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Weekly Raleigh Register from Raleigh, North Carolina • Page 3

Raleigh, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

HOW THE REVERSE AT CHARLESTON Minlflll inVaaTisakijrr.J HIV-' I 'II 11 AN niE HALEIGH lili To paoTinErroa tna ruHDiso aan rtraraaa issrs jiwaaj- I-. 1 4 Fobthx RraisTxs. AN GELS BLESS v- r. DKDXCATED T6 "Jui-K," Co. 13TH $KO'T N.

C. Troops-. r'- Angel of Truth! o'er him wield 1 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA. Posr OFncs Depabtbit, Richuosd, April 4tb, fxemption of Certain JlXail Contractors and Driver of Mail Stages from Military Service, and Extension of Time for It eceiring Proposals for Mail Service in the States of Virginia, North Carolina, South Caro- lineal 4 lf ravrv 11 1 A 1 A REBEL SPEEtiH ON AN ENGLISH STEAMER. Th last Central 'Prtsbyia-ian comains anl interesting letter from the Kv.

M. D. Hogf, D. Ik, giving eome account of bis voyage across from Thomas to England, in" the British Steamer Tasmanian. He reached his destination on the WAS RECEIVED Atf NEW YORK GLOOMY FOREBODINGS OF THE WAR.

A genileman wl has just arrived frorottho North, and was there at the timeaf the attick on Charleston, tells us of the way the Yankees received the news from The first report jm M-tirii 1 rmm wi i wmnMtmtm i y. THE LATEST NEWS. sxuicnvu ni aii treasury set heaclaav interest luoed previous to the first day of Paeeaber, eighteen handred and fixtywo, shall be fundable ia eight per cent, bonds Or stock, the tuiw. that reached the North, was that Uhailestdn was taken and the city occupied by the.rederale.

The ro The following extract will BY AUTHOUITY OF THE SUBJOIN ed act pf Congress proposals for Mail Service in the States above named, under the advertisement of the Department dated December 1862. will 3lat of January, pay peiasal. Dr. eflbct this news was tremendous. 1 ne ieiegr.apu no doubt, made a yery ef- tre is papers NO MEWS.

There i' no news. The' tamo and flt aa duckponds. wires flashed it in an instant to every town and villaee, fn half anhour. thousands of newsboys be received at this Department, until 3 P. M.

of the viuvi HUMU1DU BDU SiatV turec; that from that, date antil! thk first day ef Aagnst, eighteen hundred and sixty three, tbey shall te foudei in varen per eenL bonds or stocky and after the said 6n day of AuraV they shall no longer bo fundable at the of the hel. der, but shall bV receivable in payaert of pnalie does, erccot the evnort dn nt J.v. I wire out with their screaming. them JUtn daj of April instant; and the proposals already received, will remain unopeaed until that date. slves hoarse.wfth be cry; "Charleston taken bpeciaJ attention is called to the sabjoined act of Beauregard slaved out." For while the Yan FROM THE The Federals mnii to be advancing ekt he (MUs.) and Meridian railroad, and hare burned Congress in regard to exemptions.

six months after tho ratification of a ttwarv if naU. fcees were wild with joy and delight NeV York was in ecstacies. Business was for the time eus I JOHN F. REGAN, Postmaster GeneraL Joint resolution atfthorizine the Postmaster Gtn- aa specified their face. All treasury jnotes not bear ing interest issned after the firrt dayj of Deeemlar.

eighteen handred; and sixty-two, aad ifithta ten 4ay ih stone bridge In that road. pended, and the streets were crammed with persons exchanging congratulation, adding, witjb a frctiye speech i One of the strangest incidents, so far as I have ben concerned, on this voyage, was being Invited by the officers of, the ship, aod several of the passenger to delivei an address on the causes of our from tho United States the prospects of our Confederacy, Finding that there was great cuiiosity on a real desire tQ obtain correct information about our and a week ago to day I delivered, an address ot an hour and a half in length in the main saloon and I think I never Spoke to a more attentive An officer of the English navy look notes of the whole discourse. Many of pa-sengers after- a 1 I 1 V. We subjoin the fallowing dispatches from Jaeksen, 1 to extend the time for receiving bids for transportation of mails of the States' therein named. Mias: cordial shake of the band, it glorious news.

All the newspaper offices were besieged by crowds Ke80lred by the Cod cress of tbe Confederate States of America, That, the Postmaster General be. pi men and boys, yelling ananurraning, ana even Greeley "in his frhitecoat," in bis exceeding great lor. vu ivisi ble at the window of bis office. Tne and fie is hereby authorized to extend the. time for reet-iviog and opening bids for the transportation of the.

mails in the States of Virginia. North Carolina. Tby sceptre on the tented field, Drop thy flowers along his way, i -Angel with him ever stay. fr Argfil of Hope I create for him Sars to. light bis soul witbir, Lat them ever brightly htirn, 1 Angel hevei from him turn: Anget of Level with thy wings Protect him from cold hatred's stings, Pour thy rich wine into his heart Angel! from him ne'er depart.

i i. 'i a ngel of MeVcy 1 mid strife Of war and bloodshed, spara his" lifo," O'er his pathway, hover near, Angel! Save the absent dear. .1 Angel of Gooaess beside him bow, Bathe inholincss his brow, Guide him through temptation's din Angel 1 keep him free from in. God of Angels raise thy hand And les him in a stranger land Smite him not with death's dark "tt Shield and save him, Gracious God FANNIE B. C.

JXca-aos, AprU25. The water at Fort Pemberton hu fallen four feet and ia falling two incbea daily. Commuuieatwn with the Lake haa oeen r-stablishd. ihamy at 8UrkviU burnt Louisville, and hong Dr. Covingto.

