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Tucson Citizen from Tucson, Arizona • 8

Tucson Citizeni
Tucson, Arizona
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Tuesday July 27 1999 Tucson Citizen People Ice plant in writer frozen mind Lovio famTy photo In a 1950s photo Arizona Ice and Cold Storage Company employees (from left) Francisco Villa AI Hubbard Roy Lovio and Gustavo Duran stand beside their equipment From time to time readers of this column have honored me by sending me letters in response to what I have written here Some have even sent gifts and mementos which have meant a lot to me But none has moved me more than a photograph taken at a local ice plant nearly 50 years ago and generously sent to me last week The Arizona Ice and Cold Storage Co plant sail stands on East 17th Street I had to look it up in the phone directory' to see if it was still in business There was a time that for a variety of reasons it loomed large in the life of my old neighborhood With the railroad tracks the plant formed the southern boundary of Barrio San Antonio and the northern boundary' of Barrio Millville Many of the men of the area young and old worked at the plant at one time or another In fact there was hardly a household in either of the barrios that did not contribute at least one worker to the work force over the years Shrimp and fish from Mexico produce and even beer were stored icy cold there for area wholesalers and restaurants Keeping things cold in Tucson before the days of refrigeration meant ice lots erf ice and the plant manufactured it by the ton The trucks fanned out all over town every day to deliver ice to businesses homes and hospitals But by far the greatest consumer of the icy output was the railroad Freight trains carrying known affectionately as Viejo" the Old Man But longevity' record at foe plant paled when compared to that of Ed dad Roy ho is second from right in the photo Roy began working at Arizona Ice as a teen-ager and stayed there until he retired There a machine process or technique at the plant that Roy know inside and out His knowledge and skill were so appreciated by his workers that to the men at Arizona Ice Roy Lovio was simply Maestro The Master Farrah explains odd Show behavior RftSADENA Cahf Fkrah Fbwcett has gone pubbe with the reason behind her memorably odd appearance on the Show Wifo David questionable advice from M-m mom said go aid have a good fbweett recounted yesterday adding jokingly: is your fault The actress who appeared at the Television Critics Association to promote foe CBS-TV movie "SCk made Egl4 of her bizarre behavior two years ago The actress became the butt of jokes when she squirmed in her seat and seemed to her train of thougf during show on June 1997 Maybe she was guilty of a bad talk show the 52-year- ILSMtllWiiaEtg SHOw-Mt-S GOOQ KJ MON TVffEj WtP 7 1:00 360 9c00 7rl5 fcSO STMCTF 140at30700ft OCTOBER SKY pGfc ISO 3t30 530 730 30 RXCnONf 1:00 306 SrtO TOO MS 10 TIBKat HOT ABOUT YOU fO-1 IrlS SttS TrtS St15 EBnossBpo-t ttt 215 15 7rt5 St19 SACK ST FOPULAA OEBAAO ST06 TUESDAYS! 