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The Tulsa Tribune from Tulsa, Oklahoma • 12

The Tulsa Tribunei
Tulsa, Oklahoma
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

4 PAGE TWELVE Bunday Morning Marcfi 23 I013 THE TULSA OKLAHOMA DAILY DEMOCRAT TT I i Cash AU Special on Wool Dress Goods for Monday Saira A rk Davis arrived vesterdav dlt Easter Shades Watch for our our Specials aunt A' Up Come to Beane and see our beauty display A Krepa left yesterday nft for her home in Muskogee after with Mr and Mrs Ed llan motlve In Tria train set forth the Tuesday their friends resin tot Ian to hear the arslfal and Isolde A vlctrola and hkenbloncss of Mr and Mrs 1511 oSuth Boulder the substantial over Sunday visit with Grant It McCullough of Mrs TftJ'for at Lee Ross Millin ery 21 East Third stieet with special line of 36 inch Switches Hr and Mrs II Ruggies left ri day afternoon fur their new home In California Prior to locating in Ixs Angeles they will visit points of in terest In the west Mrs AV II hrcdcikk wived yester nay trom wiaremore lor a weeks' visit In the shome of her daughter Mrs zt i Hotran of Key 822 North Cheyenne avenue whore she will be pleased to see her friends 1 39c 79c $135 $150 $165 $175 Goodman ed Saturday where he has his company A full showing of what is best in footwear for Spring use Shoes from this store carry a full guarantee of en tire satisfaction in wear fit and ap pearance TULSA HATTERS OSTRICH EATHER WORKS Phono 223 407 Second St Mrnnd Mrs 3 II Sterling of Paw npe Oklahoma arrnul Ihldij after noon for an Sir and Mrs Broadview Opening Beautiful Broadview Lodge will be formally opened next Thursday even ing with a handsome formal recep tion to be held in the parlors of this fine new dormitory lor the girl stu dents of 'Kendall College During the evening Miss Carolyfi Porter Miss MargaretWendham and Mr John Knowles Weaver will pre sent a program of music and dramatic leadings seiited at the annuals state convention of the Daughters oUlie Amtwlcan Rev olution which wilt be held in'pkluhomn UUy next Thursday March twenty set nnth Those who will' personate Tulsa ehapler A are Mrs John Hail state registrar Mrs Airs John Murray Ward Mrs Harry Ashby and Mrs John Knowles Weaver Mrs Leo Clin ton regent of the local chapter is also planning to attend the state congress The visiting daughters will bo nuch entertained by their Oklahoma City sisters who are arranging a series affairs in their honor among which will he a handsome luncheon and a colonial assembly and ball Trip Around World Next riday evening Circles 1 and 4 of the Woman's Missionary society of the Boston Avenue church will enjoy a "Trip Around the this some trip be made the homes of six of its members which will bo (locorated io i epresent America Japan Germany Ireland Iceland and the Indian reser vation of Oklahoma Aside from being a novel experience the will bo attended by worlds Will Meet Monday postponed meeting ths Chautau qua Circle will be held Monday after noon at the ttstiar hour In the home of Mrs Bluik Mis A Bur hans will lead and tho subject Is Michael Angelo The regular riday meeting this week will be held with Mrs A Hardman This lesson will complete the study of "rench Mrs i ernoon a visit non No 1223 South Chyenne avenue or Mrs McCaulley Tuesday afternoon Mr and Airs Arch Kennedy of No 8l)2 West Ninth Street cuntertalned a company of ma trons In honor of her sister Airs Gmirgn MoCuulley of SJslervIlls West Virginia When inviting tho guests Mrs Ken nedy requested them to bring their sowing and so thu afternoon was de voted principally to needlework brightened by musical numbers by Airs Hull At the close of tho pleasant 'itfutr re tiwhnmnte were nuieil to Mesdaines Sep Hull A Aggis 11 Taylor 5 McMichael Samuel Dalton Ed ward Hester Walter II Asptn rank Startin IS' Hullng Glenn Bible Robinson Olin lliekok An'l Hickok Hickok Schuler George Glifnrt Clcorgo Davis Misses Kila Rued and Marie Hkkok Miss Jesie Howell arrived ye'sterday arternoon for a visit with her Airs Smuntha erguson Here you will find a pleasing mixture of worth and economy Here you will find the better more comon sense models We do not cater to frea'r styles but to the woman who wants up to date garments of a common sense nature at a price within reason 