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Weekly Raleigh Register from Raleigh, North Carolina • Page 1

Raleigh, North Carolina
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MMM fr- I I 1 'I 1 Uiwtarp'dciy yaxty rg(to JitniLt wotaeTi. '11': -iV1. fk 1 VOL.1 XX a7j57 -J 5 fl i j' i 5. ry i' 'V o. A liiht house rn WmdmiliPoint.v at wneneyer satisfaction of dte'Rcepartr 'n? rh iyv-wnicn tney Tornnervy.

lenjoyepi -suqn fecurity viritleV nild 'gqv6rtiment Intf of; reatRritain)' to fmfm tindethtitiioiv: tor? the said facietatyi uponf rece'iVih bondvvith sufficientfeecurityp accouiilof reasurf qtb: alleged Of be! sr lost dAVnvAff.y;.'Wa the amount due-ip siieli note, to tbS, per nnearjtn? -pcrcoi me state ot hlrtteofgiaVv fpZ itishaU Secretary Vf Secretary whenever prpbf shall thd satisfaction of the ifet: Trea the loss brxiestruc'tion of hVcei tificate of Mississippi fstockjt 'shalifj value with the one lost br destroyed th6 with estabjished attlie TreasurA derartnwrit 7the renewal of certificate of itoicfc ost JSrc'v''- An set authorising trihutjon aSiaA tomiiltraentary or tr-ej in vn ccn cauke and mendir. i M'dtr and entt jcy i cers aiidcrey of thetrj v'v J- c'V hp Jkrmoni'i unani'jvuv ni exertion in th cause liberty 7i" XJHUKU. males aPnroDriatedjiiiiftr anvVimft V.1? mXe vfreasuty -i tibt ctherW se, lap '-rV tne m.qutn 01 KappananocKr jver, Heht Vessel bpat onithe 1 Wolf-trap 7 Til 't- 1'' rt Qltrt-alc-if 1atfr chall rV-rnOfl lefabiei ttv aPifgut noase; on vvindmrjl Ioint llgKthouseon Craney, Island at liijouth; of EUzabeth River, and a light selyor oiityilloughby's Spit, between; and Hampton a beacpnor land 'hiafkvrbn Wolf Jsjand, the Treasury to cause three buoys to be piac-a sucii manner as 10 marie out tne channelleadink into the harpor if Boston, and oneTlbupyito be; pted 6h) Isiatid I i ouoy, omi the outer) tock of ithfe, reef fon" ffnfhg; frlm Gohney Jsland. icasteir'n HNorwalk' Island; another buoy cri the ireef a runninsr "abmt 'soiith a II. I i .1 1 I inav aj fc isiana ana, a.

spmuie on -thei Doin tFMrwatherFIstaridd buoys lrt the Chesapeake and rat psco Riveri for kleignating the' loais and phnlintd, mi'tfri sate of it shall if I the Treasury to cuse pier i car ried ibutftb nine feet water, at the house hitfetofore fvuthnrised to at themnwtl5df iheMisstesrtp atno, thk he caue.rt'; present er. ac tne aeguianeut of MHssiieusctti, to ne ot stone. ph Htver dollars thBo. on Snar row's" Rav. -sLih' ort the.

Pat4risCoSRiver; hide dqliars For light" ius'oa Windmill Ptint, -j or light vessel! orr0aat iiiiht htsuse on Crahy if? Elizabeth KiVer, chaunelJeading into for; oneflp be ledge, in Buzza dollars trt tf ihe' point! oi-. ve I undred dollars Forft wMHI bJuoysrtD "bel placed i the ChesapUke BavVand Hatapsco Iver; eight tht, doilarbt For th'pier to carri? in the- Trea.JVy if tbeUmtell Mot otherwise aprdpted, tlie fpllovf ir 1 iiitK fru W. of' moneyvLtp ccompl feh the i piirrioics heretn5rej enumerated this "Fori thelerectioh an'destab- SliSfiiiliSj Jiniarivon xiairwav n.cit,eicvcn uusdnu iiir ks 1 i r.L. 100 island three ilihtm6use6e i mVonV on Hortil 3 al! ifcd.h rm thn Wi Ktran i a itffHC vessel OC bhatori IvajoughbyMitibee haven B.v and Halnploa-kosd a-R Isl mouth place-d on west tna Iay, sixn riundredv o.r,fuoy soa tae rief funning froft). tor thai onBTeef iUnng abkt thW- westeri Norwalk tor.

