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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 1

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


r. Z-R3 IS OVER AZORES ISLANDS ON HER FLIGHT TO AMERICA; ALL ON BOARD REPORTED WELL I. Ik Police Spread Net for Bandit Who Killed Cop illllG bLHllVID NOW PURSUEb iU DEATH By. POLICE LA FOLLETTE PLAN TARIFF AVIQLAT1QN TO TIE UP V-EST DF G0HST1TUTIDN BROOKLYN DAI LY GKAPMArJ nmrrn rrnn nnwin pi rim b.u.r.bnitnrtHnu Course of Americas New Zeppelin, ZR-3, In Flight Across the Atlantic Republican Leaders Begin Move to Offset Presb dential Deadlock. Charges Clause Giving': President Power Over, Rates Is.

-Illegal. Indianapolis Oct. 11 It I llv-j LOM DC A 4scb CH A I'M fV? i A TLA IC Berlin Gett Wireless That Zeppelin Reached Atlantic Post at Noon, Greenwich Mean Time Is Following Southern Atlantic Ship Route Navy Guarding Lane Over Which She Flies. 0. i 1 All Nev England Combed for "Million Dollar Bandit" Who May Be Shot on Sight.

Gerald Chapman, master crook, (un fighter ana as fearless and dau-(eroua aa any criminal at large. Is th object today of as Intensive a police search as any that has ver taken place in the East, following the effort to blow open a ant) In a New Britain, department store, yesterday, and the killing ot Policeman James Skelly. The man hunt covers every city and town In the East boasting lo-Hee foroe and it is belwr tarried on with exceptional vigor. Chap man's resourcefulness Is attested ta by the tact that since he twapcJ from Atlanta In April, be hiis been searched for about the worlil, but has managed to elude puistiit. The ardor cf the police Is now in-creased because he is amed -tor murder.

Known as Suptv-t rook. The underworld does not boast such another criminal aa Chapman, the police say. Ilia operations are always startling even to crooks who are adepts In their special field. Yesterday, Chapman, surprised before he could blow the safe In Davidson Jeventha1" department store on Main Hrilain. walked away from five policemen, one of whom he ahot down.

The police of New Britain arraigned In the police court there today a man whom the dyinn Skelly Identified aa the one who tired the shot, although the police are convinced that he waa mistaken and that the shooting was -the work of Chapman. This Tnan identified fclmaelf ns Waller K. Hhean. 32, of Springfield. said by the New Britain police 1 Rear Viciv of Big Dirigble Showing Huge Steering Fins JI -e opinion of Jolijj I'avU-.

Ih-mo- iionitru- for l'rette-u sou lotnu pct-siueut of the Aiuorlcju Bar Association, that the Kordney. i McCumb-r T.irlfT bill violates tin Constitution of the Vnited stale-. Davis announced this belief In an ettai made here on the Tariff Act. and Iterated loiiay that the law "no only violates tho Ctotstl tt- lion of the States, but violates one of the deepest traditions of the lilwrtv-lovins peopl, cf tin world." In support of this contention, the candidate cited the cUi'ce con- taineil in the bill which. sunt.

give the rriHiuent uncontroiieii ms-cri-tii-n to raise the rates of be income fax or lower them, as much as fei pi It made no difference, he point, out, that the act had teatol that the President must be ucM-vd by the Tariff Hoard before rates t-pc'cltlcd In the bill won chunked. The clause as written int b' law. Mr. Iavia charged, to gie tb people an "anesthetic while thf swallowed it." The tariff was nothing more than a tax, and the Ki.rdnoy-McCuniber Mil, In- added, had Riven the Prosi power to raise or lower that lax on the Ann ilea peopl" bv h) perci nt "without going lo repti scii-tattves for permission." Mr.

flavin declared the result of this legislation had hi en to "put oiir necks hack under the joke tnul we pb-ioli oft: centuries "go." The candidate was prepared to.lav to continue his attacks on tin- tatil'i, on uuesttnns nf fon-lgn afliilrs ana oth conei rniiig the administration of tloveinnicnt In W.i.dilngtoii. lb had rested inning the hen-, and wan fac. again Willi the railroad sclu-ilulu worki'd out. by lus managers to lako btm Into Illinois from Hiirlngflcld lo tjuiney, nnd thence to Chicago for a two-day pro-grain. On Ills Itinerary for tn.lav were a number of points where brief addresses were called for before he.

