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The Evening News from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania • Page 18

The Evening Newsi
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
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EIGHTEEN THE EVENING NEWS, HARRISBURG, TUESDAY, MAY 3, 1921 School The School News Home Study Play Evening Sports (For the Elementary Grades) Work Edited by MARGARET E. WILSON and JOHN H. MILLAR EVERY DAY TUESDAY, MAY 3, 1921 WEEKLY PROGRAM HE FELLOW WHO TELLS THE TEACHER THAT HE JUST WENTOVER' THE LESSON! SLAM THIS IS HOW HE WENT OVER IT Dingbats. PLUNK! In fact, I'm not waiting. (A Dingbat.) I've Got a catcher's mit of It there's anything I My own and it's been.

like Plunking About late Spring and For two weeks now. Summer it's John S. Baseball. I don't know why, but Why are dingbats? Baseball always To give us something to Has been my favorite read and something to outdoor write. You read them Sport.

Gosh- you right them I can't wait till I hear They're as easy to make The old ball plunking up as eating pie--or Snugly in the catcher's easier. Try one and mit. send it in. A FAMILIAR QUOTATION (Who wrote it.) The better the day, the better the deed. Yesterday: "Hit the nail on the Fletcher "Love's Cure." DEW TELL! "When the rain falls, does it ever rise asagure.

"When "In dew time." 1. A DOG STORIES DOG STORIES My uncle had a little white and brown spotted dog. Her name is Midge. Every day she comes to our house and sings at our back door until we leave her in and give her some meat. She is very funny about what she eats.

She smells what we give her. and if it isn't meat, she walks out and goes home. Sometimes, the boys and girls get her to sing on the street. One day my grandmother had her sing for the baker at the front door. My little sister is a year and a half old.

She hugs and pats Midge and ORGANIZE BALL TEAM Boys of the Reily School have organized a baseball team and have announced that they will glad to play any other grammar school team in the city, and will make engagements for any day except Sunday. The team line-up and substitutes include: H. Pickle, D. Jones, J. Russ.

W. Ensig, Carol, S. Gottlieb, H. Rhine, C. Rice, W.

Riden, A. Wimer and G. Murry. TODAY'S GREAT Person May 3-Your Birthday? Montgomery C. Meigs, an American general, who, as first lieutenant of engineers, built many important United States forts.

He was born Friday, May 3, 1816, in Georgia, and died in 1892. sings to her, and then Midge sings too. Last week my upstairs, grandmother was and my uncle had a basket of baby chicks In the kitchen, and one fell into the coal bucket. Midge went up and down the stairs barking, and pulling my grandmother's skirts with her teeth, and at last grandmother went down stairs, and followed Midge to the coal bucket, where she found the chick. Midge was given to my uncle by a family who moved apartment and could not keep her, but my uncle wants to give her away.

By Harold Harper, Fifth Grade, Melrose School. MAKING GARDENS Making gardens is popular among the pupils of the Vernon School, as look at the lots and vacant ground around the school, to the rear and at the side of the building will show. The ground has been turned over, and half a hundred garden plots are under cultivation by the energetic boys and girls who spend much of their leisure and recess period in caring for their gardens. If ground was available, it '1s said, there' would be an even larger number of gardens, for many of the pupils who have not made gardens would do so, more ground was procurable near the school. YEP "How much time did you spend on this lesson last night "About two hours." "Sitting on it?" YEP NUTS TO CRACK John and Jim were on a hiking trip.

They arrived at a stone wall, which they had to climb over. On reaching the top they stopped a minute catch their breath. Said Jim to John, "When is a stone wall like a fish (Yesterday's: "Why is the letter 'A' like a honeysuckle?" Because a bee follows it.) MAKE A GARDEN I CHOCOLATE MARSHMALLOW LAYER CAKES, A delightfully delicious Cake confection of Marshmallow. all covered with a rich royal Chocolate coating, that melts in your mouth Buy one to day at all good grocers Plain Marble Raisin Light Fruit -WRAPPED INGlasine Paper WHEN LEAVING THE OVEN AND -PACKED INOdor-Proof Sealed Packages NO. 141 FLORENCE FREESE HEADS CLASS When the monthly reports were given out last week in Miss Eshenower's 0 Shimmell School, 1t was found that Florence Freese stood first in class standing.

The reports were all good, with Carleton Stover standing second; AmeRoth, third; Margaret Douglas, fourth, and George Shank, fifth. Florence is a member of the school press club. The little ball on the case, Our seventh grade caught after a chase, Mamma laughed to see us run, And baby died from the -Contributed by the Seventh grade, St. Lawrence School. SCHOOL YELL A-D-A-M-A! That's the way we spell it.

Here's the way we yell itADAMS AVENUE SCHOOL! By Vernon Mitchell, a Sixth grade, Adams Ave. School, Tyrone. Norwood Melrose School, age 13. Esther M. Clelam, 315 Buckthorn Webster School, age James M.

