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Semi-Weekly Standard from Raleigh, North Carolina • Page 1

Raleigh, North Carolina
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

4. 1 .4. 1 ni 1 ST Ik C-V. .7 is 1 Va jf lis THE Unrflj-Corflltnfl A NEJV WHOLESALE WlUONicILVVAINRVhl WILLIAM W. HOLD EN, 1 I i ft I TOTAp AND-OFFER FOR'SlLEtfilf MM tinuRuaiiv large Stock of Onodn iht No.

64. winfteverxvamty of Me's, JFomes an ChUdreW TRUNKS, VALISES AND CARPfiT-JBAGS, 7 BOLBjisaUppEJi LEATHERS, SHOE Aar Av Sola Wholesale Ag Bts MitchellN.MptalUTippeO- Boots, tUtt' And Shoes for. Boya Metthtois.rot;iaTWd to-4. examine their stock r.d lMdeeTmipdvy sballcompete success illy with fceri ot i HT UrdB prompfly anrj carefully Uedde4 to by on 1 of the firm. John aOHN.McILWAlNJSV 5 W- ROBERTS September 5, '7TtffT LAND FOR SALE: -st "I ACRES OF LAND, SITTJATBD OR lihta' rmz M.

on both uidtsof the road lead ns from Greeb-viile to aud just Ihw miles-fitimiGrtenTHWi The tract contains acres of. of it unof grown up in pine sbeailtfthft lacKof forcelo cultivate it. About 45 or 50 acres 6f it is rtchswamfii aid jcan; easily droined. Oq one of the swamp iJrHUkj-' Bell and Mr William Brookahsve cleared ome next to us of their part'of the swatup, which oriBgfroia, -ten to lwelve barrels ot coru to the acre." A Nearly alfof the up htnd ia clert1' very sort of land to manure and improve npon. Manure that is put upon it aaiDly shows for itself.

vA Janre-por, tion of it js well adaplWo cotton, an4 would bsa'TaWi ble plantation if avme man owned it who had force enough to improve it, and put It in a good state of cultivation; The land has a good -dwelling house" upon s-with a beautiful oak grove, a splendid well of pure water, and is a very pretty place to live, at, Ao. Said land also an orchard of fine fruit Jiersons wishing to purchase land, would do well to look; and examine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. I am determined to sell. iJLeXSQX June 13, 1860, "b-fim. WARRENTON FEMALE, CDWLJB! Warrenton, N.

C. ,7 THE FALL SESSION WILL BEGIN ON DAY, the 25th of JULY, i860. In ndditian to the Department of English in- strnction will be given in the Latin, Greek, French and 1 German Languages, Vocal aud Instrumental Music, Painting, Drawing, Ac. Terms rou Five Months (half in advance!) Boaad, including Lights, 4c, 90, 00 Washing and Fuel, 7 60 English Tuition, SQt fl5 00, $17-50 Ancient and Mod. Languages, Music, PaintingJ Warrenton ha been long and favorably known for the healtbfulness of its location and for, its superior advantages for the education of Young Ladies.

With a full corps of well-qualified Teachers we afford thorovgh instruction in the solid and. practical, as well as in the ornamental branches. Pupils boarding in the College will be under the constant supervision of the President and Teachers, and will receive that care and attention necessary to promote their health and comfort. Please address E. E.

PARHAM, A. M.t July 3, I860. --5 RICHMOND AND RAILROAD. ThronghFrei gH ETWEEN RICHMOND AJD NORTH-CAROLINA FROM THE 9th DAY OF MARCH UNTIL the 1st of September next, the Freight and Accommodation trains on this road will leave Richmond and Petersburg on MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, at eight o'clock, A. instead of nine o'clock, as before.

Arrangements have been made by this Company for ihe prompt and punctual forwarding' and delivery of all produce, goods, or ether articles of freight designed for transportation, either way, between Richmond and points between Petersburg and Raleigh, Ridgeway, Greensborjough, Salisbury and Charlotte, North-Carolina, at low rates; with- i out any charge, for forwarding, storage, Ac. All such arti- cles sent to should be consigned and markeo "To the care of the, Freight Agent of the Richmond and Petersburg Railroad, at by whom they will be promptly forwarded. As. to rates Of tolls on the roads south of Petersburg (which they require to be prepaid as far as Raleigh,) information may be had at the Depot of this Company at Richmond. T.

H. WYNNE, 0 R. P. R. July 25, 66 tf.

VALUABLE HAW RIVER LAND FOR. SALE. HAVING RESOLVED TO REMOVE TO now offer for sale some of tbe most valuable lands, -lying on the waters of Haw river and its tributaries, that can be found in Alamance countji K'-v 1 WILL SELL the tract of land on which -I now lrom the Company Work Shops of the N. 6. Central Railroad, Ac, containing 400 acres more or less, 150 of whtca.4-is in a good state of cultivation, and all the rest ori- ginal forest.

This land is well- adapted, to the-growth of all kinds of grain common in this -country? and; above" superbly adapted to the growth of the finest is well watered with pure andever faUrag.springs, nd ig well supplied with good meadows, and it, has large orchards of both Apples and Peaches, of good varieties of kinds of fruit. It has a first rate Dwelling. House and Kitchen, good Still Honse nd Tobacco-Barn and, In a word, all necessary buildings for tbe. comfort and-safety of farmer. The fences are all good, a good 2lill within three-quarters of a mile, and a very good Mi.Il Seat pn the land.

