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Wilmington Journal from Wilmington, North Carolina • Page 3

Wilmington, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Jk. Ills Ce-- pan Ions TUe ar Steaneer Site Ht Wholesale Prices There is a fellow Down East, where the anti liquor iUIli.lni;l. law bears bard on retailers by the small measure, got NAVAL STORES, bim a tin yard stick with acavit to hold about a dose, and be then sold liquor by the yard. 14 oo oo 00 BACON, per pound. Hams, 00 Middlings, ...00 Shoulders, ....00 Hog round, Western, Miss Satlie Ward, late Mrs Lawrence was married, LXAT23 or i.c::t:i c-.

(-Kkw IIamovkk rv. Court of rieas and Quarter Sessions September Term, IT appearing to tho siiticfaction of the Cofirt tliftt ft rertniif negro named GKOKGE AA ON, baa been eon fined In the Jail of New Hanover county for twelo mntlin a runaway slave, and that the requirements Of tur statute laws In such eases' made and provided bus been complied with, Ketised Statutes, chapter 111, section 16.) It ordered by the Court that the tariff 6f New Hanover coun ty expose at public sale, the said Georg Aaron, a at the Conrt-House iu Wilmiugton. ttffl see nnfl Mombi in December next. OWEN Sheriff of New Hanover ennfy. Wilmington.

Sept. 15. 1851 2 Oct. al the residence of her father, at Louisville to Hi Doctor Robert Turpentine, per bbl.ZoOIbs. Yellow 00 a 2 23 Virgin 00 a 0 00 Hard, 1 30 1 35 so ....0 00 a 0 00 i Rosin, No.1,0 00 a 0 00 Do.

00 a 00 Do. No.3,0 00 a 0 5 Sp'ts per 284 a 30 gal.20 a 22 4 ne Chinese have opened a temple for their naean worship in San Francisco. One bf the anomalies pf BliAM per bush. White, BEESWAX, Per 18 a' 23 BUTTER, Per 18 a. 22 BEEF, per bbl.

N. Mess, .12 60 a 00 00 Do. Prime, .0 00 0 00 BEEF CATTLE, 00 6 00 Jhe California age is the fact of. a pagan temple being erected within tbe bounds of tbe United States -an imported heathen temple in a Christian country. It is strong evidence of the absolute religious OIL, per gallon.

freedom enjoyed in our happy Union. JACKSOWVILLE FKHALK IEllAttT. THE Second Session of this School will commence on tliif 20th October, nndcr the Immediate Rev. Wm. O.

AO 00 50 Sperm, oo Linseed, a Neats .00 a From the New York Evening Post of 1st inst. To Catherine Haj-ea. i. Kathleen Mavouraeen, thy sweet voice is ringing Around and about me, and haunting me still i I bear thy soft love-tonest thy light notes of gladness; And tby deep burst of agony, go where I will. Oh, what is this spell which thou wicldest at pleasure And what thy power, aud whence does it spring That makes the hesrt throb With a wilder puliation 1 It eao spring bat from one source you rei what yon ting: II.

Pure and clear is thy voice, as the Stream from tile mbun- tain. 1 And fresh as the breeses that vigor impart, As thou gpeak'st to the soul in the mystical language Of musie made eloquent "Voice of tbe Sing on, ob.sior on 1 eonld listen forever Sweet pupil of Nature, and mistress of Art. What monarch holds sway o'er such wide-spread dominions! Thy realm is the feelings, thy throne is the heart. Bohemian War. The International Magazine for October contains an, article coppied from the London Art Journal, on the manufacture of Bohemian glass.

Those of oar readers, who have admired this beautiful ware on tho table, tbe mantel, or the etagere, will be gratified to learn something of the manner in which it is produced, and the character of the people who make it. What is called Bohemian ware, though chiefly made in Bohemia, is not all produced there, for some bavo already announced tho liberation or Kos-eatb ni hi ocite in Turker, and their embarkation fur this country. The following are extracts of letter in the 1 1 era I written two daya before the embarkation, buV it contains many new and interesting facts: Constistixoplk, Sept. 5, ISol. On the 20th U.

S. steamer Misiippi, commanded by Cap t. Levy, arrived here from the coast of Italy, for the purpose of carrying out the solution of the Senate respecting tbe Hungarian refugees at Kutayah. The Hon. George Marsh, who has been absent for some months on a tour thro' IVrpt and Syria returned here in her.

he Mississippi bad the misfortune to get on shore in tbe Gulf of Smyrna, opposite the castles of that city. The entrance to this harbor Tery narrow and crooked, and of dangerous navjgatiin so much so as to endanger most vessels entering here at night. Several mercantile steamers on their passage out of the harbor, went to her assistance, but she had become so fastly imbedded in the mud, as to baffle all their exertions in her behalf. It was only after discharging her cools and water that she could be moved and when this done, the slid off with great facility, without any damage whatever. The Turkish government vri on the point of sending .3 Should any among our community hare the ill luck to PEAS, per bushel.

taken to make tin contract a cold, or the prevalent influenxa, Aycrs Cherry kid and Indy. All possiiMe pains win oo ii one among the best tHhooli" in fho Kanlj A thorough Knglinl education wilt 8 lanennrci will be taught if desired. Rkid and Ladv. All possible pafns Will brf State lanennrcs 1 eru part of the 0 00 i 00 0 00 Pectorfl is recommended to such as an agreeable Ixronnd, uu a Black Eye, ...00 Cow, 00 a be iriven. and the medicine rare to relieve them.

