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Carolina Watchman from Salisbury, North Carolina • Page 1

Carolina Watchmani
Salisbury, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-t SERIES SALISBURY. N. HAY; 26, 188li NO 32 OF INTELLECT OFFICE OP 1 jA from the Mountains. ii i State Prohibitory Campaigrn Com. Ealeioo, X.

May, 1831. To the Zadies of North Ca rolina The Convention passed a iessolution authorizing aud instructing the State Committee to proceed to organize at once i "rrosubitorr Societies" anaonz the ladies of the State. These societis can aid this committee ery niucii in many respects. It is not taLe nt.N. to be exiected that the -ladies take an ac- 4' nv w-a-v ca.uio iim hv.

tive part publicly, but in a qniet way they wiiysaidthe cause. There should be a meeting ju every church and neighbor- uikmI the State. In the towns Jtud cities one in each church. The pastors are urged to real 1 these tneetings and see that the 'organization is ijrfccted by the election of a president, sevretary and such other officers' as may must be 6entiohig committee. ty 4o fast "inty4duriug 'the present can rass, 1 ho societies should meet everV week aud oftener if necessary.

shonld be lam iloi.tna -fTL I "i 'j' fee, nor assessment of dues everything motive to offend his admirers, we feel 0 It is important that energy be put forth and thorough organization perfected. lhe woik done dunug tliese three; mouths wilj be time gloriously spent if! ri(uS our state ot the in intemperance. Wlio can tail to add his or her mitef or when such a momentous i no can tan 10 who will delay questiou is be- fore the people, and light is needed. II. A.

Gupger, Chairman Stf.te Pro. Camp'n Com. How the Enmity Began. The following extract from a speech i t- 1 .1 OI iVl r. -1 IIP.

ImI 1 I'OCiwI in ll.n of Kepijesentul.ves 411 186C, is what IIDff that ji. uc as ucvct spoKCU to Blaine since As the to gentleman's cruel sarcasm. eluldren (earing at the weary ami blx.asls of weeping and dtpair-t xviveS) askin lur 4lf the inanity, of the Many of them affect tcf admire IheJ genius of Bob Ingersoll, and freely pay a dollar to hear.iiibia?pherne i lue OI Jcsus nsu ins. pat- rons are exclusively of that class who 1 i na ve no isu 10 go ip neu not a bit of it but they want a salvation which i the pr dc which It shall be acquired be their own hands, bjvc the "social glass more for its 0v sake tbau for the "aociai" idea A tIie terms imply and they are always ready to oppose reslictioq 'fin the use It ol liquors. 11 may-dis- gust the larger part -of llils class of to red the folloyfiti.gfbat as.

we design its publicatioli niofe for the 4ty oi the author than from any public aj one the best prohibition speeches wc have yet seen. i IXGEDSOIL ON WHISKEY. (Jol. It. U.

Ingertoll thus power- i-r-r. fulV arraigns king Alcohol a wart that there is a prejudice against any man engaged in the manufacture or.saleof alcohol. I believe that from the time it-issues from the coiled ant poisonous worm in the distillery until it empties into a hell of death, dishonor and crime, that it de lnikl'l I I a a t. do no believe that anybody can ecu- ud seed against tliat liquor crime. All we have to do is to think of the wrecks on either of the stream of death, the destitution of the little rance ami poverty that it has modue- etl, tlie talented men of genius tluit it has destroyed, the men buttling with imaginary serjents, produced by develish thing, and when we think of the jails, rf the almshouses, of the asylumsof the prisons, of the scaffolds upon either bank, I do not wonder that every thoughtful man is preiu- 1 (licet! a uiii.t- thin liced tliis daoincd sfnfi' ...1 ntemperauee cuts down voml.

in it vior. mauliood in lto r-treniith. in il 1. I I. the fond father's heart, bereaves the .1 IOV INT IMIIIIIIM' 1 affections, erases conjugal love, blots out filial attachments, blights parental hope, aud urines down mourning aire in sorrow to tho grave.

