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Southern Weekly Post from Raleigh, North Carolina • Page 3

Raleigh, North Carolina
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WEEKLY 0 SI 43 0 NEW YORK MABKET Wholesale Prices. Impo.rtaxt Law Scit Among Showmks. Bantum vs. wilding. Ve understand that A SES POWER PRINTING PRESS FOR SALE.

VNE Adams' Power Press, old patent, in good order. Earthquake iv Clarksville, Prwce Edward Uharlottk and Halifax Va. A shock of ales Senator by the Legislature of this Stat todiy. His on joint ballot was 22. the Senate 6 and in tbe II -use 16.

REPORTED EXPRESSLY FOR THE SOCTBERX WEEKLY POST, By J. R. GILMORE A A'o. 154 Water Street, Xea Fori. Dear Sir January 221, 1S35.

I be past season will lonir rtmmU, marLci) period in the tinam-ial .1., iiiciiiihiic iiistvi.v t'ountry bxceosive linporlatious, over-trading and a reek.1. tfi investment ot caoitat. absiitiit.iv reouirud 'or le Ultimate business, railroads and other unproductive lnd the other as ttie Hoolc and Ladder company, in curilies, have loiced the country to the vere ol general "accordance with tue provisions oi an act ol Assem-binhruptcy, and created an amount ol commercial em- entitled "an act lor the better protection of the bamissmeni only qua.ed by the I87. 'l he un- I ot ltaleigl. from loso by lire Persons have brought about the-U lXsXTcii- I 1 "'V nV d.mcumes in Europe, by produ'mg rtrinueo? Sate ol; Keb- monetarrarlairs in tlie market which are the largest Isoo.on which the mifnber, colisuniersuf ourpr.

duce. have nelireet vrnded in aeee.e- (one hnn.lied) have 1.1V -irevionslv oluiiteei-d, a rating the eri-js by ioworniK ttie value of the "real staples, draft will be made trom the wiiolj mmber o'l ttircina i 0 1 1 .1 1 Members jii. itra-eo am. 01 si'Cie meet our iortiSn indebtedness-. Th- country cannot be cecicu 11 iccu.n ai once Ii oni ttie etlecu ot umve.saily ditfnsed and so severely fe.l, but lhe ptu-t thirty days liaye shown ei)courams; indications that we piessure have leached the turn i the tide, and the more fxVora-; accounts which are receivtd from Europe, wnti the ieat lulling ofl obseival.le iu ou: toreigu importations, the gradual accumulation of specie ju the vaults oi the bank, ate all lending to the restoration oi a sound and hcaltuy state oi tilings.

Tlie storm, however, cannot be paoi, cuiiuueiice nas received so severe a mat crcuu can no longer cover bankrui.tcv.and sus houses that cauijoi sustain them-clves More failures must tana place oetoie seitied and permanent ease will be I realized, but we contideiiily Iook forward to a brighter suite oi iiiiugs curing the year upon which we have just enteied. Siuit of Tnrpentuic. This article has, perhaps, more seriously than any other staple, die unlavorabie inliueiice ot tlie tunes. The year opened with prices 60c. Ironi they continued toadvaneetill they reached biJij.

on the first ol Apiil. A giadum decline took place alter tha: dale, owing to the near approach of the new crop, and -tee was accepted earty in Juiy. Subsequent to inat period, in cousequwuee ot the setting ol a large expoit demand, the market luled himer, and rates advanced to 64c. in th forward part of September; but during the last quarter of the year, the extreme pressuie in rnoue-taiy, exercised a depressing influence upon the article, aud prices closed UDout tiny per cent, below the laies current at me coi responding in A portion ot ihe decline towards the close of the vear, is attributable to tne suspension of two large consumers of the arti-C e. wnose operations had, lor some tune previous, sustained prices in Wilmington upon a level with this market, s-.

tin- lacl that the stringent condition of money has since obliged some receivers ho held large amounts of tne dishoiio.ed paper, to continually force iheir receipts upon tue meet their own" obligations. At the moment, prices aieve.y uuscll.ed, some hoideis deiii.nid-ing -4 c. and olheis accepting 40c but with tie- light stock ni ilns and tlie W'lhuitijiou nmKets, and an improving mi.h,on otinoiie aliuirs, we cannot k.ok tor any tui-llier dochtie al present. l'Uiieuiue iras ruled throughout the relatively lu-tier man Spirits, tile at erase u-e i 94 6J. Aoitil Counlv Oliened at Co'nuiii n' i at e-4 .3, and advanced cp to the mijdi'e ol rebruaiy, wnen reached 'j, which was a Inln-r price than was ever real.

z-d. prices fluctuated te iwe-n 5 7.) and till the lirst oi April, w.ien they lecedea to zb. tiuiesoi North County made ear- iv June, as'low as, i3 50. A' the moment, the stuck in i lirst tiai.ds does not exceed barrels, but tne nmikcl is I i -i i uu ii any coysiueraDie paree wo K.iced uimii it, iNorttJ coauiy would not mmaiid over ii 5e. I'tic receipts during short ol the ptevioiis year barrels, wlliile lite exports for the tw years ate i aooui equal, a pjrtioti ol the receipts having be, o.xpuiteu wnliiu the pa-l year.

l'lie rece.iitsol ihis article ibis ins; uie pasi vear excce.l tliose l-ji, barrels, wiiuc iiie exports the enormous ot 5 ua.icis, an access vi nearly nuy per cent, ove; latious ut any previous year, and an mcri-ase ct tuily one nuuJre.l per cent upon the shipmeutsduiuig The or receipts is no indication ol an increase ol aro- liiucii oi nut wtneh c.une to market durmg the pjst was tiom the yield of previous, but bciug ai a tiom Hie seaboard, wou-d not I I Kartlmnufa of sPrPMti was felt vester i i lav iiiorninr, a f-w inmuU-s bef 8 ciock, at all the ab ve place, as we are informed by persons who were present and xperienced it. At arksville, there was a rumbling, rattling which resembled somewhat the noise made by a mr horse coach in rapid motion, or a wag-n with an empty tx dy. rtinn ng rapi sly ,1 ,1. 1.51! eo-nAn, table was visibly shak-n At Wx lie burg, houses were shaken, and one entleman wa unk up bv the severe jar i a noise. A 'a med bv the cracking sound o' his house, he out of I ed Consi lerablv I! rnl r-n nut to se lhe hons vvns -7 not on tire at too In Prin Edvapd.

we learn, the shock was still gi In Haii ax it. was iffictent to wake persons troni und sleep. We are sur-pi-ed to learn that no person in Rchim nd was aware of an ertbqu-ire thisiejon at all. It clnnortd Priwy of Saturday. A gentlemaji of this city inform us that he heard di-tim-tly a roaring ie on Friday morning last ab ut the hour mentioned above.

The noise was so gieat as to alarm him and his wife, th of whom were awake at lhe lime. Fearing from the unpleasant roaring that the house wa on fire hn ar se aud in-titut a s-a'ch but coul 1 find no in li. of fi e. The noise so thereafter ceased. He cou not account for the my-teriou roaring until his eye fell upon the above-para the Richmond Penny Post of Saturday, which no doubt aftbids a correct solution.

