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Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois • Page 6

Alton, Illinois
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PAflfiSIX ALTON EVENING TELEGRAPH SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 1954 MR. AND MRS. ROGER NICHOLS (Stuff Roger Nirhols, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.

Glen Nichols. 2619 1P wedding. Doris Yoager nnd Miss Broemser, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ralph Broemser, 2310 Edmond were marriod nt 7:30 o'clock Friday night at Hie home of the bridegroom's brother-in-law und sister, Mr.

and Mrs. Elvis Tarrnnt, 2460 Sylvan lane. The Rev. Morion Presley, minister of Main SI reel Bnp- list Church, officiated nl the double ring ceremony. Marvin Nichols, brother of the bridegroom, was best man, and Mrs.

Louis Garner, sister of the bride, was matron of honor. The wedding was attended by members of the immediate families and Jhcy were afterwards entertained at reception in the Tarranl home. For her marriage the bride wore a white suit, a white hat trimmed with a veil, nnd navy blue accessories. She wore a corsage of lavender orchids. Mrs.

Garner appeared in n. light blue suit and navy blue accessories. Her corsage was of pink roses. Mr. and Mrs.

Nichols will reside in an apartment that they have made ready for their occupancy on Alby street. The bride and bridegroom, employes of the Owens-Illinois Glass are graduates of Alton High School. Wedding Sunday In Greenfield Church Miss Mary Jane Firiney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Finney of Greenfield, and Gerald Lee, Ross, son of Mr.

and Mi's. Charles Ross, Greenfield, will be married at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon in Uic Greenfield Methodist Church. Miss Finney is a graduate of Greenfield High School and is a student nurse at Passavant Hospital School of. Nursing, Jacksonville. Mr.

Ross, also a graduate of Greenfield High School, is a member of the junior class at University of Illinois. Mr. IiOhngon, employed by the Milwaukee Foundry, nnd bride will reside at 2976 South Superior Milwaukee. Miss Dipiazzo has been in Milwaukee since January and is PUX operator for Ihc Milwaukee Transit Co. Methodist Churrh and the Rev.

Mayo nf- fjratod at the double rtnR-rne- mony. is thr former Miss Patrirn Joan Clnrk, dautihl'T of Mr. nnd Mrs. Burl of RorkliridRe, nnd she hud ns her attendants, tvr Wilma Weber and Mi'-. Kinser.

both of 'j field. Thr In -fin of Mr. nrvl Mi 1 f'en-y Wnhl of k- bi idr- Ivi'l his attendants Haml'l l-'terr. best man. Harry Grilfith.

tji'toinsmnn, nml Rfiy nnd Clark, hnilhers nf the tiridegi-oom and bride, ufre ushers. Mershel Williams pianist, find in addition to playing the wedding marches, rompnnirrl Mrs. Henry Roberts who sanfi "Heenuse" and "Always." The rhureh was decoraterl with palms and bouquets ol chrysanthemums nnrl jonquils. The bride wore a while satin gown fashioned with a high cnlliir, ealla lily sleeves find Hie skirt extended in a train. White rosebuds held her veil nnd she carried red nnd white roses.

Miss Weber appeared in pale green and Mrs. Kinser was in lavender. Their dresses were of lace over tnffetn find they wore matching halo hats, A reception followed the wedding, nnd Inter the couple departed on (heir honeymoon trip. Mr. Wnhl is employed by the Olin Industries, nnd his bride is an employe of the Illinois Hell Telephone Alton office.

They are gradunlcs of Greenfield High School, Announcements of Births Mary Connell to Attend Girls State Mr. and Raymond Helm- Hospital. Tho baby, their fourth kamp of Moro are parents of child, weighs eight pounds nnd a son. Thf naliy born at three ounces. Their other c.htl- 7:31 p.m.

Fridav in St. Joseph's dren are Donald. 7, Chris, 5, Hospital, wejr-hing six pounds nnd Mary Lynn. 1. and five ounces.

The nnrne of Sandra Sue A --on. weighing richl pound's been chosen hy Mr. and Mrs and Ki ourves, was born 9:08 Maurice Klfpen of 3201 F'rKnll p.m. Friday in St. for a daughter, born nt 6:03 a.m.

today in Alton Memorial Hospital. The baby weighs eight pounds. Their other Mr. and Mrs. An-hie htpr, Joan, is 5.

parents of their son. The bnby, Mark Gregory is the name by Mr. and Mrs. Roger In Mr. nnd Mrs.

