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The Lincoln Star from Lincoln, Nebraska • Page 5

The Lincoln Stari
Lincoln, Nebraska
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE DAY. JAS VARY mi. FIXE Prominent Beatrice Cantractor Dies in California KILPATRICK IS DEAD ON CO AST Deputy Sheriff Beatrice Man Passes Away at lx)s Anpeles. Special TO the Star BEATRICE Neb Jan 2 Kiipe.tnrk. 75.

promment ai- laL-R of Beatrice anc republioan ptilHlce here for nearly fifty diet; early yeateniET in a hospitai at Lof Anfreiet, to which place he went Rome monthu ape- for hit health. intencUnr tc- IcHve later lor Honolulu He had been in health the past few Sunlvlng are two dauphte-s Mrt Sherwood of thif city and Mrs Irnnp Hancock of Chicapo He alfto leat'ee two brothers Kilpatrick vno CaL- fomla and Kilpatrick of Beatrice Mr was pp jptti ber 11, 3R5f. nea- Joplin thr r.ij:th child Samue. and Kilpatncr. Whet, he aoout a vear ole the familv remnvec tc Bei'- tor county la and in came to Gfipe counti Mr Kihiatrick IP-ev to manhtKid or the homesteac about ten mhes west of Hit father died In 1R75 In 1R7P Robert and hif three brotherr John Datnd.

Williarr and Patrick, encaped in the contrartinp FIND BIG STILL IN CUFF CAVE COl'PLE MARRIED SIXTY-ONE YEARS SCOTTSBLiUFF, Jan M. Cawen. 82 and Elvira Cow en 80. Sunday celebrated sixty-first wedding aiuuvers- ary at their home here Mr and Mrs Cower, were united in marriage Januarj- 25. 1870, at Princeton.

Ill During the next 15 years thev lived in Chicago and in Iowa coming Uiis section of Nebraska ago Thrv took up a homestead what If now Banner county and afuir 17 years of they movec where Mr Cowen en- eapec in the contracting business He was rhuf actively engegec until few years aco A Frank who associated in here with h.if if their onh living chile; A Photo. Francet 22 Goldfieid Nev. If not the youngest but t.hf prettiest slierifi in Nevada She IF not an office deputy but huf taken over a man job HE CNCLE hUBiness. building to Man InflStcd rallroftdf, lavmp water pgw- con- On Bossinc All Hi? Officer? Make Raid in Hills North of Falls City. tc Tiif Star Jan largest hquor manufacturing plant ever discovered in southeastern Ne- oraskb was unccvo-pcJ it the wild hill of F' II Citr Sundar night after officf'ra had tunneied inu.

the siae of a gd'eat cliff tjj- Tiif onlv t.r the cave mg a UP aallor, still and a outfit lor iiauot was through a trap door at thf top of rhe cliff The wooden door was cover-ec LEGION with leaves and hiding it complewilv A short distance irorr the trap ooor a hollow tree which a ventilator when To Tlie Star trie door war closed PKEMONT Jan 2f The ury State She-iff Harold thf Fremont post and renrganiza- Falloon and of t.he iiost at Non.h Bend lust Justice Baya-d Clark had littlf dif- veek with a membership of 2: has ficultv 1 iindinr t.he stxit where -pf seventh di.sfict the stiD war located posns away in tlie ieac ir. uescendinr the steep hih tpf memtierTihip contest Thf the officiah axee and seven ove- the tor' ptu-'terl digging into the cliff aooui according to Commander 2P lee; alKn-e a raviiif TTiei: efiortj ppteet of Lincoln Potee; said the ere rewo rded after severa, hours of state auota IB 500 would labor whei. mouth of a cave, this v-ear Present member- which had sealed mimediattly ship is around 34 OOP in the state after it was built was revealed Craw hng into the narrow Tiassagf way, tnc raide-s found the large 1 a) 1 gallons of w'orkmg mash, GAINING MEMBERS Rtrurung irrigation and drv'elopinp coal lands John Kilpatrick was head of ttif firn, until hii death in 3861. Tfie brotherw built something like 2,000 of in vaj. inuR parti of the for Inch Ihf'v S2! (UK! OOP and their olTier ran into huge sumf.