54 RERLiS BY0U6 OWB ANNUITY REVIEW -with David Steinberg CHFC Senior Vice President Investments at it i -aar- 4 lEWIEIIEll -mme SECURITIES Call 6IS-0477 Member SYSEISIPC that wrangling the ice proved to be excellent preparation fix- his training as a paratrooper Ed Lovio who very kindly sent me the photo included with this column also started his working life at the plant He went on to serve in own Easy' Company with the Marines in Korea and then served with distinction in the Tucson Fire Department For others working at the ice plant meant summer employment and no more Occasionally a Tucson High or University of Arizona football player saw work at the plant as a way of working out and getting paid at foe same time Still others were there for foe long haul Papa foe man on the left in the photo worked there for a very long time To his fellow workers he was mission to ow you have often said parents Should not do this and I agree with you but Gladys bear to put him in his own room The favoritism is so obvious even foe boy knows it He often says he is happy he was Bonnie can be a sweet loving child and it breaks my heart to see the ay she is treated by her mother Is there any way of making Gladys aware of what she is doing to her daughter? Want to Help in Louisville Ky Dear Louisville: Is father around? What about family? Are there any members who might intervene? If not you must urge Gladys to get some counseling The tantrums and destructive know Writer should make it Carmen Villa Prezelski A produce and other perishables pulled up to the back of the plant at a special siding here they were loaded with ice and sent on their way For other trains truckloads of ice were taken to the station The ice was loaded through hatches at the top of the cars after it was brought up by hydraulic hoist from a feeder truck As foe blocks dropped into the cars two men who perched on top wrestled them around with long-handled forked tools It was dangerous work because the cars shook violently as the ice was being loaded Many aspects of the work were dangerous Moving 300-pound blocks of ice with nothing but a pair of tongs was dangerous enough but add to that rooms full of hundreds of feet of pipe carrying ammonia under pressure scoring machines capable of easily sawing through ice and narrow catwalks over deep pools But the danger does not seem to have kept anybody away For many of foe young men in the area the plant provided their first full-time entry-level job My brother Kiko say's Ann Landers Bonnie started crawling on her hands and knees like a baby She also wets her pants when with her mother although she never does it with me other child a boy is never spanked or yelled at He is 6 years old and still sleeps in his bed I ilHEHIPPESTJ FUNNIEST camwacoN 20 caiiurr GAiawAy 12 BConMcl KofetaSodhofSpeedwy 202-3313 792-9000 DlGIIAL -THX SimO CENTURY MJIKM 620-0750 DIGHAL -TUX CfCPUXOOEON FOOMLJIWU BOBUS Foot Mold reft la Chela 712-6171 Cl J3 Carmen Villa Prezelsld Is a native Tucsonan who writes about the Hispanic heritage of Tucson snd the Southwest Write to her at the Tucson Citizen PO Box 26767 Tucson Ariz 85726 or tax her at 573-450 I save child nature are a cry for help and Gladys needs to learn how to act in best interest let that little girl down Make it your mission to rescue her She needs to be saved and you can do it Gem of the Day (credit Bill and Elly in West Palm Beach Fla): Who said life is fair? Men are always the losers When they are bom their mothers get foe compliments and foe flowers When they get married their brides get the publicity When they die foe widow gets the insurance and winter vacation in Florida Send questions to Ann Landers