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The Morning Post from Raleigh, North Carolina • Page 5

The Morning Posti
Raleigh, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THK MOKNTNO POST. FRIDAY, JVyXJARY aloops Closed. lessen drunkenness," 1 county a "sold medal for the-best his-wa Mr. w. N.

Jones, chairman of the torical sketch of any event In North HUVIUER9S 9 MerJZ. A oeueve inai me Carolina history, preferably some event in pitt county. Then there are the Grimes and Cunningham prizes of srold rwttM. ucwease uic saae oi liquor here fifty per cent, at least, for there will be no selling- by the drink or at night." Opens medals oHered by Col. Grimes and CoL John S.

Cunningham, the conditions of which are well known to readers of the Post. Water rents 4C0 Rents for resldn sn Masonic Meeting Regular communication of Raleigh Lodee. Nn. knn a tj a WW Payees averaging $120 per year per house 9.6C0 Coal and Ice ftf xuuay January asi, at 8 o'clock. All Masons Invited: STATE PENSION Dlr RECTORS TO MEET I Lodge anniversary business to come Total Boxes of 1-3, 3, 4 and lbs each, 8pc CHRISTMAS TURKEYS, 35c each.

CHOC. PEPPS, ao and 40c. BURNT ALMONDS, 302, SALTED ALMONDS, 30c LEAD PENCILS, 35c, CANNON CRACKERS, 35c: The above does not include what those engaged In the saloon "business have spent In Raleigh for groceries, dry wearing apparel, medical freasuier Denton's Itemized Statement of What Saloons Are Worth Financially to Raleigh-Spend Dispensary. Les- sens Drinking, Says Chairman Ja'nss W. R.

SMITH, Master. W. E. FAISON, Secretary. American Hardwood Co.

A charter was crnntprl vpsfrrrtnv for Mr. J. G. Hackett arrived yesterday from Wilkesboro and will attend the regular monthly meeting of the board ex- ttuenaance, medicine and 'other penses. of directors of the State Penitentiary the American Hardwood Company of "Hence, to satisfy the taX payers Wown.o.HIU HPT- i iv1'iv that- fnotltiitinn Thpro! will Wo iCipg Drug; aisPensary Is a success It must wu ad the incorporators are J.

E. be principally the regular routine jbus- least 5100.0C0. i nidi -p, t-4i, T7 ir linKF; It la erratifvinsr and esDecially that the iThe company has authority to do a complimentary for the management of do a 201 Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, C. busi- vv il CCt4AiC the board that they expect to. show at this meeting about S1CO.0C0 surplus to proat of more than 525.000 or J30.0CO ceneral furniture manufacturing per annum.

This win eot. ness. the credit of the institution in the state treasury as earnings for the year over and above expenses. All the iai P3.yer ana win not make up the loss in trade by a large amount. "A principal reason that greater prof- Emancinatinn Dav rjr.

members of the board are expected to can oe made by the licensed saloon negroes or wis city wm -ooserve 6 attend the The negroes of this city will observe 1n thp ritv ln tlmA trt nttpnd the Yy, i Ka retailing toy Jf" board meeting today. A LIVE SNAKE KIWSTOxN. N. March 12. 1903.

J. D. BOUSHALL. Manager iEtna Ins. Raleigh, N.

C. DEAR SIR: I have been carrying Insurance ln the Aetna for thirty years on the ten-year Renewable Term Plan. I have Just renewed the same for another It being th fourth time it has been renewed at tha same rata I paid when I took out the policy. I am well pleased, with the Aetna and recommend It to any one desiring insurance ln a reliable Very truly yours, W. E.

SUTTON. iiiv. bn cs a larger pront tnan vv.u.ii iium uc0imi'j, selling by measure; (2) draft beer, promptly a.t noon. There will also be soft drinks, cigars, cigarettes, tobacco, a Parade on Fayetteville street begfln-cold lunch'es and fancy mixed drinks jnIns aDOUt o'clock. The principal are.

sold in saloons and they can not be FPeaker ln tne hall will be Rev. H. C. sold in (3) the profits on MaDry' D- D-. of the colored Presby-empty bottles is a big Item and this terian.

church. There will also be the "The Dispensary rrmst earn -at least JIOO.OCO a year net to compensate the tax-payers for the financial loss in abolishing the Falcon." Mr. Ed. V. Denton, treasurer of the Raleigh Liquor Dealers' Association.

