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The Daily Missouri Democrat from St. Louis, Missouri • 1

St. Louis, Missouri
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 1 1. "i 1 1 u'jij t- rwotTOR 41 and 43 Locust Street. OOLLAB A YIAK, IN ADVANCE, OKI 1 i wr tbb i GREAT WEEKLY. TXaUkta.

tar mm ttvtant 8 frt-Wtekiy, So 60 4 totoraMmeeAe, Is advance. A3 tetter aa baslBeei connected with this aa NO. 17 ST. LOUIS, TUESDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 4, f862 VOL.

X. MTt Al UTJUn. SBC If. tp i-r 11 It 1 What Tfcat ar Msg la afcatpttv-Haw tto tm. federates Uk tk a-trest Ik Betel rrarflBntf Psfitx, rprost toClaciaiiBtl Osteite, Pb.

1 A gentleman who formerly resided la thin -if but hat lived in the South for eighteen uimi i past, arrived in town yesterday from M., which place he left on Sunday, January luih. In an Interview with him Wt learned the fullowii tacta: Basin eat la Memphis is completely prostrated. Two-thirds Of the bntloess bouse are doted altogether th other keep open from nin o'clock In the morning until three in the slier, noon. Tbe streets sre desolate, snd not nets than one-half of the dwellings occupied.

Short after tbe breaking ont of the war about 2 Otw men left for tbe North. Since then Bine -tenths of the able bodied men of tbe city have enlisted ia the rkmtueru army. Thai-women are very sealous ia tha cause of secession, sod have formed Dor than twenty societies for tbe msnuiaciure Of Wearing apparel for the soldi era. Prov.stoi ara very hlgn ia th aa onr rtadt-r. are already aware.

In Memphis, Amr set from $9 to $12 per barrel bacon brings as to 4u cent per pound. Freeh pork Is sold at 10 cent par pound tbe lownea. of tba prte being accounted for by the fnct that tart acare as to command $11 oar tack. Coffee la sold st from ATTORNEYS. EEAL estate.

SPECIAL NOTICES. SLI80 IRON. TYRONE IRON, sir the evil xs its bud. db. whit- TtHL S.

r-IELb, ittOBXIT AND COUN-V SELOR AT LAW Room No. (, aoatk tide CkenttJtotwerB Tblrd and yoartk atr.eti, Banaatt't BniidiM. attanttaa to all au Unit ad SLI30 PLOW STEEL. AT THB snBara a. obsab, bbbt a.

aaaa, OBEAR GATES, CraOOBBrJORB TO J. H. OBXAB A OOJ TIXK, a regBaury dotd, legitimately qualified sad null faces paystsl. til tor nujr years suds srV RAILWAY nUtfawM, asdaiaeetetsrtslac srttoseBabaes, hU There ar avar 700,000 men now in tbe army aad navy, who hsvs left ths comforts of borne to endure hardship, and It may be to die for ua. A large number of them have now no meant of re Itgious instruction, and all are exposed to the demoralizing Influence, of war.

We prapoee to encourage la tbem whatever is good, sad keep fresh in their remembrance the trietructiont of earlier years, and to devolop, organize and make effective the religion element la the army sad navy. The field it open to us We can hsvs free sc eeMto their immortal aouls the Chaplains de sir and call for aid the Government wish it- to btm. Reference. Laeaa, Jtaa B. Teatata Latbat H.

Baaaaaw dacM SLIGO IRON STORE ttady sad toslntas, wtta aarramijal aacwai, (Joa BuU Estait afymta, dTuMoer, ST. LCU13 FIMALE 8EM1XARY. XooQt near Tenth, rpa twrmmoJf om great in eTartourt a itoreaia and imailtaM Baaratioa. Martial aaaaalftlaB fcaa, earai gaanatawl, ckarca JONES Sc CADT, So. 268 Sorts St.

Loals. Prepared expreaaly fur tto Sxbdobat. SlILCOAD TRUSS LEATS dD 1EKITE AOaOBSUI. TO TBS OIX' WI.O Ti.Ltt rtalcao, Alton At St. Loaia Railroad.

Office, No. 7 North Fottr ttreet. A TTORXEI8 AT LAW, NO. 6X oaamta. OaW, Wm atraat.

batwaat at ranua alnata, M. LoaU. Box Ba. OOeaaaanfeai tA.a.loSF.a- KXTBAOTBOX OB. STIOAkD tOXrOarP.

tComtnanicated to tk Academy of Science of St, Louis. Oxfobo, July A 180L Ia April tatt, at tha Instance of Dr. Koch, I made an excursion to the neighborhood of PreoV erlcktown, Madison county, Is order to Investigate on the tha vexed question concerning tbe occurrence of gold-bearing reck in that Iclnltv, which had been aserted for some time by Dr. Koch, on the ttreneth Of analyw. made by Dr.

Weiss and others, aad later by Dr. Deck, of New Tork. The facta ware peraUteetlt denied by others, cpon ground which it seems nonld scarcely be based anything the geological features of tbe region ia question, described to me by Dr. Koch, and trnee verified by me personally. The proximity of the great masaet iroa ore associated with i metamor-pbosle rocks and porphyries, sad containing veins of ancient quart is, etlling to mind the rail litn htpatit formations, afforded me ttroog rpHE ABOVE NAMED ARTICLES ARE OT AA tireet, Bt- Lonta, wiu grre prompt way fbn to tk.

proMcatioa of all claim. tminat tba Ooa-ernmeat. before tka CoaualailoB bow atUinc 1 Tto toOdsag at tto atee eaBUel la tfc. etty. aad onrawa exciuire Butnalaetaia, We claim for firman to aw BAJTBZEJSS.


sTeers af Teartort ta mere toe nignew aegreeor excellence, and be to tn-rite all consanier. to try them by the aerereet practical treta. PvrcbaMn who want onr mtanrctnre. end tbe men aak for and receive rel igious reading and teaching, with an eagereeet moat touching. Thousands, who at home sever entered the tbi.

city. Partlrattd1rtiaf.aaaaoafar wltkn. by atafl. BTftf Mitfor. Tto arm.

tanad to th. 15 ioaia a. saaijav. TJtATXa. Morning ExpreM Ma Erening Expresl 8:1 P.

B. Stzndty afternoon Stlfir. a. Morning Bsp-eu dfly except ttnndty. Bvening ExpreM daily except Satordty.

Mbm, nute worn advance IWn price, suo by the Km ef 'to par nana, )M house of God. and bad none to care for their anonta oraer imm a ojreet rr they woald avoid trapo ition. Back niece of onr bn uwi simI rti. AUGUSTUS V. ALEXANDER, teoreaa etatfeaary an BARLOW tk TAYLOR, -J0 baying alaewbera, LOOK BVlD rTTts TP DO A BTT.

ptammtip tad Vocal rA5ZIRS ATD KXCHAN6X DKALZKB, :1 (TElOBIBIl w. a t. irtLcaa souls, now tn imminent peril, desire to know of aim wb eaa give them the victory over death, through onr Lord Jesus Christ. Ths time is short what we do must be don quickly. Brethren and friends, ws have made known to you ot it purpoee and plaa of operations.

Our Xerre Haute, Alton dc St, Lenta Railroad. ATTORNCT AT LAW, No 10. North Flftb Strwwt, St, Louis tesstr LR.VU rrrae ato Teteear af UtU aad OUR STOCK OF H01SE SHOE IRON. IJ Ho. (7 kUlnatiaet.

Bt, uiala, Tta ill), koacin, acd ftrkt azebaag tot tto ortadsal ciLM. at lb. Vcat camet LEFF1NGWELL ic MILLER, Office, No. 10 North Fonrtk ttratt. LXATK.

Meats! aad Must PailosspBy, RIAL KSTATS AG2NTS, NORWAY HAIL RODS, '0' HORSE NAILS nretnmption in ftvor of the eorrecraeas or ur. Koch's view, which I have tine confirmed by anmeroet tttays, -Tbe great varietv' and freonent alternation of BL J. HtAMK, Assistant la tto OaSegiaia MBS- LOCTSA BOGOa, FrbtcSpal ol Cto Fieuuaauty CarraocT aad ottor topoatt aeeoaata kept oa tto scat nii taram. intarat paid aa Una dapa.tu ay apacMl acraaawat' Onlaktoa auda thfSBfBOBt tto eoaatir. aul pnmiat ntara at lowaat rataa.

Btartlac Morning Exprei. fttii a. a. iltaor. Brenipg Kxpreu atOOr.

a. lftaUA Tatrliitf. 8cnrdar at 4ni0 xt. appeal it in the soldiers' behalf. It is for your sons and brothers, and for too, who nave ao oarenta nor near relatives, that thi work Is Stock Broksrs, Aoottonswrti KoUtri Public In large anpnly.

ALSO, Blaoksmlthn Tools, BellcTtlle train, leare Bt. Loni tt 8:5 a. a. aad OoctlaaBtal ncaurt lot atla. Carafal uaenuaa rocks within limited treat, render the talk of undertaken.

We beseech yon by all that tt valaa LUCIEN EATON, ATTORNEY AT LAW AHP JrOTARY PUBLIC, KIM T. XOtXiCT, IMactpal oftha rrisarj a- paid toau tatwaataaf ojitaapoadCTta. aakm-iy Cast, Blister Stools, ble in onr national institutions, aay, by all tbtt Is R0.93CHE8NUT STREET, Birat door weat cf Plantar Bonea, Rezrilar Auction Sale of Stock, WEDNZBDAT8 AND PRIDAYS. and 6:00 a. Morning ExpreM dally except 8 under.

Srening Bxprett daily except Batsrday. Ohio and 91 latitat pi Railroad, Office, Kg. as North Fourth ttreet. FUes and Kasps, Thimble Skeins, Bolts, Wagon Bozos, 8prinirs "CXARK, BROS. CO, WM KaU, ajaWant Is tk atofSak Braaehaa.

nor, 1 rOP. ABAnKVMMrrKaala. re XAIX Jinrxr.TMcaaraf Fiaiaa. i Inspiring in tbecnristwa isun, ana comforting in the bop of heaven, that yoa come promptly forward to encourage and sustain these yenng men In their patriotic serrice, slid to seeur to tbem those precious spiritual blessing which are UrtEKS, BOOTH WIST COBJIZB KAni Ba.Ufiay' BrOdinfa, eorn af ria and Baoond Arlos, Etc Etc (By Ylncenne time, ten mlntttet Iketer than St. Loni Doalara Air aaa uir.

rtraaxi, at. ixtoia. SWB, MOHBT AND GOLD DCST. Olrra roaata. Bt.

Looia. atreeta, W. Leala, Mo. Special Attention Collexrtlons. ia: Col ColiaaloM taada la St.

Loala aad all aesaatma amrxT a. am. nntnon. BELT PRIEST, Rati Estate Agsnts and AactiserB, 41 CHESNUT STREET, Btyll ly Between Second ted Third. JLU.

CBJT, TaWof OO Pliatlacm, rutal, ate Tto tetM a to nana Jaaaarf 1M, i ant atonba ocoartaaltr as aBfnr I aftand, wiA laat to fcratfd. oeexiea every wn ere sna ss til times, on especiti-Ivjjythose whose lives are in jeopardy every oOTrho are aobject to tufioring and want, sod at sny nioment may be called to dis on the field Kefeia by permlaftonto Stat Strtngt Aaioetatloa, UiTTA ABB WW; Mcrrringtn Cairo Bxprett, 6:1 A. 11:4 It. Breaing tad Cairo Exprew, 4:15 r. x.

