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Muskogee Times-Democrat from Muskogee, Oklahoma • Page 1

Muskogee, Oklahoma
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"SHOP IN THE- Times-Democrat Before You Shop in. the Shops" The Best Afternoon "Newspaper in Oklahoma TIMES- HOME: EDITIOM VOLUME XXI MUSKOGEE. OKLAHOMA. THURSDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 2.

1915 NUMBER 205 PURSUE MEXICANS WHO FIREDi BRIDGE Raiders' Attack Upon Santa Fe Trestle Near Brownsville Arouses Border. LARGE CLASS OF GROWNUPS OF TWO RACES TUTORED BY A GIRL FIRST MOONLIGHT SCHOOL IN i MUSSES UP PREACHER, EAST OKLAHOMA. SWATS SWEETHEART, BUT HE IS FORGIVEN Miss Margaret Gostling, Greenleaf Mountain, Teaches Many FuU- Blood Indians. INVADERS CARRYING DYNAMITE AND DIRKS To lU" Gostling the school? 1 if Okmuteeo, Si'i)t. cauahiK the arri'st of Iko Hili; ln'gro, whom she says kicked down her door, broke up the furniture and a gave a negro preacher a cursing, Delia Wash- ilngton, his went bcforo belongs Justice Khields and asked that he be inaugurating moonlight released.

She paid the cost of filing Oklahoma. It de- "le information nnd llill was dis- fhe meeting of Muskogee chargi'd. iool teachers in Muskogee i and Delia were to be married HIRING NEGROES TOKILLISBANO Mrs. Mohr, Wife of Doctor Shot While Automobiling With a Nurse, is Arrested. HAITI'S REAL NAME IS TROUBLE ISLAND; IT'S HISTORY OF BLOOD ALLIES ACHIEVE Purpose to up thle Bridge 0 that a moonlight school nnd the parson had licen called in.

in operation in When the prospectixe groom arrived fnd hn.q been for the he found his prospective bride luaklng weeks. love to the preacher. In a fit of Oostling has a school in the jealousy he kicked the preacher out of tin- door, and DESPERATELY JEALOUS OF TWO OTHER WOMEN six miles southeast of the house, brake down The school opened August 1, knock-d the bride down Indicated by that it might close during pn her. p. II picking season.

The young She told the Judge that she hnfl for- rired Upon by IVleXICanS LOl. scntJoI-marm had read much of the in- given-Llill and wanted him released, as novation of Cora Wilson Stewart in they will forget the trouble and be DUllard rinds situation liener-the mountainous regions of Kentucky, i married. ally is Improved. I and upon her arrival nt once took up work with the parents of her and, receiving encouragement, es- 'tahlislied a night school. Texa-; A enrollment nt the school num- i.mwiisvilie lexas, Stpt.

nineteen "pupils" ranging In age dctacliment of 1 roop 1 llird L'nit- trnm nineteen to forty-five years. School is held three nights of each With no coinpensn- C(U en- ed States cavalry, and a band Mexican bandits are reporte ill a battle this afternoon 11 miles north of Brownsville. Cavalry and infantry are being spread out from Fort tion for her labors. r.ostling is nroceeding to enrry out the jjlan as In- by the Kentucky The '-chool is located on (Ireenleaf mounl.qin many of the farmers are 'iill-blood Cherokee Indians. Superln.

T-) rr 1 of Schools K. X. Collette re- T.rown in an effort to surround that the girl won the confi-; the Afexicans, who set fire to a dcnce of the Indians a's well aM of the railroad trestle 14 miles north ot Tndi-m father and 7 a -rrewn sou travel eight miles in a niter thjs three nighUs a week fo atlend ''hr' where Miov are taught I i -eadin'-' writing. spelling. SCHOOL LIST OPEN NEXT WEEK Alleged Accomplice Confesses That He Was Offered $5,000 For; Putting the Doctor and Either One of the Women Out of the in Letter.

