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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 3

Logansport, Indiana
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Figures Changed. i The 1 I Off Sale I AT THE HUB Starts Today and will continue until our 25 THOUSAND DOLLAR STOCK is Reduced to its normal size. Remember off on everything in the ouse. Nothing Reserved. THE HUB Harry Frank's Old Stand, 313 Fourth St.

HENRY WEBER, The Merchant Tailor, does first olawa woric, Stylish and well fit clothes made. Cleaning and repairing neatly done. See him. 324 PEARL STREET. L1DA LE.ISURE Physician.

OIBce in House, Cor. Thirteenth and North streets, Professional calls answered promrtly. Logansport Messenger Service. city. Loa re orders at Eel River Livery Barn, Old Phone No 88 NewNoH Private Money to Loan No Delay- C- 0- HEFFLEY, Insurance and Loans.

Fourth Street. Kroeger Strain. TKLHPHONB Office. M. Kroeger, SETH M.YELSEY loans Money at 6 per cent.

Makou Abstracts and Fire. Tornado and Plate Glass Insurance. W. J. Burnett, Undertaker, Embaltner Funeral Director.

417 Market ntreet. Calls attended day or nljrht. The finest outfit in the U. S. Col.

will remain with mo. 16 Residence-Mutual When Tou Need an ABSTRACT or a LOAN -QOTO- H. Wipperman, IMIFourth Street Opp. Court House Entrance. GEORGE W.

RODEFER. Real Estate, Loans Bought, Sold or Raohanired. Txmn on or personal security. Call on me writeto me at No. SI Kel River rod ot Market street DR.

F. BOZKR'S DENTAL PARLORS. Over City National Bank Comer of Fourth and Broad Central Tetephone No Office S6S, residence 343 E. H. GRACE, D.

D. S. DENTAL PARLORS, 316 Market Street. New Alumlnite Rubber Plates. HANLIEY SHANAHAN.

Second Hand Goods. tttve uf oiill. 9 'th street D. E. DELZELL, Dentist, 416 MARKET STREET OYW Braggernan's Millinery Store.

John Brown Sundayed at Peru. W. H. Haughey was at Marion Saturday. Carl Wise left Saturday for a tour of the south.

L. L. Dale, of Frankfort, spent Sunday in the city. Kold korn bread and milk tonight at the korn karnival. Miss Anna Wagner, of the Westside, still continues seriously ill.

The "Pudd'hhead Wilson" company left yesterday morning for Bloomlngton, Ills. Be sure ami; attend the great remnant sale at the Golden Rule, commencing Wednesday. Attorney Geo, S. Klstler was appointed administrator of the estate of Wm. Campbell, deceased.

The teachers ot Eel and Noble townships held a joint institute Saturday in the north court room. Warren Higgtna presided. Natural and artificial gas bills for January are due and should be paid on or before the 10th of the month, at the company's office on Pearl st. A party of young people was handsomely entertained Saturday evening by Miss Bessie Stouffer, In honor of Mr. Sylvester Jackson, of Anderson.

John Holland, fireman on the Vandalla, loslii a very valuable dog recently. He wan an English mastiff, and one of the largest of Its kind In the city. Mrs. Edmund Harvey, of 302 North street, entertained the Chrysanthemum club at the regular weekly meeting of that club. Refreshments were served.

Logan Chapter No. 2, R. A. will confeir the Royal Arch degree this evening, January 10, 3398. It is desired that the officers will be prompt at 7:30.

A number of friends called unexpectedly Saturday evening upon Mrs. John Leonard at her home on Osage street, Westside, and gave her a pleatsant surprise. The affair was occasioned by her birthday anniversary. Thei time was passed at cards and luncheon was served. Fjrii Wayne Sentinel: Trustee Schmeizer yesterday gave W.

C. Griffin transportation to Peru. Griffin was badly crippled and was almost In destitute iisircumsitances. He said he got hurt while performing as an aeronaut in the east last June. He claims to have friends In Loganspjrt, who would take care of him if he got there.

The funeral of the late Christena Jenness, of Tlpton township, wiis held at 11 a. yesterday from the Seven Mile church. Interment was macle at Anoka. The deceased was the mother of M. E.