also ai Quired ta-ming and mining interesiR ir we.stert Neb-as- ka Idaho arid TA vominp T7ie broth- made lorrunef out of their enterprises Thev and their mother, Raofiael who died in 1(106 made many donauoTis to churches and for civir imprnv'e- Robert was married Ciecember 2R to Marion Jones at Beatrice Together tiiev made manv gifts to worthv including the oona- tioi ot Thf uri.lKM' organ in the rhurcti atig the Ma.snnic lempit Tif at cost of S15.000 Mr? Kdtiutnck died a litkit more tiPU. a vear agt- and a few vears previous Kiltmtrick Mr Kilpatrick was a member of Uie Knights Templar and ahso belonged to otlier branches of Masonry The bodv will be brought to Beatrice lor OMAHA Jan 2f Gaf'To shot his unclf Louif Go-at becau.sf he told police todnv Gorat to rule evervone in thf iumiJy Gorat is tti a ItK'a, hospital iron a ound in Uie foot aeve-H. week.v agi- He re- stiL hP or 80 gallons of whnskev and in- numerablf jugs and fcecs The boarcied-tha cave was 24 feet lone 3P feel wide and hich and atiout sit above the principal cave thf supph room Tins was about eib.u feet length, six feet high and lotp- leg; A ropt laaoer bioiic itie waL of the hole leading thf trap noo: app? iiad tw-en used by me of thf stilj going intr letvnnc tfie cave This rtH-ndirular hoif servec to told TKkice that shoot- the fini.shed p-oduct iron, thf ing accidenta, but Gaeto ye.v- plant as indicatec bv chain a.ic to and rope at the top o. the pass- ux.clr, aa. K.r.

about Sundev night tne. HIT MAN IN OMAHA OMAHA Jan of Seilpstin Aaamek Omaha bv a hit and cun driver Bat- urdev night and in.tured was rettorteti injiiroved" by hospita- attacTies tonight was sfuck as he started to cro.sF t.Tie As he lay in the street t.he f-ont of a car en by T.llord Raiston hirr; Tuinrd did not the hung in the imtil too late to stop his car before It struck him. him maoe a pass at mf and I Bcr.iri'’ntary pu tiie of a gun in mh hand Ttje bullet hit him 11? The loot al. tiierf was it Gaeto IS at iiberty under 62.50C bond. Davies' informant hiv'' bee: in otfcratinr.

rontin- Bitict was last summe: The owner of the farm on which the lartorv was locatea ae- r.iec ar.v knrv ledgf of it prior to its discovcrv py the officecs No arrests have oeeii maaf rt vi.RAi AT to The Star ODELL Neb. Jan services were held at the home near Odel. Sa'urdav afte-noon Jm. Bures 25 well known farmer, who died at nxs home Thur.soEv of blood Hf is bv his and a small child less than TWO old also bv a stster two broUiers and his mother Buna, was in Line Odell cemetery Peter Rohman, 77, Died at Val par aha CONFESS ROBBERY AT NORTH PLATTE COltNCIL BLUFTB la. Jan 26 and Frank Moll transients who Saturdav con; esse to Council Bluffs poUct the -cltibimv of a North Platte ha-dwa-e stora were turned over to Ncrrth Platte Btieral for 'W'ho IfHik Homestead Near In IBBl.

to Be Held laesday. Funeral Services for Peter Rahman, 7" slate lor more than fifty years who diet Sunday mornttip at his homf in Bunaay lor return to the 1 pb biso will bt held at 10 clock Nebrwska city. Energy Bladder Weakness Kills Night Day Gettine Cp ered Backache. Lee- Often to Functional Bladder Irritation Quick Test Guaranteed If ypi: lufTc- froa i of out li rnnduinuk nrn irr nifi. 00 1 tmC vroi, try ifw Trr.

Qnick Acting TeBl Tuesday monmp at St chureh in Vaipe-aiso with Rev J. Kaczmarek offinaung Interment in St. Joseph cemeterv at Agnew Mr Rohman camf to Nen'-asfca in TBRl and homesteaded on a farm near Agnew He from active farming in IP 11 and movec to where he nad made hii bohif t.hf time of death Hf IS hi; phirif TWO M-? B'ur- neta Datro Colfi and Mrs Grahan. of one John at lioni? two sisier.s. Miss Maude Roiimar.

and M-s Miies both of Colorado Spring? TWO brothers of Lost Springs a.nd Fred of Ofcaa ntne granachiidren and R.AILVV.AY COMP.YN'Y SUES C.AR DRIVER WHO STRUCK TR.YIN BROKEN BOW Jan. A eolli.sion br'-weer. an auiomo- biie Era a freight t-ain has result- ec II, a f22fe lawsuit bv the Burlington railroad ugunist Floyd Hauck An.slc,v 1 wnei ol tht motor cu! The raea court here Huuck was on ice packed roaas Iiecemb-r U. when hf ran in to thf iortv-thmd car of a 75-car and derailed tht rear trucks of the car Tfif train crew; did not know of thf accident until hue gone a miit and a nah when two more cars went the track. ILL PLANE TO HUNT WOLVES Bperml to Thr StR' KFTP CLOUD Jan Some'UUiig new in the form r' an airpiant acoui if promised tho.sf a'tending me annual Webster countv hunt to be held south of Eiaden.