General Adams telegraphs, 8:05 a. m. that he ia waiting the return of the party cent from the Lake to- open eemmuDtcitien with Meridian. ihi mn nauDinaaaoietp seTn per cent, bonds or stock until (he first iday Aucast next; and after the said first day of Ajagiut, shall fundable only in bonds bearing; latere! as the rate ot four cent, per annum, and payable aty j. exceeding thirty years from the date tbereo; ii such notes not funded shall be receivable fa payment of all public dues, except the export daty en cotter, and shall be payable six months after the ratlfieatlea of a treaty of peaee between the Confederate rover ment and the United States, All esll eertifieates bearing eight per cent, interest, shall, wtth thi aeerae4 interest, be fundable on or before tha irat South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, until the first dav of Mav next.

toia me tnai naa correcia mieappreuvij- Approved April 11th, 1S63. AN ACT sion under which they had labored, and given To eiempt contractors for tarrying the trails of he them) a clearer idra of our position than tby had ben 'ablo to form before. Perbap you wruld like to know how. I treated the subject in a lec JIcksos, April 25. At 13 to-day the enemy rd mandad th surrender of the town of Enterprise.

Gen. Loring arrived with timely reinfureementav The ene-dt reoertedat fire to fifteen hundred eavalry who re comederate btates and tbe drivers of Post coaches uuuurea ana sixiy-taree, inte bond of tie 'and hacks from military service. scene in the streets was indescribable one 4ild, surging mass of. human beings, frantic with and excitement, and jabbering away with a thousand discordant tongues. The ceoe, our informant thinks, can be likened to nothing but what we might imagine would ba the efficVof the news Of a declaration of peace, and threw into the shade anything ever witnessed ia New vYorH, not excepting the furore over the visit of the Japanese embassy.

'In this ecatatjy of delight Now York fell to repose tcav night, but on Uhe fidlowing mornine, about 1 o'clock. Icamearvery different Ule. The new came tbt theyhad been repuld at Charleston It fell like a death kcell on the ture to such an audience. The outline was some Tho Congress of the Confederate States of Amerl- I attherateef elat treated without firbt. About four handred Yankee per oeftt.

per annum, and at mt Hm thing like this. After a introduction, i ca do eeact, That the contractors for carrjinjr the cavalrv left Starkosviile about two days ago towards statt-d that to break up a Union such as ours once was, jnust bo regarded as one of the most impor mails the Confederate States shall be exempt from the perfvrmanco of military duty in the armies of the Confederate States, from and after the passage of this Bankiton's Mills, and. will take the road by Grenada or PotUboro. They burned on their retreat the Female Inatititute and other hospital buildings at Oke- years after their date Frowidtd, That the accrued interest aforesaid may, at the optloa of tie holder, be paid instead of being funded; All eall er-: tifieates of every docription, outstanding the first day of July, eighteen haasdred and sixty three, shall, after that date, be deemed to be bends bearing aa tant events American history, and one woico had already affected the interests of a great part acr, auring tue time tney are such contractors Pro lonaaad two traina burnt at Eaginea very Tided, that no more thaa one contractor shall be ex of Europe. The dismemberment Uni slightly Injured.

empt on any route, and that no more mem bad resulted in var -a gigantic and atrocious city. At first it waa not Deuoved, dui graauauy nual interest of six per cent, and payable- at a date ber of any firm of, contractors shall be exempt, and war; for which one ot the coniendisfg parties was Jacksoh, April force that passed Pontoo.djd jt 54,00 confirmed by lafor dispatches that exoeed sixUen hundred cavalry an five pieces of in Th vjde of joy chanced, and New York responsible, and ought to be held to strict account no contractor oa any route. 01 less than ten miles in length, and on which the mail is carried on horse, uu Mmttisg winy years irom tne 814 first day ef- July; eighteen hundred and sixty-threei Sxct 2. In lieu of the cower heratafot-S M'R looked as serious and gloomy as' a grave yard. snail oa exempt under this act; and if one or more Every one wore a dejected iook and passed along members of any such, firm be exerrat from age or la to the Secretary pf the Treasury, td isiue treasury notes, he shall be authorised to issue monthlv.

oiaer cause irom tne perionnance of militarv dutv. SPECCLA.T0R8.The Lynchburg Republican concludes an article cn speculators and extortioners as follows: The. men are now doing for Lincoln more alternating: between disappointment and anger. the other member, or members of such firm, shall not Ka AVAmrtf wr i. 1 ability; and that 1 would proceed to sho where the guilt really rented, 1 ltioa took fated; the three positions which I.

foun4 the Epglisb on bsard were holding some con tending for. one, and others lor another. 1st.1 That the disruption was caused by factious and disappointed demagogues This I disproved by giving a history of our amount of such notes, bearing no intarest, net exceed. mg my millions of dollars, which shall be receivable in payment of all publio dues, except the export daty 1 Secesh" grew triumphant, and, by aside glance J.iIl i.V vw VA.ujjJi kj tuio ilUb UU OVUUUUl Ql UVlUS 1112111 OOD7 A -J 1 Jl 1 1 too North, carrying, the aick and stolen proputy. About eight hundred cavalry and one piece of artillery went.

to Tupelo, and thence North. The force operating South of Okaiona ia the remainder hf force that passed Pontoo. The? had ne wagons. Scents at Senatobia report no Yankees this ricje of the Celd Watr. They hare ail gone towards Memphis.