I(r50 a. Olnev P. X. p. H.

ptaaa. IHackaaad SO to 75 cents per pound, and would be dearer still but for tbe plenitude of substitutes, which ar so freely used make the demand for tbe genuine article very small. Th leading men of the South have so long been accustomed to tbe ns of rye, that they Snd it easy to take Ins tea of Rio. Unless ths blockade is raised very soon ths DLxlanic provinces will bs reeoived into one grand state a ttate of Egyptian darkaest. Can-ale are in demand at $1 26 per pound, and these a very poor quality.

The acarclty of eoal hat compelled tbe of gas to mix a freat deal of rosin witk the black diamonds, he conaequenoe is, that ths people of Memphis see througn the gas darkly, snd are constantly crying for light more light Soap Is another scares article. It soils a high at candles not lest than $1 per pound. In boarding bouses, a a consequence, on lather feat to tub-serve the purposes of several faea. Bat the article which, the Southern heart moat feelt the need of it whisky, and that, hat gone up to $3 60 per gallonhardly In be had even st that. Clothing It very dear.

Overcoats, such as can be obtained bar for B1A ar said ia Memphis for $45 to $50. Pantaloon and Other articles In proportion. Boots, tuck as tr told here lor $7, command $20 there. Ia th way oi notion there it a great dearth alto. A paper ot needles, worth ten cent hare, cannot bo had for lest that) $1 25 there, j.

Confederate note sre taken at par In payment for goods and debts. Tkey coastitat the principal circulating medium. 'Southern bank note are also taken at pari Shinplattert flood tha whole country, and pat current everywhere. Gold and silver are tbe former at. a pre-stium of per Ui4 tatato tA a aremlam It is a great mlstak to sappata etwlUiead-v Ing all theae iroabioas Sndicsuona, that ths people of theSonth era not la aaraeet ia their effort to ii td aa mwslaka te Terms CASH, AND PRICKS CORRX8P0N0INGLT LOW.

lttTite the tttentlon of all Buyer, lyox, Hiioun sc co. PautBBta, IBM, nafj CBO. P. HALL Bt Muiai. rartnar.

nt. ixiuj-- a.r-. J. T. Coatotoek A BtLoolt; Hon.

John How, St, Mctfaia wtta CLARK, DODGB A Bt. Laaia. ar ta Far aarHalaF aw 111 alai at Kaftk ant Waaia. Morning Bxpreet tnd Olaey Trtin daily, except iji Krw Tork. Depoaitaraoaina paTaMaanuato laaia, DVt Btf.W, aurr a( Tlfta aad OUra aUetU, mapping their outeropt aa arduoa oa with In a few miles, magnesian limestone, dmsy chert, red porphyry, black basalt, syenite, and tand-ttone, lie contbraous to each Angular fragments of white drusy chert, who eavitie are studded with quart etyttals, and which forms numerous ridges in the immediate vicinity of Fred erlcktown, seam-to be the chief component of tbe gold bearing conglomerate, which.

far as I hav seen, lies on ths summits of ridge formed by tbe chert. It cement fat th hydra ted peroxide at iron, mostly in toft, ochreou aon-ditlon It appears to be thi eeraent which eon-taint the gold, taoatly, If not all, ta a very finely divided condition. i A number of assay on the small scale, made by me on the spot, proved conclusively the jrrtt out of the precious mettl ths bead obtained were tometime yellow, sometimes almost white and inflexible befor the blowpipe, Indicating the presence of platinum, I hav since, however, made aa experiment on a larger! quantity, of 8,707 eranrntea, or abot7; Ibaof Ore, taken from a quantity of 1B0 lb of fragmenta. IAS. B.

KAUCB. Aemwau toy! far as4 Oanaajoatoet, THE NATIONAL CLAIM AGENCY WEBB KAIME, oa aoK laToraoi. ktw. Snnday. fiveiiing Bxprett dally.

Fact fie Hall road. Office, Ko- it North Fourth ttreet. OU8K AND RXAL ESTATE AOEKTS IMPROVED HABTET, COIIJ-NS BEACH, DAVID60M, (LATK OF TH TOM Ot W. a. Barkadala A stock.

Hot. aad Raal tat Brasar, aad ttaaeral Co(lttor Agaat. No. BarJi toaaad rtreat, (aa atain,) stTLaaia, iU boco. Mo.

85 Washington Avonuo. turn Amur. Sedtll ExpreM. tny. 8:0 A.

1:40 r. a. Between Tblrd and Poartk at. ffashinfftoix, B.C. lik-uEAj- Frank 4:10 p.

V. Rio A. tlata iaaaaoa tkaawat rawuMt taran, aaa BU BT. LOTUS, MO. Sedaiit Exprua connect, with the Sontaweat Branch tlrt tiKS STKCtAt.

IHTXRZST IN FS0- If attaad ta aay toalma. aatraatad ta aim. CHARTER OAK Ibtimr ta Inn. Saam, Bnm Oo. He, oaa LOUGHBOROUGH A LONG.

VV 1 cpawa torci.iai.nrt Hn. On. MeCii.1 A Oa- Joha J. STki uol, at tor jtoua. Tfartki irilaaoarl Railroad.

Bo. 40 Worth Fooxtb ttreet. frBALBTBB jr Fenalona Bonntlas, KxtrsTPay 6car" Jt tii neu, -l-LKwa mii.ii. HAKPEN HOLCOMBE'S jfeaara, Kalfkt Atlao- 8TO V'Et uvmlw to Boldtera who have toea woanded ar die. rr4i Uc IsAraaca 6o alurra.

Hai.y A) Co. i -aaeeta. i.i,i. tiMi.BH abled, Or tto InaUita. of anb, wbo bate died ot toaa ewHeoted by and powdered tinder my eye, at Abe foundry of Bt

et'Ooi, who REAL ESTATE AND STOCKS, NO. 99 CHESNUT STREET. B)Iy St. Loait. killed dnrtng ta rr, ml, aoaT a.

ttnaX Mtil tad Expraiw. iutp. B. 6L ChArlae P. 1:115 p.

X. kindly ofared a my disposal tor taiscarooa one Writing Academies; rV3fKjrXO-AjrD BOTH WUTOTID TO Bum strMtaa Ciiiaaniili) Conara, la ar aaw JfatkU lalXHaa. faaa at ytfia aa Oirm PATENT KB-ISBTJXD DSUEUBXR 37, USB. Bat fanner laibntatioB apply tooarairnt, A. B.

VHUtiKSr, No. Karkat ttraat. tot. Tbird tad fourth Bt. of their well known Quarts mill.

Tbe above Ti A m. rra.aia I s. w. itrB, LoaKS ato. 1 nltgra.

Iron TrlonntalBi Railroad. Office, Plain street Depot. LtATW. ABBtTBt. 8,707 gramme of ore yielded tn extraction with chlorine water, according to Plattner3.

method 0.140 gramme, or about grain of pare gold, EOOlSTOMIOAXt, overthrow the government. There may be a Pilot Knob ExrjreM 1-00 M. 6:90 P. M. "yaw an nraiif.

OEOROIuVP. DOAN, ATTOIlNIIYk AT Jj AW, Carmidelet Accctnodtiton Trains For C'-oadekt 01 nsttte, rar sway irom tnetr wnert tepuicnre. GxOBOcH. BTCAKTj 1 Bbh. P.

Maxikrkb, i Edwabo Jabbs, Cbablbs DssttoitD. BiM.C. Cctlbr, Execntlve Coramltte. Besides the foregoing, the Committee hav sent ns copies of letter from President Lincoln. Secretaries Cameron tnd Welles, end General McClellan, approving of the object of th Commission ia the warmest terms.

Paper in tha Norto. South and Watt are requested to copy. rjlilA, Ft tto SUB, Atitan jfjuomi Jiumcfmtt Kn swing your patriatism and well withe fot tbeaoldlera, both sick and well, we beg leave to offer ths following to tbo wttttiitfoftd, Or, IB other words, those who hsvs never been obliged to accept of hotpUal cars and treatment We had the misfortune, the other day, to gat on- th sick (uf, ant! aa onr regiment was on the move we were taken to the general hospital at City. 80, of course, know Just bow itjoer. Well, we were marched (we were not sick enough to be earned) into too ward furnished With nice, clean and Inviting beds sad duty placed therein.

It being late at night aad' we very tired we slept sweetly until morning, when In cam a host of auran and very unceremoniously commenced picking off onr dud. to the baggage room, we having hardly time to seize oa a pair of pants snd jacket; and away went, our good to tits room, and was that all Not quits; for in a few minutes, back comes the nurse with ths ward master, who aavt oaiBi COLMAN Sc. BARBER, DIALERS IN RXAL ESTATE BTOCTS Sot and Land WArranta. OPTICA GAT'S BTJtLDINa, Oornor Second ond Pine Stro niiieoi ineaortnani untoa sptnt in mnnessee, but it seems to hsvs ho desire to burst forth. ConTenient and Complete tt 7.

:10. 10, 11 80 jo 1:0 kix 4U, tl, T. X. COPP BAKKE1S AMD EX6HAH6E DEALERS W. owT.

8otieI tnl sr. tocta. HISHT IXCHA3TGS Off ALL THE mKCI-l5 FAI aula af ta Onfcn alao, apoa Loadoa, Fart, aad etaar Xaropaaa dtlaa, conatantly for aaw la mjh to aaH. Baalrtaaraa auda to part of Xu? "ISa BxekaafaJ fct Uma, rJukOtodrj orOartla. eat.

aayaM ta tto Baatara, Weatara, or Soakaark attiav bonckt at beat mark. rata. Bank Voiei, (Jold aad Bilaar Cola BWdtasai tad Mid Southerners are confident that saoe will corresponding to twenty-two dollars per ton. Dt. Deck's assay yielded $09 the difference Is easily accounted for by.

that of specimens and methods, ao that the retaltt may be verified corro berating each other. Young Ladies Institute. NO. 8X CLIVB STREET. The 11 p.

a. Train will be omitted on Snndaj. For JettereoB Barracke, at 1, 8:10 a. 4:40 a. -For Onmrantine.

a 1. A. 4.40 P. x. tk rantark of ararybody wko kafl a ttte rro as their Sorts, and thsjy have united to maka a bold atruggl.

On thing that serve, partly 10 klOly Bt. a. BT.LO0IB. aotly RetnrnU'g will letre DS. DSC' ASSAY.

A SELECT FAMIIT SCROOL, LiTE IMPBOr'EMEJTT ivB.Br orricxt anb land abknot. Keep np their tpintt, is the nnaiaeniBg to lie evinced by ths Secession newspapers. In Memphis, they have beard of bat one iedenil "Anaittical Laboba-tobt. akd Opficb of unarantinr ti. i.

ana -Jeffereon Bimdti tt a. x. end 5:45 p. x. Ctrond.letat6:xo.

1:80. K10. 10:40 a. 13:40. COMMISSION MEECHANTS.