Philadelphia, Oct. 7. Business continues vcry quiet. Flour is bold firmly at $4 124 but there is no export demand and tbe market is inactive. The.

sales for city consumption are quite moderate at our former quotations. Ry flour and corn meal are vry scarce. Smalt sales of the former at $3 25, andtbe latter at 3 per bbl. Grain. There is but little of any description arriving.

Small sales of good and prime red wheal at 78 a 80 cents and white at 84 a 86 ccntaper bushel. The market is bare of rye and it is wanted. Corn is steady, but there is not much offering. Sales of good yellow at 62 a 62 c. Oats are in good demand.

Sales of 2,000 bushels southern at 35 a 35 cents per bushel. Whiskoy dull. Small sales of bbls. at aod.hhds. at 21 a 22 5 New York, Ort.T, P.

M. Flonr is unchanged sales 6f 8,000 bbl. at I 68 a 3 75 for Stat, and 4 0b a $4 13J for Genesee. Rye flour $3 25. J- Sales of 15,000 bushels Ohio whitr wheat at 87; 8,000 bushels Genesee at 98 Sales of 35.000 bushels corn at 63 cents for Southern white, and 58 a 59 ecnts for mixed.

Rye 68 cents. Provisions are quiet. -Mess pork 14 75 a $14 871. Groceries are steady sales of Rio coffee at 84 a 9o. Lard 8 a 94 cents.

Cotton is dnll sales of 600 bales at 9 cents for middling Uplands. Whiskey 214 eanta. Bai.tihohf, Oct. 7. Flour and Meal.

The flour market is quiet. Sales to-day of 160 bbls. Howard street brands at $3 93 and 400 bbls. City Mills at f3 874. Cora meal 3 a $3 124.

Rye flour $3 50. Grain. The receipts ana supply of all kinds of grain are Small sales of good to prime red wheat at 70 a 74 cents ordinnrv to good do. 65 a 70 cents. Corn Sales of yellow at 63 a 65 cents white 60 cents.

Oats 30 a 34. Rye 64 a 65ccnts. Groceries. The grocery market is quiet. At auction today, 156 hhds.

Muscovado Sugar sold at 5 25 a 5 35 per 100 and 40 hhds. Cuba at $1 SO. Also, 320 hhds. Porto Rico Molasses at 22 a 25 cents per gallon. Coffee is quiet small sales Rio at 84 a 8 cents.

Provisions. We note a steadv maVketi Sales of new Mess Pork at 16 94 a $17: Prime $14. Bacon Shoulders 8 a 9 cents; Sides 10J a 114 Hams 10a II4. Iard9a 94 cents, in and 10i a 11 in kegs. Whiskey We quote at 22 cents per gallon in and 23 cents in bbls.

Board ran be had on reniionabla terms in tbe best Of PORK, per barrel. varying from $5 th $7 60 per month. Tertnt of 1'uitiun per urn'un ttf Jire Primary Enrlisli branches MARRIED, Mess, 18 uu .00 00 00 00 15 50 3 00 .60 POTATOES. Off .12 61 a tf lathis town, on Tnesdav morninir last." hv liev. A P.

Higher branches in English Fronch 65 85 9i 91 io 00 15 14 50 SO 16 40 Irish, 00 .80 i Rkmto.i, Mr. James W. Whttfield, to Miss Virginia daughter of David, Esq. la tbe Jail of this town, on tbe 7th instant, by Jeremiah Nichols. Mr.

James II. Hie. to Miss Mast K. S. POULTRY.

German Musio on t.l.ii.. For use of iUC.i.t 5 00 .17 OO Af 3 Wf 13 (Ml Per bushel, a Meal, .80 a COFFEE, per lb. Rio, 9 a St. 9 a Laguyra, 10 a' Cuba, 00 a .14 a CANDLES, per lb. Tallow, a Sperm, ...45 a 25 a.

EGGS, per 12 a Per 00 a FLOTjR, per barrel. Northern ...5 00 i Baltimore, .4 75 a 00 a HAY, per 100 lbs. North .00 a Eastern. .0 00 a Musie on Guitar 20 00 00 00 a Do. dead, .00 a Turkeys, 00 a Do.

dead, .00 a 0 Drawinir and Puintinirin water 5 Od Hasp: all of Raleigh. In this town, on the and inst. br the Iter. Thins. Murpoyt Mr.

Charles William Johnwm to Miss Nancy Albert. in impiiD county, on the Itoth by iter. ti. W. Hhr-m, Mr.

James Henrv Carroll, of Lonnda conntv. (ii to down to her rescue one of its largest and most pow iss flufhain. RICE, per 100 lbs. Clean, 0 00 a 3 25 Rough, 00 a '00 SAI-T, per bushel. 00 a 25 Liv'l a 100 erful when news arrived here of her hav- In Atlanta, on the 23d ult by the Rev.