The enemy caotped last night four miles South of Paloal-to. CoL Bartsaa completely routed the Yankees at Bermincham Friday evening. The destruction qf the ana smue, remmoea tua. nnu vi iuot wnwu, auu yaraoiowiLnm two vaaraaftur-th mn truuturs auu proviuoa iunner, mat no person to whom a contract for carrying the mails may be trans-ferr-d, with' the consent of the postoffico department, tions on the dy before, when they had. "unarjes ton taken." This recollection made the disap fication of a treaty ff peace between the Confederate Statts and the Udited States, and fnnrf.kl.

ik. Dolntment more keen, and the humiliation the than the whole North in arms fould do towards our subjuga'lon, and we warn Ibern 6f tbe terrible dangers that lia'rlght in their paths subjugatioD, themselves and their children slaves and and. want their- portion at jho close of thisv most 'Unriehteons war. Qf what avail are the jttfrdv pleasure of the holder, 'durinir twelv month. i-cr iub pssngo vi mis act, snau oe exempt irom "military service on that account Sec.

2. That drivers of post coaches aad hacks for more crushing. The Yankees were fairly blue the first day of the' month of their issue, in bonds of the Confederate States, payable at any time, not They were as mute as a mile 'Stow-, Th very carrying tho mails on all routes where the weifht of name of Charleston was a horror in; their ears. requires mat tney snouia be carried in bridge prevented Gefi. Bowen at Grand Gulf reports that the enemy made areeonnolsanoe yesterday on 1 is right with blaeks They numbered two hundred They retired precipitately when they arrired in sight of his battery.

iuif inu-ij years alter oare.Mand 'bearing rates of interest as follows If funded within twelve coaches or hacks, shall be exempt from military er- The whole city wasparslyzsd'underlbedepression Every department of tcade was flat, and the mar vice in the armiesof tho Confederate States from an the first day of thel month of theli issae, til Krn A il a kpts fairly wilted under the effect of the news. after tho passage of this act, so long as they continue blows of our gallant soldiers againef the common enemy, if the; people at home fight against their dufendprs. Think of this you who 'are spegllatirlg and making your tlx usands "between sun and sun think what all your ill golten wealth Will advantage yotr when he hireling hordes of StateConventions showing how they were made up 6f ijudges, lawyers, planters, divine, men from every honorable calling; in society, men who deliberated gravely, and long --especially in the case of Virginia tbemeetins beingopened daily with prayer, and the final vote made, by our bast and wisest, men, in full view of the solemnity of the actthW were psrforming 2d. 1 That" the object of the formation of the Conlederacy was to re-open the African slave trade. This was easily I refuted, as I Lad a copy of our Constitution with me, from which I read Art.

Sec. 9. -j 3d. That the Southern States seceded because Lincoln was elected, although the Northern States -7 MW -ior tonfc, iniereei per annua: i If funded alter that period teey shall be fundabla into boads bearine four Der oenL ifftrtnr nDJ Disappointment and gl. on hung like a pan -jo oe employed aa sucn drivers: Frovided, the con jtractor by whom any such driver is employed, shall over the city, fhd the cnanee of New York from These cotes shall bear upon their faee tha thi day before was as great as from the marriage taae and subscribe an oatn to be furnisheu to enrolling officer, that the weight of the mails on his route year of their issue, and if not funded, shall be paid at ft to the death bed.

AJdb day ail joy ana ae-lieht another all erief "and sorrow. To hide cjivbuisu uu uieif WHBOUl IDUrllW Sec 3. After tbe nassace of thlt act! tha requires tne use of or hacks for their conveyance, and that he has not a jrreater number of driver. their humiliation the papers got up the story that the Abolition despot shall thund at the doors of your palatial residence built with the money wrung from the bleeding pores of yoisr tours neighbors. Think these things and forsake tbe evil way ere Van kee shrtlf wrest from you your ill gotten gains and consign you eraployed in his service than are indispensable to en.

I Jacksox, April 25. Qn- Gholson and. CoL Bar-Ion attacked and routed the Yankees, at Okaiona killing apd wtfundinr, a great many. Col. Hatch, of air Iowa regiment, wai Our loss was one killed and fifteen wounded.

slo(5p eagleTdestkoyed. Savannah, April 24. The sloop Eagle, Capt. Brendon, laden with cotton and tobacco, outward bound, was beached and fired in Warsaw Sound on Thursday night, to prevent capture by the blockaders. The crew are safe.

heretofore given to issue eall eertifieates shall cease, but Jbejnotes fundable into six per oetit. bonds may be converted at the pleasure of Into' eall able nioi to lulnl nis contract for carrying the mails, i. 1 i -t 1 -1 the attack was but a "reconnoisarice," but this was so tidiculous that itwas openly confessed the next dav that tbe attack was a failure and the auu iubi no win doe, wnne a contractor. emmoT a hvvuli a tu uiu am, greater nuniher of drivers than may bo indispensably cncwVeanng interest at jthe-rate of five per to a fate worse than death ltseir. 1 1.

-1 had submitted 10, the rule of so many boulhern Presidents. This I showed was a fallacy, inasmuch f.a Southern Presidents bad always-been movement against Charleston indefinitely jost at he will rive r. 01 ne will give uctcsssrj lur mat purpose; ana tnat every sucn certificate shall bear unon Its th. ponedL I notice to tne enrolling officer when any suoh driver elected by Northern as well as Southern votes, CjrrcspOii' Tne effect of tne reverse as unarieetoa nas oeen to monthly, date of the oldest of the notes which it rsp. rosenU.

and be convertible into like nataa at in tin. tok Ttphus Fives. A dent writes to the London Times ceases to besu bis employment. Approved April 14, .1863. ap 18 4 1.

while election wfts bv a striciiy sectional within six months from the first dav of month vote and that even ihat was not the cause, the occasion of the disruption. New Anction and Commisson Ithink it dtairabliatd make generally known a very cheap atid 'timple remedy for typhus or its monthly date aforesaid. But every Certificate, not recenveerted within six months from the first day of 5 its monthly -date, shall be ex han red far a bnn I then argued that if there was good reason for House. CREECH JLITCUFORD. separation, tne very oi'qanizatwn or our Jiepitolic ble at any time not exceeding thirty years from ihe other "low fever.