Creators Syndicate 5777 Century Btvd Suite 700 Los Angeles Calif 90045 5 Vi IHV Pi1 11-00 12 OO I'OO 2 OO 3 OO 4 OO 5 OO OO 700 400 4:00 Or 2 Scfn etin 12:15 1:15 2:30 3 30 4:40 545 7:00 600 6:10 1000 mOADW AN 202 V43 CK dd actress said this week bii she was amply trying to be pLayfuL Prince Wiiiiam now behind the wheel HIGHGROVE Enarvi -Prince WUhani showed off his driving skills yesterday braking just time in frort rf photographers assembled on the gravel dmeway of his country estate William reafoed the minimum age for getting a driving license -17 last month received a car firm his felhet Prince Charks as a birthday present aid hopes to pass his driving test this simmer The son of Princess Diana drove a borrowed Rrd Focus car fix the photo session and a poike driving instructor sat in the passenger seat For security reasons the family has not disclosed what kind of car he got as a gift going very Prince Charles said actually had foe experience of being driven by 64 du dAhviAjM ftLA (Nttb Ki S4J5 6 SEMORS 61CHCATES NO PASSPORTS AOvartc Tea Saim For Today Shows Tuesday July 27 1999 Only 0404 DEAD GOAGEOUS fPG-13) DOL4T OKSTTAU HAUNTING f4G-1 31 DT ONamuj MSeCCTCM GADGET iPG tOTS otGTTAU 13C JX 3 fc 73653 ETBCESMUTfM)DTSOGfTAM 4 5 5 3C OOOtOCXOT (toGTTAU 50 7OT5 4UPFETS F404 SAACE (G) (OTS IMGfTAU 2X AMEMCAN ME (R) (SOOS) i 1 OS 1 2C 136 5 5C4G5 K'X AAkJNGTON 0A0 (IXUr) 22 7 K2S WU U) WE5T7G-noo4T J5 W6 4 25 7 tJ 936 THE GE46RAL DAUGHTER (ft) (DOLBY) OAOOT PG-t3HOOL4r) 3K 55545 tC35 TAAZAM fGfcSOOSi 2 5C 5 "25 STAR AAS EMSOOC 1 TC FHAMTOH MENACE iDOlIV CMSTTAU yy-JC AUSTW POWERS THE SPY WHO SNAGGED ME (PG-131 ootev ohsttal) MSPECTOR GADGET (PGlfON 2 Sd) (OT CK3TTAU LAKE PIAOO () (DOCBT) 3C30 ARLMsTON ROAD (R) fOOLBT) 2 WG OAOOT fPG-l toouro THEGEICRALSDAUGT0tRHDO(4T OC 4 X420 AUSTm POWERS SWT WHO SNAGGED ME (PG-3 fVOLBrv '7 4 Tf JULJ OROP DEAD GORGEOUS pG13) (DOLWn 3C6X7C-00 TlARCn OE SAM R1 a AM DEAL HUS4AM) (PG-T3) fDOAWn TX RED VOJM (R) t74C 3C? t50 TEA WTTH MUSSOLM (PG '-220 3QC 52Qi75C VQ7Q 5i 72OYJ0 aECTION IVXXBV) 122CX4X64Q13 LIFE fR ftJOteMtT) 1 1 7 ENTRAPMENT (RG-1 31 fDOLMT) AC 2-70 40 7 1C 6 4F A MPOUMMCR WGHTS DREAM (PG-13)ffXXV) 24C 5 Tfj 7 50 SHAKESPEARE LOVE (ID IDOtMn 120 2 SC 5 OB TOC tJO -n BCorWJ CMPJXaXCM toCTHLS am BOGUS foot Vtt nc 4 la Oct 742-6174 i -RWnWi i II i i WLSWUVEST 00-13' 1225 10730955 OWTM TOT SOUTH PARX BIGGER LONGER I UNCUT R) 0- 115-3 25-5 301 7 3B950 GfTAlTR7 SUMMER Of SAM R) WOO DWTAlTHX BG DAOOV 0G-13I 12 '52455 IS) 746--C Th7 TARZAN Gil 11 00-1 0-3109201730940 0K3TNThX PCGBERAISBAUGKTBI" STAR WARS EP1SOOE I -THE PHANTOM MENACE i 1255-385)720-1035 DTAiTh7 AUSTW POWERS THE SPY WHO SHAGGED ME 11251504 15(705925 WaTAltHiT Trrnr 7 ARLINGTON ROAD 4CPU AMERICAN PE 12 40-3 009 201 7 401000 WjTAL HI WEB WEST '21-2 36937 75 BK5 DAOOV tPG-13ll 12152459254735950 DOTAL TARZAN Gii 11 401 503 559 90 10-1020 OOTAL STAR WARS' EPISODE 1 -THE PHANTOM MENACE OG4 1245-4 004 7 2510 IQ DOTAL AUSTW POWERS: THE SPY WHO SHAGGED ME PG-T 11250-315940)900-1015 DOTAL WU WED WEST 1 11 302004 291 7 W9 OOTAL SOUTH PARE BiGGER LONGER A UNCUT Rit 11 25 1 404001 A 099091010 DOT4L TARZAN 1 1100120330501 745 WJOO WGTAL STAR WARS EP60CE I -THE PHANTOM MENACE G) 1 1 394 3 7391930 DOTAL NOTTMG MUiPG-t3i 1 151 5549? 