk uffic In to the kwpiuK of roonk and ind made recommendations iMBittee declared that it found ieml complaint as to the un eondiUon of indi xes to rec geedfl and mortgaB Is well tod recommended that pio lart filers should lie kept in a T)jar Sir in more sustaining ILEZir a gently hld by the I n-mbn. and more Scout troops A TemKe M. Santa Fe ounty Bar Association rem The first four days of the week are 1 pollard, all of Deming, 10 shares lutions were adojited condemning the to be devoted to publicity, to a sur- each. condition exihting in the Clerk I vey and to organization work, so that! office of Saiita Fe County Steps the drive will be carried forward tup-, were aNo takpn by the Bar Associa idly and successfully In woik MV find that the general complaint to the unreliable condition of the icb xes to records of deeds moit igcs, and of other instruments af ting the tub io propfrtj is well mndeef and thit those ind aie niO't dcplnrcbie stitc There ought tp tie a cornpbtc m-b prepared of II niu ref omI from their beginning in tbc rouiifv of sma he upon 'in a that it notld take but a lew Uiiniitiv of itmn iMcn to ascer tain it ten ind tat as to transfers of propet tv We ate informed that the count) of Bcrnaiilo time extM su a ss tetn of indexes as we hope that this Vernation will urge upon the county coinmisMoners Ihe necessity of estab Indung such a.4 system here This me ms a very large amount of work, and the expenditure of a great deal of moip f-Xpert and competent persons should be emplojed, at liberal com pens in in some of whom should be pam-h scholars as many of the ree oids Spanish, and the earlier ones Spanish are not easily read and nuclei htood even by some of the younger and weieducated. of our native people The public interest however, demands that this work be done, andwcll done, as the personal experiences of members of this As houation will show It ueems unneces arv Jo go Into particulars on this tji conditions existing in the Clerk Saturdav when the tore e.

whuh hi office The criticisms 'contained in; been driving for the exteii'ion IH SCHOOL DIPLOMA WORTH ABOUT $3,000 th will celebra'e recommended that bomh appro tale action be taken bv the Assoc ta lion to show that -we have-not made und see now no reason to make, any the resoftmns were so general that Boy Scout movement tba report was submit tH a poa County Clerk Alfredo Lu retued to Judge ekilniian of the touiitv upon the present (oiinn lerk they are likev to be misinterpreted bv Flag Dav with a parade the public and in fact, to mv know i Counlv Chairman. James A Rolls, edge, thev have been misinterpreted stated this -afternoon that the Klka As )ou know the present condi' have signified their intention of i tion of the lerks office is largely walking the parade Mardorf is je are certain that lie wtH gludly do everything possible to improve" iftr the (ommitti'e hail made, oomlillonb in his ofiue ami vurf to bis letter Mr Luisro Klucllv recene and act upon any re- COMPLETE PUBLIC SCHOOL EDUCATION HAS REAL CASH VALUE. SAYS SPEAKER AT EL RITO NORMAL. commendation (By LaaMd Wire ta Nrw Mexican) Vi sshiogtop, Jun rust, a tufa disease, made lu appearance dam it May in Important winter wheat I reducing state nosing more than points decline in tha condition of the crop and threatens still farther greater damage Tha infeetioo has appeared in practically nil of the central states west of tha Mississippi river "and is extending ease ward in rough the stated south of tha Ohio river Tba deettna ia the condition of tha crop ia tha last week ta May waa very marked, especially in Kansan A wheat production of bushels this year combining the winter wheat and spring wheat crop was forecast today by tha departs eel of agriculture for the coudiuoa.of the crop June 1. Winter wheat production is forecast at 893 009.000 bushels, compared vvlll look after the assembling of motor cars Sheriff George Armijo- has promised to get returned soldiers and sailors into line The Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of course, will be promt-j That there is hot only a social but nent In the lrafede.