1 Entertains Young riends Miss Rhoda Hedrick was hostess to a merry company of young folks Thurs day overling when she entertained at pleasant party In her home at No 411 North Denver avenue Several hours of mirth and merriment were brought to a close by" the serving of a dainty light supper Those present were Misses Stella Chastain Maude Chastain Myrtle Dunlap Myrtle Hyatt Ruth Quacken bush Rhode Kuackenbush Nora er guson Doris Malay Grace Kelly Hazel Kelly Mildred Bacon Butba Degraf fenrcid Lottie Hedrick Messrs Arch Allen Cedi Dicks John KWIsey Harry Curnaii'in Rupert Radibaugh Jily Ba con Claude Hyctt Duncan Ray Rob inson Joe Dunlap otto Hass ranklin Hoss Wesley Robinson Lawrence Me A wmn and Sam Hedrick of 'Alt and Airs it The sales room is locate dat ifth and Boulder and wil be In charge of Mr A Billings Mr A II Sleing a factory incchanle will be located here permanently tn look after the cars Se fcrabof the new models are al ready here and are being jgiown tn the salesroom Watch for Airs Ben 1 nftnrnnAn frnm nklnhnnni vn pa pert hS wjfc ail(j pe the ovor Sunday guest of Mr and Airs I Rosser In 'whose home at No 121 South Denver avenue Mrs Davis Is a visiter a interests well Ulhl nb'j repr Wak Ce autlfuliy ted then I Holy As of human love thu stand alone Beyrouth where these wonerful operas are now conducted zy siefrled Wagner tho son is a (dace almost sacrel to tho Germans Music lovers from all over tha world attend these performances The lure of Italy appeals even one an to have visited that enchanted land invests the one who has been so! fortunate with added interest and so1 with great anticpation Book elii members and gathered In tha irst church riday afternoon lecture on "Italy fold abiters of the Renaissance'' given bvMrs Scott who lias recently returne from Italy the place whora "airy land comes true" as she pretbly expressed It After her Introduction to tho audi ence bv Airs Rov president of the club Airs Scott gave a most eatlartafning program the first part of which was a paper upon Italian particular stress being laid upon tho perod of the High Renaissance Among the stere rtVlft zvrs Illi XI 1 vpiit uu viva iiiU3t i Lius' inp I were tne won famous Mona T4sa and Head of tho Chlrst' both by Leonard da Vinci ollow ng the scries of masterpeens wore shown some of the cities and i matchless Italian scenery always over snnaowea py tne tragedy of Vesuvius anritt rompelt At ths ol ose of the lecture the doors were thrown open Into ths church par tors which was a bower of spring flow eis added to which were bouauels of the dub carnations During tho ln formla reception hour nil had the op portunity to meet the charming and distinguished woman Airs Afayglnnes introduced the guests to the receiving line in which stood Mrs Roy Airs Scott Mrs lnrles Rush and Mrs rederick I Han ley all of whom are warm nerson all 1 1 it UU3 1 8a OlUvl I no wjii mjwihi in iiih srvtrAi be entertained in the home of Mf and Mrs red Letcher while In the city Air and Mrs Wells of No 116 South Guthrie avenuo are home from a three weeks' visit in Washing ton (' Baltimore Maryland 'ml Now York: City ftpeicnl showing of now hats 3350 to IS Street hats from $1 Mtmins Milliner of Second and Detroit Dresses made from models especially cut to your measurments $1000 Suits made from Models especially cut to your measurments 1 $2500 We will cut the price on every piece oi wool goons in stock Monday All 50c Wool Goods All $10'0 Wool Goods All $125 Wool Goods All Si 50 Wool Goods All $175 Wool Goods All $200 Wool Goods AU $225 Wool Goods All $250 Wool Goods Purler auditor fnr the tecka I umber company from Henrietta i been on the business Air and Mrs AL Delaney left rl day night for Kansas City Mo to spend Eastertide with their daughter I Miss Alary Delaney who is attending Loretto Academy Air Ellis ot Sandoval Illinois who has been tho guesfr of his Buster Airs Parkhurst for several months is critically ill in the Park hurst home at No t22 North Cheyenne avenue ears are entertained for his recmeiy We have made arrangements with the Queen City School of Dress Making number 442 Robinson Arcade Building for Special Rates in order that they might show the ladies of Tulsa their nkiliiv ic nrnrikpr nected with this school three tailors and they guarantee