JennesSj the Panaandla train dispatcher, and Perry Jenness, lihe Panhandle 1'relght conductor. was 73 years of age, a most estimable woman, and enjoyed a large acqualnlaaoe. ENJOYED Was the Presentation of Podd'uhead Wilson" at Dolan's Saturday The first presentation in this city of the comedy, "Pudd'nhead Dolan's Saturday night, was an artistic as well as financial success. The engagement was interest- Ing for three reasons. First, because tbe play was founded on the story, "Pudd'nhead Wilson," by that celebrated author, Mark Twain: second, because the characterization was by Frank Mayo, a once famous actor, and third, because a son of the latter, Edwin Mayo, ap-j peared in the title role.

While watching closely the action of the play the writer was impressed with the similarity of the career of Edwin Mayo and that or the character tie was impersonating. It was also pleasing to note that the the young antor had at last won for by his owa art, too, a place among the leaders of his profession. Young Mayo was handicapped at the beginning of his professional career, for the reason that, as the son of a great actor, he essayed rolls in which his father became famous, and suffered by the contrast. The criticisms were severe, but he labored on, and by a clever, portrayal of the character of "Pudd'nhead Wilson" succeed in changing the tide of public sentiment. His supporting company is exceptionally strong.

ELEYESTH DISTRICT CONVENTION Will Choose Member of the State Central Committee Tomorrow. The Democratic district convention which will convene at Peru tomorrow promises to be largely attended It is called to select a member of the Democratic state central committee to represent the Eleventh 'congressional district, composed of the counties of Howard, Srant. Huntlngton and Wabash. S. E.

Cook, ot Huntlngton, is the present member of the committee and he will be a candidate for re-election. There will be several other candidates before the convention. Grant county will present the name of Dr. M. T.

Stiively, of Marion, and FFaward county has a candidate, T. C. McReynolds, of Kokomo. The friends ot the respective candidates are rallying; their forces and the contest promises to be an exciting one. The representation in the convention will be one delegate for every 200 votes cast for Wm.

J. Bryan and will be as follows: Cass, 24:. Grant, 25: Howard, 16; Huntington, 19; Miami, 18; Wabash, 14. Total, 116, The Cass county delegates will leave for Peru tomorrow morning at 9:48 The fare for the round trip has been reduced to 65 cents, and many others beside the delegates will go over to Oil City. BILL GREEN'S CONDITION.

ADDITION 1L ITEMS. Is Not Expected to Lite More Than a Few Months Longer. BUI Green, the hunch-back, who is serving a life sentience in the Michigan City penitentiary for the murder of Enos Brumbaugh at a picnic near Ycung Amarica, is said to be breaking down fast, and is not expected to live more than a few months longer. He Is almost helpless with rheumatism that has bent hi a almost double. His pitiful condition has created much sympathy for him.

It is thought another year will find him In his grave with his earthly troubles ended. He is a constant inmate of the hospital. INCREASED ORDERS. The Qnarries at Kenneth Once More in Fall Blast. The new orders received by the Illinois Steel company for railway supplies and the placing of an order Dy the Pennsylvania company for 25,000 tons of new rails, In connection witu the starting np of the glass facoories, has given McKtnleyville an air of prosperity.

Last Sunday was a workday, and a night gang is employed until 10:30. More than 200 men are now upon tLe pay rolls, and four train loads of quarried rock Is now the daily output. Late Deaths. Florence, the two-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

W. Emery died at 6 o'clock Saturday morning at the family residence in Adamsboro, of inflammation of the stomach. The funeral wasjheld yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock from the Dunirard church, Rev. Flory officiating. Interment was made In the Dnnkarcl cemetery.

Mrs. Madallne Haas, widow of the late Lewis Haas, died Friday evening at 8:30 at her home In Snultitown, of consumption, aged 39 years. "Koncert at Che Korn Kernlval To Mr. and Mrs. Noah Wood, a daughter.

John O'Donnell visited at Anderson Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gries has returned from a visit at Wabash. Mrs.

S. E. returned Situr- day from a visit with friends at Richmond. Elder O. S.

Hadley Is at Roches- ier holding meetings at the Advent- st chorch. H. E. Elkelburner has returned from a visit with his sister, Mrs. P.

J. Stlngley, of Rochester. Miss Myra Scewirt returned to Jbicaijo last week to continue her otudles in the Ciiicago Musical college. Mrs. Harry Klein, who visited her parents, Mr.

ac.d Mrs.Robert Wild, returned yesteriay to her home at Wabash. Josuph Rembuscb returned Saturday from Indianapolis, where he was called to attend the funeral of his sister-in-law. Mrs. H. W.