which is desgn-i also a fimutcial valae to a high school Af) rUAI-tH lltarlv sia tha Jfinta1 trihuta education, in thousands of dollars, was pointed out by Prof Smith In his commencement address at tt)e closing exercises of the Spanish Am eric an Norma) School at Et Rtto Proclamation By Mayor. The proclamation of Mayor Davies follow: 1 Whereat the Preaideni of the United States hat designated Saturday, June 14, 1919, at Flag Dy; -Whereas we now have with ue a great number of men who have re- may make pasted by the County Barj One of the first things to which we "ton which were mentjhned as called his attention was the destrahil it) of keeping a docket of all pro ceedmgs in The probate court some thing like ihe distiut court c)k ket nrthe present condition island we then learned foi the first due to the administration of, time that such a docket had been be ct for a period of vears gun some tiara ago but from a lias took hold examination, we were impressed uctrp also makes a statement a ith the idea that the docket had not red Bergere wag appoint been -carefullv kept up so as to show, clerk instead of Edward las it ought, the condit.on of every ho had been recommended ioate and eterv step taken, and every by the bar association paper fi ed in each case port of the committee and Mr Me find that the papers In probate teiter'are here appended, in 1 court cases and proceedings are kept the probability that all tax in an alphabetical file, or are attempt tad litigants ae well as law-j ed so to be kept but that this is a veryunsatisfactory method as there is rtMguide to that file, and failure to find anvthlng thereingives no founds ton for belief in its nonexistence executive committee submits There should be a numerical re-ar rangement of ail of the old of due to the inefficiency of the admin tstration of affairs during the two vears prior to mv incumbency I was not a are of the actual untile sometime after I came into tbe offu the beginning of -the last term of court this matter was discus's ed between me and Judge Holloman At that time he stated to me that something would have to I done to improve the conditions, and suggest ed the propriety of employing someone as deputy who was experienced in these matters so that an improve-, ment in the conditions could be had Mr A Bergere waa appointed by me as deputy to continue during the term of court, and during that time did very efficient work, and a great deal of work towards improving conditions, but. of course, owing to the bad conditions, it wvu Impossible for him, in so short a time, to get the office in such shape as desired At that time it was impossible, owing to certain for me to make a permanent appointment, hut I tacitly agreed with tvin that as Thursday night Prof Smith is one of the vocational educational experts sent here by the government in Wash ington to work with the state depart ment of education Prof Smith, addressing tbe thirteen Spring wheat product ion la forecast at 343.900.009 bushels compared with with 899 918,099 bushels forecast Inst month, making tt the largest ever grown. Condition, of winter wheat as 94 9 per cent of normal, compared with 1O0.S last month and 831 graduates of the 8th grade at the normal, said that thd student who has tumad to their homes aftar rendering their country notable service in tha Great War; i completed high. school receives hy tha -Whereas the President of the time he ia 25 years of age approxl-United Ststes has proclaimed this mately 13.009 more Income, or baa at wk Boy Scout Week in recognr- that incased earning rapacity i of not rompir wl tion of the -valuable aid rendered to over and above what the student re- the Nation during the world War.

by ceives who has not taken the high the Boy Scouts of America; school course These figures eon- And whereas, we are desirous of I tinued Prof Smith are based upon a year ago Details of other crop, follow; Oats Production forecast, Whats the use when you can have paying appropriate tribute to our! a survey of the student body of the soon as I eon id nvake a change in the i Flag to the men and boys who sol Inlted States Uken previous to ihe iff it hes'oulrilic gtvetTa position aa nobly fought and worked under it, war, covering the years of each ta Post Toasties bad conferences with Mr 'Mich jases and proceedings, dcpn to I tbe countv clerk, and the time of Ihe bKinnlng of the dock he Ii not only -llllii to do, I et alipadr mentioned, and alptmbett desirous of doing, nnrthlnir I ral index to snih re-arranyed tiles us Association may recopu 1 and from that time on. all files should to methods of work In his i be kept nuroerkaUv, to hhh the Is have learned from him. dockets ould serve as indexes, the i that a portion, at least, of saire as do the district court dockets Ml, acreage; 43.363,909, Condition, 93 2 Barley Product ion. S32.999.909; acreage. 8.899 990; condition.

81 7. Rye Production. condition. 93 5. Hny Production.

