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Muskogee Times-Democrat from Muskogee, Oklahoma • Page 3

Muskogee, Oklahoma
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THE MUSKOGEE TIMES DLMOCRAT. MAY 29 TRAINED WOMEN EX-SEN. LORIMER WILL BE NEEDED INJURED WHILE WORKING IN LA. ALC PABLO is wholesome because it is pure. Its refreshing, snappy taste has an unusual "hoppy" tang you'll like.

Ice cold at any place that sells drinks, or by the case from your grocer. Try PABLO today. Wnshlngton, May Declaring that I trained mon and women will needed the war just as much flirht- men, P. P. fluxion.

I'nltfil States -ommlffsloneT of e'ducatlon today a.ll high school pupils to remain in Hchonl next full. I "If thd war should Ix- long." said Dr. 'clnxton. "tho country will nfMl all tho trained men ami women it cvtn mHny mnrp thnn It now has. Thi're ho mpii In lUnindiuiro to fight In jtho tri'nchos hut thorn will bo a dearth officers, ami men of I scientific I CI I KI- and skill In all the Industries, in transportation and in many other places whero Rkill and daring are Juei IF neressury for success In tho trenches." In this connection, as announced yesterday in the Timift Democrat.

I-Ynnk Herring. Associated IVess telegraph operator for this newspaper, has 'arranged to nprn a niKht school In the I building for ladies desiring to lake up telegraphy. DOWN BY D. S. "Washing-ton.

May 2(1. -Victor rtenrer, Milwaukee socialist and former member of congress, protected in vain today to Secretary I-aJislnR ag-ninst the ern men I's decision lo issue no passports to American tending to rt Mipate in the socialist peace meeting in Stockholm. Mr. Herder did not fret a passport, but he cud learn that the government had not i hanged its policy. "1 am a gooel American and a (rood roolnllst also." Mr.

Hetxer said. neldlng I that In the event the government ael- 1 bored to the ruling not to m'ant pass- i ports he would not take aiiviintupe of any other means to no to Stockholm. RELIGIOUS FKKVOK CAUSED HIS DEATH former I'nttnd StatPR senator nnd is rernvrrinfr at homf horft tcxlny fnim tho cfffH 't of nn arrlilont In RiMvmill at 1 in wh ii-h riK It a rin wnn In llip'i' plji OH. 1 .01 Init-r haw hoon I'liRn iffMl for tho hi I monUm in lnanaKinff tho HMWITI MI In which hr 1B IntotoRicd fina 11 tin JMK I hn holpoil In tho phv.sli'ttl labor with tho oin- ployrM of tho mill. Slnco his nnnnttiU in tho stitto court of I ho charge of wriM-klim of tho 1 Sallo Strrot Trust nnd linnK ami tnslilu- turns horc.

tin' sonator has hoon in tho umkiiK, in an attotnpt to rotKilr his fort nnos. with ho vowpd I urposo of off 11 I OKSOH to 1 po-sitors of tho clofunt bank, and other inst i ionn. Mr. I.ori 1 nor wan In.Uirod whllo Justing nn odtfir. a nuichino in shaping I OKH A chnln holdlnR tho nnappod and whippod toward 'his head and Mr I ,01 inn? threw up his i ha ml to 1 1 rot eel 1 innolf The chain Mashed ahemt hm arm.

In 1 threo places. The 1-ones wore sot nt JonoHvlllo and tho former banker WHK to hi? hotno hero. v.horo tho bon -os were reset. His condition Is Haiti not to he nerlrnis. ENCiUAYINTi woHKiNciovicirriMi-: Wnflli 1 riftt nn.

