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Stilwell Democrat-Journal from Stilwell, Oklahoma • 5

Stilwell, Oklahoma
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Thursday June 17 1948 STILWELL DEMOCRAT-JOURNAL STILWELL OKLAHOMA Pag Five PINEY LYONS -FOR RENT- Classified ment of 900 Major White has been in army service for 20 or more years rain which fell Sunday Monday and Tuesday Aunt Mary Maloy of Stilwell is spending few days with her sister Mrs John Worley and i MAJOR MRS WHITE VISIT Major and Mrs White St Paul Minn visited last week with his parents Mr and Mrs George White of the Maryetta community Major White has recently been promoted and is now in charge of the ROTC attachment at St Paul which has an enroll THANKS FOR THE RESPONSE TO OUR ADVERTISE MENT OF BARGAINS IN Charles' Parker of Tamaha js visiting this week in the Spence Fivekiller home 1 Sammy Proctor stationed at Ft Sill has been visiting here the past week with his family Mrs Joe Byers of Hominy spent the last week visiting her brother Chester Me Le more and family and other friends and relatives here Mr and Mrs Ben Bush of Marble City visited last week with Mose Smith and family The past week has been a very busy one as bean-pic king is in full swing now Mrs Harry Harvy of Detroit Mich arrived last week for a visit with her daughter Mrs Haskell McLemore and Mr McLemorein Stilwell A number of people from here attended the roping in Stilwell Sunday afternoon All reported a very enjoyable time MALOY HOLLOW Visiting Sunday in the home of Mr and Mrs John Worley and if in dinni enjoying a bountiful dinner at noon were Aunt ''Mary Maloy Mrs Richard' Sixkiller pnd Click Maloy all of Stilwell and Granny Vanderpool of Welling Mrs Van-derpool has spent the past two weeks with her daughter and family and her daughter-in-law Mrs Clifford Vanderpool Mrs Lucille Lee and children and Aunt Jessie Caving attended Sunday school and church Sunday at the Bunch Methodist church We were all proud of the nice This week we have a special request to make that is let us come into your borne and demonstrate our Electric Garbage Disposal Unit also Powerless Dish Washer by this we mean doesn't use electricity force of water from your kitchen sink faucet does the work' Another item we have to offer is surely timely FANS" We have a large variety of sixes at prices you will be pleased with Have you seen the New VORNADO in action? It's an air conditioner as well as an Electric Fan no higher than an ordinary fan worth much more A demonstration will be appreciated (Wells Appliance 40 years of continuous service to the people of Stilwell and Adair County: Murray of Delhi La spent Friday night with his parents Mr and Mrs Murray and family enroute to Oklahoma City where he was called to the bedside of his father-in-law is assistant superintendent for an oil drilling company Henry Benham is visiting for a few days with his niece Mrs Roy Williams and family Bean picking oat and wheat harvest and hay baling is keeping everyone on run Housewives are doing their share of the work cooking for the hired hands canning and general housework LISTED ON CHILD LABOR Some of the important for employers of this state on the employment of minora during the summer vacation period were listed today by Alton Vickery 410 Oklahoma Natural Building who represents the Wage and Hour and Public Contracts Divi- sions US Department of Labor 1 in Oklahoma He advised em-1 ployers subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act (Federal wage and hour law): permit children 14 and 15 years old to work more than 40 hours a week when school is not in session or more than three hours a day and 18 hours a week when school is in session permit children 14 and 15 years old to work between 7 pm and 7am permit children 14 and 15 years old to work in manufacturing mining or processing occupa-ions including occupations requiring the performance of any duties in workrooms or work places where goods are manufactured mined or otherwise processed permit children 16 and 17 years old to work in occupations i held to be hazardous in plants manufacturing explosives as motor vehicle drivers or helpers in coal mines in logging or sawmill occupations around power-driven wood worki machinery operating power' driven hoisting apparatus including elevators and in jobs where they are ex-1 posed to radioactive substances I Don't forget to get employment and age certificates and keep them on file I forget to pay minor em-1 ployees at least the minimum wage set by law and time and a lialf for overtime after 40 hours in any workweek If the firm is working on a contract under the Walsh-Healey Act he further advised: hire boys under 16 years or girls under 18 years to work on such contracts or pay them less than the! minimum wage and overtime In giving a man receives more than he gives and the more is in proportion