Wm.J. ZiM- Fancy and Ornamental Needle Work 8 Ulf Vocal nsic taught gratis. No reduction whatever in mil ion from time of futranee'. except in case of protracted sickness. By order of Board of JASPER ETIIEKIDGE.

rrrsidmtJ Jacksonville, Onslow N. C. Sept 8, 1831 1-tni Spirittf the Ago, (italoigh.) and Ncwhernian, (Xewbern, will copy 4 months, and forward bills to JarkMinville. in succeeded in leavint? the spot where she had of the best is the manufacture of Bavaria, whence it is sent to Bohemia, and thence exported. The artisans, who fabricate tbe glass, even in Bohemia, are Germans, and not Sclaves.

They occupy the woo 50 50 00 00 00 mer, Mr. Allmako A. Mckor, of Cliuton. N. to Mias L- Anchiaux, daughter of the late Rev.

Johx Howard. grounded. On arriving, the Mississippi saluted the n.l the Minister on bis leaving her. She SOAP, per lb 4 a 6 SHINGLES, pcrM. ded mountains of Bohemia, living in long straggling died.

I.a anue-lv at anchor in the Golden Horn, much villages, and are a race remarkable for cleanliness IRON, per 4 a LARD, per lb. 3 02k 5 00 25 a I mi red and visited by all classes of people Mos and frugality, not less than for a taste for the beau 6i in 104 IMo. xi a a tiful. German is the language altogether spoken 'i-c tiiij 't THE subscriber leasctl for a term of years.

6f R. Brown, Esq.i hi fire-proof store, wih his wharves. Slid is now in a condition to Jnke especial care of Spirits Tiirponl ind I I 'Pk. 1... amonz them.

he glass is blown in small manotac 3 50 a Contract, .4 50 a STEEL, per 12 a STAVES, per M. W. O. 00 a Ash 00 a -R. O.

dresscd.OO 00 a Do. ronjrh.OO 00 a lories, containing a single chimney, not unlike those Thoraastown, 1 25 a 1 BQ LUMBER, River, per M. linu vvuvr oiurv, wiiiiiiittvu inm mn. uu. mi- house is well known to bo the best and safest lilaro in towil lem, Christian and Jew and busily engaged in preparing fr ber long journey across tbe "great pond." The 1st instant was a day of deep interest to M.

Kossuth, and all the other political refugee detained at Kutayah. Tbe Sultan, ajreeable to his promise, on that day, set them at liberty. In the forenoon of the 1st the left the place of their irksome detention for the little town and port of Gemlik. at in the pine-districts of New Jersey. lo each of tb 00 00 14 00 00 00 00 00 exports From the Port Wilmington, for the Week ending 1 October Oth factories there are generally eight blowers.

The on Floor. OO a II ou Wide do. ..0 00 a 7 50 Scantlinz. a 6 00 ly fuel used is wood. The finishing is performed in SUGAR, per pound.

lor tne storage or uiacon. iard, v.orn, res, ne wwer wharves have on them four large new abed, whore can be safely kept from the rain and snn. it is j.r-i. i receive and ship, or sell, all kinds orprodm-e tent toLlm-iirC. He will also make advances when reqiirrel.

He legs to refer to tbe following gendemcni U. ri IL WiirU, LIQUORS, per gallon. tbe cottages, and this embraces the cutting, polish Foreijrn." 1,300 ing, and indeed everything but the mixing tbe glass Turpentine, -a-e 1,350 Spirits Turpentine, bbls. 623 Rosin, bbls 9,841 t. Pitch.

30 the bead cf the Gulf of Madamich, tho seaport of New Orleans, Porto Rico, of a St. Croix, .0 a a and coloring it. 1 be ingredients, long supposed to 0 JN Kum, a Oinj- Vj.viUi .34 Whiskey, ree. .26 a Apple Brandy, 00 a Peach do. none a be different from those employed elsewhere, are as 34 35 27 40 00 20 33 "At his residence on Federal Point.

New Hanover county, on the evening of the 29th Mr. John J. Newton, in the 49th year of his age, after a painful illness of almost 16 months, which he bore with great lie was never heard, in all his afflictions, to complain, but' ever and at all times manifested a spirit of resignation seldom witnessed. He would often say. when nrged by his fricrtds to try a new doctor, that it was of no use, for no earthly doctor could relieve him.

None eonld do that but the Almighty, and if it was his will he would soon be well, and that ha had left all to the Almighty, for he was not afraid to die. He felt that it was nothing for him to change worlds; and his friends have reason to believe that He on whom he trusted for relief in his affliction, did not forsake him in the hour of death. Mr. Newton was a good neighbor, a dutiful son, a kind and affectionate brother, and a good master. Much more might be said of him, but suffice it to say, that he lived beloved and died lamented.

He has left one brother and three sisters, with a numerons circle of relatives and friends to mourn his loss, but we hope our loss is his gain. Unveil thy bosom faithful tomb, Take this new treasure to thy trust, i And give these sacred relics room To slumber in the silent dust. A. E. N.

At the residence of her son, Mr. Louis Zanders, in 'this county, recently, Mrs. Charity Sandkrs, aged 84 years. In this county, on the 14th of September, Mr. Luke Register, aged 62 years and months.

