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Boston Post from Boston, Massachusetts • Page 2

Boston Posti
Boston, Massachusetts
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

wmpirni iiinii in iiiimiii pKmm mm bosto Moiti(i rosr. Oppatitiim ttif trinn The following are the the trinea of the pnrty opposed to the National Adminiatra tton the aame party that opMacd Jenraon nnd Madison, and whirli hna homired Jackaon with ita reckleaa rOLlfK COt HT. fionelys examination continued. It appeared from the testimony of a woman, who the affray, in which Newell received the wound in the abdomen, from a pair of aciaaora, which canned his death, that he front Tampteo.Hy the arrival yesterday thm chr Vm League, Capt Malum, from Tampico learn that the yellow fever waa raging violently at th place, when he sailed, (4th instant) and that' the in habitants were dying in great numbers Y. Gat From Havana.

By the barque Navarino, arrived laat Avenins. wi have received muli. c.i fur tha Boston Morning Poet. Another Federal Falsehood. The Boston Alius aaya We undcrstaml that the Collector of Cas tine is prowling about this city, offering bets on the Maine elections, and uniformly backing out when they are The Collector of Caatine not nor hat he been in our city for a year or more the aboe extract from the Atlas is every word and syllable a sheer fabrication, intomiod, like thoo a and other federal lies manufactured in this city, to operate on the Maine elections.

Tho illustrious Jefferson long gone by, said and has left it on record in his cor a' a a VI Hit) iicioa ae ia itaoana, to ine loin contain nothing of interest. Ibid. Thfcy The Cape Island pilot boat Leonidaa, Ptiei miles north of Cape May, fell in with the steamboat Convoy, from Philadelphia for New York, having mm ed her boiler, on Thursday last, received no other darnl age took her in tow and brought her safe to this citv" V. Hat. It appears by a weekly return of the Directors of the mint, made to the Secretary of the Treasury, that th value of gold coin and bullion deposited for cninngo during the months of June and Julv, waa $544,500 and that the whole amount coined from the 1st to the 8th of August, was 3 10,000.

We le am that a disturbance took place on Saturday and Sunday evonings, in Canal street, among several of the workmen employed in the Gas Works and others. One young man was considerably injured in aiding the watchmen to quell the row. A. Y. paper.

We learn from the Talkihasaee Floridian, that the subscription book to the Florida Peninsula and Jacksonville Railway Company, have been opened at Men ticello, and more than 100,000 already subscribed. Compensation for Losses. A French author says "when I lost my wife, every fanily in the town offered me another hut when I lost my horse no one offered to make him good." The Al'ch Strtor Thantn VU'tUAoinU'tn mnn.l ww IIMUUV IUIIIU JV.1JIU IUJT the season on Saturday evening, to a full house. mnSSE appointed atthe recent meeting in taneuil If all, offer a reward of Fifty Dollar, tn anv person who will give satisfactory leiulhw to the detection of any person concerned in the writing, 'i ting or Sec.o',ARLE!, COPY. "All persons giving Information in any shape, or festirving in Court against any one concerned in the late affair at liharlea.

town, may expect assaHaination, according to the oath which bound the party to eaoh other." win meeting of the WARREV FviVviS' f. ttrmor Charlestown, TO MOKKOW "vtorlT1 Dm iMW BU 27 JAMgj L. CA8WEL Asst Clerk. WORKICMKV ATTKXD. The working men of th.s cuv are reacted to assemble at the Oid Common Coun 1 Room in Court square nexl Thumlay evening, AngVist 28th ai lotu past 7 o'clock, for the numm Mead the Convention to be held at "Northamp Wednesday iu September next, and to transact such desired punctual attendance is 2t dug 27 LTGHTIF4VrRV hereof the Wasliington Light Infantrv are at the Armory TlllS EVB ZIZ siues. Per Order, JAMES L. BAUMB Ug'f7 1 11 1, MARRIED In this ci ty, by Rev Dr Sharp, John Peter Narr, of Surinam to Margaret Amelia Howard of Boston. On Sunday eveninjt. by Rev Mr iitnw.

nh.ri. Elizabeth Bogman. In Martiletiewl, Ambrose II. Atkins to Hannah P. Power la CJioucester, Capt Samuel Pearson to Mary iivis! 1 DIED.