It was donb the shock of ah a thquake. i We learn from our exchanges that si met iiu i very severe hiockh were experjetui-ed in various ortiitis of the State. A corre-: ondent of ster.lay's I' s. writing from Char 1 'Utthou-e, says: On the 2d iust, alxiti! 3 o'clock in the mpru- our vil a-e was vi-ited with the most now eifii: shiM'k ever experieiic. bv the oldest in bitants.

supposed to bo that, ot-an earthquake, i which it was The shock, and perpetual ruinblino-, s'ti'ar to that of stant under, comma f.r about three inimnes, fr-ghrening a cnsiderabl por-i i of the peopi Tin-y ran in everv (par i nl ii feinah thinking their houses we.e on tin'. No ilam ige'd ne except the breaking of win-d -w a-ses and the crock -rv in some of the sto'es. which will make yreatlv in the nonhern nierclrm favor. If this i to frighten them so verv much. we know not what is to become of them in the tinal dav.

Pttrrsbnrti utfUiiencir. XkVS THKOt'Ctl HIOM LoflS .1 Snow Drift Ei h'ttn Miles Lol and jhl Evi't Hi'ih A four gen l-men who left St. for ihi- ace on the morn ng Sunday ill 21st on the s- 1 11" 1 siss i.pi uaiiroad, iva -i cu iijs cnv on in in ng, haM'g deep nine a H's vn route, itn-v wi re e- cm i'ius looking jecis when thev ar- rived heie. having be e.xj). sed for he greater p.rtof ihis lime to the fur of the snow wheh had la-en racing oing the l.t.-i lifdays, and 1 i 1 ri i wcie iiiitne earned to tiie iagtierr a-gd orv of Win.

Meler, whe-e por.rait- of tliem wer- taken in the-r o'orv of snow frost, i The tra il in wh eh thev ef reed to op ly the snow at or near Lexii g'on, a a. ion on ihe it Ii. Ii, a few miles this stde of Hio iinington. II. oe tln-y procmcd a sle gli with ecu heioes, and stat ied on the wav for this citv.

The distance is s-une 120 miles, and tln-v had to in ike their ow roads. I hev pass tl along tiie hue -f tiie raiir ad most of the way, and saw the con in wh ch the torm had placed it. It is terrible: Kr un L- ngt- to some 0 iiiles thi- of I'oiuiac, the drift- arc iitmu and iiently iiistir ufonnt ible. e.eept bv ie siow and t. diotis pro-c-s-of ck axe and' shoel, the fo-ce of the ivind having packed the.

snow and tendered it hard as ice. The ink in which the two tr- ins from ihi-citv tire stuck, is allogeth. about eiohteeii m. 1 ng, a. 1 varies in depth tiom three to eiolit f.

et. At either end it wee io be seen otn itivi which have fi antic attempts to break through, and which, having Iroz fast, are covered entirely up bv snow, tlie smoke stacks Iv siick-ng out to show whete i ll--y are. Cl'icu'io Tritium. Panama liu lro Alg lia'iroad across the Isthmus of Panama, connecting the wateis I a I i i pease ot trails? nation if sold al tales current belore No- trade iii. Edward Attorney at Lnw, lOtlice ember, 1 .5.

i In- pone. pat luorea eol consumption has i on the cot tier below the Fear hereby notitim be. ior .11 cnuuoii article, wtucii is owing tome extra all pers-Tis iadehted to him mike ininifdiate pay-S demand lor oil making, consequent upon a more extended 1 meat and such of h's creditors are desire lhe benefit of u-e ol in and on the continent. Pale said assignment, will find tho Release open for their tvh.te liascoiitiuued Seaicoaiid has ru.ed luali tlirouglioui I signature for sixty days, when a sale will be had and an iheseason. Medium qualities have been limited de i ju il distribution of the proceeds iliereo' made among maud, and a larger Slock is now on the nnrkct than at any the releasiuV creditors.

F. MAULER. previous tune ut the history of the art. do. All pi one- Jan.

in, 1855. tiaifol the receipts oi H54 were ot th -so grades. V'il- -z inmtoiicouiiuoii hasiluctuated between 1 70 ami Sellillff Ollt 3.t COSt touching tiie lowest point in May and rra. hum the hiy.h- JtV.4l. Fll.lcl.

UviM Cirit -JW-o, V.iaa Goods, et ftjures during October, since then it nas a down- I ward leiidancv, and closes al tiio moment at tl pel 10 lbs. Iree oil board. 1 'fllE being desirous of wind'mr up his pre- Tar. This article has ruled higher throughout the year sent business oft-rs for sale at REDUCED price thni. duriiic aiiv en vious season, tile averaiie unci; his whole stock coiv.i.risisirr THE LEGISLATUaECOKDITION OF BUSINESS The legislature has entered upon the twelfth of the session.

There seem to exist a ral disposition among the members adjourn early in the next week, though we haidly it probable tiiat they can do so, without leaving much of necessary legislation unaccom-pli lied. Ti.e following: may be regarded as a correct statement of toe present condition of the more rtant bus nes of the session The Wes-ekx Extension- if the N. 0. Rdl Passed the nate and also the Ilou-e, amen led in the latter body; that the wi 1 have toito I'H to tlie totnierfor concurrence, of which there is no ub'. The Eastern Extension of the X.

C. Rail-roid Passed the House of Commons, and also nate. The Revenue Bill Pa-sd the House of Coinuious; at present under consideration in the Senate. Bank, of the State Passed tlie Senate, now before the House. Bank of Cape Fear Passed the Senate ana Ik? fore the Ho isev Greenville and French Broad Road Pas-ed the House; on its third reading in the Senate.

Wilmington and Charlotte Railroad. Passed Iwith Houses. Free Suffrage Bill. Possed both Houses th constitutional niajoritv. Cps 'Fka RiveiI NaVigation.

Pa-sed both Houss. St a endorses the liond- of he f.r 300,000. Ship 'Canal. Pas. both Hones.

The Bill oposes to connect tlie waters of AUe-marle, Curiituck an I Pamlico Sounds with the Ther State endorses the Bon. Is ol the otnp ny. New River (Onslow) Appropriation. Pas-ed both-II -ussis. Pioposes to improve the iv gation.

Completion of X. Rail Road Passed both II 'en i re Plank Road. Pa-sed the Senate, and upon its ihird reading in 'h II mse. Pr -po-es diat the Sta'e take 50 000 in stock. 1 aukin ini i ne improve meiit of the navigat on of tlie Yadk Passed second iinir in the Senate, with the tw -thirds aii I fioir the State in o-ponteil.

Fa xettevi lle and W. Plavk Rod, (two P.i Is to extend the -ame fj-om II Jone-vil and Mt. A iv, with the two third- aid.) Pa-sed th-- nate, and now before the House. Greensboro' and Favktieville Railroad. Pa he S-'tiat--, and s- cond re iding in the II of million.

Reristir. Fad on third reading. Eds. Pes. Peuilo'i Sin atiox of a Ficiiur Bo wtTit Two lIi'suHED I'kusonson Boaud.