Feb 1 A and pilot have tieeii engaged tc as Bf.ATRiri PAIB COUNCIL BLUFFS, la. Jan 26 iss Thelma 1 Bower anJ Frank McHugh, 26 both of Beatrioe were 'wed here terday by Justice of the Peace Dewitt. FREMONT SCENE FIRE Early Morning Blaze Cause? Los? Amounting to special to The Star.3 FREhfO.NT. Neb. Jan Et 6 clock this morning did damagf to the extent of $30.000 in the Eddy block gutting that portion of the building orrupied bv the Skagp Safewav grwerv ane badly singeing the eight track bowling alleys Thf fire it if believed from wiring Thr grocerv stcKk of flO.iMK' was over loss the remamder of the bemg in the building fixrures and alleys rangementf are in charge of Bplain IMrtMllCDCIII and Schneh'R jq us yean area covered w.L comprise 100 squart ruiies.

IS SENTENCED FOR A. scout and keep the lines better foureen great grandchildren At- Thi? tht loun-b year the 1 fToOi rotir. mi.r voi, tm betiefMUA Cvaita n.r li tirayf ttmcmiim ni tcii ooi.btf lot r.o.'. iner. rir omr for TMi i-iinfiii i nu ciilidttinii Ttir n' Uir -n i rnmpnaii'n fiiwe j.m>» CAI hr loie h' or aneto; ita.

if. hixlili flopec. iiBrcot'--; or tormiuf Umv tuet it tic-t; Ihr Of IC 1 thr fnvrrnmrntf aif- ki Infunir fr rup'd i rrnwn3f armmtxe i dur nir-n errfunir.riifloi int wtii iror-' Daran leed Trial Offer Poc Dor I re orr flrugf unarr thr ikoxjr' Pul tr Uir ar ak of Btm rourortf worltA i Qorr txm improve oireouT le oiac Or- err MU tut 'our ri 'ovmrr utr murr MiC :i.T STE.YLING WHE.NT M'COOK farmer near Hamiei was sentenced one thref yrari ir. thf hei. admitted Dcstnrt court hert Saturday that hr stolf a )' -marked' heat iron, ar isola ec or.

tpe Henrv Harberg farm VIRAL A7 STELLA to Tlie Star FTEl-LA Neb, Jat. wrvirei lor James Bnsbv were held SunOS afternoon at itie Baptmt rhurci bv' the pastor Rev Bufcoutk B-isbv waf bom ir. Kentucfcv peventv years age anc settiec Stella about forty-five vear? ago The widow and nine Ciuicren kurvtvf PI.AV FIFi LIVE SIDNEV Jan ciTv counck today was informed that construction of a natura, gas line ic servt Sianet anc ouict larger towns of western. wiL start A :rancni.sf been granted me Public Service coi- jKiration of Nebra.ska tc con.strurt gas lines into Sidnev Thf iinf- ais; will serve liu Piatte vaiiej where sugar far tor operate YORK B.VNKS IN CONSOUD.YTION Bank of Commerce Taken Over by the City National. YOFiK Net.

Jan of thr City Nationa! bank herf and the Bans of Commerci of York was announced todav bv of- rWirtAr Criticised ftt-ials of t.he Citv Natmna: which lloctor no rilicisru over deposits of the Bank of Commerce anc purcnased equipment TW' Bank of Commerce was es- n.bliBhed iam March It had of at the time last statement was issued and the v'ltr deposits at that time were $276 president of thr C'T' National. L. vice p-esidenT and Shrlrllev casri- ler Officials of thf bank ol com- merrr follow Liggett nent. Smith, vice presiQfmt, and Free Babka cashier No Change? wera made u. the personne; of the City National A Mar- Qua-dt awqatant mntuer of the Bank of Orimmerra loinetf the staff of t'ie City National Serrumes of the Bank of Commeree were mto cash and to the City National Othm of the Com- bank were IP thf Ctfv NaticKial whitn war or- ganikfc in Enthusiastic Statcinent Of Lincoln Man Relieved Of Stomach and Bow cl Ailments.

