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The Daily Republican from Monongahela, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Monongahela, Pennsylvania
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AGE FOUR THE DAILY REPUBLICAN THE HSIALD AMERICAN TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 195 YFC RALLY SPEAKER Brandani Baby Woman's View New Monument fit Veterans9 Children? Scotland School Baptized Sunday Customer Always Right? ocietti an Richard Michael Brandani was christened Sunday in St. Philip a Neri Roman Catholic Church A 1 i with the Rev. Louis A. Farina officiating In Supermarket She Is Often Wrong, Checker Says By GAY PAULEY votes at the local level. UPI Women's Editor In the finals, Mrs.

Kucab rang NEW YORK (UPI) The CUS- UD 26 Ci-occrv. items in 11 rar. 0 i I Richard Michael is the son of Set and Mrc SARA JANE COULSON Society Editor FOBVEIERANS CHILDREN! Quantico. formerly of "i uunora. He was Dorn June 2, rnr "iweigning in at six pounds and tomer supposedly is always right time of 58 seconds.

Then she but in the supermarket she's bagged the food properly, keep- -3 nine ounces. Mrs. Brandani is nine ounces. Mrs. Brancni is oiien wrong.

mg brakable items off the bot- Mrs. Mary Kucab, 42. the inter-'torn of the bas and whulins im the former Madeline Svrko. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Peter national champ of supermarket 'with eggs and a whipped cream checkers, says that packing gro-jpie securely packed at the top. 5yrko of 217 Waddell Avenue. Marian O. Walter, vice-president, Board of Trustees, Scotland School for Veterans' Children. Sroiland Signs Will Point Way To'B'nai B'rith Lawn Card Party; Prizes Listed Card pntlnKiasK will he ciiidpd I.iphpr's Furniture tahp rlnth- cenes properly is something most Wins Hawaii Trio Paternal Mr.

1 i JJ jj, auujJai cms cl accepts the Veterans of Foreign Wars Memorial Entrance 'and Mrs. Michael Brandani grandparents are casniers learn in training school. of 1116 Fayette Avenue. Donora ROY WILSON monument on oenair or tne school. Presenting the monument is John C.

Cavender. M.D.. Cam But it doesn help when the cus-jas she was en route to Bridge-tomer insists that produce for in- port. with her family to God-parents are Mr. and Mrs.

Pennsylvania. Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United rer Roy Wilson, above, widelv- Mario Brandani. by s.gns at the end of the bridge, Louise Beauty Shop Brecks Dr Stevens, superintendent of the nf ll'ohclor nnintincf trio ivau in ruantv hnv known evangelist of Houston. SCflOOl, IOOKS OI will be guest-speaker at the Youth- the lawn card party sponsored Lincoln Bakery company sulUu go io me Douom. visit relatives.

The winner re-of the bag. a two-week trip to Hawaii "We let her have her all hope to go next Decem-said Mrs. Kucab. "So what assorted gifts, and a mink pens. Next time she's in the' stole store she complains that "Now, she laughed.

'Til have peaches and plums and berries I by Women's B'nai B'rith tomor- cake; Millers Men's Store For-Christ Rally to be held in Canonsburg High School auditori Jdealtli and Robert Schmertz To Sing um, Saturday, June 27, at 7:30 p.m. row night. I box of hankies: McKeesport Can- The benefit function willl begin dy Company cutlery set; Mil-on the lawn at 8 o'clock at the lie's Beauty Shop certificate residence of Mr. and Mrs. Sel-for shampoo and set; Meadow-wyn Weiss of Belle Vernon R.D.

gold and Riecks ice cream; At Point Park Concert Wilson is a son of Mr. and Be were crushed i waruiooe "Then there's the helpful cus-j 'Tl tomer. She repeats the price on Kucab believes the factor Mrs. Raymond Wilson and in ad eau dition to his speaking work is an Robert Schmertz will sing his the brass choir KoDert Schmertz will sing his the brass choir (Turkey Hollow). In case of in- Sun Wall Paper and Paint Store vill be featured accomplished violinist and solo the can or package as you ring! Keeps supermarket UD but sometime the haPPlest is store clement weather the lawn will; paint roller set; Siegel's la- numbers about early Pittsburgh in "Fanfare" by Josquin Des be forsaken for the trame and dies scarf: Sclct Tavlorins ShoD Thursday night as part of the Pres.

15th rontnrv Fiomich ist. He was graduated in 1953 Most foot troubles have their are specials and the marked price! atrasPre-courtesy to Uie cus-is higher. When you're working lold he!" rd Just selUe recreation room. two dollar cleaning certifi-' American Wind Symphony's free1 poser, and "Four Dances" foundation in childhood aj lhe Scho1 of Evangelism Many table prizes have Dccnicate; Safer's Grocery Company program at 8:15 p.m. on thejTylman Susato, Cologne born result of noorlv fitted nr TJ! fast and trying to keep the spe-i'r f'fs, bumpers to keep cials in mind, the customer cart me from skin" gathered and there will be eight! 25 pounds flour: Perri's Shoe barge at Point State Park.

ifith rpnturv "'8 ana 16th century. composer of the special prizes. Refreshments will i Store ladies slippers. Mr. Schmertz, associate giown snoes.