This land lies ten miles north-west of Graham, in as healthy and as civil a neighborhoodvt 'any that tjaiHbe found. Any person desiring to purchasegooa jsnd" like this, would do well to come and view mine before buying elsewhere. For further particulars, address G. Wi PALMER Shallow Ford P. O.

November 1, 1859. s. THE SHORTEST ROUTE TO FLORIDA. 5 EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TBRMS OF THE WE Two JoUare per annum invariably in advance.

TERMS OF THE SEMI-WEEKLYWom DoUart per anum, invariably in "vy All fivers are dicontinued at the expiration of the time for which thfjf have heepaid Rate or Advertising ia SesiWeekly Standard. Our regular rates of advertising are as follows: One sqiu'rc, (14 lines or less) nrst insertion, fl 00 Each subsequent insertion, 2.5 linger advertisements in proportion. Contracts will be made with advertiser, at the above rate, for six or twelve months, and at the close of ilu- contract 33 pv cent, will be deducted from the gross amount. Professional or business Cards, not exceeding fire lines, be inserted in either the "Weekly or Semi-Weekly, for for six months, or flr for twelve months; or in both lor 10 for six months, for twelve months. Rates of Advertising in' Weekly Standard.

One dollar per square for the first insertion, and twenty-five cents for each subsequent insertion No deduction, wdi made r.n VHy aicertisetnenis, no matter how long they mm run. Only a limited number of advertisments will be admitted into the Weekly. All advertisements, not otherwise directed, are inserted in thai Semi- Weekly, and charged accordingly- When the number of insertions is not marked on the advertisement it ia inserted uutir forbid. Money sent ns by mail is at our 'isk. BY AUTHORITY.

LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. ji(ncJ at the First Session of the Tfiirtj-Stventh Congress. Public -84 AN ACT making appropriations for the legislative, executive, and judicial exp-nJES of tfovernment for the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty- one. NORTHKST EXECUTIVE BUILDING. For compensation of, four watchmen and two laborers of lire Northeast Executive Building, 'three thousand six hundred dollars.

tr contingent expenses of said building, viz: for fuel, repairs, and miscellaneous expenses, four thousand live hundred dollars. TREASURY DEPART VENT. For compensation of the Secretary of the Treasury, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, clerks, messenger, assistant mesei)irer, and laborers in bis othce, forty-eight thousand hundred dollars. For compensation of the First Comptroller.aod the clerks, messenger, and laborers in his office, twenty-eight thousand thrte hundred and forty dollars. For compensation of the Second Comptroller, and the clerks, messenger, aud laborer iu his office, twenty-six thousand eight hundred Hud forty dollars.

For compensation of the Fust Auditor, and the clerks messenger, assistant messenger," and laborer in his office, tlnrih live thousand nine huudred aud forty dollars. For compensation of the Second Auditor, and the clerks, me-sengcr, assistant messenger, and laborer in his office, ttiirtv-tive thousand five hundred and forty dollars. For compensation of the Third Auditor, and clerks, messenger, and laborers in his office, one' hundred and thirty- wo thousand six hundred and forty do lars, and that the twenty-nine clerks now transferred by the Secretary of the Treasury from the Third Auditor's Otlice to other bureaus of the Treasury Department, shall be permanently rausferred to those offices, and taken from that of the Third Auditor; but nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to take from- the several heads of ununis the power to transfer clerks temporarily froni urn- office or bureau to another. For compensation of the Fourth Auditor, and the clerks, messenger, and assistant- messenger in his office, tweuty-six thousand eight hundred and four dollars and seventy-two cents. For compensation of the Fifth Auditor, and the clerks, messenger, and laborer in his office, seventeen thousand eight hundred and forty dollars.

For compensation of the Auditor of the Treasury for the Tost Otlice Department, aud the clerks, messenger, assistant messenger, and laborers in his office, oue hundred and seventy-two thousaud three hundred and fortv dollars. For compensation of the Treasurer of the tTnited States, and the clerks, niessenger.assistant messenger, and laborers in his otlice, twenty-seven thousand three hundred and forty dollars. For compensation of the Register of the Treasury, and the clerks, messenger, assistant messenger, and laborers in his otlice, fifty-one thousand nine hundred and forty dollars. For compensation of the Solicitor, of the Treasury, and ihe and messenger iu his office, seventeen thousand one hundred and forty dollars. For compensation of the Commissioner of Customs, and the clerks, messenger, and laborer in his office, twenty thousand four hundred and forty dollars.

For compensation of the clerks, messenger, and laborer ot the Light-house Board, nine thousand two hundred and forty dollars. CONTINGENT EXPENSES OP THK DEPARTMENT. In the effice of the Secretary of the Treasury: For copying, blank-books, stationery, binding, sealing ships' regis. era. translating foreign languages, advertising, and extra clerk hire for preparing and collecting information to be laid before Congress said clerks to be employed only during the session of Congress, or when indispensably necessary fb enable the department to answer some cail made by either house of Congress at one session to be an-swered at another; and no such extra clerk shall receive more than three dollars and thirty-three and one third cents per day for the time actnaUhand necessarily employedand for miscellaneous items, twelve thousand dollars.