CexsuLTiso CnawsTHr. 18 Exchange fa) aaa Ui AwHfirftaa at IN THIB -victory sine tbe lull of bumter ths battle of OTlN M. RICHARDSOK, LATE SECRITA-BT af State, baa opened a law OiSca and Lead Mtcy at BDrintrflaid. Mow aad tender bi aarricet 4 and 8 p. x.

from aTyawiraSrfaluf it Mti a mm a- Place, near Hanover Street, New Tork, (Mat a Ma Rich Mountain. In til too engagements ato I have assayed a sample of quartzes conelom MITjTTfll'l all wbo but bare butseM ta Boothwert kUaaonn. ths federals, according to tbe rebel Journal were CELEBRATED COOKINB STOVE, at tto bt rate. Ud WtnaaU, SVieka, Bond aad aTaKastU IV pat koockt and aoid on eoaulatloa. Loan, aafutlatad HOW TO HEtTRtLIZB THR KfttCKOT TSE forwardad to bin oy navu abau racaty OPOT IS trS8tTRPAU TOR ante from Missouri, from Mr.

Pinter, tud certify it to contain, to the ton of 2,240 29 penny-weierhts of fine cold, at BI ner nenn and BToropt attention. routed aad killed, ia numbers ranging from 1,000 to 10,000. Thsrs bra great scarcity of printing paper til P. T. BURKE, Commission and Forwarding MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN PRODUCE, No.

27 CoHiniorolai atraet. WIS IS BISSOCRI. All the papers are dally teeming with new ot apoa aaooaowa aaeanuea. Pi i titaraca ad aad ctoaki paid arataat tto ana. bnaraataljaad ma Tba iSaooaUa aoanrai.

to It ml toaitaftaaat, aa4 aa naoM iroa tt. ma aa to hlftily nv- WHICH IS NOW MADE WITH An Extended Top Plate, 60 pennyweight, of fine silver, at AM 1Q per ox aba ta astat cauivaniak Jnutm Iliwp cf boca the war, and with rumor of war. It appeal that i niiiiii im tb Jrroc autaaagaa ara 4 award Wab. T. B.

0. D. ltnay. reasonable to tappoae that a communication on aptal arraaaMaa, CMiwScaaauda ta St. Loataaad an irraarlkla point, ta tkatinltad Btatai aad Trritariat apoa th.

oat ktTorabla tarma. aad ptocaada kald ankiaea ta la Xaaan. Dark Bnlioea. ont. ADDING TWO HOLBS AND 60 PEB CENT.

Between Ctoanat tod Pine Sr. Lotm, Mo. BtklTtf Vatu Sample button (goM) 00 Of bulllan lBcloted 4 40 Total 40 Isaiah Dbck, M. Analytical Chemist. November 7th, 1860." In coneluslon, I will only briefly mention tbe artataat of wmki and taMruantal ansic Tto pacailar aimiur Uil.

laatindoa an to laira.a troa dnolan owtalaai froai Sar. Ann A. Itna, iX, St. Louts, of actor Kferaneca, ar troa Hay, Oan, Oat, Braa. A always on hand, ctoek, at anatptly Maittad at eonaai rata of todlraotad.

lasai-1 '-M'm. BB. BBBtVBViN tome other topic would not be unwelcome to a large number jour readers. Permit xte, therefore, throagh the medium ot your very ex-tentiTelj read paper, to state tome facta which. through the South.

The proprietors of tba Memphlt Appeal recently visited all the Urge cities of ths Confederacy to buy np what paper of large site they soald find for sale. They failed to obtain aay of th right dimension, snd were obliged to curtail the area of their tbeet In consequence. The telegraph has not operated very well lately, for lack ot the. necetwry battery tuppilet. Thi often no greet obstruction, however, to th enterprise of Southern' lit tt titty stuAlly bavs taor "tpeeitltt' wbea TO ITS BOILING CAfACITT.

A HOT WATER RESERVOIR, choice article of QDINCT HAT. Orders proBtptly attended tp. aal GEtHATS XAYIXBl ATTORJTET AT LAW, 8PRINSF1BLD. MO. Promt attention to entry and parcbaM of laada, pay-wat of tazea, oaUactioa af dabt and all bnabmt of bit nraceeaioa.

ia tto coaatte of boa thwart MJ- Aracaa, 1. 1, tot-, liL FrlqetpaL; In. Itnianl Ttlnoa. BsaU fio- B.aTAAjra, 9, B. HZLB, aiaunt, Wtoreiaeboct twenty gtOkm.

of water art kept Or mot by tba atupttit beat wnick ka these clothe must go too; And why must they go Ilecaate it Is against the rtUet tar patteote SOUTHXAJST Ot MASS ASO Markat aaatt. toari. Amp. raCeraacat givaa if raaaeaved. ,11 laniai a, wiiinMit.nawmta,aaT.Kt.xiaaa.

ILA aavior a MWTlHna.l -y-iy Vraaei Snlac, aiwimag aapua ana uc. ata. QILBERT, MILES STANABD, PRODUCE, Patau Ia. s. to nsva clothes in tou ward, wtusgrowi we giv them up.

After while wishing to ass what little strength we have, we get np with our hospital drawers (large enough for a whole fam all tb lines stldown tbaa.tny other rim A severe cento rsblp exercised on til the pa Pert tn the South. A. R. Ctttaama. formerlv con third vein of gold ore In Southeast Missouri, of whleS, thus far, three localities are known to me, where It sppeart In huge masses; breaking out on the turfsce.

The largest and moat promising of tba placet It situated only three quart en of a mile from the before mentioned platinum mine, and the gold is found in syenite rock. Aat.Oay, when taken into consideration, and properly acted upon, premise to add greatly to neutralize the effect of the war In oar State, by opening channelt to bring forth million ot dolltr worth ot the alwaya welcome, and bow most particularly needed, precious Coming at once to the point, let me state that it ia to the gold region of Southeast Missouri that I with uiSTrnnn rrunr ttuiwin rallAOoriajt W.inaagto. Ctii O. rtta. 1 nxairvAU rtHAU ocMiriAni.

ATTORlfBT AT LAW, DBS MOINXB, IOWA, ataotleeata all tto Ooarlof Oaatral Iowa, and Jtuuiir nui m.iaaiui farar aad n.nix.iy. Fonraj-diBf bbb Klerchsxts nactad with the AWynirir ot this etry, new editor of th Memphla Ajpm, was befora th Military ta aa tae Federal uoarta at ta maaa. jys "finH codsii 01 msTBucnos taaroack aa aztaanlTa, aabradac ta Tboia Tfi rrfi milil anil 1 nl wlaiailim la man. of stwrf. ta atria an4 auamlaaca et aa4 la ka plaiiw leeattoa, tala LA.W AJIB COLLBCTIOlf OBTIOISB, Na CITY BUILDINGS.

ST. LOUD. tea oat at cmrra, A TIN CLOSET, a wermrnir pletee, keeping menu and other diehet and lacllitating the raising of bread la ontd weather. All thee tmprTernent and eonTe-sicaet will to tppreciAted by -ery good HOUBE-ESEPXB. ua sow prepared to rapoly tbe Store Dealer, aad all other wbo aretataiuitoa, wttk THE BEST ST0TE ETEE MADE Tto fin nn StIb laKltatioa rea1 daporUa, Si ail aaaw abor oaa dollatj and pay Istaraat tor aama, aoQaeu aotaa, eity papar vnkeat caarnj yd- SRAN8COMB.

MILLS LEEDt. A o. aAttuaf, aayaaaa am Ac oovtr NO. SS PUTS STKXKT. pauu tmtTMa MM at lu (committee on two or turee ainarent occasion for publishing articles condemning ths course oi ths confederal government in oertaia military matters.

He wa warned each Um that unless hs moderated hit tons ths Arpat woald bs tup-pressed. A ttmllar tentence hat bean passed on aeveral other editor aad jouraala. Our lafortnaat, aa hav aald. Ml Memphla on the 12th of January. He weat by rail to draw the attention of your reader, on which (object, since tbe commencement of the war, nothing ha been publicly laid, with the exception of a highly Interesting and most ily) on, ana La ice a sat oy tae stove, wnen in come nurse who says it it against ths ruiat to tit up without yonr clothes (i.

pants) on. So back to bed we go tnd grant ss raucn as we please. Well a few dotes of medicine aad a few days rest soon makes as wish to be any where else than ly-' Ins- in bed ail the time. So we petition for a re- move! to the coavaleeeeat ward, and tbe Doctor aaya we may go. Back coma ur jackets, panta, shoes, Ac, and In a few minutes, with the exeep-Hon our thin facet, we look like soldiers once mora.

And now, in Imagination, go wltb nt to the convalescent wsrd. At the door we sre met by the ward master, who inform, a that wt matt take I paraatawiaUag lor taab aaaea- and as in the before mentioned ore, ii occurs In exceeding email grains, often so fine a to be not only Invisible to the naked eye, but nndiseern-able even by the assistance oft ttroog lent. Thla It the case, even when the ore. yield $44 to $60 per ton. The principal assays of this ore have been made by Dt.

Weiss. BEWJJ.0 MACHUTES. 8 1 LB EST, STANABD PRODUCE, TifADDITIOS TO OUB KSSDLAX FRAO-JL TICS ta Attotaay at law, wa attend to tto aot- r-3r Pinaai ar tar Clrrwlira. aspty to ito rrlaclaai. Important report, read and laid before, the Acad ieetloBof atatojiBg papet and pact do elainu.

aaitf at CSOBST, Bartttafd. Ooaa. and Tarritoriea, and tto emy of Science of St. Louit, by Professor Doctor ary nan ot me uauea atate BrttSakProTisee. Commission Merchants, noil ly lwt road to ClarktyUle, Tennessee, tbeoos by stags to Hopkinsville.

In order to obtain a pass to FIN I LYON, Sezrlnp UacJiineg, additloa to tk CHARTER OAK, I tat manufactur The very billt oa which the cannon of the MISCTT.LANEODS.- --omts. 9. uua leave Memphis, wss obliged to tsMlfy before No. Stool's Block, 2d Floor. 1- OaVABTBUB AB.UE1V, the Military Oommitte of that city that be was CH1CAOO.

Boath Water aad LtStUe ta LIGHT AND HKAVT TAKTLT rW- in aencate neaitn, ana wissea to vialt union-town, Kentucky, to see hit brother. At Hop- A TTORWET8 AT SB CHXB-J NUT 8TBXBT. aartbweat earner Ctoeant and Seoondi atraeta. Will make eolieetloBa tbrooeboat ing and hare oil mag over in VARrrma and sizbs op parlor), box, 7 raaaal aunnfutarlaa Tau battle of Fred erlcktown kept roaring, aro composed of the above mentioned drasy chert, and the foe, who, during the battle was driven from them, retreated for mora than six to sight miles' through tbe heart ot the gold region. The tbna tT4Tl SAVIXSS BT.iiOxnaL 4tw -1 A ETHORim Cimii HKQ.0011 7AID VvfV vr V.rta! fa.m Kmb awtfdMl thi.

mulitna. TRkT HENMINB W00D8CFF. Bug. Hllgard, which genileman stand at one of the highest authorities, aad came on my Invitation from a great distance to Missouri, for tbe tole purpoee of examining thoroughly with hi own eyes. Still, as the report made to oar Academy of Science (according to regulttlont,) are ony yearly published, and tt even then tjbo pnblicatlou are more ead by the (cten title and merctntUe portion of onr citizens, I will add for the present at least, aa extract of Professor Hil- TKBMIXnt to ta Anaricaa la.Ut.ta, Kaw Totk.