Kd- wnrd Vahle of Fieldon. ol Godfrey, are seventh child. wpolling six pounds, six ounces. bom (it 1:27) today in of Rt. 1, Alton, for their MISS STOHIJS.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Kdwnrd S. Stobbs of East College nvenuo are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Kiilh- erinc KliMlielh, to Richard Massey, son of Mr, and Mrs. Lewis J.

Massey of '111 Market SI. No (lute has been set for (lie wedding. Miss Stobbs is attending the University of Illinois, where she is majoring in occupational therapy. She Is president of Alpha Omicron PI, social sorority, nnd a membw of Alpha Lambda Delta, scholnstic. honorary, nnd Shi Ai, activity honorary.

She is mi inactive member of Zetn Beln Psi. Mr. Massey attended Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, where he was a member of Sigma Tan Gamma, social frnlornily. He is enrolled at Shurlleff College and is employed by Young's Dry Goods us advertising nnd display manager. Miulc Known Mr.

and Mrs. Clyde Land of the Greenfield vicinity have, announced the engagement of their daughter. Miss Barbara Land, and LnVerne Potts, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Karl Potts of Placerville, Calif.

Miss Land is a graduate of the Greenfield High School nnd Illinois College, Jacksonville-. She is'a member of the faculty of Modesto, (Calif.) High School. Mr. Potts is a graduate of San Jose State College, Situ Jose. and is engaged in newspaper work in Modesto.

He served three, years with the Sc-abocs during World War Mr. and Mrs. Land and Mrs. Glenn C. Smith and daughter, Mrs.

Robert W. Sudbrink of Beardstown, are planning 1o attend the wedding which will take place in California in August. Alton Little Tin-litre Meeting at the YSK'A Alton Little Thoatre will meet Monday evening, April 10, 8 o'clock, at the Young Men's Christian Association. Miss Dipiazzo to Wed la Milwaukee Miss Mary Grace Dipiaxzo, daughter of Mrs. William Wanous of 315 Lorena Wood River, and Joseph Dipiazzo of Alton, will be married to H.

Anthony Lohagen of Milwaukee Saturday morning, May 1, at 11 o'clock in the Church of Gesu, Milwaukee. The Rev, David McKvay will officiate, and Roy Maehrlein and Miss Patricia Purdy will be the couple's attendants. A reception will follow the wedding. Mrs. Wanous is leaving next Saturday for Milwaukee to visit her daughter, attend pre-nuptial events, and to be present Miss Mnrlun Fowler (iiicst of Honor Miss Muriun Fowler, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Dorris Fowler of Virginia street, Re- 1 hallo, was guest of honor at a pre-iiuptinl shower Thursday evening nt Our Lady Queen of Pence Church, Belbnllo, given by the Misses Lillian Davis and Patricia Cross. Miscellaneous gifts were presented to Miss Fowler, and were placed around bride and bridesmaid dolls. Twenty-five were present. Games were played and refreshments served, with ihe Misses Viola Brenner.

Blum-he Hnrshberger and Mrs. Nell Cross assisting the hostess. Miss Fowler will become the bride of Harold Manns, son of Mrs. Theresa Manns, Saturday. April in St.

Mary's Church. Couple Iteturn From Honeymoon Trip Mr. nnd Mrs. Donald Wahl returned Friday from a honeymoon trip and are residing at 1004A Alby St. The couple's marriage took place at o'clock Sunday afternoon in the Kelrlc-lliilmni Wedding Thin Afternoon Kvnngelical nnd Reformed Churrh, Kighlh and Henry was the setting this afternoon, lit 2 o'clock, for pretty wedding when Miss Marilyn 1 In- bum, daughter of Mr.

nnd Mrs. William Hahum of became the bride of Glenn A. Kcirle. The Rev. Leonnrd Todd officiated, using Ihe double ring ceremony.

Mrs. Clarice, Ferguson was at the organ, nnd Bill J. Reed snng "Oh, Promise Me," "Because" nnd "The. Lord's Prayer." Miss Ilabum entered Ihe rhurch with her father, who gave her in mnrrliigo, and was preceded down the aisle by her sisters, Mrs. Robert llopkn and Miss Sue Habnm, tmd Mr.

Kelrlo's sistcr-in-lnw, Mrs. Gordon C. Koirle. Mrs. llopke was matron of honor nnd Miss 1 In- bum nnd Mrs.

