The Morning Post from Raleigh, North Carolina • Page 7
- Publication:
- The Morning Posti
- Location:
- Raleigh, North Carolina
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 7
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
the on lyg post-Friday, February 5-1004 7 THE; STOCK MARKET fbir ed in the past ten days at an advance In the price of cotton goods of from 20 to 25 per cent. The Increase In salo clothing: and hair on fire. One ofjb-firemen, who had reached there "ahead of the wagons, seized her'and extinguished the flames, notwithstanding: her struggles to run. which would have meant certain death to her. The plac was owned by Mr.
4Wl; J. Ellington and the house can harrl.y be 0 amaaes Slump in Cotton and Revival of War Talk Affected the Market at Opening and Close the afternoon less excitement, less 11- as compared with thi3 date last year quldation, and an increasing amount is reported by the several merchants of comment on the augmeted iterests at from 40 to 90 per cent. The present which has acumulated on this remark- active demand Is reported mainly from able fall of prices. Meantime the re- the country districts and is attributed ceipts both at the ports and the Inte- to the prosperous condition of the far-rior towns are beginning to decrease, mers, due to the better prices for cot-and there has latterly been a noticeable ton. decrease in the stocks at interior points, i secured statements from Mayor Powell, aIdA be Pially insured, but Mr.
Chas. E. Johnson and Mr. P. H.
I n. ne at ths scene of the fire t-. L.i iine amount. Briggs, all of whom testified to the although the decrease, it must be con- fessed, is not so -rapid as it has been at this time In recent years. I Escaped an Awful Fate Mr.
H. lined ns of Melbourne. Emma Richardson values her furniture and other articles at between 55,000 and $5,000, -with $2,500 insurance. New York, Feb. 4.
Very light open- TiHt "Mv doctor told I h. r- ing transactions in the stock market Demands That Amount From tna Life Insurance Co. for ''False and Mali-ciousnChargesMade Made to His Injury-Statement of the Casa But She had two autumatln rtinnrw nrl as tee artemoon wore on ma silver servw wMrh ct 7a chi today carried the average of prices a elgns of the New Orleans liquidation cone small fraction lower than last night. iur inc. us up 10 aie.
Ane a drop of ISO points in July there became too plain to be Ignoxed. Be Declines of in Brooklyn and Sugar were the most conspicuous changes. On yond question, it was due to the gath- carried out part of her silver with her and that is all she saved. Several of the- neighboring houses were threatened with destruction and caught more than once during the fire. E.
N. Pool has a stors nevt to Richardson's and It was badly charred. high character of Mr. Tucker for temperance as well as in every other way and forwarded these to the Empire Commercial Agency as a corroboration for his original report and these were reported to the Aetna Company, who promptly issued the policy, acknowledging thereby the correctness of the report originally made by Mr. Best.
Here is the complain. In full as filed by Best and fligned by his counsel, Col. Skinner, against the Aetna Company demanding the $20,000 damages, to-wit: 1 Complaint in the Case "North Carolina Wake county. "In the Superior Court, "January 1304. offer of a free trial bottle of Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption, Induced me to try It. Results were startling. I am now on the road to recovery and owe all to Dr. King's New Discovery, rt surely saved my life." This great cure is guaranteed for all throat and lung diseases, by all druggists. Price 10c and $1.00.
Trial bottles 10 cents. or two of the southwesterns, Erie and ermff "war cloud In the far east and United States Steel hardened a feaT that in so inltammable a As a consequence of the fu.ther slump narket, a declaration of war, or even In cotton, there was a spilling out of the merest spark, would produce a stocks all around the room, and a fur- jserious effect. Larkb long interests, ther recession in prices. Losses ran to nere too, which had no chance to 1 and Hi in Brooklyn, Metropolitan liquidate in such weak market as we Securities, Sugar.
Chicago Terminal have had lately, and which were mere-preferred and Colorado and Southern iy awaiting the first opportunity to frst preferred. Delaware and Hudson outt gold heavily on the early rally. Mr. E. J.
Best, the well known young attorney of this city, filed with the clerk of the superior court of "Wake county last afternoon his complaint in a suit for J20.CG0 damages which lis has instituted against the Aetna Life In GOTTCN THIS YEAR Reports Indicate a Large Increase of Acreage WAR CLOUD SEEMS AT BURSTING POINT 'E. J. Best vs. Aetna Life Insurance surance Company of New York for i Corrnanv lost 2, Chicago and Northwestern and continued to sell on the way down, and the preferred 2. There was a what is morei it is far from clear that gain of lVs by Cleveland, Cincinnati, the big long Interest has even yet fully Chicago and St.