Mn 20. The 1.11 ri loan and other war fina nee measures compel the bureau of rnffrn vlnj; and pirlntinpr those ddvs to work 24 hours a day and employ l.iloa extra wutk men and to prorhjee the li.Oiiii.inio iuipresMions whlcli now are turned out daily. iMrector Ralph estimated todav that 1 he re a ti is yea will make notes and cert ificiiteH of various i uds, compared with fi.OOn. 1000.000 last year. Heavy additional Is created by tho liberty IiOan bonds, throe million of which alreadv IL VO been pa rt ia II pri nted, cert if i rates of indehtedness ad Interim, wnr I tax stamps; extra stamps re- by the prospective increase In I letter rate.s to hroe rents, a rmy of I jeers' coinmissions.

postal savings I I if teat and federal reserve bank notes. PAGE IHREEfltl Grocar A. CONTRACT LET FOR HENRYETFA HALL Henryettn, May Holmboe company of Oklahoma City was piven the contract Saturday for the new municipal building to be erected immediately. The company's bid was for and figures offered by Kloldinf? ('onstruetion company of liuthrle were (Inly the two hidtfi were sent in. VVleathers Trapp were the.

architects for the Oklahoma Pity company. KtlRler, May 29. (Special) Israel Holt, member of the sect of Holy Rollers and a man whoso re- liffious fervor at times bordered on lunacy, died here Monday after having cut off his ltg to prove that it w-ould grow again without medical attention or anything save prayer. illolt handed his eldest son a common axe and forced him to perform, the deed, three blows buin necessary to remove the limb from the torso. set In almost immediately and tho family so far abandoned their religious convictions as lu Hummon a surgeon, who arrived too late to prevent the fatal spread of the infection.

Holt has been head of the church of Holy Rollers at Inquire and has claimed frequently that ho was gifted with prophetic vision. The net which caused his death was the result of his trying to prove his power. NEGROES STR ANDED ON THE COLD COAST ARE NOW HOMESICK i Washington, May dreams of wealth unrealized and faith In pro- motors destroyed, homesick American I negroes have petitioned the governor jof the Gold Coast colony In Africa, to them back to Texas and other southwestern states which they left in 19M under the sway of the argument 'of "Chief Sum," who pictured lives of ease. The negroes turned over "Sam" varying sums of money wi'h the understanding that he would land them on 1he Oold coast where they would receive titles to their own land, i Ambassador Spring Rice hits notified the state department that indications are that Chief Sam grossly niis- the immigrants and finally deserted them, leaving many in destilu- Itlon. Whether any governmental assistance will be given to negroes so jthat they may return to the American cotton fields is unknown.

"1 aaii now actually thirty-four I pounds heavier than 1 was the day I.I began taking Tan lac and 1 can't find words to express the Joy I really feel over my wonderful Improvement In health and strength," was the remark-; able statement made a few riavs ago I lA May He Roths- by Mrs. Kmily McKenzie, of 604 E. child died this morning at his home Second street, Ft. Worth Texas nl Buzzard after nn illneHs "I have been afflicted with catarrh slx weeks Mr He Rothschild was of the head ever since I a child." I 72 parH old at1(i WUH aon 1 laron Lionel Mrs. McKenzie Suffered Since Sha Was a Child -i- Finds Relief at Last.

TREASON CHARGE AGAINST TEXANS Dallas, Texas. May in west Texan of tho Farmers nnd 1 laborers Protective Association of America which Is alleged to have op- posed select ivo conscript ion with a i view to possible Indictments on charges of treason or conspiracy were begun by the I'nitcd States grand jury here today. Scores of farmers and laborers from the western part of the state, members of the arrived this morning and were being called before tho grand Jury to toll what they knew of the aesocintion's operations Many of the witnesses are said to have resigned from the association ufter they learned its real purpose. CJ. T.

liryant, alleged state organizer of the association, wax still in the county Jail here this afternoon as i rcKuit of his arrest several days ago for alleged activities in connection with the association. It ras stated today that tho grand Jury Investigation probably will last through this week. NOTICE TO PROPERTYOWNERS. The County lioard of Kqunllzation will moot in the office of the County A -sscH Monday, 4. 1917, and continue in session from day to day until such matters as may properly come before them are disposed of.

(5. PORTER -Adv. Secretary. DE ROTHSCHILD DIE1S IN ENOLAND No matter what your wants are. Times-Democrat want ad will save you time and money.

The want ad phone la 474. Aeolian Company takes great pleasure in announcing the appointment of The STREET-EICHOLTZ FURNITURE CO. 223-225 West Okmulgee Avenue as exclusive representatives in this city for the wonderful new phonograph that is attracting such widespread A complete line of Aeolian-Vocations will be on display and sale at the warerooms of the above firm and yomare most cordially invited to inspect THE AEOLIAN COMPANY NEW YORK LONDON PARIS BERLIN WOMEN TO HELP WITH HARVESTS () () () U. a LEAST IN DEBT OF ALLIES (' continued Mrs. McKenzie "My stomach became affected about two years IIBU and 1 simply suffered torture until I began taking Tanlne.