The J---t-f i-ouille rry-boat -tailed out tiom the wharf arlv v-stetdav nioining, with and 300 pas-ei i gefs for the Jefleisouviile ta ns, igraurc, ami the omnibus and hoises connected wih tiie load. The at. wurk about an hour in at'emptinir to pa-s through the ice miie distance above, hut as finallv cotnpulled to urop back. The force of the ice her OM to ihe falls, ami she hulgeil on the links a f-w hundred vard- from the In liana shore, and in ar pposite nith it Smyser's mills. Tiie boai was and still is in imminent danger, as the ice ha- commenced piling up ag iin-t her and.

as the port ihrou.h the produced intense excit. tti lit, and tlie wharf wi.S c.ow.leil with htiti'lfeils of people. Life boats, skill's, yawls, and barges were immediately, started to the at, and they convey-d number of per-uns from the boat to the inlands near this shove. To. ir progress proved, however, too slow, and this eni'-rg my l)r.

C-ittendoti, of ihe firm of Gih, Smith pi ico-1 at the disp -sal of tho who wouhl Venture to go the relief of the pe. sons on an I the ferry two large and empty fiatboats In longing lo the One o' th in was n-adiiv manned by Captain ones Hamilton, fa Is pilot: Mr. Wm So el. clerk of (ii I. Smi it Mr.

A. E. Camp, el rk of Stewart Son a. id Yarble. ftrl at the risk of their own lives tiny went ah us'de of the ferry wiih the flar, took on over seven persons, aoiong them Bishop Mcllvainc, and then went over the fails, landing them safely at Shippinuport.

The boat, rubbed pre'ty nard in going ovi the fir-t reef. But few persons s'des the crew were on board at noon. The baggage of the p-iseu-gers and the omnibuses and ho'ses are yet on the ny. Tiie boat, owing to the ice, is in a verv critical -i nation, King with her bows up s.ivam. Captain II itiiilioii and a-s'-tants are eiitiindto tlu hihe-t praise for their heroic co iet.

La-t evening Capt. on made another nip to the feny wiih a tla'boat, a look otf all reinaining on her with the exception -of the ci w. The horses and omnibuses wdi be taken oil to day. Capt. Shallcross informs us that the boat is not in any danger hatever, but -he cannot be not ff til.

tiie liver ii-es. We learn also that tlie boat did not leak, but she wa hemmed in a mass of filiating ice, which forced her down stream. Lou.svtlU Bui-I tin, Jon. 31. GAL TXTEKEST IN IHE UNITED StATES In twenty one of the Slates, the leoal rale of in ie is per in font Stat, it is seven cen in T- xas and Alabama it is eight per cent; 'in Louisiana it is five percent, and in Mississippi it is ten per cent.

Oalifo nia has no sury law. The rs' Magazine ss "There aie various ates that permit a h'gher rate of interest on spec al contiac 8, viz in Wrinont s. ven percent, may b-charged upon railioad biuids; in New rsey, seven per nt. ra lie i barged in Jersey ty and iu the of Uot ken in Maryland, ihe penalty is a ma ter of sme doub in nsequence i a deci-i "ii of Judge Tan.y, which does not. bow-ever, meet the as ent of the ir of Bal imoie in Arkausa, len per cent, may be cha ged on sp ial htia ts; iu Iliun is.

the ban ss may charge seven percent, and ten pre nr. may be iia'gttd between on spi-rtal coi-trarts in Iowa, ten per cent, is al o-ved on s( e-cia contiact-; in Lomsi uia. glit per cent, tn h- ch ire I in Michigan nd Ohio, contracts in iln as -u? r.opaiu- nifT. for several thousaud damages, in consequence of the ath of a girktfw on board the "Floating Palace," at New Orleans, some lime since. Spldin, it seems, had hired the animal with the i.riviiege of buying; but in it to the "Palace," ling every precatitioii used to g'tard against all accia ntsor ini irv.

urou Barnum the acctdeiit Occured in uce ot the negagence dtng. and 'I'" 10,000: lhe the hmd'. lllitt ever "bl P. were. a lne "UH keeper appointeil by Bat num, if there was any carel-ssne-s or it was through- the car.

lessness of such keeper, that the d. ath of the animal occurred, and that Barnuin is liable f.r the damage and loss, estimated at 20.000, sufteitd bv Spaliiiig. Boh parties have the reputation of being rather shrewd in their way, aud as bosh are well able to pay the lawyers, we hope thi.v will both obtain justice, and get the Wurth of the money they pay them. Albany Argus. A New and Cheap Light.

The New York Journal of Commerce notices a new and cheap light, which is said to le both economical and safe, with a power equal to gas. It. is call the "DitMiond Light." The Journal says it has tried it and finds the bght equal that of the best SLenii oil, and iimeh cheaier- the oil is made from It is a real oil and not water i like cainphene and fyCiroiiig fluid. -Thef eo-t ftt rhIesal-is -dHlyCOjtJit- and the means of supply inexhaustible. here gas is proem able, as in villages and the cun ry at la'g', th lijxht wi 1 probably be fiiund useful.

It is said not to be explosive. Dead Heads. The Lousville. Times says We bebeve that railroad corporations are the 01 ly bodies, soulless or oth.erwi.-e, that ever a.ked id tors as dead heads It 'is an indignity lo the pron-sshn, and we hope it will be met wan proper leseiitmeut. i lie newspaper press i at present more burdened wi dead-hi-ads than any o'her enterprise extant.

The in sr. bu dens me and troublesome of these dead-he are r.dbvad corjiorations. From a preliminaiy survey of a railroad up to its comp tion, lhe 1 1 ire fir. ss contiguous to the line commence advertising the project in the editorial columns." The Doi blk Babv at Lancastek, Ohio. We stated a few days'since that a strange, case of inal-! formation had occurred at Lancaster, in this State, and promised a more full description.

Fioin the lower extremity of tiie breast bone, wh'-re ihe junction of the two bodies take place upwards, there arej.he upper parts of two perfect gin I 1 tir til i intuitu I.nnd-. uoiitu iiu, vo puns nns, two chests, two stomachs, two hearts, tw pairs of lungs, and two livers. From same point downwards, the b'etidino; of the, iwo systems into one becomes more aml more inti- until it seems almost pei feet and complete. The intestines, and all the lower organs, are in common- with cemmon teriiiiv). and the legs mtide up of the rioht leg of one and the left lea of the other aie a pair, standing in the proper position relative te each other and to the organs in their vicinity.

In i he rear, however, the union is less there bring two wrl! developed spines, each terminating in a separate os coecyi a what is peculiarly strange, the two inner legs, dislocated at the hip joints, are thrown backwards and upwards, and joined together, are found under the true skin of the hack ol the body upon th ri'jht, the feet being extricated and standing up heel to heel, nearly in its face. The child is a female, with apparently a perfect sexual org-aniation. 'J he booies do not exactly face each othi-i but are more nearly face to face than side to side. One is apparently more ronust than the other, and it is evident that in many of thechar-acteristics of their c.institiHion they are different. As one is capable of suffering, hilr the other is unconscious of pain, it follows that their nervous systems are several from hich it is, we suppose, to he inferred that in ca-e they, (should survive, each will possess a character and individuality of its own.