Engelbrecht and daughter, Louise, left Saturday for Farmers Retreat, to attend the funeral of a relative. That great event to which all Lo- ganspiort turns out yearly which Is the great remnant clearance sale, commences Wednesday morning, Jan. 12, ptfiolden Rule. funeral ot Magdalena Haas was held at 9 a. m.

today from St Joseph's church, Rev. H. Koehue Interment was made In Ml. Eit, Vincent cemetery. Ohsales E.

McOabe left this afternoon for Mt. St. Mary's, at Cincinnati, to resume hia studies, after spending a vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McCabe, of 1719 Market street.

D. Pratt Wright, formerly of this city, now of Washington, D. will go to Central America as chief engineer for a New York syndicate which has practically secured control of Honduras. The local lodge of ElKs has been Invited to partake of the hospitality of Fort Wayne lodge oua week from tomorrow. Upon that date Fort Wayne lodge will initiate a class of 100.

The programme of entertainment ia very elaborate. REPUBLICANS IN ft FIX. Afraid to Reform the Currency or to Let It Alone. BETWEEN DE7IL AND DEEP SEA, REAL ESTATE Reported for the Pharos by Setb SI. Velser.

Abstractor. Weldon Webster to Clara M. Smith si of lots 50, 51, 52 of City Parks grounds. 8450. The Taion Central Life Insurance company to Wm.

C. of wi of eec 35, township e. $1,300. A. J.

Eobinson and wife to John 0. 8, 9, 10, 11 in Dykeman's 3d add. $4,500. John and Fannie Lux to Mary E. of lot 17 in N.

S. LaRose's 3d add. $1,000. John Lux and wife to Asa Lot 117 in Josephus Atkinson's add, $300. Secretary Gage's Plan to the Sure to Split the Other Hand, McKiuley Owes to the Moneyed Interest.

It is both good advice and bad advice tiiat Senator William E. Chandler has given the administration, says the Detroit News. The efforts of Secretary Gage acd his gold standard backers to retire the greenbacks and "commit the country more thoroughly to the gold standard" can have only one possible result, and that, as Senator Chandler says, will be to split the Republican majority into factions and unify the Democratic opposition. The closest students of legislative conditions concede that there is not the remotest possibility of the enactment of currency laws during this session of congresii. The administration cannot count cm a majority in the senate for any measure that it might stand sponsor for.

In the house the sentiment is by no means unified. There is even the reasonable doubt that a scant majority of the Republican representatives are prepared at this time to go so far as Secretary Gage demands, knowing as they do that the party could not have been victorious in 1S96 had it gone into the figbt pledged to commit the country more thoroughly to gold. What won the battle was the appeal to the very large number of Republican bimetallists to stand by the party of "honesl; bimetallism" in opposition to the party of "dishonest bimetallism," of "silver monometallism." Had the sentiment of the country been favorable to the gold standard as represented by Secretary Gage and his friends it may be presumed that Mr. McKiuley not have been elected president; that the choice of the electors would have fallen upon Senator Palmer, who stood on an unequivocal platform, pledged, to gold. The Gage schemes for reforming the currency have not met with any large measure of public approval except in the east, and the east is not the nation.

On the ether band, for the administration to take Senator Chandler's advice and adopt a let alone policy is liable to result, disastrously as a more aggressive demand for the retirement of the greenbacks. To the moneyed interests of the country the administration owes a debt that it not repudiate. It has promised to establish the currency OLI a safer basis, and to the bankers a safer basis always contemplates the retirement of the greenbacks. The presidential party cannot afford to goon record as being afraid to make an honest; effort to reform tho currency, and any attempt to do so is certain to result in an overwhelming detail. Had Secretary Gage been suppressed at the very outset "it is possible that the currency question might, have been evaded until tho administration found itself and formulated a compromise plan, but it is now too late to retreat, and it is disastrous to advance.

The devil is on one hand and the deep sea on the other. But the administration is free to take its choice. Horn KarniToI Programme. The following musical programme, interspersed with funny.features, at the Korn Karntval tonight: March, "Koro Overture, "Silver Opening McKee. Selection, "Gay Old Piano Mattes.

Selection, Hunting Scene Band. Violin Cope. Waltz, "Land of My Band. Annual Gas Rates. Artificial and natural gas bills are now due and payable at the company's office.

Natural gas consumers desiring to avail themselves of the annual rate, commencing January 1st, can do so by calling at the office and arranging for same. All bills must be paid on or before the 10th of each month. LoGA-nspoRT WABASH VAU EY GAS COMPANY. Attention Baldwin Club. The Baldwin club will meet In regular session at Judge Baldwin's library this evening.

