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The Raleigh Register from Raleigh, North Carolina • Page 3

Raleigh, North Carolina
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

V'; 1 Sepicmticand the, nunit Arfatal accident occurred on -ThiirsrlnV 829. 'foiofy'tffforth-Carolrf Tf of this State by judge Martin of Lou jsiana, some notice of. rf ady cpmpilc(lrl it.appearfVin A peculiar manner. That part Kites to on r. lie vol ti ona rj hi toryyi con 'j- V'-i list jf ill thejriricinal CcJle -s in the Uni- tains the' aVgutnents; and of the I jiifiCS trjiru'iof wunir i tr pu uy our I i ci ti fce a a X- pe xi 6d a by if.U incans the'rrnder is led on, stiiy bv rpp Jl Wilt- jj.

i faction 'thel appfVsions; rofttic Tas ort his.huntingexi thertcoui.frv;;to the tien 'rcnouDciMfcrcvcr alalle Eate nepeateci was Accompanied brt his hunting Tlepeatedlj inorainlgu ph umstaiicefof a isnli navk ning jTofthrsto rtiiculatsof ttis3istr on boari th eCof ambia ancl steam-boatwas: on her way fforit the Dis- ici.hi mis city, anil wnen in tne nay, ja jcwiuiics iisiow uie Kin roiiir a small schdorier was seen cprainar dqwribefoVd theiAvi ml with sails set -The helmif the af on rn mat nt. i. I the sclioorier.and as the re tly noIOibkout ori the 'part of flatted she was hailed from the steam'-boatandJVder fired tb her course "inlel lately: After-yajrcHiltK ment of schooneiV? tjicl I latter stru ck the stcam-baatvat the head Of and. being a small sfeLvshe fab uhdeV 1 1, ca rry 1 ng one ot tne guartl su ppOrts At thisuoment, a coloj-ed man who" was on the eck of the schooner and was believed, to bepasleep, was irijintaneousiy lc i ed a ml a wii i tejm an 1 1 vas cb 1 out of ilier cabin Was -so severely crushed that he died; Jlay-1 ight ti me the accident occurred, I the mooni was siuiiir iiriiiuy, me ioiumpir nap: ner light up, and on her upper deckthere were tnree men, lnciuu i ng the omcer of the nigh on the -look ou was distinctly seen coming th scH ooper and every precaution which a ya dopted to avoid her for th reliefof tliose on board the schoon were pmmpjly was' to 1 Halt. a vnamoieonwas Drousrntrto JThiladeU) phia by Laptain 1 rent ottbel brig Ash- nun, iiuiti vvijic mcsuiduu.

a ui amgu- lap little animal, says the Philadelphia as' I ii could be ta- Uazctte, is tlius noticed by Mr Maddenlit; She stands tie head of the confed- victims'to this annUaf incredible? has been observed 1 English1 writer, that accord i tation made on th su bject, i is su ppdsed that one third of the' 'Gamekilled finds 1 wa to the ers, as i tc in rni- cr.K' inu siiooiine sea-son fu rn ih many ng anecdotes' -And Among them the1 following i V- French nobleman who was devoted to finld snortsarid. was an Vxcellcn -vUi ted for- thispuVpose a frienil i Mane! vho owned a Jare Jandcd estate expe- pld the Jreturn of the party, the host enquired yhat; sport when the Mild Game-keeper. erf, half as often as that t'other iMonsieur wanted him to do, special fcw would spring on your Honor's land next year." U' jr If any one is inclined to eat Fik, riot-withstanding the developemerits of Rand's Microscope, -let them read the following from Madden's Travels in Turkey A more disgusting operation than jthe pick-ihg of figsj I neye witnessed-1 Inan im-mense; warehouse the fruit lay strewed over the floor, and fifty or sixty squalid women, with mewing infants, sat squatted on the heap, picking and stretching the fruit, arid overcoming tenacity with saliva and manipulations. I saw the dirty (children mauling hefigs, and got out "of the wayas quickly as I could, lestlshould witness any thing worse. I made a vow against figs.