I Providence, Sept. 2. by her three Tiffany Blair today was held without PORT At; THE bail on the charg-e of having incited fHK Ntnv MAINTAININC. OUDEU OF THK ISLAND. British Commander Reports ture of Tactical Point, and Turk is Silent.

RUSSIANS CLAIM THEY ARE HOLDING GERMANS Von Hindenburg Said to Have Been Stopped, But Germans Assert Reverses For Russians in of the German Cabinet is the Winner. TUOtTBLR ISI-ANn. London, Sept. British publlo Iiaa greatly cheered by the ver- Hlon of the recent heavy fighting in the Dardanelles contained In the of- fl-cial report received last'night frora. Superintendent Monroe Preparing to Open the Public Schools; Books Are Ready.

the murtrer of her husband, Dr. C. Franklin Mohr, a wealthv and well- L'nlted States takes over con- I 1 .1 1 'I'ol of the island of Haiti as It now known J)h3SlCian ot this city and seeks to, Uncle Sam will have the arraignment was at troublesome spot in the world to look Warren. bv cav- 14 miles norm ot liere and who have been cliase( airy since about 2 o'clock. Thirty of the Mexicans were about seven miles north of here at noon, according to reports reaching Fort Brown.

-ind hisiorv. Since practl- all enrnllerl "growmips" pos- fops fir nrincioles of an educa- 'inn. the and to a errent c-ictent. and I O'cro VQ mi imat (ho tactful teacher Brownsville Texas. Sept 2 mted interest.

States troops today are trailing a band of Mexican raiders, who set fire to and partially destroyed a trestle fourteen miles north of Brownsville shortly after midnight. Special troop trains from Rrownsville, I and San Benito were hur- Superintendent K. S. returned last nicjht from the meeting of the Xational Kdiicational association at Oakland. I'al.

He spiait three days visitmg the Panama I'acific ex- Three Confessions. Providence. R. Se'iit. 2.

Mrs. Klizabeth Mohr, wife uf Dr.C. Franklin Mohr, who was latally shot while on ail automobile trip frtyii this city to 011 night, was arrested after three negroes had position. His lamily ai ried to the scene about 2 o'clock this morning. Reports at 10 o'clock said the Me-xicans bad not been overtaken.

A party of Americans traveling from P.rownsville to San Benito in an automobile and who passed a Bhort while before it set on fire, reported they had been fired upon by a band of between 25 and 30 Mexicans. The trestle waa fired shortly after the TegiTlar- midnight passenger train had passed, indicating, officers believe, that the band had no--desire to endanger the train or ita passengers, NEUTRAL TRADE CHIEF CONCERN on his trip to the west, but will remain several days, in Salt Lake t'ity and Coloradn Springs l)e- fore retuininif. Stiperintendent Monroe is now busil.v engaged making all preparaMon.s for the opening of schools Monda.v, Sep- teifiber 13. This afttttnoon he held a aiipaiiied bim 1 signed a written confession saying that the principals will bo at their several school buildings for the classification of pupils and the sale of school books. The board of education will contipue 1 1 tr- accept second-hand books for new With Great Diplomatic Victory i books at the exchange prices.

P.y call- I Ing at the buildings, pupils ma.v re- lists giving titles of books to be used, during the ensuing year. Mohr bad hired them to kill thi doctor. The negroes are charged with murder. They are George W. Ilealis, the chauffeur wus driving Dr.

Mohr's car at the time of the shooting; Cecil V. Brown, formerly employed as a hostler by Dr. Mohr, nnd Henry Stellman, a half brother of Brown. No with thegjAVral iirincipals, specific charge has been brought anTTTieads departments, 'against Mrs. Mohr, who declared the and plans for instruction for the ensuing year were explained.