729W950OTAL "SFJUCIJIDIIJC STARTUIiC A CZIUJAIITIY PROVOCATIVE TOUtt DE Am MwHto mrw T04V f4a RMPMMNMMnRHWIVIPRNNMNiRIHM Dear Ann Landers: Are there any signs to determine if a child is being emotionally abused? My friend is a single working mother Her youngest child a 3-year-old girl is capable of huge temper tantrums breaks toys and screams at foe top of her lungs Gladys has picked the child up and carried her out of supermarkets and shopping malls after several of her performances Gladys yells at Bonnie often tells her she is and calls her a brat She also spanks the child hard which I think is terrible I baby-sit for Bonnie several a week and she is always a perfect angel when she is with me The last time Gladys came to pick up her daughter at my house 'a Vt 1 Hr rt i 4 IM! 'vMiiffc NOW PLAYING ewnjQv rxtATOfS outnuty to com mmi JtC 3rerm nsotuttsta to tns HMJI 7 JO 0T0 FOOTNLLft COMMAS a a tn i-m 0 7 9 Op a From boyhood to manhood you can always count on your best friends THEWOOD thewoodmoviecom 1 mcortTcJS tfL Li Ll II NMMnf "CT1MWI r' mmmmmumt NOW SHOWING NO PASSES COUPONS OR DISCOUNTS DO fVWW 11:20 12 20 1:20 2-20 3 20 4:20 5 20 20 7 20 20 0:20 10:20 20 CT 11:30 1:30 3:30 5:35 7:35 9:50 CPiE XTN ft E22T2I332I22I1 If WO NNMij cl I 7424174 1 NOW SHOWING CSOunauBMIQ C8nWNUSIt fct rrpo POSTMENOPAUSAL WOMEN AU STACJLMSEATIMG Alt ThJ All DIGITAl ALL ThE TIME If you hove HOT hod a hysterectomy ore 40-65 years old ond at least 1 year past your last period you may be eligible to participate in a safety and effectiveness research study for investigational hormone replacement therapy Eligible participants will receive: Free Mammogram Free Physical Exam Free Lab Tests Free GYN Exam Free Research Medication Compensation For more information please contact the Division of Research and Allied Health Studies with the Department of OBGYN (520) 626-2301 NOW SHOWING NO PASSES COUPONS On DISCOUNTS Arizona ii'rni'Tnn fl-Hl IILTTIM CAANT AO AO Ll-t 1 6M97VO 1 HX (E5p 12:10 2:40 5:15 7:40 10:10 11:55 2:30 5:00 7:35 10:05 12:25 2:55 5:25 7:50 10:15 i rr? PHOENIX NOW SHOWING! PLACID THE HAUNTMG iPG-13) 11 50-J3S-5 254 £6-1045 1KM05t7Kfr55 BsrriTP7 BWTMTOt KSPECTOfl GAJXZTifG 1 11 M2 OO-iatfOM 00400-5 ooirfroMoo owiTTTj7 WOP out) GORGEOUS "-5'64'-5t 3GP T7W EVES WOE SHUT IR 1220-1401 700-9 10 20 120440000 DIGIT ogitiTh7 LAKEnjKX to 1105-715-320520 7309 4CDGFT4L Tm7 THE WOOO B)i 1155-2 305001735-to 05 XS7777 WETS FHOa space 12002004 oo 7oc Bora ThTT AMERICAN PE 12252505 3S 755-104C OOTAi TCjf ARJCTDNROAOas 45225905 Th7 mi 4L I RE HAUNTMG 1'50' 102X-1505 Trix-'SOAW: ootlTh7 MSPECTOR GADGET 1 11201220-1 202253204 20- 520120-720920920-'920 I3GITAL ITBIBESWI A LAKE PLACC (11 30-1230-1 30230-3304 309 301 930-730930930-1030 OOTM THE WOOORm 12102409 is 7401010 MJPPETS FROM SPACE GH 12052509 061 7 15 nOTAA P7mnF3SB77-r II 4- a It NAUTTWG s-1l ISJmvaa-S DOTAL CROP DEAD GORGEOUS PM 222045D 769 lOTlt ETES mot SKT Mi 12391 593499 74)9 DBTIL WBPETS FROM SPACE G( 11 05i 10-3209 30 DOTAL THE HAUNTWIG PG-I 920 DOTAL AMERCAN PER) 12102909201 7591025 OOTAL 52 IrooOwqy 74-6241 DOLBY tWTfO 5 744-2 36 CF7 1SM mm HUGE Swim Sale Every Swim Suit In Stock One Piece Two Piece Separates Cup Sizes DD Size 6-18 4811 Gram Road 6036 Oracle 7747 Broadway 325-1315 297-5608 296-1517 Kaibab Courtyard Shops 1 since 1945 I Native American Indian Southwestern Arts Crafts Mon nday-Saturday 9 JO-5 JO Sunday II -5 2837-41 North Campbell Armue 5207956905 1 UJUSTWTOI OWT.

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