118 009,009 condition. 94 1. Apple Production. 188,999,909 of education to the individual as well bushels- cosJUinn. 87 8.

as to the nation was demonstrated 1 peaches Production. 50 309 990 would greatly increase the amount of Ihnehsiet rend Winn. 73 1. Boy i income Condition. 97 4.

dividual up to the age of 25 year 1918, The increased wages and Fe, ment of labor conditions in general ae doe a result of our participation in the to 5 war. wherein tbe tremendous value appro placet the I hereby designate and proclaim Saturday Afternoon, June 14, better-a holiday in the City of Santa and de request all msrcahnU to the.r placet of business from 3 oclock that afternoon, and to prlately decorate their said at husmesa 1b honor of the day, JUDGE N0TT BUIM-CAlIShl) KY ANARCH i i.f soldiers knd sailors, and ths Scouts. 8igned.) E. P. DAVIES, Mayor.

ly uve rs solv are am amei TORY LIGMAh EC on 5pm ise an: limit! TOES ytf Mary MacLaren in Creaking Stairs At Paris Tonight Auction Sale' of Choice Building Plots deputy clerk Circumstance, are such at this time that tbe change can be made, and will be made In a very few days. -Subsequently to this understanding with Mr Bergere, the Bar Association had another meeting and' recommended 1 Mr, Edward tXiffoiWi, formerly deputy clerk ia this Judicial district. Mr. 8afford, of course, would have been perfectly agreeable to the. as I have no doubt of his competewy.

but there were two things existing which prohibited me from following ihe recommendations of the Bar As sosiatiou. First, what i hare stated above, that I had agreed- to appoint Mr Bergere in case a change was made; and, second, Mr Salford Bug gested in a letter that he desired at least $209 00 a month for hi, services, and it Is absolutely impossible to pay anything like -that amount lor a deputy In my aelection of Mr. Bergere it was not my purpose to intentionally run counter to the recommendation made by the Bar Association, nor to the desires of Mr Saffofd to have the appointment, but because of those matters above suggested Thef appointment of Mj- Bergere during the term of court was suggested by certain members of tbe Bar, and no objection a were made, so far as I know, by any person, and his work wnss satisfactory to all, so far 'as I am able to learn 1 am satisfied that with Mm in the office condition will greatly Improve. At any time the Bar Association, as an organisation, or individual members thereof have anv complaint to make of the oondittpns In the office, 't will be a favor to me for them to take it up with me directly, and I assure you that everything will be done srithin my power to ae that rondib oos are satisfactory I realise that It is impossible under any condition to fully nullify all persons, but I intend to do the best I can under the clrcum-stancee. I desire to thank the Bar Associa-'ion for lta assistance in endeavoring to get conditions adjusted which grew up during the past two years, and owing to the fart thaL a a above stated, the resolutions of the Bar Association have been, to a certain ex-tenL construed at a reflection upon ft 4 i 9 vv 5 i i I I i i si To those who look at the cast to tell them whether or not they want to tee a photoplay.

'Creaking Stairs which comes to tha Paris tonight, highl recommended In addition to Its star, Mary MacLaren. add feature player. Jack Mulhall, the cast includes the 'name of Clarissa Bela i one of the sterling character actressea and leading women of the screen Miss Selywn'a name on a cast always adds-'class Of course, the name looks well it has distinction marked ail over it The lady herself ia English and was born in deab old Lunnon, where she received her bducatton and her first stage training under the management of Arthur Bouchler She Is a favorite with directors who want a woman who caa be depended lion without fail to do exactly the right social thing in exactl) the right way, and at exactly ths right tlrpc And if you don think this is such hard thing to And, ask any director One of Miss beat roles ts In Herbert Rswiinsons special attractions, Smashing Through Another Is in Brand Whitlocks The Double and George Bronaou Howard a Com Through She support ed Mae Murray lu her production of Rebecca) Hooper Eastman's novel, Ths Big Little Person. and i Ti Bndeg Awakening OFFICIAL NOTES in Santa Fe To promote home building on the North Side, and to give every one an equal phance to have a residence in the choicest localities, the New Mexico Realty Company will sell at public auction, the following tracts of land, absolutely without reserve, and on such easy terms that no one need be prevented from bidding, on SATURDAY, JUNE 1 4TH. At Three Oclock P.

on the ground Two lots oti Palace Avenue, in the most exclu- sive locality, surrounded by high class resi- dences, bounded west by 'Mrs. Thornton, and east by Hinojos. Each lot is 35 91-2 in. in front, and nearly 1 20 feet deep. Sidewalks and street pavement, all paid for.