nrrivtx tonight iu 'i'ene Haute. SAVES 2 FN 111 MLUnu-lFME r-'Vhiirt SOUvHI in Ave. Blaze $75,000 Damage to Factory. alert nmm LIE I 1 I I HERE AND NOW "NOW IT CAN BE TOLD. Ttie Iwi.v who so tearfully akcd Joo Jackson In 191! and Jimmy O't'onncU In to say It wasn't trite won't 1 asking pathetic qui-stlom of ball players In 1I is HRiirlng on belne a lilg Ftar hiinsolf about Hve years from now, and when tho 11VD World's Scries scandal breaks, and sonic little boy comes tip to him and t-ays "Sy It ain't true, Edwin," ho Is Rcduit to fai-e Ihe ramrras Htid the reporters nnd the radio aud say slowb and "It Bln't," for by that time ho ill have bad 1X) percent Atner-If an (Hlnrntlon Biid will be a bit to talk like a white Nordic of pure native stock.

And when tho little boy of 1H2! grows tip lie will look buck and ssy, "There was Oianta In them days!" More Inside dope tomorrow. N. H. The Feature Section of 'Today's fcajile Is Inserted in Main News Section. WALES IN CHICAGO ON VISIT TO SWIFT; "PERFECT UEB" mnu at TO lejoifi Man in Hall'Quest Case Is Divorced By Wife Gives $5,000 Alimony.

Cinrimcti, Oct. IS Mrs, Rosa mund liar: cb. allied divorce from Frederick illiam Halt, i f. -t lover" of Mrt. Alfred Liwreno.

Ilall-Qm st, th-j court of iloiaeslic relations here today. A 11 in on agreed up. or oat of louvt, "onsisicd of i at-h and one-lbird or Mart's In for the remainder of Mrs. tint I'll life. llall-iiint I'ri-cil Wile.

Less tl-ac. a Alt red iT.avv-rep,ce of Ihe I'mv er-sit of l'ltlsbiirg extension work ami noted 1. (tiirtr. rdttalned a divorce In "lib ago in order his wife marry the man em loved. Ai the time the decree was graired evcrv etiori was m-ole io coneei.i in" if ih man, the love letters of M's.

tetlitiET of her infatuation fur hirn having b-en Into the record v.lth Hart Heme de-let. il. In tli-s. lett-is Mrs. fiend for hfr frecdor' so mi so' f-with ii iit.

for aba It'O' g.e up Or. ITtill-tJneV, who Is 44, took tne decree t-f piii'o'opby wbile a iirof Ht Columbia rolversity recently, lie marri-d f-'lilrlov Ivv Knox in Alln- By Repi'irs Until Taisiay (I'll thr Ultfrl San l.iieg.1. tV Oct. 13-OIIicers nnd men of tbe big Navy dlrlglbl' Shenandoah, which Is prolonging; its visit to pel mil repairs to a broken it.ler a (bi'iiaeed rear gondola un I minor Iroulde, look of tin- chancel llyiii sc'vduie today t-t some nine! needed Most of the dumae when in landing her. Fr day night a gondola struck the ground.

1 rnrr lUlf rnLL Critical States Whose Votes May Turn Election Here are the seven critical States whose electoral votes may decide the Presidential election. electoral Slate You Wisconsin 13 loaa 13 Minnesota 1- South Dakota North Uakota Nebraska Montana Total ny HFVHY SCVDVM. 'Chicago. Oct. 13 Tb- caic.paij.-n for the Presidency, enterics upon Its final phase, will be concen- trated during the next week or la days In a crucial group of States in the upper reaches of Iho Mississippi Valiey a group of States more or lis doubtful, in which SB electoral votes are the coveted prlxe.

The jovial-minded thinking of Senator Robert M. La Folletto's Herman connections, refer to this contest as the bnttle of Mittei rucrlka. The one hope that Mr. La Kollette has of throwing tin election Into the House of lies In these States, which Include Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, North and South Pakota. Nebraska that the chief fight will be waged.

Recognizing the supreme importance of thia debatable territory, Mr. La Follette has abandoned his projected trip to the far West and will devote his utmost resources to what he considers his home terri tory. The Republicans, on their part, are prepared to meet him on this ground most of which is normally Republican, where the Denio-rents have never flouted to any appreciable extent, excepted. See Victory In The Republican organization professes to believe that the eastern is aa good as won. The belief is that our eastern marches arc rafe for Coolidge, but.

the upfi. Mississippi basin is still unconverted and many 8t. Augustincs in Republican councils of war ate needtd to spread Republican gospel. In spite of extrasawant official claims it Is admitted In private Mr. Follette may tin up this ter ritory.

