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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 7

Logansport, Indiana
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Tell Your Wife that you have read that Santa Claus Soap is one of the greatest laborsaving inventions of the time. Tell her that it save her strength, save her time, save her clothes. The merits of SANTA CLAUS SOAP appeal at once to every thoughtful woman. It's the purest, and most economical soap to be procured. Sold everywhere.

Made only by TheN.K.fairbanhCompany, TO SMASH EECORDS. Crack Wheelmen Will Work Fresh Honors. for as fast on roller and steel skates as he is on a Some of his records made last year were: 440 yards, i'j seconds; BSO yards, 52 seconds; one mile. 1 min- The Number of Fast on thn Track Year Will Exceed That of or the Famoos Riders. ICOPrOIGBT.

1S95.1 would not be a su rp isia? thins if nearly every bicycle record from one hundred and 7 yards to fifty miles were lowered tb is season in the contests in which John S. Johnson, Walter C. Sanger, Fred .1. Titus and Owen Ziegler are to struggle for the supremacy. It is reported that Houben, the crack English wheelman, You will ride a Bicycle Of course you will ride.

All tho world pleasure, business men, women, children. It takes a while somuthncsforthe world to recognize its privileges; but when it docs it adapts itself promptly. Therefore, you who aro in tho world will rido a COLUMBIA i bicycle if you desire tho best tho I world produces; a Hartford, tho I next best, if anything short of a Columbia will content you. Columbias, $100; Hartfords, for boys and girls, $50. POPE MFG.

Hartford, Conn, Rotton, York, Chlcano, San J-'mnclaco, Providence, Buffalo, 1 A any Mdnoy Tree, or by mail fnrturoS-oontHtftmpa, Tho booU tnllnnf all thft nawOlumhhm nnd HurtfordH IV. Afoot for fOI.t.lIHU and lUIITFOIiD Jllcjclo. LOGANMI'ORT. lYDIA.NA. MME.

FELIX FAURE. The of the Ktynoo Is SttUI to Ho it ChurmliiR Woman. Wo may say of the wife of tho new president of tho French republic, "like a fortunate country, she lias no history," Mme. Fanrc, a correspondent of the gentlewoman, was Mile, Mario Mathildc Bclluot, daughter of a solicitor and niece of Senator Guinot of Aiubroise, in tho department of Indre-et-Loire. On July 10, 1SCD, at the uge of twenty-three years, Miss Bulluot became Mme.

Felix Fan re. She was a beautiful brunette, with jot black hair and sparkling eyes. Two daughters have blessed this union, and Antoinette, the younger, is her say that' win Du an ornament to the Elysee palace. Mme. Fan re always remains in her own apartments until noon, the hour for dejeuner a la fourchette, but the president rises at 5 o'clock, and at he is in his study.

Jle then reads thu documents left over from the previous evening', and while perusing them ho smokes a curved pipe called a pipe do chasse. Regularly at 10 minutes before the president returns to his dressing-room, changes his clothes, and at 8 o'clock ho is ready to give audience or to work with his secretaries. Mine. 1'clix Fauro is being greatly assisted in her duties as ''first lady of the land" by her eldest daughter, Mile. Lueie Faurc, a very beautiful girl, 25 years old.

Mile. Lucio is, like her mother, intelligent, witty, talented and very literary. She is fond of poetry, writes poems with great facility, and willingly recites them to her friends. Mile. Faure is often her father's secretary, and last year she accompanied him to Egypt, both were very well received.

As I have said, the second daughter is married. M. Berge, although by profession an engineer, does not practice; ho is very wealthy and owns immense properties near.Havre. In winter and Mme. Berge live in a splendid flat Ivue Pierre Charron, Paris.

M. Bergo is very much interested in agriculture and cattle raising. Because of their youth nnd enthusiasm Mme. Bergo and Mile. Fauro are giving a tone of gayety to the Elyseo receptions.

This is a decided change for tho better, as these receptions were always very cold and formal. What is TEN DAYS IN A TREE. MMK. FAUKE. tvtfo of a mining 1 engineer, Eene Bergo, conseUlcr-g'eneral of the Seine-In- lerioure.

Although, as I have said, Mme. Felis Fauro is but little known, that docs not mean she lias not sympathized with her husband in his eventful life. Certainly the larger share of Fuure's success is due to the helpful influence of his wife. The home life of M. and Mme.

Fauro has always been ohavnrinpf. Mine. Fauro is a very intelligent woman, and her wit and are proverbial. 5-he tloes not care for the fray world, as she dearly loves her homo, but she knows how to entertain with perfect grace. navnl officers who attended her receptions in the ministry of marine wore charmed with Mme.