Keirlc were bridesmaids. Gordon C. Keirle was best man, and Karl Ke.nsler nnd William Poe wore groomsmen. Donald Bcnsmnn nnd Leon Chappol, cousin of the bridegroom, seated the gunsls. Palms and gladioli arranged In the sanctuary formed setting for the bridal parly.

Miss Habnm appeared in a gown of white nylon tulle nnd Chant illy lace, over satin, and her lingcr-tip length veil was secured with an Kllznbelhan styled lace cap. She carried a while Bible on which rested a white orchid. The bridal gown had snug bodice designed with a yoko of illusion nnd long filter! sleeves ending in points, and full length skirt fashioned with tiers of tulle nnd luce. Buttons were placed down the back. Miss llnhum wore double strand of pearls, a gift from Mr.

Keirle, son of Mr. Mini Mrs. C. J. Keirle of St.

1-ouis. The bride's attendants were, attired in frocks of pule yellow nylon marquisette, made with portrait necklines, and lull length skirls. They worn headdresses of yellow taffeta, and matching elbow gloves. The matron of honor's flowers were Orange Delight roses, mid the bridesmaids carried blue iris. Reception Is in progress this nfierniHiii at the home of Mr.

Kcirle's aunt, Mrs. Marie Bal- sler, 111" Hast Fifth St. Assisting in entertaining the guests are Mrs. William Poe and Miss Joe Ann Jenkins, Mr. anil Mrs.

Keirlc arc leaving this evening tor a short slay in Chicago, and for traveling the latter has selected a gray shantung suit nnd blue accessories. Mr. Keirlc and bride arc cm- ployed in Ihc main office of International Shoe SI. I-onis. Mr.

Kcirle, gradnatu of Alton High School, served SI. Joseph's Hospital. Mr. and Mrs Donald S. Morrison of W) McKinley parents of a son.

born at p.m. Ft May in Alton Memorial in the United Slates Air Force and is a student al Shurlleff College. Mrs. Keirlc is a graduate of lllmo-Fornfelt High School at Illmo. The couple will reside in an apartment at 3702 Coronaclo drive.

(iulUir Itfi'llnl nl VWCA Thnrwliiy Night Guilnr pupils of the Royal School of Music gave a recital Thursday evening at the Young Women's Christian Association. The instructors are Miss Belly Franke, Norberl Meier and Allen Milford who played al the close of the program. Mr. nnd Mrs. Kdwin Siegrist were in charge of the program.

Piano selections were given by their piano and organ instructor, Lawrence Roy. Pupils taking part were Mar- Ian Allison, Smith, Bob Powers, Kveretl Wright, Ronnie Bright, Ronnie Milligan, Kenneth Been, Freddie Weece, Nancy McAfee, John Langey, Jimmy Little, Ronnie Lofls, Robert Little, Tom Boschert, John Hiekerson, Lyndnll Tarrant, Henry Cnthorall, Danny Weeks, Benny Ruedin, Cynlhin Davenport and Robert Hartman. Some of the pupils received certificates of award. This recital was Ihe last of three given by the school. first child.

The baby, weighing seven pounds, 10 ounces, was born at 10:33 p.m., Friday in Allnn Memorial Hospital. Mrs. was before her marriage, Miss Gloria Taylor. A daughter was born at 5:09 a.m. today in Alton Memorial Hospital to Mr.

and Mrs. Albert. Golike of Rt. 1, Bethalto. The of Mr.

and Mrs. Wil- MISS Miss Mary Margaret Connell, baby, their second child, weighs right pounds, four ounces, son, Mark, is 2 years old. liam K. Connell, 1113 Diamond has been chosen by members of the American Legion Auxiliary, Alton Post 126 to represent them Mr. and Mrs.

Charles K. Brew- HHni Girls State at Mac- ster, 5.18 St. Louis road. Wood Murray College, Jacksonville, Kivrr, announcing the birth -June 22-29. of their second son at a.m.

Miss Connell is a student at Friday in Wood River Township Marquctte High School, in her Hospital, and has been Riven the Junior year, and qualified in name of James Their olh- scholarship, leadership, and er son is Charles Edward, 18 diameter, months. The Girls' State program of Ihe American Legion Auxiliary A daughter, Vicki Lynn, was Rives practical training in gov- bom to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne eminent organixation nnd pro- Miller, TOfia St. Louis road, Wood eedure and teaches Ihe imppr- Uiver, at 2:25 a.m.