4 'r. -We learn (says theKlizabetb LCity, Ci Star, of; Sept- 9,) that a man by.the name ot Ivey Currithck county, who has been in the habit of abusing Ids wife, niurdered her last week. -After he had committed the act, he made a cofrin and was about the body, when he was overtaken by a jury ofinquest and while they were examining it, Vilk-ins made Jiis escape. He was pursued, but-. befre he would suffer himself to be takeh; bad one of his legs, nearly shotoiT.

We presume he has been committed to- V'ltl l1llf1aiA A Mlii I I AVe leai from the Maryland the sentence of the Court in the case of George Sweafingen, has been received by his Excellency the Governor, and the Warrant forwarded to the SherifFof Alle ghany county, for the execution to take place on Friday the second df Oct- next- On the 8th of Sept. 1828, he murdered his wife, aritl oh the 8th day of Sept. 182P, a warrant for his execution was forwarded. Bait PaL Exccution. The trial of negro Aleck, for poisoning the family of Dr- Floyd a few." w'ecks ao, and which caused the death of one of children, took place on Friday, at Bedford Courthouse.

He was found guilty, and sentenced to be; hung oh the 3d Friday in October next. A negro woman wfio bought the the cook, were- also tried acquitted, no evidence appearing against The condemned culprit, however, Asserts that they had all combined to effect their deadly purpose. Persons who vend arsenic should be extremely cautious in disposing of it. They shoufd ntver sell to slaves under any pretence whatsoever. Lynchburg Virg.

this week, the melancholy duty to record the deatlj 5of the venerable Maj Gen. William Brooke, Ra -To ship, De 1 a ware co ty," inflicted upon him by the hands of his son, Thomas Brooke We' have not learned all tii as he is underi ar-restto be dealtiwith as a jury of his county may thinkproper, ifwould be unjufst. toreuiark further upon the subject. Gen. BrookeCwas a soldier of the' revolution, and a firm friend.

to his country, in the hour of danger. He a brave and a good man, and of his sterling worth and 'usefulness to.stcietv the. larsre circle! of XWliei suiti'i ui me jii iraiiis a nd hardsJi ips of the war ojTindependen'ce; a hd 1 i vi ng to see his country- prbsperoiis and happy he lias falert at the age of 83 years. vTctim to the brutal passionsj of hinii who should have been the-staff and support of his declining Years. pap In' Floreiicc, 'Alabama, on ther 51st fof July Mr.

James May, who is represented as a respectable man, auvanceu in year, came from MVarhc I .11. bu-iiicss. iw Den meetins many of hi: tin nvd ay ah -r "i inrance, ne ue came i toxicated, bouse tal king to'avM also dru nkv theilatte. angryjtoitTB )6doy And Mr replying, him oh the head, with about long, over died instantly vfV- has tn i iil. 'iy in a who fas tosayiiri again struck: plate nd; ne-H nitted to jail-- A "notorious Aief ftr bavinor for tlie account Of his travels; in I had a Chameleon which lived fo three inonths, another' fir wb and several which I gave away after keep- nig tneiii leu uays or a lorcnigur.

mi ail the irrascib-le little animals in the world, there are none so clioleric as! the chame- leoh trained two large ones to tight, and could at any time by knocking their tails asainst one ensure a coin bat du'ring which' ther change of color! and is visible enouirh undeHits nellucid skin The sail." as it enters land leaves tlie circulation, affords the tliree various shades of tfreen which are ohsrvahlP in its-coldrs the story of the cliaineteon as surnin whatever color is near it, is lile that of its living upon air, a table. It is extremely voracious. I had tone so tanie that I coul to a window, nutes I hav dr. A. fh.

rn An.f iiairi on.i. iu forth th sreat velocity. mi never fails to catch-its prev. lie mechanism ofthe J. i jr v' J.