The most Nitlafactury evl- denro of this fear may be seen in the Republican plan ut invasion, or example, jieru'T, iio-t, of Coinmereet Kea ''ts-, port himself on Mid-West putfonu against tlovernmcnt ownership ot public utilities, morn espfclally railroads. There are a great many farmers In these regions of Norwegian, Sw edish and (iertnan extract ion. whose opposition to Ocvernmcnt ownership may be capitalized, according to Republican ca'ciilati' n-ii' it can he demonstrated that public ownership will touch their own pockets. Another Republican who will be sent crusading In La Toilette territory Is Frank O. Lowdi-n of iilinoi-i who refused to run fcr Vice ITed- Coolldge, but who has to saying a few kind him.

Form Governor Lnwden'a fperlaltv will be at, rn Hire, and It ought be a Ivric rhapsodv. Nature liaa be. kin 1 Calx In Coolidge; tho rain has rain 1 enough but not too much: t'e sin has warmed but not scorched; Pan himself has smlb-d on ti gent In the White until you nre almost read yto heltee those mystic souls who say thnt Fro- idem li i taken a hand In this campaign. Will I'lay armers. The result Is that the wheat crop In Minnesota is surpsssing in size, U'lalPv and price; the corn has been ooll.

marvelous in many a mid-Western field and Cil-in ('ootbb-e. being rresl.lent. Is going to in cn it. When th- bins are fail and the bank balance mounts, your simple farmer Is willlm to ht wed enough alone. Ho Mr.

t.ow.h-n talk agriculture and count on a h. ay (Contlntntl fn I'age New R. R. Plan Proposes Font Great Systems in East Washington, Oct. 13 A rnmplUely revised plan of consolidating tie-great trunk line railroads of the Fast Into four systems Inst' ad of the nine tentatively proposed by the liu -r state Commerce Comniisison Is understood to haev been placed before the Commission as nil outgrowth I i Berlin, Oct.

13 (By tho Associated Press) The gint ZR-3 reached tho Azores Hands it Noon, Greenwich mean time, according to a wireless tne-sage received here. nas Covered 1,000 Mile. Fans. Oc. II (By the Associated Presto The Zeppelin R-3 Uila nitirnlng was well out over tbe Atlantic, having covered 1.000 tnllm of her Journey from Frladrlch.

shafen, Cermany, to Lakehurst, N. according to the latest adviceo. The next definite word as to hsr progress Is eiperfed to be In ths form of wireless communication Ither from some vessel sighting her at sa or from Aiorea Islands, over which she is expected to pass in fol-Inwimr the southern transatlantic route. This route waa chosen be. idiise nti the adverse conditions reported ner the shorter northern rouie.

Friedrichshsfen, whsro she as hullt on the war reparations aicount of tho United States, tha gnat air craft yesterday first flew Itasel, Kwltrerland. Then she jwunr about and followed tha Rhlna until opposite Helfort, whero she turned westward and then graduelly to the southwest, following a fairly direct hue from Belfort to tha Bor-Frw Wig Ship. Few- people caught a glimpse of the K-iant ship In her swift pasaa(v. high In tho heavens, over France. Hie amateur wireless enthusiasts were all nt their receiving- sets, but generally speaking the first to fly over this country since lilt passed like a ghost.

Iii.ioii saw her shortly before noon e.sier.1ay, sod also Kochefort, on tb Churente coast, near which 1 un nceau spends most of the year. There the airship appears to have-tlown southward over the mouth of the (lu-onde, passing the sens.inre tesort of Knynn. ten ait her course more to the west over the Fay of lliscay. After following tne north-en ti-wakh cotuit she ten the open ni-fnti at Cap ortegal, on the -stern tip of fha Spanish I eninsula. To Watch JricdrlchsliHfcn.

The weather over the Ray of ftis-ray, whilh holds such terrors for "a navigators when storm-tossed, was as marly perfect as possible today, giving hope that the good fortune which attended the first stage of the flight will be continued throughout. Now that the ZH-I has really left, French opinion Is interested In th fate of the Kreat Zeppelin works at I which In conformity with the Treaty 0f Versailles must I demolished, since, according to tho Ambassadors' Council's not of April, fiertnany is only entitled lo build dirigibles under If), 000 cubic m. 'res apaelty. The French press is urging the unvernrtient to keep strict watch se that this provision Is compiled with, now- that the departure of Ihe no longer gives an excuse for maintaining the Zeppelin works. I'.

S. Navy Guards Lane uvcr Which bhip Hies; WOttieS llVCf hOUIhem KOUte Wnshinpton, Ort. 13 The Zep-lflin ZU-3 waa floating today over the proud expanses the Atlantic nn.l the Navy, on the ulert. standin by to render any help that miirht he nfeded hy the mreat Htrship In lt et)orh-makin Journey foni Kreldrt hnhafen, Germany, lo Lei.k hurHt. N.