that oane riJL a v'rKrt -l be rejiac-d ,7 ed io 1 PfV olrtctrs and crew tjf- mei bne of war Ai fWi scsmKs ill cvheru Vd i tern -alnd-v; ho confiVmd thei natic and acts of the delegation in, riivir -jofBcial capacity, From tins delegation criminated tlie Cou-t Knqr.ify of constituted jind held; thejr f.rst se kkju in sesiV'hs''K't w.beru al a Txif -tit- 1 r(-I lit breach of the -blockadd of ie Oortof "-r more utainz.c4 wvm'---- -be estabiisneq in.tnjs province and -to reijulate conduct as citiieni'i Afret-sHting'in Courthouse all niehtf neither sleepy, grvv 6r and TT pararap tney were a pasen sauc, Vioned and'- decreed unanimously about 'A. Ml May 20. In a fq vr day s- deputation of said "delegation convened Philadelphia, with c6pylofHaid Kej 3lves and Proceedings, tgeiher With lettfr, iiddnssed to tur rhwetKepr sufltntires viz. Ca Urtder xpresn "mjunctioni persjinallyf aij all possible mean ir to-: have sAii sanrtiorted and apfrqyed by tlie neral ConsTess; On the.rttu wf Cat Jack, tne delegation; learnelrl ujiat tiw proceedings ycrc indivicI -aHv approve fore the House. A joiryt.

fetter, frdtn 11 1 three of also rJ evident ivstntinsr 'froril tiiest regulations tihd Ihe' taunued exempt 17 'r of said delegation apnifenty iranqirii 4 ised" this ec? ion aiid 'thet witf I 'V the concurrence and hirjh nppro.bati ithe Covnribof hn I eld resiui a 1 ai lot ie. 1. JanjesN nuvr; ana at uoi.ruuers aiteroateiyi ope eacrtf pif-ce. jc was a civu Court foni.ded on indiury Be- aardi 1 ridictioa wa; ed -YVyism, it.dvcri-es as final as the enfidttice ad.prViatls'i of ih' County as cc ie'e ff brought fore tlkem fr rr Lmcclti, Ron! and thei Tle forcing" 'is a tniec' py" cf the papers on the c(, in mv maid a' ny 'ivmtt Ak uec I Snd W'liJ-imsbn m-Ne Vork, ti en, Writjng a t-t iSortu And that a is sent 1.0 otrii.

tv. 1 i. rr fThe tollovrirsr Vas rl 'hcthc ua.ef ana is tevt Gdpii.ii! and Caventbn Vhtef bftle iaid Province, 'A me rvmsr anxroiis tor wtrie welfare and hat)piness of all his neo- pie; senibleiito the. representations mem nave lieen maae to mm to liis Majesty of teir own at most ejeer- tions in co-operat'on his arms wheVrm r. lUy- uouiu oe uirer.tcu io mejrsup.

port. AKD.wiinEA nis Majesty mov -d b'f th ese- cop si deration sV a bf ye ry i-the m.t! tender 'and paternal' feelinVtof concern; ar regard for the siiilenogs jml)cse! bv of the- rehM Gnn. upon his fi-eebfe supers, ihiath been pleaded to send. aj-mv their; aid f.fore thcueht proper, by this ProclaruatioriVAo inform fch'is Majesty 's-foyaVand faithful iubjets ihi oi wns. proct antijn--f 'stajrfpedf his.

Maje'sty atTeth' theitti and at thsa'm tise thevn ths. the royal army under the' cm a nd of Lieut en a -G ene ral -Earl uiv-ir bajjHri, je lug it io xiiitniseyes to crmtpute-f ksv Power and from at mefftiOT.ed on V.ftthrft iHv ncrn- al 1: a 1f 1 ed iApm, 180 0. a i I i i. 1 the pf DKTVAR VT10N OF IMPENDENCE. 4 ii-htK rmbly tnny of tl.ahe citizens or Crnm trade ibrrs.

The follovvng- Pj 1 tie r.and? of the' Witor froro lirqutfstiona-; luthorUyamtis rub)isUed that it may go flown to posterity. i ntfyi 20, 1575 ft or 1775; the leading c.ha conntv, stimiOa a Ktr hihjisiasttc which el'-vates thcjm.lhVVnbove A to sbeltertHemse1vc? from the Inf pending storm tjy5 aiomivsin, iu jn ecdvfrf the cntment 1 cr' all ttiat their destinies v.ere 1 ipfiiciuhlr with cf the if Faster i jr.ut suU'mt to 11 ip(psitlcns vhich'an uf.principtedaiid itftw' an I t'nrepre'scntfecl patliaTrentVniHt Adam Afexander, tnrousn ti isfued ai to each Captain's CAir pny ir county of I (fhp'n present Cfinty cf larrnsl dircftinc militMcrn.pa7 cv wo pr cnsr ar'd delegate to tyranny. 4 In "conf to said the 19th. of Ma v. 175 met vested, withunlitiviteitpovers tt which time officii I by)' express, ar ri ved of 1 at 1 1 cf Le 'njt on on- th a 7 day cf the preceding monrb.

