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The Evening Review from East Liverpool, Ohio • Page 5

East Liverpool, Ohio
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GAIN FLESH BY DRINKING WATER WITH SYSTOXEM A and tnt iraJfrii? inid cut thp body now by a wt'll Known iKidor of and oili iH Slflijdy dilnk i gocil -tud take a liltk SVi-loxt nj i lowils Syjioxcn la now I rod in 5 grain tablets may at goo.l drua: stones with C'Ut a ov- ttjuaiv city drinkir.2 ter In a'l bomoH is and This simple method i.s aid Nati re in addirg I nd weight to the Iinman ody in tni tune in many insirncMt Tli 'ti i-nds tbm iolk-i will r.auraPy bo T.ontod, llHlioway's Drug Store nnd ofln r-i oi this iivy report trtnnndous in la 8M in the sat of itds pn par.i since if has known b'ystixim helps the blood turi! the od wo oat into aol.d, hr. Ithy li-'siie and also inducos a Une of renoR 1 strength aud SOCIETY i ivkki oo ohio i.iV* Ever St T-otii-i, Mo. 7--W bon tuo rtisiiyeti with whdii iter, Ih 111, st olh 1 ere. jm eame intrn 1 tliy rs, bis Uuio When ihe niatchi'd dcileivi J.e uild i 1 sihf the ten Mlati'-n and ln- it in ti I.iter le tnld the ol losR llCd iit tiionoy and Ilion i at flTO Kh' Aiinour S. Coopcr of New 1 rland was a lotal vir-- Itor loday.

II HiifT of the Franklln sehool gy. hi re Friday. Dr. Pine-Tar-IIoney wastes no time in Starting to do it after the fu-1 notice the easing tip of the throat-lickle, the jcoseninfj phlegm. Soon the breathirg brromes lets the gtuffy head clears a bit, the irritation fcubsidea.

Before long, relief tomes. Dr. Bi Il's Pinc-Tar-Honfy is pure, safe, harmless. Its ingretlienis are soothing, healing, antiseptic. Relief and quirt rcst fuilow its faithful use.

Kroncmical. 60c. and $1.20. Exiraordinary Times, These Why Take a Risk With Your Health? Our long recogTiized expo- rience is a guarantee in itself that your prescription is filled properly when compounded here. DRUG STORE ON THE DIAMOND NOTICE TO PUBLIC We wish to announce to our patrons that we are compelled to eliminate the losses we suffer by The credit system.

Rather than advance In prices, we have decidmd on and after December 1918, to adopt a STRICTLY CASH SYS'FEM, requiring all packages to be paid for on delivery. Fame Woodbine Laundry Company NOTICE TO PUBLIC! WE WISH TO ANNOUNCE TO OUR PATRONS that we are compelled to eliminate the losses we suffer by the credit system. Rather than make advance In prices we have decided on and after December 16, 1918, to adopt a STRICTLY CASH SYSTEM, requiring all packages to be paid for on delivery. ENTERPRISE LAUNDRY Isaac Jones Sons Notici to the Public r. Ohio Federation Mectirg.

Mrs vlm b'iF. of the northern dittrict cf Die Ohio Federation of Cl jbs. htis re cilved the following mllflcalltn frctu the gard ne an iiual council meeting in Coluti.bus week Dear The of the Ohlc Fr i.n of will at the Nfw Sou'hetn Hotel. Coh.mbu“. Tie ceinl Of 12th and 13th.

The first will at thiee Thutxity iflernoon loped to have topir; present'd bv at the evening and the Friday morninp at 9 o'tleek will i'Oiiferenee It is reen-rary to ho'd meeting In ordsr tfi fransaet was to have hern l-nken i.p It the Co-di convention It imffortinl that rtfh le lefiHMnteri be Us pies'dent by an deueate. Ohio on has been ed to Ml thirty tliusand bo.v»*« with lardv and nuts for soldins wlio will spmid their i'brlsinns at Sfiee- Will yo'i to nuke thM lotHihle by at f.nee to Cao- lain lames (' Cr.ii nomjnitv. for the nuii her if boxes you sirv Ihese Lf later Difh. Has your club ronfi to ties War Vutoiy Fund to piovlde our bovs ho w'll be over i those hich wh'l Iiotect them fron, the and 1' neliiirss of leisure? If will you a mittee to serure onr do p.r ni e.arh It The origira! Ian of the Cenerai Federation to I'Uiph Hom grow ndei the A to wh-ue H-al home life wih be given weaiy hoys Our Govetnmenf thr Convention Postponed, Mrs. norenre D.