Fan re's manner as a hostess, and nil who know VIQOR OF MEN Eully, Quickly, Perminenily Rfntored. NerroaineM, and all the train evils from early errors or I Inter oicejsos, the results of overwork. sickixew, worry, etc. strength, development and tone given to jevery organ and portion of the body. Simple, nnd Immediate Improvement teen.

i Impowlble. 2,000 Book, explanation and proof mailed tree. ERIE MEDICAL Buffalo, N.Y. Nothing; Hut C'hlnonu und I'uir of IluotH Co l--it. A Chinese miner, who, with a companion, was lost in the snow amid the rugged mountains of Plumas county, bus been found, nearer dead tlian alive.

For ten days, says the Orovillc Mercury, he lived in a hollow tree, with nothing to cat but some Chinese mod- icine and seraps of leather cut from his. boots. rescued by a 1 party of white miners "his fi-rt, from which he had cut tho boots for food, were terribly frozen, and ho was so weak hf; could hardly move. The searchers conld find no trace of his companion, who is certain to have perished. There was a large number of Chinese mining at Brown's Hill, and February 25 two of the number left the camp to go to La Porte, a distance of sixteen miles, to procure some Chinese medicine, for the use of the members of the camp.

Then the weather was good, and tho two Chinese proceeded safely over tho snow to La Porte, procured the medicine, stayed over night and started back the next morning. During their trip back on the 20th a snowstorm came up nnd tho Chinese became bewildered and hopelessly lost in the rough, mountainous country. They each had different ideas as to which direction to take, and finally quarreled and separated. One of them had not gone far before he found a hollow tree, wherein he was somewhat sheltered from the storm. lie had matches with him and built a small fire, and, crouching over that, he lived for ten clays.

When their companions did not return to Brown's Hill the Chinese became alarmed and went to La Porte, where they ascertained that they had been there and started back. Then the white men about Cascade and Lumpkln were notified and search parties went out. The other day John Kitrick, while searching with a companion for the lost man, noticed smoke down in a canyon. Be went down there, and ia a tree found the poor Chinese nearly dead. Leaving him there.

Mr. Kitrick went for help, and the unfortunate man was taken to the settlement on a sled. His experience during those ten days had been fearful. As the pangs of hunger came upon him be took ofl: his boots, parched them over the fire, and ate them and drank the medicine. When lie found his boots were all gone and his feet frozen and he was so weak he could not stand, he had given up all hope.

So grateful was he that when camp was reached he gave his rescuers fvftj' dollars in gold dust, all that he had. He will recover. c. as well as Watson and Ilcnie, who have beaten records in Great Britain, arc to visit this country. Henie holds records from four miles to eight miles, while Watson is the ten-mile champion of England.

If these men come to the United States, contests will be arranged in which the English champions will meet the fastest American riders, with resists sure to be interesting. Houben is a famous wheelman of great speed and wonderful endurance, but he will have to drive his wheel faster than ho ever has done to beat either Sanger, Johnson or Titus, It is doubtful if there is a bicycle rider in the world who can beat John S. Johnson, of Minneapolis, unless it be Walter Sanger, and it is doubtful if the rider has yet mounted a wheel who can defeat Fred Titnsat from twenty to thirty 'miles. Titus, by tho way, has joined the Spalding bicycle team, and he has issued a challenge to ride any man in the world 25 miles for $5,000 a side. It would not be wonderful if no cyclist picked up the gauntlet, for bicycle riders are like race horses and pedestrians.

These belong in classes, llany can ride the shorter distances in fast time, F. J. TIT-PS. nte 47 S-0 -seconds; two miles, 3 minutes 54 3-5 seconds; these records were made with flying start. Johnson also holds the following records with standing start, which exceed trotting horse time; Quarter of a mile.

2S seconds; half a mile, 50K seconds; one mile, 1 minute 57 3-5 seconds; two miles, 4 min- ntes 1 second; three miles, 0 minutes 9 seconds; four miles, IS minutes 15 S-5 seconds; five miles, 20 minutes 22 3-5 seconds. The best record for one mile ever made by any cyclist was make b3 Johnson at Buffalo, N. October 24, 1S94, when he covered a mile on a straightaway course in the remarkable time of 1 minute 35 2-5 seconds, which performance beat the best mile run on a straightaway course by a race horse, Salvator having covered a mile at Monmouth Park, Long Branch, N. in 1 minute K5X seconds. Johnson is now one year older, and he has had greater experience and more practice.

Ho expects this summer to beat his Buffalo record. Earl in his career Johnson was not regarded as a fast man, and was beaten any number of times in competitions on an ordinary wheel. The elliptical sprocket gear used on bicycles reduces the amount of friction to a minimum and is a big advantage to a strong wheel driver, who plugs away at the cranks and relies on his power more than his cleverness in fast pedaling. The invention is an old one, but it has only recently come into use. Johnson was one of the first to use the improved bicycle, and rode a mile in 1 minute 56 1-5 seconds.