City 2" Benjamin Stiurtleff Smith, only son of Hiram Smith Esq, year. wm rah gSSJTS' "IOruil1' Mi" Ncy, 'daughter of widow Sa Monday evening, David, son of David and Sophia Parker. yIeara.Ury' JVm 6odfrey aftr PnM Hlnesa of mS, Daniel Web In Broolini, Jacop Eustis, 75. Crowder, Wife Samuel Tilton, SO Bally Ann Maria wofMr Urenio Win. P.

Curtis, rector of St. Paul's Church, of that place, 45. silllN EWS 834. PORT OF BOSTONTUESDAY, August 26. ARRIVED.

Sch Sally Betsey, Crowell, New Sch Francis, Howes, New York. Sch Splendid, Howard, Philadelphia. Sch Pembroke, Phelan, Philadelphia. Sch Warsaw, Mavo, New York. Sch Magnolia, Couillard, Philadelphia.

Sch ov Robbius, Rogers, Calais. CLEARED Brigs North American, Nichols, St Thomas; Pplendid, Brim, tomb, Pjctou Lerwick, (Br) Moran, fit John', sch.TH ''g. (B0 Richards', Halifux, Rubv, (Br) Egett, Dorchester, Enterprise. (Br) Jameson. St John, Richmoi di Henry Franklin, Hatch, Philnd; Pearl, Lewis, Hart fordj Hylas, Goodrich, Portsmouth; Boston, Wood, Bath.

LIVERPOOL, July 24th Arr Andrew, Scott, Charleston? BenJ Rugl Tav lor, Mobile. for ldg, Nashua, Cringle, Boston; Plymouth, Herman, 5. tgers, do; Henry Lee, Pierce New i'ork. Sl'd 23d, Trenton, Human, and Grand Turk, Boston. AOVT' Pr'OU8 to Authentic Crosby, Ceorgetowa.

OfT Portland, Vesper Hunt, MaUnzas. Off the Wight, 19th, Plato, Harana, for Hamburg. At Amsterdam, 10th, Oak, Pears, Boston. At Helvott, 13, Janus, Bartleit, Boston. AtCowes, 18th, Mariaposa, Huwes, Mataiisna; Rapid, Le craw, do; Ecgene, Osgood, Batavia.

Welch, 2a daya from Smyrna, at Gibraltar 15th July, lur Boston. Shipping Lists to July 23. NEW YORK, Ang. 24th Arr barque Navarino, Smith, Ha vanna, 12 days. Left ship Factor and Tiber, unci barque Newt jb for Uostou brig Savage for do.

HZt "'wiK1'. Croixj Atlantic, Marshall, Port au Piatt; Schr. Convoy, Boston. Cl'd Sliips Rhone, Havre; Virginia, Liverpool; brig Ceres, Du.burg; schs If iiiImhi, Turk, Peqnot, and Empire, Bostou. 25th, arr miilp Geo.

Washington, lioldredxe, Liverpool, 31 ds. lassed smp Duncan fatm Chaikstou going in. Bria John, 1 Aug 4.h Arr brigs Philadelphia, Hall, Lamiiico; Pleiades. V'ouuir. I.ivrnont.

Sch Emperor, Mtudley, Lasuira, 18 ds. Lelt a brig fr Boa ton, arr 2 ds, name not known. ALEXANDRIA, Aug 22d Sl'd Belvidera, Wyer. Amsterdam. FOU 1JEI.FAST ON The schr PRESIDENT JACKSON, J.

D. Hinds, master, win sun as above lor fitipht or passage, WaBisrJ ncm LomiucrciBi Si, or to the master on board, at Eastern Packet Pier, aug 27 SHIP COMMODORE PREBLE, The superior coppered and copper ffisteiicd ship Commodore Prpbl. hnnKnn a kniirnf white ok, at Falmouth, under the tiumt diate inspection C. itix of her former owner, lor his own use. She is iu excellent order, having recently been overhauled at an expense of $2,5 0, coppered with heavy copper, has two chain cables, nearly new, two sets of sails but little worn, nr.dn very full inventory, for sale to close a coneru, by F.

E. WHITE 22 Long wharf. jy iU" The fatit sailing, coppered brig TEN SA Captaitt LcSrv. Averill. lias coinmencfd loading and will have patch.