Esqrs, MlLES COSTIN, Brown's wharf, Wilmington, N. Pine OiL 22 TIMBER, per M. serted to be the same. Tar, 10 C5eptcmber iz: laoi i-iin MOLASSES per gall. It is not so much for tho material, as for tbe orna menting, however, that Bohemian glass is celebrated 256,000 Lumber, feet, 691,964 on 0O a Mill, prime .0 00 a Do ord'y, .7 00 a Do; 50 a Cuba, a New Orleans.

.30 a 1 imber, feet, This depends on tbe taste and skill of the artizan. m. ai MACKEREL, per bbl. 11 00 00 11 00 8 00 6 50 8 5 00 4 00 60 ALSO, 30 boxes 8 do. tobacco: 10 hhds.

mnlassen; 39 bbls. fruit; 20 bales cotton yarns and sheetings; 5 hhds. wax; 9 bales i It is cunous how high a degree of merit is attained by these Bohemian workmen. They live in humble jo. ut) a oo uu No.

2,.... ..0 00 a 00 00 Na. 00 a 0 00 TALLOW, Per .7 a WINES, per gallon. Madeira, ,70 a Port ...1 25 a Malaga, .40 a WAKTKD TO i'OSi TRACT FOR. THE subscriber wishes to contract for One MlUlon'of ltnl Uak libit.

Slaves, of the following d'nncnsiiu, vix: Full 44 Inches Inch thick on the thin edge trt average 4 inches in width; none to be less than 3(. Tbelr must be got out of sound tiinher.niid not to licw mtich sap. They must bo rough shaved with the drawing For which quality, of Staves, I am willing to pay 18 per thousand. E. i.

HALL. Wilmington, Aug. 29, Bil cottages, nd exercise the utmost frugality, their wa MULLETS, Per 0 00 a 0 00 ges never exceeding six dollars a week, and rarely Marine Intelligence. risintr to that point. Yet as much genius is frequent NAILS.

a v3 PORT OF WILMINGTON, NORTH-CAR OL1 A ly displayed by these unpretending artists, as is evinced, in other countries, by men who command enormous salaries, bey will take a turned, orer TO THE PrKLIC. npHE undersigned having entered Into a Co partner-. bell vase, as it comes from tbe glass-factory, and with no tool but their wheel, will cut it, in a few Broua. They are some sixty in number men, women and children as-1 they travel slowly over a very mountainous route, will not reach Gemlik before the 7th. M.

Kossuth ha accepted tho generons offer of the Senate of the- United States and together with tbe greater part of the refugees, will embark on board the Mississippi for New York. Count Bathyany, bis counters and suite, will go to France, where be intends residing. Before leaving Turkey they will, however, spend a few days at this place, at the hotel of the French Legation. It is said that they are both old friends and acquaintances of the present French Minister and his lady, tbe Marquis and Marchioness La Vallette. The Marchioness yoa will remember as the widow of tho late hanker of Pari.

Welles, of the old American firm of Welles and Greene. Notwithstanding that the Marquis represents rc- Imblican France, he has but little ropect for repub-ican principles, forswears all revolutions, and looks forward, confidently, to the prospect of another royalty in tbo Tuileries. It is saidMhat be would not take any part in inducing the Turkish government to liberate Kossuth he regards him as possessing republican principles, and as being dangerous to the peace and tranquility qf "Europe. Count Bathyany is said to be of Ue aristocratic class of the Hungarian patriots, and not of the republican party, and snip lor urn uipow ti crrviii( on iu Nl-oe aliieaa in all its hrniulir-. tiike this lnctlid WANTED.

A TEA CHER of strictly moral' character, to take charge of a Public School in Hockr Point District. Tbe School to' commence tbe 1st of November. No Yankee need to apply. W. J.

HAND, Committee. minutes, into a lily-shaped or flower-indented rase of the most exquisite design. With the same facili ty they will cut on the surface birds, animals, or October 10, 1SS1. 3t wreaths, and this without the aid of a pattern. In of informing their friends and the puldic that they Wilt about the 20th September, one of the most fashionable stocks ever offered in this market, all of which elm 11 be of 1 1 1 MATF.iiiAf.iaiid workmamsiiip.

They Intend to MANUFA( TURE -IAIItJELY, ahd have roc'ured the services ofsmno of the best irorkmen iu tho country. They hope by strict attention and a dctcrmiuitt jpn to please, to merit libvrul share of patronage. It. J. JONES, THOS.


6 schr. Corinthian." Wainwright, 44 honrs from Baltimore, to J. D. Mc-Rae with mdxe. brig S.

P. Brown, Lamnher, from Dighton, in ballast, to Wm. M. Harriss. 7 brig Annawon, from Havana, to J.

Hathaway 4" Son; with molasses. schr. Albion, Lnfkin, from Boston, in ballast, to II D. schr. Wm.

Hart, Orten, from Philadelphia, to Geo. Harris: with mdxe schr. Express, Parker, from Onslow county, to DoRdssct Brown; with naval stores. schr R. S.