J. direct word from the ZH-J had ronte to the Navy Bureau of Aero nmittrs, heraurte her radio ranee hud not reach (I n. point where Navy ap-paracnn could make rontart, but 'hoiiKh whips at sea and through ita other sources of information efforts tT4 niadn to k-p in touh. t'apt. W.

Hteel. Ameri-an oThcer aboard the ship, lio will ke command of her upon arrival nt lakehurst. told the Nhvv Jh partment in a belated radto-num today of her departure from Tft'iirJiiy hre she wna built for ihe Ai.tcri'fin Government In with tlie terms of the ftr-mtstiie. adding that she sailed Hmouthly from the start n-l pAseed the Hay of Hiscay without In- persons were re.xtucd and in ISOH. In he said in arly a uiorc of ft.nillies driven to she left his home in Cin-the s'trc-t by a I wo -alarm Arc.

be- and w-vrr to Chbairo with 11, to have been startel by a I "the oth. man." llrebttg, which broke out early thU mnrnms at 32 and it Rogers avc. t. I I 4i I he stern of the Zll-S shown 1 i the picture differs In shape from nl' pre'-lous Zeppelins. The general outline is still that of the pointed en 1 of a cig.i., but the lines roitvo'i'1 to a much siia-p' point.

The buii.i' r. of the ZK-3 I stre-imllne no ot-iv 'a th but in sbavinv the foar linn lliat At. I v. rtl. aliv o- bori.onlaby I rom tic sum.

The- t.iss Meuity lio craft provide -i place ot -nl for tli t.oir ONE liMKILIED, ANOTHER WOUHDED. II! 2 STREET FEUDS ssailants Flee After Slaying1 Trainonte With Shctgun. Giordano in Horpital. fine limn was killed and another erioitsiy in.lured in two shooflrp ''rti. la-d night In Cue K-i.

lern Iricf and South In bo.h -ases the assailants tsenpid ard tbe w-re able to ob.aln tig out shrurs of the should, rs in to their ittesiions. The man who was shot to death Joseph Tramonte, 37, a fruit d'aler of 21s Johnson ave. He was siandm" In front of his homo last night about. 7 o'clock when a mo-lor. ar containing three in.

pui.e.l tip to the curb, tine of the occupants if the car lumped out and engaged Tramonte in a heated argununt. This continued for several m.nulo.i one of tho men In the machine blazed awc.v at Tiamoine wi.i a double-barn lb .1 As -monte lo the sidewalk the motorcar drove off and the oiher man on the sidewalk csenp-d by running. Folic- later found th shotgun in tho n- vnr.lrof J-s Johnson tle. a for tb'- bv inu- reh.tii'-s df dead imin and th'- ni't'wi: li no success. All who were evaiiiine.l probmed lo know not bine--of the a'fair.

Tin-makes he seventh shotgun miird-r in tb" ni. bi'sirici within lb" past nv ni.trit Ar oYlor it litt niKh' Carlo (I CROWDS GREET Commander Zachary Lans- 1,. ee.n.l Vhinc. Mip ir-' lud.lets. Two of these are hoilzoioal titiil control elevation, the two oil'-.

verticil ami control dlre'-iion. r7. jivin are ft oi.i the bri.l... iii'-li Is locaii il at tin f.n-w ai-d of the i.nseeiu'or gun farlh. towards the 'w no-r: cy pte.riue, rooms in the lower vertical i n.

case ain sie.r.n g. ai- is ool iii olOer tne course eliu h.'ile.l by tin ippar-us in this fin This particular ee is te w- tb READY TO DEFEND Retreat cf Chinere Army Toward Follows Surrender to Invading Trcops. Snnnphnt, Oct. IS (Hv (he Assort- ThHr d'-rcritod r-'irontintr in rnnt'usion lowjirtl S' nntliai.

(icnoral l.u Yune-llHiansr. Covt rnor ot Ch kiani; Trov-incf, ttn-1 Lis rliiif tit-rpral Ho Ft ntr-Lintr, I) nv 'oiuinifsnnT of ShunThai. to. lay nnnounrt th lia-1 arm n'W with the lnva-1-Invr yrs'i forrr. r'pr pmint; the.

t'ontrai (Vi)vcfnrrn nt uf China, Upm rHs lai an I who h'iv the 1 fon-' tiuhltnu west and south of Shanuiiai for the nast wr'ks, to'ly soncht in 'or- r-'tii tonn hi1? rnort was' 1...... o.w-n t. brtrav iheir U-ai rn. hlf tt h'k nff army was r- ann" tcu'ard. the nviri)rirt of Siianchai today, every unit of lort ipni forces ir 'h1 citv, Jncunlin-? t'liii- S'at'fl Marine and foreign if hips, was bt'in; drawn upon a the bo und a ry 'f for iirn 1 iit'iiif r.t lo put up a dffensi''st It" '''f.