it hai the power of projecting, the eye a rnnsii ebb distance rom be. socket; 4vfe ana can; mane revnive in ainuirecuons. One of thenuH ch I kept for some months, deposited J3 in a corner of the room ach was about the size ot large cori ander seed the animal never sat on them. Id place it on a opposite 'and in the coursb bf ten mi- seen it devour Half a dozen il I I ently no )incou Id detect the pilferer-e -'rmW appears ays tnat he had tired of bis retreat I tv thej swampsiad jactsntfto the or wi opted thfm atiiin' Qfuarftring on the himself ea s'arft 1 oil ri is i thW vacant: il welling of Mr. itallett, or( Gov necessi ies 'or conyeniehee promptecl.1---: But his success lent him courage bey oritj i I i ti a ex pbs ed i 1 1 6 the observation ibf a slave belonsihs to the ics fate, pf the late Robert Bla a wa ch i hi it i cov red i si retreat on Tuesday night.

Early on Wed-n tday; inorning he gavp notice Po-l i surrounded the ise, a ii 1 1 emaiidi rig, a su rrefider foun'i their antagonist armed for the contest, full of fizlit. The- bru of the ba ttle fell nM r- Staf- ford, of the City. was badly in the head and hand and on Mr. Ransom When Jack found the battl waxing too he abandoned his'citadel aud took tp the fields, vvhere he was tin ally Wounded by a pistorshot, and takerl prisoner- Much credit is due to MrvStaffbrd and Mr. Soto for the cool and determined braverv they manifested on the occasion, some i in 1 i.

I I I. I mca ihoj uc ioi meu ui me vaiue wiucn the; citizens generally set upon theaid rendered by the negro; wheh we state that from a voluntary 'subscription immediately 'set on foot for that obj between four five, hundrejd dollars prompt ly raised for the purchase of llis freedom. Ohio A a ite neeting of the Agricultural Society of Hamilton county, Ohio, beautiful specimens of silk, and rolls of fine white were, exhir bitedtVpirig the; growth ahtl manufacture of tire. State. Communications were made on the preparation of Hemp, on the making of and on the cultivation of Wool.

I Splendid cut glass! decanters were displayed and, says the Western Review, all gave-proof that need send neither to France for our Wine, to Ire land for our Linen, nor to England for the richest samples of Cut Gljtss. Richmondl' Sept, 5. A lot of flour was sold yesterday at S5 25, and holders were askin a further advance, City Mills Flour ells at go 75 The current price for good wheat is SI lor red and gl Oo lor vh te, though 90 cents, much inferior wheat sells at 85 according to the quality and instance of what we call fair dealr iri has recently occurred in this city, which, on account of the rare Recurrence of such acts, deserves to be publicly mentioned, A trader in Cambridgeport purchased of a respectable mercantile house ou Jing wharf a large quanty of coffee, and three days after the purchase was mane he found it necessary toj stop payment Instead of keeping this coffee in his store; to be dividedsmiong favored creditors, tjie trader procured a struck and had it sent back to the Long wharf merchants, accompanied with a message that he had been. unexpectedly obliged to stop payment, and therefore returned the coffee, he had purchased two or three days previous? in the same condition in which it was taken. This wras the first knowledge, the Long wharf merchants had of the failure of (the gentleman.