TtarwaUiataBiOo i -s -1 ttoCnlttoStataaaadattanda tto beainee of their profeaaloB feneniiy. 1 Rafat, by parfiuaBkB, to ATien, Oop? Nlfibet, Batki, Hon A Cos Bcav Tkob All, Otia wwdrnas. disturbed itate of this part of the country, pro Con. mission Merchants HO. 91 rOORTH STREET, 8T.

LOU. "A rtWT-CLABB TAJULT i- I OOOKIIrO STOVES! aaa, 1 hibited sate Investment of capital there for tha win ec BAAC SLMiKSrXLS. JOiBTH BIITTUEla. AND DEALERS IN PROVISIONS. purpose of actual operations, and thaa, the precious metal, which is there deposited bt ths gigantic vaults of the rocks, remained, much safer Jaagua O.

ifafl. Ctoa. Waniatodtoaarlbraaqaai tottoklfckalDrl ata- gard report, to my present commnnication. L. Wscara.

a. Partarkiira7 Ea fcrnrr Ana, Jobs J. Soa. At Prices as J.ow AS ANT OTHER HOUBX IN THE WEST. BAXESB0OM AND OFTICE il TTORNTCT AT LAW WILL SIVI 8FX-XiCIAL attantlOB to tto ennaatioB and atumalluai Selaliatu.Bt.Leaiaand adtorolnr eeantioa, and to til otbar legal bonnes eooAded to kira.

Office No. tl Ckeanat trreet, St. Loaia, Mo. Refer, to Boa. Ck.

Aibart Fawea. Vim. Adiracaa, caiaa bow ia aaa, i. 4-i. rfn.

A M-)tT. wtS Btltch. Haa. VaO. where it has been hidden for unknown ages.

on cap ana shoes net ore entering, ss that tne rates. So, bare-headed and bare footed we are ushered into the ward; Hers again, we ee nice dean beds, bat I don't know what they are for, pout It is against tha rula to lay down on tbem during the day, and as night has nek yet come, we cannot tell for what purpose they are And while we ar waiting to see, let ns go down snd get our dinners. Read over the bill of fare Soup, bread, potatoes and beef. But that I not beef on the table I It looks a if beef might have been there once, bnt bow, nothing but bonea and gritiU remain. Query wbeie did tit beef go to Easily answered, sir To feed the doctors, cooks, a nurses, and sery little isto tbe tick wards, leaving ns like Mother Hubbard's dog with wens, Portaaateiy for nt, it is not against ths rafts to eat ail that the cook see fit to give us, sod no danger oi dying front surfeit either.

Bat onr communication has already exceeded all proper bounds, snd ws will only sdd tell onr friends berealter to send their nick racks to those who get them, tt the fullering get to see bnt little of their bounty. Tours, for the right snd humanity, 1 i A BOLOIKS. VL J. Lorinaaal, which hi a followt A Eepsrt tto GI4 SoathrASt HUri. K.

m. v. Acfcaarai, SwS. 219 si. j81 Serth Hail Street.

i Mm. Qoilt, Bind and Tack; tto nttok tolag alikaoa totk aiaaa, aad topaailaia to rarai. All danger has, however, now disappeared. Prom the first commencement of my iroearobet B. Ceeey, Ml.

Vemoa, ilL; Boa, wa. uerod, lAxanv knt, H. luaaut, B-i LoaiarUie, By. and any work and enterprise may, be commen SLAVS O0 HAND AMD POB BALE AT PHe MBehltrw frm 8B to ft Itfc 155 157Main Street, Carta, a. Oiailiy, A.

atoolafgk, for valaable mineral In Sont beast MtaMonri, my rjarticnlar attention wa drawn to Iron and Madl- ktnevtiie the eonteaerare eommanaer Clark, of Mitsiaslppl refused to peat aim beyond his lines until be telegraphed to Marapbi. to know whether be wis "til right," A reply in tbe affirmative being receired, no farther difficulty ws experienced i tV hen oar Informant reached Hopklntvllle on tbe 23d of Janu ary Gee Clark wat exporting an attack from Gett. Crittenden, snd feared the worst In case It wa made. The confederate forces st that point nnmoer about five tbouMnd near'y one hjlf of whom are on the sick list. Six hundred sick men were sent to Clarksville between the 17th and SSd uf last moath.

Of tbe Seventh Texas regiment, stationed there, 188 privatts, 28 son commissioned officer are in the hospitals. Of a Muutiasii pi regiment also there, 103 privates, 80 nOB-com missioned officer and 8 eommiaatoavd officers are sick. At Felicias, twelve miles from Port Henry, on th Tennessee river, there sre 3,700 cavalry. Henry there sre 000: Our informant gives as the following Item of news in reirard to ths strength of the Confederates at differeut points At New Orleans there are at Lake Borgns tbere aro two batteries of aitnlery aad Sand tor RMerataa af aawta wttk awoalaroantata- ced there, and carried oh in completa safety; and it teems strange that we have to pay from co ires ctsB? pbicmb fan rarBrariara, aceav Ac aon eotrotlet, ktving a preTiont knowledtra of Baint Leul. the exittenee 01 trap rocat mere a lormanon which I freo.Beutly tbe deposit of gold.

Ac and ATTOBHBT AT laVW AMD KCrTABXTOBLBX BBP- PHICB LISTS and Otatlogae fcrwartod cat BAOON BHOTJLDSBS, BIB AND CLEAR 8IDI8 five to tlx dollars premium for gold, which may be extracted slmost at boms, out of raaxhaust-ible heavy vein of quarts and deposit of or tnntmitnn apoa farther examination, I became convinced Awod4ra luuiltut oapoaita of aua-snarl Bxia aua aa4 cuii.acj. par. tetiea oa tina Aoant'j, ana ratvuiaiiitT of atoca-aoiiMta asets us 11 mi at awini. gturaatu ka mJ-i. Kxctoara, at or as tea, toactrt aai sold at ato tost rm'na, oa ail tto aninta of tto Cited Btataa ia wui a.

aoglueA, Iraiua. Franca, Goiaianyv saw isada oa all aotata, a aaS aa tatto eftj, tt. Knar yittoct gtorga, 1 apl GILES P. ITLLET. Weed' ImproTedt Shuttle that these eooritua, and particularly LattoD, form tbe center of a very extensive belt of gold bearing rock, and which precious metal Is more or lett alloyed with platinum and silver.

rSboalders and Hams. -i BTOABOCSBD ANB PLAIN. DKVOTrsa ma Tnti entlrkltto thi datieaaf kia p.ofaaiian,''to will ciT aapaetal. akre tot bnttneeaaeetbr letter. Thebeetof rafereaeea iiyt for the small turn of $5 per ton ol ore, yielding on an Average $33 worth of fine gold per ton, and where it is proven, by the best authorities, that the whole expense of erecting' a work in which tbe gold out of ten tons of or may be riTaa wbea dertred.

Matariag aoBaetion ttteaded wATnyufrfw, A. BABBADtBa, aSO. D. AFmPOS ml a'arrTBtcnt, My Drat dUcovary wa a pitltna mine, situated mt Captain'! creek, in Madison county. A fo, and ptooeedt rrmittrd at tnrrant ratee ofaxeaann WILGTJS, WtaiaMksatkaaBBoatOB aB.

aktpetoBts of Pro. of cai tn Bttnatnagaaataaafttaaaa, mine which is very promising, bat not yet in ft two ratal will to d. Noeoartooateaaleettk dae to WOODRUFF, MOULTON ft CO, Hew Or- CROW. MCREERY operation, debtor bat property, and bo attorney' it natil torn. extracted daily, wtn not exceed $5,000.

aad woouHuy New York. I JIiJ Fiaestrttt, Utint I eoilaetad tberaoa. rrt ly Aty acnonnefmect oi tne met, oi tna tciuai existence of goid ore. in pavlDg quantities in Madi What has become of the great Mitaonrl Min at Lak Pontchsrtnia there ar three. npHTx Minrnxxs ark adptad to all tto d-fferan nriatlM af mnily aawla, aa wall a aanla.iailin ai.ltni, aqutly wan oa tk.

brhtent and toaTlart Ubrtca, aukirgtka aal.bratad lock itck warn, (alik. oa both, of great baaaty. Mraartk and alapttdty. waiek eaaaot to ripped. raMtolcr palled eat; wUl Mi tea, toau ptiH, tac, aather, oota, aad bind witaoat taxing; and tec talion, btrt tnakera, gaitat flttsrt tad aaa ate dart, tkey kT no ranertor.

son county, met, at firtt and for sometime after, ing Company, which promised so fair for the rt TBANBUJN B. AXEaLANDEB. a. i JOHN, (iRETiSER, iVVtfcM 0 TUB rBACB 'ABO NOTAanrrUBLlC, -s development of the rich mineral resources ot onr consiaeraoi opposition, wtnen at sot se a mil about one year since, when tkia raODTJCB, COMMISSION State? l4 WHOLSBALS PBAtaTM tS TD RY GO! OD; I 55 fflaln jStreet, 1 two. Id FranWIn Avenue, Forward Ins JHerch ant, Should soy company, or any single enterpris lTtai ct tna Macataa, pat agq ta aaa.

1 Krcry Hanbrna la war rimed (ally for twoyaarai Tit. bine i. tto lataat and rreateat trinaiok af TB PhEPARTO TO PROCTRK TAX, Pllf. ing gentlemen, at home or 'abroad, fed desirous for any farther information concerning the above $n4 BB.litP0BTBjIIIT, Bit MU Mara sad BaBoaaj Bfc Uads, BTo. JaMiy vV" bion ana eutiRTi, aae to soieiara, ar to aetn daeaatad aBidlar-v aadar iaatraetioaa Boat Van-.

tto erWtnal taTaatorof Bewin MaCiiaea. aad akooM At Mobile there are 12,000 la command of Gen. Walker, ex Secretary of War. Between Charleston sad Savannah, on the railroad irne, there are 12,000. At Pensacola there are betweca 15,000 and 20,000.

At Columbus tbera sre 000. JeC Thompson is st New Madrid, in command of 1.200 men. Gen. Floyd is at 8crttvill, 25 miles from Bowling Green, With 8,000 men. It is believed la the South that he left Western Virginia, not because ke wss defeated, bnibecsass of tbe scarcity of provisions.

Toey say bis men lived oa boiled chesnat sad dried apples for two months previous to their retreat from Virginia. matter, such will be given with pleat are, by stat Terms Cash. tarteat power of attotaay, aad otto lean! Aoon- Incredulity become overpoised by my prodactag more sad more asdeolable fucte, proving my statement; and hence a number of practtcai and eteatiAc men yittted, on my Invitation, and in my company, from time to time, more or let of the localities of these newly discovered gold Beld. It would, however, lead me too far in tuia report to giv tbe various statements made by those geatlemen concerning tbe qoaortty sod value of the gold ores tn question.

I 'will therefore give only a brief description of tbe occurence ot three kinds of such ores, which hereafter 1 wa ayaaara aaraaa uwniiiwtnBt pwniiailii. laabiaa. A. H. BNHui-li, Afnl, and 80 Vine treet, aboro toebad.