Beginning with next Monday Won, Administration Takes up the RRPUBLTC Of II.MTl AND, WIIHRK IINITKD STATKS MARINKS L'NCLK MAY TAKE OVBU t.eneral Sir Ian Hamilton, the British commander-ln-chlef. This rejJort has been awaited eagerly, in view of the of the slaves. a.ssertlons of Constantinople that- In being then nt war allies had' been repulsed With heavy with I'Jngland, the English Invaded the losses. Island. Preedom was offered by the French authorities to all slaves who would enroll themselves against f.ho enemy.

This was soon followed by a decree abolishing slavery. As a result of the ii.sslstance rendered by the blacks the IJnglish were forced to fleo tho island. The principal credit tor this successful resistance to the Knglish was duo to Anafarta, their guna should have ft TousHuint L'Ouverture, a former runx clear field to fire upon all the TurfclBh. away slave, who, when slavery txaa supply roads Icadlngr toward Acbt abolished, returned from the Spanish Babiu The Turks, however, have ail part of the Island to lead his fellow alternative-lino of communication With'' freedmen against'the invader.s. this part of their front.

ConstaatW Toussalnt was made military govern- nople has admitted no advance on or by the French, but In May, 1801, part of tho allies, various parts of the Island, "which is! when he promulgatpd a constitution, Ruaslans are developine unex-' equal In area to the states of New; Napoleon treated the act as one ot 1 strength In the north, where Hampshire and Rhode Island. I rebellion. Then the struggle for they are not only holdins Their rule was so rt'uel and butchery Independence which lasted ihree Veara. Marshal von Hindenburg but so frequent that in less than 20 years In 1802 Toussalnt and after. 'It is the land of revolutions nnd no ruler of the Island has served out the term of office for which he has been chosen.

'Trouble Island" It is called because of Its blood-drenched history. And yet this benighted island was tho cradle of American liberty, the toehold of Kuropeans on a new continent. It was discovered by Columbus on his voyage. He called It Hispanola and set up Spain's first colony there. The when they colonized, enslaved the natives and made them dig for gold in mines they opened in Sir Ian clalina that his forces operating on the northern section of the line captured an Important tactical point commanding the Buvu'ic farta valley to the east and north, as well as making an appreciable gala along the Australasian front.

If the British colonials now accusations HK.H -V iu iou- i i IrulnnH InnnI nont. Healls had Ijcen detained by the the population of the native Indians were induced by the French command-i police jsince the shooting, as his ac-, was reduced from 1,000,000 to 14,000. er to surrender under of i 5 count of the affair conflicted with that I negroes were Imported from safety. But the FrencHi did not keep given by Miss Einily G. Burger, the Africa at the rate of 30,000 a year and faith and Toussalnt was sent to France, doctor's assistant, who was In the au- thus the present nation of blacks had a prisoner, where ho died, tomobile.

and also wounded. 1 Its beginning. Then the blacks arose again under Brown was taken into custody last 1 Finally," the Spanish," English and Des.s.allnes and Chrlatophe and.In Do- told the police, the rich colonies. As a result tho I cember, 1803, tho iTrench abandoned that he ami the hoStler had plotted to Erenchi obtained and kept a foothold the struggle. French fought for the supremacy of on that portion now known as Haiti.

rob Dr. Mohr on the night shooting. The authorities did of the not be- Dessallnes on January 1, 1804, dared Haitian independence and pro- i and prices that will be allowed in ex -j 'ieve the stories of the negroes nnd i while the Spaniards held the western i claimed himself then boo'Ks. It Is was subjected to an examina-4end -known Domingo. began the Jong Berles bloody strug- London, Sept.

German pub- It is believed this bund was lie has been kept in ignorance of any; desired bv the sujierintendent and 'tion, during which, the police saj'. he principals that pupils do defer he was con.erned in the calling at the buildings for enrollment and that Mrs. Mohr had of- The negroes quickly learned ail tjie glea for control of the government, vices and cruelties of the white settlers There have been as many as seven tho Russian command, the most Important being the return of Qenenlt RuBsky to the leadership of tha northern army. Berlin wireless reports, which ua-; ually are a day or two in adVance oJE, the Petrograd official communications, announce a reversal In the Qa- llcian situation as the result ot a. victorious aaaault on the RusBians north of Zborow.