For terms of freiirht or pasBase, having line accommodations, apply BON. 8 Central whf. to JAIV1LS ANDREWS Ji utc a 2 T1 4 mr wr. A new and uperior hite oak, copper fastened Ship i ii At Mr ai isjm. I41 I.4TKH FROM KMIOWC 1W the Washington, at New York, tendon papers to the till and Liverpool to the 2 ltd, hoth luni, li.tvr been received.

M.ith Slt ha nigned the I'rosidency of the and iuil of tho War, arid hua been auc ro. drd bv Marshal tteratd, Tho resignation of Hoult had cnuacd tiumberleaa rumor, till having military aspect. Some stating Ihnt be was to take command of en army tiboiit to onti Spain. Thi? arrival of Don Cnrlns pmn i no longer doubtful. A battle hrtweon lit forces, (represented to amount to 12,000 mm.) And those of i 'nm.

Hodil, was hortly expecud, Hi bunker in had been Arretted mid imprisoned. We ha heard on good authority, that tho cauae of Pon t'ttiloa'a speed dpar tun from London, win the return of a courier from Vi una, who, in anawer to a tntwN ir from tin? nvl exile, to the head of tha Holy A lli.mee, brought buc the uaaurunre of thene deapota, they would recognize htm King of Spain, on hia appearance in that country. We do not know ol ourselves whothnr thin ia initio correct, hut we believe it to hi? imtinly so. London Sun. The flazctte de France of the lHlh atutoa, on the authority of a letter from Jaaay, that the united English nnd I'rrnrh fleet hail demnnded from the Porto, and obtained permission to pa as into the Ifosphorua, and Hint mini? forty men of war wore lying off Oon Mantiiiople.

This was, however, doubted by all theEng lifdj pnpora. The llritish fleet in the Mediterranean had landed 1000 or 1200 marines near Smyrna hut precisely for wh it purpose, doom not appear. There is evidently a sWona; fooling of distrust between the tiundrupla Allium on the one hand, consuming of England, France, Spain Portugal, uud tho Northern Dnapnta oa the other. The I'oor Law Hill was read a second time in the lloum of Lords, July 2lt, by a vote of 76 to IS. On the Mime fvi iiinpt hi the ilouae of Conimona, the Ii mh t'oi rcion Hill was roud a aecond time yeaa 110, noea 2.

TSirkry. Tho ndvices received from Constantinople teud to the belief, that tit no dixtunt period a colliaion will take place between the I'li wiunn and the Turka. It appenra that active prcparatioim are going forward in etroiigtheniug the fortiliraliona lit the DMtdnnrllea and the and it is mtid that Turkey ia concentrating a force of between 25,000 and 80,000 men, for what purpose, however, ia nt proaent merely conjectured. Our aummary coutaina anme particulara respecting the trial and aentencc of Colcotroni, together with the opiuiona of the correspondent of lie London Morning I lern Id on the preiient condition of (ireece. In Germa Jiy, the npirit of depoti on in still exerting itaelf againat the rhta of num, liy iutevpoiug harriera to prevent the didtHion of intelligence.

AH foreign journals, except the 1'aris Monitenr, are by a recent meaaure, directed to undergo a censorship before they are allowed to be read. The poor Hermann, Maya the London Courier, have yet audi a weak intellect that their mental food muat be niarfMculed by then (Jovernmenta before they can digest it. The cholera panic in Madrid had conaiderably aubsid ed. The Queen Kegent has once more taken up her residence at the I'alaee. Samoa surrendered on the 24th May, without reaiat anoe, to the Turkish tluet.

Mm hits. Diftrjimf, Jnfff 23. Alter taking aalea on tha 1 fit inn. Home onilernhle purchase wre made, which hia tpt fi'lloMtM Mji iti veek with miry liravytiiiaineMaalei ili lunl finir (ln, wi.O'lf) bnKK, which tnclii(lta 5200 on pwuln tiou, nidi lOOOlbr epnrt ncr ttnfly have hvcn ailvancinx. Tlu Htt ai enuiiu tiftve cuiMfd inrthHr niK'auce In yarn at Mhii iliritter, wifh hnvy huntnri tlotiift the nrrivata have thia week been trifling.

ln' thucco ihur. ha beau Utile doinf thia ihivtt. Lattt ermine oar tnarkela closed with lcea animation, nnd this morning the bminrsa doing ia ltiuited. Jour, t'om. IT.