Burney. Mason, from Shallot te, to DoRossct Brown; with naval stores. Oct. 7 schr. Eloniso, Robinson, from New York, to Miles Costin; with mdxe.

i Dutch Galliot Vrow'Maria, from Philadelphia, in ballast," to DcRosset and Brown. MRS. SARAH H. KELLY takes this method of Kainting glass they rarely employ more than two rushes, one small and tbe other a site larger, yet the scrolls, flowers and other traceries come out as informing her town and country friends tbat she has just returned from New York, with a well selected Note. River Lumber, Tar.

and Turpentine, are always sold in the water, and are subject to the expense of landing, inspection, cooperage, say on Lumber, 80 cents per Tar and Turpeutine about 10 cents per barrel. For dry Virgin or mixed Turpentine, a deduction is made according to quality. FREIGHTS TO NEW YORK. 1 Turpentine, Rosin, and Tar, per barrel, i 25 a SO Spirits .00 a 50 Rice, per 100 pounds, a 00 Cotton, per .......90 a 0 00 Cotton goods and yarns, per a 6 Flaxseed, per .00 i a 90 Ground Peas, per bushel, 6 Lumber, per .4 00 a 5 00 TO PHILADELPHIA. Turpentine, Rosin, and Tar, per .25 a 30 Spirits ..00 a 50 Ground Peas, per a' Lumber, per .4 00 av 5 00 Cotton pcodi an yarns, per cubic foot, .6 a 0 TO BOSTON.

Tnrpcntine, Rosin; and Tar, per barrel, i.35 a 40 Spirits Tnrpcntine, .50 a 55 Lumber, per 7 50 a- 8 00 fully as a name drawn on a frosty window pane. It is not an uncommon occurrence for a whole family Wilmington, Angnst 30, 1851 stock of MILLINER consisting in part of SILK, and SATIN and STRAW HATS, of the latest styles. A splendid variety of Ribbons, French Flowers, Embroidery and to be brouzht an to paint or draw on glass; and Head Dresses, of tbe latest styles, already open for custom thus great skill is frequently acquired, oi-tin nge al 3(M UKWiltO. ESCAPED from the Jail of Kcndiaw Dixtrict.m Monday the 14th diiv of Jul lust. Samnel .1 ilove.

ho wni ion- ers; at lowest prices' She is thankful to her friends for past most incredible. The gflld used is from the finest favors, and respectfully solicits a continuance or tbo same, still at he old stand. ducats dissolved in strong acid the oil with which P. S. A young girl wishing to leara the trade will find a the colors are mixed is of turpentine.

schr. Alarie, Prosscr, from; New to DeKosset and Brown; with mdze. schr. E. S.

Powell, Watts, 50 honrs from Sandy Hook, to George- Harriss. bis suppositions recommends him to the sympathies situation ny applying soon. Uctober 7, ISol lmw Many of tbe dwellings, in which these beaatifu victed for the murder of Mr. Hobert J. I Lester, at Spring Term, 1851.

Said Love is almiit 20 or 21 years of nge, tt fi. 2 inches high, has rnthcr dark luiir, and of a sallow complex' ion, and has a down-cast look, with Jurk grryeyes, undimiiitf of his front teeth a little decayed, and i aear'M-nter by tradit. I will give the above reward to any nerMiii who will apprehend the said S. J. Ixivc, and lodge liim In any Jail In this State, or One Hundred and Fifty Dullnrs for his mfu con- ami the bpitaJities of tbe representative of repub 8 Dutch brig Enchantress, Blighton, from' St.

Martins, YOUTH'S and Hoys' Clothing. Just opened, from our town Manufactory, a large assortment of Youths and lican ranee. works of art are produced, contain but two rooms on a floor. The fine lady, indeed, would turn up her Gen. Pcrexel will, probably, be permitted to stay for some time at Broosa, in Asia Minor, one day's Boys Clothing, at SCOTT tt BALDWIN'S.

Clothing and Furnishing Store, Market street. nose at the domicile, not less than the persons of tbe artists, who fabricate the beautiful bits of Bohemian finciucut in any Jail in the I'nited States, so that I can gc( him. JOHN INGRAM, S. I). 40 bbls.

sun. Gene- Q1T1XI Coming. Fretb and O'ncd. journey from here, where bis lady will bo confined The Polish General Wisoski will go directly to Kne ware, with which it is her delight to adorn her draw Wilmington Raulc Baltimore 1 per cent. New-York.

1 Boston i 1 see flour, new Wheat Rnfi't of I Philadelphia 1 per cent. Charleston in ballast, to Milesi ostin. Oct. 8 Danish Brig Hetty, Nye, from PbiUdulphia, in ballast, to George Harris. 9 Br.

brig Juliette, Hitton, from St. Martins, with salt, to Miles Costin. CLEARED. Oct. 6" schr.

Geo. M. Robertson. Plnmmer, for Baltimore, by J. D.

McRac with 100,115. feet planed lumber; 105 bbls. rosin, 8 boxes 7 b.vrque Muskingum. Tancastr, for West Indies, by A tin If bbls. extra do.

(rami' 40 (hn Camden, So. Angnst. ing room. Vet the mountaineer, with bis simple land, with a few of his Polish followers. Both he ly use IU boxes fresh linckwhcat, new 10 bag do.

do habits, is perhaps both happier and possessor of a 15 bags Buck Shot: 40 reams largo Wrapping Paper; 25 and Perezel are stern democrats, and no favors from CjQAT' REWARD. ItnhawayfromthcsbiKsrilier, troer artistic soul than herself. Amid bis native do. small 00. ao.

iu quintals or large IU bbls. Irish fortune can ever induce them to belie their principles cd W1NDSOK, nhout 35 years old. He about flvo hills and forests, surrounded by magnificent scenery Potatoes 50 bogs Salt, for table use; 1 bbl. new No. Mackerel, at retail low at GEO.