B. B.alar Ifackfaee maired: neadla lor aB a. A taiiua. ing their wishes In letter sddreteed; to the undersigned, Albkkt C. Koch.

Bsant. carefolry orawa, ArBdaTiia. aakriawleeraataBt and deposition, to latof ProTidmtc Mo. JLataof Wottoa, Ms. tTAVB RECEIVED A LARGE AND COM-Jj.

Plata stock of ')'' tooaadtaaay rltata, property taken and certidad. St. Locisj Jan. 30th, 1863. PARKEB At BRAKBAM, kiad of anting, toanaar.

aad amy antcie aead witk a aawing atarniaa, aad A aaparior aiwalaa oa pom- atantiy an hand, Alaix. Agent tot Baraaai Aai Attend, ta adatiniatiator'. aapen and ft-tlanenta, and pt tad pretesting dnattm Commlislon A Twvraxding atuia "beii-oawar i.u1 Fall and -Winter Gfoods, WWoi aro Crfleyod For Sal Cheap. tnna anaca. wr woviaa.

1 it raenxe. paeii unato ioretr. qamtttee.1- Jelly Girifttiaa fsaiairtslM far the Amy. Alt tnd SO YIm ro. ev Loaia.

If a. will, undoubtedly, be worked with great profit, and in so doing will likewise add. a above stated tome copies ot assay and opinion of the Booxs or tb Tomra Msict Ca-BrrnAS Astoc'x, Brown Sheeting, and Shirtinea; BBX dB BtQBJHB BMOJPBUt BJTBBjbjT. BT. rATtrBI'BKk; aiabbt'S tnrajmres.

nrtn tna umre streets, bt. Louts, February 1, 18SA, HllSiCBE PIESEMT8. -CLARK CO- L-' -t ASitOr JftVtasert most prominent antnortiiet pain partieulir attention to tbi subject, vie Pwtet-tors Dr. Sue. Hiigard, State tieolorist of Mi.

soarl: Dr. Theo. Weiss. Dracticel ckemiBt and xueacnea antmngs or ayprureu Shirting, Strtpea andTwasda) Aprea and Shirtrsg Checks: i Bad, White and Tellow riAttBaox Oroy i' Twilled PkBirialt' Tk Sew treat Hstsaass. rPvomttoBtestmaadDlapatcB.

A gentleman now in thi dtv Richmond,) a resident of Georgia, and who ia familiar with tbe approaches to Savannah, saggests that our tel-ertphlc correspondent Is in error in bis stata- ltoaiS.B,rrj. 4 From tto Louisville Democrat. Th name of Colonel Fry, commander of tba Fourth Kentucky regiment the battle of Logan's Croat Roads, snd who is believed to have shotZollicoffer, has beeoms already a "household word." ,1 Colonel Speed Smith Fry la now about 44 years old, having been born In 1818, and a man of milo, tmiabl disposition. Ha th grandson ot old Josh na Pry, of Danville, wbo ba now been dead about twentv-slx years, and tha son of Thomas Pry, also of Danville. When the present COlenel was about sixteen years old, bis rather moved to CrawfordtvUle, Ind.

After bit father', death. Speed Smith Pry returned to his native town, where he remained till the beginning of the Mexican war. Daring that war he wis Captain in tha regiment commanded by Col. McKce, and distinguished himself on Lie battle field of Buens Vista. It is well known to many that he killed his man In that memorable battle.

The are' reproduced her; A Mexican, detached from bit comrades, wa seen to load and fire, with great deliberation, three or four timet, at Captain Fry' men. Th Captain took a matket from a fallen toldler aad fired, and. ths Mexican was never seen again. It is useless to tell now that regiment cams off ths Said covered with In that bloody battl Colonel McKee was killed, If we mistake not, -tbe Lieutenant Colonel also Major Cary Pry, a cousin of Speed Stntth, taking command of th. regiment.

This incident la Mexico, aad ths death of Zolllcofiar, prove Colonel Fry to be a man of coolness, decision snd unflinching bravery. After hit return from Mexico, at tha end of ths war, be applied himself again to ths tits law. ia which hs was eminently sue. eeaaful. At the breaking out of the rebellion he was Judge of the County Court of Boyle coanty, aad while many others wet feartal of opening their mouth against secession, be boldly attacked the rebellion on tha stump snd elsewhere.

He was the first to move in raising troops la Kentucky, and 'camping at Dick Robinson, recruited successfully two regiments, the Third and Fourth Kentucky, All honor to Kentucky's noble sons. I will thank you to publish ths following ad- Cominission For wardlljigr "A LC TH06I DKStRIROUB OP MAKING A BaadcffieaawUaafnlPBaBNT. aboold -drees of the "Christian Commission for-th aaatyer of thi city. And Dr. Deck, analytical House, Clgn.

Cteamboat, AITS OSSAKXilTAX PADlTEa. 3 CL1IIE2, PIT EH BJL5GES, Aen Ac; A lam atarkot aS ktoia ef CKaaiaaaatoKraa kaaa, auek wtil toaoaA ia fnaatiuaa to mix. asa eat ko aar m. mtWif Merctaau. ttiTT-griAn AJD atoi-lTisiit OCT.

Esoend sad Ixrast BtrsitA AIMT -v SsiatvarioAkaadaB aanrtmaat af ta aary toat ftia tat it mrat-C(as) Blank Wrfc "Z4 W3L -nrxX kia arartmmhls 4tol to tost BASTXBJI PEODCCTlOJiA, ta at aqoal low prices: JT B. aad apprarirtata 7lt af MmAag fx flaatiaavaa'a Uiaartaa, JaiaUj Bl ta, FartocrCM, km, Aa. fea GARDEN SEEDS. GEASS.SEEDS, D( Oa swat teSabk etraet. Ala EIFllESEXTSj Ta Pjri aod Faactxi J5i.

Bflaptng Jtowtaf lUdUaakCora hfi in Red, Bin and ttreea Twuiea tTanneraj got a ao. of the i tci snent of tbe effect of tbe present position of ths The flrst triklng featare or the g8d field Ik onestloa consists in. some heavy veins of gold jprown an tMeacnea vantow jiannmaj Ooktrod Canton FiATtnels; t' Colored Cutoa Ooat Ltnlrurar OPERA AT HOME. TUa mlendid work is eieamntlT bonnd ia doth. bearing quarts, cropping oat at the surface in 1 1, Xtatera unaeya, goo aaa cotabiobi with rJlt aidee and adkea.

and contain, the arracrpal rtenarkeaTTPttaDecoLintey. t-4, H. 4Vdf rJotxrv OuatUL Aa, feoaTet twtatydiTa ttaarlird mac io a ana iron counties, ana running parallel with th tree rocks. In which they are contained. BBlaaa arVVaaaj sBMk i FAlRBAlSriS 1 SCfAiES.

6rey and DrtB Fnilea tota, i- enemy st tbe aorta end ot rYUmington island. Granting that tbe enemy bat passed up around Little Tybee Island, and Bow holdi the north and of Wilmington Island, sUU ths sommunlct-tloa between Fort Pulaski Sstd the etty remains intact. Indeed, Jt would appear, that the federal steamers bavs not entered tbe Bavannah river proper at aiL Entering at Warsaw Sound Into which Bt. Ausnstine Creek tone of tbo numerous Eaner and HardttBteat Army. trust that the efforts being made by the Commission to promote, th spiritual and temporal welfare of onr bravo volunteers, will receive the generous sympathy of all, nl material aid from many of your readers.

Thetddreet of th Executive Committee sett forth fully ths object in tiew. The rig Men's Chrlstita Association" of this city, will the medium through which the Commission will bondnct its OpnUtoat In ths Department ot the Wett. Wa shall cheerfully undertake the duties indicated Batlaeta, ia rarieqrt and bearing, in every respect, the greatest analogy with the celebrated gold bearing eeartz veins of California. On one of these veins a shaft of 40 feet ha keen rank with such success that it is Prios, $5, maOsd frss of postage. Or $10 ElegAnUr bonnd ia Korpooa.

To Ann deairhw a nonaction of TOCAL and IS- 470KNEB BXAJIf AITD WAAiNXTrBTPa fval ty ---4 CLABBi CO, Agenta?" veettmerea, gaocy ana ftam witaa. rtlnth. 4 Beaver Cloth, tad OrerooatlBgSl STaCatSSTAL MOBICw wonid tamatmend White Bed IHAneet; i mill. Italrin.w Rt.Tlk nybBth of ths Savannah) empties its waters nthees vessels sought to tarn the fort by one of 'f i BiMCotBi4 0rrrBlxiktt OBH ERAL PRODUOK BROKER, 'f 7 AMATXUB Ax EOHI. Tbi work eearUine a cbotce stleotioa of tba aaaaV I OTHUDS toHITC LEAD 4 OIL CO.

bow raid open in a manner that 10 tons of ore may be taken out daily, and continued aninter rapted tor many year to cotte, at a comparatively small expense. Inteeordane with the various asaay nade of thi on it Tenure, from $30 to Bse per ton, and promisee a far richer vleid br trotnir down on it. For the want of th aoaalnr Spare. fotaaar Marctoa, t. COMMISSION sCEHOHAKT.

AJKB.I ttiJtris-XBa Ijto But Be, 4k, Wtgea.i.l raililjnf FANCY ORESS 600DS wtrrmw ovtherii btatib la ths eight propositions of the plan of operations. At our room may be found register of th Chaplains in this Department, with requisite mesa. Jed work has been estAbliAbed tBe-1 SwnDdaL- Bjik WALxiOABOTAOOw st. Horns, ato. trartteabw aatantton aiaas tatka iimi toat or aala i i 1 Adapted to tto lettun, aad a ktrg Mawtuwiilot Wait Good, Irltk Linen, Cotton And Woolen Eo list of regiments to which they are attached.

eta. of to. day, waiak it pari luted anpatataly woald aort tixtiate. tto aauontaf tto work. Price, AIM is paper Board, aad (VB Ik avaallB' (Bets to pay poatare.

Alan, rpimdld a Latent of t.x t' USBJYALLtD GOTTABS, Togetber wttk ran eoDeetioa of Preack jaad Oaa. on una -apienaiu piece tn property, treiiuer, m- deed. on, any other. Still then a very fair QTJU1CX WHITE LEAD Ml OIL! CO. af -J prospect that soon operation on several of the All changes of the location of regiment wilt be duly noted, sad arrangements perfected for kept by at, whicn wa offer to our old eaatomer and th.

trade generally fr cai, and aoitcit a tonttnuAoc of farort. Order, ttitkfsily axaeutad okea tccompa- OS- Ram to Oeodrlck. Wlllard A Cow 1. 1. Bps A Co- Bona, asdOaiBaa Taolktnst varleCx.

ptace win oe conuneoeea. A pold-bearinir anartsoto conglomerate form l- i OOHTUrCB TO MAHIITACTCRB speedy communication with oar troops st all Waiea. Cabot A Co, Benlne A Wfodrut, Bt. Loala, forau to i aled witk tba money. Oardtywaa amraot eniet tbta at nmaat, tad Saltan.