S. Sank. It appears from the statement, which was published in this p.iper of the 15th that the balance againat "Jiaring, Mothers London, waa, on the 1st of August, 4,261,201 dollars. Thia, in pluin LnglUh, ia the amount of British Exchange, which the Hank has purchased on speculation, and remitted to its agents in otidon, and for which the Bunk can draw, whenever the price becomes so high, that a satisfactory profit etui be made by it. A considerable poition was no doubt purchased at 2 or 3 per cent, discount, and perhaps at a lower rate and prob ublv none waa taken at a price above par.

About half a million was purchased during tlte month of July. Thus, while tho Pank has been diminishing ita loans, and iucrcasing ita specie, measures, which Mr Biddle were necessary, iti order "to provide for the safety nnd to maintain the credit of tho Bank' and whieh, he also saya, "were as painful to the Board of Directors as to the community il haa, it seems, been in the first place, 1v Its "necessary running down the price of F.xchnnge, compelling the holders, by the torture of its thumb screics, to sell at any ptice nnd then, when reduced to its lowest rate, it privately buys up, at that lowest rate, all It can procure, to tho amount of no less a sum than four millions of dollars and upwards A very fine speculation this. The price is now 6 to 7 per cent, above par, giving a profit to the Bank of 8 to 9 per or between 3 and 400, 000 dollars, on the supposition that the bills were pur tit two per cent, discount, the rate at which it is known a very large portion was procured. The price this fall and winter will, no doubt, be much higher and king Nicholas will not sell, till the rate is at its mcxitnum. How long will tho merchants, the shippers of produce, the growers of cotton, advocate and support an institution, a voracious, blood thirsty, unfeeling monster, which is gnawing into their very vitals, and constantly eucking from iheiu their cry life's blood? How long will they tolerate an unpiincipled monied corporation, which can and does, at its pleasure make money scarce nnd reduce the prices of all property, and then, by mo op.diing certain species of property, raise the price, and sell hi an immense profit thus levying con tuhutioiw upon the industry of the community, to be divid.

amongst iu eUi. stockholders, the English nobility and great Ameiicau capitalists? "What devil i t. that hath cozeu'd ye at hoodmau blmd .1 federal city paper yeotday aays, "We understand that the Collector of Cystine is prowling about our city, oilering bets on the Maine election and uni backing out. The understanding of the editor above alluded to, is as good as usual in this case, tvtt riii. The Collector of Castiae is not in the city, nor has he been here recently And aa for bets, the federalists are ull brag they don't intend to bet on Fprague's election as Governor of Maine Amt furioua onnoaition.

J'he inflow ma: are extract from a apnech made in the Henato of the U. Btatea, by 'elrgr Nirtiqiir, the federal candidate for (iovertior of Maine it "I ahould be falae to nil hwtory aaid he in the fr. H. Herinte on the 2fth of January hint fulo to human nnhtrtt fale to holy writ, if I could ao flatter the protie aa to ltd! them that they are exempt from Ihnlgnmt heactting A THONLMS TO ATIH It ia of the ATI UK of man TO WOU SMIP Till; V(KKS OF HIS OWN HAMKSrii To HOW DOWN TO IIMU Wbich Till' ha. et kj.

l'eeble, fnllible mortala like themaelvee are cannoid and iti ijieti. In the par o'VULUldttotum, TI1KY ARK RKIY n'rifit 'ir righta their tiberti HILDKF.N, and thnnc, It "So $tranx thi proci.ivitt of our pe net to idolatry, that if there were to bk a government HKMT DIHKCTLY FROM IIF.AVKN. TtTtH fear that it would F.N OA I FS CONTINUANCK Pray, tell ua, Mr nank'a man," what nartv waa it that "endangered" the government aent from Hcav enMthttt of Miaa i tiwia the parly that worship pctt the tiOLDEN OAI.r Phe respectable Haily is ateepin over anew the ea Ays of the ei ambassador, published in 1832, just be fore in late rreaidontiu! election. Its sensibilities are shocked at the immoralities of Democracy, and it exhibits the amusing apectacle of reading the following homily aAer having tacitly, if not expresaly, approved of the acts ol the Federal mob, which broke into the Arsenal, in New York, and seized the public guns to shoot down the Democratic voters and the Federal outrage of mutilating the Const itution and, in fact, all the acts of violence which have disgraced the Bank party, from the tirades of ita purchased Senators, down to the shil hng an hour bullies. Hear its sweet accents "Example eyer teaches louder than precept and the man, who lend, his aiit to raise a corrupt or an in! eiht'r' 1 rnti ol to Vt useful nut he lets them seehim support the grosa ignorant for othce.