'H (ho KUiIlK-'t troivs t-'j enter Ih- roni sion. Tlif rnnt" 'i i i. itarv idem to of aitnir-; mad'' if itni'-tssibie to wpitriiithc ehi to Th? i nt'Hl flovernififiit orrr tudi.y. if 1 be t. rms the ftr'p the hekiaim rv lii r.

'lie result i i ''irtiMV i'r 'I, (''ntrnl fluvrrn- fh wi'l n-w xrend pj (m -0 ri, rn iirronndm? Th 'b' kianu Mditarv rlpo- to the fon(f) nt Iv'il rut -r ''nr- without a wnrrnnt of win rillll' i nn Aw Reparcticn Board O.K.'s Plans for German Loan f. 13 (I I 'TfSF Tli lie pa ra tmn 'on' mtKMi" foriMally a trd i th-dvnvcs pla I i i bn id t. I -lish'-d and lh it ih- nt I)ai roniphed rr 'iiirement Tu nndi nit ni at th- r--'iit il rnMcri'iii't' in i.ond'1 nmiss'nn approved the A ii'M i- -j n. I trr i i 1 rn? -i- ipatiim in th -tt (i-'ririiiiiy a'id -i i neral i rcpar.t-;ti-Ut' iiit.h to t.t f- -t th' I Cn lf The i pi. i Mt for H'a t' i rt "'hi in vii th" thii urn in 11 'niholdic's Grard St.

Manhole Blast Routs Many From Beds 11 in thp irbuty oi irnnd inhattan ave. wen- roused i. ff) ea I ry--rduy 1 I rom noTtni; by ri- of y-y tniir titanlidl otf th tud ft. conduit nf r. 'i i M' si.n nrvpil ri frop' nf 47 a tl.and Ai'i oi t't li poltf-e, thr re I "a ii! i by an a''cu nulla jon of in I he cm cine j-ni" dnit which piobably by a siu-rt ircuit.

be- I 1 A-snrjnted to be Ihe black sheep of a nigniy re-pected family, his father being presl-dt of the Kimball Hotel Company in Springfield end his brother the owner of the Fprlngtleld Baseball Cluh. Walter Fhean himself Is rrcM-dent of Ihe Shean Aderllstng Company. Sbean May 11a. Cine, It was from Shean that the police obtained the Information that his companion waa none other than the man whose nam ehas but to bo mentioned to be recognlaed by any policeman In any part of the country. It Is on Shean that they nre depending today for a "break" which will reveal something more of Chapman's recent movements.

M4 far fthran has been taciturn. What the police are endeavoring to tlntl out Is ho wlonn be had been assoeintliiK with Char, man and where he met him. The pprlngfleld police recently heard that Chapman hd been a mixer Wi-ii-, Uut afur IrvUrlej tltv were eatisned that while he hail been there ho had wade his de-j parture. I Flats police In motorcars and on i motorcycles are combing New ling-. land today hoping to pick up his trail and ranging further and further afield from each city.

i The preparations for the New Britain robbery were ctiarmierlstlc I nf the man. No detail had ben overlooked, even to the hanging ot mirror near the two safes on meuantne floor where they were work so that Ihe approach of nnv one In tho store could h. delected. One safe had bet blown and "soup." or nitroglycerine, Inserted in the other, whlrh stood with fuse, in-aerted when the police arrived, rom the safe opened about $-00 in currency had been taken. Iloetler Alnrm.

A hostler In a livery staMe detected the lights burning on tho tnez-aanine floor In the rear of the store, notified the owner, who lnlonned the police and soon two plieenien vet-ipproachlng the rear door and three the front. Their plans miscarried In that Skelly and a companion, water, reached the rear door before the three others were quite nown the stairway from the rnez-aanlne floor tliupman went, gun In handa slim man with end aa Hkelly cleared the rear door be fired. Then, before the otli-r policeman could get the ratiKe had run out the front door toward which the other three police-men were making. Kven the 1h.II on the front door had been separated With a saw so that when It rame to a "getaway" there mifcht be nothm to hinder the escape of the niast-r crook. His coolness was Instanced by his encounter with a citizen ho happened to rome up as Chapman reached the sidewalk.