"The Dispensary was established by the people to lessen bs far as possible the evil- of strong drink, and I believe it will decrease the sale of whiskey 50 rr cent, first year." GAME BY MAIL can not be made in the dispensary iusual adoption of a series of rcsoiu- since liquor can not be drank on the hence with these facts, with 1C0 to 123 Have 242 Children 1 A live copper-head snake was received in the mail in the Raleigh post office last The snake was carefully wrapped in a piece of brown paper and was seem- that makes good profit and pays liberal Mr. VT. N. Jones, chairman of Dr. E.

McK. Goodwin, superintendent rents ana wage3. all of whom snnd the State School for the Deaf and iae ocnooi lor me ieai the Board. Uhelr money freely in Raleigh, the lo The twenty-four saloons of Raleigh cai business and real estate rents mus txur.r money ireeiy in Raleigh, the rii Ktietn.o 1 a. lo- under the influencG of some dru1' of nf rvn txtVi lo in thA Mtv mgiy unoer tne lnuuence or some aruQ For Rates, SccM apply to J.

D. BOUSHALU Manager, Tucker Building, Raleigh, N. C. ,0 ic 1 I Postmaster Bailey stepped on the v-n i. U1 euw a.

very perceptiDie decline As AV1 AC NV uaa vu.v,nwn, r'cht and the dispensary, which p- evidence of thVhtL said yesterday that there are now.242 Package accidentally and thta reyea ed the presence of the snake. He 'was kill them, will be opened lor busi- that rented for $117 nor mAnlVi rnm i children in the institution, their ut ItiVllVU IlVM I ed in short order, so the Raleigh persons to whom the parcel was addressed at sunrise tooay. rents ior oniy $93 per month to thedis- aptny ucme wacu, unu ma. The saloon men have been winding a difjerence of $22 per month, "work is progressing satisfactorily on will never get that snake. Many cur 5'P tneir business bere for weeKs tna me aispensary, as I understand it.

is.mrowns 01 ine uuuums uc ious thlnea come through the mail but 11 moMm fnr Via ciinorin. loustmngs come inrougn tne raau, uui Forre or tnem am not nave cvagn ioCu sen -more tnan a quart Vi, this is the first time the clerks have xv a. 1 A. fT i-V C-Hf Mnl v-m a 4 A. A Tnfl Mil I I Pr 1 IIP Kf IHI fJ 11U1I Ulll ftocK on nana inst nignt oau KI10w ft fftr run up against a reptile.

OUT FOR health and pleasure: tc'r trade. Only live or incm nave ny tunsumera wm oraer uquor out- omofn in tM siae ot town ana Dimci tisrers win aiFO Superintendent E. McKee Goodwin 1lt irfr Via rm I Vi rT 4Immammm4i of the school for the deafat Morgan-ton, returned home after a nro- Every day you can go when yoa city Sixteen will leave Raieign, two ic. ui-n-u ill move to country and. one has necessarily have to employ at Inst matured any to fce There was no concerted dernonstra- at not.

less than $600 a lion Vhcn the bars closed their doors eafch' claries rents etc, 1 TSTr cost th dispensary about $5,000 a for two years, at least, last night. No "The nicest and pleasantest medicine I have used for indigestion and constipation is Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver says Melard F. Crig, of Middlesrrove. N. X.

"They work like a charm and do not gripe or have cure your eaulppage at our Hvery at BARGAINS jrreat amount of drinking was cear that the busInes COTlducted a any unpleasant effect." For sale by Ferved but nearly all the p.aces had p-, not elA the nroflt JniW. G. Thomas and Robt. Simpson. ble at our low prices.