Don wait for your since that time has been in much child to tell vou his feet hurt demand as a speaker at Youth mug my anKies, a irauic airec- be disconcerting. What she is do George Philipp Telemann's "Suite in for Winds," written fessor of architecture at be served at the conclusion of' United Baking Company tor to keep women from bunch ing is risking being charged the the evening. Trio Shoppe umbrella; the 18th century by the pro negie Institute of Technology and a partner in the architectural The following is a list of nier-! Williams ladies plastic hand regular instead of the special price. lific German composer, will beL uV: -remember ing for a chat in the middle of a lane, and no children. "Most children are well-behaved," said Mrs.

Kucab. "But of Schmertz and Erwin. played uiC de oi ii, is i vvnson nis appearance as guest- chants donating prizes for the bag: and Zubrick Pharmacy affair, proceeds for which will bath powder. possmie tor a child's foot size toisPeaKer at ine local Yt Rally Kids "Ovir Helpful" But the champion checker savs Moving to more modern times, i recently recorded a group of his folk-flavored songs for a Folk- change every three months. ione vear aS wnen he spoke on the AWS will offer "Dixtour" bv these things including "over I 'Christ Teaches Nicodemus the ways LP, "Sing oh! The Citv Georces Enesro.

Rn manian orm helpful kids" who tag along with NEW PRODUCTS mi. il it i wwti- aiic kunau ucuon oi a siioe construction ot a shoe is Necessity of Regeneration." be used for charitable purposes: AiP ham; Altman's Children's Shop cabana set; All-ridge's Flower Shop pottery ash tray; Ackerman's Roadside mom are all in the day's work. Mr. Schmertz whose sones al- and who appeared here as guest like leather shoes best, for they A good checker never shows an A new lightweight, battery-op- praJpd nortalilp fplpviQinn rpne'ivor a few are well, are over-helpful." The checker's co-workers praise her for her interest in customers. "She is never too busy to listen to somebody's problems," said store manager Robert Simpson.

Grocery buyer Harry Resnick said he had seen as many as 10 noyance. so have been recorded by such stars as Burl Ives, Tennessee Ernie Ford and Gary Crosby. Stand bird bath; Artuso's mume A feature of the Rally will be "Testimony Tyme" when each member of the County AU-S a Quiz Team, returning this week from the Eastern Regional YFC conductor of the Pittsburgh Symphony. Completing the program will "I just happen to love people." proviae uie resilient support required by growing feet. Leather also has the advantage of breath- Shoe Store Ladies hose.

battery has been unveiied Dy said Mrs. Kucab, a resident of The composer singer banjo be Rltmo Jondo" hv Tarlnc ceaogne two piasuc Kits; philCo Corp. of Philadelphia i i iinauciyilia. jing with the foot and allowing ing W1M the IOOt and allmuind Detroit. Mich.

Mrs. Kucab is the wife of a plant guard and the oaids auio auppiy car so-called "Safa Safari" uj v-anus portable player a hlt a milarSurinach, who attended the perspiration to h. SiConvention at 0cean Cit NJ- nf u.inhi apParance with the American premiere of his "Pa-an. anA evdporai- will tell how their lives have been Boston Shoe Store pink linen equiv ale customers lined up at Mrs. purse; Brown and Son ear- Dicture tui and a visor evtend a visor extend- VVind symPllnny last season.

He Dances of Heathen Iberia" bvi i affected since their acceptance of mother of five children, ranging in age from 17 years (the oldest Kucab's station, although other ll 1U- .1 iU- I rings; Boston Store Inc. straw ijng over the viewing screen for was lhe designer of the the AWS this month. The bright, boy. who works at the same mar iever use nand-me-down shoes, 11 lj0i a as uie" Personai sav No two children hav our. purse; warKei iruu Das-; glare-free reception out of doors.

UdIe' romt ounierpoint." on: rhythmic "Ritmo Jondo" fea-ket. i which the 57-memhpr tures ket) to 17 months. She's five feet feet, even though their sizes mav Don BurSard xi Washington, an stands were nearly empty. After her selection, Mrs. Kucab received an unsigned note of congratulation.

It ended: "A smile performs. be the same. entrant in the contest for Song wuudi niannacy two dox-i lT es of Whitmans chocolates; u-i i i Consult vour Dhvsirian if Leaders at the Convention, will trumpet, clarinet, tympani, xylophone and hand clappers. The American Wind Symphony is sponsored by the Heinz Endowment, Mr. and Mrs.