Guthrie, 12. 2100 Swatara Mel- Yesterday, May 2 rose School, age 13. Harry R. McClain, Oscar Hefflefnger, Marietta, age 16. THE BIRTHDAY CLUB Fill out this coupon and mail it to THE SCHOOL EVENING NEWS, Patriot Building, Harrisburg.

Your name will be placed on our membership roll and will be published on your birthday. Name Address School Birthday WEEKLY PROGRAM Pleasing The pupils at the Steele School greatly enjoyed the weekly entertainment given In the school auditorium last Thursday morning. The program follows: Story, "The Legend of Ruth Gastrock; song, "My Mammy," by Helen and Mildred Reitzel; story, "How We Come to Have Mercedes Beshore. At the close of the program, a yell was given by the entire school for the newly organized orchestra. The cheer leaders were Ben Hoffstot and William Grafflo, who led the yell: Two! Four; Six Eight! Who do we appreciate? Orchestra! Orchestra! ORCHESTRA! NEWS OF YOUR CLUB We want it for this section.

Write up each meeting, include an announcement of the next, and send it all in. Let us have your news "while it's hot." TODAY IS THE BIRTHDAY OF- Edith M. Bock, 232 S. Thirteenth Webster School, age 10. SHORT AND QUICK Ash haulers raised their rates five cents a barrel or fifty cents a load at Hazleton.

The Zion Lutheran congregation at Sunbury is planning to erect a $180,000 church edifice. Celebrating May Day, 1000 miners at Wilkes- Barre, who had been on strike, returned to work. The Mennonites of Eastern Pennsylvania are convening in a conferjence in Reading this week. Bethlehem will promote a. community chest campaign for $125,000 this year for local charities.

An overdose of headache tablets yesterday caused the collapse of Miss Harriet Snyder, bank clerk, at Chester. Joe Hirst, a former well-known pugilist, died in Philadelphia yesterday from wounds received when he was shot in a hold-up. Posing as revenue agents, thieves got possession of eight barrels of whisky from the farm of Christ Keiser at Summit Hill. Thomas Neary and Earl Snyder were buried beneath a rush of mud and water at Richard's Colliery, Mt. Carmel.

They were rescued. Joseph Blakely, 34 years old, perished in the burning house from which his wife and four children escaped at Chester yesterday. Women jurors saved the day at Pottsville by responding for service when only one-half of the grand jury men turned out for court yesterday. The Rev. Dr.

F. K. Huntzinger, of Reading, who died yesterday, may be aptly termed a the 'marrying parson," having tied the knot for 4277 couples. Lancaster is the scene of two Lutheran Synods this week. The Harrisburg Conference and the Lancaster Conference are both holding sessions there.

Attempts to amend the emergency immigration bill failed in the Senate at Washington yesterday, but delayed a finel vote. Leaders said the bill would pass today. As a result of a war among the Greek shoe shine parlors at Uniontown, "shines" have dropped again to five cents, or 300 per cent. within the last few days. John D'Orazio, paying teller of the American Bank and Trust Company, Philadelphia, has been charged with embezzling $20,000.

D'Orazio advanced from office boy to teller in five years. After months of wrangling, Allentown City Council adopted an ordinance shearing the city engineer of all his power. The council wants speedier work on house sewerage and street paving. By order of the city superintendent of schools, exercises along the lines of Americanism and flag-raisings were conducted in all the Lancaster public schools yesterday. It will be annual May Day event.

Judge Bechtel, of Schuylkill County, yesterday imposed sentences totaling 200 years on twenty-four defendants. The charges were mostly of theft, and the stiff sentences were imposed to end the crime wave in the county. Major General Peter C. Harris, adjutant general of the army, declared himself responsible for the release of Grover Bergdoll, millionaire draft-dodger, before re the House Investigating Committee at Washington, yesterday. SHAMOKIN VET IN 40 CIVIL WAR BATTLES DIES AT 81 SHAMOKIN, May -James D.

Har- ris, 81 years old, a veteran of the Civil War, and retired anthracite coal miner, died at his home here of complications. He was a member of the 131st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, a famous fighting crew that during the Battle of Antietam was reduced to twelve men. He was also in forty other battles, a a a a a a a OBITUARY ISAAO WILLIAMS Funeral services for Isaac Williams, 89 years, old, a lifelong restof Lykens, who died yesterday afternoon at the home of his daugh- 1736 ter, Mrs. William L. Daniels, North Fifth street, were held this afternoon o'clock, at Mrs.

Daniels' home. The Rev. Dorsey N. Miller, pastor of Fifth Street Methodist Episcopal Church, officiated. Further services will be held on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of his grandson, Albert Williams, Lykens.