It may be added, that the tradeohad made no other purchase of importance for si me weeks previously. Such conduct, we think, deserves to-be commehiled and imitated bv every honest man. Boston paper The York Commercial says that a man can travel from New-York ta U-tica, a distance of two hundred and fifty miles, for two "dollars and sixty-two and a half cents, including meals an lodging. D.iA a I.I Inrtars 1- 1 i 1 i book aUhome, carry his money in hisJ boots, and ew his pantaloons to his under jacket. Journal of Commerce, among a hundred pther robberies and attempts to rob, mentions the ollowing which for audacity and originality, is e-qual-to any thing we ever heard in that line Two ladies.

anil gentle Tien were returning home in a la on Friday, when fellow, jumped op bt'hind 5 aiid putting his liand through the window, grasped vat the necklace of one olf the ladies. The attempt Avas unsuccessful 5 but a more daVing one we have seldom i- v. rnjt Cr 1 Ta ah as a i ts vi i ri i ty i I -M healthyi Cotton (Sea Island,) promises excts- an abundant crop. Owing to- tl sive rains inthe early part of the season. fears were Entertained tliBt its growth would be so rank as.

to cause th but the late-chanire of his removed theseapprehensibns entire Jy1, and though thfe fieldslexhitt a dense mass. pi vegeiationi tne plants areioaueu staple inarjous sta- ges of 'perfection," roni th 'flower to ma-jtttredtcpttocvt crops: of cPrhice; millet, as, bejans, potatoes; 'fruits, are abundant, and greatly eSceed the wante of jthe couri- iSwflriCc.The-raTticle Whichpar- ticularly engrosses, the atte tioii; the I ante rf a nd upon, the successful cii I tiva tfon6f Which, ilrisfaitigciPdiU'oti; of the spectationstot thernlan? mprovearxnapmnei-y tor. 1 al I 1 of a gi th I'a in 1 rona um af leier wih their, resppcti i pnim th is. lj have-' rep ibedlowiog tahjp, which shovv the nu.h-berff CoIIeet i the: IJnionrf a nd th t. pop rr i 1 i Piiuniher eacb'caie; to tjit i iv i aiiiie.

ii ni i a on estimated In i a. report to; ponkresstr'a't thein faK session, by-thu on puotic 135 1 in i Tin' 1,3 J) in a 3,700 .1 irt. 3,4 00 1 in 11,000 i hi 2Ary Vm 3.500: Mm 2,30 I-in; 8,000 1 in in 4,000 1 in 1 in. 1 in 25.0Q0 1 -iii 6,700 Ilbbtie Islahd 35 'POiOOO Connecticut! jl 9 1 New York. Nevr Jersey- 95 330.000 PnnsyrvHnji- 310, 1,300, Q00 7.

fiO.000 Norih Gitiliaa 720, 00a Soyth Cal-biiiia 196' i 600,000 Georgia 100 410,000 Alabama 000 Mississippi 23 130,000 lf iiries9ee. 600,000 I in-. sifpnt "Ou in ine ami. west ol hPenusy! vania, fat $,000: r- "Massachust'st ha Jes than iinp-twp n- tuth nai ofTthri Winnlari.mnf ib Sfaies, and yet -of thel Coll one in seven are ner sons t'iree tunes ner fUir proportion racy in rearj to liberal In I ee -ti other a ex tit iinn tic tic J-1 Jiave reua 4 two yoiames of iVir. Cwp or Wish tin 11 im.

The reniaifider of Work is ily the wd speed iiy by Cariy, fy rejlTh is -fresh Vma i estat ion countryoi ui 'y ivhose general situation, characters, pursuits and" danger re ably de- otnker hnd have die spir- oemeauor andaiins oi a. pHir11'11 aib ef no'fw, ynimaicu, grjpic, letter; fter had; the tetter yvM's uu Jiiy.uniu, Gnu navi euly Without enecttng a)cuie, a friend vised mp in nbrain so hip Hfnnil litinr, ralf. i Vn ii je.i'A 7 nsiice it inyinesrar, anu aiterwarus wali the teilWi h.5 1 Ii Jid ii or. i ti so, arid is a few tiaVsMlie dry scurf was remov ed, and niy diseased: hand; waii whole as other. Jimer; Farmer, i cw frnWnn 4 o'cl ck, a' race was "run: bp the Line Ts- 1 a ml.Cou rse by the ice I bra ted horses, Bow-.