In the office of the First Comptroller: For furniture, blank-books, binding, stationery, public documents, State and territorial statutes, and miscellaneous items, one thousand eight hundred dollars. In the office of the Second Comptroller: For blank-books, binding, stationery, pay for the National Intelligencer aud Constitution, ta be filed and preserved for the use of the office, office furniture, and miscellaneous items, one thousand two hundred dollars. In the office of the First Auditor: For blank-books, binding, stationery, office furniture, and miscellaneous items, including subscription for the Constitution aud National Intelligencer, to be filed for the use of the office, one thousand five hundred dollars. In the office of the Second Auditor: For blank-books, binding, stationery, office furnitnre.and miscellaneous items, including two of the daily city newspapers, to be filed, bound, and preserved for the use of the office, one thousand two hundred dollars. In the office of the Fourth Auditor For stationery, books, binding, labor, and miscellaneous items, one thousand dollars.

In the office of the Fifth Auditor: For blank bdbks, binding, stationery, office furniture, carpeting, and miscellaneous expenses, in which are included I wo daily newspapers, tight hundred dollars. In the office of the Treasurer For blank-books, binding, stationery, and miscellaneous items, one thousand dollar. In the office of the Register: For ruling and full-finding books for recording collectors' quarterly abstracts of commerce and navigation, and blank ausiracis lor tneir use, Dtanic books, nding, arid statione- arpeting, Lieht-house Board or blank-books, binding, stationery, miscellaneous ex penses, and postage, six'hundred dollars. For tie General Purposes of the Southeast Executive Build- including the Extension, and the Building occupied I'U the Attorney General and the First Apditor. For compensation of twelve watchmen and eleven laborers of the-Sout heast Executive Building, thirteen thousand eight hundred dollars.

ror cont ingent expenses of said bnilding, fuel, light, and miscellaneous items, ten thousand dollars. DEPARTMENT OF THB INTERIOR. For compensation of the Secretary of the Interior, and the clerks, messengers, assistant messengers, watchmen. Mid laborers iu his office, thirty-six thousand nine huudred dollars. For compensation of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, and the recorder, draughtsman, assistant draunhtgman, clerk, messengers, assistant messenpefS, packers, watchmen, and laborers in his Office, one hundrSd and seventy-three thousand eight hundred aud ninety dollars.

For additional clerks in the General Land Office, under the act of third March, one thousand eigti. hundred and ntty-hve, granting bounty land, and for laborers employed bfiy-e'ight thousand four hundred dollars? Provided, 1 hat the Secretary of the Interior, at his discretion, fuiall be, and he is hereby, 'authorized to use any portion ot said appropriation for piece work, or by the day, week, month, or year, at Such rate or raies as he may deem just and fair. 'i To enable the Secretary of the Interior to carry into ef-tec the act approved the sixteenth of May, eighteen bnn-a red and sixty an additional lund district in Wash ngton Territory, eight thousand dollars: ovided, That fwtid sum shall he paid out of the proceeds of the sale of land in said district, and not otherwise. ror compensation of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 8D i messenger assistant messenger, watchmen and laborers in his office, thiftt-oa thousand Dine hundred aud forty dollars. For compensation of fire extra- clerk employed fn the: Tr office' nnder acts of August five, eighueen hundred and nrtv-lour and March three, eighteen hundred and fifty-m and under appropriations made from jear to year, ev-' en thousand dollars.

Vt For compensation of one clerk itt the tndian en Ployed to enable tbe Secretary of the Interior to carry ut the regulations prescribed to give effect to the seventh section of the act of third hundred and fifty "ikro Un'7 laDd 10 IndUD ooe Aottttnd four of the Commissioner of Fenstons, bd aud for'dolla comtwomit axPKNws BEPATMtirr or thb dttukte. Office of the Secretary of the Interior i or booka, statapneiry, furniture, fuel, lighti.Mtndother ranging ana Dinamg canceled marine papers, cases ir official papers, and records, and miscellaneous items, including office furniture and carpeting, four thousand dol- if my' Vol; confiogencies, and for book and maps for the librarv. six thousand five hundred dollars. For expenses of packing and distributing congressional journals and docurrents. pursuance of the provisions cuu-taioed in tho joiut reolutiou of Congress approved Iwentv-eighlh January, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, and act tebmary fifth, eighteen hundred and tilty-nine, three thou-sand dollars.

Office of Affairs For blank-books, binding, stationery, fuel, lights, an iscellaneous items, including two of The daily city new, ipers, to be hied, bound, aud preserved for the use of th news- the vuo-l, uvc iuuusuuu aoiiars. General Land Office For cash aratrai and military patents, nnder laws prior to twenty-eighth September, eighteen huudred anduftv: patent and other records; tract books and blank-books for this and the district land offices; binding puts and fild notes; stationery, furniture, and repairs of same, and miscellaneous ttems, including two of the daily citv newspapers, to be filed, bound and preserved for the use of the omce; also, for contiugent expenses, in addition, under swamp land act of twenty-eighth September, eighteen huudred and fifty, military bounty acts of twenty-eighth September, eighteen hundred and fifty, and twenty-second March, eighteen hundred and fifty-two. and act thirty-first August, eighteen hundred and, fifty-two, for the -satisfaction of Virginia land warrants, fortv-two thousand dollars. For fuel, lights, and incidental expeuses, attending the same, including pay of furuace-keepers, two thousand dollars. A- i' Pension Office A For stationery, binding books, furniture, aid re airing the same, miscellaneous items, including two daily city newspapers, to be filed, bound, and preserved, fi.t the use of the office, and for engraving and retonching plates for bounty land warranty printing and binding the same, also for expenses in removing the office from SevpntPPnth Seventh streets, and for furniture in the new office, twentr-five thousand dollars.