Louis. United States liquidated, and this is regarded by Steel preferred resisted the depression close students of the situation as one and rose a fraction over last night, Qf fts least encouraging features. from page New York, Feb. 4. Reports to Dun's Review from branch offices and correspondents In the cotton belt indicate a much larger acreage in cotton this Siillv rn ara Aramitlnv ltheral when the market steadied.
jreaily Increased cany linrrajpa TTiv. u- imuinmuwi fti mill- vku iuc i ciii in iuc ma. i'UQini5sion oruera iu uuy aiciy cluh tary activity by the Russians In Man- year than last. Planters are in much siutRs icluvcjcu kj auuui xcli. ui.v Uiu were uuvisins iiieir -v, ,11 1 1 1, i tiisu uecii IUIOI rnru milt damage to his character by reason of The plaintiff, complaining of the de-cenain charges made against him I fen dan alleges: which he asserts are false and mali- -i.
Tn'at the defendant is and was at clous. Col. Harry Skinner is counsel the time hereinafter stated, a corpora-for Mr. Best in the suit. tion duly created and existing under The circumstances of I he case are and by virtue of the laws of the com-that Mr.
John S. McKee some time last mo wealth of Connecticut, summer as agent for the Aetna Com- 2. That on the 13th day of July, pany, secured an application for a pol- I 1903. at Hartford, in the commonwealth Icy from Mr. C.
D. Tucker, the well of Connecticut, the defendant furniture merchant of this city ed a letter written by It and addressed and sent it with medical examination, to 'Empire Commercial Agency of New to the company. In accordance (a commercial asrencv of said better financial condition than in many ievei ana sngnuy aDoe in a ie is. to ouy. Atwooa, vioieit to.
were the jjpanese at viadivostock havo years and are buying freely of fertiii- I United States Steel preferred touched sellers of May and July and the room been warned to be ready to lrive. zers, live stock, farm implements and i C5. Reading first preferred gained a tried to trace this to W. P. Erown, i According to' the newspapers, if the various plantation stuns.
nes ot ier-! oui wimom uucc3. Japanese at viadivostock have not tilizers at most points are fully 15 to There were, losses in Detroit Southern 25 per cent, larger than at this lime preferred of 3, and Colorado and South-last year. In Virginia sales of cotton rn second preferred, Chicag and East-fertilizer have increased sales of em Illinois preferred certificates and tobacco fertilizer have decreased. Dipe preferred 1 to 1. Bonds were Jvorden Co.
sold freely In Liver- withdrawn when the probable decora-pool. McFadden Brothers bought May tion of a state of slece is' ma do they there against sales of July here on will be sent to' Khabarovsk, a straddle, but they also bought July: Among the speculation on the de-here on the reactions. Most of the parture of the Russian from Port v.ith their usual practice they instructed the Empire Commercial Agency of New York City to have their Raleigh correspondent investigate the case and report. Mr. Best received the instruc- city of New York) and of New York city and New York state, the following words of and concerning the plaintiff, to-wit: A Mr.
Best, (meaning the plaintiff) is in 'collusion' with the agent The one obstacle is the scarcity of irregular at noon. New Orleans houses were buying. Artnur is one tnai st-tjgests mat nas Cotton Receipts New York, Feb. 4. Galveston, 6.2S5; New Orleans, Mobile, 735; Savannah, Charleston, Wilmington, labor, and this seems to affect all sec-j The market hardened slowly to above tions.
In eastern Georgia it threatens 1 last night. Colorado Fuel gained IVt some reduction in acreage. At all and Tennessee Coal 1, in sympathy points stocks of old cotton are greatly with the firm tone in United States reduced, and indications are that very i Steel preferred. Paper preferred lost gone to intercept the Japanese cruisers Nlsshin and Kasajfa. Meanwhile not a word can be learned of the movements'' cf the Japanese fleet, owing to the thoroughness with which the censorship is beine enforced.
tions trom tne Lmpire Agency and re--of their company, (meaning John S. ported Mr. Tucker was a good ri3k, McKee), and also meaning thereby that that his health was good, that he was the plaintiff had unlawfully and wil-temperate, taking only an occasional fully conspired with John S. McKee, social drink. the local agent of the defendant, to de- Shortly after makirg this report Mr.
fraud and take an illegal advantage of Eest received a letter from the Empire said company and was thereby guilty little is held by planters and country merchants. An. important feature of 1, Bag preferred 3 and General Chemical United States Steel preferred extend- the report from Texas is that improved methods of cultivation will reduce the ed its gain to a full point. The general Raleigh Cotton Receipts Teste; day 45 bales. Prices yesterday to 15 cents.