It pro- 1rl Ll I. luces weakness. 1 ness, not health; death, not life. It makes vivcs willows, children orphans, fathers fiends, and all of them paupers and beggers. Jt feeds rheumatism, nurses gout, welcomes epidemics, invites cholera, imports pestilence, and embraces consumption.

It fills your jails, supplies your almshouses and demands your asylums. It engenders controversies, fosters quarrels and cherishes riots. It crowds the penitentiaries and furnishes victims for the sea lib I ds. It is the life-blood of the gambler, the elements of the burglar, the prop of the highwayman, and the support of the assain and midnight incendiary. It countenances the liar, respects the thief and esteems ihc blasphemer.

It violates obligations, reverences fraud, honors infamy, defames benevolence, hales love, scorns virtue, and slanders innocence. It incites the father to butcher his helpless offspring, helps the husband to massacre his wile, and the child to grind the parricidal axe. It burns up men, consumes women, detests IWe, curses God and despises heaven. It suborns witnesses, nurses purjury, defiles the jury box, and stains the judicial ermine. It degrades the citizen, debases the legislator, dishonors the statesmen ami disarms the patriot.

"It brings shame, not honor terror, not safety despair, not hope; misery, not happiness; and, with the malevolence of a fiend, it calmly surveys its frightful desolation, anil dissatisfied with its havoc, ruins morals, blights confidence, dissolves friendship, slays reputation, wipes out -national and curves the' world, then laughs at tlie ruin it has accomplished. "It does all this and more it kills the soul. 4Il is the sum of villainies, the father of all crimes the "mother of abominations, the devil's best friend and God's worst enemy." The silk industry is reviving in Louisiana, the reports of this spring's hatching being very encouraging, at crest in tho culture is growing, and inducements aro offered to silk wornsers to cismo from Franco and engage in the business. The fht exports of silk from Louisiana were made as far back as 1713. The culture of silk is also being revived in South Caro- liaa aud Georgia.

Conceit and confidence are both of i 1 i 01 of or at jjj UnBLISHED IN THE YEAH 1S32. PRICE, $1-50 IN ADVANCE. FEBKUAUY 20, 1SS9. month iQ'9 3 m'9 6 m'a 12 ms ube Two Fburlor dpolnuiniorj AO. do.

(1 do. do. 1.50 2.00 C3.5U 18 00 1'2 CO 15.00 18.t0 25. 7.60 11.00 i3.eo 16X0 4.50 i 6.00 4.50 S-VS- 7.0 9.C0 II. 5 20.50 7.50 7:50 4 9.75 11.25 15.75 mm Monuments, Tombs and Gravestones 4 i OF KVK1J DICSCRHTIOX.

ii "rr I Ul 'Beln a practical marble-worker, it enables riA rf tirnrlr frorii lilt tbf iu6ht elaborate in art artistic tlfvle an! a guaranty tliat perfect Mtislaction Mil gi ven to the luosl exaclinj; jairons. If'flJl and examine my Stock and prices be- rare ptcliasing, as I will sell at the rery low- et prices. .1 f-aTiv work will be furnished on application at next door iii'lviD, SalMl)ury X. March 'v R. R.

CRAWFORD GO: ARE SELLING Uebik'Lwq factoey and -Capss-. te! RIFLE-POWDER 3c. (IPS, WapsfapBS. our own an.i Foreign make and nun )IE8, From the Finest to the Cheapcsft. ii 1 1 i ii i liiin miinTi i nw wit I l.Jll illU' I I'll ii i UitlilJ, -UiiUUlblJU 151.

lEorso Eakes, Salisbury, Jan. 01331 ly IKsi Wonderful Improved Saw MacMne kuifivivt Ukill AUUUiJLilXU lrammtori ioiii inrw more cord vond or loss of any aize in a day rn.rn flmr the old way. Creru i. 5 rirtolw nil Irrnl Free. 1 IS I e.iLiJULn L.