For compensation of the Commissioner of Publi Build mgs, and the clerk and messenger in his office, four thousand two hundred dollars. For stationery, blank-books, pis drawings, and other contingent expenses of the office of the Commissioner of I ublic Buildings, two hundred and fifty dollars. SURVEYORS GENERAL THEIR CLERKS. For compensation of the surveyor general of Illinois and Missouri, and the clerks in his office, five thousand eight hundred and twenty dollars. For compensation of the surveyor general of Louisiana, and tbe clerks in his office, four thousand five hundred dollars, For compensation of the surveyor general of Florida, and the clerks in his thousand five hundred dollars For compensation of the surveyor general of Wisconsin and Iowa, and the clerks in bis office, eight thousand three hundred dollars.

For compensation of the surveyor general of Oregon, and tbe clerks in his office, 3even thousand five huudred dollars. For rent of surveyor general's office in Oregon, fuel, books, stationery, aud other incidental expenses, two thousand dollars. For compensation of tffe surveyor general of California, and the clerks in his office, fifteen thousand five hundred dollars. For rent of surveyor general's office in California, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, including pay of messenger, two thousand five hundred dollars. For compensation of the surveyor general of Washington Territory, and the clerks in his office, seven thousand dollars.

For office rent for the surveyor general of Washington Territory, fuel, books, stationery, und other incidental expenses, two thousand five hundred dollars. For compensation of the surveyor general of New Mexico, and the clerds in his office, seven thousand dollars. For rent of tbe surveyor general's office in Xew Mexico, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, two thousand five hundred dollars. For compensation of translator in the oflice of the sur veyor general or New Mexico, one thousand four hundred and sixty-seven dollars and six cents. For compensation of he surve vor general of Kansas and Nebraska, and the clerks in his office, eight thousaud three hundred dollars.

For office rent of the surveyor general of Kansas and Nebraska, fuel, and incidental expenses, two thousand five hundred dollurs. For compensation of the suiveyor general of Utah and tbe denes in his office, eight thousaud dollars. For rent of the surveyor general's office in Utah, fuel, stationery, and other incidental expeuses, two thousand live hundred dollars. For compensation of the surveyor general of Minuesota, and the clerks in his office, eight thousand three hundred dollars. For compensation of clerks iu the offices of the surveyors general, to be apportioned to them according to the exigencies of the public service, and to be employed in transcribing field notes of surveys, for the purpose of preserving them at the seat of government, twenty-five thousaud dollars.

For salary of the recorder of land titles in Missouri, five huudred dollars. TO BE CONTINUED. PROFESSIONAL CAEDS. LAW CO-PARTNERSHIP, Raleigh, N. C.

II ENRY W. MILLER WILLIAM J. SAUNDERS have formed a Dartnershin in the nractiee of thp law to exteud to all business in the County and Superior Courts of Wake and Johnston, and the Terms of the Supreme Court at Raleigh; all office business, and the collection of claims. Office in the Brick-Row, opposite Lawrence's Hotel. In addition to the above-named counties, shali attend regularly hereafter the Superior Court of Granville, Edgecombe, Sampson, Warren, Halifax and Wilson, aud the County aud Snperior Courts of Nash and Franklin, and the Circuit Court of the United States at Raleigh.

U. W. MILLER. December 20, 1859. 108 tf.

ED. GRAHAM HAYWOOD, Counsellor and Attorney at Law, RALEIGH, N. Will attend the County and Superior Courts of rfouusion ana inatnam; tne Superior Uourts ol New Hanover and Sampson, and the Terms of the Federal Courts, and Supreme Court of North-Carolina at Raleigh. Office, the one formerly occupied by the late Hon. Will.

H. Haywood, Jr. Raleigh, May 22. 52 sw. QUENT.

BUSBEE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Determined to devote hereafter the whole of his time to his profession, can always be found at, his office in the Brick Row on Favetteville Street unless absent on the Circuit. March 1, 1859. 24 ly. D. H.

C. Moore, John P. Barnes Late of Mississippi. Late of Halifax, N. C.

MOORE BARNES, ATTORNIES AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW AND Sp-LICITORS IN CHANCERY, Napoleon, Desha County, Arkansas, Will practice in all the Courts of the State of Arkansas, and in Bolivar county, Mississippi. Will also attend to the buying of lands, paying taxes for non-residents, Ac. All business intrusted to their care will receive prompt attention. Address, MOORE BARNES, Napoleon, Desha County, Arkansas. Refer to Hon.

H. S. Foote, Nashville, Hon. A. G.

Brown, S. Hon W. K. Sebastian, U. S.

Hon. John V. Wright, M. Washington City, U. C.

December 16, 1859. 107 ly. WM. B. ANDERSON.