Ha put. tllZ in a stJre or to a trade, to gam an honest livelihood by industry and perseverance, and yet lets them see him 'support reckless adventurers. He takci them to church, to imbibe me leaaons of moral it nnd whole effect of those lessons, bv aivimr hi. are marted with a disregard of ou. consideration of every parent how far he can consistently contribute to the elevation of men, whose advancement thus tends to corrupt public sentiment." And this homily is from the paner that nmnnn.

till supports, Henry Clay for the first offir. u. fimibhi outuexier, and that ui me u. oiaies. I The reception of the President in Tennessee has been such as must afford great pleasure to him, while it reflects high honor upon the State.

A Committee of the State Convention now in session at Nashville, was appointed to consider and report the most suitable manner of testifying the respect of that body for the distinguished guest of the State. This Committee subsequently reported an Address the President, in which his many services are very hand omely recapitulated, and which embraced a resolution that "the Convention will adjourn its ordinarv for the purpose of meeting and receiving in the Hall of the Convention, the President of the United States, and that the President of die Convention be requested to carry this resolution into effect." Tho President's reply is peculiarly happy, and concludes with an assurance that he will embrace an early opportunity of visiting Nashville, for the purpose of paying ha personal respects to the members of the Convention. The Rioters. We learn from the Bulletin Board of the Mechanic's Reading Room, that the Justice rw at East Cambridge, was employed onttl 4 o'clock, F. yesterday, in the examination of Marvin Marcy, the son of a Constable and Tuvern keeper, at East Camw bridge.

lie evidence introduced on the part of the Government implicates him very deeply in the burning of the Nunnery and the Bishop's Lodge. At the latter place he acted a very conspicuous part as a mock auctioneer, consigning to the flumes the books belonging to the Bishop's Library, as fust as they were knocked off, until the whole were consumed. 1 Je was fully committed. A a meeting 0r the Board ol Overseers of Harvard Iliiversity was holden on Monday, at which resolutions were passed declaring that the students have no just claim to exemption from prosecution before the civil and criminal tribunals of the Commonwealth that the proceedings of the President and Faculty in relation to the recent disturbances meet the entire approbation of the Board and that the circular published by the Senior Class "is of a disorderly character, and entirely incon aistent with the station and duties of undergraduates at that Jit the Warren, they are going to do business in the good old style this evening, when Mr and Miss Pel by and Mr F. S.

Hill, all make their first appearance this season, in the Hunchback. There is to be a grand Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music at the Temple, this evening. The bill is very attractive, and will probably collect a brilliant audience. It was rumored, yesterday, that the Bank "Chloride of Lime" Committee had commenced operations at the Branch in this citv. The Mayor and Aldermen have accepted the invitation of the Young Men of Boston, to join in the procession in honor of the memory of Lafayette, on the 6th of September next.

The Provideuce Railroad is now completed to Canton, 14 miles. The Worcester Railroad will be opened to Hopkiuton, 24 miles, in about a fortnight. There were 66 deatlw by cholera in New York, during the three days ending on Monday at 12 o'clock M. There have been no additional cases of cholera in Washington. The Salem Gazette states that Mr Durant's Balloon was seen by many persons in that town.

commenced the attack on Jionelly, and peraiated in continuing though the latter repeatedly declined hia challenge to fight that Newell knocked him down, and kicked him, and blacked hia eye that Donelly took up a pair of aciaaora, uud applied them to hut hruiaed eye, for the purpose of arresting the awelling of it, by the coldneaa of the ateel, and that while thua engaged in preventing the discoloration of hia eye from the effecla of the blow he liad received, Newell again attneked him, and then received the mortal wound, by the atab from the aciaora. Newell waa a runaway convict, and bore a very 1nd character. KxtHtiiimUou to lt coiuiuued. Edward M'Urady, a juvenile Jack tar of very pre poaaeaaing appearance, profeeed to have no recollection of anything that happened on Mondny night, except that he waa pretty well aowed up, and had had hia head atove to pieces in the lock room. It turned out in evidence, however, that thia laat mishap did not occur till Ned had knocked one landlubber into a cellar, and capsUed two apecinl landaharka into the gutter, for which indignity he expreaaed no contrition, hut seemed to think, that he might do the aame again, if circumstances rendered it, in hia sober judgment, neccaaary.