I he remedy ls yenst- A table 'spoonful of this administei in a cse life wss rei every ten mnute: made it a justifiable act Inamujb as it was. not a From Suffolk. The train from Irpr Satur- day afternoon brought no news from Gen. Long-street's army. Heavy firing waa heard in the direction of Suffolk Saturday forenoon; but it is not believed that any general engagement was progressing.

have positive information by telegraph, that sharp skirmish occurred, in which Capt. Park Poindexterf of Chesterfiild, was severely wounded; but none of the particu eapirauou 01 lae saia six months, and bearing later- est at the Tate 6f six per centum' per anntn. Trea I TE HAVE THIS DAY, FORMED A but a compact between Sovereign (Jo partnership in the General Anction and three of whom bad expressly declared their aury nates, wpicn Dy the operationof this act breesaa -fundable into bonds bcarittir a vearlv intereit turn i Commission business, for the salo of Goods, right tu rename their delegated powers if injured greatly discourage the Northern- peopled They looked to its capture- next to that of Kichmond. Kow that it is shown it cannot be taken and the expedition, that was fitting out at an expense of millions of dollars, turns out an utter failure, they despair the result of the coming campaign. In fact, with their armies and fleets held in check at.

the most vital points, they hncw not what to do," or 'against what place to move Our informant thinks that they have settled upon the policy of inaction, in hope ofatanriog us out. The accounts that have been taken North of the "bread riots" hare caused them to believe that we are on the verge of starvation, and that if they will keep as blockaded and cut off from all foreign resources for six months our people will be compelled to capitulate and abandon tho struggle. This delusion has fastened itserf upon some of the most prominent men of the North, and they Vie adroeStine it in preference to running the risks of an till th8 cure was effected, restored the patient to such perfect health that he was at his work in, a few days time. A small quantity infused in the common drink of these who cannot obtain a sufficiercv of nourishing fcod might in fuse such Wares and Kcfchandize, Real and Personal Property, per cent, mav converted, at th nliin k. or oppressed, at th time when the copartnership, Ac, Ac.

a called the United Siates, was formed. bolder, into call bearing interest at the rate of four per cent per annum, from, their date until re- converted or naid the said -prfifief I then argued that there was good cause for the Our Store is large and commodious, frpnting on Fajetteville and Harget streets, in the centre of the business of the city, and uuivorsaBy conceded tp be an amount of vitality in theconstitutipa a migbt resumption of these delegated powers by the Southern States, bocause th Union had been un enable it to leist- the depressing tenderers to the disease, -r: 1 lars have reached us. Petersburg Exprtss. FKOI NORTHERN MISSISSIPPI. Oka los April 25.

Our cavalry engaged the yesterday at Birmingham. The figtt last two hours and a half. The enerriy were com the best locauoa the place tor the business. vertibte a any time by the holder into notes fundable in four per cent, bonds, and payable and! receivable aa herttoforo prescribed, 'but thsaid eertiteataa nit 1 just and oppressive commercially, and because tbe Both of as having been engaged for the past seven North bad. ttu-ougu btate organized redeemed by the government- after six months fraaa' teen years in tho Mercantile tor Auction business in this city, we flatter ourselves that we can make it to interest of parties to make their consignments to conspiracies, private efforts, made long and the ratification, of a treaty of peaee between the Cea! iy8tematic warfare upon the domestic institutions and social lfe of South.

ED VARp EVERETT. The Paris correspondent of the New York World gives the. following bonne louche to Edward Everett A good many Americans in, Paris hung down their ads on reading that "the-lion. Edward Evwett hung out a new flag to welcome Butler to Boston active and offensive The recent iium to have 'convinced the North that the South can net be conquered by the sword, 'and the YanVee? now pletely routed, iueen were Killed and a large nu.mhar Cot Hatch, of th 2d Iowa cavalry, was seen to fall from bis horse, ran into our lines and vas captured. loss us tor enner private commission or Auctiop A.

CREECH, ap 251 J. J. L1TCIIF0RD. liext I showed what efforts we bad made for. oao.

a. xnatauoonaaor regiateradstook aatkoris- ed to be issued by this act, fchalrj be payable not lasr than thirty years after date but shall be redeemable five years after date, af the pleasure.of the. govern fall back upon tho idea started and encouraged by the' I pence fbouth Carolina sending commissioners to distorted reports tnat nave reached them or our "bread To Cottoiv Planters tucub, iuu man in Qiuer respects; Comoro; to existing atruction of a bridge prevented pursuit. laws. Washington before Buchanan's term eif ired, proposing bn amicable adjustment purchase tf UniteJ States property within her borders, and tbe dulegati sent from Virginia, duriug'the riots," that they will subjugate us by starving us out.