There was a burning like fire in my stomach, which neve let up day or niKht. and at times my misery was so ureal that BIG BOOZIE HAUL, cold chills would creep all ow-r my HpnrvoUa Mav Pabody. Alon with mi other troubles rolln( ra and Sullens captured an 1 suffered from painful. disordered I au omoD containing 400 quarts of Ue Rothschild, founder of the KnKllsh branch of the family, i national debt of the allies For many prior to the war Mr. ranges from $27 to for each In- De Rothschild was a prominent figure in Kntfllsh racing circles and In 1904 his horse, Stamant, won the derby.

suffered from painful. disordered I kidneys. Sometimes the pain across my back was so terrible that I would scream out loud if 1 moved my- My teet and ankles were swollen and 1 had a fluffy look under my 1 was misery all the time and whin 1 nt over I could hardly Btralghten up. I had tried so many different kinds of medicines without petting relief that I didn't believe anything could help me and it a lonfi- tltnr tw fore 1 could he persuaded to try Tanlno. "Finally a lady friend almost made mo get a bottle and begin taking it and I have been gradually improving ever erlnce My felt better! in a few days and the grassy, upset condition that caused me so muchl apony.

began to disappear Nearly all' pain and elistre-ss 'atised by mv stomach and catarrh iw geme and I can eat anything -e'Ve'n tee oniitns. and other things I couldn't eat before in yeurs anil eligest it Kirrjihlug tarstes good ami agrees with me we -igheei one htmilicd and thirty- two pounds when I begun using T.n- lae" ami I now wi'tgh one hundred and Blxty-slx pounds and am so happy over my wonderful restoration to health that I sometimes feel almost like shouting for Joy. Tunlac 1B the only thing that ever helped mv kldnm complaint and it has "me absolute relief from all the pain and iMTyslgtl of tills affliction which caused me so nun suffering mid worry It's too to keep to myself unit I hope this statement will give others confidence Jn Tanluc to give It a fair trial. Jf 'they do I brllete they will rind relief just like I did." Tanlai' Is snlel in Muskogee exclu Blvely by MorhaH Drug Co containing 400 quarts whiskey about 4:30 this morning at the corner of Mains and Fourth streets. Tho booze belonged to Kd CJrtfflth, Rogers and Bill Watson who wen 1 urrested.

habitant, the debt of tho United States is only (11. Frank R. Wilson of the federal farm loan bureau of the I'niled States treasury department, says Cncle Sam Is also richer In resources than (Jreat Britain. France, Russia and Italy together and has borrowed lens than one two-hundredth of his assets. "To go Into debt to the extent of his neighbors," Wilson says, "I'ntle Sam wuulel have to borrow nearly 150,000.000,000." The toUU natlumal debt of the United Washington, May 29.

Women and girls may lie used for light farm work under tho department of agriculture's phui for enlisting a volunteer work them some of her army for the harvest season. Women will he employed, the department announced today, to feed and euro for harvest hands or extra labor, and to can and dry surplus perishable jyrod- ucts. The department machinery, which already Is in operation in forty stales, 'is expected to enroll many retired farmers for active work In the cmor- geticy. Organizers have been named husband for each state, county und community APPLY LA CREOLE IF HAIR IS GRAY States is a little more than $1,000,000,1000. Including the new $7,000,000,000 i war loan, it would be only about one- I fourth the debt of England and half that of Germany.

The Liberty loan should be easy to I get. Wilson ceincludes. It Darkens Your Gray Hair Evenly Dandruff. The famous I.a Creole Hair Dressing has been used for the last 30 years by men and women to really store their pray, streaked with gray, prematurely gray or f-ideel to il. at -even, dark color arui lusler their hair used to be Unlike eAher hair picparallons or dirty dyes, Creole revives the natural color glands to activity, so that after a few applications of 1-a Creole hair and HvalP.

yen wl'l be delighted to observe all vimr gray hair graelusllv turning dirk all your hair i.iKit on that luster, freshness, fluffinnss thickness unej even, dark tone your bur used to have. It is a fact that not even a trace of gray shows a-Tlur treatment I-a Creole Jialr Dressing druggist car. easily supply you. or sent prepaid for $1 by Van Vleet Memphis, T'nn. La Cr-ole under thel stops dandruff and fulltni; hair.