WM. H. MILTON. ANDERSON MILTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, MARIANNA, FLA. Practice in the United States District Court at TALLAHASSEE and APPALACHICOLA, in the Supreme Court at MARIANNA, and in tbe follow-lowing named counties Franklin, Washington Calhoun.

The terms of holding Courts in above-named counties, in April and Mav, October and November. Mariana, Marchl8, 18t0. 21 6mos. TIIEO. II.

HILL, A (X R.N iA AW RaleigbvN. VST Prompt attention given to Collecting. January 24, 7 ly. W. L.

SAUNDERS, A TT Oft A LA SALISBURY, N. C. Will attend the urts of Rowan, Stanly, and Cabarru November JO; 5fiALEIGH, SATUR- PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W. J.

RASBERRY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Snow Hill, N. Will practice in the Couits of Greene, Wayne, Pitt and Duplin. CiF" Special attention to Collections. December 16, 107 lypd. J.

A ENGELHARD. ATTORNEY" AT LAW, Tawboroujrh, N. C. February 4, 1859. 16 ly.


Collections promptly made. April 24, 44-swtf. B. B. BULLA, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ASUEBORO', N.

C. WILL practice in the County and Superior Courts of Ran-dolph and adjoining counties. July 10, I860. 55 4m. BUSINESS CARDS.

RALEIGH AND GASTON RAILROAD I Change Schedule! Raleigh, November 1st, 1859. ON AND AFTER TL'iS DATE THE MAIL TRAIN on the Rs'e'gh and Gaston Railroad will ruu us follows Leave Raleigh daily at 710, A. Arrive at Weldon daily at l'J, M. Leave Weldon daily at 11, A. Arrive at.

Raleigh daily at 3.40, P. M. THE FREIGHT TRAINS will run as follows: Portsmouth Freight leaves Raleigh Monday, Wednesday aud Friday Arrives at Raleigh Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, "jetersburg Freight Leaves Raleigh Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Arrives at Raleigh Monday, Wednesday and Friday. P. A.

DUNN, Supt. November 8, i)6 lv. FALL IMPORTATIONS, 1860. RIB BO Millinery and Straw Goods. armstrongTcator IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF RIBBONS, BONNET SILKS AND SATINS, Velvets, Roches, Flowers, Feathers.

STRAW BONNETS, FLATS, No. 237 and Lofts of 239 Baltimore, BALTIMORE, Md, Offer a Stock unsurpassed in the United States iu variety and cheapness. Orders solicited aud prompt attention given. 1ERUS, it 6 months, six per cent, off for cash, par funds, st 7, 63 2mpd. August N.


EL MARTIN, SON COMMISSION Richmond, Va. CONSIGNMENTS OF TOBACCO, COTTON, WHEAT and CORN respectfully solicited. As heretofore, prompt personal attention given to the sales of produce, and our best efforts will be used to give satisfaction. Produce consigned to N. M.

Martin, Son Richmond, will be forwarded by N. M. Martin, Bro. free of any forwarding charge. May 11," 1360.

38 Uanl. McPHEETERS GIIISELIN, Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants, Norfolk, I1S70ULD CALL THE ATTENTION OF COUNTRY WW Dealers and Planters to their large and select stock of CHOICE GROCEIUES, including 500 bags Rio, Laguavra and Java Coffee, 50 hhds. N. O. and P.

R. Sugars, 250 bbls. Refined Sugars, all grades, 100 bbls. bright, heavy N. O.

Molasses, 50 hhds. Muscovado Molasses, 25 Tierces Prime Rice, 200o Sacks L. B. and G. A.

Salt, 800 boxes Adamantine. Chemical and Sperm Candles, 200 boxes Brown and Toilet Soap, 1000 Reams Wrapping Paper, 100 Bales Wrapping Twine, Brooms, Buckets. Grain and Ground Spices of every kind. Blacking, Starch, Fig, Blue. Ac.

TEAS. Our assortment of Green and Black Teas is very complete, embtacing a variety- of choice chops, which will be sold at prices to please. N. H. Special attention paid to consignments of Flour, Cotton, Naval Stores, Dried Fruit, 4c.

September 12, 185SI, 80 tf. OAK-CITY SAVINGS BANK. DR. THOMAS D. HOGG, President.


Hogcj, H. S. Smith, Q. Busbek, J. G.

Williams. This Bank is now receiving deposits at the Exchange Office of John G. Williams Co Discount Day, Tuesday. Raleigh, N. Feb.

17,1660. 14 tf. no. S. Dancy Jno.

U. Hyman, Late of Tarloro', N. 0, Of Sadland JtcL; X. C. F.

M. Hyman, Late of Warrenton, N. V. DANCY, HYMAN COM MISSION MERCHANTS, 124 PEARL STREET, NEW YORK. Will open a Branch House in Norfolk, on the 1st of Sept.

I860, unaer tbe name of HYMAN, DANCY CO. June 29, I860. 52 tf. ESTABLISHED 1847. 45 Wholesale and Eetril Dealers in STAPLE FANCY DRY 0i.