1 I lor tn vlT LAW, SAblSBURY; IV. jPractioes in tHe State aud Federal i. Con ft SEEDS BEST 11 auiam your Km yon II ea fet them hv ,1 Tin. I I i Wn anH PV" i'0' for Cat. JL Ui a and Solicitors.

SALISBURY, N. ilirt-EACT AD VERTISIKG lATES S3.75 I 1 HI IIH IBIIBWH MEIM1IBER PEtBIAD gJOBIS-lSfflfflSpN; I DEALER IX 'yp- V.l-ii SHAM SAM miii. -AESO POW- nut ni i rmn iri I i uer Villi illUUU luKI lit- i taci tr -4 1 -p AiS MiMITHS' 17M 301 it i IHto ill Mmm -1 Franch Broad River, With tliy sparkling brightest Vater, Dashing onward seaward ever, Fair as auy chieftalus' daughterV On tliy bauks tbo Indian roamed, as the- uiouarcli of tlse vaste," But long years have o'er hire flown, Leaving no vcstfge of Lis race. He chased the deer, caught the fish, hit man's face, disturb liiuj uot All vas fl eets a joyous wish, 1 Happiuess, peace aiid health hfs Years roll on haw changed the scene, The "racing river" til the same, It's flashing waters stfll I ween, i Reflect not back the Iudian pariie No red man shoots his sharp canoe. An iron horser is on Willi eyes of fire au1 breath of steam, This racin" river still runs its course As when the redanen passed iu ranks, It now salutes the Jfron horse, Gliding in graudeur, down its banks.

The statt4y. hemlock still nods it'd head, As vyhen the dusky maids in view; It now salutes the' palace cars 'tis said, Freight'd with maidens of paler! hue. Tlie Indian whoop no longer shrieks, Along the spurs aud jutting peaks, lie sleeps in far oft' hunting grounds, Beyond the reach of mortal sounds. i 'Tokesfy," lovely "racing river," "A tiling of beauty, a iov hiev'er Bathe the. feet of crag aud peak, lliou river bold, with the dashing sweep.

May 11th, 1831. It. in Greensboro Patriot. I C03IMUNICATED. Washington Letter, Seuator Mahont Readjusting the- Virginia Postojjlve.

From our FiegHlarT'orrespondeni. Wa3Hixgtox, May 14tb, 1331. The dead-lock seems a thing of jthe far past, and fora-woek the struggle between the President and Senator Coukliug has occupied the attention of the political world. Washington lives for, by, ar.d iu politics. Politically this is the hub, the central Every Government clerk, be ho a man ora, woman, poli- tjcliiu K.iior; ttiiciaa political independence -is too expensive a luxury for a govrr.fcnent.

clerk therefore he is a gregarious politician, anil when the political bell-weather vaults into the air the entire flock jumps up at tlie same place. There is more than one bell-weatlier here, but just at present more are vaulting with the President than with Senator Conkling. Is it because the President has patronage and power? of. course it is. IJut Iiepublicans Uuiver sally dephire tlie political situation, with its intricate complications, and the only independent and political party is Senator Mahone.

He is leveling and luxuriating in patronage aud and, if lie cannot get tlie long haired Iiiddleberger iuto the best office in the United States Senate, he caii at least appoint Keadjusters in hundreds of Virgruia postofficesj This he Is doing with all possible dispatch, aud his time is equally divided between the Senate Chamber and the closet of the Postmaster General. Senator- Mahone's course is direct opposition to all principles aud professions of civil service reform. The Postmasters that arc being removed hajve not iy one single instance been removed for cause, and in many instances they have been removed in spite of protesting memorials sigued by both KepublicjU and Democrats. But they are small ubinflu-eutial offices, most of them without even a newspaper to protest against the "taking off" of postmasters who have grown into the trust of the community, and their institution by untried, unexperieuced strangers, whose sole recommendation for these federal offices is, that they agree with Mr. Mahone on the Virginia debt question.