I his strange phenomenon is life offspring of respec- i parents al Lancaster. Although delicate, it A 1 tPvev. Wilfiam Roulatt. a well known Methodi- resi ding at ixaplrs, draws the following amusing bnt 1 apt comparison between Dr. Al Lane celebrated rrmilnge and a terret: "A ferret when placed at the entrance of a ral- PassagH- oiro no- mi, e.viei miiiaies ma existence, anu draws the animal's defunct carcass to the light.

And in like manner have 1 found Dr. American Vermifuge to operate upon worms, those dreadful and dangerous lortnentors of children. '1 his reme-: like the ferrett, enters ihe apertiireof the mouth, travels down the gullet, hunts iciurid the stomach, hys hold of the worms, shakes the life out of the reptiles, sweeps clean their and carries their careas-es clear out of the system, 'j his, at least, has been the effect of the Vermifuge upon my chil-; dren." A neighbor of Mr. Ponlatt, Mr. John Bribers, ndonts the simile of tho th ll ni tr i lM iiiosi uuerjuivocai approval ot mis great spectnc, aner Having witnessed its operation upon their own children.

Let others trv it. and be sat isfied. Purchasers will be cateful to ask for Dr. ane's Celebrated Vermifuge, and take non-elseV All other Vermifuges, in 'comparison, are worthless. Pr.

'Lane's Vermifuge, also his f'ele-brated l.iver Pills, can now be had at all respectae ble Drug fctores in the United States and Canada. Dyspepsia and Indigestion. These great scourges of our people cannot be too well understood, or the means of adverting or caring tliem! too highly i ti jl -n' o. a. in- person wno discovers any means i cre or au v.ation, conlers a beneht upon his fel- lows, and i deserving of honor.

This desirable consummation has been achieved, and not only may dy-pepsia be cured, but it may be prevented, by 4 mull onu i i' (in I UV Dr Jackson, Philadelphia, which medicine is spoken of in terms of tiie highest oiuniendat on i by thousand who have tested its efficacy. Itisper- I tectty innocuous in its nature, and possesses the vaniable pro ertv of improving of ihe ro- the health of the See advertisement. LATEST MARKETS. PETERSBURG MARKET-Wholesale Prices REPORTED EXPKESSLT FOE THE SOCTHEES WEEKLY POST. Br Messes.

MclLWAINE, SON 4 Co. Grocers and Commission. Merchants, PETERSBURG, VA. Ileal ot to so ble and i tain lelt to i I I I I I I I I i I i read- usual amount i- Eul.rnarr. 1 cm- I OF THE 03.

THE JER-WJE-K sEy COAST. "crvTKMENTOK-IIIE OXLY SURVIVpll. Tie of l''e l'' s' A gle, mar lt i ir ol Ni r-ei an i oft otlor-. ha -already -t i The ly a. a io.le 's itarra-t ve tin -raid ot' li e-cape-.

lie it Imd ln-en (a' onible from time 'C-ft the Sctfli co it. one vi-rv omiiv t'i aft-rn on ihe 28 and of il to -end iiuli cloeref tojisnil. wc ru iii" ot n-mr. on Sunday ni'ii. I.

hen I tlie cry break alieul and on l.ok owr the uuikvarKs i i li ik fonin at tA.i I umlieu ai is the lark 1. -w. II mil tivv 111 iiw el ') i swi iit -ov lie he -v llMr itrk. and the wave v.l' Vino; It ll tiCIIl twOuftlie bo it-, t' wli cm mi, i'i th wh vh lay at" lit 3 K) yard off. a ltu' which wa only a 1 1 I.

.1 Vlll.U-C'S, Hill IM' II IV lire Mg Mi; 1it i-oiirc. Th fi-st and se 1 il .1 ull.l fri l.4lj.f..l CoiHl 111 in Te'tin" iii' tn i-t-. but a boy a ur on chnian) washed oyer-bo ir i and -d. -uld -e4 and wi'ii other d-iriiij- the ttilit but lit-t sud ev.T, by a-ty, snd ve all wajc'i vd einei' t'-r t'." mo Tino iln-iU six It nr" -f tliat loji, daik t'e'wav 1 i-ii-d in e-iury over ti min-d ImM wi fh 1 iv Irt.oH'aMi a'il wli cil tlm-a en- ev r. in ii'iteio g.

to ii-c-. A- i lli. VP Wf'lc mt'ilct 'U' it ri'tcu, 0 in ill iiil lU' il. even ill-, in 'initij, 'ti'd be ojlv tind (i ir if los alid tVoz bod i-s. Tiif' nior ni'i i-vt-v.

found n- al rl.oiiili a'm iot ill xh-i-t d. to th but it wa rl a tiling was to i le si on on th lie' 'in -al ten 'on i altrar- tt; i bv a -'i aj ait'd aiiit a jil'h- fi-oin'us. ici her a as we -hUI jill'l snv an-we o. mn n- i on with oil aist u-. 'Ihe tenibl-b ak'is wiii Ii lav b-ivvo.

her and ir wieek. Mi in ii if" boat l-- ll i i niu-that-r iid-Ti ill for on pan n- le. About half an hour afer, we 'ive. I a in on th beach, a on afiec t-n or tmny )-r s. ns coll eU'd.

We con 1 1 -ce that fhev wcr mi; th ir ui'iio-t to re cue u. A bill, lying a r'oti a I io was thed fr a ly over ur s. to a "jiar- ih- rio-iii ami til loji-' i tie.l bin it br 'ki lo i now aw thi'ie iiite Iiojm ol a fio the -hoiv. and. lM-jau to C' ll-idei; in IiHiii cs o' saf.

d' 1 mv-eif lo th 1 reso ved to tiy it, and ta'hl'io oti cloihe i n-jur to into ih sea, bu wa-i veli'd ti sei tiling ll of tne ellori. I itri ms't, and lu led to ta ti ves-i ii! wi tit to Tnree sive I an I in St-lf; bu tin- fotinli tone 1 re-olv 1 onld nt im trut in Ct limi mys If io the i et and the shore. I h-lt that was- c. -i tain if here I wa, an 1, a- I was a w'imii)er, I ho 1 save invself in ins' wav. Tak otf all nu e'nthes excejit in coLi-'ii I wiUodtdi a liue wave a-scd over ie e--el when I nn an I fnaib' t' A'.

ti ie I liad no-lVa-; iyti a-" aeh wave and cm led lis e-t ah ive in I ved a'id on on ler I he surface till ii -a oi-r. wh I ruse an i swhtii as ra idlv" a- I c.m.d towanb ie i h. At I one within a fev yards ir, when a man, who-e uime. I afterwards ii- 1 was I i i i Feiniiiing. ilnngd into the in as stanee, wTth a roue fastened around his wai-t.

I wa take'i to the hone. of s. Petv Chai'in in, wlu i'e wiS'Verv kin-llv iv ate; I. Am 'in-or so atii-r the cjiptain, evi-di dv eiiibold- ned by tlie ss ilia-, attended tie- first aiiemjv. wa seen ptej-aratio- lo le ivethe wre k.