any on hand $200 they put out They will make up gar ments next week of goods bought at Beane Vandevcr Dry Goods Co at the following prices: Plain Skirts cut from stock models Skirts made from models especially cut to your measurements $400 from to Wilson Bldg corner Illi 'ft Small Dinner Party Air and Airs It 11 vss of No 211 West Brady avenue entertained In formally at dinner riduj" evening com plimentary to Mrs Wyss' mother Mrs II 'of Marietta Ohio The dinner conferred a twofold hon or inasmuch us it eelebraterl the hostess' birthday anniversary as well as paying special courtesy to her moth er Misses North Married A surprising bit of news was closed lata riday atternuon when it becuma known tiint Misses Lola and Able North daughters of termer Com missioner North and Mrs North of No 802 South Boston avonus were two of tho principals in a double wed ding quietly solemnized into Thursday nlxlit by Itev Kerr In the manse the tlie irst Presbyterian church After ths double ceromonv in which Allas Lola became bride of Mr Marshall Cross of this city and Alias Allie pilghted her tiothto Mr red Coogan of Cleveland Oklahoma the newly weds left for a short honeymoon visit in Oklahoma City Not even tha parents of the young women were let into the secret Air and Mrs North were visiting at thu time on their farm south of town and wero therefore unaware of the quick ly matured plans ot the yiuiu pcopiu Atlas Lola North and Air Cross were to have been married sometime in April while tho wedding of tha younger sis ter snd her fiance was not expected tot several months at least Both girls are exceptionally attractive and are two of the most popular yuting women in town by reason of their Win ning persona lit Air Cross son Cross of NoWbW is 11X' id young business men being identified with a successful: local firm of archi tects Air Coogon is cquail success ful In tho ml business His homo is in Marietta Ohio Air and Alm nni go to house keeping in a preth little homo that Is beug made ready to rihem on South rrinco aiemie As yet the plans Cv me unkm wii Calendar Spring may not be here but ashion Spring has full time to be choosing your warmer day apparel If you do not appear today in your new' Suit or Dress 'here is con expert OVERDRAPE MATERIALS in all the harmonizing guaranteed sunfast colors at prices the lowest See us for complete housefurnishings "74 Mr Scott Charms Audiences Two events of thu past week that at tracted large mhenceB of women rep resenting tho culture and intellect of the city ero the lectures given Ttpirs ny uvuulng and ildnv afternoon by Mrs A 5cutt of Oklahoma Citv in tho iccturo room of tho irst rc'sby terian church under the auspices of tha Tuesday Book cluf Airs Scott is a delightful lecturer and on both occasions tier well modu lated musical refined voice cast a charm over her listeners Thursday evening her subject was Alusla Dramas of ana on riday sha told of Italy and the Painters of tho Tha dramas of Wagner were given in chronologlool order from "Rienzi" to Tha composition of Rienzi was soon followed ty tho "ly ing that Is the power of lova to redeem and save from the con sequences of sin an derrors was one of which Wasner was particularly fond Than earns Tannaliaqser in which tlie power of love is brought out Tha sombre religious mot Iva of the was inter preted on tha piano by Mrs redariok Owen of Oklahoma City who as sisted tho lecturer on Thursday even ing Tha exquisite "Evening in Tannhauser as sung by Wolfram to Elizabeth Is not a fantasy to ths even ing star as it woul seem but Is a love song to Elizabeth Tho piano illustra ton of the Liszt transcription of the beautiful song Tlie leading motives of Lohengrin wero given on tha piano throughout wltii Airs Soott explaining how these characterlstlj themes are associated with oaoli character She also ex plained that through motives Wnsner gives his orchestra all but ar ticulate speech so full of vital meaning is each theme and motive In Lohen grin the Grau motlxo was given and In the development of tho lecture the motive elaborated was given os 4 I IMjr 411 a story of CADALlAC AGENCY OR TULSA IL' of the Cadallae com pany of Oklahoma with headquarters in Oklahoma City has opened a ag ncy in ard this II lie tho d' tb itfng point for all east ern Oklahoma