LISTEN TO THIS! SAYS CORNS LIFT RIGHT OUT NOW ALSO ARRESTED Chicago, 29. -Three men and two women are held today for Investigation on a charge of conspiracy to i i I prisoner a.t different places lu M'us defeat the conscription law on Juno and e.ther arrests are expected to fol- ITS A LONG STORY, MATHS A petition for the appointment eif a guardian for his wife, Stella Mason, UPO Stella Manuel, in which he alleges that several per, mi in Muskogee county, both whites and negroes- have been -using physical force In an at- te'inpt to kidnap and force her to us- i 14 0, lIUO estate, was filed Monday afternoon In the county court by Isaac Mason. The persons named in the petition as the conspirators are J. Cuddy Johnson. negro lawyer of We- 'woliii; Roy Parmenter, a white man of Wowoka anil representative of tho McMann Oil company of Tulsa; Lnla ilendrix, Stella's half-sister, and her Will ilendrix; A.

O. W. Sango, a negro lawyer of Muskogee, anil several other negroe's too numerous to mention. Ma-son alleges that they have bven bending every effort to separate his wife from her estate, coming to Washington even and attempting to pers'uade her tee him In order that they might Influ ence her more easily while away from him. Lula Hemlrix ami Sango went to the national capitol and succeudeil In persuading Stella to return with them to Muskogee.

This was about three weeks ago and since then Mason alleges that she has been kept a virtual JUDGE VERNOR AID TO CUPID Jddge Knloe. V. Vernor preived un cxi client lieutenant for (ie-neral Dan Cupid Monday afternoon when he made appointment of a guardian in oreler that consent ram Id be given for till" marriage of 17-year-ejld Miss Margaiet Lewis, un orphan, to W. A. Anderson, a young Muskogee railroad man.

Anderson applied for a license and upon telling the cli'rk that his fiancee was but 17, lie was Informed tlutl consent must be gained for her max riage Trouble loomed In the offing for Miss I an orphan with no guardian It was then that Judge Vernor stepped Into the breach and brought the affair to a happy termination by the appointment of 'Mrs. sister of tho now 102 GREEK SHIPS SUNK BYGERMANSii Athens, via London, Patrls prints a list of lOfi Greek shlpaui totalling 300,000 tons, which been sunk by German submarines, HOMEWARD BOUND; SUNK BY GUNFIRE; kogee county. He says that she was Induced by Johnson to file a suit for divorce against him and that her captors re'fuse-d tei let him see her, although he followed her to Muskogee Mrs. Mason reached her majority recently and her former guardian, (). It relinquished his control of her estate, filing his final report biM week.

Mason now asks that another be appointed, allhtrugh his wife is now of age, saying that she is not able to manage her own affajrs and that If she is left to her own re VIM) MH-I i )r I wealth will soon be dis- VKn 1 I I 'sips, led by the grafters who are seek- I Ing It. low shortly aecoreling lllnton Clahaugh, chief Investigator hero of the feeleral bureau of Justice. The names of those in cusloely were not made publi'- Mr. Clabangli said the allegeel conspiracy whuh he had been apprised is not confined to Chicago Tint extends throHigh entire central district- over which tie has control BEET GROWING IS Kthe-l I'asley, happy bride. Judge 'I e'ere-monv at evening at the the e-emipbi whoro they Miller performeel the 7 3 (1 n'elock Monday O.

G. hotel- and left for Denlson, Texas, will reside. NO BOOZE CONVICTIONS. Tiie; whiskey term of the superior court was inaugurated Moii'lay with ciuies. neither of which proved successful from the slancrpolnt of tha The first case afpilrurt M.