1 'ehU-rate laking of hi-c -al and boots, 'dee'ii'Ud iln rig ig, and ruuaing th side of th ve-s l.j imi-d into the sea a far a he wa- ab e. A- he aiear "cd a pirteifu man, it i thong it I wo I lea- lib the shore safeU; and th ih g'n i- contirin-d. a ihe saw In i at tit wav oni ti ve-se! i' Ih iin bi.el ig'. 1 eir hop were mn ill le bow. ver.

a- ih- a in ovei wh 1 a luge wae, afer wlich he va- se no tnoie I id-- was thrown tip bv the a np the a amid'the trig.neiits of the wpck. Tin-v sel now beean to up. and lie ior siitier rs. itis.ed lo co 1 tu.d lo'ig po toe a- I oft one one. until on'y live wer.

Tele ih.y wen; on three arl-ofuie sme; hut those who -aw em leolure iv to lheii ass static, as th 10 run hi.h, a id it was a e- aiMi'i' nop i-stoliM OoHi to clear the-siirt. le-f re night ihe 'carfnl sc. n-, not a lining -oi, ft he and li nl ets 'hit re 01 isional thtown on tlie sho sh I' it it. would soon go to ec fore he im x. moiling not a vesiige leoiaineil el x.

t'l'l a portion ot her ows, which, it Ksnpos wa- aitacli. tl by a chain to the. whi. hiv beneath. A i the were fo'ind lefore Tuesdav ii, some theui e.eveii m.les fiotu the cue of the wreck.

IIoRtlBI.E M.SS A CUE AND BlRNING OF A I'Kii'isu Ship. I i ma ion has en ri-ceiv of a occin ti oirb the Bci ih ship lk-ieii ce the in i-'er of which, (Cap1 a ii with' his wife, chi male, and others. Ii ve bem massacred by the crew, wbo afler-wa-d- s.t fir to th, s'dp and Tier, to pr nt detection. Th iv. ie- 'from tali ii, oil the 15.

nor' Jay, with a cog.i leu for Sydney. II crew -h pjted at ng re, e. insisted a oo st eiiur lyX-f 4neu iiooi lb paitsof th rani Ivda, who thi tkiu' th ru was much gold 'on board to ol the vessel lllaleall I se mien, were .11 el at tiie otits. the a n'- wife dr igg -d d'ioi" between decks, wit Vr ie hill flow and tbrown-ovi-rboar I. A French ssenger is also 4un uated f.r.

and three U-al se and Ani.bni wh i weie among iheciew. A 1 them ney ihe wretches got of one hundred florins and forty Spriiisli liar, which they vtded among ib. otisi'lvi audit was agreed iiui nig tliem to iii for Tauban. there to.r.ban-d ie ves el. a'ter havit -e; fire to it.

The slii gt ng g.l, whiili was taken f-r Tauban, was set on fire, ami thev ok to the b.ais. Several were ft luhin I in the vessel. Fiiiibng'their ini-take on ga ning the, heights of Tagal, toey were conijlled to lid of most of the plunder by ibro ving it vei The au however, caused their arrest. Some of th. in confeved four of the ringleaders were executed, an I five others uteneed to twenty iiiishinent.

Re-el of Seward. ATew York, Feb. Wm. II. Seward wa re-elected United useful and entertaiui.g -j nmiinvm In week gen think imp but 1511 lie and now by I I i 'e THE S0UTHEKN WEEKLY POST ONE OF THE BEST AND CHEAPEST FAMILT PAPERS tS TOE If.

STATES, Is published every Saturday in the City of Raleigh, by William D. Cooke. It will be th aim of the Pro-, prietor to make it COMPLETE LITERARY AND FA JULY JOURNAL, the highest grade. The Post will be occasionally em-I bellished with splendid ENGRAVINGS. The introduction of apprupfithe Ilulstrations intoliterary papers is becoming more common aud popi lar ever? day, their useful teudency will be appreciated bv all who 'have observed their power of suggesting new and.

pleas' reflections to the most careless mind. None but such are suitable to the character of the paper, and decided' ornamental to it, will be used. The most cultivated in-I telleet need not be offeuded by them, and many persona will derive as much pleasure from this as from the most interesting reading the paper can contain. Tb interest and gratification of the young, especially, will be promoted by such means. Any thing that pleases their eyes, finds a ready access to their hearts, aud a fondness fr reading may thus be produced, hich will contribute much to their future improvement.

One of the objects contemplated by the Proprietor is to encourage NATIVE TALENT, and to stimulate LITEKA-j RY EFFORT. The columns of the Post will therefore bo freely open to contributions of a useful tendency, and such literary merit as to justify insertion. Communications calculated to throw light upon Ihe practical questions of the day, upon the Literary, Educa.iontO, Agricultural, Commercial, Manufacturing, and Mining interests of the country, will be particularly acceptable. NEWS DEPARTMENT, Will receive special and the editors will endeavor to select from as grt at a variety of sources as a large list of valuable exchanges can afford. A distinct head will uinar oe reserved ior items ot local interest or events in the daily history of North Carolina.

Under the head of Literary Notices the reader will often find brief notices or more extensive review of books recently published, and it is hoped that this feature of the paper will recommend it to a large class of subscribers. In order to sustain the character of the paper ai render it truly efficient iu the various departments, the Proprietor has secured a corps of Editors, in whose qualifications lie has entire confidence, and whose fidelity to the best interests of the country is unquestionable. "COSMOS," a most accomplished correspondent, resident in New York, who will continue to enrich the columns of the J'iji with a faithly weekly record of events iu that Metropolis of the Union, and those familiar with ihe graphic productions of his peu will not need to be informed how much his future contributions may tend to the value aud iuter-cst of its pages. TERMS, Two Dollars per iiiiiim, iu advance. CLL'D PRICES.

Three Copies, -full price Ivgiit Copies, full price 16 Ten Copies, 15 full price 0 Twenty Copies, -j i full price 40 C-? 'Pay mint in all. caitu in advance.) Where a club of eight, ten or twenty copies is sent, th person making up tbe Club will be entitled to one copy ot i the pajier gratis. Every person sending a (Tub of subscribers, i will be entitled to a copy Wiley New Form Hook, and every person sendiiw a club of Tv EN TV subscribers, be entitled the Form Rook, and also a cupv of the REVOLl ION'ARV HISTORY OF N. CAROLINA, by Hawks, Sw a and Okauam. These valuable works will be forwarded to tliose entitled to ofjttistatje i deiTtTstry.