All-this will come right in the long run, perhaps. The civil servjee excrescence cannot too soon be brought to a head by just such stimulation ab this. When it does come to a head it will be lanced, and then there will bo a stench beside which the Star- Route disclosures will smell like perfume. Organizations iu favor of civil service reform are already forming Associations composed of distinguished men of both parties are at work, and there is mi longer doubt that this question will be more than empty sound in the politics of the near future. It is beli.eved to d.iy that Robertsdn will bo confirmed, -and that the Senate will adjourn next week.

The warm weather has had much to do with the proposed early adjournment. Col. Ingersoll does not represent the lea rued and calm uedogy and rationalism of England aud America, of France and Germany, but tho washbuckler of one bnudrcd and two years ao. He is a healthy irritant to the churches who, when tney eee-tne couimou iKMipie Jiear him gladly will do well when men ask for bread not to give them a stoue. Break MISCELLANEOUS If men knew all that women think, they would be twenty times more aada-cions.

Ifwoinen knew what men think, they would be twenty times more coquet' tish. i Like dogs in the wheel, birds in the cage or squirrels in a chain, ambition. men still climb, aud climb, with great labor, and iucessant anxiety, but never reach tae top. Three thiugs too much and three thh; too little are pernicious toman toepend ve mue to presume andboorth little; to talk much and know little. Menijiou's imago imparteil notitsmva- tcrions strains except at tho touch of the snabeajns, 110V will manner yield its true witchery from any iuspiratiyu tut that of the soul.

A Woman's Temperance Union Xorth Carolina has been formed at Ral egh, with Mrs. Gov. Jarvis as nresinVnr It is proposed to have auxiliary societies throughout the State. In the republic of Gautemala a Je suit is, put to death at sight. The Jesuits were once supreme in Gaute mala themselves, and were equally iu- oieruui.

Mayor Shakespeare, of New Or-eans, has ordered ihc chief ol close all the gambling places in tne city not within certain prescribed and to forbid the opening of any! new ones within those limits." A Cruel Miss: 'There's mv hand ie exclaimed in a moment of' mil candor, "and mv heart is in if" She glanced at thp l. 1 J. 11 1 1,0 i The German government, having prohibited the use of tobacco bv boys under sixteen years of age, is considering the practicability of still more stringent laws, including the prohibition of beer i a the army. The beauties of the star route mail service are made apparent when it is estimated that the delivery of every letter in certain localities must have cost fiom $300 to 8500. And all of this for a throe cent postage stamp I Boston Herald, Ind.

Rep. Iu every place in Illinois, where pro-hibtiori. was made the issue, thislipring, it carried the day, with 'only lhe exception of llloomipgton. PiohibilioiHs the coming issue. The sab.onists would like to avoid it, but, like Ihtnquo's ghest, it will not down at their bidding.

A citizen of Leavenworth, going to his barn to milk iu the dark of the early morning, got into the wrong pen, and undertook to. milk a mule. He don't remember side of the barn he wfiitout at, but expects his bucket down in the of a few da vs. Undeterred by the fact that the elevated railways are not earning enough of money to pay their operating expenses, a company of New York capitalists is preparing to tunnel Brood ray, Fourth Avenue and other streets, for the purpose of building a system of under-round railroads to facilitate rapid transit between the eastern and wTSlern shorts of Manhattan The main stem v. ill extend from the Battery to Fifly- ninth fclreet, and thence tinder the JSuoIevard or upper Broadway as far as may be desired, and there will be several branches.

Wilmington Rerietc: An alligator was killed at the Bluff, hear Lillingtou Hall, on the Xorth East river, a few days since, which m'easmed teu feet eight inches iu length, feet three iuchrs across tiie iiips, four feet eight inches from arm to arm, or acrose the upper part of the body, five feet around the body, and tweuty inches from the lower jaw to the upper jnw with tlse mouth wide open. His waa killed by Mr. James Shaw, of Pender, at his father's landing. The hide has beeii preserved and will bo mads to serve a good purpose. It was Then.