At no time, since the war began, has the feeliog in Edward Everett the pink prepriety, the model statesman, the Athenian scholar, the perfect gentle-' aa-oing homage tothat tuatn Uu tier, who has com HAVE BEEN" APPOINTED BY THE Seeretary of. the. Treasury, Chief Agent for the I Sec. 5. The Secreta'rv'of the Treasury shall nse any disposable mrana in the' treasury, whiab-eaa be stirchabo ol Ooton lor the Conlederate uovernmeiK session the Con mention the efforts of the peace the North been more despondent than at present Oar informant assures us.

of this. The people are mitted every crime in the caJoudar Oh, it is a flagrant abomination How are the mighty fallen i within tho JState of North Carolina, and will pay for I to a purpose without injury to the pnblto DEOI.INE IN GOLD. 27. is heavy to-day and declified from fitty to seventy-five cents. the same in 7 per cont Bonds or Cash.

1. P118'881 purchase of notes bearing ne growing tired of the burdens of the war, aad moro- There are many citizens of New Orleans here in Paris bub Agents visiting the dioerent parts of the State, interest, and issued after the, asaage of this act, until the whole aaoant of treasurr Eotaa in who "black mailed Butler to get way, and who show than this they despair now of its success. Men woo were months ago- among the clamorous its buying in my name, will have written certificates ot appointment. vigorous prosecution, are now advocates lor peace. De-cause, as they say, it ia an endless straggle, and can By order, of the "Secretary tho Tre8uryv" all The premium on bank notes Js also decidedly lower.

7 FROM CHARLESTON. Charleston, Aplil 26A11 quiet. tteamer Eagle, from Nassau, reached3- Oonfed-feierate port this morning. Cotton purchased by. myself, -my.

Agents, and then1 passports and the prices paid for them, icith Butler' initials hi own handioriting Although we are greatly gr on the arrival of every steamer in see that Butler is having justice done him in The World, yet we cannot refrain from expressing a little of the universal contempt which is Felt for the brute in Europe, and for all who honor him. But I will drop the disagreeable never be decided by the sword. Their armies are growing dispirited and tired of fightingand the con-vie ion, is fast gaining, strength in the North, with all alter the 18th day ot March, 1865, will be paid fo lb 7 per cent, Bonds or Castv.and pot 8 per cent. Bonds as stated in a former advertisement. Up to that time.

shall not exceed one hundred and seventy-five mil- lions of dollars. ,1 I 5ac. 6. The treasury hereby allowed" to be. usued, shall be of any denomfnation of not less than five dollars authoriaed by law, tka th-Secretary the Treasnry may dect.c The authority hereby given shall cease at the of the first session of Congress, after the ratification of a veaty of peace, or at the end wo years, should the wass -continue so long.

4 4 r.r In addition to the', authority hereinbefore given to the Secretary of the Treasarv to iaina trm. classes, that the only and effectual way of ending the however, the 8 per cent. Bonds wtU be furnished as war is for the North to Jay down the sword, and nego tiate a fair and honorable peace. Two years fighting stated Patriotic citiiens are now. offered an opportunity to and no material results gained, has proved to.

tho aia the Government by selling to it their C'otrbn lather North thefoljy of attempting to subjugate the Soath, and. the people are beginning to 4ciat about for some 1 i unavailing 10 arrest mo niooay elict of coercion: My pext head was our present condition and prospects in tbe Confederacy. As omens of success I dwelt oj), 1st. The; fact that our people are untfcrf--firmly and unalterably solved never to abandon the contest until Independence is secured-. 2d.

That they bear tht'ir sacrifices parents giving Bol'only contributions in the way of moneyj and supplies, but mothers giving their sons with the spirit of-the Spartan mother who said to her son gping to battle, "Return with your 'shield, or on it." 3d. Tbe charaeter of our for home and peace, yet resolved neyef to ht.vo have either at the price of submission. 4th. The religious e'ement of -our army, sind the piety -of many of our highest officers. I gave them a sketch of Jackson and Lee and closed with good wishes lor the Governments represented bfcforo me, and for.

my bearers individually. Such was the outlines of the address, vid I hoe I sowed some good seed which will be widely scattered. I believe I omitted to. state that the capfain gave the Bailors a half holiday that they might attend. than to private capitalists.

LEWIS S. WILLIAMS, Charlotte, Maroh 20, 1S63. -r mar 25 ti City Battallion. 1 IjAST chance for CONSCRIPTS, H. AVINGV I1EEP AUTHOKIZEO TO raise a conipany to be: attached to Major Elliott's City Battallion, (25th Ya,) I invite, the -attehtion of better plan by which to bring hostilities tot an end.

Richmond Examiner, CONFEDERATE CONGRESS. Richm.jkd, April 27. The Senate' concurred in thd House amendment to the, bill excepting trom the operation of the provisions of the Jund-ing act the ten years, bonds, heretofore issued The amendment requires two year -notes to be funded prior to tbe 1st of August. Tbs House revolution amending the seal we adopted chang ing the motto to Pto The House was in secret setsion. THE BURNING OP JACKSONVILLE all persons subject to conscription (before btxng enrolled) and others to this chance of joiing a good.

John Q. Williams STOCK AND 'MONEY I1ROKERS4 i-. I ''Ralbiqh, 0.. FLORIDA YANKEE ACCOUNT. company for special duty in and sTiONTINUE TO CARRY ON THE BBO 1 his is permanently stauuoea xtarracas at Richmond.

$50 bounty and good clothing sury notes, be shall be-allowed pto Issue; notes of the denomination of one JolUr, and of two) dollars, aad of fifty eents. such an amount, as in addition the notes or the denomination of one dollar, beret. fore issned, shall not exceed the sum ef mil-liens of dollars and said notes saaJl bs pajable da' months after the ratification of a treaty of peace be-' tween the Confederate States and the United SUU, and receivable in payment of all publie dues ezeepti the export dnty on cotton, bat shall not be faadahk. 4 -Sec. 8.