Receipts this date last year 6 bales. Prices this date last year 9Va cents. Chicago Provision Market Commercial Agency to the eftect that damage by the boll weevil. The heavy market was practically inert. A drop losses from this source were in dis-of 2 Realty preferred was of little tricts where the pest made ifs appear-j effect elsewhere.
Wheeling and Lake ance the first time and where comba-iErie Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault lmposslbto to Avert War London, Feb. 5. The S. Petersburg correspondent of The Times says it is now almost Impossible to believe that war can be averted.
Russia will i-iakc; no concession. The czar's hesitation has been overcome. The Daily Moil has superceded Its correspondent at Seoul who attacked the Americans In his dispatch. It ha received from his successor a dispatch WHEAT: Open.HI gh.Low.Close. 94 93 94 93 of an indictable offence, towit, conspiracy), 'and has furnished a report upon this party, withholding the facts about Tucker's drinking (meaning C.
D. Tucker), the applicant for insurance in said company. "3. Said publication was false and malicious. "4.
Wherefore plaintiff demands Judgment for the sum of twenty thousand dollars damages and the cost of this action." tive methods were not fully under-j Ste. Marie and Amalgamated Copper May stood. ilost a point. Prices ran off sharply in July A novelty in cotton culture is late dealings on a revival of war September. the Aetna Corhp.uiy whote them that their Raleigh representative Mr.
Best was in collusion with their ngent in Raleigh to take advantage of the Aetna Company by inducing them to issue a policy by withholding facts about the applicant's drinking. That they were reliably that Mr. Tucker drank to excess. Mr. Best set to work at once to establish the correctness of his report on 84 79 threshine- and cinnins of unopened talk.
The closing was active and rather CORN: weak. May S5 56 51 50 46 39 33 New York Stock Quotations 85 81 56 52 50 46 40 33 85 S0 55 50 46 39 S3 Open. Close. 50 50 4814 3S 32 American Ice. pref.
81 S2H bolls left In the field after the first frost, and while the grade of cotton tnus produced is low, many thousand bales were realized. Improved methods will increase this production. Southern mills are generally short of stocks. Some mills have a good supply, but many are running short time and in some sections the mills have closed altogether. American Car Fdy 19 July September.
OATS: May July September. PORK: May LARD: 125 Sugar 39 325 49 69 89 American Smelting 4S interesting Arguments in -the Supreme 13.67 13.85 13.67 13.72a depicting the internal state of Corea as most dangerous. lie says there are nine thousand undisciplined 'armed coolies and soldiers In the capital, who are employed to defend the emperor. They march the streets day and night. Numbers of the soldiers, however, are deserting daily with their arms and ammunition.
Raiding and plundering of villages go on unchecked. The -legations-have vainly protested against the presence of these undisciplined, guards in Seoul. The diplomats concur in the belief that the city would have been sacked but for the foreign troops there. 48 May 7.75 7. SO 7.70 7.75 Case Against A.
C. 1. for 7.62 I.CTa 6-82 6.S5 7.60 7.62 6.S0 6.92 Atchison 69 Do. pref. 90 Amalgamated Copper 48 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 43 Baltimore and Ohio 82 Canadian Pacific.
Chesapeake and Ohio 42 C. R. I. and P. 23 C.
M. -nd St. 142 G. W. 16 Consolidated Gas 191 MORE EVIDENCE AGAINST POWELL 6.85 6.90 7.00 7.02 May Wheat 431 July i RIBS: 1171 May 331 23 i 142j 35 I 191 Nevr York 31 St.
Louis Minneapolis A A. i- i 1 a 17 1 Tf Killing a Hog An Appeal Washington, Questioning Right of Commissioners io Regulate Saloons s- 1 92b 92b auoui me oniy development ot VvOiorauo ruei avs yesterday in the J. B. Poweil case for Colorado Southern 17 fraudulent use of the mails by repre-1 Do. 1st pref.
5 senting himself to be the Raleigh firm Delaware and 154 of Jones Powell, was the receipt ol Erie 27 a letter by Jones Powell from Clem- no. ist pref. 65 Shepherd and Prudeo for the defendant argued the case of Martin Jones vs. Jas. C.