The English press Is Interested-i of Mexicans living on the Texas side i concession made to the United States ot the Rio Grande as that stream is I concerning submarine warfare, accord- at flood stags and the current ing to the London Times, which as- ewift, making it almost impossible to 1 serts that German newspapers of Sat- swim horses across. 'urday and Sunday make no mention of Colonel R. L. Bullard, commanding change in policy and refer only the lower border patrol, was a pas.sen- brieHy tojhe Arabic ger on the train which passed over tho trestle Just before it was burned.

i and classification, as it is intended to conduct the on the opening day as ne.arly as possible as the.v will fei'ed him $2,000 to kill her Healls and Stellman. questioned separately, corroborated Brown's story and In 1789 they began a struggle for distinct revolutions going on at one keenly in the German promises of a The British Admiralty revelation pupils will be at loss of time if they are not ready for recitations on tho first day. -J "The i)rospects for the ensuipg year, He i regarding the loss of many submarines instruction in the schools was returning to headquarters at Fort '3o has leen concealed from, the concerned," said Sui)erintendent Brown, after a 200-mile inspection 1 German people, the Times asserts. -Monroe, "wfie never better. trlo of detached companies under his thing is in readiness and all teachers command.

H-. found the situation quiet everywhere, he said, only to find Sept. both oral places." Mexicans had resumed operations written assurances from the Ger- 1 within 14 miles of Fort Brown. lUian transmitted through While an army aeroplane was fiving Bernstorff, the German near the Itio Grande, near here, late 1-imbassador. regarding Germany's sub- be'conducted throughout the and the arrest of Mrs.

Mohr followed. freed negroes. ndependenco. Of the 520,000 Inhabitants on the island, 40,000 were white, 452,000 were slaves and 28,000 were According to Brown's story, as given to the police. Mrs.

Mohr proposed several weeks ago that he kill Dr. Mohr, promising to pay hiip $5,000 nine days after the killing was'ac'compllshed. The for the shooting were carried out In detail, according to the confession. At a wVlVV 'andnnThVir'Ves "pective the Nayatt road Healls killed of the automobile) Spellman. who had 1 Then came the Frencn revolution which took the government of Saint Domingo (Haiti) and revived the hopcj time, and since the republic reestablished In 1859 there have been 17 men who have held office as president for a few months and have either fled or been murdered and almost as many more who have held office for a day or so.

yesterday, HO shots were fired from the Mexican side. it was learned today the troopers found'a Vjuahtits of dynamite in a (suitcase, several dirKs. one rifle and two revolvers at the trestle, Indicating, it is be that the Mexicans iji tended to Idow up the bridge, but was frightened away. THORNTON FREED IN CHURCH KILLING Salllsaw, Sept. (Special) Herman Thornton is held blameless in the killing of Andorsort last Thursday night at Blackgum church, the justice at Blackgum, where he was given a preliminary hearing, holding that Thornton struck Anderson to prevent a felony, and not with murderous Intent.

The killing resulted from a marine policy, officials of the Wash- ington government today looked hope- 1 fuily forward to satisfactory set- tlement of the whole submarine prob- I lem. Assurance is given that will not he sunk by' German subm.a- rines without warning and without i for the of non-combfttants, provided the liners do not try to escape or to resist. I'ount Von Bernstorfrs letter contained the informa'ion that the new policy of Germany had been decided upon before the steamer Arabic fiunk. Germany's next communicn tion. It was nuthoritatively.

will be a formal disavowal of the sinking of the Araliic and repar.atlon be made for.American lives lost in the dl.saster. if the attack was made by German submarine. With the situation growing out of the Arabic incident out of the way. Germany's reply, to the last note on T.usitania will be forthcoming. Tf that is satisfactorv to the SENTENCED SOON Negro Who Attacked Mrs.