H. KELLEY'S. In this way the present listtof the refuzees will be REVIEW OF THE WILMINGTON MARKET. FOR THE WEEK EJIPlXW OCTOMEE fl, 1851. feet eleven inches lnirli, full uusliy hair: rather sin UJ breathing an invigorating air, with enough for a I much diminished, until it will probably, not number iviiies uostm; witn lou.uuu teet lumber, steamer Gov.

Graham. Hurt, lor Favetteville. bv T. spoken, and rather spare built, his front teeth cliitlillv ti TPALL Tude. Tbe prospects of our Fall Trade have in his wantis he passes a life free from care, pursuing emarks ince our last weekly review we have had ro" Worth; with mdxe.

duced us to purchase a large and well selected Stock of more than 3J or 4U individuals. 1 hey are nil in good health and spirits and are extremely rejoiced an art which is a pleasure rather than a tasic. What which we have tbe pleasure of offering to Country Merchants 8 schr. H. F.

Baker, McGlanghlin. for Philadelphia, by Geo. with 110.000 feet lumber. schr. David Smith.

Higbee, for Philadelphia, by George at heing at last freed. On the other hand, tbe Tur condition of life could be more desirable? Many a virtuoso, in spite of his costly collection, might envy and tbe public generally. Unr stock consists in part of l. on fectionary foreign and Ltomestic fruits; Ants; I'icklcs kib government seems to be equally rejoiced at be- Prcs-rves; Tobacco; Snuff Segars, say 150,000, embracing tbe situation of the boherainn artizan. wz at laf-t rid of them.

iiarriss wiin iei inmDer. Oct. 9 schr. Teneriffe, Poland, for West Indies, by Wm alt the most celebrated brands; Matches; isaskets Carpe The affair of the refuses cost the Sultan sixty mil Seeing the Pocession. Under this head the JSi.

riarrisst witn luu M-feet steam sawed In her. Bags Satcbells Whips Perfumery Fancy Soaps German and French Toys Fancy Articles and many articles lions of piasters, or $1,500,000. Up to the period of schr. Catharine. Collins, for Alexandria, by J.

Jc D. RcRac Boston Advertiser relates the following: l'o. witn lyo al reet luwitcr. which would be tedious to mention, which have been select their departure eacn and every one of them contin mark ably dry weather, a nd the water courses are now very low, so low as to prevent turpentine, timber, and lumber from above tide-way, from reaching market. The rceeipt of all these articles have, consequently, been light, and prices have been fully maintained, and the article of turpentine advanced, distillers taking this latter article as fast as it arrives.

There was only about 19 inches water in the Cape Fear at Fayettcville on yesterday and only two of our boats are light draught enoiagh to get through to Vayettcville nearly light, hut having in tow their lighters, carrying what freight they can. Be ef Cattle Lambs, utt ox a Pork We learn from the butchers that the stock of beef cattle on hand is abun ed, nnd probably one or both of lits Cyc teftli ont. Ful1 ne gro is a ('ooper by trade, and will attempt to pass a ikfres man, and may probaldy have free ns be li in snid he pan go any He is a little rinklcy about the eyesi ami has an old appearance Tho snlMcribcr will give the above reward for bis apprehension and delivery to biin. in boro', S. or omfineiiieHt in any jail iu North ('aroliiin4 so that he can get hint.

Suid negro belongs to Jamvt of Urceiiville, N. C. of whom I hi'led bim. August 1st, 1851 47-tf v. S.

llEI.f i NOTICE TO MY CtJU.TltV'FniEjl3. HAVING located myself hi Wilmington for the purpose of doing an Agency Bitsinc.s. persons wishing lo sjivj time ami a crcat deal of trouble, will send their produce ti the caro of W. M. Monroe, and the rcturus will bo forward-, ed forthwith.

-ryOfflce in Washinstm Bar. W. M. MONROJT. Sept.

10. 151 H-liin schr. irginia Griffith', Coffin, for Baltimore, bv J. A A number of persons who came into town from the country to see the procession on Friday met with od by ns at best prices cash prices, and will be sold accord ncd in the receipt of the stipend established for him MeRae Co. -with 90 feet lumber, HI bbls.

pine oil, 11 ingly, by a ludicrous contretemps on the occasion. For want bbls. spirits tnrpcntine, 30 bbls. pitch, 10 bbls. tar, mid 8 by the Sultan; and justice to the Sultan and his rnvernmcnt requires it to be said thatthongh the de AVE Arrived per Sclir.

Alatrlc 10 kces extra cases goods. of better quarters, they took up lodgings in the new Hi Goshen Butter 200 do. Dried Beef: 25 best do tention of the Hungarians cannot at the present en- jail, where they found excellent bed and board, in notice. Beef Tongues; 4 bbl. pickled do.

do. 15 boxes Extra En jrlish Cheese, (rmall 1 dos. Pine Apple do. Low for cash Irghtened are be pardoned, it most be apologised for fpite of stone walls and iron bats. Unluckily, while I iIIE subscriber havinjr obtained letters of Administration by the recollection that it was forced upon tbe at GEO.