Our horses ar all well fed and well cared for, and our carriages handsome, stylish and up-to-date. We have any kind of a rlj tht j-ou may deMre, and will rent with or without driver. Our telephoi, call Is 81. Funerals, marriages. Theuters, and receptions.

hauling and cavatlng. calls for roods that they could not sup- the communlty that the HCenge sy8. ply. Son? 1 farewell orders from other doeg and keeps ln free ircuia. Mr.

TV. F. Moody, chief clerk in the i.wl I it I yri the day. (owns came in during Two heavy Flooring Machines. Two Plainers and -Catcher.

One Timber Plainer. tion. 1 state traesury, retumea trom t-nar- "The dispensary was established by 'lotte, where he spent the past several the people of Raleigh to curtail the days. 1 Two 4 by 8 inch four-side Moulders UPGHURGH HOLDER arid -Plainers, light Matchers, and Sur-facers. I One Thirty Engine, Forty Locomo tive Boiler, Saw Mill Saw, Belts, Board' of Examiners of Trained Nurses Shafting and Swing Saw.

One Twenty-five, Forty LKJComotlve Boiler. Perrall. Doblbim One Twenty-five Automatic Engine. Thirty Stationary Boiler. Officers Have Been Elected One Twenty-five Engine, Thirty-five WHAT THEY WILL.

DO. The saloon men here will, so far as could be learned, engage in. the following business in future: E. V. Denton to continue his restaurant at his present stand; John T.

Quarles lias gone tc George Miller has gone to Greensboro; W. H. Croughton to go to Charlotte; S. T. Smith' will lejTVe Raleigh and his "probably be In Richmond; John goe-.

to Wl Young will leaw Kaleigh andt pTObably locate In Cimr lotte; P. B. Grifns Intends to conduct 1 drug store in his present saloon next 0 dispensary; J. M. Dixon goes to Tarboro; A.

L. Bailey goes to Ppving Hope; R. C. Bachelor goes to Richmond; L. N.

White Is undecided; J. A. will go to his distillery at Hamlet: T. J. Fuqua, agent of the Robert Porter Brewing Company, goes to Rocky Mount; A.

O. Wadford will Stationary Saw Mill and Saw Belt. The. above practically new, and good. For new machinery of every kind, se and Constitution 7 and By- laws Will Be Adopted Soon The Board or writa Sweeping WHO WILL START IT Suggestion to Parents About Discarded Books "And little child shall lead them." We might add and good men guide the little children- A good -man offers to secure me space in a paper for a few suggestions.

Before Cnristmas there was an article from a friend of the day nursery well written, and for the pur-nn nf e-ninlner more interest in and Carolina Machinery GREENSBORO. N. C. Mark th 2 Closing Week of 1904 Miss Mary L. Wyche of Watts Hospital, Durham, as secretary and treas- farm; W.

D. Bright will go to his dis tVia nnrsprv. I aDDrOVe OI 3 gtlia the article, the work, as one of the be3t nr. T-atest beiner done in Raleigh as FINE- FL' Every Tailor-made Suit, Every Child's and PrMt o. W.

Holmes says "feed COOPfiR BH05. Ralclgh. children well make their environ-mpnta frood. and you can save, by these II illery Carroll will continue nis urer 01 uie uim uuua restaurant and enlarge his business: Nurses Association, announces that in Bprson and Kelly intend to leave Ral-. accordance with an act of the Lefais-5h; James Hamlin Co.

will run lature of 103.. as provided in the nurses, a billlardand nool room in their place; registration et. there has been will continue his pool "SL irA billiard rooms. hoard consists of five members, two The only places now rented far phygIciaxiB and tnree trained nursees. rould learned are as follows.

The state Medical go- Western Union Telegraph Company Carolina State the Acme Wine Company's places Assoclation pectively. Yarborough Hotel 111 use its tor- membrs are: Dr. J. W. Long, saloon for another purpose.

tne 'Greensboro; Dr. W. S. Prtmrose, New lispensary takes threejaloons; an op- cern; Rex Hos- tion is held on Wadford saloon. K.

lu. Raleigh; Miss Constance Phohl. -rince secures L. N. Wblte stand for aJ i.