Porter Plead Guilty at Preliminary Hearing. the engine of the automobile) Brown Spellman. who had pro.iched on motorcycle, crept through the bushes and fired at the occiipants ot the car. Brown said he shot Mohr and that wounded Miss tiurge'r. Brown decl.ired that Mrs.

Mohr told him to be sure to kill the doctor and to kill Miss Burger if he could. His instructions, he said, were to shoot anybody found in thp tonneau. whether it was Miss Burger or Florence Ormsby, a maid employed In Dr. TWobr's office. All of the negroes under arrest said that Mrs.

Mohr told them she was icaloiis of Dr. Mohr. and also was desirous of getting possession of his es- YOUNG INDIANS OLE FOR SCHOOL Four Trains Start From Muskogee For Carlisle and Other Institutions. Muskogee was crowded Thursday with (hildren of the Five Civilized Tribes making ready for school days. tale which sho believed would be de-1 conducted parties left for Carlisle, iind Has- LeRfi.v Gatewood, the negro who morning attacked Mrs.

Franklin Porter in her hnnie. being later by a posse of officers and 'farmers, this morning made a complete 'confession lo the officers of his inten- yesterday. statutory charge was then placed against the black. tiind if she obt.ained a divorce. said explained to them that the payment of the $5,000 would he made in nine days after the commls- (Contlnued on aage this the negro was row among neighborhood boys which 'T'nited Slates, it is believed that the 'l "nH W.ashlngten government will then turn Va bound over and ended a free-for-everybody atteht -on to the problem of neu-.

fight near Blackgum church. tral I tf-nced in a davorlwo. (ialcwood will A note to Great Britain already vears in the In course of preparation. The two issues, however, are kept entirely distinct. President Wilson having consistently refused to allow the question of neutral commerce to lie Involved along with the submarine I I problem.

kell students going In four trains and Iiicking up students all along the way. There are about 600 boys and girls now enrolled in thr. non-reservation schools, from Milliurn, (Jolden, Garvin, Rufe, Idabel. Blue, Fort Townson and many, many other towns and communities. About half boys and half girls.

Since 1910. when the system was i reorganized under the supervision of BRITISH CAPTURE MANY SUBMARINES New York, Sept, officer of the White Star liner Adriatic, which arrived from Liverpool loday, declared that the German submarine which sunk the Arabic had been caught In a steel net and the beat's crew were now change in tactics in submarine fare and attaches considerable cance to the news that Admiral Voii-; Tlroltz is to' have a vacation. This la interpreted as Indicating that cellor von Bethmann-Hollweg haq a definite victory over his naval league in the German cabinet. Summary of War. British submarines have torpedoedij four Turkish torpedo boats.

Word of this feat came through Paris today," The British srteamer Savona, 1,180 i has been sunk. Three of her crew are jj missing. Latest official reports from grad dwell on the Russian success In. I Galicia and record the capture of than 7,000 The Russian fortress of Orodno seems to be nearlng its fa today. O-M; prisoners In England.

He added that within the past sixty days the British iday army headquarters at Berlin an- have captured no less than fifty, that the outer forts of the'; man submarines. stronghold had been taken. Berlin hna reports from Paris that; France and England stand ready to slst Russia by detailing expert TXT A rT to the headquarters IN UNITED STATES Nicholas. 3 I PLENTY OF HORSES Washington, Sept. date noo horses and mules have been shipped from the United States for the European belligerents.

Purchlise of the animals has been n. big boon In the market for medium class horses, department of agriculture officials said today. experts have been w.atchl CATFLE TICK COST SET AT $80,000,000 Wa.shlngton, Sept. cattle, cost the United State? approximately'-; $80,000,000 during the past year, ac- fhe records closely and they cording to estimates today by Dr. A.