II. KELLEY'S. despatching their breakfast on Friday morning, the i JL -npon the Lstate of the late Timothv- W. Bludworth. a by the menaces of two of the greater powers of ooor oi ineir apartment acciueniauy swung to ana DISSOLUTION.

r.urope Kussia and Austria. 1 here is no doubt the September Term 1851 of the Court of Plena and Quarter Sessions for the eonnty of New-Hanover, hereby notifies all 5 a. 1 A a. a a dant for the present, and sales are rather dull. Good grass fatted commands from to 4 cents.

A very prime article shut them an with a spring-lock, as safe as a thief npHE Copartnership heretofore existing under the firm of in a mill. The jailor having gone to see the show. JL Currik, was dissolved on the 1st of Octo persons inueoicu to ins miesiaie, to come lorwaru an make payment and those having claims against said intestate, are brings 5 cents per lb. for the nett beef after being butchered. but tbat it was a most disazreeeble position for tbe young Sultan to occupy in the eyes of the world, and one from which he made his deliverance as early as ber by mntual consent.

All persons bavin? claims atrainst they were kept in a tantalizing incarceration during It must be a prime article to bring the price. Of notified to present them within the time prescribed by law the lale arm win please present them tor settlement and ii- THAYER'S PATH AT R.tll4E. I A NEW nnd valuable Ili iilgo has been putoulel by Mr. G. W.

Thayer, of which will bo found to he an important Invention. The amount of utrrhgf It attained by the structure is stHikeii of as being womlcrOil The inventor feels confident that no wch'lit wliu li rotilil the most interesting part of the performance. A those indebted to the concern are informed that their bills pitiful hearted individual who heard their mournful or cms nouce win be pieau in n.t-r oi ineir recovery. D. S.

SANDERS, Adm'r. September 9th. 1851. 12m are made out and ready for settlement. Either of the par be possibly could.

Hemic Id ties will seme the business 01 tne concern. supplications to be let out, comforted them with the lambs and mutton, th4 market also appears to be very well supplied, and prices ranging from $1 to $1 "23 per head, as to quality. The article of pork is very scarce," and considers able enquiry for lire hogs, at high prices say 7 to 8 cents placed upon it, could break This eoinifloi EVAN TIWSLEY Oct. 10. 1351.

5-lt JOHN TOFSAlb ACADEMT, A cavs of homicide occurred in tbe npper portion assurance, 4 ell, 1 11 go to the show, and if 1 can find the jailor, I'll come back and tell you all about taken together with tho ecoiHiiny with which It may be btiUf, fTlHE exercises of this Institution will be resumed on Wed- will render it worthy the uMention of all who nro interested of this county on unday last. A young man by the name of James Barksdale was shot by Richard Jack IT1HE subscriber bets leave to return thanks to his conn rather tbink tbese unlucky captives will per after being dressed. Baco.v N. Carolina bams are held at 14 cents, but we try and town friends for the liberal catronncrs they hare not soon torget tbe jubilee." day tbe 1st day of October next. Rev.

William Christian, A. graduate of R. College, Principal. Tuition per Session of fire, month: Spelling, Reading, Writing, first class in Enclish bestowed on him, and hopes by strict attention to business to in the subject. This bridge is adapted peculiarly td Knll ro.tds as -well as county roiuL, as it can be niitde of any re quired span, so.

as pot to obstruct the linvigution of slrOHitM when raft or boats might be denired to p.iss, m1 cnu lalui be built at a very moderate rxpenxc. The New York Herald relates a similar misbnp bear of no sales. Western cured is held and' small sales at quotations. Sales generally dnll for loth kinds. son.

The circumstances were briefly these, (as well as we can collect them from hearsay testimony:) Barksdale. the deceased. Jackson and a man by the merit a continuance of tho same. Jlease call and examine which occurred to a gentleman of New; York, who his stock of Groceries, which consists in part of the following Coffer. 190 bags Rio, damaged, at auction on Friday- resorted to tbe trick of being committed to the Grammar, and Geography.

7 50 Isaac WKi.i,, iinunginn. Arent rortJiH Mnrr, name of McLean were at a muster in the upper part articles: Coffee, Molasses, JJrandy. Whiskey, Kum, Gin, Wines, Flour, Spice, Pepper, Ginger, Soap, Can last, went at prices ranging from A to SJ cents per as cecona class ot same, including History and l'ln- Toomb' by a police magistrate, in order to get into losophy. .12 00 dles, Urv lieef, r-lioes. Domes.

ic Cotton larns, leas, and as also for South Carolina and Virginia, mid will attend ia all communications ujxui the subject addreswd to bim, post i oi tbe County on Saturday, and went in crmpany from the muster to Jackson's house whilst there extremes. i the prison yard to witness the recent execution, but manv other articles too tedious to mention. Call at the old Higher classes of English Science, including first Coiin. 2,103 bushels received since last Thursday 500 through an oversight got incarcerated into a cell, stand, Market street, in front of the Carolina Hotel. class in Algebra, Latin and Greek, 15 00 difficulty arose between Barksdale and McLean, Wilmington, Aug.