Ratee. Violin. Batik. lata 4. eaby A Macauly.Hw OrJaaa th moat important features of the auriferous rock oi Missouri, and ia many localities of wBeos, Ataet Boaesi French Harpaata, Jaaiy as delay axitta ia regard to departing.

-PVry Superior Bo. sank Jfata caa ifcii tJ AadawreatTanetyaf times. The committee appointed by our Astocl-atloa to carry forward this work, coaaiats of S. Jones, Isaac S. Smyth, 8, Rich and H.

B. Cragln. MABTIAa. LAW -j-. BTma, rear 04 wr a.

TS tr aa at B' Doe. not ptwrent tto of good, or Inlet fat. 1 Tor aala WSTTE LEAD, ZTSO ASCimiJ, WETTE5IDE A COV wika Battnatt in aay way. see ontctai notice -CROW, acCUUBTkCO. aaieaadBeaiU.

Madison county I have found trace of it. Bull, only fear workabto. places are known to me at th preeent ttxte. Thee are, however, in the highest degree promising, both la regard to the quantity and quality of tka ore, aad have therefore attracted tk most attention and been th most carefully examined aad from these loca iContribntlons from friends of ths enterprise Wtortnerattllproraptly tnanaeaio. are solicited.

Omoi B. Pits, Pret 1 Coinmlf slon Merchants Br. Lotjit, oopt. 11. tions varlnne analyses ana assay nave Deea rrtHX otpioc for trsuino passes to 4 AO IVWM Mjf tne outlets 01 Dl.

Augustine urees. ooouia tbey succeed in passing the batteries along this creek, they would still to go some mile further before they would reach the river above the fort. Until they 1 sball have done tbls tbe communication between $ft city aad Fort Pulaski will remain oper. i The shlpt, It it UBdMstoodLIn endeavoring to pass around th hortli side ol Wilmington Island, are trying to avoid a Irattery which i on bu au-gastia southwardly from ths l.lsnd. They bad encountered ototaclee, ss already stated, which they wen endeavoring to remove, snd which labor may se one of more difficulty than is supposes.

Fort Paiaaki 4 upon tbe 8a-vannah river, in-a northerly dlrcetloa. from the present position af tl Yankee vessels but between tbem and It tbure Is as fm pitiable marb. Bboatd the Yankee! ship tocoeed pasting above Wilmington island, sad proceeding on to the Savannah, they hsve still most serious difficulties In the wsy. Bart Jackson I on tbe Bavannah, immediately above the point where they would enter It, whil above that tort again there are batteries enough 40 make it a aarloui undertaking to proceed Savannah. When at have the Tsnkeet attained Tbe people there will hold no intercourse with them.

Wvre the trading Rhode Is laud Senator then rith hi vetselst, he woald find no one to open sttrade with him Tbere indeed, nothing there. There ta no cotton in Savannah, snd the bepks kave traaafcrred their valuable to th Interior so there la nothing for trade and little whereupon ta employ tbe other predominant ptjseton ol the Yankee stealing. They may burn Oavanoah. Weil, let th--m, tf they can reach Is not as tag at New York, When we do ifiegis to retaliate we can have larger cities than Savaanab to burn. colored painto TTTHICH THKT PUT UP IK BASTErVS Annans trr nrar rrrBimAit crnrxTssioit I persona deeramg to tear tto city it remoTad to oTWatblatrtea treate, and the fadhtiet are tack taat K6.

49 North Flflh Street, Betwaea OUre and aa-aw sect ly- CrnCAGO, kLU rmmtnM ri em ftnli'tu. fVkwwnl.rrtw 1 i xoAde, by Dr. Weiss, Dr. HUgard, Dr. Deck, and others.

Dr. Weiss wa the first chemist who proved the true value of tk mineral, and therefore I will mention his report Brit. VV PATKXT AiQS, witkoat aay aatra ebarra, i mtt wanamt (Mil no Barton need to lirt.innd a minute wnget thaa 1 1 1 Naw Tobk. January 18, 1802. S.

M. EDGELX. At OO retry 10 bu ont the pane, srw, 10 tf Major TJ. 8. A i Proreet MaxthaL The following named aentlemea were atntointed PRODUCE, GENERAL OOMXIBSIOH AND VORWARDINOMerehantaiNxa Soatk Levee.

rfMILlTAR.Y, BOOKS. 'f-UlHvlB' GOaMAJ(ZAjU3 ON THB IT orgry of i-ar i. BXPOBT OP BB. WSrs. Qnartxos eonidomerate ore is fooud In trrett Steel and Files.

0 Christian Commission tor the Army, pursuant t0 the resolutions of a National Convention, held Ja ths city of New Tork, November 161 1S61: Bev. Bali H. Mesle, D. Boston, i t-- ang4dAwly ybR CASH, at eacb price, aa will present all waetwre, waaareaot obliged toy ttoir Paintaea credit; from reeetTinr tktir aapaUat ia future frora Baara Manatactarar. Tfc.

roHowtnr Color. GKOTIh'O OIL, and pot ta Buker't Puent (tn or Tin Otaa, of aakgrtad. aiaaa, eoaipriee a panics oar taaaniaanl, Ttar BLACR PAOTT, CHSBT BELLOW abundanos in Madison Thi it the same ALArgs and won aasortod Stock on hand SYCKEL, 4 Mannal of Military Bargery, uroaa, M. THOt STEEL, XA1XS, Em. II Lem asi S2 Commercial ftL IdlKT E.OTJIB.

llfl OfTTR AT LOW RATE TOR CAJE3, or 10 FKaVPT M3, om rr Btoc a CHilCOAL 1SD COXKOI 5 Plow WADS BTTTCHXB'S CEX3XATO Cast Steel. Ft ft, Carriaga and Plow Bolts, GMITH'S TOOLS, aJO LL OTHER GOODS IX OCTt L1KX. IRCUKB, WU1TE(SI Jt wa mineral which la worKed lor gold in Ueortgia, Pike's Pesk. and Calilornla. gold in 4bit B9 1 as ATJWWB8T KATES.

Hint.rO th. kTrdka. gtlttllBtttOP of XaeralU mineral It fine, to that It la not alwjt peroeptl 1cAisaV JPltBOrwVavAVBB, tC, TBXLOW XyOKDBTUKSee COMMISSION MERCBTA.YT, B. 1 Axtny Officer', foekat Onnanioa tad BKO Aa Bj TBSNCH i me to tne aaaea eja. xne quautitj goto obtained from thi ore by trial mde by different penODS, varies trom Sti to B130 per ton.

The following gentlemen have, to my knowledge, an. 1 ,1 -t mr Bum umcenia BLUB JESSOF or SON'S atawtst TT. a Am. Wrai.tiona.... I TiMsu.

A fetter from MuTfreesboro, N. dated Jan. SSd, describes tableau given for the benefit of the soldiers. Tt 1 (hoard not do )ntttce to the tableau nn-ret we were to describe tbe first sceae. A young gentleman repraeealjog King Cottoa, sat upon a throne resembling a bale of cottoa.

Down on one side of the three tat a representative of the ebon race wRb basket of cotton. Talking held a out ton cloth as a sceptre, snd ne of his feet retted oa a globe. Around him stood young ladles dressed lu white, with scarfs of red and white looped on the shoulder with- bine. On their heads tbsy wore appropriate Browns. These represented the Confederate State.

Missouri and Aentacky were guarded by armed soldiers. While we were gating oa this picture a dark haired maiden, robed In black, with brow encircled by a cypiee wreath, and her delicate wrists bound with clanking chains came on and knelt before hi majesty. Ha extended his sceptre and sbe He waved his wand again and aa armed eokller tp feared with a scarf and crown, like those worn her sitter States. He unchained this gentle girl at tbe bidding of hi. monarch, changed her crown of mourning for one of joy aad liberty, aad threw the eoulederate flag across her, raised the Sag over her tnd led her forward then Kentucky advanced, took her by tbe baud, and led her into the ranks.

Need ws tell you Who thi maiden of sable germeoi w. intended to represent leave that to 4M understood. If your reader cannot divine, it 1 owing to oar description, and not to tbe The ciueaaoey was partonnad ia panto talma. will gratify ths pridaof ths t. P.

by saying that their representative had Inscribed on her OrOw Ifdftr After this attempt to praise you, dear Btprmt, you will surety pardon at if wa tell yoa that North Carolina ware oa her brow a white crown, on wolch was the word Both of these States were rep-' resented by their own daughters." IU1HIC 1nniuiiu, uatri. I Rev. BisHop E. 8. Janet, D.

New Tork. Hon. Benj train P. Manlerre, New Tork. Re.

Benf. F. Cutler. D. Brooklyn.

Mitchell Miller, Esq Washington. George H. Stuart- Philadelphia. John Cmzier, feq Philadelphia. Rev.

M. L. P. Thompson, D. Cincinnati.

Clinton B. Ftok, Bq St. Louts. John B. Frwell.

Emj, Chi tago, Illinois. John D. Hill, M. Buffilo. Cbphcs BiAmttt, Secretary Convention.

Thetlhrietlea Commission met In Washibetoa. VJKI.rtrirtHTAU BLAAJt. BEST SUEEWIELB PILES, BSraAIfG'BLR wSXXS, BSQLMH ITOST BLACK PARIS i-B jPKRMANBI9Tr i y. dd NATT da raBBWANBLOB, i 'Western Produce and ProraioTig. "'''Na1 51 BROAD STREET' aljzei tnd assayed tbe ores: Dr.

Hilgard, of Mississippi; BenJ. F. Reynolds, of Frederick-town; Edwin Harrlt, of St. Louis; Dr. Iatiah Deck, or New Tork and Prot.

Domingo, of California. TtolMdnaaMaaaattettoUtoajratoOiBoar of the U. ft. Army TO etmrtton fw FVid Jo Wan ktoda, direct boat tto Maaaswtapta. to England.

OR2tABTOTAIi i ao TTLTSaalABfHB BLCB, CHBOatB i ao INDIAN BSD, There is a difference or opinion among scien BoxBBtPot'Offlot." el KBW kstbb to St. Leit Mwrkantt and Bank Order, far baportatton will receive prompt aaea- OB. BBSRT BAKEWBLL, 1 MannfACtBrer. Agaat. Ha.

1M Katd ttreet. comer af Morcaa ttreet, Bt, Ths editor of tbe Schoharie (N. rutriot Armle. or Burope atcviiian. B.lieck'.

Military Art and bdeao. 1 00 MUitary Dictionary 80 kniojraBCaTalry -1 Rtftt.aad kin. Practice 00 PWd Barrlca oi 0.a.trtly MriiUlo. 1 T5 rMmn srki rtl AO tbinkt tbe federal rirverament reprssenu tha Lonia BntbUhed 1M. i tnlm ERAS i tific gentlemen, as to the cheapett and aaott practical proces of obtaining the gold from that class si ore.

Some are of the opinion that tbe treatment of th Brushed or with quicksilver, ia th ordinary way, will prove the moat advantageous. Others contend, that the surest, and moat advantBtreons treatment of such ore, la sod arranged a plan of operation which they now submit to tbe public, sad call noon th friend of the soldier to aid them in their work. (iiihiJB'. TO U. B.