Dennis, with conveying Jiquor iut dismissed on the motion of County Attorney W. W. Cotton because of Insuff ii 'leut evidence. The case against Claud Wheeler, changed with the poa- session of Honor, was decided In favor eif the- defe-ndtint by the after but a short elellherallon. Wheeler wae with having had two quarts ef whiske-y on January 26.

Christlansand. Norway, May via Norwegian Norway, 1,4 77 tons, was sunk by fire on Saturday while on her wayi-4j to her home port. The crew vraa cued. TUL8A MAN Kdson C. Oak of Tulsa was pointed administrator in the cxiurt Monday afternoon for the eatute of clarence Richards.

The estate m- 3 volves oil leases with an Income of approximately $5,000 a year. The polntment was made on the nomlnft- tlnn of Mrs. Rhhards. BLACK AND WHITE OINTMENT. SKIN WBITENER BY MAIL 29a personal direction of a Tanlac repre- hud causes new hair to sprout all over I i your at You recKless men and women who are js'stered with corns and who have at least om-o a week invited an awful death from loekja'v or blood poison arc luld by a Cincinnati authority to us-- a drug called freezone, which the moment ji few drops are applied to any corn, the soreness is relieved unci soon the entire corn, root and all, 1 1 out with the finders.

It is a stick-, ether i -umtiound whloli dm the micni nt it is applied and simply shrp-e Is corn Without Inflaming or even Irritating the surrounding tissue or iktn. It is claimed that a quarter of an ounce of freezone will cost very little at liny of the drug ttcres. but is sufficient to lid one 's of exeiy hard or soft corn oi callus. You are further warned that Washington. May 19.

-Growth of the TR A IV Americaii beet sugar Industry from i 1 1 iN a corn is a suicidal 1870 to 1911 Is traced In a report mam by the federal trade cajmmlsslcn lo congress after a lengthy Investl gatlon. A shortage eif funds and lack of an available force, it is Btated delayed the report and prevented bringing information deiwn tej a later period. In tin- country produced 700, Oca) toms be I sugar. 16 per cent eif its consumption At that time Uier- wire 78 factories against three in 18i0. "In the live years ending with 14," continues the "manufacturing companies e-arnud an avertigv of 11 per ceht on their capital.

"Beet glowing has proved peofli- able to the- farmers, although 1 ty complain 'hey do not receive a for their product commensurate with the pitee of sugar," SOUTHWEST SOON Dallas. Texas, May 29 -Reduction of hiimlji-r of piLssenjoer trains in the southwest that the crews and motive imwer of the roads might be eoiiMerwd and usee! by th'- l'rilted geivernrneni In transporting tmeipM. lounitieius and fi uffs. was being connldereel here tt by forty olfe l.ils anel western itulwuys. The officials were meeting behind dtoned doors.

It was staled that no announcement would male until the end of the conference which mav not be until tomorrow. Among tin- roads represented were the Missouri Pacific Iron Mountain and Texaa Pacific llOroccre their customert 'arBj well' pleased iwrth' iA iCarnaf ion Milk CUT THIS IS WORTH MONEY. DON'T MM THIS Cut out this Islip, wllh he and mall It to Co. 8h'-ff1eld Chl- 'cago, wrltlnu our name ur.d ileaiiy. will recelvo In i -e- tnri trial package containing Kolt y's iioiuy and Tar-Cornpound, fe.r colds, nnd croup; Foley KM- Pills, for piiin'In sides and txick, rheuicutism.

backacht, kidney arul hladiler ailments: and FVley Cathartle THblets, a wholesome und thoroughly cleansing calharltc. biliousness headsche and sluggish CardlniiU Vriw -BtQT BEFORE AND AFTER EFFECT of.colored/ folks are' using thet new Blaok ajntf White Qkitmant for eluaing up brightvninK thestr dailc' or sallov akina. FuikB look'better! vtth that J1 (kkrjt irone and a new soft light skin in. -iitf plaeo HlHck and WlUto Olntmeuit ahout the only preparation that bleaohua i or whitens up to delicate, heatttiy tfrft as. body.

It sliln as bumps, uhnaleis, freckles, Sag hkln sores ft smooth to i 26c i stamps- or coin) by return 6 bales for Jl. Aitfi dress plough phis. Term. Agents and easy living UI BC Wlatutei. and.

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