Friday in tancc of individual participation Wood'River Township Hospital, in government. The couple has a son, Michael Allen, fi. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde C.

Copeland, South Roxana, have announced the birth of their ninth child and sixth son nt 4:57 p.m. Friday in Wood River Township Hospital weighing nine pounds nnd nine ounces. GIFT TO CRIPPLED Pst chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha sorority presented check for Easter Seal campaign at Milton Rd. clinic. From the left: Wilfred Buddetl, therapist; Emma Bean, president; Wilma Fahrenhorst and E.

C. photo. Christian Church Sale of Olsen Gifts Nets To Hold Revival Sum for Unitarian Church Women Golfers Fete Odd Fellows On Anniversary Car roll ton Rebckalis Honor Groups CARROLLTON. The members of the local Rebckah Lodge entertained the members of the Mr. Personals Mrs.

W. A written auction of articles presented to the First Unitarian Church by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Olson who have sold their and Mrs. Marshall Acker of Fairmount returned to home in Fairmount preparatory Alton Wednesday from Sarasola, to to Old Quarry, Loetes where they spent three Island, Gilford, and New months.

During March Mr. and York lo roside notted the cnurch Mrs. Acker had as guests their gratifying amount. The sale son-in-law and daughter, Dr. was held Wednesday night.

Some and Mrs. Howard P. Porter, of articles were withheld from Grand Rapids, Mich. H. L.

Wilken of Orange, is leaving by plane Sunday aft- basknt made from a ernoon for his home after a visit uu and will be used in the church. Among the outstanding articles offered for sale was a waste- with relatives. Mrs. Wilken, who accompanied her husband to Alton, will remain here for Bertha shell. (Big Bertha was a famous type of cannon used by the Germans in World War I).

Furniture, fine glassware nnd the remainder of the month. Allen P. Stuart of Ihe A. P. Sluarl Motor Wood River, na and Paintings by mem- has returned from Detroit, hprs of he olscn aswe1 Off advanced degrees of the slate PAUL SMITH where attended a as other artists were offered meeting of Chrysler dealers, one for sale together with books.

Lodge Thursday evening Paul Smith, minister of the of a series. Over 500 Chrysler The auction was open to mem- in connection with their regular Concord Cnurch ot Christ at dealers a onded 1hc meeting hers of the church and their Dnvls Honored At. I're-NiipHnl Shower Miss Flois Dnvis of Jerseyville was honored nt a household shower given Wednesday evening by her cousin, Miss Marian Davis, and Miss Doris Cross of at tho home of Ihe former. Miss Dnvis' marriage to William Parish, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Wayne Parish of Jorseyville, will take place May 2. Yellow and green were used for the appointments of thc party and the table on which 1he were arranged, was overhung by a shower umbrella decorated in these colors. Games were played and were awarded to Ku- niee Ann Grabbe nnd Sharon Gisy, Among the guests were Hie Misses P.evorly Sinclair, Wilma. Ann Robinson, Carol Ringhnus- on, Sue McClary, Sandra Dn- vis, Lela Mao Gross, Shirley Russell, Doris Gross, Marian Dnvis and Mrs. Claude Gross, Mrs.

Willinm C. Dnvis Mrs. Virgil Davis. Sorority I'ltuix 1'nrly WiMlni'sdny Lambda Alpha Xi senior chapter, Beta Gamma Upsilon Sorority, will have a gingham and blue jeans party Wednesday night at. Camp Tnlnhi Lodge.

The party is for couples, nnd each member and her husband or guest is privileged to bring a guest couple. Mrs. George Fries nnd Mrs. Charles Studley are chairmen of I IIP party, nnd box supper will he enjoyed. Mrs.

Fries is receiving The lodge will lie opened nt 5:30 o'clock for those who wish to go curly, and supper will be served at o'clock. Membership Open ill meeting in the I.O.O.F. hall. The Toifesboror will be the and were guesta of the Chrysler Rroup woro honored jn celebra division at a dinner the evening and was held from 7 to Area Association evangelist in a two weeks' cvan- tlon of an anniversary of Iheir revival a First chris following the meeting. organization founded in 1819.

In ian churt Although Mr. Smith will not arrive until Monday, tho local minister, M. M. Scott, will begin the series of serives Sunday. Services will Services will be held on Saturday eve- The, Greater Alton Women's lhc advanced degree group hon- Golf Association will hold its orccl WPrc mom bers ot the Palri- first annual "kfck-otr meeting arch Militnnt and their auxiliary, at Scllumc April 20, at 7:30 tho Encampment, nnd their mix- p.m.