Warren lrom Chowan county. This is a case involving the amount due by the plaintiff to the defendant on a tract of lard, a mortgage, on whirh defendant threatened to foreclose for an amount greater than the plaintiff claimed to owe. The plalntih! won in the lower court and the appeal is by tha defendant. Paul vs. Town of Washington An interesting case from Washington.
N. being wl court took a recess until today. It is that of Smith Paul, a saloon keeper, against the town of Washington, by which the plaintiff seeks ty injunction to prevent the city from enforcing the ordinance enacted by the town commissioners putting rtstric- Hope of Peace Almost Gone Toklo, Feb. 4. The emperor today presided over another cabinet conference of ministers and elder statesmen.
It is believed a momentous decision was taken. The hope of peace has almost disappeared. The censorship has not been relaxed, and It is therefore impossible to send much news. The Jiji Shimbun advises the government 56 163 27 65 July Wheat Open. Close.
96 96 8S 93 9 95 95 92b 96 97 90 20 81 82b 92 i2 91 92 S8 88 60 C0a 49b 4Jb 57 57 49 49b 92 1 ents Son of Lee Hall, stating minois Central 120 'that the twenty-five cases of tomatoes Louisville and Nashville 19 they shipped to Raleigh 'for "Jones Manhattan 142 Powell" yere he thought for the regu-tr-' lit 129 New 105 St. Louis 142 Minneapolis 118 Duluth to accord more liberal treatment to the lar firm by that name as rated in the foreign correspondents in respect. IVXa X. During yesterday's session of the NortJi Car-jlinn supreme court arguments were heard in tour First district appeals, tbey being the iaFt on the cal- New York May Corn 17 8 92 11 endar. There will be argument today commercial agencies.
They enclosed the order that they received, which is experts say, is clearly In the hand-; writing of J. B. Powell. And it refers Clements Son to the commercial rat- ing of "Jones Powell" in Dunn and Bradstreet. 1 July Corn Russian Reply Kay Not Be Sent London, Feb.
5. A dispatch to The Daily Mall from Toklo says it can not be doubted that Japan has preliminary knowledge of the nature of Russia's answer, but it is insisted In some querters that the reply will never be St. Louis New York St. Louis in one cr two cases that have been set tions on the saloons. Th ordinance at the end -of the "First district and objected to is that requiring the sa- the arguments for this week will loons 10 close, at a certain earlv hour, be at end -md the judges will de- abolishing all screens and shades for This order will be turned over to the Do.
pref. Missouri Pacific Mexican Central Mexican National New York Central N. Y. O. and W.
Pacific Mail People's Gas Pennsylvania Reading Do. 1st pref. R. S. and I St.
Southwestern, pref. Southern Railway 53 118 22 29 100 318 44 80 vole practically all their time the re- doors and windows and prescribing Baltimore Provision Market m-inder of wek to rhe grading of among other things tne distance tne government autnonties to be used, as Flour Firm and sent. This view is strengthened by Baltimore. Feb. 4.
B. evidence in the prosecution of J. Powell. the news of Russian war preparations. unchanged.
Receipts, 3,574 barrels; exports, 6,302 barrels. 7 Wheat Dull and higher: spot con War Strain is Increasing Toklo, Feb. 4- Premier ICatsura and 17 39 92 11 59 11S 2X 29 100 its 41 SO 7 33 21 49 36 25 S0 7 77 10 54 20 3S 43 32 the examination papers of the law stu- counter of the bar snail dp irom tne iler.ts who applied at the opening of door. the court on Monday Jor license to; Chas. F.
Warren, as counsel for practice law. jths plaintiff, was speaking when the court took a recess for the dav and he Suit or Killing Hog wm C0T1clud(? lhi3 m0rning. Following The first argument heard, yesterday Bragaw. as coun- was In. the case of T.
J. Parker of gf1 for thp town -of Washington. 'will Gales county vp. the Atlantic Coast th The fisrht is be- tract, 9797; spot No, 2 red western, Mrs, Maybrics Release February, 99'; March, his associates in the cabinet gave a London, Feb. 4.
Replying to a question In the House of Commons today 'Southern Pacif.c T. C. Ter.ay Pacific Line Railroad Company a .111 rf he -saloon people on the finned the report, that Mrs. Florence for 513 damages for the killing of a hog that such an ordinance is an-xjaybrtck had been removed from by a train of the defendant company, interference -'with property Yfghts; This AylesTmry prison to a convalescent It was at the fall term. 1903, Judge is time this o.ueion' has been home, where she will remain until sum- Receipts, 2.5S3 bushels.
tive peers and communicated to thera Corn Firm but inactive; spot, 50f3) the nature and progress of the diplo-80 50; February, 5050; March. 5C matic negotiations with Russia. Mar-' 7 51; April, steamer mixed, quis Ito had a private audience with 771 4848. Receipts, 48,755 bushels; ex-j the emperor, at which the situation ports, 25,714 bushels. was discussed.