Burial will be in the Lykens Cemetery. Mr. Williams, who was blacksmith at the Lykens mines for more years, survived by four daughters, Mrs. John. M.

Richards, Pittsburgh; Mrs. I. Daniels, of this city, and Mrs. Anthony Hill, and Mrs. Annie Chapman, of Tacoma, Wash.

Eleven grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren also survive. MRS. REBECCA BAKER Mrs. Rebecca Baker, 80 years old, widow of G. W.

Baker, of Linglestown, widely known in that section of the county, died Sunday at her home, after a lingering illness due to the infirmities of old age. Mrs. Baker was a member of Mt. Zion A Reformed Church, and to the time of her death, manifested an unusual interest in the general welfare of the community in which she resided. She is survived by the following children: Miss Minnie Baker, at home; Dr.

John N. Baker, of Lykens; Dr. William F. Baker, of Philadelphia; and Mrs. John R.

Geyer, of Harrisburg. The following grand- HENRY FORD IS NOW A MILLER DETROIT, May Henry Ford has become miller for his own employes. He is making flour from wheat he raised on his own land and selling it in his own stores. He sells twenty-five pounds for ninety-eight cents and a barrel for $7.80. Other stores here charge $1.25 to $1.45 for twenty-five pounds and $12.50 to $14.50 a barrel.

Mr. Ford has thousands of bushels of wheat that he raised on his own estate stored in his elevator. It is being run through his mill which is the latest in equipment. His farm work is done with Ford tractors. Form Co-operative Buying Association Farmers in the Williams Valley, numbering thirty-seven and representing Dauphin and Schuylkill Counties, have formed a Co-operative Buying Association whereby they hope to be able to economize in the buying of feeds, seeds, fertilizer and other farm needs.

The officers are Henry Snyder, president; Odis Zimmerman, vice president; Charles Minnich, secretary, and Oscar Herb, treasurer. Those four with Charles Kessler constitute the first board of directors. The farm bureaus of Dauphin and Schuylkill Counties arranged the organization. children also survive: Miss Anne Schaner, of Linglestown, and Dr. H.

C. Schaner and Miss Ruth Geyer, of this city. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Union Chapel, Linglestown. Burial will be in Willow Grove Cemetery, -Linglestown. MRS.

MARY E. KENNEDY Funeral services for Mrs. Mary E. Kennedy, 41 years old, wife of Elijah Kennedy, who died Saturday evening at her home, 820 Cowden street, will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Asbury Methodist Church, Herr street, with the Rev. R.

F. Bedford officiating. Burial will be in Lincoln Cemetery. Besides her husband, she is survived by two daughters, Elizabeth and Alma; three brothers, Arthur and Daniel Washington, this city, and Harry Washington, of New York, and an aunt, Mrs. Luther Brown, of this city.

DATE FOR DIVORCE HEARING vorce in the case of Effle Vs. James M. Jackson, master Mather F. Clouser, has decided to hear the case in his office, 218 Commonwealth Trust Building, on May 12, at 11 a. m.

HUSBAND AND WIFE BOTH SICK Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Comer, Shenandoah. were both ill. He writes: "Rheumatism and bladder trouble was our trouble.

My wife had rheumatism in her arms so she could not use them. She has had no trouble since taking Foley Kidney Pills. I don't have to get up at night so much since taking Foley Kidney Pills, nor have I a weak back." Backache, sore, swollen or stiff muscles or joints, tired languid feeling yield quickly to Foley Kidney Pills. Sold everywhere. The T.

H. S. '22 Club dance, which was scheduled for last night Winterdale Hall has been indefinitely postponed. Advertising In The Patriot-News sells the goods. CUTICURA HEALS ITCHY PIMPLES On Face and Hands.

Very Hard and Large. Face Disfigured. "Pimples affected my face and hands. They were very hard and large and itched and burned so that I could not sleep, and face became disfigured. The trouble lasted about three weeks.

"I tried many remedies but nothing helped me. I read an advertisement for Cuticura Soap and Ointment and sent for a free sample. purchased more, and when I had used six cakes of Cuticura Soap and two large boxes of Cuticura Ointment I was completely healed." (Signed) Harry Etken, 520 McClellan Philadelphia, Pa. Use Cuticura for every-day toilet purposes. Bathe with Soap, soothe with Ointment, dust with Talcum.

Sample Each Free by Mail. Address: Laborateries, Dept, Maiden 48, Sold everywhere. Soap 25c. Ointment 25 and 50c. Taleum 26c.

5 Soap shaves without mug. DIVES, POMEROY STEWART A Sale of Silk Dresses, Georgette, Taffeta and Satin at $12.75 Earlier Prices of These Garments Were $25 and $39.50 The material alone in these dresses cost pretty close to what the finished dresses are selling for in this greatly reduced offering. These garments are fashioned of those wonderfully popular fabrics: Georgette, taffeta and satin, and the colors are those most favored by fashion this season: Navy, copen, grey, brown, black and rose. Sizes 16 to 42. This is an unusually fine showing of distinctive dresses and the price has been lowered to a surprisingly low level considering the quality of the garments.