Also, Boots Shoes, Tninks, 13 SYCAMORE PETERSBURG, VA. OCEAN HOUSE, PORTSMOUTH, VA. B-A I proprietor; A First Class Hotel, convenient to Car and Steamboat Landings. March 271860. 0 25 lv HECTOR DAVIS, AUCTIONEER ANP COMMISSION MERCHANT, For gale of Negroes, Fbakklin Stkeet, Richmond, S1 ELLS NEGROES BOTH PUBLICLY AND PRt vately, and plcdres his best efforts to obtain the high est market prices.

He has a safe and commodious JAIL, where he board fiall for his sales at 80 cents per day. July 7, I860. 60 ly. )AT, AUGUST 11, 1860. MISCELLANEOUS.

CUSHINGS BAILEY, WHOLESALE BOOKSELLERS STATIONERS, No. 262 Baltimore opposite Hanotw,) BALTIMORE, ARE PREPARED TO OFFER TO THE COUNTRY Trade, Goods in their line, at prices that will compare favorably with those of anv other market. Their Stock of School, Law, Medical Miscellaneous Books is large and well selected. A large and varied assortment of Foreign and American Stationeiy can always be found at their They keep constantly on hand a full supply of BLANK BOOKS of ditierent styles and of their own manufacture. Having a Bindery connected with their Store, they are at all times able, at short notice, to fill orders for Blank Books, ruled to any pattern, or of any desired style of Binding.

Orders received by mail will meet with prompt attention. fT" You are requested to call and examine our Stock and Prices before purchasing elsewhere. August 7, lStfO. 63 2mpd. SUMMER MUSLINS AND CALICOES.



S. TUCKER. Raleigh, Aug. 1860. 62 if.

VERY BODY OUGHT TO ENCOURAGE -m-4 North-Carolina Manutactures. N. C. JEANS AND KERSEYS. N.





N. N. All the above to bo C. HOMESPUNS. C.


Raleigh, N. Aug. 6 II. R. TUCKER'S.

I860. 62 tf. 1 EOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTO RY SURVEY OF NORTHCAKOLIN A Con taining a Catalogue of the Plants of the State, with descriptions and history of the trees, shrubs, aud woody vines; By Rev. M. A.

Curtis, I). D. For sale by W. L. POMEROY.

Raleigh, N. Aug. 7, ltG0. 60 VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE. I OFFER FOR SALE MY TRACT OF LAND, LYING ou ihe waters of Swift Creek, in Wake county, ten miles West of Raleigh, and within one mile of the N.

C. Railroad. The tr.ict contains 7'j'6 Acres, about 200 acres of it bottom land, and in a high state of cultivation. The woodlands are fertile, and will produce well. This land is well watered.

There are on the premises a good Dwelling-house and all necessary out houses, with a cotton gin, It is a healthy place, with the very best, of water. An)' person desiring to purchase will either call and see the premises or write to me at Raleigh. THOMAS YOUNG. August 7, I860 ti3 tf. NOTICE.

I A KEN UP AND COMMITTED TO THE JAIL OF Johnston county, on the Soth of June, 1860. a negro man aged about thirty years, black, five feet nine inches high, heavy whiskers, peculiar tone of voice, and weighs one hundred and fifty-three pouis, says that his name is BILL, and was raised by JONAS JONES, of South-Curo-lina, and says he still belongs to him. No maiks except a scar on his left temple and one on his left ear, caused by wearing a brass ear ring. The owner is reques'ed to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take him away, otherwise he will be dealt with according to law. W.

U. CULLOM, Sh'ff. Smithfield, July 11, lb60. 6 tf. P.

S. The above negro now gives his name aMlLES andsavshe belongs to DICKERMAN MONTEfTH, near Charlotte, N. C. W. Sh'ff ITORTII-CAROLINA GEOLOGIGAL SUR-1 VEY.

The Swamp Lands op North-Carolina, containing descriptions, with many analyses, of the oils of the Swamp tnds By Ebeneze'r Emmons, State geologist. For sale by W. L. POMEROY. Raleigh, N.

Aug. 7, 1560. GS AGRICULTURE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, containing a statement of the principles of the science upon which the practices of ugriculture are founded; By Ebenezer Emmons, State Geologist, For sale by W. L. POMEROY.

Raleigh, N. C. Aug. 7, I8K0. 63 I WISH TO HIRE FOUR FIRST CLASS HOUSE CARPENTERS, for finishing.

Also, to sell a superior pair of MULLS and WAGON, with Harness. Also, three HARNESS HORSES, all well trained to work single or double. C. B. HARRISON.

Raleigh, August 7, 1S60. 63 tf- STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA. MARTIN COURT OF EQUITY. William A. Price agaiust H.

W. Wenthersbee et at. To H. IV Weathersbee: Sir: You are hereby notified to appear r.t the next term of said Court, to be held on the last Monday in August next, and plead, answer or demur to the bill of William A. Price against 3'ou, or judgment pro confesso will be entered against you, and the same heard accordingly.

Witness, C. B. Hassel, Clerk and Master in our said Court of Equity, at office, this the lmh July, A. I860. C.

B. ASS ELL, C. E. July 27, 1SG0. (Pr.

adv. 60 td. SEVENTY-FIVE NEGROES WANTED. I DESIRE TO PURCHASE FROM FIFTY TO SEV-enty five LIKELY YOUNG NEGROES, of both sexes, ranging from eight to thirty years old such as will bo saleable in the Southern Market. No unsound negro wanted.