These and other inci- F5 Oats Firm; No, 2 white. 47 48; No. dents clearly indicate the Bert-jusness 19 2 mixed. 4iU bid. Receipts.
7.670 bush- ot the situation. It is generally be Union Pacific Do. pref U. S. Steel Do.
pref Wabach Do. pref. Wisconsin Central, Louncill presiding, mat tna jury rwi- to th- supreme court and con-Jered a verdict against the railroad, for gerable interest is.beins: taksu in th the full $13 damages asked. The case caPC throvrrhout the state, came up on exceptions to rulings of lieved, mat Kussia is massing iroops els. north of the.
Yalu river to be prepared 37 43 31 Firmer: No. 2. In exoort eleva- the court in admitting a statement by Chem. Co. i.
vtWn ko. ten 2 VMtm. in to resist a possible invasion by the to resist Japanese. mer, when she will be allowed her freedom, and said that she had been granted a license under the penal servitude acts. "In accordance with tha wishes of the authorities of the home, and with Mrs.
Maybrick's own desire, whlh is, I think, entitled to consideration." added Mr. Ackers-Douglas, "I do not propose to make public anv further details as to the time or place of her release." Ealtimors Stock Market export elevator, 65 bid; up-town, 70. HOUSE BORNEO IN 30 MINUTES The cabinet, elder statesmen and commanders of the army and navy are Baltimore, Feb. 4.The market closed i Receipts, 2,293 bushels. the engineer of the train that the plaintiff was entitled to damages; refusing to charge that if jury believes the testimony of the engineer only witness for defendant thay would return a verdict that the hog was Hay Quiet and unchanged.
lull onrl oK-uit winrlv Atlontlr rt ot in almost constant conference or communication. There is, however, no indication of the course they intend pursue. The belief Is prevalent that Line Consolidated 4's at 93 were off; the stock at 109 was 1 point lower. Seaboard Air Line common at 9 was lower. not killed by the negligence of the de-1 rprrlp npriinaniV FlpH for Grain freights Quiet and unchanged.
Butter Steady; fancy imitation, 19 20; fancy creamery, 25; fancy ladle, 15 18; store packed. 17. Eggs Firm, '32 cents. Cheese Steady and advancing; large. Russia is seeking tp provoke Japan tc take the Initiative.
Their Lives Nothing Saved The first break In the reticence of 1111; medium, 1111; small, llfi the Japanese government was the pub Mortgage Sale of House and Let On the 5th day of March, by virtue of a mortgage executed by Patsy Christmas to me on September 27th, 1859, registered in book 154, page 119, lication today of four dispatches from Naval Stores Manchuria and Siberia, which are ilg- The twelve room house, 546 east Da vie street, occupied by-' Emma Rich- 1... 1 4- 1 V. fva New York Cottcn Market New York, tf'eb. 4. In Liverpool spot cotton declined 44 points.
Middling, S.CSD, against 4.86D last year. Sales, 6.CC0 bales, imports, 15,000. Futures advanced 1217 points, lost it and declined 38 to 46, rallied and closed excited at a net decline of 151S points. There was a heavy liquidation of cot- arason, a wnaiiy auctlon for casn, th! momine at and not a piece of Raleigh, i at the court house door, in and evidence showed that it came from a ditch 40 feet from the the engineer not having been able to see it until it started in. a run for the track and was struck; the.
enrineer not hav-'ng been able to slow down his' train or frighten the hog fiom its course. The arguments before the supreme court were by W. M. Bond for the Plaintiff and Geo. Cowper for the defendant.
Hinton U. S. Life Insurance Co. The case of John L. Ilintcn, administrator of Mary F.
Brothers vs. Mutual Reserve Fund Life Association from nificant, showing as. they do the trend of events. The government ha been Informed that the Russian fleet has left Port Arthur. Its destination is not known.
Japanese official reports confirm, Stocks, rosin, 36.456 barrels; spirits turpentine, L421 barrels; tar, spirits turpentine, firm with prices unchanged. Rosin is steady to firm at late prices, and tar is steady. Spirits tnmentine. oil barrels. 651-2: machine furniture was saved.