Konioia often apjiearf iu in ailmentt of the aged ailmeEU that have held on vear a'ter year oefving feL attempti at relief Iu record might cnaiienge belief were the not knnwr, and verified miMii ON OM.YH.V M.YN Boxer is Beaten by Friends. BurictiH Keaiif FWtMgM' tihac Hlniifn. mm im uom mt aazo OIHTMCMT OMAHA Jan 2f jp Tnnv ra-asi io of Omaha arrested lodBv and hai conlesaed iwid that he second saliant of Francii wtK whUf les'-mg a brxing arena here tfir night of Januar? 36 Wnrtd police that on bott; he war aviaulteC bv frienm of a boxer whcif.e ab.ilt.v ir thr ring IiaU beer, by thr dorto' he thr arena Policr beaevec that thrve or four mer. had attacked thr doctor the aecond iimr but Fwrtisrio, Chief of said conleased having commiTird thr aiisauii alone Tonv ScBXOJO of Omaha is unde? the doctors first assailant Wtien hu- police court hea-tng was railed last week Dt MiKenna; to apfteu- t.u« attorney lolc rtir tie hac unonv- mo'ut letten i.nrek'ening life h- u. court agairiDt Rcanzf, Mavnr Metcalfe Syturda demanded that thf be adding that ii the war no; cleaned ug he take step? to boxing matchef ic Omaha.

MR MELIHN I. JEVMVGs. by Barnett StudJQ Compounuec of 32 ingrecienu, 22 of w.hicL are juicet of mecncina. roou une iieria. KunjOib iU attack ai Uie source of tne ajj- mem, removmg Uie There ara mar'' of mec anc women this section know tiie iKiwer of Con- kiaer uie exjienence of Mr Meldin Jenningt B1 residing at 1313 street citv w'ho said weak anr run down for two year? I sufferae from bowe.

aiiri fcianev weutneu formed af'ce mea.i and I w-a? cou- NtipHiec Bacfeacrif-f were frequent Six be'Me? of Kni. iOifa gave mr re- lee. anc ixtter than in veu- il -r; luis I recommenc, it to Kor lOiU free from ajcoho', or harmfu. Ck-ugk Axyonr car. take it Kot-joia is soia a.

Lujcoin at the Fitzgeruid drug store. IStr. and anc bv leadutg irugpsu evervwhere Got Special Purchase Sale of 1,000 Yards New Centurv PRINTED CREPE Pure Dve Washable Yard 4 Patterns in CRETONNE 15 YARD Here. Homemaker, is your opportunity to brigrhten up the economically! Make drapes for the sur.rc»om pillow? for the porch I Cover the wicker furniture another time ah at this low price! Fashion declare? season. help you to follow the edict combining economy with prints of every description in this great special purchase! Have TWO or three of the season's most popular print frocks for practically the price of one! All the the strictly 19S1! Fluor Narcissus Bulbs (Or Paper Whites) 75 Plant them in water and watch them grow and bloom! Thtwr Yes, We Make the Filled Coffee Rings The Three Baker? WIE Rcribf 10 You delicious delectfeble cake? f.Iied with candiec anc

Heat all About Them From The Three Baker? at Monday Night Station KOIL Basement Are Easily Sohed With Chocolats We Suggest you trv our French Bor. Bon? and our ae- Mint Patue? next time you entertain We giMf all special orders. Verj- special Attention! Floor. Japanese Lustre Tea Sets 23 S789 In attractive combinations of Blue and Gold. Gold and Pearl or Green and Pearl.

Three Sheen Tvpe Domestic Orientals ARTISHAH QUALITY Sine 50 Luxuriously deep pile rugs, onemal jiaTterned in gorgeous Kedi and Blues. Three, Cottage Curtain Sets 5'Piece Marquisette With Tie Back Cleanliness and Begin in the Kitchen With Linoleum 49 Sq. Yd. 59 Set Crisp, creamy curtains for your kitchen or bathroom with trimming in Orchid or Gold. A limitcc quantity of large Riz? Utility Dikhe? ai kavingi of each Buj now and rook I' such -aiiiily favorite' hot pihperbrcac.

and baked apjiies Like all other Fv-rex ovenwara. thu dish car. gr directly iron, the oven to your tc the ice-box Only $1.10 while they last! Buy it at this low juice in lieautlful marbelized terns. Modern, colorful, jiractical, easy to clean and in a comjiete and varied selection! 1 LOT OF assorted ALUMINUM WARE Choice $1 00 Each Cake Pan? i in Diameter at the tAYY a 6 e- shaped center and a 1 11 construction. Enastar? ova; large enough to roaat a 10 Found Turkey Kettle? 5 Qmn Bise ith carefuliy it I cover and no hmgr to get out of arcRer Other Values in Housewares 89c 29c Humidificrt for your Radiatorr PcMmd Electric 1 Lot Parlor Broomf I Lot of Eiectnr Heaierr 12 inch owy wirti 'Baiiement Choose Your Spring Wall Paper This Month at Savings of Vs fc it as it would in your own the waPs of our mode! furnished roomk.

Select from a stock new, varied, and up- to-date. Bring room rriffar uri'iTif'n to us MiC timate your.

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