That the '0teretaVi ct the Jreasnry be authorised to sell bonds bearing six perxent. laUrees' 1 pet annum, and payable as hereiabefom dlratfted, 'at par for treasury notes issued sine the first day ef December, eighteen handred and tA mh kerage business at their old stand as heretofore, -A correspondent of the New' "York Tribune, writing. from Jacksonville Florida, March 23, gives a record of Yankee arson and outrage per darters and Rations furnished from day of enlistment also, transportation. in all its various. branches.

Feb. 25-6mpd petrated in that beautiful State, which excels Address WM. H- Auuisvn, uaptam ana ttecrmt-ingoflioer, City Battallion, Richmond, Va. April 7 wAswdwpd Commitied To Jail in enormity any of the devilish deeds which have WAS COMMITTED TO TfJE MIL OF Varren on the 31st dav of December heretofore reached It will be seen that these outrages perpetrated by the 6th Connecticut the Confederate States aa'may deeira to purchase the same or he may all such bonds, when gnaraateed' last as- a runaway, a Negro man who says his name is Washington Newell i that he belongs to Capt. Wm.

Smith of the 6th Regiment C. Troops, and that his master lives in Faquier County, when af home. and 8th Maine regiments, and that these demons have gone tip to "Charleston acd Savannah. ouuui UUUll i WE HAVE SOLD OUT OtJR ENTIRE stock of "Carolina Belle," to Messrs. N.

F. RIVS Jk to whom all orders for the Snuff should be i- We shall, in a few days, convert our Mill into a by any or the. tftates'of the 'Confederacy, upon snch plan as may be "determined 8eciarv for treasnry notes on such tents as be mav Should a fight occur at i either place, and any members of the regiments specified are captured, Provision Association. A meeting was held in Atlanta, Ga fon tbe 17th to organize a joint stock company and a provision store for the benefit of mechanical The Confederacy idea is to raise a fund, to purchase provisions at tne cheapest rate, and sell them'at a reasonable profit above So many shares of stock are-to bo taken no person permitted to take more than a given number so as to allow all a chance to invest in if. The share will be put at small amount, so as to make it the more accessible to those of limited means.

It is expected of every mechanic' io the weight of his influence to the store, although he may not take stock in the company. The profits are to bp divided among the i.ockholdorsv TH CORRESPONDENCE We have published the gist of tbe correspond- enco between Mf. Mason and Lord Russell, on Jh ucviu aMiaaoifl, so uv nigoest bidider, aid not below par Provided Aowewry-That-the; whole jitncaat ef SUCh bonds shall not exceed two milluuia af 1 we truet our officers, will, not Ipose sight of the NOT A STRAGGLER. On the morning after tlie great. battle cf.

-Manassas Tlaini, Sergeant of Co. 16th-Mis-sissippi Regiment, being bar-fooled. straggled off from his traversing the battle-field in pursuit; cf a pair of shoes which some frightened Yankee might have thrown away in hfs After looking for a loDg time in vain, he at last saw a pretty gqod pair onj tho pedal extremities of a dead Yankee. He sat do wn at the feet of the dead Yankee, pulled off his shoes arid put them on hia own feet. Admiring the fit, and compli-t menting upon this addition to his march in abilities, he arose, and with knapsack his atrocities perpetrated -by them in Florida: The And 'providql,, That the treasnry lie also says be escaptd from the Jail of Wak.e Conn ty soma six or eight weeks sinde, and subsequently from Nash County -r Said Negro is a dark gingor cake nh bacon, color about 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high, has.

bad teeth in front and' appears to be about-40 cr 4b years, age. The owner! mdst prove pay charges and take him away or he will be dealt with as the law directs, Ii. HARKISS, Jans 10 tf v. Wheat and CorniMiJl, and stop making Sn.uff.'r Our patrons would der1. well ttf send forward orders quick! as the supply will soon be exhausted.

JAMlSS M. VENABLE CO, April 7 1m Petcrsburgi Va. 'I Carolina '1 following is the Tribune's account acies tuns purcnasea snau not be reissued, tr tbe f. feet of sueh reissue would ba to increase the whole amount of treasury notes, bearing1 no interest whisk Jacksonville is in 'ruins. That beautiful city, are In circulation, to a sum creator than ioae-hvadred which has' been for so many years the favorite and seventy-five mOlioaa of dollars.

Aad the Seer. AVlJiG PURCIIASEO THE ENTIRE lary of the Treasnry, Is also avthorixed, at his epthin, resort of invalids frQsu tne has to day been burned lojtbe ground, and, what is lad to record, by tbe soldiers of the national army. a uwrusuK eignieen nanarea ana sixty- three, to issua and aelL'at aet less than ar. aa aaU- JT. stock of the above popular brand of we are prepared to fill orders for the F.

4 Druggists, I April r-im. Petersburg, Va. back and cun in nis. nana, was anout startme to- mansion, a cottage, a negro but, or a warehouse mated in treasury notes, cootfon bonds of tha Contaa. overtake bis when he observed coming towards mm a small ot curalrv.

all of "remains, The long lines of magnificent green and beautiful, with tbe thickest foliage, the orange groves perfuming the air with their blos erate SUtfi, bearing six per cent taterest per annum and payable as hereinbefore directed. The saktaoa. pons to be paid at tba Pleasure of the owner akhav i whoraJas it was drizzling rain, wrapped in I Just Run the Blockade 4 AA DOZEN Bit I AR RO 'I lUu Pipes, 1 0 Pieces superior Blacky Blue and Gray Cloths, 100 dosen Tooth, Brushes 50 gross Staf Button, wide and narrow Lace Gold, SO pieces plaid, and plain Cashmeres for ladies and childrens' dresses, 100 dozen fine gents Collars, QQ dozen spool Cotton, black and-white, Thread black white, 5,000 needles for. the soldiers, large Bizet; JQaversaeks, Mill (a ry Clothing of all kinds njadeto order; and a great va-" ricty ready made, holsyale and retail. their larce rubber or oilclolh overcoats.