"Homebody's been shot In there, remarked Chapman in an even voice as he pocketed the firearm. lath jun Mbvdng. Attention was i.ttrsctcii to tn other man by the about of the hostler: "There's one of them!" The mn was getting Into a motorcar, in which the police found drill, a of fuse nda under Cie feat of linear an automatic pistol, fully lo.ided, but which had not been discharged. Nor was the dlselmrged weapon anywhere to be found. Gerald Chapmen's ttiit notorious exploit was In li.l.

when be wes the gang leader In the robbery of a mall truck In this city of In cash and securities. He ws sentenced to Atlanta for that. Ho had escaped three times In various places. After a sensational break from the ederal l'enitcntlary, during which he was shot three times. got away fiom the hospital In Athens.

by sibling down a rope In a suit belonging to a guard. That was while his temperature was 10-' dgrees. t.avc ur Chair. The crook is somewhat of a gallant, for when he was discoxered In a boiler room of th" hospital at Athens, alter It was first thought he had escaped, he offered the startled nurse a chair, and wh- she fainted offered to give her first aid. The guard with her ordered him to his room, but he did not go.

for after the nurse had been revived he wss found missing. When the mail truck was robbed one of the bandits knocked down a fruard with the butt of his revoh er nad waa about to shoot him when Chapman Intervened. "Cut that, you damned amateur!" he eiclaimed, and ro shot was fired. Blankly Beasewtree aa-re -TmrtrlbntM man. net see 4alaty rctp.

Ttis ill. Ktl- C- Bonk. Arrsnt-4 to nXloa.lltr. At eltlc bock More. tarn trews stanoa.

flic mail Sac -AdT. H.l down in frin Si vfif ihovwU (a Jiit' Linu, Niaini Cn- It kc Hofspltn 1 h- l. i'i'i'-ii I Tho origin of the fire is b. in-vestiaat by Fire Fiophy because of suspli Ions rlrcumslaneci. Ar.otner earlv yes'erday tnn'it-ing, in a factory at Metro-I'Oiban resulted in a loss eai- mate-1 lit belt ten Tli.miti anil anil.

I'atroliaan King nf the Croud ave st.i'ton was oa ttost cn lie'lford" a l.e f.nnlle.l and oed be six-story yiar'iocnt to. use. hich has s'oi-es on the lie.iford ai dde. at I and an entiatice for the t' rants on the upper floor a. ii and 34 llo-p-rs ave.

The thne upper floors w.p- lint-nnnied, bill no policeman did not know- th.s, as in- r.n at.oini to iieeers ave. i'j(i s' an a1 i 10. i tones from a nearby lire box ami La. weat upstaii-rf lnn si ia: e. Itoiiscs Tcnanis, lie found tea' tin; apartments above the sanps ware o( 'i f.i lo t''e rit-lit by l.caiooi am! her chiidren.

lo n-f l.v Mrs. i et I. in. iitnl her daughter. The halwavs were tilling with smoke and King aroused th" hoople ami told II" at lo lo Ihe Street.

Mrs. I.ciir.on with Ih" phi of Iho polic nrm. got In cluldr. nut before tb- cnin.s ar.rived. The children F.iinor, Irene, and Florence, Mrs.

Flanagan and her Kvi-ljn. had also been warned bv tbe policeman and they got to the safely, ss did Iiani. McMiliun aione in I ho apart no ul on the llo.r abov Turn In Scisiml Alaiut. Fattalion Chief John Far" 11 reached the n-niind with th. lust (t -as that th" lit ha.1 orientated on the tifth flO' otl 'he stairway, and th'-re were inuicaueiis that some had purposely star'.

It. It is b. Ib'V' that will the dai.iai:. ITVOtllt nilorj I ire. I 1..

1 n. j1 spontaneous combustion i i or waste did a d. linage cstbrial- mi fonr-st iry brick lac to Works at 71S 22 tropoiit in car'v yesterd mornini Tbe b'are was oisco.erel by f'atrolman John uakl- of the Sta-g elation at a.m. spread r.tpidlv from the seroml floor. hr it starltl.

to th" third and doors. ll'-ciuse of provu. of other I. iihliii' lciu'y Fire hi-1 a end and third laroi lm brouuht Uoro Fire Chi. Maher.

The flames were confined to the one building. nd hat "f-T off. Ui rnlhiie. bifini iMt ai f'l'ininlit. 15 nr 'i he i mintsfr-Minn d-n't think a in Sfa'ri 1:1" Mmm ofn, In-kr i.

Iowa and hr.iska th-r this nta b- d'-cdtil. M' te iusi vou toii'Ii something vital. I I I s. al 1 ib i I 1 I 1 I I I Chicago. Oct.