Dives, Pomeroy Stewart, Second Floor. Wash Goods- Quality and Dependability--Very Attractively Low Priced Percale, neat figures and stripes on white ground. Special, yard. 45c Beach Cloth, 36 inches wide; solid shades. Per 49c Wash Suiting; extra fine cloth for youth's suits and rompers and for house dresses.

Per 40c Plissie Crepe in pink with Blue Bird design. Per yard, 25c 29c Percale, 36 inches wide; neat stripes and figures. Per yard 19c 29c Gingham, cheviot finish, suitable for work shirts and dresses. Per yard 50c Pongee Shirting, silk finish; neat and fancy stripes; fast colors. Per yard 35c Dress Gingham; neat plaids for children's dresses.

Per yard. Dives, Pomeroy Stewart, Street Floor. Attractive Voile and Gingham Frocks Offered at a Tempting Low Price Range $4.95 to $30.00 Thoughts now turn quite naturally to more Summery attire, for the warm weather demands a generous supply of frocks for the numerous outdoor occasions. Fortunately this year the problem of augmenting one's wardrobe is so much simplified because of the moderate prices on pretty ready made Summer Dresses. Voile frocks the coming season are lovely, not alone because of the delightful fabric itself but because such splendid style has been put into them.

Cool comfortable and fashionable, these dresses will; add a wonderfully distinctive touch to any woman's Summer attire. Gingham frocks, too, are unusually becoming the range of styles is wide enough to satisfy every mood! and fancy. Dives, Pomeroy Stewart, Second Floor. Three Cents will keep one human being alive for one day in a part of the world where humans are dying as flies die here in the Summer time. China Life Saving Stamps are being sold at a special booth on the Street Floor.

Savings Up to Feature This May Offering A Satisfying List of of Notions and Sewing Needfuls! Grocery Savings Folks who are planning fresh new Summer attire have been this May Sale of Notions and the minutiae of things needed for plete stock greets you on the Market street aisle table and thrifty professional -will find that the prices have been lowered to an ings are offered. Tomato Pin Cushions. .70 Lingerie Tape, white and flesh: bolt 5c 150 Shoulder Strap Tape, white and flesh; yard 50 Nos. 25 to 37 White Ric-Rac Braid, bolt 25c and 30c Best Quality Cameo Embroidery Edging, white, pink, blue, copen, red, lavender; bolt 19c and 21c Embroidery Edging, white, pink, blue and red: bolt. ,100 J.

and P. Coats Spool Cotton, spool To 125 yards spool Belding Darning Silk, spool 35c 5c Celluloid Thimbles. 4c 100 White Metal Thimbles. Crescent Darning Needles, assorted, 4-8 paper, 4c 10c cards Kohinor Snap Fast- 15c 20c English Pins, eners, 4 cards for. 10c paper, 10c cards Tinco Snap Fasteners, 10c DeLong Press Buttons, 3 card 50 cards for .250 5c Swan Snap Fasteners, 3 cards 10c DeLong Hook and Eyes, 3 for 100 cards for Dives, Pomeroy.

Stawart. Main- Floor, Dance Postponed quick to take advantage of sewing. A wonderfully comdressmakers- -amateur and extent that really, notable sav25c DeLong Hook and Eye Tape, yard Star Mercerized Darning Cotton, ball 5c 15c and 20c Wire Hair Pin Cabinets 100 Gem Hair Nets, cap shape, dozen 490 250 and 50c Mounted Ear Combs 15c Silk Sew-on Hose Supporters, pair 35c Sew on Hose Supporters, white and flesh; pair 190 8-yard Tubular and Flat Corset Lacers, white and Children's Sockets, white, pink, blue; pair 8c Kotex Destructible Sanitay Napkins, dozen 59c Hickory Baby 49c 50c Lawn Dress Linings. 75c Net Dress Linings. 690 $1.25 Silk Dress $1.19 10c Shoe Trees, .......70 for Wednesday Sugar Cured Boneless Bacon, 22c Sliced Flavo Flour- A good pastry and bread flour, 12-lb.

...470 Leslie's Household Ammonia, large bottle' 210 Bartlett Pears, large can, 270: dozen $3.15 Del Monte Sliced Pineapple, per can, 27c; dozen $3.00 Karo Syrup, red and blue labels. 2 cans for 1 .250 Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk. 4 cans $1.00 $1.39 Gluten Casein Cake Flour, sack $1.19 Ceresota Flour, 12-lb. sack. .690 Eagle Brand Asparagus, large cans 290 Dives, Pomeroy Stewart, Basement..

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