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Muskogee Times-Democrat from Muskogee, Oklahoma • Page 5

Muskogee, Oklahoma
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SOCIAL CALENDAR. Sunday. Mrs. George Warren Barnes Mitchell-will-pour-at Town and Country club tea. Monday.

Mr; Jamea Givens gives matinee party, Viola Allen in "The White Sister," at the Hinton theater'. Tuesday. The Misses Klrkbridge give bridge party. Mrs. W.

M. Gulager gives morning chocolate for visiting girls. Mrs. J. H.

Sykes gives lunch- eon for Misses Thompson and Mattison. Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Madl- son give dance at the Torson for Miss Dorothy Madison.

Wednesday. Miss Dorothea Owen enter- tains at bridge. P. E. O.

chapter meets with Mrs. Gwynne. Mrs. Oliver Morris Evans gives bridge party for her house guests. Mrs.

D. H. Middleton and Miss Gladys Holloway give Miss Hope RctfB, wiio has been attending Nazareth college, la spending part of the holidays wltn MtBft. Ruby Todd. Mr.

Raymond Todd arrived yesterday from Austin college at Sherman, to spend Uie holidays at home. for the Christmas tree w'hieh the joard or charities will give for tht poor children of the city at the city miss on Monday night. Every ceni that the of cavities receives is spent mr thf poor of the city and h.rlstmas iroe will In-' the Chri-'tmas that many children la Mua 'Kogec will have. Send donations to city misK'on. Mrs.

and Mrs. George Warren Barnes will entertain at dinner this evening in honor of the members of their house pariy. dance for Miss Badgett 4, Thursday. M'ss Sjianna Crabtree gives bridge party for visiting girls. 1) Friday, Dr and Mrs.

H. B. Fite give dance for the Misses Frances and Flora Flte. Raturday Messrs. Ralph and Paul Pat- terson give dance at home of Mr and Mrs.

A. W. Patterson. New Year eve dance Town and Country club. at Christinas Week and a Christmas Wish.

The last Christmas gift has been wrapped In holly paper and tied with red ribbon and the weeks of preparation when Madam Society has been, too busy planning gifts and arranging for Chrisimag to en tertaia or to be entertained are past. In the ratting week there will be gayety and to spare. The home-coming the young people for the oi many of them young and pretty occasion for any number of holiday festivities. There wll be bridge parties galore. Four dances are srae'uled for the week.

Christmas day and the twenty-sixth, ivnlch will be observed as the holiday, will for the most part be quietly celebrated with family dinners and Informal gatherings of relatives and Intimate friends. There will be several matinee parties to see Allen and the night performance of "The White Sister" will be attended by most of the society people of the city. A number of Drll- liant box parties Men arranged. Young and old will make merry In the week to come. A Chp'stmas wish to you, Madame Society, to Mile.

Society, and to you, the women to whom society is but a—May this Christmas bring to each of you the gift your heart has. most desired, and may it bring you, too, the gift df good will, the spirit of" thoughtfulness for others that -shall last another Christmas comes with ltf. message of hope and peace. A Merry Christmas to you all. Mrs.

Oliver Morris Evans will give a large bridge party Wednesday afternoon in honor of her house guests, A. R. Place and Mrs. W. D.

Gotwals. Dr. D. M. Randel, who was called to Oklahoma City by the illness and death of his mother, will return home this evening Miss Dorothea Owen will entertain at bridge Wednesday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Parks are receiving the congratulations of their friends over the arrival of a baby girl, born last night. The baby has been given the pretty name of Myrtle Frances. Mrs.

Motley and little son of Walnwrlght are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Stewart.

Dr. George Shiraoon will leave this evening for Chicago, where he will spend two weeks. While In Chicago Dr. Shimoon will attend the clinics of the Northwestern Dentil college. Miss Ruby Todd, who attending Kidd Key college at Sherman, Texas, is at home for the holidays.

Junior Music. Club Meeting. The meeting of the Junior Music club, which was to have been held this afternodn, was postponed until Tuesday, when a program of Christmas music will be given. The meek'ng will be held at the Commercial club rooms and tfre Junior Parliamentary club, will be special guests. The children, who are Interested in music and their parents are Invited to attend the meeting.