It had bceu raining for six long hours Saturday when a man weaiing an old beaver cap and a faded army overcoat entered a hardware store on Woodward avenue, shook the ater off his back, aud said: "A boii eighteen months ago I left my umbrella in tliis store." "Yes.1' "It was a bran uew umbrella with a white handle." "AtuUnow I guess I'll toke it away." "Certainly. Where did you leave it "Behind the door." "Well, there it is." "Ah Any charge fur storage" "Xoue." "Well, Fin much obliged." "Xotatall. Any time you leave an niubrcllA here it will be safe for ten years. Good day." There aro haudreds of men ia Detroit like that merchant. They might pass a trade dollar ou a stranger, but they would never appropriate hi umbrella.

FrM Press, rfise tVords. Help somebody worse offtban jourUlf and you are better off than yon fancied. To endeavor to work open the valgar with fine sense is like attempting to heir blocks with a razor. Lpt liim n-k r. 1 iignruaiM loss of time make proper use of that fuhich come in the future.

"The book to 1m wort Cosli, "is not the one which think for yoa, but the one which makes you think." Any one may do a casual act of rood nature, but a continuation of them riibw. in part the temperament of the individual. Curious Facts. TIio ttumber of bones in the hnmau body is 240. The average number of teeth is thirty-tiro'.

The velocity of the electric waves thro' the Atlantic cables is from 7,000 to 8 0C0 miles per second. A magnet weighing two ounces ftnRfnin. a weigth of three pounds two ounces, or twenty-five times its own weight. There is a species of crow in Pltn. that gives vent to a series of hawt haws! in exact imitation of the human voice.

A ild elephant may ceuerallr tnm. ed so as to be conducted from place to piace unlettered, in about sir months. If the crab is often intermntpd Km will like the spider, pretend to be deadend will watch an opportunity to sink himself iuto the sand, keeping only his eyc above. Japan lias' 4,337 postofficesand the aggregate length of its mail routes in oppcratiou i8 42,293 miles. The money-order system is employed to the public satisfaction.

The tiger does not natnrally possess, but easily acquires, a love of human flesh. Whea he has ouce tasted it, tho spcIUof man's supremacy is brokeu and ever after that, it is said, be prefers it to any other. If the earth could be suddenly stopped in her orbit, and allowed to fall unobstructed toward the sun, under the accelerating infiucLce of his attraction, she would reach the central fire in about four months. But such is the compass of her orbit that, to make its circuit in a year, she has to move nearly nineteen miles a second, or more than fifty times faster ihan the swiftest riilc ball, and, ia moving twenty miles, her path deviates from pel feet by less than occ-ei hth of a 1 in -h. Humor of the Iav.

A robber's cave A burglar's confession. When things go to how they come. The material for good soldiers must be planted in drills. Picayune. Decision in law suits are rendered (he same as lard is rendered by trying.

Loicell Courier. A newsboy went into a cigar storeon Galveston avenue ami asked fora fivo cent cigar, upon receiving whicb be bit oil' the end and lit it, throwing down a lead. ruckle. "Look here it ain't good," said the the nickel. "I know it, but I'll smoke it, anyhow," responded the newsboy.

Galccslon News. "You ain't taking any -stock iu woman's love, eh he answered, despondently, "it's all flnmery." "Very strange," added his friend. "You didn't used to talk that way." "Perhaps not," he replied "but I'vo been married nearly two years, anil there are four pairs of trousers hanging up in my closet waitings to be patched, and not a stitch taken ia hem yel" Rhode Island papers are telling -a very beautiful story of a clergyman who visited an insane asylum and was attacked by a maniac, but -who broke into a song and sang it so sweetly and clearly that the lunatic was calmed. A Chicago man recently visited the Cook county insane asylum, and while there snng a song. Several of the inmates were so touched that they tried to escape.