I will pay Richmond prices for such as I want. Any information, either iu person or by letter, leading to tho purchase of negroes, will be thankfully received and liberally rewarded I can be found at the" Yarborough House, in Raleigh. F. W. KING.

July 27, 1860. 60-tf. Trustee's Notice. Reduced Prices. THE STOCK OF GOODS CONVEYED IN TRUST by THOS.

ALLAN to the subscriber are now being sold at reduced prices. Those wishing to purchase READ 5 MADE CLOTHING cheap for cash had better call soon. WM. WHITE, Trustee. If.

B. Those indet ed by note or account to Thos'. Callan, by calling and settling, will avoid the payment of cost Vv Ralejgh, July 10, 65 ttV- TO THE FRIENDS OF HOME MANUFACTURES. THE KINSTON SHOE FA CTORY IS NOW IN 8UC-cesslul operation. ORDERS for "negro and BOOTS are solicited.

-A J. C. CARPENTER, Agent. Kioston, N. July 27, I860.

i 60 ICE! ICEU! TlfY ICE HOUSE, ON THE PREMISES OF BF-liA MOORFi, will be open hereafter every morning from'5 to 6 o'clock after which hour customers will bo supplied from my Store, with pare and Splendid Ice. PESCUD Raleigh, N. A pril 13, 1 860. 50 tf! i i i B. BROCK HOLDEN, ACTING OFFICER FOR CASWJELI.

CO. WILL ATTEND ALL CLAIMS ENTRUSTED to htm with accuracy and despatch. Post Office Leasburg, N. C. March 1958.

18 MISCELLANEOUS. Iron on onk siptt. Drdcs on the other. ICE CREAM SALOON. IF YOU WOULD ENJOY THE REFRESHING IN-fiuence of a glass of nice Ice Cream, call at DODD SCHEIB'S SALOON, No.

12 Fayettevill Where yon will find a room tastefully fitted up, and Cream as cold as Ice can make it. THE TOY STORE. BODD SCHEIB HAVE NOW ON EXHIBITION (admission free) the largest, most varied, aud deci' dedly the best selected stock of Toys ever seeu in this City. Call soon and please the little ones. FRENCH 'AND AMERICAN CONFECTIONARY A fresh supply just received.

DODD SCHEIB. TO WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CANDY. WE OFFER' ANr ARTICLE OF CANDY AS PURE as can be found elsewhere in the United States at the low price of $1S -per hundred pounds. We manufacture our warrant it to contain nothing but Sugar, and not to stick to the Jars. DODD SCHEIB.



FIRE CRACKERS AND TORPEDOES A new lot. DODD SCHEIB- ALL THE DELICACIES WANTED TO FURNISH Weddings, Parties, Balls and Pic Nics, furnished at short notice. DODD SCHEIB. 40-tf. Raleigh, N.

May 18, 1860. MEDICAL COLLEGE OF VIRGINIA, AT RICHMOND Session of 18G0-'61. THE ANNUAL COURSE OF LECTURES WILL commence on the first Monday in OCTOBER, and continue unfil the first of MARCH. CH. BELL GIBSON, M.

Professor of Surgery. DAVID 11. Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine. BEVERLY R. WELLFORD, M.

Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. ARTHUR E. PETICOLAS, M. Professor of Anatomy. L.

S. JOYNES, M. Professor of Institutes of Medicine. JAMES H. CONWAY, M.

Professor of Obstetrics, Ac. JAMES B. McCAW, M. "Chemistry. MARION HOWARD, M.

Demonstrator of Anatomy. This Institution otf'ers to Southern Students every facility for the attainment, of a complete Medical Education, Through the liberality of the Legislature at its late session, in appropriating the sum of Thirty Thousand Dollars in aid of the College, these facilities will now be much extended. Large and important additions are being made to the Museum, the Chemical Apparatus and other means employed to 'illustrate the Lectures in the several departments. Tbe College building is undergoing repairs and desirable alterations, and a new Hospital is in course of erection, in immediate proximity to the College, which will greatly enlarge the means of Chemical instruction. Ample facilities will be affbtded for the prosecution of Practical Anatomy.

Instead of the single "Warren Prize" of One Hundred Dollars heretofore offered to members of the graduating class, two prizes of Fifty Dollar each are now offered, one for the best Essay on any Surgical subject, the other for ihe best Essay on any subject pertaining to the Theory -or Practice of Medicine. Fees: Professors Tickets, (each $15,) $105 Matriculation, 5 Gi-aduatiou, 25 Demonstrator of Anatomy, 10 For further information, or for a copy of the Catalogue containing full particulars, address L. S. JOYNES, M. Deau of the Faculty.

Richmond, July 5, 1860. 54 20t. OXFORD FEMALE COLLEGE. TEACHERS. Literary School.

J. II. Mills, Miss M. A. Fowler, Miss E.

J. Barhaii, Miss Mary Habgrave. School of Fine Arts. Miss E. J.

Emigr. School of Music. Mrs. E. N.

Mtlls, Miss S. A. Fadcett, Miss M. C. Bras well, EXPENSES.