Richards, state president, of has notified Crusade C. T. that the state convention whudi to Irave be. lield in Finelnnrdl has In taure of the in fluenza epidfinic Xmas Packages to furcfre. paekans nmy le nt to ind viduals In the Fnited Kingdom of lYance, Italy nnd Belgium not id any p.rrt the Arurh.on Fxpe forces Ibey must be under a rullug cf the posloffite paitment special licence, known as HAi'Cd.

These shipments, be inndo trfore ter 16, and the wripper must bear I he folrvving Infrrmafion and ol the person m.tiling the fiiekrige t.tih (1 lifit of '(intents Nsnu addiess of person to leei-lve the package "he -rhnstmas ship- merd The pubic is advised that under the cxisiing imfort mguH- of Fnited Kinrdom, this license may not contain any aitlcle of gold or tilv( or Jewelry. ci in excess of leu pounds of tea or pound of par. unless prnnit has t(fn obtained from beard rf trade. London, the Importallon of such thipinf nfs Hf.o-e on Fur'ough. Sergt r.eoigp station- eu with the Quartermaster m.nt at Fort William, Me.

is spend- inp a furlough with his parent.s, Mr Hud Mrs Cochran. of B. im I avenue. liliS FOR Becomec Bakery Manager J)hn Kaas. formerly a potterv en- f.

wi' Ohio, has been felected to H. Mahoney as mnn.iper (he Fisher bakery in avenue oi ti eou-iDy to equip and on-' hundird vv.mien iih an eqinl nmnh, i of men serf bv th. tc be in irh unit estal lisii Let Ohio, 1 he suo, Is with the made bv we would sei ve noveling from hLf infmiira at her LOHFS FI Cold Compound" ends severe colds or grippe in few hours. You can nd and break a severe cold either in head, cheat, b'uiy or limbs, by taking a of old every two hours un til three dores are taken. It promptly chucgedup nos trils and air pis.sages in the head, nnsty discharge or nose running, ri'lleves sick ad.uche, dullness, feverishness, wore throat, sneezing, soreness and 8f Iff ness.

stay stuffed up: Quit blowing and snuffau', Kase your throbbing head nothing else in the wrorld gives such pmmpt relief as Cold Compound," which costs only a few eent.s at any store It acts without assir-tante, tastes nice, and causes no inconvenience. Be sure you get the genuine. Will 50 1 pip.i,, ,0.5,1 If Is va'-; th.if ihe of our country fh'dl use ir i il vence to the md our i shsli be mall Given Honorable Discharge. Raymcind Bowimin. who has been et.ationed with Co 6.

development bat HX.IS. Since has received his di.Hcharge and returned to hl.s home this city. Most failhfiilly jours Fsesid.Uit I PERSONAT.S Will Not Sell Christmas Seals Christmas seals of the f'ross will not be this year, The na-i million dollar.s for Don and the seals that have been formerly sold w'ill he given to everv one renewing an annual inenihership Ihe Red Cross will take charge of Tc se.Tl.s year and Chrlstma.s stickers will bn allowed on mail matter during the month of Dee( mber At a 1 other times stickers on the addn-ss de of mall matter makes it unmaila- TOSIC JE S.irsap.ii ilia for a Time Like This, Afler Influenza, tie Grip When purifi 'd bb od. brilt stien-Di and bowels aie essential In the of iiifluenz.a, the giip and other picslrating Sirsaparilla has reiiaikahbi health-helping effect It expels the that havj weakened and depleted the using pallor, am i.ia, flabby fle.di lax nni.s..k.s. It la the staudar.J blood remedy with a successful rec- i'd of nearly fifty years uMany people- it is ready astoni; h- iDg how a fine gentle easy cathartic in trying recommend Fills, used In the bew.r faniilie.s, f.t- ive ith delicate omen or mtn.

Easy to taka, easy to oporatu. For Sale ONE MATED BLACK TEAM, WEIGHT 2,800 POUNDS. PRICE $300. CROCKERY CITY ICE COMPANY. Cb.nrle.a Sloppy of store was a bu.slnois day Mrs Raymond Donovan of Sixth street, retUTied from a visit with filends in Steubenville.

Arthur TTelghls is alle to resume his woik after a reveial of Davis rf Fonrih rtret, was visitt.r in vck tndry. Presents from 50 cents to Every article Stewart, Jeweler. 118 West Sixth street. C. Billingsley of Lincoln Way who has been ill lor some time past, is slightly improved Mrs.