All golfing women the iliary thc Samaritans and the bcRin at 7:30 A on area are invited to attend zimnnas. without any obligation on their Special honors were given to part to join the organization. Willinm Meni of Collinsville who pra riiiale of the Women who are interested is Uic warden of the Grand Lodge of Cincinnati, 0., and has had sev- will be invited to join and par- anf i F.ibcrt Hrasol entered the Wuerker room in the Miss Helen Rose Ycothan and church they were given an op- Miss Eva Reintges are spending portunity to inspect the display, the Easter week-end with rela- and to write down the amount tives in Lynn, Mo. they desired to offer as the pur- Mr, and Mrs. Albert Goldman chase price, of 1320 Highland have At 8:45 p.m.

the auction closed, received word of Ihe birth of a and the prices were checked, daughter, Jacqueline Frances, The highest bidder on each ar- to their son-in-law and daugh- tide paid for and "carried off" tor, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pe- his "prize." droni, at Alameda, Calif. The ticipnto in nil summer golfing jn 0i a past grand master. Mrs.

of work in i le bahe lhe couple's first child, events which are to bo singed an Brasel accom- nt the Alton Municipal Golf their husbands. Course, each Tuesday starting Mny a.m. Following thc regular oerernon- nil of thc lodge a short program At the "kick-off" meeting all wns vc with Mrs. Dorothy Practical Nurses Meet events scheduled for the sum- Brock giving the address of wel- was born Wednesday morning, is ry since his graduation and April 14, and weighed seven pounds, five ounces. Mrs.

Po- ordinat.ion. droni is the tho former Miss Frances Goldman. Theresa Springman, Knights Templar To Give Program KIVIMK uir; mmi "IT 1 A i a opininiuciii, Commandery No. 2 rner will be explained and the come which was followed by two At Hospital lea UOOm daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

An- Kn i lts Templar will have an thony P. Springman, 1129 State Eas(e( sorvjce at the piasa Ma by-laws for operation discussed, vocal solos by Miss Kathleen The Greater Alton Women's Golf Varhlo with Mrs. Wrentha Stev- Associntion was established last ns as her accompanist, fall lo provide a golfing pro- Representatives of the various gram for women in the Alton lodges were present from Col- a1 area who enjoy playing golf Jjnsville, Benrdstown, Cham- nnd who nre in need of nn or- pnign, Pittsfield, Jacksonville gnnization to promote nnd oper- and Carlinville. ate well rounded golfing pro- r.T.A. to Hear Art Instructor gram.

CARROLLTON. Mrs. K. Officers nre: Mrs. G.

K. Bail- Karr, the art instructor in the ey, president; Mrs. G. C. Davis, Carrollton Community Unit Practical Nurses Re- aC Li istry met.

lea room of St. Joseph's Hos- 1 were addressed by Miss Celest Roif, R.N., an in- night 'in the St sludent at Rosary Coll sonic Temple Sunday, April 1 Irn IT'nvtnci Til If c-nnnrfirtn 1 Lake Forest, 111., is spending at 2: 30 p.m. The Rainbow Girls the Easter, holidays in Alton. an Order of DeMolay will assist Mrs. Mary Gross of 2425 Claw- in the sorvice The Knights will son fias returned from Cali- be jn full Ternplar uniform.

unn vucnuu.uu 1 onndWn A MaStGr EaSt6m visor of District 10 Association nt She ade 1 hc round 'P Stars, Rainbow Girls, and De- ui by plane. Mrs. Gross visited of Practical Nurses. her gon in aw and lv Miss Rcif discussed Pro- mm ferred nursing magazines and Presbvterian i i i 1 their importance in keeping the V. lne Jwclltl1 atrect i lan x'ice-presulent; Mrs.

Robert schools will present a program cal nurse up to hcr son Pfc Edwin Gross Church, the Rev. William Kim- Tuell, scc'retary; Mrs. Harvey on Art in the School Program il- Censed 1 A stationed at b) ough of Elm Slreet Preshy Mrs. W. S.

Hallam, 3130 Lcv- erett is registrar of the by plane. Mrs. Gross visited Molay boys theh families and friends are invited. The Rev. Paul S.