Mr. A. W. Gamble will present a paper on "The Geological Evidences of the Wabasa Valley," stereoptlcan illustrations, will present a paper on "The Philosophy ot Medicine." GRATIFYING RESULTS The Report of Deputy Sheriff Ripple. I have used Hood's Sersaparilla as a tonic and blood purifier, for ten years.

I use it principally in the spring, when I take two or three bottles in succession, always with the most gratifying results. It builds np the system and improves the appetite, when one feels debilitated, and it always makes me feel like a new man." Louis EEPPLE, Deputy Sheriff, 31S Street, Warsaw, Indiana. Going to the Great Furniture Exposition la a few days one of of out bayert will leave for Grand Rapids to tenil the great Furniture Exposition, now in progress, where samples of all the fine furniture of the country is on display. Our Buyers Will join the buyers of the Foster stores located at Fort Wayne. Lafayette, Terre Bead and These Six Buyers Placing the larg'e orders they do, are assured the lowest prices that can be made to any furniture dealer in the United States, as everything is bought in large quantities direct from the leading- manufacturers.

This is One Of the secrets of our success, as it enables us to sell furniture to the people of Logansport and vicinity at the very lowest prices. Special Orders. If there is anything in furniture you want and are not able-to find it in the city we would be pleased to have you call and we will try and get it for you, Smoke cigar are the only pUk to fflOOdS PlllS A RECORD OF DECEIT. Every Step to Establish the Gold Standard Accomplished b.v Fraud. The Republican leaders, alarmed at the candid.declaratiou of Secretary Gage that the first purpose of the party is to more firmly fix the gold standard upon this country, have been making an effort to cover up that statement.

The secretary has been asked leading questions intended to take the pith and marrow out of that important announcement. But they failed most miserably. Of Secretary Gage it may be said, as was said of one of the martyrs, "he mumbled his words, hut refused to recant." The secretary says he is for "bimetallism" if subsidiary silver redeemable in gold is "bimetallism," and he insisted that "a firm establishment of the gold standard" would help this kind of "bimetallism." And so it would, for it is not bimetallism at all or anything like it. But the efforts of the Republican leaders are oharacteriscic and consistent. Not a step has been taken in this country toward establishing the gold standard that is not the result of lying and one single step, from the clandestine and corrupt demonetization of silver in 1873 down to the chicanery that made the repeal of the purchasing clause of the Sherman act possible.

Mr. Voorhees and other administration senators announced on the floor of the senate that they had been assured b.v those in Cleveland the repeal of the Sherman act was only the first step toward the restoration of silver, and that if they had not received those assurances they would not be supporting repeal. Evidently Mr. Voorhees and his associates thought that a solemn pledge meant something. But they -were grossly deceived in the end, and Mr.

Toorhees, sensitive and high strung, never recovered from the shock of the discovery that he had been made the tool and in- the gold The Logansport Commercial High School. If you wish to secure a position to work for Experience Only. attend Commercial Hijch School If you wish to secure a position that will par you from $1 to per week. Don't attend the Logar.Bporc Commercial High School If you wleh to attend a School whara you can have plenty of fun. do as you please, and have attend the IjOiiansport Commercial Hitch School But, If you wish to attend an I Qaf School wnere you will receive the best Instruction and the host preparation, for the responsiblii ies or life: wneie you wlU receive mental and moral discipline and training that will develop yo' Intellect, nrouee your fimbi ion and equip you so that you may live worthily, that you may lead a life of usefulness and that your life may toe crowned with the laurels of sucoei-s.

the esteem of your fellow men and the approbation or your own conscience, then, Attend The Logansport Cojnmercial High School. Over 321, 82 i and 32i Fourth Street. REMOVED Into the Block on Pearl street, formerly occupied by Harry Tucker wnere you are invited to call and see a line line of Winter Woolens For Suitings and Over- coatings that cannot be beat. ft fraiV Merchant W. traig, Ta iior.

Pearl StNext to Dr. Bell's Offiw. Life of Steel BaLL In tearing up a siding on the Straita- rille division of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad the other day the section men discovered that several of the rails had been made in 1863. Subsequent gation revealed the fact that these rails part of a lot that -were bought in England during the -war at a cost at' $125 per ton in gold. The rails wees still ia vary fair condition and for rootira powtr might tan loni- The Detective Wins Yes, detectrve the story of bow bo did ft one of the exciting i told.

Yoncantvaditiat A Conflict of Evidence Ottofengv, author of ArtMt fa CrfcM," Mid the itreitfeat miitimt of tectrre living. bare pnrrhiMd for this thrilling tafe Mtd tttt.

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