DR. P. BABCOi'K, FROM NEW YORK, would respeettully announce to i-he citizens of Ralefgh and i lhe surrounding country, that he has decided lo open an office in Raleigh, anil to remain permanently here lor the 1 practice ol his profession in all its blanches. ur. ij.

has teen in practice in Now ork and Georgia lor the past 11 years, and was fiinperiy associated ith i Doet. Parnily of ft. who desirvcdly, staiuls ol lliu head of his profession. Dr. B.

would be glad to exhibit letters in his Hissession.froin gentlemen ot high standing, in New York and Georgia. Office f.r the present at o. 1, Lawrence Hotel corner of Fayettville and Vlartin streets. Raleigh, Sep. 1, 1651.

ii49 tf. IV JEWKLRV SiOKE. CHARLES THOMPSON, would respeetfflly inform the citizens oi Raleigh, the county and the c'. uii try adjoining that he has fitted un in si lendiri stvle ihn house formerly occupied hy the Insurance Company, mi the west side of Fayetteville Street, and between Mr. oiuigsami Murray r.ea 's Dry Good Stores.

wher he has opened a rich and beauiilul assortment of NEW JEW KLKY'ot all the modern six Iw, consistine of the or-" caniental and the useful, aud to which he invites the attention of tho Lndies. lle has also tor the gentlemen a cood lot of GOLD and SHOVEL WATCHES, which will bo warranted perform well, when delivered to the customer; also a lew excellent double barrel guns brought on expressly for the iiunieis ot aromia, aiso a sreal variety oi wniKing fanes, i In fact at the New Jewehy Store, any and everything usually -pr insueh estabhslimenls may be found at price that cannot fail to please tiie ustomer. Repairing executed at shrt-notice and satisfaction I guaranteed. October 15, 1851. 47 tf FALL 85 4.


Favettcvdle ure now Drenar- ed to exhibit their Fall Stock of FRENCH, GERMAN', SWISS, SCOTCH, IRISH, 1 ANT) INDIAN DRY GOODS, comprising one of the largest and most varied assortments ever ofiered in this citv. 1 SILKS," DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, JIANTILLAS. RIBBONS. HOSIERY, EMBROIDERIES', LACES, LINENS, Slc, will be found in this Slock in great varieties. Their ens-' turners and the public generally are earnestly requested to.

call before purchasing, elsew here, as we will make it to their interest to examine our stock. Call and see our stock of HATS and CAPS, as we hw now iu Store 'll the modern styles, namely, the Eyt' OjUtter, Wuir-Aicake, KuiuSiinQ, Fett't-Slfp. Lc.j A h.n. V. 'j V.

ckerv. W. Raleigh, Sept. 1, 1RT)4 ia oiwv men near, uroeenes anu vro-1 II. S.

TUCKER, 11 Cheap 29, Fayetteville St. WE ARE NOW IN RECEIPT MOST OF OCIt FALL purchases, which i more extensive than: we have heretofore had, and to which we iovue the wbuli human race. Some may choose to call attention bv meanw fit Northern printed C.rculars sent to a favored few wel invite all the rich, the poor, the bond and tho free.i Comb on it, omk all examine our stock, if they don't, suit, don't bay. .1 We take this occasion to return our acknowledgments to the community by which we have been no liberailr sustained. EVAN'S COOKE.

Raleigh, Sept. 16, 1854. 41 FOR NEW YORK. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. CHEAPEST AND PLEAS AN TEST ROUTE.J Passage and Fare, to New Yoik, tti 00, State Room included.

Steerage 00. The large and com-1 nod ious steamships, "Jariiestown" and "Koanoke," leai Norfolk every Wedkesdav morning at 11' o'clock, and every Saturday evening alter arrival ol the for New Yo-k, connecting with all ihe lines for Boaton, Albany, dec-, and Saratoga Spring. J. M. SMITH Si.

BB'O. N-folk. i July, 1854. r.33---6m. BY EXPRESS- We have just received another lot of Overcoats, 'l'almers business Coats, Pants, and fancy plush Vests also, a lot of tine Hats of the latest style, aUI of which will be sold cheap for csu-h.

1 Our motto is, small profits and quiek gales. Don't get to give as a call. KING BIGGS. 1 Raleigh, Dec 16th, 1854. 4 i IF you want anything in the way bt a nice pair BOOTS, we have just received Miles, Bragg' and other BOOTS, suitable for the season.

Call soon thev r. 1 are crcuuit-inf ireeij. ra.xij.o a. vi uaiv Sept. 23, 1854.

43 29, Cheap Place, TO FARMERS. 1 TTTE have in Store a well selected asnrtthn 11 gans, pegeed and sewed, which will be sold aa circumstance will admit oi. EVANS COOKE. 1 Sept. 23, 1834.

42 Cheap Piac. I eIAY CALL.Wrni PERFECT SAFE- TY, leeline assured that they cam obtain anything inl the way ol DRESS GOODsf French Merino's French Plaid Goods, all grades. Cashimersi Detains, Alpacca's Biack Silks grades ndpric and perhaps the most beautiful colored do, a which mill be sold for a smaliadnoee EVANS COOKE 823,1344. V-' it ill be sold low, for want of use. Apply to the Lditor of the Southern Weekly Post.

FIRE C0MPAMES. THE citizens of Raleigh are hereby invited to enrol their names as uifiiibers of the city Fire Com panies iwo ci saiu companies to consist ot lorty men each, and the ollur oi twenty men the first two 1,1 be known as fire companies number 1 and 2, zens to snppiv 'lie ileliciencv. the Fir i Companies are exempt by Act of A-senib'ylroin nip itr.ry duty their term of service, evcept' tin country should bat war. DALLAS HAYWOOD, Intendaut. Raleigh, l-'ebruary 2d, ls55.

10 td. THK KEMBLES ARE THIS UNRIVALED TKOLTD OF METROPO liian Miustreis, will appear in a few days in Ka Icii'ti Kr Look out them. tf. rp ll'K FORTY-THIRD SESSION OF WAKE FOK- est College will open on the fourth Monday of Janu ary, ith greatly increased means of instruction, particularly in the Sciences which require experiments for their illustration, as the College jias nee and uHic apparatus for this purpose. Anions the instruments are a Telescope of sufficient power to resolve Nebulae, tring i tiie observer's field of view the Moons of Jupiter und the Rings of Saturn, arrElectrical Machine with a class Plate of thirty-six inches diamtter, and an Air Pump of power to freeze water.

These two last mentioned Instruments must be equal to any in the South, as, until recently, so large have not been frequently made. It is intended in a short time to make the Chemical Apparatus aa complete. WM. H. 0WEX, Sec'y.

Wake Forest College, Dec. 12, 1So4- 51 tf 37" The Fayetteville Observer, Spirit oftheAgeand Southern Weekly Post will publish this notice until the opening of the session and fjrward their accounts to Prof. Wm. T. Walters, Bursar.

Those papers which have printed the above notice, for apartments," in the rith line, print appara SON CO. Grocers and tmmmion Mfi'clumtt. Va. R-110 .1 r.i-e I R. UO 5ERT A.

AI ART1.N retires from the aVr'e em, a 1 tiie sutiseriners navii.c purciiasea nis entne uiteiesi tue same, wui ejntinnu iu t'iiness aa usual. A. C. MclLWAINE KOIi'T I). MclLWAINE, JOSEPH B.

DUNN. ft, GLEN-ANN A. 'iss Marpar G. Print.iial. IMts" Kr.uly Hrar.son, Assistant.

Joseph 1. SUeitoti, Es Steward, Mr. Jo H. Slicltnt), Matron. The icfh of this flourishing Female Semiiiory will open Feb.