$3,00 and coats. Mary Orrintun had the misfortune to incur the ill will of a constable some months since, by promising to testity againat a frail sister, upon condition that he should not compluin againat her, as a contrabandist hut when brought to the stand, and the oath duly administered, ahe had never seen any thing in the conduct of her fair compeer, to uaeher own language "that I ahould call out of the way." Afier having called her for a witness in behalf of his own prosecution, Mr. Officer could not with propriety, turn round and prosecute her for out genera lling him on the spot, but has kept a constunt watch for her since, and yesterday morning she was brought in, and, to avoid too glaring an expose, and to deprive the officer of an opportunity of gratifying his Indian memory, she pleaded guilty, and received a sample of the Coart's mercy, in the shape of five months. The following official account of Mr Durant's ascension on Monday, we copy from the evening papers of Tuesday: To the Editors of the Evening Papera i Gentlemen The delightful weather yesterday after noon, enabled me to anticipate the hour of departure from the amphitheatre, though a delay of a few minntes been W1 yet with every rrty 8UC lavornwe weather, 1 deemed it best to unmoor, test a flaw of wind should rupture the oanoon, or some uniormnnie event should cause a de lay, or perhaps entire fuilure, for in thia situation, while retained by cords on the earth, the balloon is much more liable to accident than while floating in the air. The balloon was in perfect condition, and the decomposition of the water, in consequence of very good mato yials, was entirely successful, and met my most sanguine expectations.

Seeing the amphitheatre well filled at that early hour, I deemed it best to unmoor, and accordingly severed the last cord at 31 minutes past 4, by my time, and the balloon rose in beautiful style, though with more buoyancy than I deemed necessary, and I opened the valve to avoid the upper and more westerly current, which was settinglowards the ocean. Before I could stop the i upward motion oi me Dai loon, found myself in this current, though the wind was here so light that I was I uniiosi stationary, moving to the eastward, though so slowly as to require one hour at least lo attain a sufficient easterly position to allow the rabbit and parachute to reach Boston. As I was then over the Back Bay, I judged the best plan to give the spectators a view of the descent of the rabbit, would be to keep in the lower current, and thus reach the land on the western side of the Back Bay At 4h 49m 1 judged myself sufficiently over the land, and let go the rabbit. The barometer then stood at 26.02, the thermometer 68 deg in four minutes after, I saw him land. A number of persons, on foot and in carriages, hastened to the spot, and caught the parachute before it touched the earth.

Finding there was not sufficient wfnd to wait me a great distance, I judged it would be most interesting to keep as low as possible, to afford the spectators a distinct view of the oerbstat, and by occasionally letting off gas and ballast, I was enabled to keep so low as to hear distinctly the remarks of the inhabitants below. The roads appeared lined with carriages, hastening towards Cambridge for which place my course was directed, and with so little wind I judged it practicable with assistance to return to Boston, with the balloon inflated. I accordingly made preparations to descend, and at 14 minutes past 5, I passed over Mount Auburn, sufficiently low to have anchored, but seeing a clear field beyond, I let go the anchors in the road, a short distance from the house of Mr. Bird. A number of gentlemen came to my assistance is a few seconds, and having tripped the anchors I started for Boston with the balloon inflated, but had progressed only a few hundred feet when I found the resistance which the balloon made to the wind, and the probable injury to the numerous equipages which were now collected, (by frightening the horses) rendered it prudent to exhaust the balloon of its gass.

I was conducted to a grass field on the side of the road, where I was rendered every assistance to fold the balloon, which is not injured in the least degree. By this time a great many equipages had arrived from Boston, and I had the pleasure of a seat in the chaise with my friends, Mr. Town and Mr. whom I had left one hour, before in the Amphitheatre. 1 arrived at the Tremont a few minutes past 6, enjoying my usual good health and spirits.