It will i questions of the legality or the blockade of our ports by the Yankee Government, and the recognition of the Confederacy. NoSgqbern man can mA it wiitout feclinps of indicmation and con be remembered the Cavalry are frequently the currency in which interest is paid on other beada of the Confederate States, or else iq eettoa certificate which pledge the government to mav th'a aama in eotL assigned to tbe duly of picking up J. P. KNIGHT (SCCCESSOBS TO KMIOHT, BOBEHTSOS Si NOT -IRON FRONT. II If ILD ING, 6YC2tMOB flTBEBT, PETERSBURG, i WU1 sell cn commission TQBACCO, COTTON, WIIEA 2V FL 0 tVR, CORN, BA CON, LARD, UTTER, BRANDIES, C.

and hence, there. i no good feeling between tbe- ton of ihe quality lf New. Orleans middlings; Tha -said cotton to be paid at the rat of eigh, pence ster. -ling per pound, and to be delivered at any time wUhh infantry and c-ivalry, as they approaoaed Ser-, geanf tbe. foremost one asked: What are soms, the sycamores, the old century plants adorning every garden, the palmettoand bayonet trees, ever tropical in verdure, the rose "knd tho jess a-mirfe all that at this soason, indeed, I might say 4hroub all seasons, has made Jacksonville a little Eden, has "been" burned and sgorphed and crisped, if not entirely consumed tQ ashes, by the devouring Yesterday the beautiful little cottage used as the Catbolie parsonage, together with the was fired by come of the soldiers, and in a 6hort time burned to the ground.

Before tbe flames had you doing here, sir, away from your command 200 dozen CoaVs for the xvmyI t. w. ROYSToy; -4 Va 7-1 1 7' Will attend to the filling of orders will make cash "That's none-ot-: your business," answered, -the SergeaM. i I You are a strageler; sir, and deserve the se-! rerpst punishment." t-mpt indignation for the cold and stony haughtiness, cot to say rudeness, of manner of the Jelt-isi Minister towards Mr. Mason, (afterwardabnly pa-tially ft oned by a disavowal of any personal disrefpJi) -ad contempt for the subterlugos re-soi to to cov-r a selfish policy.

Mr. Mason discharged bis duty, fully and plainlyf roved upon the British GavornmeulMnconsiiiancy In disregarding tbe provuroas of the Treaty of Paris on tho aurject of blockade; and Lord Russel failed utterly 10 defend the conduct of ffis Government, lie had to make up In arroganee for the lack of justice and reason in the positions.of bis Government. TLe first reading bf tbp corrtspondenca wquld "It a He, sir--l am not a strajreler I only fairly reached tbe church the soldiers burst open left my regiment a fe minutes ago, le hunt me a pair of she. I went a.U throurh the, llghtfes- advances on.prodace hand, KNIQUT A NOTICE. I am, conneQted with the above house, and will ba pleased to have, my eld friends and customers patronize me as heretofore, BENJAMIN M.

ROBERTSON. Feb lid -iT, Manufactured and Smok in Tobacco Agency. six monins aiu. use ratiaoatton er a' treaty ef yeas) 7 between the Confederate States and th United But, -at any or all of the porta Mobil, Sa vahnahi Charleston or Wilmington, as the Secretary Of, the Treasury may direct: Prxico kptewr, Ihat -the bonds, hereby authorized, shiU not exoeed a hundred miljjons of doUars, and shallVs applied oply the absorption of Txeasurv xwU as arescribai ia thia aet Sec. That it shall be thedu the Secretary the Treasory immediately after the passage ef this aet, to -make Imblloation of a copy thereof id eaeh Btata, In at least two newspapers, published In th Stat, aad to have said publication antil kb first day of August, eighteen hundred and sixty.lbr.

Approved jjarch 23, 1M3.W, aCt 8 ti Aa te.rfl&i and that's more thanryou can say for Large Arrival ofV alualile. import -ed Exuga K- -Kn 1 TOILET; ARTICLlBS; JtfST received' PESCUDS DRUG STORE. I CONSISTING IN PART OF THE FOLLOWING, via: 10 Kegs Sup. Carb. Sod- lO.Cases CoQaoy's Indico.

JQ, lb cases. 1 where were you yesterday, when Gen. S.uart wanted your cavalry to vcharge tre Yankees after we put' em running 7- Yajiwere Ivinsr hack in tbe the doors and commenced sacking it of everything of value." The organ was in a moment orn tq strips, -and- most pry- aoldieJ who- ca at on 1 turned to bo celebrating the tccasibn by blowing through an organ 1 To-day the same spectacle 'nas been repeated only upon -a mqch grander scale. -There, must have been some understanding among the incen? TTTEJIAVE "IN STORE AND FOR' SALE prompt mo6t persons aocire tne immeauu rcuau of Mr. Mason; but a littlo refl -c'Jon will change on commission, 10,000 boiea Manufactured To pine thickens and coqldn't he foqnd; hut to-day, when here's no danger, you can come but and charge other men with stcagellng." 4-.

i-'f-The navalrv man. instead of ffelancrm- 1keom. .200 Ounces Quinine. bacco, consisting of lbs, lbs, 5s A 10s; 5,000 boxes ed to enjoy this raking, over from" tbe plucky! BLOCHADB GOODS. PS MEIC1NOA 1 AND CASIIlIItlSdl-1 40 piccea piack Alpaccas.1 I y' 50 himo uwjCTUk, auu as uqrvua tu.