Chicago It was the merry, merry house-cleaning lime, and when he stepped airily out of bed in the morning he tried to hold both feet in the air at the same time, while he Jcapcd from place to place and made remarks that were entirely inappropriate to any "Practicing for thecircus?" asked the wife, from her place among the downy pillows, with illy-conceived sarcasm. yes," he replied; I'm just rehearsing my famous carpet tacked." And then his low convulsive sobbing died away iu wo 33 eel strains, like the last throbs of a breaking: tinder the bcdclofLea. lfawlceyc. According to tke Ailauta 3IUs Bettie Green, cf-Forsyth, has two silk dresses which Abe made herself having raised the worm ft, spun the and woven it with her own hands. Mirion Lamp Pcstl: nere is a circular letter i bein? distilbnt.d over tnebtate though tlie revenue offi cios, ana signed Liquor Dealers' Asso- tlrtn i "vniupose to answer some of iup wonld-be argbments which it ad- dr -ua.

xirst, they couinlaiu of the WHICH Will dtffltiV decrease the gist monopo y. which will irreatlv i w-vvau dtistiial brauchesif business. Now the vuujoiaim against 1110 exclusive right of druggists to bandit the whisky is an acknowledgment that the necessary use of Aitk 1 I .1 Huors is not what they would have, but wuoiesaie consumption of it, not for the beptfitof mankind, bat for personally mercenary nioUvei As toUie liucrease real esdate, or any busuiess, the deficiency caused by the nn-sale and manufacture of liquors, the tvnjj uiai ten (foliar eo out ,01 jine treasury on account of liquor for every one that returns. And any man knows that all the Revenue from liquors goes to the general Go. -eminent, except the State privilege's.

Aud it is further known, that every licensed whisky shop costs the State aud County at least $10 for every dollar it jays. That the United States Government would increase the tax on land in North Carolina because there was no whisky made in the State, is too preposterous: to need an answer! Itiwould'be just asjsensiblo to tax a man because he did not have any thing to tax. The second appeal seems to be directed to the Western counties, from which we would infer that they have more hope of success from the white population, with all their advantage of lifc-lona freedom anu its accompanying intelligent and the Negro. 1 he argument they uni.t to tl.i. U.r..i 1 is hoc one 01 principle or right, liut an appeal to them to continue to cling to an acknowledged general evil, nicely to sustain a false conception of individual lights.

Thus encouraging an Hen, already prevail ut among the people of the United States, that every man's rights are separate and individual, and not relative. That because this is a free country, every citizen judge of Jiis own lights aud free in the exi uise thereof. Such ideas are either from a assertion of s-elf, for self-interest from ignorance of the object and necessity of government. As to the farms becoming valuelcs and labor without employment, every maji knows tliat, for every man emphiyejd at a still house three are loafing around it, and there cannot be found one man iu fifty in Western Xorth Carolina who has eiigaged in manutaclar-ing or selling Isislty. who has made money by if, whilst there can be found hundreds who have lost all they had and brought disgrace upou themselves and Want and woe to their families.

No! there is no profi nor honor in the whisky trade for the West, ar.d the sooner it is stopped the sooner will talent and capital seek other and more profitable and worthy employment. If whisky selling is the craft by which, (Acts IU 27 the Liquor! Dealers of Wilmington get "no let them appeal to the votaries at the 6luine of their own Dianmi, and not iusult the people of the West by crcMfro--ing them with their appeal. The philanthropy and State piide which cisaracteiizes the latter part of tho circular, iu desiring to first pay the State debt, complete her railroads, asjlums, penitentiary, educate all tlie childicn, and then go for straight-' out piohibitiun, is lidictilous sarcasm, and the attempt to 'present it as an argument to the people 'of the West should 011I3- iiiKiilt their intieiligence, to say nothing of their moral conception of right and wrong. Vanished About ten weeks ago a youth calling himself J. W.