Infantry and Ride Taottet 1 tn REM OVAL. DRJIPIA it TaLOB haa lavkabed at JSf umber 83 Cesavt stret, Their obteet is to promote the spiritual and temporal welfare of th brav men who now an 1 bet of Plattasr, by chlortn water now need artrar ho kens a fio sssrtmeok or rads, 1 60 .400 Ml iiw i PCELISIIXO AXD imAus BT J. L. PETERS Dn6 5: .3 Xerta Flfil. Sirett, BJTWKSS OLITZ ASTO PESB-BT.

LOVIB, BO," Cuoke't U. B. Cralry TtcUca.1 Canity TV tlca, Scotta Taetice. rote. irdee'.

r.cuea,Bola,u..iMiii.y Field Jatti a OntMl. Mut L. PATCHIN GBNBRAL PBODUCZ AND OOSafTSSIOB HEBCHANT. i Corner Mkt nH Elm streets, 1 ST. trOtnS, M.

A PT" LTberal tdraace nada oa Prodnot atorad' la oar bonne. jaMra Mtl mates tfem np tu order, ia da best tjl, dt VANPTRB BBOWH AXBRICAH 1 dS-sn RAW SrSNBA, ENGU9H 5 ds BUB3T do 1 rXFSRIAL do j-TBAW A BURST TMCBMaafaetni 7 ISraSBD COTTON BKSB OIL, FURN1TURB do BA'iER-i ntartuxoled COACH do sf BrKSTSO OtLj I4t TASmtR'BOlL BHKLLA0-- dot SST rOOTOIL, SLAUSIROH; BOILBD LlrWEiO OIL. vsa Baptrtior PCTTT tn BankTa Patent Beta, BlartBpr, and tn draand tea poou-f Tin ad ot wblak wUltoaoldaitto LOWBST aaukat irus IOS CA.HluMi 1 Tto OT. W. I.

O.C aay th kttrtott market tueeesafolly la Bitrope. I aa decidedly in favor of the latter method, audi am well acquainted at la prf scd for mdi mnni sxui. 1 cw with bom. lit arms to put oown a wicaea reoetiton. -rtiey propose to do this by aiding the ehap- at in their work it.

By furnish ing to them religion tract, piriodicaia tnd books. SJ. By aiding in the formation of religious ss coctattoB in the several regiments. a SO ZTorrxtoa 01 tna itlna. it.

atsy-vriT ualu a.wi. SZTBACt FB0M A IATTB OF Oa. BUS. B1LAJU0 A rt lllrrr. 1 U.nabookaf Fltld ArtUlKrr.

BM 0 DB. A. BTOCB. -Oxxaa; Ateu July 8, 1881. Da a a Doc to At last I have found an oppor Schonl of the fcmidre.

Bk 0 90 locomotive, and ths receding Ststes the cow, in the following story Wbea Georg Stttphenson, th -celebrated Scotch engineer, had 'complsutd bis model of a locomotive, he presented himself before the BntUh Parliament, and asked the attention and support ot that Taa grave M. 'a look ing tneeiingly at his lnvantloa, ssked Bo you hav made a ouTlaif to ma only by Steam, have you "Yea, my lord. 1 And yoa expect carriag to run on parallel rails, to that it can't go ofl, do yon Yea, my lord." Well, now, Mr. Btephenson, let ut show yoa how absurd yonr claim to, Sapposs when your carriage is running upon these rails at the rat of twenty or thirty mile per hoar, you're extravagant enough to even suppose such a thing pos-siole, a cow should get in Its way. Yoa cant turn out for her whit then Then 'twill be bail lor the cow, my lords.

ASHTON F. JOHNSON, Sd. By potting saen aatociaitont in correepona- Baadbook for the MUitary Borer on. j. 4I0TARY PUBLIO AKD OONVEYAXCER.

Ai vt HAM MtLiiAAi tunity of communicating to you th results of esee with the Chrmtisa pubuc rath By cultivating as far at possible, th re fTDXIG TTT MARCH, K15TMS "WALT2, A Laeaa WaSta, Cbantin; Watta, Cradle Scixit. rasa, AaliCborat Soaay Utn Wtlta, A Plarttea luau MiMale Maira. Hoasttia Beil ttcbottiKa, WetMter. yuncrai Jt.rcb. Loai.Tule Jiarch, Itidtaa Potaa, Rrd Wnoa and iima.

Gal Oat of tto Wilder. av Cisr Bor, Cksar. and aalt We fialloo ligious symptthie tat prayer of ChrUUaos omcs or belt a prixst, 94B 41 Chesnnt Street. KEITH "W'OODS. i i I 1 RE4Cl RISH 1J1A price in fcPKCIk 01 Bastera Fund, for Fax I Cattor Beasa.

delitered at their yat-tory, 1 B00X8ELLERS AMD 8TAT108ER8, Baring af FeaVrtl Officer- Frearh tattdCBtl 3 fcoa-rc pioe tmignt tor a usu 01 i a .1 Second aad coiaainta atreere, Pt. Lottv io ckU am BO. W. BAN KXa, lia naao, buatay to aiayed by aaaata tto Dsrty BnfldWgs. oof.


No. 64 Rortk Fonrtk ttreet, HAlleck't Eleraeatt of Military Art and 69 Field Serrice for 0. S. CtTalry Sarrtca; ay Major tq tutsir kiwi. 6th.

By obtaining and directing such grata! t- on peraanal labor among tha soldier and tail. ota, at may be practicable. 0th. By Improving such ether opportunities and mean at may in ths prcAldenee of God be presented. 'jalfts THE CABINET i eeoarat MoUleittnB.

i. 1 to European Cartlry, including detail, of th. orgaa- rTTI i 1 irii'. tr-j fif g'rfa. JU; UA-1 to.

uy xnrnisuuig a. tar aa ikhwuib immuvn i mad ether than relieriout. and. wherever there latuoa aitt vTmir7 uuitica anwnig toe principal nAtkinaW Europe: by an art! Bt.tiiliui..- -i 1 SD MARSirSNEW STORE. Tl WORTH POTJRTH STSXZT.T i fs a penriRnent military pott, by establishing gtirteral Itfcrary of tuch works.

4 8th. By establishing a medium of speedy and safe Intercommunication between the men la the army tnd navy, sad their friend, and families, by which small packages of clothing, books and Corttcr fourth mf Street. nprna. will- rirows asd pofclab I boa re baring chanred baada, the proprieter take, tit awibod of tnormiag tba oivxen. of at.

Loaia that be ha. tast reeetred a frwk and ctrefally eeiacted stock of aae 0: rJraady.Wiaa, Aiea and ktrief atcared tba aernee. of atperieuced and rsa-tiemanly Barepert, ttii. home It now prepared ta diepeaee tto aame ta al) bi oM friend, and aa atany aeweMeaaaMtttafaroraim witb eatt. Aad a bob.

ant pare tioaor. will to kept, ba bopea 4y Bit dtaitn aad rtnet atteatioB to li mi 111 at, ta nyoxite a KtotoJ istor. of fttsstot. pof, aar a deiran. .1 PrtM 1 eadw aia tit fa.

or tftaaa fcr 1 10. Aiaa aa bead rsU iu at PODS W0BTHB BRASS J0XTR5AL At COICPAKICW 'JSICAL IXSTSUUEMTS. at rRicis to ecrr the i an e-H nasaal radataaunit to euk par-CtuMera. hnio toainnx aajuivar ia war Una wtil Is taett wieraal tu a a cail kefcn lajlnf vrGem by si3 promptly attended to. A ouulj warraaied a repreaeated or atoaay aa- Strrttatt.

4 v. J- PET ESS BBA I Bonk ftftk ttraat. (east aidO Between OBat aad Ptna.Bt. Loala. KB of ae and price af BTatieal apua apaliaatMav Brnkt: or tto Qraad Bear Hunt hj Capt.

MAyna Beld i Cecil Drtexae: by Theedor Parkar 1 0k The Houoe oe the Moor: by th. Author of "Mat- caret 1 0( Orrat SipectAtioca, witk dnttratiota by Cat. Dtckene. BO Streak. of Light; a ttory CJhemical N.tur.

of a Candle: by Michael Ftrra- day, F. B.BW... J. 89 Tom Brown at Oxford: a Sequel to -Bctool Uavleg Btw Oriesas, The New Orleans correspondent ot tbe Charleston fjwrrr gives the following interesting pars. graphs under date of the 18th ult.

have a story In circulation, and it seems to be psetty well authenticated, -that three officers from the federal fleet paid our city a clandestine visit; disguised as oystermen, on the 8th. What was tooa aeeompliabed by the hasardona adventure pastes ear eompnthension, unless it was to communicate directly with th atationary tplet here, of whom there are many, no doubt, and perhaps to witness tbe spectacle of tbe celebration cf th anniversary, tailing en Thursday, with a view ol measuring our military strength. Before leaving, one of them dropped a note In the Post Omce to military officer, with whom he wa formerly acquainted ban taring him upon the laiity of ear guard, and promising another call at an aariy dayv under circumstances not eoo-strslslng a masquerade. 1 The Captain of the French war steamer Milan, Who wet here a few davt. has raft for Havana, to A Sore Cure for Henila or Rttptare.

my experiments witntoe auaison county gota are. Coming directly to the fact without ctrcomlo-cntion, I will state the yield ot gold ore was at the rata of twenty-two dollars per ton, which remit I eonslder as quite satisfactory, and far which eorrectnesa I guirmntee to the world. So far all ia right. I took from the quantity brought by me from Frederick town aevea and a half pounds a sample, which enabled me to furnish a fair medium trial. It 1 from tba above-mentioned teven and half poantit as a sample, which enabled are to furnish a fair medium trial, and from which tha enetoted bead of 140 miilogramme, or 8 8-10 grain of fin gold was obtained.

Tou will perceive tbat my assay varies somewhat trom that of Dr. Dsck, of New York. Hot-withstanding 1 consider his assay a confirmation of mine, because the difference of 17 per ton may be easily explained from the degrees of richness of the ore, but a. my enemy it made from a swnple taken trom a large quantity, I cone dr the moat reliable. Also two other cirenmstance may bare added to the increased amount of gold in Dr.

Deck's assay, HI assay was made by smelting tk ore, aad by this msthed all tbe gold eontaiaed tbe ore was obtained, which could not be done by Plattner' chlorine proces need by me, especial! ao at the or upon which I operated wee eotreely ground, which difficulty, however, may be avoided ia tutors by having tbe ore mote finely pulverised. i. The idea of smelting the ore on a largo seal would be entirely Impracticable. Therefore, ray assay by tba aae af chlorine, ha decided over all others, as beyond auction medicines, sna mementoes 01 social snecuon can be interchanged. A 1 anrttf 1 VtarttavaB aiwil A4a(t4 Wta ai earn m4 aa All 'Aboard for the Planter' Saloon.

nPHE BUBSCRIBSR BEGS LEAVE TO C. I tXRM hit caetoaier and tto Jblie to rAUuoiUOU. est stuv v. at buu ui aa i a- la uuoittvtiai, tn varioBs cities, hav generously offered to give the-tinte and attention needed to carry ont thi fctMIWieiii. that b.

it Mill ta receipt of Biiui rRitiH it it.e WrUna, wiriRWv. 1 1 1st Dtyt at xxurby." I roia 00 GieeKller'tChurch Bietory. 4th rol tKory: to Chaa, DtckeaO. Clotk.j BB oticloloiti by W. J.