to the Worth of the thing George MacDonald WAUHILLAD The Waustoney Farm Club will sponsor a pie supper Friday June 18th 8 pm at the Stoney Point community building when your favorite candidate for county office will be there Contests plus a good band and a good time for young and old Proceeds will be used for the Youth recreational park being built in the Wauhiliau community Mr and Mrs John Kelley Jambs and Nancy Sue attended memorial service at Freewater Sunday Mrs Perry Keith was a guest of the Cecil Ritchies of Stoney Point Sunday Mr Leach is building a lunch room to the canning factory for the benefit of the employees during the canning season There will be Sunday school and preaching at the church Sunday The church is a vital part of any community you are invited to come and worship Work on the recreational park will be Saturday June 19th The spirit of a life is ever shedding some power just lng as a flower is steadily bestowing fragrance upon the air Thomas Starr King The manner of giving shows the character of the giver more than the gift itself Lavater PAIR PETERS SHOES HERE SINCE 1916 STILWELL 2- Summer Needs FOR Buy your fall bean A feed now Allen Milling Co phone 226 12-ltc FOR 2-year-old pure bred St Bernard male dog reasonable Good for farm or pet Call 62 12-ltc RUMMAGE SALE A rummage sale will be held on the court house lawn Saturday June 19 beginning at 9:30 am and sponsored by Stilwell FFA Chapter 12-ltc FOR 1941 Dodge Pick-up new tires new paint job Good condition Eubanks Stilwell route 1 ll-2tp FOR Oats grain baled oats lespedeza hay with plenty leaf surface See Crazier I mile west of Stilwell ll-2tp VENETIAN BLINDS For Venetian Blinds call Butane phone 160 We measure and install 5-tfc FOR SALE 6 room modern home butane gas 100 ft lot in one of the best residential districts in town Reason for selling have moved away If interested write direct to owner Mrs Nan McGee 511 Taft Okmulgee or see Wells StilwelL ll-2tc FOR 15-ac farm all under fence 8-ac in cult living water good well 5-room house 2 brooder houses smoke house small barn elect avail 9 mL NW Stilwell 1 mL off 51-Hi-way near store and filling sta Priced for quick sale $1800 Ben Goss route 4 12-2tp FOR SALE For sale 30 acres close to town clay subsoil good strawberry land $1200 per acre Unimproved immediate possession Sixty acres 5 miles out unimproved good strawberry land $1200 per acre immediate poses-sion Seventy acres close to tojvn on good road bottom land all can be irrigated improved and priced very reasonable Several other large or small tracts priced front $12 and up Terms low rate of interest' Coad Real Estate Phone 174 ll-2tc Would like to list good land for sale Both improved and unimproved Have several buyers for land at attractive prices Coad Real Estate phone 174 12-tfc FOR 2 good-income properties business building and 10-room house Best locations in Clingenperi Trimble Hotel Tulsa Okla 12-2tc FOR' Filling Station excellent location' good: equips ment Paying Call 4-R 12-ltp Home Service reduces the price of propane gas one cent effective this week Our prices on butane and propane systems are the lowest and we guarantee you a year-round gas supply If building a home we are in position tp furnish galvanized pipe cast iron bathtubs stools'! and a complete line of other crane fixtures Drop us 4 post card and a salesman will call on you We handle Johns-Manville Rock Wool Insulation SHOES JUST RECEIVED 400 DETROIT JEWEL Standard Model 9 ELECTRIC FANS 9 BRUNSWICK TIRES it These shoes are ALL NEW and no Seconds We offer them on their past merits Many of you have bought this brand of shoes from us for the past twenty yoara You know what they are if they have given Perfect Satisfaction 'In the past may' we continue to supply your shoeneeds at prices guarantee to be ai low as any shoes in town of this quality -3 CAR AWNINGS WINDSHIELD VISORS 1 i and other car accessories He who wishes to exert a useful influence must be careful to insult nothing Let him not be troubled by what seems absurd but consecrate his energies to the creation of what is good Goethe RADIOS RANGES $13495 349 and up (24 months guarantee) -I -nr 4 4 Supply Company p-4 i jw-t "166 a 4 4m I -7 -The Vf- IT'S NEW THROUGHOUT -The '49 FORDID NEW "HYDRA-COIL" FRONT SPRINGS The '49 FORD NEW "PARAFLEX" REAR SPRINGS The '49 FORD NEW PICTURE -WINDOW VISIBILITY -The '49 FORD-1-SEATS WIDE ENUFF FOR 3 "BIG" PEOPLE The '49 FORD this special event! STILWELL OKLA FOR large roomy house edge of town Newly decorated Modern conveniences mail and school route Garden gnd cow pasture Crazier (1 mile west of Stilwell) ll-2tp MISCELLANEOUS KILL ATHLETES FOOT BEST SAYS CHAFFIN DRUG Hears TUI REASON The sum srawk oeeply You BUit a each to snji ix-ot containing SO percent ilnbot PENETRATES Eoaehee Mm On law 35c back (ran any draggiit am Oleaeed nr ONI Hoqa CHAFFIN DRUG STORE 6-4tc SEWING MACHINES