1.1 Hty the Assoc), nted Tho 1'rlnce pf tle vs greeted by a throng when he the etivlrnns of Chicago to-cl'iy and di si ended from his train at Luke Knrct to be the gue-t of Ix)tils 1-'. Swift, lie nrr ved In tho auburb tliorlly after i a.m. The l'ilne und his party were whisked away by motors to the Hwllt estate for The royal lsttor tens expected 'o reninln st Lr, Be Forest mil II about lu a.m.. when he was te be brought by to rhicago for a found of vi-iis to ftoints of interest, the llrat being the stocky iids. VREELAND'SSELECTIONS MMAIC TKXCK.

Vilna, Hummer Time First Vilna, Hummer Time, Honey Fot. Second Quarantine, rieprlsal, Lady Third Ilige, Frlnre James, Fraternity lid. Fourth Anna Marrone 2d, Miss Star, Shuffle Along. Fifth Athelsiau, Insulate, 0er-take. Sixth Zuker.

Goldbeater, Gold I'iece. AT Of HKR TKUhS. Iinrel. Klrat Muns Mta, Hut of Slsht, nra Tli'l'lile, fjr.nflel.-r, foui 'f lar.l swlif un, T'-p l.ishMy, C'fT Color.

to Ppt p. Klffh Nn0, Joy Sixth Altisflnio llehaljl. ttelh. Kins l.ttnsom, latonla.

r.f tirownt'-. Ir. Tsnnr- HVt, Trie" Ct.111. Plr. Hny.

pr.flr K. I'lni-. Kifh-Zc BafTinr, H-t I'm. Nulh Kiuf-ir, C-i'l S.lf. 7..

ll-an King. Muldrsush, Wu-k-ill. I hi Ht-HH-H. First Knl'. I.vrt.s Mr Biddy.

Hi tjti.en. Swire, 1 lino lorte, Sai K. Julth W. K'tMrth, SweetK. s.

lUni-s. irtl. Afw.lesv. Fs-t rloh- tl. i iMi-ty.

Servum- Sun Turret. I nugtimif, il'-m. lroV, rirt LtiS Woo.l, NoMhty, IlU-ser. SfnTt f.elt, tm-Vv T'oilir. irfhy.

T'llrd Hi rlnio. Heliy Ht. Olrnllvlrt. Kourth Knot lrmi, liatl. Hoy KtlLli Jcwll V.

Tim Almoner, Lan Co-. PitthBaatam, Summer fcia-tl, Jim Kenny. I'on't ttother Me, Pirate Heavy A rtl IItt. PROF. E.

L. LARKIN DIES; NOTED ASTRONOMER I.os Angrles. Oct. 13 Tro'. Td-gar Lucb-n Larkin, director of the Mount Lowe Observatoi-y and lee-turer and writer on astronmv, diet on Saturday at I'p'ands at 'ii-- age of 7T.

He underwent a major operation laht spring. Anione his hoks of note were "Cadiant Kneri-y" r.nd Within the Mind Maze." He was born in Ia Saile I'onnfy. lib, and wan educat'Kl at Knox CoLeffe. of Saturdays conference neu- and af'cr rapid sami'ia-Fresident t'inwby of tbi.n ll( out a second alarm wl.t. New York Centr-Jl Fines, ptv Chief John ti'Il ira Wlllard of the Haltlmore and fh pr.

ne. It look-d for a whit-and famuel Rea of the lvsnla niinu would extend lo Lines and O. V. and M. .1.

Van Swer- i fuy cd apartment house next ingen of the Nickel Plate styst'-in, I and I'atrolmaii Kinu, with the whow proposed Nickel FaPe merger ln, or Patrolmen Itlankb would upset the Commission's n'a-! MatHi of th. (band a', plan. cinct went It-much the building and The substitute plan, it is under- families cident. Th soulhrn route Is heinic lowed, pottinif the biij craft tn the ale lo-tiiy tiiat the ship p-oh-jiil'; Woui-l reiniv to resumo bei I'lghl norihwnrd along the t'acin. la.ast.

to Cfimn Lewis, to-nio1 row tiioi rnoL'. He expressed Ihe iiope that s'orin whuh WeatiiT an i-. pro-ts war-re-1 of as "i-e i. -nin the N'U t) rn iel.ic w'-ull liac biowli Itself out before Tims. lay morning.