Every fW 'Megate felt the vohm-Sc lrrppTtance ot' (he jj pnz? 8c the; 1 sc Vnrr crjsir which il su in.eter.icy'apn. I uisatable deveped 'm the late, attack at The ur.iver saHenT tinr-fpt was; let usnct natter ourselves. that piuf han I that popular i a cr will avert tjhe stormr for yar.qi.tsn, eur common lci, tdt'l'uVia c-4Vjt us calculate the issued Lthf.rrobahle it sulU and then 1ft us act yehh merges brethren, leagued to ti rvc cur prr itj -cur Ikes, and what is still more the liberties tf Atrierica. -Abrahatii Mrxiinder Uen elected Chqubian; and Jcfin 'I'Ans -t- tzjvendcrr Clerk. AJter a free and ftill dis'n5isTtifof fhe unanin.f-usli Ordained- l.

whosoever directh or any way; fr-rnT cf tik uucharferrd ar.d dancroasl invasion "of our rights, 'as by Gieat-Bri tain, ban enemy to CouCtry, to Americai and to the. arid it blienable 1 ights of mari.y; Thai vre citizen'cf caj connection, contract or iwil shed the mncaent bleed' of A- I paifHHa.1 jexmon. i o. KeaUv'td, we do hereby: dc- tUty oursejea free arid' indepeivdcnt I'ec'ple, arejandj of right ought be, a piereign and sejf foyerning trip rtntWI nt h.a Mr Ihon I teht-bf our God and General Gov crrmer.t Congress to the mamte- nancccf hich wdcendenct-, wfc soIemnMi pledge tq each; other ciCr mutual Co- cperailoe cur Uv es, cur fortunes, arid cur sacred -vf. I Rruhjid, That, as we notf 'acknow'- lere ti.e eyjtne-and controfrof po liw vi ii omcer.

civd or miliary wis CcuRty Wtf da lkreby4 ordain and as a rule life, al! each And ive? or cur former a ever-weles-s. the Crown of Great-Briufn nc -er aQ cKiihidred as' holding ---vo, uuujunsuea orauuioriiy uicre- '-i I lornur, Command sind antnq-jt j- -uns. i Aad tiiat everV' cneleSkf or snopoTtliieir brethren tho were I ei the rst shock of that poVen tv! irh if "wccesstul there, uhi- 1 n. mlirbi in thp r.rmmOi 1 1 i.Jrt.-irr C4iformablv to these prinopVs t-itin an plc o'vr to evl.c tvayi and Xir.A,s to'- aid fi'rd 'asstj' eir suffer''-' in? hretliTein "Jii. tJ and ajro "'-e reriVr to aopt nf isuf's to extricate themselves Krom the imindin storm, 1 securej nhimprdrcd their in deuaile Ti.p'its prlvflejes aid lihortie from the i ts to the Country, and hereby -bsclve cursives, from ail allegiance to trc British Crown, and amure all pojitx- i to i l.the 11 -1" v'-; of h1fry pen i.v; cer fion? tohiicow.

and offic'CTm mnel the disobedient to i to rbe ra'ws, findj a partcipatiohi7thoe. btsirigs oF a free cjcpstiiii iohV vW hitli ignorance blmdires audfraudney. have been hn tbTrjesist nptwihstanjdin jbis; iestv nllrciiful en df vor to Vec jaim henK A TWr'th us 6 sTied fm it becomes my duty to remind. iijrMi iuar tne ine arrivwi in wmcn thly are to evince ihe; sincerity of theirt I professions of lovltv and attachment' to UuilV 'J. '-fcfi'-y rtney ure to conncer tfiemsrive5 m'tnis liour most' seriously- and sol Shi inly called upon b-every duty of the subject to the soveihl'ffHd bv everv fie and dnriside- in deliver, theiliseives fcu that.