Willi, BO Jf. B. Tto' toet Pirs Cant Cigat town caa to -itiS EIGHT TEAKB OLW. t. aalldtf.

tmrid at koaaa. CACICAL CL'SE TRCSJ, i i plan, and ws nop to ba able to appropriate to the benefit of the soldiers sB contributlaes entrusted to tit, with small expense for lntcr-medlste sgencie. Bnt We need money to provide religions trad other reading for the army, ami a vary large turn eaa be judiciously and profitably used in. this rtrmreahall: ....9. a at Ida Pfeiffer't Laat TraTala, with an Antobfav obfav 1 Tan Wsshlngtoa correspondent of the New York Evtning fbtt Or the 29th ulL Wrltea: It bt rumored tha iwo Or three leading members of tbe House of Representative, have speeches prepared aimed st General McClellan, which they would asvs delivered several days since bat for the prospect there will toon be mote fighting.

Pacts hsve been gathered, tt is said, which are anknown to ths public at large, aad which tens to prove tbe inefficiency and incompetency of the Commanding Geneial. Tbe disposition tmong large majority ot both Senate and Home is to wait patiently a while longer to give General MeCMtlaa tka confidence of tb country, to far ss congressional majority can lo so, and to disapprove all attacks made directly apon him. The feeling, however, la so decided against him in Intueatial quarter, that it It uaeleas to cover It up, at It ia one of tae important facta of tbe time. This feeling It rapidly spreading, but a yet the General can com-mand a heavy majority in Congress a hit friends, A L. R.

Kj, Jan. WOt. Old Zollyl got kit rights. Without having many furnts. Be never BaVde one that h.

could brag on. He mtdewTs last ttaad On th. ntlling ilumberlaad. And was sent to tto happy land of tauaan. OM Zolly's (rorje.

And the Beeee will save to tsonrn. Because they ta ought he'd do to depend oa. But ha knew h. en wa. nig 1, Wbea to met Fry.

Who nt bias 1.0 tae happy land of graphical saetcnot tna Author 1 ss The Harbinger of Health: by Andrew I. 4 00 Adranatraa ia the Booth Pactnc; witk illnttra- H. O. WILSON'S Uiitla, Hartal sxd Mosrxineiital Imported axpreatly tot tait naoiniiiaiik Tbi. deUelont Bererare cannot to bad at any otbar Bettbllthmeatintbe Wert or It i.

the tamo ejulitythatieaeedtB the RectanranUof ttoHoaaa of Parliament and Gniidball Claba, LondoB. N. B. PriiaAa AtatlUai eaa to mppllad by tto botr smtdJ, Planter's saloon Br." Btm Ba Ti TT way. Tl he Bible, "and'otber benerolent iraWlsV 1 XO

msA Wfitbwt af Gen. ST. Lms.IT. B. A 1 OS ebarte a merchant ship to carry off a number of Preach resident, who desire to leave In eonae-qaence of the difficulty in procuring employ, ment here.

He declared hi belief that the col-Baton of th federal war-ship De Soto with the eaa rauaa. extent, at -WORKS! 1 Tr.Tri.inth. Lown and Upper Amoor: byT. W. 88 Carthage and net Reauun by Sr.

R. Deri. 00 i Cmer ninth avnd Marttwt Sts. CITT ASSEtSGK'S NOTICE. inaaoiin wi uiv "wt wj a The Okamngo Birer A Narratira ot Trarai, leave many of tbe soldiers destitute.

It is hoped tbtt editors snd publishers win furnish papers aad books gratuitously, or at reduced Second hand books, also will be welcomed gratefully by ths soldier, aad will be of auiaa, uy wmcn one waeet of the latter was torn swsy, could not hav been otherwise thsa intentions aad was very much irritated. 1 -5 Bxplorttiori tna jmrentnre: ay janetinmt that the yield of gold would be much greater tf CHRISTIAN PEPERi 'Ji J1JL4HCTACTTJBBB op alldsps op j' AND SMOK1NO ODACCO. Hos i 183 Bpd 185 Vorth VMxl SttBet, Btwaea.8raandBIorgaa,-- 'jrt'ty BT.LOTJIS. Ma IC-ISYILLE H12SAUUS CES2EMT irnsii htceaulio cekemt-I BtASsa a oo.b cALonrro piabtkl BTBW TORX CALCXNBP PLAflTBB. vi lMB, XAILB, BTGL, ETC Aad 11 arHcie.

nut TJufhWra cturtjal.Ua1 and Hathbb Had Him. Down the Potomac if 1 LL PERSONS WHO MAY OWN, OR HAVE laehatye aay real aetata rattoatty of St. Loalt, at any aareonal property aabiect ta a city taa, ar ra, eneetcd to oul at tba City Aaaeeiior' OAot, at tba Cur gire teorract doacriiUon of sack pro-Berty. "rw. aw I kw atrktaaa hundred ilti BLABTIC SUrPOMl'Blta, THB BBBT SI VBB.

V4, wtM. rx. SEIAllSlTS XHPXXO VED EaslV Saspeader Sisnlder Eraee. 'v TO ORRBCT HABITUAL BTOOTTNa, AA pOR TAbUOOCSLE obhxdbixxxx. 3' E4tWnts pos crmvATUR- ot ths Spiae, Oak Pat, Bow Ler.

tad all otto ahytlcal WB1 ol artaos and twelied rein. Att. A smnptitnt female la titonttanf, I 11 value in making np tne coniempiatva aioranes. All contributions of books, snd sit packages said the pickets sometimes pat off in their boats. flMiiia BASTKRf COWS SLTIOXS, AJTD I an; utffiat of rapcrk aurbc at um Aad, te tfkea oiioie, ia vrte or workman a Mtor kit at -nt.

cufdeMn rji no taar of tortre ptaed ad a imi iu (Mt-ocd. of r-a Kjt af ta atd. arokaa aewa aad tasaraaaatad toKdi. msmiy Togetber with a large variety of Book lot holiday rlU, embracing aa kind of Jareailet, AnnBAllJarilt of Standard Work, Prayerbooka' etc Ptean to remember 64 Fonrtk atraet, at J. BT CBAWFORnTS.

(oncceetor to Qrty At Crawford.) dl. and articlee dceoraed for the soldiers, may be meet and confer with each other; but thi a we hardly believe. ITn tha river, where the men ara mmA nitflaa. t. mw hainr deirrered.

and avarr tax within ball, there ara frequent Interchanges of payer ahoald reoelr. a cosy thereof. Wa aunt re. P0K SALE IN LOIS D. VANSTCKBL.

the ore was reoncea to a una puwovr. a nor. was, undoubtedly, ia Dr. Deck's assay some platinnm, which would with the gold when tha silver should be separated from H. Consequently, it would also account for the greater quantity ia bit assay, whereat I produced the gold ehemioaUy par.

7 Notwithstanding it took some length of time before I brought my to close, it has given me tn opportunity to TScerUia fact, which are of the utosoit importance for future practical rtneratlana? SUGAB CUBED tosalL' rougn sentiment ana tne nam est Kind 01 joke. On on occasion a federal picket Inquirea of a seeetBifthey ever played "bluff" over there. Ha Bs tionuaereial atraet. VZ0 BKSF TOAK CFRED, liOO LBS, XJ "era)by ktcAJiiTHrR A nsKSft. 1 ay tuectrolly call their attanttaa to aud Utt.

aa orav tain a fall tad aomplete Utt of all taxable property, at well at the requirement, of tba City Ordioaac la relukta toCityAteeasmenta. The AwteeKX- been ordered to enforce the pen-Hla a th. OrdtBanea. wkick rMBire ktn to aaaeat OUSAB CUREU CANVAS8ED HAMA, 1,000 sent to any member of the commission, or 01 taa ttrict commltteea, which will toon be published, or to the rooms of any Christian Association In the bind, snd tkey will be eared for sad forwarded. Articles directed to aay particular toldler, company, or regiment, will be carefully conveyed, the donor furnishing money to pay the txpreas.

age, i Article not particularly directed, will be distributed as the Commission shall deem beat. when the rebel smartly replied Yes, HaU't wraJUPJuri'Tf A88IB ASO PLAIN. la ttnre hy H. B. VAN STCKBL.

fnt M.r in a-uustti tee to rait tto trad, by JUjr, sometimes." Fed. wt "Union down during the remainder of the Interview. RIED BKSP 1500 POCKIW SUGAR CUB- all property where tba owner or thoeewhoitay hare KD eaarawed, by McAKTiiUM A FISHBR, ST tercial ttreet. oeat you will finds small report, for tbe Ar5Tm BSLfl. AND TIERCES, Df jSTOBJt s-i It aa eoarra, atue to biak.

a mora v. wnnua ut las tWMU Mr MnL iltditkOli 1 Academy of Bdenee, on my experiments aad Ho uis Wbavbk, ol Wtnated, writes h.nw front eami) ar Washington that he hat Inat 1 KA DOZEN COUNTRY KNITT WOOL XJ andaaaaky H.B.mtai. Wo. Contributions in money may oe sent to any UBpweeant a. tnie aaiy war ee.

is evwueuva Ptaterera. aii. in cotr.rtct or ia (tanUuet t. eutt lllr.i LoeinTillr CWit Wmrehoaea, No. MU iiortk atrtuxiiw abs o-r.

iwvia XitJ Bocka, ni receired en consignment, and for Vbt LAComc.Jin amusing two. i resenta-tloo was made ou tkj; lTju. the i the Seventy-eighth Penaf.vli-.nta to tlteti (Niionel, Wm. Sirwell. Tb presfciil 'tion spccti .1 Gillespie Hore are, nl li re it u.

Tbi. i. a bully au'u coinm trom hully Take it, and use it in a bully inner." Col. Sit-well'! reply wstj "Optaln, that wu a bully epsh. Let tak a jlly dilok." member of the Commission, or to the District i carried the lou for three hoars, at tha Deaal- Uia aw reioiu wui dv hi obey; tottoratora I J.

ROWS, Preelaeat, anttf operations. I kave also eaelosed the gold-bead, and have only to add, that tha extrasiioa of ton of ore can reasonably not be ettimated above -5 eontequenUy, profit of 117 per ton will be left, Tour traly, Kvo. Hit abb. Oommltteea. or to the -j ty for shooting hog while oa sentinel duty.

He All commtlnlcations should addressed to bad erdera to let "nothing pats," snd after a the Secretary sad Treasurer, Hon. Benjamin P. sharp tattle with th porker, bt had to give la or a. JLcAHTHl. Fii-UgR J.

Cvntnm.t wrr-ei A 1 XL Wtt riB I nTirrt pnTW Trr A TV i-irri ri i taw i ProC raarlea A. Pops, M.M.PaIk, Dr. M. L. Ltn'on, Vt.

D. B. Taady. Vt. rBTjwaroa.

Cr. H. wmgory. t4" ro. T4 North ForartH Street.

baBMs OPPOBTTlBTUfTTS0VaS." itl JtoAAim'R A PibrlBR, by H. H. TAJ BTCSZLi He. to OonunerciaJ TiiUA hAVT 1ANLA, bjuiw A BtltaaatweK JaaAjtl s) rraarjw Atastorre, nau ttreet, itwa, mow. tot ab bf ft, TAB IXCBSLt Ca 1 JUaat,.

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