Fred hrar. Riley avenue, who has bean seriously ill with inllu- pne imoiii.i, i.s improving. Codiran who is also suffciing wiih the dif'vase is in a rerious con- diilon McKeever. Jr. has to his work in after al Mrs Samuel MilVard of avenue has left for Trentnn, called by the jeririis of her sister, Fred HamnmnJ John of was .1 ol busines.H vi.sitor Earl of Pleasant Heights "ho has beau seriou.My ill wifh influ- is Iniprovin? Xmas greeting cards.

Stewart. Bell of Heighfs who has teen critically ill with and pneumonia. Is slightly Rev J. F.

who has ill at his home on McKinnon avenue, has Mr apd Evaniicka of the Crystal Bottling company, have retu'iH'd fiom Cleveland where they atton.lid the N'afi venilon. Millinery reductions of 25 per cent on all hats. Everything reduced. Millinery sale starts Saturday, Dv'C. 7, will continue until Christmas.

L. CO. 16 6 Miss Uore Sl.enton or Minerva i.s 111 at Inr home Ndlie Watkins Is to her h'Une oc Second by illiies.s is W' H. Johnson Is ill at her on Denver street. Mrs.

A Zang Ogden is spending the week-end vnh PiC.sburg lelalives Mrs. Mary Urewn of Ralineville, to her home after sf cnd Ing a short visit with friends in this tily Ellsworth Goddard of SalineviI.e. WHS a eal vititor yes'ciday. James Cannon of Midland avenue, Midland, wa.s a todav. is (' WooJ of Btavei wisan East Liveipoti visitor yesterday.

Misses Jean Mackry end Smith. Mrs Bovles and Wamn, of. New Cuinbei land, were Eart Liveipool yesterd.iy, ATTENTION 'oF WOMEN When you feel teo tired to work, dark puffs ai pear under your vv-hen ycu waKe up weaiy. with or pains In s.dt and loins, when and bon--, suffer rheumaiiH lumbago put down, then you know the are weuken-d or disoider ed. Mrs.

T. But knell, Route 1, Hardy, fob, am rerover- ing from an attack lumbago, bv aid of Fills ly have helped Bulgers Fharmaty; Drug Store. FHE FRANKLIN CAR Here are Two Good Reasons For Choosing It. The first reason is: bec'ausc it delivers, day in and day out, 20 miles to the of of the usual 10. The second reason, equally forceful, is: because it delivers, 10,000 miles to the set of tires- of ihe usual 5,000.

-instead There is no lonjrer any excuse for ft wasteful motor car. Franklin I -ight Weight has put heavy cumhcrsonie ctm.struction into the discard, and brings about the needed economy of gasoline and tires. And, in the Franklin, you will find that economical operation is only one of the different things. With it go riding comforts such as you have never experienced before, an ease of handling that leaves you free from strain, and ft Direct Air Cooling system that eliminates, entirely the many summer and winter troubles common to water-cooled cars. May wc bring a car around for dcmon- ttration The Buckeye Motor Co.

BELL 408 Sore Throat Prudence Your medicine shelf is not well stocked without a of TONSIUNE, for you don't know what moment it may be needed to relieve a sudden case of Bore Throat. Relieving Sore lliroat is special mission It is made for for for that one purpose. TONSILINE is the Kational Bore Throat Remedy. It is sold iu every State ia the Union. You will need TONSttJNE one of these days, or eome night when the drug store is closed- better have a Cottle ready at home when you need it 35c.

and COc. Hospital fl.OO. Your druggist TONSUJNE. WE WISH TO ANNOUNCE TO OUR PATRONS that we are compelled to eliminate the losses we by the credit ayetem. Rather than make advance in prices we have decided en and after December 16, 1918, to adopt a STRICTLY CASH SYSTEM, requiring all packages to be paid for on delivery.

BUCKEYE LAUNDRY Walker Bros. FIRK I is a constanf. menace to the farm home unless the buildings are concreted. Even if the contents burn, it isn a total buildings are safe when made of Atlas Portland Cement Concrete. The house, the barn, the silo are all fire, rat and verminproof if built of concrete.

Why not let us tell you more about Atlas? It will be a pleasure for us to do anything c' The Potters Lumber Company Utmbmr mnd SnppHes irtiiiaTI irrTTlitirDftBCI NEWELL Tim Robinson nswsOsalor, ftiatli has chargt of Tho Evon- Rsvltw Circulation. Loavo subscription ordors, advtrilao- monts, stc. with him. ftslj pkons Epidemic at Standstill. 1 no In niiui of Influunzii In Newell, sic- cording to nf made by health aulhoritie.H here last It is believed that the will under control befon? another week has pa.ssed.