Stre was ruckedirf 5-minutes 4pd 4i seconds--' sebiid in" Tftiin 7 seconds. Bo ho Both heats were voii by "BoWry Bay-thc first mxf ease and the fast by a short distance. at- Gut a iv, z. uaz. wiriiipr rjipp ni.raii"-cr wasini" winning 7 Oysters have been generally proscribed from May to August inclusive as The Boston physicians havej-ecerit-' fy given an opinion that this is a mistaken notion; and that thejr may safely eaten during the summelv Jin; -consequence of this opinion, jthe boardcof Aldermen of Bpstonlhave passediah ordinance allow-i ng the sale ofoysters du rji ng th ra ra r.

In Anson" a few Tdays aince, Mr. Phii, G. Smith' to. Mi3s Ann E. Cbeairs, daughter cT in Granville county, on toe 9ih inst.

Del IIo-racevT. IJoysttr of Williamsboroufjh, to Miss In-diana, daughter oF the late Capt. Wmi Jones In Guilford county, Mr. John Bartlett lo Jllri Lvdia Armfield. In fHandohjh county; Mr; Wellsi' of Orange tv In Nordiaihptbn couaty, Dr' G.

A. Sykes to. Miss Alary Jtiamonus. In.Chowan county, Geo. y.

Carney, Csq. to Miss tiCii.skr' rri-V i "ar.r -ft- toilford. -county, Mrs. Klizabetli Mcliairr, witc of 3 stmts' McNairy, Ksql Jtlf; Joshuavlwardf, aged between In Uockb'gbam countyon the Aug. Mrs.

1 "rt; 5---- v' rIIE Person 'whabbrrowed fromAViIharns Zi Mortar and Pestle tamcw N. Hampshire 119 :300.000 1 in! 2,5:: Louisiana i i. 2 30, 0UO Qhid" 5 -I4d 1.000:000 3 tha New- nn. t0.VS!5 ua-- Tht of thb Cityjof the Press 'ildsyvoluVn'con'tains'thc Debates which fpok' place in this tatc and Pennsylvania; '-Osgi 1 the COth inst Carrol of Cann6iJ, the only surviving signer of the A m. rTln A a 1 1 ft a JJCCurailtil ui iiiucjjcuucuwc, wiit iiav onuAjeicd' his 'ninety-third year.

The, Anniversary of his birtli-day always collects, around' hirt 'his affectionate: re-, tetives 'and, intimate friends, are. within the reach cif his domestic circle. lie is said to be in the enjoyment of excellent healtlu I 5 1 Ytllow Fevtr. -A gentleman', who left Vew-Orlelans'on the 23d the Editor.of the. Charleston (hat although the new cases of Fever were still numeroas; injbst recent where early application was made for med- I 1 i i i i ical assisiance, cures ueen enecieci.

A DtV-M'FarlandV particularly had met with great success in Ihe disease', by the use "of 'the. Vapour Bath: Vf rr A lumn of Gold was found a fewlaVs since in Habersham jcountyj Ge(rgia, Wtch by weighti "was worth 321 40. agree very cor dially in the following opinion, expressed jy the Etlitorolthe Lyncliburg, Virginian, 'That if the Southern people will divert a portion'of their populatoh from the pursuits of Agriculture and employ a part of their immense establish-, mcnt of 'I they will find the face of their Country improve and their l.tnled property greatly enhance in value.9? A Uriier in a late Tennessee paper, spenking'of thp.advantages which would accrue 'to Tennessee by turning the attention of its i citizens'' towards Manufactures of the most useful kinds, calls on the people to cast their eyes on the flou- rishinjrnew States of Ohio, Illinois and In- andto enquire whether Tennessee miht not- become equally prosperous, by imitating hejrQxauiple.i Compare, savs he. the business carried on upon the great National Road running through the Xorlh-western States, is going on upon the roads within1 vourown Look at the daily increasing importance of the "Mail routes within thos States, and compare thciri w'ith your own, vhichre constant! in ex- lent Lrist-I cnr.essfec, he adds, oubt to rnish A 1 aba ma, issi ssippi11 and Lou i- iian.vwith all their coarse manulhctured rticles, such as Castings, Nails, anil coarse both of Wool and P- i'otbuu Tor they cannot manufacture for ii pot possessing suitable oh'whrcb to erect machinery, nor nar.y of the raw materials1 which form the basis of these necessaries li fe. Be ihe people of those can em-J I' 1 1 i I ro fi a by i rt 1 1 i -Vtitinjr thtif Cotton; mc'p i land S'lo-nr AVcre-East-Ten as this writer turn her attention noble River Tennessee would cUr4.s,t'henbb!eRiviVtenne soon lc rendered navigablefor Steam-f lswt as lie re wo Id VJ be pi ty 6 tuJ to.