Galligher, and to lie a jeweler, intruded his serene visage itiLo the quiet precincts Lenoir. He was a tall, poweiful man, with board shaved smoothly off, and a deep sear just uuder one of his eyes. He seemed to be an enterprising youth. Ile had posters printed advertised, rented an office and swum? a jeweler's sign to the breeze. He told cvery body that he had been tlie adopted shn of John Kobiusou, the ciic.08 man, anil that he hailed from New Yoik, Atlanta Charleston S.

almost anywhere. lie disposed of some watches which he brought with him very low figures. and up to April 3D a tizcus had taken him good many of our their watches to Do nieuueu. uu the morning of May Isii in company with a suspicious lookingc laructer he left Lenoir carrying with for parts unknown about a dozen vajtches, besides other jewelry. He has gone, he has uVd, he has departed, he has broken away.

Many ol our citizens are wjonderi ug whether or not he will return. Perhaps not. Lenoir Topie. W. GflllighcrJ" came down to this place and with a ispivious frieud, the ver.i'.er of patent hired a re buggy from A.

Mowcry Bro, aiui has-not since fjeea seeu or heard of excipt at Lexington eve is a notable one! The scar under his looks as if the eye ami the parts ucver They are swindlers uaj been splitj and thicycn aud sh should be arrested. I I i I 1 1 rllta I it-Ill 1 Mil i -r overpower- strut has been so crushing to myself and all the members of this House that I know it was an act of the greatest temerity for me to venture upon a controversy with him. But, sir, I know who is responsible all this. I know that within the last live weeks, as members of the House will recollect, an extra strut has charnefcriZHil 1 ni; geuaeiuansvbr.Hg.vIt-U not his 1 'a toe iauu 01 anoiner. 1 gil'ied and satirical writer, Theoih "OUOie l.lton, of the -New orK Indepe.uhnt, spent some wfps rrrvmt i city.

His letters, published in that pa braced, with many serious statements, a little jocose satire, a part of which was the statement that the mantle of the late Winter Davis has fallen upon the member from New York. The gentleman took it seriously, and it has given his step an additional pomposity. The resemblance is great. Jt is striking. Hyperion to a Satyr, Thersites to Hercules, mud to marble, dunghill to diamond, a singed cat to a Bengal tiger, a whiniwng puppy to a roaring lion.

Shade of the mighty Davis! forgive it! Ilil. the almost profanation of that jocose satire. Judge Frelou, of Texas, recently (hud down good law in respect to a inuder case which came before him, in which! the insanity plea was relied ou for the acqujtial of the prisoner, who had murdered; his wife. The Judge said "If the defence is-insanity, proof must be such in amount that if a single issue of sanity or insanity ot defendant should be snbminitred to the jurry in a civil case, they would find that ho. was insane as for instance, if this were a civil suit brought against defendant to enforce the performance, of a contract, and defendant claimed that he was insane at the time he signed the contrac the jury would fiud upou the evidence here that he was insane and if in a civil case they would not fiud him insane uuderthe proof here adduced, then in this criaiiual case.

they will not find him This narrows down thequestion to a common sense aud practical view. Iu-sanity from a momentary fit of anger or from a druuken spree, ought not. the Judge thinks, afford an escape for a criminal who has forfeited his life by takiug tho life of another. A Nut rou Gcammabiaxs Cracked. The nut which, in our first number, we presented for cracking to our grammatical readers has been success folly opened and its kernel extracted by Prof.

Geo. R. McNeill, Unity High School, 'Wood leaf, Rowan Co. Prof. H.

K. Reid, Principal of the Pineville Academy, Pne-ville; Prof. D. C. Anderson, Ass't iu the iweville Academy, and Profj N.

S. Smith, Principal Leaksville Academy, Leaksville. I Of the solutions presented, the most concise and satisfactory was that of Geo. R. McNeill, and to him is awarded the year's, subsci-ip-tiou to the Journal.

The sublimity of wisdow is to do those ue 100 severe 1 ne contempt at that large mmded gen- emau is wihing; his haughty disdain, bis. grandiloquent swell, i MfS livi kU. d-Ud .0 WJVU uyiMg. r. erstoo..

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