Men Veld on Cknrge 0f Bcil'n" Stfp-DaUtCf t-f. WJUj Willi. i Warren Mam Ca tin rwood. 3v si. was held in il.

rn to ill Ihe of I-', 'no hai1 A. lull's Street t'ui'l loilav on a charge of striking h. 2 ra r-ohl stepdaughter, l-'lorei on the top t.ea I a large class spoon-holder, tnfiir in a long, (bep laceration winch rc'iuired the services of an amii'ittice mro-on from the H'ispit-il cf IP" Holy Family, wlii tiv. the child's head. to Catherwcod.

hi hushaad i home eirly th r. mi.roiti-' ruler tbe intlueriee cf Honor and a tlcht with her lie picked in the spoon-holder and lilll. .1 it lo-r. she sa.i 1. 11 misstd ll.swi'e to it bp hla s-t.

pdaughier. Express Train Crashes Into Freight; Engineer Dies N--W 1 3 Th fnurin into wMi'h ha kuw K.uh xps r.iin cr.itii' tl kili I nil injur'-1. The flr- cif ff'L'lil liicin' rouitl ii io fur Hut jtffcr 111? fillisiiin. 1 h1 -)r- irun run- i' bi'wf I i fT.i (i i i Nt Vori La FcUeltc in mi-West To Obtain Farmer Vole th Asyrn ill' 'i Vtr.i i i Kt'l' tt? Special. Kn -ule t.i K.i'is.

t'ity. M'i-o. ct. 13 Senator Hubert M. La KoTb ttn in-nd-d tlie vast tirinry 't of the today p'e- to i.i.ikp i.ffi hjd tor The -v- lent lYc-h' pi''t 1 ij.

ht in a asas i i and I In iirnf a er mir' to si mtiin i i i -sn nr 1, low a. hoi a. Stoi 1 Ma. Nebm ml. ably other Slates in th: and corn -ii.

Miim-1-k and Wil'Hl h- in a t'rinnH foml'tinn with n1- l'-t AMiiiniJ in th" trio (mmi. th-tf the m. hi no In the was nnknnn lo Iwin. Three Boys Drowned When Boat Overturns r.ainlri'lt;r. N.

ft. 1-' Johnann. 7 1 ly. 1 Wfrp (irown-! in Kuiprts Ijik. rt'ir Iktc, Ii l- tifvc.i I thp ho vm v.

Tr i from ii i'on1 in wl-ifh i1 lu-nn ii'm iiti; hi rw rn '-i inn. Ii hint: van fouii'l on niion i tit" I. oat im Ilta'ili ini'r! iPni. 1 1 now i mm Hip M'l iMT'i'l, iiri ih a u'- Imti' i- in i flr.iffirtic tt an-! rt'fO'Trin? i.Miiiir Schi-T r'n i.o v. Mistakes GiVFi Bohs for Woodchuch; Shoots tier Atlieburn, bushv 'l K.

K'mnedv rf. hr-d Ma Oct. 13 S. through a trc, Jain- con tyker ail sla'e i Icm! of backsbot s- p'-dinc 'm 1 rin'd 'HT a wnodebm-k I i-i b- i-l -v a I riv a nd swo rn an-i thscov r- that the bu k-hn' bad (' w-i in of Mis ldiu Whi'. wtth-omI innirv.

1 tmntp 1 nl tiiisf r-ken or a no -h u. h' ouat; woni'in's biisiiy bubi'ed hair. Pifchip route a'ro-H the Atiamic, hich t-o. by wny of th Azores to i term-id i. WfitlK'j conditions when the Zep- Whcn the Only Way Was the Eagle Way Slic wan lcavinif town nd wanted t.i leave her beautiful n-t'liits and other tMnRS.

Tht-y would unhandy things to take with her. She much preferred to take a nice little bundle of Msh in their place. It was short notice. She wanted action. So she called Main 6200 and her story to an ad-taker.

And she (rot action in a few hours. For juct a few hours after the Brooklyn Kagle waa out several persons whh saw her ad called at ihe home of Mrs. E. Hayea, 1H0-A Chauricey street, and bought the thine fhe had advertist-d. When YOU want to make a quick sale and a sure one re nii nutr Fat'le classified ad.

Just call Main 6200 and ask for an a-l-taKcr. stood, contemplates tour great Fist cm systems bulb about the York Central, I'ennsrlvanla. ltaitl-mnre and Ohio and Flat" ty-tems. Turks Call Assembly yn British Controversy Constantinople, Oct. 13 Follow- ing receim OI a nom the British commander in Irak Mesopotamia! on Saturday.

Turkish Council of Ministers at Angora heid a prolonged session and decided to roneok the National Assembly Immediatelv. (Alleged incursions o' Tfrk-Ish forces Into tre Mosul Villa vet of Irak have been the of protests from the llrbish lov-ernment. The Turkish Oovrn-ment. however, has denied violation of the status rnio Ton-agreed upon whi the li.ik boundary matter i pendinc -for the Ioaaue of Natior.l An a-' nev dsrat- from sieo-tinopl" savs the sl'us'lon ul-the dispute over tbe Irak frontier is reear.led es grave, and th-it the i question of need for ncia! tro'd- ration has been review. i bv the Turkish Uovernmeot.


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