transport in eveiy direction, And as Alabama Kshortly commence i mi lhe cauallit of A osclT the res fa 1 enectnijr Twill be l'3 de in th i ci i ty Teii nesee, a'n uy tlftcjrirli fes fo rf co 1 eti iig which rc pr.Hiiibiy be called "upon' toi Jiir- propabJy be called upon present Wou Id a favorable- fr forming Manufacturing JCstab-writs 4 Miprestedi thatj it? would be WAie -ijf Merchants Ythe-iiu tnbefTof Vd(j3l" 11 far too convert the 'canitn! tlius ei ved'ihto' 1-art anufHctoriesl which ubtless ('Vtliern a betterjjjrpfit tL Vriow "yed fro the Mercantile bu ss i vie irus. tese cceive uue cuu.5iuera.uujt I to ok tnem away to try the-cttects- mefj4 sun out irom mat penoa snet oeciineu dailyan vivacity, and soon after died. The official, org an he Government announces that eviMy po? brings addition evidence from IN ew England Qt a Vgrow- ing opinion" in. ayor iof fhe pref enl Almiintraioii, among those who were were hi ijnaiiy innsi vioienny opposeu from what, ouaner such evidence may i mi v. hi) (ion fpn ii II I fr if' in tv lb1.

Wf 111 lieve that those who rely jiponut will in the end find deceived. We see not ihe indicaUh ofaoy growing confidence in the present Ad (n tte contrary, Would not be 'difficult jto cite proof of the reverse of the proposition the late election inrllhoile IslYiid. An iteinp was male 10 choosi Xicks'n members of Congress, and if we may jud-e from the tone of the paper whtv i supported tbVn, With ttions of -f success--The result has siiown that the Jackson party in that Stat is insignificant, a.nd' the uaj 01 i agai nit to eni er whet ui- The anno a I St a election in. Ve rmoh took last weeki The Windsor Journal es us returns from vtHn towjnships, Ip which' he -jiggrejw 01 forjM rCra thft auti Jackson Candida tie was 1 385, ihd for Mr. Doolitllei tiie Jack- Wm-'-candidateS-g; The tenn JedcrdHstfmisi iinhtyisome thing very budwiih'lheAjbaPymrgus, asJ at print systematica I ly "applies the to every man 0 ti a ppe 0 a 1 o' pe long tdvts part ported- General JacksonSy electioPV.wer'e called federalists by the Areus, because the Argui wks oppoeUthe UtneaLNiiw auwhodiu not support ineutenerai'se 1 eciiou cat led federalists, becau se the Argu sv is favor ot the ureoeraJ.Aiiiongst tabers wHotn the Argus" has beVn" pleased to dub fedewli'reiwere mbrphbse bur61d friendlrCVcsv Governor of VVermont; into oue 5 niap ho, whenrTypfkneWf hicvinf CbngreisY yielded to none in nhis' traer JeffersGniaa, einccr'ii- I I ti -V V'H-'-'' f- 1 4, st-1' V-" v-- rv --J.

r. i. f-: i 'v.

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