southern Kansas am! western Arkansas or Trio of Matrons Tuesday at high noun an elaborate dinner was given in honor of Mesdamesi Hannah Mowbraj Josephine Mitcli I ell and Pruitt bv Airs A Ems berger and Airs A Archer in thq hornet of the former An old fashioned dinner was served I way and after 1 Just now a the first spring days make their appearance and your dreams of house cleaning time are made true we too are thinking how essential it is TO YOU that you come in and see our enormous stock of well selected patterns in RUGS CARPETS and DRAPERIES before making your spring purchases Our stock is the largest in this state making it possible for you to select your Carpets and Draperies to harmonize with every color scheme in your house RUGS in every design 9x12 size $975 up LACE CURTAINS SCRIMS and ETMAMINES from $175 pair up to the best Mrs Charlgs Wrighlsman left yes terday afternoon for Exeter New Hampshire to visit lsr son Mastsr OharlM Wrightsman Jr who is a stu dnt at Philips Exster academy city ami all who heard her fool that I mi iiun they ere Indeed offered a rare treat In 8 nnd we I will clean bleach dye and reb cult It in I the latest styles We also dye your ob Miss Elsie Roeser arrived yesterday trick feathers to match any gown from the National Park seminary ati Washington for an aster visit i with her parents Mr and Mrs Henry: Roeser who nrP domiciled at tho Hotel: Airs Waldron and daughter Tulsa Miss Roascr will return to Aftss Chrlstovel Waldron ms guests of school immediately after tho holidays I relatives and friends In Bartlesville to Sho will graduate thia spring I day Easter Dress Goods As always we are again leading in our display of new dress goods shelves and counters are filled high with all that is new in yardage record of Gadahl presented uondruus death song as sho expires uvross the body of Tristram arsifal semi sacred In character? with its mingling of religion mystery In an old fashioned way and after 1 an sorcery was equally well interpre wards the time was spent relating ex 1 a no aw 11 motive was snown ana penances and reminiscences of the lepeated In tlie "March of thu 'early days Oklahoma At the close' and I of the afternoon ap the edderly guests expressions of the highest type took their departure they assured their wubuei uiauuis Hostesses that the had been one ot: where these genuine pleasure aiubreal happiness 1 now conducted iesiies th hostesses those oreseni were Mesdames McCabe Allison Al Reinhard Hendrickson Thompson and Hancock Miss 'Ora Cartmell of Santa Anna California arrived yesterday for a few days' visit in the home of her relatives Air and Mrs Cartinell of No 618 West Ninth street after which site will leave for Chicago Illinois and An derson Indiana for an Indefinite visit Tho Right Reverend Theodore Payne nursion Qisnop vi gsisiern Ukianoma I who will aSsiBt In Hie Easter services cussing tho afternoon's program amid i ths beautiful tho whole scans flooded with thn soft llghtt from the stained glass wlndows lhelr earnest anlmatsd faces mid lovely gowns formed an unconscious picture that that would have gladdened the heart and taxed the skll of either Leonards or Raphael Dainty refreshments wers served Tlie Tuesday Book club is to bo con gratulated upon tha good judgment it showed in bringing Mrs Seott to this i ijl im1 I i 1 4 Ul 1 1 11 UH I I I I 1 ii i A I I XIUH 7 I 1 1 I tx 1 I KI WftA iwritffni 11111 I im Jjnq jr BTOWHSiaH IBMIII 4i I iiwm 1 orffll 4 tri IL Mk I swm ViKXI Ii (THrTsTTglK1 I I al I I I'll I ft 1 wii ill big j' mil Hr 1 I' Jr I HrWWW ff 7 XJ I I 7' UNht I Bl I ra ri it iltf i iitO 11 jfffL I PV til fl 1 Ri a i K3 ZZH 11 1 nW i Htl ILf Hit I 1 I 11 iJT' vi 1 BHS Tts I WIV Ml IAI I I lit 5 i i IS hi i 1 1 iii a OJ IV' ITh I i' Ka iiAii a 'K' jn 1 at rwr 1 1 fa karL8 awn ein twj mjim 7 I tl tsm lib vn i miissarw ka wk i ijfl ka nrwHMKBkinHi bji ei wa fl Wm 1 The I tiy El ix kp mzxirx TT oram ncr u'w'W'Vx nn i i 5 1 s'" 1UUAY IS 1HE HKST (e DAY SPRING 1 Mo oA JK 1 i id Credit 1 1 "I TT Bi Mb 1 ir (k (1 11 11 fill I I II JlKTi'' IreP rl hml aLJhi W1V l2 min 1 I i ih Isf 1 IO 15 hik fekfe' of SoSI sZ i1 ifeW A te ji Pj V15 T'r JJI Uli 11 1 nfV' 'KiJgrTrTnT ii it 1 1 'A A 1 a Ml l' 1 3 I 1 I 4 'a Iffi i.

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