Krobs of Wolf, treasurer; nnd Mrs. Zae lustrated by an art exhibit done Birkhond, sports chairman. by some of the students in her Dues will cover operating ex- classes at the regular meeting penses nnd monthly nnd season- the Carrollton Parent Teach- licensed practical nurses, al Greens fees must be cr Association to be held Wed- puid separately ns ouch round nesdny, April 21 nt 7:30 p.m. is played. Mrs.

Karr will present (he Area Baptist Men to Los Alamitos Navy Base. terjan Cnurchi and the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hesse Lefmard Tod of Evangelical and and children, 3004 Belle are Reformed church will also assist spending Easter with Mr.

jn the Hesse's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hesse of East St. Louis. If you like a boneless loan cut Miss Molly Radocke, a student of meat for pot roasling, use sir- iviistn a ztiuuLiii.

ui ntLTai. u.i^, i Any woman wishing to join the same program at tho mooling of Meet a I Foster Lnlirch a the University of Missouri, loin tip. When serving, cut the association may do so al the the Parents Teacher Association i Columbia, is spending Easter moat into as thin slices as pos- opening meeting or by contact- of tho Eldred School on Monday Tlie Men's Federation ol ai vacation wilh her parents, Mr. sible. It will make fine open ing Mrs.

Robert Mitchell at the April UG. erhoods and Bible classes of the flnd M( Roland adC cke sandwiches wifh some of Municipnl Course Clubhouse. Alton vicinity will meet Monday Qf Washington ave nue. gravy ladled over. Tho organization is not only Cool cld artichokes, accom- lig bt al.

Fosterburg Baptist Party Tuesday J''(ir Mrs. Orhitn Mrs. Robert Orban of ISlfl Woodland was honored at a parly given by Mrs. Samuel Gomer Tuesday evening at Club. Twenty-one guests were in attendance, nnd games were played.

Mrs. Orban received gilts, nnd Mrs. Orban, Mrs. Rny Rucks, Miss Klaino Orban and Miss JoAnn Orban were awarded Mrs. A.

K. Goldman, Mrs. Henry llaworth and Miss Mary Goldman assisted Mrs. Gomer in serving refreshments. for expert golfers hut is an or- anicifl hrowned butter, make church at 8 p.m.

Speaker for the ganization for nil women who finp appetizer or salad course evening will bo Henry Law- like 'to hit golf ball whether f( 1- company dinner. To pro- rencei a ay member of First thev shoot '36 or 150. The pur- ill 10 just put it in a Haplisl church in East Allon. skillet and allow to stand over moderately low heat until nut- Musical savings banks with brown. Watch carefully so as not Swiss movements now are sold to burn and stir a few times.

by a West Gorman firm. pose is one of fun, relaxation, and good fellowship. Slice a leftover frankfurter thin and add it to a tomnto-and- vogetiiblo sauce. Serve over cooked drained noodles. Hero's little different way to finish off that baked bam.

Spread tho hnm with orange marmalade and put back into the oven lo glazo. Servo thin slices of the ham with broiled orange slices garnished with cherries or whole cloves. Add chopped green pepper, pimionto and onion to a can of corned-beef hash for extra flavor. Friik likil Qeidt Daily Uirthday-Wwidiug Ow Spowalty. Parking Available.

DUKE JBAKERY Mb Heqry FIRST METHODIST CHURCH EAST ALTON Announces Two Morning Services on Easfer 8:30 "Eternal Life Begins Now." 10:45 "He Is Risen." Sunday School 9:45 Easter Only. Worship and Altar Hour P.M. Sermon: "Wearing Pilate's 1 Public Cordially Invited. I.ROBERT SIMPSON, Minister. RUG CLEANING BEAUTY SALON Phone 2-7131 that restores the NEW LOOK TINE VALUE COLD WAVE 4.95 Complete Now is the time to save on a younger looking, extremely nattering hair style that's to keep.

Let our expert beauticians find just the right length, just me right hair style for your own facial contours Phone today for your appointment. We Wish to Announce thqt FRANCES BRAMHALL MAY has rejoined our staff of efficient operators und an invitation to all her friends and former customers. Our expert Hug Gleaning restore color, beauty, brightness adds new life and lustre to worn-out Yes, main you'll be walking on air once you've discovered our really fine rug cleaning service, Appointment Not Alwayi 0 Your Charge Account "Our 'TKUCLEKN' DRV CLEANING will make your 6 TIMES CLEANER" Fret Pick-Up and Delivery Service 909 (AST BROADWAY.

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