Fully fifteen minutes was. lost by the the folio-wing described lot: "Beginning at Patpy Christmas cor excited occupants before the fire alarm ner on Edenton street, thence north 1 was turned in and when the companies Patsy Christinas' line, one ton here today and also in Liverpool 6P: tar, pine barrels, 2.70(52.80; marked military activity in Manchuria. i nlnnsr said MH. in a DTinrn nil ism vv i i urn Houses have fceen prepared at Llao- me miier maiu uy uonuneniai. V- qjj barrelSf 4.70; rosin, common to tian, American and outside operators' strained 2.93g3.C0; C.C0; F.
3.10; mnalne and smok hundred and five feet (105) to Brough- Where the fire started seems uncer- ton's line, fifty-eight (dS) feet to John tain and several stories were told Catling's line; thence south with John about it. One account said that a Catling's line one hundred and five generally, ouing largely ro tne tear ot 3 3.253.30; I. 3.453.50; K. 4.35; 31, 4.50; 4.80; WG, 5.C0; WW, yang, Haicheng. Kalchow and other the accomniodation of Russian soldiers.
Troops, are steadily rnpv-. Ing in the direction of the and the Chinese residents of Yingchou are preparing for fight. county, was argued by 105 feet to iudenton street mence war tne rar east, and prices aeennea rapidly on both sides of the water. There was an early rally, due not only to fhe covering of the short interest which had become considerably extended but also because of heavy buying and Col. J.
V7. Hinsdale for the de- women and the place was straightway west with Edenton street fifty-eight fendant company. The trial in the in a blaze. Another theory was that (58 feet to the beginning, containing lower court was before Jud. Justice the place was set on fire from the rear, about one-eighth (1-8) of an acre, and at the August term, 1SC3, and the jury The first known of the fire was when being lot No.
(9) nine of the plat drawn "Last Trooos Leave Cuba Havana, Feb. 4. The last companies of American artillery in Cuba boarded the transport Sumner at the Triscor- by prominent New Orleans and New For Love, but Not for Money New Orleans. Feb. The Noel prl- at that tlmp rpnrinrpH vY-riw that ninp woinen livintr in the bv Fendai Be vers for John oatiing, i -y inforos imiph'hora kt, the insurance company 'was due the place rushed into a front room, where and a part of lot No.
663 in the of in tneb ull speculation all along, plaintiff with interest from April rr.ost of them had gathered, and the city of Raleigh, being the same lot Although the recent bull leader here lst. 1901. hpinf nn inmrinpo nAiicv nn -nrna filled n-ltVi smnVp rnnvevod bV John Gathng tO Patsy the life of Mary F. Brothers. The jury Qn opening a rear door the whole place Christmas by deed, dated April 5th, al'o found that there was no fraudulent became black with the smoke, and 1895.
registered in the office of the ha-c admittedly disposed of his personal holdings, the firm of -which he is the head was a good buyer, and Is openly advising its credits to purchase. Most of the New Orleans houses for a time at least bought. The Wall street flame quickly followed. Only a few Register of Deeds for Wake county. nia wharf at four o'clock this after- mary law of; Mississippi has been noon.
The ceremony of ''leave-taking amended so as to. reduce the cost of was very, simple. primaries. Among the new provisions 0f the bill is one making It unlawful 1 for any one to hire himself out to work Dry Goods, I rade Improved for candidates either at expense New Orleans. Feb.
4. The wholesale or a ealary. In other election-dry goods merchants declare that they eering for money Is prohibited. A yot-have not been unfavorably affected by cr can work for candidates for love, the high price of cottc as reported. butMtMs a'misdemeanor for him to re-The'iraprovement has been more mark- ceive money for his political services.
could be carried easily N. C. in book 15, page llo. ana navjn in the representation, on the part of the insured to obtain the policy. There were eighteen exceptions to the irial below on which there was argument at the hearing yesterdaj'.
in the hand, were saved. The trunks been alotted to John Catling .4.1 it. a 1 and clothes of the women were burned, division of tne tanas 01 mcmer, element conunueu joiu lo ouy ana sen, c0 swiftly did the blaze spring and conveyed to her by John Gatiing, but Is trading with unusual caution ow ing to the erratic nature of the market P. K. ELLINGTON.
Jones es. Warren From Chowan through the house that one of4he wo- Sr Uit vugt 1 of late. On the whole, there was until Mortgagee. Mr. W.
M. Bond for ther plaintiff and men escaped Into the street with hexJL.
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