Another thing that has operated in Johnson's favor is the fact that lie was the first cyclist to be paced by a horse. In all trials against time cyclers are paced by some one who goes before them and breaks the force of the wind, which is one of the great- Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil, It is Pleasant.

Its guarantee is thirty years' uso by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cores Diarrhea and TFind Colic. Castoria teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency, Castoria assimilates the food, regulates tbe stomach, and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. toria is the Children's Blotted Friend, Castoria.

"Castoria is an excellent mcdlclno for children. Mothers have repeatedly told mo ot its good effect upon their children," DR. C. OBOOOD, Lowell, Moss. Castoria is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted.

I hopo tho day is DOC Jar distant when mothers will consider the real interest ot their cuil Jren, and use Castoria instead of the various quack nostrums which aro destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." Pit. J. F. Conway, Ark. Casfcoria.

Castoria Ls I recommend it as superior totmyprwtsriptHc known to me." H. A. ARCHER, M. in So. Oxford Brooklyn, N.

T. Our physicians in tho children's department have spoken highly oC their cxport- enco in their outside practice- iviLh Costorift. and although we only have our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet wo nro free to confess that merits of Castoria has won to look wilt favor upon it," UNITED HOSPITAL AND DISPKMSABT, Boston, MME. A T.gv C. SMITU, The Ontanr Company, T7 Murray Street, New York City.

ZIMMERMAN. while others who fail at short distances are successful at the longer runs. It is claimed that neither Johnson nor Sanger can ride £5 miles as fast as many others, while Titus could not with Sanger or Johnson in a shorter run, Johnson is perhaps the fastest bicycle rider in the world for a mile. Tno wonderful mile ridden by Willie VVindlo in 1 minute 40 4-5 seconds was reduced last year to 1 minute 35 2-5 seconds by John S. Johnson, and the time will come very shortly, if not this, summer, when the mile record will be 1 minute SO seconds.

Johnson's mile as well as Windle's was made with a flying start. Harry C. Tyler's one mile standing has been lowered by Walter C. Sanger, and to him alone belongs the title of champion at the standing: mile, he having covered the distance in 2 minutes 7 1-5 seconds. The bicycle is now of as great importance as the trotting horse so far as racing is concerned, and it has been proven that it can be propelled faster and further than a horse.

John S. Johnson, the champion bi- C3'cle rider of the world, is a Swede, 23 JimoL IN THE WORL.Di Trusting One of the nses of thorns is to protect the plant from animals which feed on herbajre. Says La Nature: Kearly all plants that have thorns in their wild state lose them aftergenerationsof cultivation. It is as if plants brought under the protection of man gradually lay down their arms and trust entirely to his protection. JOHN B.

JOHNSON. est drawbacks a fast rider has to contend with. It has been reported that Johnson would turn professional and to England to race against the champions, and the announcement created quite a sensation among' cycle circles. If he should cross the Atlantic it will be late in the fall probably, for he has been matched to ride a series of one- mile races with Walter E. Sander for a trophy, said to be valued at and the championship of America.

One race is to come off in June, another in' July and "the last in Aug-ust. These contests will raise a furor in sporting- circles, for the men hare any number of admirers who will speculate hcavHy on the results. Outside of the contests in, class A and class the Johnson- FRED J. OS-MOST). years old, slim built, and weighing in training, 13S pounds.

He not a stocky, sturdy lad like Wmdle, nor a model of athletic beauty like A. A. Zimmerman. He is not only the champion bicrcle rider of the world, bnt he is inst HE best in vestment in real estate is to keep buildings well painted. Paint protects the house and saves repairs.

You sometimes want to sell many a good house has remained unsold for want of paint. The rule should be, though, "the best paint or none." That means Strictly Pure White Lead You cannot afford to use cJicap paints. To be sure of getting Strictly Pure White Lead, look at the brand any of these are safe "Anchor," "Southern," "Eckstein," "Bed Seal," "Kentucky," "Collier." FOR National Lead Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. These colors arc sold in onc-pocnd cans, each For keeping tha System In a Healthy Condition. CURES CURES Constipation, Acts on the Liver and Kidneys, Purifies tho Blood, Dispels Colds and Fevers.

Beautifies the Complexion and "fcU PleaslriK and Refreshing- to the Taste. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, nicely illustrated eighty-pane Lincoln Story Book (riven to erery purchaser ofm; of Lincoln Tea. Price 25c- LIKCOLK TEA Fort Warne For Sale by Ben Fisher. Sanffcr races'will be the sensation the cycle world for ISOo. The fact that Arthur Zimmerman who ranks close to John S.