I feel uuder many obligations to the gentlemen who kindly assisted me to alight and convey my apparatus to the city, and likwise to those who assisted me at the Amphitheatre, and to the citizens generally for their many marks of polite attention. At starting, Barometer 30.08, Fahrenheit 73 greatest elevation at 4h 40m, Barometer 25.42, Thermometer 66 equal to an elevation of about 4186 Yours, C. F. DURANT. arWmowf House, 26th August, 1834.

Arrival Extraordinary. On Monday last, there arrived at Princeton Basin, (N. by the way of the Delaware and Raritan Canal, the steamboat Macoc. She is owned by a gentleman of Schenectady, and was built in Vermont. Her model is new her wheels are in the stern, und are altogether exposed to view.

She is ninety feet in length, and about twenty in breadth. Her speed in the canal was from five to ten miles per hour and she is so constructed 89 that, even at that rate, there is little or no wash on the banks. She is intended to be run ou the Catahoochie river, in Georgia. learn that experiments were made with her for the purpose of testing the practicability of navigating the Canal by means of vessels propelled by steam but have not learned the result. Democrat.

iiiii.iu.iMui whw.h ii i ni minim Good. The person arrested, a few days since, for stealing newspapers from the doors of subscribers, in New York, has been sentenced to the Penitentiary to hard labor for one month. respoiKicuce, respecting me teoerul party, that "lies were a that remmntd to them." We hope the democratic papers in Maine will give a wide circulation to thia nailing to the counter of this Boston federal falsehood, aa it will show lo the people of Maine, how little reliance is to he placed in the statements of the federal papers in this quarter, which are so kindly endexivoring to instruct the doamcrats of Maime who to choose for their Governor. From the Washington Globe. ELKCT ION NEWS.

Alabama. This State has done its duty moat nobly. The coalition of Nationals and Nullifiera, which, it was supposed, with the co operafion of the Bunk, would make a most formidable impression, is defeated. It was hoped, by these nllias, that the President's fearless discharge of his duties during the troubles last winter, in this State, would enable them to crush the democracy in the election just past, and supplant Mr. King in the Senate of the nited Stutea.

Hia colleague in the Senate, Gabriel Moons, has hitherto been somewhat cautious, when among hia constituents, in denouncing the President, boldly took to the field ou his late return to Alabaiiis and at a Bank Jubilee dinner, at which an otlicer of the Bank presided, assailed the Adminis irauon in a strain which showed his confidence of the success of the coalition. The independent planters of A LI I a luuumu uave prostrated me nopes ol tiie busy factions which have harrassed that State with their selfish intrigues. The Flag of the Union of the 7th, says TRIUMPH. "NuIllnVatinn and Federalism are prostrat, and will remain hurried beneath the overwhelming influence of Democratic principle. The coalition party nre literally demolished.

Monday lat Win ft nroilli nnd rlnrinna Hhv ti. county la redeemed and regenerated. The allegation that the i miens oi our county were rally ing under the Federal and ailment ion llanner, ia falsified and put to flight. Yes, Tuscaloosa has covered ht rgelfwith irlorv. inni mitt dav ia Augimt, 1834, be remembered.

It will be an rn from wnence to date our entire emancipation from the tatluunees of the pawpaw and buck eye party" Tuscaloosa is the irreat citadel of nnnoaitinn nnurar The party, (we have no doubt the Bank as a principal of the partv.) set ud a Daoer. atvlod tho Sfnf Ari I I vb m. mus, nj gencer, as an official organ there, like the National In 11! rr a iciiigencer. i ms print tnus speaks in the humiliation of defeat "Oct: ASIOW4I. nn iui u1.

1 L' iv. iu nnvc Clear SKV mid a hriirht nrnnnn'l mil uhn that (.. viniiiin MMP sess any reanoiiHble share of firmness would suffer his mind to despond, in reference to the future, hecai Ittf tlM Ofllllfl IKkt htttro mm vwu sun shine for the nrnnnnt "These questions have been suggested by the tone of despon dencv In wlitrh inrn r.1' mir IMuml. haw. thu ....1.

of the late election in this county." After eivine a long account of the "in tluvnre were brought to bear with some effect, in favor of me cause oj inc union Democrats, he concludes thus "These facts, however, do not in our opinion, afford any cause of discouragement to the friends of constitutional liber, ty. They indeed may assure us that an overlv popular Ps dent, possessing military fame, especially if he be of an impatient and ambitious temper, si a most dangerous thing; iu our republic." A fter these melancholy admissions from the coalition organ, it is hardly necessary to enter into the details of the defeat presented in the Flag of the Union. It gives a list of tho elected Union men, with the votes in the counties of Tuscaloosa and Pekins, showinc a maioritv of two to one. It then gives a list of upwards of thirty Union men elected in other counties and only two Nullifiers, or coalition candidates, are reported as sue? cessful. In Illinois, all, as far as we have received returns, goes well for the democracy.