'2 1st, 1K.V. It is handsomely and healthfuliy situnted in cr.ui'i'v. N. six miles west of Normal College, one mile on the Crior il Rail road. Terms: f'-i a nioiith e.c!as;vt" of lights; tvntcn acssion Music SS-O xtra rrenrti c'rcular c-uitaininr apply to the I iii.masvu:e, uaviosou v.o., v.

Jannrv 's'K 1 -55. 4w. I VrftTVrTTeriT' eeTorwrr-ii i NOTICE Ur ASSIGN U1EJM rpH, subscriber having for the benefit of all his credit- I ri on msunimiml of nil SlM-k in Herltn and Fimch liasktts of nil styles, Work-boxes, new Uococco stile, Pearl plate and other Desks, Leather and Painted fuses ef pearl, shell ami paper maclie, Card verv fine of Terra Cotia. Ink-stands 1 Ti Cotta. Alabaster, ic, breastpins ot p.t! styles, lV-i fumed French Braeeleis, Ac, Ac rot: mr Cigars rf all th.

P.rauds. eomp'itrijr the Fp-! rnuti." I'riiura, Jookev 'lnb, Constancia, r. i.ii-i'cin, Ac To, persons huynur by ihe quantity vve allow eest with 10 per eent commission. I iiewtng Tobacco, well supplied with all brands. er-smif buying by the uuautity we charge Manufacturers' jirires flue, mild, well favored Brand.

Walking Canes of al! -tvles. un: van.bnr.x. China Tea ami nnrisptts. fine Knives and Fork, In-: ilia liiibiier Hoy's ip. rows, irriages.

Ilinpin. e. Itaekgamnion Heard, Chess men. Different gmies.ikiil. Wax, China and India Rubber Dolls, Crvnig 15 ih f.

India Rubber and liu Toys, Ac. Clivk-? in ilt and lion cures, 05 hours and 8 dav locks, Vlete, I hie and cnerrv class Candlestu-V. new style, Paris Ch ca Candlesticks, Razors and Pocket-Knives, of the- most ce'ebrated in ikcrs, rannierson and Tilton's superior l'i 7. -r Strops. 11 articles for the Toilet, Poekeibooks, C'gur cases, brst Italian and tng-S lisli Cuitar strings, vases, Ac.

I 'ji: the r.vrvKx Game b.ics. Powder Flasks, Powder Horns, P-bnt Bags, Walker's and C. D. Caps. Shot, Dnpent's Rifle Powder, Travelling Companions, Willow Flasks, ccc.

Tho goods have all bs'en selected with care and much labor in the Xurthern Cities and present the choicest as-sort -nvut that can be found any where. persons desirous of obtaining bargains are invited to call and examine. H. A F. MAHLER, Agents.

Riicigh, Jan. i'Oth, 155. 8. VTTt, the building committee of the Presbyterian Church, at Goldsboro', N. will receive proposals, until the th of -February 1S55, for building a Church 55 feet br 40 feet, as follows: 1st Proposal "for the brick 'work.

laid. Proposals for the wood work, or Proposals for the completion of ihe whole church. The plall and speCillcations can oe seen uy appivo'g io len I i. ml I the committee. WILLIS HILL I JOHN EVER ITT SAMUELfSMITII JAS.


CAA1PRELL. Address, Everittsville X. C. January 6, ls5o. i Com.

5 4w. TIIE WEEKLV EXP ESS. On the 1st of Jan uary 1855, and every Saturday thereafter, the subscribers will publish in connection with the Daily A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER. The proposed Weekly Sheet, will consist of eight En-ormous Quarto Pages, printed on a inble Royal Sheet, each ae dnlio, and containing five columns, making a grand aggregate FORTY COLUMNS in every number of the -wper. In addition to the interesting matter to be found in six dailies, every issue of the WEEKLY PAPER will contain original tales, poetry, and other reading, rendering it aa welcome a visitor to the social circle as the counting room and the commercial house.

Particular attention will be paid to the "Commercial Record which shall appear every week.carefuily revised and corrected by ihe most expeiienced merchants in our 01 Ft-om the repeated solicitions made to us to issue a sheet such as the one in contemplation, we feel assured that it must aoon attain to a very larue circulation. We have now, in fact, largely over 10 hundred names that have been furnished, and we hope to commence wiih nearly or quite one thousand subscribers. Advertisers will find it gieatly to iheir advantage, therefore, to avail themaeJves of its columns. It is proposed to publish it aC the low price of 82 per aniium payable in advance. Liberal deduction made to clubs of five or more.

It is lecuested that all who may desire to subscribe, wih at once forward their name md Post Office. Address, ANDREW CRI TCHFIELD Petersburg. Va. JUST PUBLISHED. REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY OF KOSTH CAROLINA, IV THREE LECTURES, BY REV.


L. SWAIN, LL. and HON. W. A.

GilAHAM, LL. TO WHICH IS PREFIXED FRELIXI.NARY SrETCB OF TBI BATTLE OF THE ALAMANCE und WAR OF THE REGULATION COMPILED BT ILLUSTRATED BT 4 SIIr PLY nt thia vilnnhU work hai been received. Pricu, one dollar. The w.r ill be mailed to any part of the Uaited States upon1 ths receipt of one. dolr lax ana five three eent postage stamps.

Address, WH. D. COOKE, AdoJ, S. C. C.

A Of and ng as ly 1 I ot the Ailant and Tac tic, ha-ju been coin- is thought tiie chances are in favor of its surviving, pieted at a cost of some -ven minions of dollars The case is in the hands of Dr. Boestler, one of the l'lie. euierjrisf was ai executed by oldest physicians of State, whose skill in its Aiiieiic iii tizens, in the frowning face of ol treatment is spoken of in terms of hio-h commenda--sia lit tin none but Americ ins have tuuCincin Jan. HO. been S.

I in is aitributai le lo the la.sie mcreaso ol demand export, which is been ow ing to the Kussia having cut off English sappiy trom that cotiti-tiy. The market o)oi)ed at tiie ciiiniiiencenieiil ol the vear at 83 00 and continued steadily to advance until into Mav. when nriees reached $1 5n rhe highest ever realized. Saice tJc.tober liie market has shown a decided downward and al the moment good sluppuisr parcels are i heavy at S- 75. The' stock on the maikt at pres'-nt is iarce, and we look tor no improvement prices till ihe setting in o.

die spring demand. We remain. Yours J. ii. OlL.iUliE,& CO NSW ADVERTISEMENTS.

ONE NIGHT MORE: celebrnted ascce-Famit will give the second JL Concert in thj-s City this Saturday evening, Februa-' ry i' th, with ail entire change ol Programme, PROF Musical Director. BRITISH PERIODICALS. EARLY COPIES SECURED. LEONARD SCOTT New York, continue to republish the following British. Periodical, viz I The London Quarterly.