laugueci.nearu ly at As the tqoadron: was nling nearly past Twists' and lbs in Cady Boxes, eonjer. fine chewi6g 100,000 lbs of Smoking io all shape ana sised packages; 1,00 Boxef srinff, for1 which we are agents; J. enable CM celebrated Carolina Bell 4 Moore A Lynch 8 $ne Sootch Snoffs; also other Brands of Snuff- We sell, on ooramlsaioa all kinds of Produce, aad bavin an extensive acqaainiadee, we can promise i il, j- mm M. tne oergeant, one or tuem remaritea you know who jou -are lalUing io a cqwardly Virginia cavalry-ttjani'1 highest prices for all articles sent to our care. lbs tiVL Uampnor, 300 lbs Copperas 1 300 K-i" Extract Logwood.

Silperb Eng. Mustard in Lib Bottleaslnd 9 Cases. 2 Gross Low's Old -Brown Soap. 2 Gross English Tuoth Brushes. i Very Superb Voung 'Shoukong Congou Tea, chests abd half cheats.

1 0 Gross Matches 9 do. Uenry'a Calsined Magne. sia, -i-. 24 Dot. Fine Ivory, Born, and India Rubber.

5C0 lbs Black Pepper ,1 Gum aad Powdered Opium; Ipecac; Hover Powders Chloroformi Sa4 0 2Q0 Ihs Flnwert nhur. -'n "No, sir that's (Janeral IeQ, 100 dosen Heavy Jeans Drawers, Just reivd. 180 pieces Fin White Linen drawers all aisea, Jll.praUnen Sheets all ready fV avf ,60 lbs BlakSwiasl j. t- "100 lbs Wait Brown Flax, Ne I aitlal, Coats, pajats, Vests, Over CoaU, Jliliury aad CUlsaae Press. April 1 Pcteriburg, V-, thu feating.

it-, ilas-jn has not yet oeen leco-nixidand revelTedas a Minister Xronis this Gov, ernoirnt, itself unrooonixed. Therfpre he has no jHjiition to retire from, save that of waiter on the pleasure of Jha Bull; and. oa the pleasure of that amialb perWii touchibg ur recognition wo have to a ait, do what we Having submitted our claim to recognition a proper self reepect should preclude us from icncwing It; but we sea no hucailiaticr: in Ur. flpn' Itf'be rVsdy foV anv vent that may turn' up, i rapwent our nation ia the miat man rr upon such questions, political and financial-, as may ari, and Uke care of our inter es in a timely way at the point where they are end nj ay bo seriously affected. Tiere-iprc-.

let Mr. Mason otay, as it is nb doubt the of our own Government'heahoQld: -Ha has t'What 4 f4 'No, fcjroa BnUdiM, Sycami diaries with regard to the, conflagration. At 8 o'clock the flames burst from several buildings in different paru of the city, and a later hour still more were fired. Tbe wnd then rose to a stiff gali and the torch of tbe incendiary became unnecessary to increase tbe fire. The only mansions of any value left as we raoveown tbq are tfce elegunt man; $qn Col, S4Ddertoo -and iu.dge Burritt, both rebels sind sooundreli of the deepest djb.

-if! 1 It givei ma pleasure to report that the1 nero trot-pa took no part whatever in the perp- tration of this vandalism. They had nothing whatever tido with and were simply silent a of tbe pler4did ut gad 'The 8 t'h Cwnnecti-cut charge it upon, the 8th Haiae, and the 8th Maine hdrl it back upon the 6th Connecvicut. After in different paris of thacily had "And his staff if Feb 2Mt 4 Pet. 1 toThunderauon With this exclamation the Groceries Grooeriest 1 milE FIRST YEAR TJ1E WAR.4. By Edwabd A.Pab, Author of "Black Price, When sent by mail, ji50 3 W.

L. P0J1EROY. GlUB, lb Bottles Balsaia Obpaihav 4 CaliUE. tHE BtST IRISH GtUk a Am trti WV 1 TT Sergeant pulled off his bat, aftd' readjustin it over his a double quick on the atralght-esl line for Jils regiment.Pati7jy Crion; jL Rev. Thtodorick Pryor has rogned the pastorship of the 51 IV csbyterian church in Petersburg, Va to pursue hi calling in the army.i Two ateamera, fro IWaasaiy the "Margaret and Jesse" and the Carolina," have arrrived a WUmineton, N.

(C I 5 i rTHIEM FRAPS. nrOaen-OUt, o. hujv iruerri every iuuii SACKS SUPERFINE FLOUR, Jnglisii 4iiu Alasa anrt Uatomel, in jars and pound packages, 25 iSf Chlorate Putaih, and many etbr goods bongh 'at recent sales in ChatlCS- etr and which iU: be" sold at small advances in qiiii tit jet to suit purcbas- era. aBaUy expected a supply of SUGAR and C0F- -March 30 RALEIGH, N. KV Utf '1-' -y fr- WHITAKERS.

discharged his duty, and borne himself in a mainly style; and what has transpired in wi Lrd'Russell can only redound, in the rplni'-n of the world "and th-judgment bif-toryr ilhe'detriment of the British' i Richmond Ditpaich. shot who ahbuld'bo found ipply-ng Ibfe'torib. But the order came too late. The ProVost Marshal and hisuardtsculd not abbot or arrest the I' iman power could stay its ravages. i'AA RUSIIELS 8WEET POTATOESj BUSHELS MEAL, 100 At.

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