Wychef 70 CD MONUMENTS Misses' Coat .) means, seventy-five out of a'hundred." In this New Year when we are ready v.a pImti np-w leaves, to be iw vuiii fiiifi with erood resolves, my mind has tVrlt for rntalojrn. iiay tb Iraifibt framed the wish, that every charity in Every Ladies' Coat, Every Ladies' Rain Coat Every Ladies' Waist Surplus Holiday China CD Raleigh work as one, each denomination of course, thinks, first, of the members of its own flock and, "feeding their lambs" but that all personal fwiinc may be laid aside. that no pet i r-o ctow Tjwrir i. uuer set- Watts Hospital, Durham. This board met in.

Greensboro De-pom ifith. for onranlration. All the A. L. Bailey's place; Denton, Griflls, Hamlin and Hoover keep their stands.

members were present except Dr. Prlm- Ferrkl ty personalities may come in to mar the harmony of work that should be done in "His Name" and, if in His Name, then with the true spirit of Dobbin Christian Each presiding officer, and officers should consider it a privi THE DISPEN'SART PAY RAL- Irose, who was unavoidably detained. EIGH I Dr. Long was elected chairman pro Mr V. Denton, treasurer of the tern, and Miss Wyche secretary.

rJdeighLiauor Dealers' Many Important tl: hn asked last what the Hnan- discussed. A ft constltuUon and value of the liquor business here adopted at a later gave these carefully prepared flg- Mrg leire to hold the position, the scales TT A IT -hmild be evenly balanced, all decls ALE I All mv. was chosen president and jti i I ao Cfnament rf rr.onev values ions carefully weighed, judgment passed as we would have It "meted to us" each member, of each organization, working as a unit, and the charitable r-ir fionft for 1S04 will be the greatest TTrrtir Anna for one year in Raleigh's In closincr. I would like to make this Miss Wyche secretary ana treasurer. The first meeting of the boar1 for examinations will be held Ijj.

Raleigh Tuesday and Wednesday of the of the meeting of the State Medical Society, and Just preceding the meeting of the State Nurses' Association. Due notice of the time and place of this meeting will be given through the have, under the license system, ir. moving from one to another in ir ulation here at home, exclusive of purchase price of stock, the fol-''ir, is carefully prepared from a i reliable estimate and consldera-5'v below the actual figures: ts for saloons -trene. ad valorem and pur- r-hn-a tax 1D.O00 emnlovees. average 5300 suggestion that the parents of all the children at ending the graded schools, trin ns 'thelr children finish the gradea, spnd an hour in getting all the books thpJr rhildren are through with, and send them to the office of the Associat No nurse con register aner 4 rno bcr rist without a certificate from this V.OfO beard.

ResistrMlon is not compul- annum Ucht and fans ed Charities, where they will be received by the superintendent and some ladies, carefully arranged on shelves. 2.CC0 son. lights ard heating mil given out wnencvci w. Co-nmeccintj today and during ne-ct wee' vvc will have on sale lha 0rntest line of ercoats ever seen i i miaibh. At, importation over.

2 030 of OVERCOATS to our already complete stock makes a selection his teachers will send an or jt ior them. Who will start the book collec vry easy. These are all new, of the latest styie, ana cvu; tion? December 31, 1903. O. I.

HISTORlGALSKETCHES SAL THIS we have made the prices seem absurdly low compared with the regular prices that they i i' -r' SeMBER, this sale CLOSES DECEMBER 26th. Come early, if you vish to get the pick. Other Christmas' goods being added daily; 1lir TX IT Perfect beverage, tight and delicate, 1 invigzrating and sustaining. Information has been received in the office of the state superintendent of public instruction that Mr. H.

Mac-; Millan of Lumberton has offered "a prize in the way of five dollars in cash to the child in the public schols Robeson county who will write the best historical sketch of not more 'than words on some event in tbeistpryiof that county. The sketches (iu to in hand by April 1st. It will be of interest tc-ftote also in this connection that Col. Grimes, secretary of state, is offering in Pitt GO LINEHAN UP-TO-DATE CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHER,.

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