The following program will he given: i Malvfna's C'lrlst- Davis. Trainer. Kelly. Merry Ruth Smith, Gertrude Jusnita Peters, Edna Gerber, Rachel Waflor, Betsy Tevis, Quelle Mc- Corder, Sybil Callahan. cedes Phelan.

Was Once a Little Brooks Piano Meyer; rrom Martha Anna Childers. Bell Smith. ANTI-DIVORCE First ISnptNt Sunday School. SOCIETY Evansville, Ind. Dec.

for the organizations of an antl- Tho Sunday school of the First divorce society, to be composed ot Baptist church will have its Christ- persons who have been divorced, mas entertainment Monday night, be i ng formulated by H. Osborn December at 7:30. There will city be a Christmas tree and the parents Tne members, former and are invited to send gifts to be put, ent of tno c-aborn family, who on the tree for (heir children. the' already fl Kure In six divorcee, will number not to exceed one for be cna rter members of the new child. ciety.

The following prntrrim will be ren- Os'born's divorced wife, Anna Mae The Girls' Bridge club will meet Wednesday, Januthy 4, with Miss Lenora Porter. Mrs. H. Ftfst, of West Okmulgee, will' leave early next week for Qulncy, 111., where she will spend part of the holidays with relatives. While in Qulncy Mrs.

Fist will attend the celebration in honor of her mother's seventy-firth birthday. derefl. after which the sifts will be distributed' Shei herds Sunday School. Prayer by Pastor Responsive 1 S-1 I ed by Superintendent Night Sunday School DeVInna of Frtwin r.ylos Recitation Why Do Hells for Xmas Ring? Annie froom "Merry Xmas Chorur of Ttovs and Gii'ls RecitaMonThe Snow Raymond Holcomb. Ray Johnson George Butte Reci tat ak i Ira Drown Oldham Song Pine a Note or Felix Butte You ri.lre Corlnne Chesnntt.

Mary Ellen McRoberts. Krllne Runtln, Helen Stewart. Kdwinna Blackwell Recitation A Little Tot Recitation Two Little Tots flans is Primary Class to Santa Chorrs of Bovs and Girls. Arrival of Santa Claus. Osborn.

and two' other divorced persons will, it Is said, become members. To Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Everett will entertain with a Christmas d'n- ner tomorrow.

The house be elaborately decprated with mistle- Covere will ne laid for eight. Tho iD guests will be Messrs. and Mes- Heading of Some Good Paper from dames Claude L. Hough, H. P.

De- Record Mrs. Faulkr lano, R. W. Everett, Mrs. ExtractB from Editorial Notes and Miss Lillian Everett.

E. O. Chai'ter Meeting The P. E. O.

chapter will meet Wednesday afternoon Instead of 011 Monday with Mrs Gwvnne. The program will devoted to the O. Record and will he as follows': 1 Some Poem from Mr. James Givens will give a matinee party Monday for Dorothea Owen to see Viola Allen In "The White Sister." Trs. Landers What Interested Me Most In the Last Record.

E. Olive Brief History of the Record Mrs. Hart Drive Out Malaria And Build up the System. TASTELESS CHILL TONIC. You Take the Old Standard GROVE'S know what you are taking.

The formation Is plainly iprinted on every bfitile, showing It Is simply Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form, and the most effectual form. For grown people and children, 50c. THE WAGESTER SISTERS LOST The Wagester sisters lost out in their suit for $1,700 against the Northwestern and Cosmopolitan Fire Insurance companies under a decision rendered by District Judge Bagg this morning. The judge sustained the demurrer filed and argued at great length by Judge B. F.

Burwell of Oklahoma City, who represented both defendant companies. The contentions raised In the demurrer, were that the plaintiffs failed to furrllsh proper proof of their losses and that, they kept no book record, showing the value of the property claimed to have been destroyed by fire of November, 190 8. The WageBter sisters have still another insurance suit pending. Jolly's Xmas' Eve dance Saturday night. 1 MRS.

LAWRENCE HANLON. Tli Of Lawrence Hanlon, In the attire In which she has been a city prisoner here for three days, during which time she was taken put on the streets along with other prisoners for work, the officers unaware of her sex. 4- Piano tuning by expert piano builder. Work nrnarnnteed. Tele Roll call.

Quotations from Record phone 13 46. Kroh Music Co. Dr. W. Christmas Ryan will Chicago with spend 1 1 friends.