D. O. H. Lipps, members of the Five Civ- increased. find that very, few high bred horses have been exported, with the result that prices for ordinary equlnes have GET UP 42,212 NHS given penitentiary.

Republican Plan to Get Control of Elections Bears the Submission Stage. CUTTING EXPENSE OF GOVERNMENT 'Klahoma City. Sept. headquarters Is jubilant over the fact that in a safety deposit vault of a local bank lie four bundles of petitions, signed 42,212 Individuals asking submission of the latest so-called fair election law whicli would take control of the state voting ma- chlner.v out of the hands of the democrats and place it in a combination of the two minority parties. With 12 days left in which to secure signatures, the soclallstB now have 4,159 more than the required number.

Sept. the first step in a movement for retrenchment irt government expensed, the Express announces the dismissal of 1,700 employes, of the land valuation department, which was created under the budget of 1909 to make a complete valuation of AUTO TEST OCTOBER 12. Oklahoma City. Sept. JustiQC Hardy has i.ssiied a writ of habeas corpus returnable- to the supreme court October 12 in behalf of Fred G.

Shaw of Tuls.i. who i.s under arrest charged with the city ordinances of Tulsa ing the of utoniolii les. The case is designed to test 'lir tutlonalify of the now stale liiyhua law in its effort to make a state in lieu of all other taxes. Negro Who Attacked Mrs. Porter is Only About 18, But He Has Done Time.

Illzed Tribes h.ave been admitted to non-reservation In 1911, I regulations were so modified that they were admitted to Carlisle and now WOO attend the three Institutions. Fifty boys and girls left Muskogee on the Katy Flyer for Carlisle They were In charge of Calvin Ballard, day school superintendent of the I'tvc Trllies, and Henry Tidwcll of Stigler, supervising field clerk in the depart' mcnt. About 130 vacation and new students I are going to Haskell this year. They Most of the horses have gone to but many shipments have been made to France some to Melvin, chief of the federal bureau o( animal industry. This includes destruction of tho cattle, decreases In value of hides and in production of'; milk, etc.

Government agents report great head- way In the organized effort to eradl- Ital.v. The supply Is not being cate the tick which has resulted In depressed, government offici.als esti- southern farmer devoting more atten- matlng that there are today approxl- tion to stock raising. mately 21,000,000 horses and four mil-; A' Hon mules In this country. The negro who Wednesday morning I Thursday four parttes one a attacked Mrs. Porter In her Kvc, b.unc- at Fast Okmulgee and York and had BOUND, IN RIVER.

Fort Sept. his i ariTis and legs bound to his body with all land in Great Britain as a prelimi- ropes, the body of R. Kopp, 19 nary step to the taxation of unearned years old, a'well-known architect of increments. TAKE OUTER FORTS. Berlin, Sept, London.

3:50 p. forces attacking the Russian fortress of Grodno have taken the outer forts of the stronghold. It rtas officially announced by German army headquarters today. PEACE MESSAGE FROM THE POPE Rogers, was found in the White river near his home, Wednesday. Kopp dl.sappeared from his office Tuesday.

Authorities are divided on murder and suicide theories. via and the fourth party over the Kansas City Southern. Rach party will be augmented at intermediate points and all will assembled In union station at Kansas City Friday for Haskell. Next week abo 100 aturlents will be taken to Chilocco. those leaving Muskogee today were rcpi-e- sentatives of each of tl-- Five Tribes, except the Semlnoles.

OOOOOOOOOOO MEET FRIDAY NIGHT. STEAMER SUNK. London. Sept. British steamer Savona, 1,180 tons gross, ovyned In Lelth.

has been sunk. Three mem- iera of her are Washington, Sept. Gibbons today presented to' President Wilson a message from Pope Benedict regarding peace In Europe. Later he Secretary Lansing on the same sublect. io After his conference at the White House, the cardinal announced tliat he I had di8cuBso the possibilities of with the president.