Johnson ii speed, is to be married in June and it fioinjr to Australia, and that Wheeler and Banker will not be seen in the country this year, would lead many to suppose that there will be a scarcity crack wheelmen, but such is not the case. The number of fast men in classes A and 13 will exceed the number of previous years, and Zimmerman, Wheeler and Banker will not be an. appreciable loss to the American path this season. Among- the famous cyclists who promise great things this year is A. W.

Porter, of Waltham, Mass. During- 1S9-1 he rode a mile in 1 minute 52 3-5 secouds; two miles in 4 minute 55 1-5 seconds. He has also, covered a mile in 53 seconds. His two miles flying- in 4 minutes 55 1-5 seconds was a g-rent performance, while his quarter of a mile in 25 seconds, made at Walthain, on November was also fast cycling. Another wheelman who is expected to do wonderful things during 1S95 is A.

F. Senn, of Utica, lv who won a number of races last year in class A un- paced. He is not a sprinter, but his forte is distance riding. Last season he rode three miles in 7 minutes 23 3-5 seconds, four miles in 10 minutes 4 seconds, five miles in 12 minutes 30X seconds and ten miles in 2i minutes KG 1-5 seconds. His great triumph was riding- twenty-five miles in 1 hour 5 minutes and 30 seconds, which feat he performed on November 10, 1S04, at Utica, V.

F. II. Allen, of Springfield. E. E.

Anderson, of St. Louis; D. Park, of Denver. W. -A.

Wenzel, of Philadelphia; E. O. Nelson, of Springfield, H. Davidson, of Waltham, are all prominent cyclists who will make records during the coming season. THE MALARIA MICROBE.

present a lavoru'Oic for malarial germs, and they cither- perish altogether or remain dormant until moisture puts the earth into mote favorable conditions. The favorite predisposing situations for malaria, then, arc low places wMere there -te: stagnant water. The colony once well: established, the broiling sun of summer and the continuous and steamy, moisture cause these small but mighty, creatures to multiply with amazing- rapidity, and the atmosphere becomes literally charged with them. IV remain in these localities is to inhale ana absorb them by the million. TbcreJff one saving possibility in tho situation, and that is the cultivation and drainage of the soil.

Malaria will not flourish on a thick sod, therefore a sowing of grass and a reasonably thorough system of drainways and ditchee are the safest remedies for this oviL Tree-planting is useless; even the encar lyptus has no preventive or counteractive quality whatever. To sum up the whole case, a good hay crop is the bew auti-rnalarial agent that can be applied, to low ground; for where grass roots form a thick mat, there is little or no atmospheric action on the soil, and, consequently, no microbes of this much-dreaded sort. no sense ready-mixed paints, bi ofperfecllypnre colors in the handiest form to tint Strictfy Pure White Lead. A good many thousand dollars have been saved proptrty-ownere by having onr book on painting and color-card. Send us a postal card tnd get both free.

NATIONAL LEAD New York. Cincinnati Branch, Seventh And Freeman Avenue, Cincinnati In lutllvidiial Orjraolsm of Independent mirth. An eminent Italian scientist, who is an acknowledged authority on malaria and its causes, tells us that no mat how saturated wilh moisture soil may be, it is not of necessity anbcaUhy. The malarial microbe is not a production of the soil, neither is it the cause or clTect of decaying vegetable matter. It is an independent orgajjjsm, and has as much an individual growth acd development as sheep and cattle.

be present in the soil in order to bring about those conditions known as malarial. It is an established fact that this microbe exists, as it has been cultivated and carefully observed. For its perfect growth and increase, a temperature of abont sixty-eight degrees Fahrenheit is necessary, and there must be a certain amount of humidity in the soil as well as free atmospheric action. Perfectly dry soil, or even that which is only slightly damp, will not Kept Ilcr, Tony. A pony owned by the daughter ot the owner of a circus was put up for sale in an auction room in England- All the horses of the circus were to be sold.

Among the bidders was the daughter of the circus man. When the ittle pony was led in the littlu girl him a piece of sugar, and whec bidding began this little g-irl akc offered a price for tilt: pony, but some- was bidding against her and she to'stop because she had no money. Hut over in the corner there- was a man who had watched the and the pony, and lie began bidding, and finally no one bid over hint, and thy pony said to be his. lie took it by the bridle and led it over tc the lii.tle girl and said: ''This pony yours." Then every body cheered tint the livtle girl took bar pony home. MERCURIAL Poison results from tbcvisuol treatmcntof blood by which the system is JHlcd jncrcurracC must pottxli 10 be drtaidcd than the i a while dition tbau te'ore.

Boon Uitexpot- H-Mioa tbe Iran and lie RHEUMATISM life airiai rb SSS and aching Joints make life S.S.S. reliable cure for mercurial rheumatism, ana. affords relief even after all else hes foiled. Itia uble. mid hvmlen; Ukc BO (timte.

Send lor onr tmtteo on blood, and tddr Go..

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