I Mrs. J. R. Brewer, 603 Callahan etreet, will spend the holidays at the home of her brother, John Cook, of Wagoner. Dr.

S. N. Hedrlck will night for Kansas City Christmas with friendB, Monday nfght. leave to- to spend returning Mr. M.

Harrison night for mis with A. McClenthen and son, J. McClenthen, lert last Chicago to spend Christ- relatives. Mr. and Mrs.

Oliver M. Evans are entertaining a house party for Christmas week Their guests are Mr. and Mrs. A. R.

and Mrs p. Gotwals, Mr. A. R. Drake and Mas- A Real Remedy FOB COLDS, Glirr, FEVUUSHXBSS AMD ACHING.

Hfcto' Capodlna Vfl nothing else will. It quickly the aching. and feverish nets and 1 restores conditions. Capudine cures Headaches of all including sick or nervous aches, and headaches caused by heat, gripp or stomach disorders. Capudine is and pleasant to like immediately.

25c. and 60c. at drug stores- Christmas at lie Country Club. Members of the Town and Country club will celobrate the holiday week with a Christmas tea and a New Year's dance. There will be four o'clock tea the club this afternoon with Mrs.

George Warren Barnes, and her guest, Mrs. Mitchell, of Oklahoma City, presiding. 'The club house will be trimmed with holly and mistletoe and will present a most festive appearance. Next Saturday night a New Year's dance will be given at the club. There will be appropriate decorations and the members are planning to maka two occasions memorable ones.

Mme. Labadie 'H Reading. In the presence of a xuosl appreciative audience Mme. Harriett Labadie gave a reading, "The Servant in the House," last night at the High school auditorium. Mme.

Labadie, who had been heralded as a great dramatic reader, more than fulfilled the expectations of the audience. "The Servant in tne House," one of the greatest dramas the day, is one which only an artist of rarest ability could Interpret truthfully and and Mme. Labadle gave a brilliant reading that was much more than was a dramatic jnter- pretation by a great artist. One or Mme. Labadie's chief attractions Is her beautiful voice, flexible and full of exquisite tones.

Mme. Labadle and her company will spend the Christmas holidays here. They are guests at the Torson where they will hold a Christmas celebration thlE evening with a Chrtstmas tree, and a dinner in the green suites. Pretty Parisian Plastered With Pearls Allen and her company ay-pear in "The White Sis- at Hhe Hlntcm- theater Monday night, will be guestB at the Torson during their stay in the Mrs. Allen, the guest of Frank Peters, of Galena.

is her daughter, Mrs. for the holidays. This Is Mile. Roblnne, the "pearl girl," who Is 4Wip of the stage In Paris this season, ip "Les Marionettes." Over 400- pearls are used in the trimming of the gown. She wears a necklace of 600 pearls that reaches almost to the hem of her silken skirts.

Sheaves of wheat, wrought In pearls, are orn at her' neck and in her nalr Her costume is said to nave cost early half- a million. She Is a walking store, and Parisians are flgnting nigtilly to get Into tne theater where sbe Is appearing. Humphreys' Seventy-Seven tweaJnr up COLDS FEWER DIE OF INF1.ITKNZA. "There was a noteworthy decrease i In the number of deaths from Influenza commonly called "grip," in 1900, In the Census Bureau's death registration area, representing over B5 per cont of the estimated population In continental United States." "Seventy -seven" knocks out the Grip. Taken during Its prevalence.

It pre- occupleVthe system prevents Its Invasion. "Seventy-seven" Is a good remedy for Influenza, Grip, Coughs, Colds and Sore Throat. "Seventy-seven" Is a small vial of pleasant pellets fits the veBt pocket, ready to take. At Drug Stores 85c. or mailed.

Humphrey's Homeo. Medicine Cor. William and Ann Streets, New York. THE BHOH HOSPITAt. 0.

0. CLVTW, my. Is for pries of a psssk, Ths nsstows of which It Is. qmiU avi to mstch, When WE mand yoar shoes, ns'sr disirsoe lUmsmbtr tttla, plaua, drop Into pises. 831 WIST BROADWAY.

Club Women Would Stop The Tetrazzini Concert San Francisco, Dec. Ei. -Cltih women of the city are to prevent Tetrazzini from singing tonight at Lotta's fountain. fear a terrible disaster from the crush of humanity at the city's heart. The women have applied to Mayor McCarthy to stop decrarlng 'that human lives surely will he sacrificed if the singing a'lowed to proceed.