H. J. Heinz II, KDKA Radio and the is so helpful to us inded." Mens Store tie bar and fulf! tall, weighs 109 pounds and is affectionately known as "Shorty" to her brood. The Supermarket Institute and National Cash Register annually run the checker contest. Mrs.

wiiu.ii iim iicijj uu Keep uoui this summer a home decora child shows any sign of flat feet llead 8rouP-singing accompanied An annual custom of the American Wind Symphony will be continued Thursday when Conductor Robert Austin Boudreau invites toeing in or toeing out, or knocked 31 tne Piano 1,018 lsinnan- Wlss tion kit for the Christmas sea knees. Barbara Parsons of Jefferson, al To prevent mildew, dost doors son. Called "Holiday Sprinkles' so entered in the Single Vocal th a numper or tne concert at- Pittsburgh Bicentennial with the You can rely on your local shoe links; Coslas' Produce watermelon: Costas' Restaurant thre pies; Craf ton's record album; Charles Jewelry Store a pin; Donora Furniture multicolored ash trays: Donora Hard and windows if the weather is Kucab, who has worked for Cha nit nil, WlliUl IOCS 1CU aiiU WIlILCi i ni.ct;. uf. tendees to sit with the orchestra cooperation of the RprnrHino Tn retailer to fit your child's shoes iContest wiU sing a special selec' if no foot problems are evident ition- tham Supermarkets in Detroit for six years, was chosen from that sticks them to Christmas He will probably recommend all- This Promises lo one of 0ie trees, boughs and the like.

The warm and damp. Ventilate the house only when the outside air is cooler and drier than inside air. on the barge. The practice en-jdustry's Music Performance ables audiences to become bet-j Trust Fund, Pittsburgh Musical ter acquainted with the various, Society Local No. 60 and the instruments, the musicians and 'Pittsburgh Foundation.

000 checkers from Canada, the ware cookie jar; Domenic's' United States and Puerto Rico. leather shoe construction for ldUies Ul U1C fort and heathful support. mer season and the Public in' product is being distributed by Osbrone Kemper-Thomas, of Cincinnati. In all, some 15 million shoppers: tne way tne concert is presented, iviiea io De present played and conducted. Wholesale Produce Company watermelon; Durkee's filled pice racks; Globe three pairs of men's hose; Heinz vegetarian food chest; Howards milk class dish; Henry's Auto Supply During Thursday's program Leftovers taste better when 1 teaspoon urry powder is added II fc (qtth? (iVnVcvMVkK ST0RE to meat loaf ingredients before -sponge and car wax; Kirby's; Co.

Unit, Cancer Society Meets ouue ouue ueuiuum suppers; DONORA In Johnstown I Volunteers of the Washington County Unit, American Cancer HUNDREDS OF NEW IBS Society, met in Johnstown re cently with representatives of the i Society from the Southwestern section of Pennsylvania. The purpose of the meeting was to study PLUS MANY FROM OUR OLD STOCK WEDNESDAY MORNING SPECIAL JAMAICA SHORTS Solid Colors Plaids Stripes Sizes problems of Public Education as related to the cancer control pro 0 gram. Mrs. David Slear, chairman of School Education, and Mrs. J.

TO $19.95 EXCEPT FOR JUNE TO $33.00 EXCEPT FOR JUNE Paul Proudfit, 'Medical Society SAVE dutttf MONTH of JURE Auxiliary representative, both of Washington, Mrs. William Stapu-lis, California Branch chairman, and Mrs. Adah Brickley, member of the School Education Commit 99 81 10 to 18 Regular S3. 00 Value tee from California, and Mrs. Gunnard Soderholm, Unit Executive director, attended from this County.

Mrs. Leona Woodward, Washington, State Health Educator for Region 4, and a member of the Washington County Unit Board, acted as a consultant. The day-long meeting was held under the direction of M. Vincent Wills, Public Education chairman of the Board of Directors of the WILLIAM'S 2 STORKS DONORA Pennsylvania Division of the American Cancer Society. Wills, MONONGAHELA who is a volunter himself.

stressed the importance of sct- i ting educational standards and WED A. M. SPECIAL organizing communities and neighborhoods for the purpose of presenting information on cancer. Joining Wills in the presentation were L. F.

Gcrber, Executive director; A. J. Zebcrl. director of Public Education; Miss Gladys Swift, director of Public Information of the Pennsylvania Division. Spencer Mapes, associate director for Schools and Colleges of the National American Cancer Society, and Andrew Kovacs, Education director of the Allegheny County Unit, assisted the Division staff.

Volunteers from the County plan an early meeting with Branch chairmen and other committee members to discuss the ideas and information learned at the meeting which may save lives from for Sheer Juniors Half Sizes Blcilds Dressy Dresses Sport Dresses Casual Dresses 9:15 A.M. TILL P.M. Womens Rayon Panties Fine Acetate in hand or clastic leg styles! cancer. Famous Names Prices Tumhle As We Continue Our June Celebration Extra Help To Assist You Conic Now While Selection Is Tremendous White and Colors tl EXTRA SPECIAL DRESSES Group of 50 AH Sizes TO 29.95 EXCEPT FOR JUISE mm STORE DOiNORA Check yardage when buying thread. The average dress requires two spools of 100 yards each.

Select a color slightly darker than the material, because thread appears lighter when stitched. Additional Society On Page Nine Sizes Small Med. Lge. OPEN MONDAYS FRIDAYS UNTIL 9 CLOSED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 1.

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