Gen. Duncan and Mr. Kenney were both run as Jackson candidates. Gen. D.

was always elected as such to Congress. His late course in proposing a bank has, we understand, given some dissatisfaction. The friends of the Administration, as far as we have information, have been successful in the Congressional elections. InJYorth Carolina, our intelligence is, that the democracy supporting the President will return their usual majority to the State Legislature. The Richmond Whig and the National Intelligencer says it is no test! In Indiana, there are no congressional elections this year.

Noble, the former Governor, is re elected first as a. Clay man. The following article from the Kentucky Gazette, confirms a statement which we heard sometime ago, viz that Mr. Noble had given up Mr. Clay and declared himself for Col.

Johnson and this accounts for the fact that the Jackson candidates for the Legislature were successful in many counties where Noble earned large majorities. The Gazette says "Gen. Noble is nn dnuht wtttaA tji rein receiveu. uen. is a warm supporter of Col.

Johnson for the next Presidency." It will be remembered, that Indiana has never given a vote in a national contest against the democratic candidate. She will he found steadfast to her principles in the next Presidential contest. nru .1. Disturbances in a Church The Reformed Scotch Presbyterian Chutch, in Chamber street, has, we understand, for some time past, been involved in the discussion of queslions concerning ecclesiastical preferments and temporalities, in the Court of Chancery of this State. The Chancellor, (as may be seen by his opinion lately published in the Evening Post,) dissolved an injunction granted by the Vice Chancellor of this Circuit, restraining the adherents of the late Dr McLeod and his son to the use of the Church only every alternate Sabbath, und by the reversal granting to them the sole and exclusive possession of the Church and its temporalities.

From this decision the opposite party have appealed to the Court of Errors, and contending that this appeal is a suspension of the effect of the Chancel jui uccision, ana a revival of tlie injunction, they yes terday, at au early hour, vi et arrnis. with crowbars uu ciuus, oroae open and entered the Church, which had been locked and double bolted and barred by the McLeod party, and having effected admission, went through the ordinary ceremonials of Divine Service Y. Times. The Whig Nullifiers are particularly distressed at the omission of the inscription 'E pluribus unura" from the new gold half eagles. If the translation given by tie Whig journals be correct 'W ar one," the feelings of the Nullifiers must have been greatly outraged by the omission So far from baing "one," if Nullification I I a 1 coma oe pustiedto its ultimatum, we should be at least twenty four separate, rival, conflicting, and certainly very miserable "sovereignties." llbany Argus.

The last report of the Albany Board of Health, mentions only one death by cholera, and consider it no longer necessary to make daily reports. Three or four cases have occurred in the city of Washingtonand, indeed, in every place we hear from, but the disease does not produce a panic any where as formerly. At Montreal on the 20th, there were only 19 cases and 7 deaths. A duel took place at Lynchburg, Va. between William W.

Lambert and William W. ftavis. The meeting was caused by a communication made by the latter through the Uichmond Enquirer under the head of 'Lex The challenge was sent by the former. Mr Davis received the fire of his opponent, and then discharging hi pistol in the air, advanced and remarked, "I now feel justified to myself in making a proper apology to you." The affair was then satisfactorily settled. UUU VI HflIUWitj5 Mill.

viz 25 feet beam, 115 feet length, 19 feel inches depth. l'M about three inches swell on a side, a house ou aid ta built iu a mot thorough manner. For further partlcul ir 1" JAMES ANDREWS SON, aug 15 mm Coiuraf wharf. FOR EW OR LEA XU. PACKEt7.IN E.

The superior taut sailing, coppered ship LOU ELU iff 1 Crocker, master, having half a freight J3" nd going on board at Commercial hint have immediate despatch. For freight or rnssaw, iP' 10 aug 21 isUp g. R. ALLEN. HO Miik street..

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