They urge the or the event to Golden (late Park. A delegation of agitated palisted a terrible picture to Mayor McCarthy in him ti transfer the Tetrazzini to liie big park. Mavor McCarthy declared he would not stop the concert. -9 Mr. Frank Peters lef last nichl for Baxter Springs.

he was called by the death or ar aunt. Mr. Hubert Nicholson, who is attending the T'nfversltv of Oklnbonia Is spending holldavp at home with his parents. Mr. and Mrs s.

Nicholson, of South Thirteenth street. BRONCHITIS Mas 4. 1910 was sick for two years with chronic bronchitis and a consequent rundown condition. I received no benefit from doctors or from a trip which I took for my health and 1 had to give up work. Vinol was recommended and from the second bottle I commenced to gained in weight and strength, my bronchial trouble disappeared, and I am at work again.

I want to recommend Vlnol to anyone who Is in need or such a medicine." Thomas Hlggins (We guarantee this testimonial to be genuine.) It is the combined action of the curative elements of the cods' livers aided by the blood making and strength creating properties of tonic iron contained in Vlnol which makes It so successful In curing bronchitis. Vinol Is constitutional remedy for chronic coughs, colds, bronchitis and pulmonary troubles, not a palliative like cough syrups. Vinol contains no oil or drugs and is far more efficacious than cough mixtures because it cures the cause. Try it- If you don't-think it helps you, we will return your money, central Drug Store, corner Second and Broadway; Alamo Pharmacy, corner Third and Broadway, Muskogee. Okla.

CYNTHIA GREYS CORRESPONDENTS ynthia Grey Dear Mlsi Grey: 1 am a young girl and all of my hatr uias come out. I have tried many remedies, hut they all fall. Can you give me Girl. You should consult the nest skill lioctur available -no: solas. quack specialist.

Go to the nearest large city to a medical scnool and go to the Bkin c.t'nlc if you are not financially able to pay a specialist's prices. If you are unsuccessful in growing any reputable wig-maker can you Our Store Will Be Closed Monday, December 26th Buy your supplies for two days. Our Grocery Department will fill your orders for Everything good to cat. Wishing One All a Merry, Merry Xmas THE Patterson Mercantile Company ft Hinton Theater SPECIAL HOLIDAY MATINKE nt THRKE o'clock. Viola Allen (Mcbler Mgrs.) Accompanied by JAMES O'tfEIIilj And the Greatest Supporting Company Kver Organized, Including MINNA GALE and HENRY STANFORD In The White Sister Ry F.

MARION CRAWFORD. Seats On Sale at Muskogee Drug Company Prices: Box A Orchestra: Balcony, $1.50, $1.00 and 75c. Seats: $2.00. Orchestra, and $1.30. Ital- cony, $1.00, 73c and 50c.

Ouf BUSY HOURS We have rush of business Just as the street cars, the stores and the postoffices da Yet a man who will patiently wait in line two or three minutes to be allowed to deposit his money in someone's bank will become "disgusted with such service," if he has to wait in line fifteen seconds to get an operator to connect him with his residence so that he may inform them he "will be a little late to We cannot always anticipate Sudden Storms, fire alarms, and other emergencies, which give us unusual loads to carry, and at such periods we ask your patient indulgence. PIONEER TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH COMPANY '4 The children of the different Sun- I schools and the public gen- crally are asked to remember that donations will be gladly accepted Averts Sarsaparilla is a tonic It does not stimulate. There is not a drop of alcohol in it You have a steady, even gain, day by day. Ask your doctor about it Secure his approval first, then go ahead. Arm Co.

I. Lyric Theater OPENING OVERT' Rl Selection by Lyric orchestra IT HAPPENED IN ARIZONA. ILLUSTRATED "All I Ask of You is Love." PRINCETON miles from N. Y. BURTON Country Boy 's Luck.

LATE8T MOTION PICTURES. Reserved seats on sale at Mlt- tong's Drug Store, Surety bldg. Matinee Sunday. 3 p. m.

Christmas Greetings to You A1IJ It is our wish that You havea very Merry Christmas THE HOUSE FURNISHERS StomXtoSed Day Monday..

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