This is the last and only land available foi building on Palace Ave. between the Cienega and the Arroyo. Two lots on porth side of Hillside Avenue adjoining the fine new improvement of H. D. Sears, Esq.

Each 30x120 feet, with commanding situation for house and absolute shelter from cold winds. I 4 The large comer plot on the southeast corner of Marcy Avenue and Kentucky Street, bounded south by property of Hon." F. W. Clancy. This plot is specially -adapted for building three houses for renting, or one large mansion for a millionaire owner.

Public park across Marcy Avenue. TERMS VERY If desired, three-fourths of purchase money can remain on mortgage for two years six per cent. Title perfect. Full covenant warranty deeds given. For further description, see circulars, and examine personally.

81,000 FROM BAN JUAN. San Juan county ts on tbe job getting good road. It seht 31,099 to the slate highway engineer today (or maintenance wrorfc on ths Farmington Aslee road. CUTUR SHOE BUS in HOLE MOUNTED POLICE. Governor Larrwxolo today, appoint ed the following ns members of the Now Mexico mounted police- A B.

Scheppke. L. Walters, R. O. Berg son.

Lordsburg: Edward Grand, Deming; E. L. McCauley, Clovtt. NEW OIL COMPANY. There la a new oil company nearly every day -The latest to file incor porstion papers Is ths Cruces OU Corporation.

office at La Cruces. George Frenger, atatutory agent. The ermpeny ta capttallxed at $399,009 divided into 30.000 share tt 110 Tbe Incorporators are: Alfred Tlnally, Brady and W. Brtdgert, all of Et Paso, 0 share, each; Freak The anxwer to the problem of thoe wear hea the uee of Neehn eo uya H. L.

Evan of Steubenville, Ohio. For have been wearing the aarae pair of Ncolm-eoted ehoet at my work at the La Belle Iron Work and 'they are good for two month more wean At my work Jakes me to all parts of the null daily where 1 hare to walk ovcf cinder, slag, it aimply out of the queatton to buy anything else to fake the place of Neehn Solee. You tooand your wrboi family bill Und Neohn-eokd ehoet wear long and to tave money. You caa get them in tha atyte yon like at abnott any good thoe Wore, And any repairman xnU re-eote your worn ehoet with Neokn Sole scientifically mad to he durable, com-fcrtabl and waterproof. They are made by The Goodyear TV A Rubber Company, Akron, Ohm who alto make Wingfoot Heel guaranteed to outs wear any other heel, what baa been done during my administration, and since I have been Informed by member of the Bar Association that that waa not their Intention.

I believe it la onlv fair for you to take such step as will notify ths public generally what lh real trouble Is Hoping that this explanation of my action will he satisfactory, trusting tbit thnre will no euHlaa In thn future, 1 am. Very truly you re, -(Signed) ALFREDO LCCERO Judge Mqti Home After-the tt promlneBt bib wboss Ufs was attemptsd by tbs djnamlta plotters throoghotrt tbs eowby tM JJ pw, Attorney Oensrsl of tbo Uattsd 8Utes, at bis homo la Washington. Tbo dm canning Mo 2 to pUcoa, but Mr, Palmar and bis family aacaptd injury, Nsw to blow op 7 Jod Charles CL Mott, Jr of tbe Coart of moral Be ions, was made Hart tbo fAmlly, too, oacaped 1 Watchman who bad found tbo bomb, and apparently triad to maka tt bannlsaa waa blows to place picture shows tbo terrific force of tbo tipioalon. Mots tbo way tbo shados are blows ooisido Seating that tbs bomb axplodad wlthla (bo bona 'w I.

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