intoJeMJ le vke of slavery andv arbHrary 1707 1 nicnrt je. wannya tne ueot trjut'h and holW'-nfii t.n-.and iKrpsiant has 7 1 Ijeen to subVerti the ci viliv I th i esot a.kihf) to retitpre th'eAivj-; tp state perfecjt free', doinwhlc; thi-t Jt is iishi inclinatnin, anil arleut 'desire 6 hV 14) esyfs faith fuVand J'ST subiects to emDlov tfkiir strppgth (onlj'Ht jc.caioivf'prhe 1 -Tg thatVcaije A 7 ,71. I cf tfv menn.tne way 4 ejrectui) kM 4CrlAinJv t-eat 5 'peacft which, they hav view exhort SiRinxN all thfe andrable 1 1 ne Men ntv of int; bV enHstlng in wnicn tonh ui unei my com and as; ftts: MiK; sty's JCIoyerhcr, of the! hih a nd. vfS be req i red serve MiVyf jdrtii'tg; Rebellion, aott vithin thefrbvfrco2.of Korth and South wtrohna; andW l-heir own- recommend that ach receive oountyot.tnree. tu beas at the me enhtSng; li; the chrathing, afip-svRtnients, alH.u-xes CHCtirCemens soldiers' of.

his Ma ir- ul v-uimtu. til. uir fc assui tnan. nivviaies tyVIoyal andtithfti-Mects ofm Pro vicesstrf strength upap this Hath Proved caralontnderdt a Vaird ff ctuat to the spcS swpprfeit'n of the-tyranny which haSlf iv veirsfeft -AiiMviS ti.m of every will lead'Vtt-m each Other ihUrnthiiSectiv hsttaK liens wjhiij thy sha lTOin a just 4'Seof the kerit applause that: dl bd dd tichtsi. arer soonest.

cbm pleated. 1 tii nxvl land thle Great I -i. oi theafi pt-ince, atHe-1 Quarters, jn ChaTOttTown; tliis 4 iuira oavot tne year twentie -V7 7 JBtj hi Eitvelfyil1 Ail taamhorfse: buoy, ton places jf ana and 'Erie; and' i Jx-l tx i 1 4uei uuiy Treu ec.Teia!:,v ot a XJU tJll ill -lf 1 ttt giuhetl to. tfe is.rng;9 oyal? ana tajtntui fefctsv.the' arrival androSreof iifesty Varm to theiiiaid and support, sthey'! have- liens: and eagerly virme.S -em lv anninc to rivet upon lhhbaiih. iu.tKf,aidof tie two'Ho-'manlGth; VJcj- pw rs-of I 3' hc know led ere the wtaici ii (be oiilvsin thi envied I'hiigrijs Ajsd wniffefcA tlive entir confidence, nu ote reeihont thev are, to be tscharted, to Me of lanii and I 11 V5 ta-year his Aiaiestyrs rr lY i v' rt vrhich shall be pp j-qved tfceredents the UooiseiSuiijg rafca'm wks? and house pP Birds is andvtn'Btafeil1 iu' bbitate; Miassacbu se Ttft light, house onl uallp Is.ikf,; nes petienf thexnotn rthir and banning anu nappinfvSh 1 do herehird If se the I Atv t'" VT vi I in, the service ofhe; uunafc MJC WU- irO Ifrbm flight: house the bWOT i four i thpu.aud toirs "and in the niohVr diel Seirhialrheretofcre de: SW adiitSii- cvf.mence at the ine 1 resiaenv or 11 i.

tne or lifR; ana unsnaKon toyary, and of fidelity aUachment iof hiTs faithful subj in thwproVince to "-v rx.H 7 rn, li the ot the aP: I vs ck.V i .,1 7 1 .1 lllrv. II UI kj I wtw f.UiUCIlhiUrU frM-iaiionii mide fi7irriy tirvveirsu 1 'TT T.r ri.f f7r-Tvif'T fpC-ctiveiy uamaai pe, aua wy.ifiy freshen 01 Vniisi house fttiio WfF 1 H14evCT andiM; 1 i pelqWnton and nyfejdclU-f -t -7 't rgreat, signal, and complete tvictorr iren dollars be; knd uhey -prtf ueeby 1 addition olUthF.sarAspe 2' vlviSi; 22,2 priated, ti pay thelarieVhe3 Uoadva irrh rjrwthrf keepers j- i p-' States 'oe pp4deri jTowruhips 48 to 55 4 ticWffi eeperPaibresaid at the rat i v'aleof. -f' -T---? fitiuSreB and fiftytlotiars pevit 3eciry bf.thepl rca' 0ir --vt5ir ir xnedMkmdeR land whjebUre becnv act jtf authorise ib.eV pfU if rrUl yjA Invwf, 5l7th 'y cr teV nwteibe-iatrdtro Wni? mas -whilehis MaJtv'i a n.r awT withoa taitbrrfturtrx their diitjl r6V to i 1 V7- r77j i vcvva re.ason argument, -y allm "'rOT tuanrthe forf hi, urms; hroif JRr vrfn i' 1. 'l me hMiahful Tinree-ligi A i fictL. kist'l ia uLlll', l.l-s i dl-vv rTTN.

v- -17- i '-rrutccxi- tana- otiAWp.

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