(Conservotirc.) The Edinbury Review, Whly.) The North British Rjfiew, Fete Church) 4 The Westminster Revien; (Libera!) 3 Blackwood's Edihburg -view. (Toy) The present critical state ofKirropeau aifairs will render these publications interesting ilu-ring the forthcoming year. They will occupy a middle ground between the hastily written news-items, crude specula tion, and living rituiors of the daily Journal, anil ponderous lome ol tiie iii- ture historian, ritten niter the living interest and excitement oi' the great political events of the tune shall have passed nway. It i to these Periodicals that renders must look for the only really intelligible and reliable history of current event, and as such, in add. tion to their well-estabiishcd literary, scientific, and theological character, we urge ihcm upon the consideration- ol the reading public.

Arrangements are now permanently made for the receiptof Early Sheets from the British Publishers, by which we are enabled to place all our reprints in the hands of subscribers, about as soon as they can be furnished with the foreign copies. Although this involves a very large outlay on our part, we shall continue to furnish the Periodicals at the same low rates as heretofore, viz Per ann. 3 00 5 00 7 00 00. 3 00, oo io eo For any one of the four Reviews. For any two of the four Reviews For any three of the four Reviews For all four of the Reviews For Blackwood's Magazine For Blackwood and three Reviews For Blackwood and the four Reviews.

Payments to be made in all cases in ad-vanre. Money current in the where issued will be received ut piry CLUBBING. A discount of twenty-five per cent, from the above Reviews vviil be allowed to Glubs ordering lour or more copies of any one or more of the above works. Thus: Four copies of Blackwood, or ol'oue Review-, will be sent to one address for 39; lour copies of the lour Reviews aud Blackwood for oO Dollars; 'and so on- POSTAGE. In all the principal Cities and Towns, these works will be delivered, through Agents, free of postage.

When sent by mail, the postage to any part of the United will be but twenty-iour cents a year for "Blackwood," aud but fourteen cents a year for each of the Rsvievvs. Remittances and communications should always be addressed, post-paid, to the. Publishers, LEONARD SCOTT 4 Gold Steeet, New York. jf, L. S.

have recently published and have now for sale, the "Farmer's Guide," by Henry Stepens, of Edinburg, and the late Prof. Norton, of Yale College, complete in 2 royal octavo, containing 1600 pages, 14 steel and 6J0 wood en graving. Price, iu muslin binding, Six Dollars. ggr This work is not tlie old uBook of the lately resuscitated, and thrown upon the market. a SPRING STYLE OF HATS FOR 1855.

This day received BEEBE, Spring style of Hats, also Warburtons Style with Corruga Ted brims. Open for inspection at W. Ii. A o. 1 LChJiii.

i i I i i overcome, anu tne r.uignei-i- ot nugl ana Fiance proiiouno -d ih" pioj -ct utter. imprac-t ieiit To tiie liiC la-ueti cd Jno. L. Steplieti-and hi- a soc ate, ih i is in iepted ihe coiiitiletioti of thi- (rent bond this omm rcial hi.knifr of tlie heinisoiieres. A tuntv tl st.

ck.Toiders and oilnis was to have N-w York. i in the steamer Law, on tlie oih to formally inaugurate the. liii.road. They will I make the passage of Hie.r road, and go throngli tho usual rejoicings sit loth the land prob dl return by the same st amer. by whicii meat they wdi doubtless accoinplish the i great feat of goinof from New York to the shores I of tlie Pacitic and inside of twenty days.

Costly Exr-cirr unxiexts A Phihid-dphif I letter writer siy-: The piinc p-d tojuc of con-j versation here now' is ihe management party I oi ven' here ia-t wtekby Mis. liush the well I i A oon Known iiiii.iooniie. i.uuu mow i.o.s sst.e and the entire cost the etiteita nnieni, Iain in firmed was in lhe icinjrv of twenty thou-aii I ilo.lrs, the bare item of boq iets alone co-ting Sl.OOO, which were distiibund in tle-gant pr fusion around lief splendid mansion. It was nothii but oee incessant revelling in luxurr from iiegiiriiing to end. At half past four o'clock iu the irniug gn en tea, sweet bread and terrapins as the clos ng feast preparatory to the dep.iriure of the rem.iining guests, were served up.

A' Philudi (dial, Ftb. 3. This aftei ll- on as lapTo crowds were tig on lhe Scllltvikill river, above Farmonni, the ice broke, and Mr. Kfirle S. Shinn, dmggist at corner of Broad and Soruce, a'od a Mi Iuissel, his wife's sister were dr.

d. M'-. S. was skatinr and Miss Rus-eil on a sled before him as is ir the custom. A very large of persons saw the iiccidenf, but were unable to render as- sistance.

Mr. 8i.inti belonged to one of our o'd-el and m- st resp ctable Quaker families. Life axd Bkaities of Faxxy Ferx. Since Fanny F. rn has shewn up her own family in Kuih some of tiie memliers have determined that sbf shall not have all ihe exjKisition her own side.

A volume just been pub-i lished.ientitl. the Life and Beauties of Fanny Fern," which it is said contains a. very full his-! tory. of ail Fanny's sayings and doings, from early life to the present tune. Vote of Cexsckk Agaixst Senators.

Chicago, Feb 5. liesol itions reprehending the course of Senators Douglas an 1 Shields on the rersai oi i.ii--w"i House" to-day. Teas 37, nays 27. Fire is New York. New York, Feb.

5. Two buildings adjoining theSun building were nearly detroved by 6re at 2 "dock this morning. The loss i "heavy. The Sun Building jj'jjwritng are legal lo iharge ten percent; in I lexas. tuelve ier c.

nt. Ill be charged oil spe-N ciat ontracts. llieietiaiues ior a oiauou oi the usury laws is iiifdeient in d' the St ites. In Michigan ihetv is no nal in Massachusetts and New ie urer utti thr.e times ihe whole interest; in Maine, the interest, is not recoverable; in Vermont and Rhode I land, the excess may be re-c- veted back in Connecticut there is a lorleit-lure of all the in erest. A writer in the Crimea gives the following cu rious incident Eeccn ly, in a house to which some ssacks had set tire, we font in a room, on the point of Leing suffocated ith the smoke, a child of about eighteen months olJ, elegantly dressed, an 1 having a gold cross suspended form its neck The infant 6milcd upon our grenaiiers, who removed it, and have adopted it until the family to whom it belongs shall be discovered.

It is curious to see the grei adiers fondling the baby, and treating it with as much tenderness as it could receive from its nifar. Tuesday, February 6, Tobacco. Market active and prices well sustained Lugs 4 trj 6. Common to good Leaf 6 (g 9. None oi fine quality offerinc-.

Cotton The demand has been good and sales of all fair to good parcels offered at 8 8c. Wheat. Prices about the same to prime $2 2 05 common and middling I 4) (a 1 '80. Flour. Supeifine and extra brands 9 9.

Corn. Sales of small patcels b5 S0c bushel Bacon Virginia hog round 9 I0c; Western sides and shoulders 8 (a, 8c. Spirits Tirpeiitine. Some Sales at 43o. Iartl In kegs and barrels H'K He.

Cover etl. Good quality t8 per bushel. Guar. P-i-j-Ti 1 5 Mexican 35 Salt Fine $1 90 Ground 1 45 SO. MoLLWALNE SON 4s CO.

waa io touch danger..

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