Tuition in Elementary Branches, College Classes, l)rawing, (materials included,) Painting in Water Colors, Oil Painting, (materials included,) Wax Work, (materialt included,) Embroidery, (materials included,) Music, (instrument furnished,) 20 12 15 20 10 10 23 50 100 joara, (washing 'uition in the three months, Board and REMARKS. Extra charges and needless expenses are strictly prohibitednecessary purchases are made by the teachers. Picayune pedrars are not allowed to enter the premises, and no pocket ff.oney is required. Oxford is situated on the healthy hills of Granville, 12 miles from the Raleigh Gaston Railroad, and is connected with Henderson Station bv a line of daily stages. The scholastic year is divfded into two sessions.

Tbe first opens. on the fit st Monday in July and closes on the last Thursday in November. The second opens on the first Monday iu January and closes with the annual commencement ou the last Thursday in May. For the Annual announcement apply to J. H.

MILLS, Oxford, N. C. June 18, 1860. 49 lypd. HUNT'S PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY, RALEIGH, N.

C. PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAITS IN OIL COLORS. Prjces Ranging from $20 to $80. THESE: PORTRAITS CAN BE TAKEN FROM DA-guereotypes and Miniatures, or from Life; and being finely finished in Oil Colors on Canvas, they are perfectly durable, atid make beautiful Paintings. They can be enlarged to any size, and such changes or alterations as may be desired, can be made.

Mr. ANDREWS, the Artist who colors thege pictures being an experienced Portrait Painter and a fine Colorist, all who wish a finely executed work of art should call at the old established Gallery, on Fayette-ville StreeJ. Those preferring portraits painted trm life, would do Well to give Mr. A. a call.

Persons Da-guereotppes of deceased friends can, by giving the color of the hair, ces, nnd complexion, secure a permanent and life like portrait Photographscan be finished in Water Colors, Paste lie, India Ink or Crayons, at prices ranging from $10 to $30. The plain Photograph from f'2 to 10. Melaino-types for Lockets, Cases, Rings and Pins. Auibrotypes, VignettesNeillographs for sendii.g in letters; Ac, taken in all weathers. E.

HUNT, Raleigh, N.C. March 1, 1860. f. ii r.f 'NOTICED-' E. A.


88--tf THROUGH IN FIFTEEN HOURS, i-' THE S. MAIL-STEAMERS CAROLINA AND GORDON', EAVE CHARLESTON, S. AILYlSDAY8 JLi excepted) at 7 P. M.forTerhandina, wnnectfbg through the Nofth-eastern-i Railroad, with tbe JrreaV sea-' board lines going. North tar Portland, and fimg South, M' ft necticg at Fernandina with Railroad to Jacksonville Lake City, and Gainesville, and by tq Cedar FLeys, Micano- -K py, Ocala, Tampa, and other points the rnteriur of Florida.

Also, at Cedar Keys with steamers to Havana -Key West, St. Marks. Apalachjcola. Pensacola and New Orleans. Passengers for St.

Augustine and points oa the St John' River, will take steamers at Jacksonville. The "CAROLINA! and GORDON "are firsr'crass steamers, commanded by experienced seamen, fhO. branch pilots of this -port, with fine and every eomfort will be found on required by the travelling public. Passage fS All merchandise consigned. to this agency will bi- forwarded free.oi Commission.

-f. For engao-emeuts and other particulars apply to H. L. CHISOLM. Ajrt.

Charleston's, tk May 18, I860. -') 1,1, 1.1 i frt 4n 1 n-i MINERAL TOILET SOAP MRS. E. R. MCGOWAN, THE PROPRIETRESS OF THIS CELEBRATED 4 SOAP, which is made from the deposit at 1 1 RITTRE IL'S has been very much flattered and encouraged by evidences of its wonderful efficacy, in curing skin diseases of all kinds, of the most unpleasant and protracted Char acter.

Tbe rapid sale it has met with, and lb increasing demand, has inducad her to engage more extensively uv iue mauuiugiure 01 n. Ana country uiercuauwvan wui P. S. If any onedoubU the talueof ihe Soap," they will want to sell it again, can be supplied by making1 appuca- tion to her, or to P. -F.

PFDCD Druggist Price 60 uts per cake. 1 -rt-i. Yv be referred to various' persons who havo; it successfully ia the most obstinate cases. 'i Any other so-called "llinnral Soap thatf iTrst accomplt- medjbyniy name aud advertisoxnent, is siot-the -genttm i JCiUreliSowX -v-- v. c-: iiRS.

jb K.jicGOWAN.' Raleigh, I860." v--e 80 tt' Tjijpi 1 1, uliaij iffii" I 1 "j-'lt'inJ CHARLOTTE FEMALE iNSTlTUTE BeT nriHE NEXT SESSION; WILL" COMMENCE ON' THE' Tuition of Da Helinlani i 'tli An mnd 1R 00 i brnamehtaf branehes at mmal jThe varions department ilt be filled byJastrueterst known ability Aud ''t- Charlotte, tt. ft oatOcki. 1 1 1 r. 1 x-' J' USTH ECEI VE AT! iHm4 AND REWSt; -A hue lot of N. CL Cured itAalS also an excelteal lot of Canvass HAMS; also superior article of Lard, July lst, WltC 12U of SepV and oontinue nnUWbe'iaat ofJwMtU 1361- TftEns TWEKTT BoariondvTuition in English branchest $85 DO.

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