Any make sewing machine repaired like new Bring heads to my store all work quaranteed Top prices paid for any Singer machine OX BOW TRADING POST 12-tfc PLUMBING REPAIR SERVICE All work guaranteed MILLARD TAYLOR Phone 213 12-ltp BEADED INDIAN BELTS for men and women all sizes Laced edges multicolored beads on genuine leather in authentic Indian designs: $650 ppd Car-neU University Station Enid Okla ll-2tp PILGRIM REST The biggest news around here has been huckleberry picking There has been more berries this year than in 20 years They will make up for the short blackberry crop this year Mr and Mrs Pink Poteet and Tom Capps attended service at Whitmire Sunday Mr and Mrs Sam Poor and children and Ir and Mrs Calvin Hall and sons went over on Barron Fork Sunday fishing and swimming Mr and Mrs Pete Domsbrack of Tahlequah visited with Mr and Mrs Pershing Guthrie Sunday Mr and Mrs Elmer Horn and children of Tulsa are visiting her parents Mr and Mrs' Chambers We had a nice shower Sunday night and Monday morning which was more than welcome as crops were beginning to show the need of rain Eugene Capps was busy Friday giving Mr and Mrs Jim house a new coat of paint Mrs Agnes Hogan of Watts was a weekend visitor with Mr and Mrs Albert Hunter i -LEGAL 1T1U "SUta QUMtloo No 327 1 Leeleletlxe Referendum No 9S THE GIST or tub PROPOSITION is AS POUiOWS' Bull A Constitutional Amendment Amending Section Article 10 Oklahoma Constitution so ss to provide that upon certifies tloa of the need therefor by the governing board an additional levy of not to exceed one (1) mill on the dollar valuation on any property within Or dotmty shaU be made by the County 'Bxciaa Board (or eeparatc eObooU (or white end negro children be approved by the -peoplet I 1 ra shaU the Proposed AMENDMENT IE APPROVED? 'X (Published far stilwell Democrat-Journal June 17 1MB) "BALLOT TITU "BUte Question No 32S Legislative Referendum Na S3 THE GOT OP TRB PROPORTION IB AH POLLOWS: "Shell prapomd amendment to the Constitution of Oklahoma to be known as Article XUI-B creating a Board of ReeenU for the Central State CbUenu at Edmond Oklahoma the But Central Bute CbUege at Ada Oklahoma the Southwestern Institute' of TKhnoloey at Weatherford Oklahoma the Southeastern BUte College at Durant Oklahoma the Northwestern Bute Ooliege at Alva Oklahoma and the Northeastern BUte Ooliege at Tehleauah: providing (Or the appointment of ite membera end fixing the powers restrictions duties and eompsn-atlan thereof: end providing for the payment of the expenses of said board be approved by the peoplet it be approved? (Published in Stilwell Democrat-Journal Juno II IBM) "BALLOT TITLE State Question No 329 Leclslativw Referendum NO THE QIHT OP THE PROPOSITION IS AS FOLLOWS: "Shall a prapoecd amendment to Section 21 Article Oklahoma Constitution providing that membera of tho Leeisla-tura shaU receive monthly salaries of One Hundred Dollars (310000) during their term of office regard lau of when their term commences or expiree except that in lieu thereof they shall receive fifteen (I IS 001 dollars par dtam for not exceed seventy-five (75) leclslattve days for their services during the regular or special session 4 tha Legislature be approved by the people? YES "ShaU it be approved? i 1 The voter who (Explanation of Ballot desires to vote for tho approval of tho prapoecd measures should place an in the space provided before the word "Yes" The voter who desires to vote for tho lection of tho prapoecd measure! should plow on in tha space provided before the word (Published in Stilwell Democrat-Journal June 17 ISM) White Merc IN BUSINESS PHONE 129 Oklahome Tire RAINS Manager Sfintbeon YT V- Hi The WORSHAM MOTOR COMPANY Anniversary by introducing onir9 is celebrating its 16th HOME SERVICE SALES i ftv A McSpadden Owner--' Box 194' Phone 358 The 49 FORD NEW "MAGIC-ACTION" KING-SIZED BRAKES The 49 FORD 10 MORE GASOLINE MILEAGE The FORD YOUR CHOICE OF ENGINES V-8 or SIX The FORD THE NEW "MID-SHIP" RIDE The FORD LOWERI irs WIDER! IT'S ROOMIERI '49 FORD Tahlequah Okla 1 10-tfc -WANTED- Typist with abstract experience Write box 836 Tulsa Okla 9-4tp Cameras of any make size or condition Bring them to Clark Studio 1st door north of Bynum No 2 Grocery 7-tfc WANTED middle aged man with car to represent an important Stilwell business on a good commission basis Should be able to sell Apply to D-J U-tfc Sewing of ail types Ladies dress $150 small dresses 75c sport shirts 50c blouses or skirts 75c Mrs Mildred Morris 2nd door north of Fairfield church ll-2tc -LOST- The revolutionary new Ford four-door sedan for 1949 is lower wider roomier and provides nearly 25 per cent more visibility SEE IT AT OUR OPEN HOUSE FRIDAY JUNE 18 Watch our windows for JAMES WORSHAM Dealer il lA-J 'OST Bicycle wheel and tire Return to Earl Leslie for re-- ward 12-ltc jwpwpft J1.

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