He said he hadjfj conveyed a message from the pope on the (luestion could not reveal itg L. H. Holmes, chairman of tho committee of one hundred citizens, announced late Thursday afternoon that tho postponed meeting of Ibi- e.ninmittee will be held in assembly hall of the G. M. A.

"night at o'clock. The will make their reports at this meeting and the chairman Is deslr- that all members of llie "chearier gas'' committee bo present. strii'ts. his name at the police st.ition after his capture as LeRoy Gatewood. has been identified by his picture from the number of negroes in the rogues' gallery at the station, as.

Charles Holden. Bolden fallas has served a sentence.In prison. He was arrested July 13. 1914, at f)rleans for larceny from the person and was lo and hi 'rved six months In the parish prison. The lierlillori measurements on the card and the descTlptjon of Charles Holden agree with the' measurements of I.eRo.v G.atewood.

except that the black has grown probably half an inch. He gave his age at New Orleans when arrested 17. He also told officers here that he was 17 years old, but a year fias elapsed since his arrest in the southern city. I iffir crs s.ay that the longest sentence that can be handed to liolden Is five years in the penitentiary. This.

It is said, is beraiise the charge is "as- saull wjlh Intent." IN SHAPE TO SETTLE. Washington. Sept. Gibbons, after his confereijce with the president today, declared that the settlement of the submarine Issue be- he United St.ates reatly aided the of peace placed the I'nited Stales in a verv advantaireous position to bo of service in bringing to an end the conflict abroiid. He -siiid he had informed the president that he believed this to be true.

TRANSPORTS ARE Sill BY BRITISH Five Turkish War Carrying Vessek Lately Sent in the Straits. BANK CLEARINGS. The Muskogee bank clearings for Thursday were $116,652.83. FREELING TO KEEP EYE UPON "BOXERS" BREWS IN CHINA exact contents at this time. PLOAME HOMF BURNED.

Sept. fSoecial) While awav on a visit fo renltives at aimintaln. the home of Alvis Sloanc' best night. The famll.v knew nolhicTir of the fire iirttil returnc'd, N'eighbfu-s, attracted bv the Implements which Flood near enough to be burned, hut house and contents were deetroyed. Oklahoma City, Sept.

answer to the protest of-Secrptary Fensterinacher of the Muskogee Y. M. C. that "boxing exhibitions'" in his city developed Into real, old-fashionc-d prize fights. Attorney General.

Freelliiif wrote the east side man that state's legal department would keep Its weather eye peeled for such affairs in the future. The attorney general asked Fenstermacher lo notify him when the next "iKixIng exhibition'' was billed in Muskogee Shanghai. China. Sept. Yuen Heng has resigned as vice president of the Chinese republic.

The interpretation placed upon his act is that It Is preparatory to the establishment of a monarchy, which is popularly regarded iis virtually certain. A dispatch from I'eking last said that according to Pvking news- Li Yuen Heng. vice-president, had nested from President Yuan -Shi Kai. permission to dfpart from tile Fori)idden City. Ho is Faid to have informed the president that he would not opiiose the re-establlshment of monarchy, but would not scrlbe his name-4o a petition favoring the project.

Paris, Sept, Turkish transports have been torpedoed by submarines. Announcement to this effect was- I made hero today officially as follows: I "In tho Dardanelles, the last week i of August has been calm, throughout' I on the southern front. In the northern zone British troops captured a west of.Buvuk Anafarta, which beer contested keenly. cS "To the transport sunk August SOv, i by one of our It is necessary ito add four torpedoed transports by Pritlsh submarines, two ai AcbaahUlr man and two between GalUpoli and Nairara. "The guns of the battleships havei.j hit several vessels anchored in tha Ji OOOOOOO WEATHER FORECAST, ooooooooooooo fair..

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