To Enforce License Law. A eoiiiimiuication ha.s bee ht'iit out to tho HUlhoritie.H by A. Dennis Williams, state road to bo on the lookout for violators of tho roininis.sion’s law regarding the running of a motorcycle or an autoinobiUi withiiut necessary slate He stati's in liIs that a number of conijilaints have od. and any offlcial.

whether countv or city, can such violators. U. A. Convention. A.

J. Thoma.s of Eskdale. officer of fh(t Fnited Aineruari Men of W'est Virginia and who hold.s the title of state couneillor, will preside ai 8e.sHions of the annual convention of the U. A. M.

which will be held Charleston, this next wcea. scs.slons will last two days, Tm sday and Wednesday, and it Is that at least 150 delegates from all parts of West Virginia will be In attendance. ine uttu( ol nza, ate i cov ing, Harry Howard of Akron vi.sifed ibis vvcek with his pannts, Mr. and Howard of Jefferson street Fred 11, son of Mr. and J.

G. la from a iUnesH of pneumonia. Mrs. of Hharon, Is the guest of her daughter, Harry Spore aud family of Grant street. Stomach Trouble.

"Bfroi-e I used Tablets I doctored a great deal for stomach trouble and lt nervous and tired all tho time. talilets (l me from the, and Inside of a week's time I had Improved in every writes Mrs. L. A. Drinkurd, fferHon City, Mo.

Found Guilty of Desertion. George T. Walker and Thomas T. Barne.s, two West Virginia soldiers found guilty of and to be shot, have had commuted to 20 year.s’ imprisonment at hard labor with dishonorable discharge from the service and lor- feiture of all pay and all due or to become due. The men wifh Co.

105th infantry and were In training at Camp Shelby, Hattiesburg, Miss. Ball Funeral. Funeral services over the body of the late Mrs. Dorothy Ball will be held from the family home on Grant street at this evening. Rev.

Jesse Deeds, of the MethcMlist Episcopal church, will officiate. The body will be taken to Wellsburg, W. Sunday morning, where burial will be made. Schools Remalh Closed. There will be no sessions in the Newell public schools until January 6, 1919.

This includes all the rural schooLs with the exception of Franklin, Wa.shington, Valley and Brooklyn. There has been no In- flmmza In the vicinity of the latter schools and It was not thought necessary to Include them in the list. Dr. F. P.

Beamont, county health commissioner, has these buildings to remain open. To Distribute Literature. The usual Sunday school literature and church envelopes will be distributed by a committee at the First M. E. church at 10:30 Sunday morning.

NEWELL PERSONALS. Mrs. Harry A. Turk of F'ifth Washington streets is 111 at her hoi. Master Wilbur Miller, five-year old son of Mr.

and Mrs. W. C. Miller of Jefferson who has been seriously ill for the past two weciks reported slightly improved. The family of Charles Martin of Jefferson street, who has been Cleveland, Dec.

Geracl, aged 23, thought Mollle aged 16, old enough to herome his wife. Rut the law does not think her old enough to be for her actions and she is held today for the Juv'enlle court iiM'M'Iy on a Charge, although she cut lil.s fbioat In sight of early night and is dead. 'I'lie two alongside in a tailor shop and Sam, tlio girl says, an nojcd her with insistent ot man finaliy ibreuU inning with razor. to pull her to one on a town corner iast night she away and she says he struck her. Tlu ii, with home going hiok- ing on, she slashed at him with the razor, cutting his throat.

died on way to the hospital. Fro'. Zaner, 54, general director of instruction of iM iiman- shlp In the public schools, and bis sister in law, Mrs. Irwin, are dead In the Zaner home In as the result of an automobile accident. Doth were killed Instantly.

Mrs. Zaner was injured, probably fatally. The accident occurud at in vi iiing when Fiof was stiuek by i iiassiiigt (rain at We.sf«*r\ill«* eroHsing in Lin.I« ii Zan. was an Intimate and instrm lor of F. of board of edu eat ten in East Liverpool ami nt of Ohm Valley Musine.Hs college.

Prof. Zaner is the author of Za. of pt nuianship which hai in many public schools thnmghout the I'niled Ststes, including FaiHt Liverpool. During last few years has a large part of his time to directing the Farhing of hla in the schools in which It has been in instructing teachers. He conducici a class of instruction in penmanship methods for East Liverpool teachers and Ife.l the various school rooms in this city shortly before the of the epi.lemlc two months ago he was a guest of Fiof.

skull was In the nl and both brok- and his bruised head was cius I and both her arms and legs and all Imt ribs were broken. Harry I'lttiiiger of Hookst.iwn was a business visitor today. Frank was Friday on business. To add enjoyment 1 to breakfast or lunch GrapeNuts A cereal blend oF 'wheat A dish that like luxury but costs only a trifle a serving. Needs No Sugar.

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