8th, 131 43y where be had to wait until the execution was over of which was slightly damaged, and sold at auction at t0 Oct. 10. 1851. THUS. C.

CRAFT. Second class of same, with lectures on the most important subjects, IS 00 i ft! REWARD. I which resulted in a fight. Jackson interfered between the combatants. Barksdale attempted to shoot Jackson with a pistol the cap bursted but the pis reach and Anglo-feaxon will be taurht if required at the The Book Trade of the Unitep States.

The TIIOSB Yoke Senm Shirt. 40 doz. of those inimitable style Shirts, just received at cents per bushel. 1600 bushels received to order, and sold at 65 cents per bushel. Meat, is scarce we quoto at SO to 85 cents per bushel.

nsuai prices. cLU 1 li A IIJ 1 i J. BROKE JAIL in Whitcvillo. Coluuil.iis county, on Satur' day night, the 19th Inst a limn, or the name of ELIJAH AKNOM). iSiid Arnold Is a bout 19 tears old.

about four ft. six inches hirh, liiht hair, and 'ooka pitlc in number of books published in the United States for the year ending July, 1851, was 1,298, contain Jioard in the linmodiate viemitv of the Academv. 37 00 tol did not go on. Jackson then shot Barksdale, giv Cow Teas. None in market.

Small lots would command per tuontb. lioard mar be obtained for at least thirtv nu ing him a slight wound in the arm. The parties BF.It Shirts. One case just opened, at 1 SCOTT BALDWIN'S. 80 to 85 cents, per bushel.

were then separated and Barksdale went off. ing 213.000 pages 817 were published in N. York 223 in Philadelphia and 203 in Boston. The num the face, badly gro wa, and will weigh about 85 vr jk). lit, llo has been convicted of murder, fwill jrive tho above re CMiouid tne school require an Assistant, a competent re Eoos axd Chickens.

Both come in sparingly, and bring was afterwards beard threatening to take the life ol male will be employed to take charge of the Female depart FOlt THE LADIES! I ward of Twcnty-Fiv iKillnrs for bis delivery lo tuo in ber in quarto waa 23 in octavo. 291 in duodcci high prices, and are in demand. Jackson. ment, in. i.

THE finest as well as the cheapest Table Ivory. Plated Wbitcvillc, or any Jail so that I can get him njrutn. mo, 5c Tbe number of distinct works which JL (and warranted to keep its color) Table; Desert and Tea On the day following, Barksdale returned to Jack Fix)jtb Sales Baltimore flour in lots at $5 per bbl. No were published without regard to tho volumes, was President of the Board of Trustees. Topsail Academy, Sept.

16, 1851. 9-1 wd-wtf P. S. It is desirable, that as many pnpils should be pres I Vll.L.lA.MtU.,,Ml IT. Whitcville.

April 21. 1S5I H.Uf forks: t-uirar shovels: calt do and Tickle Knives: Fayettcville flonr in market. 1.1 o. Xovels, however, the most unprofitable kind son a Loose armed with a pistol, in company with his brother Robot Barksdale. As they approached the Bronze Candlesticks; and best of Scissors, Shears, Needles, and Pins.

Lard We hear of no sales, stock fair. -North Carolina ent at the commencement as can conveniently be. house a run was seen pointed throurh a crack be of reading, form by far tbe largest class of these publications. Of Theological works there were 170; The above I have manufactured especially for my retail make held at 11 in bbls. and 12 to kegs.

fVctlern VALUABLK REAL KSTATI. IOR ALE. olTor for sale my entire Heal upon which are fr thirty-five rets of Boxes: the most of which have 1 1 1 t-. XT sni. una every anicie wnrrani-eu.

J. n. ivuducu. small sales at 10J cents per lb. in bbls.

tween the logs. -At this Robert Barksdale retreated -Jamea remained, and was immediately after shot LAKGE Axles of Superior qanlity Vuitable for Timber Waggons, Extra Timber Axes; Ilouse and Yard Axes, For sale by J. M. ROBINSON. Biographical, DC: scientific, 50: Mathematical, 17 Wilmington.

Uctober 3. ISol Lime. 500 casks received since our last Thursday's re Classical books, Dictionaries, Treatises (not gram only been in nrie from one to two years; with asuffiolent nuan- tity of round trees to cut at wenty sets mora the binds upon which thecc arc situated, is not easily surpassed by any from his horse by Jackson, who was in the house. port, and taken by a dealer at $1 25 per cask. The article RICE Floor.

In bags from 25 to 5-rl lbs from new rice. For sale low. by SAVAGE MEARES. mars) on language, 13 school-books, 50 legal retailing at $1 50 per cask, and is very scarce, the above The next day Jackson surrendered himself to John McNeill, Esq. and was.

bailed in the sum of $5000. works, 44: medical works, 47: agricultural. 20: prac BLAITKETS nel Negro ClottilnK 500 blankets, SO by 72, and 56 by 78 inches 300 rolls Kerseys, which will be sold low, by- HOWARD it PEDEN. being the only lot received for several weeks. pincy la dx in iastern Carolina i here is nHn the premises two Dintilleries nnd conveniently fitted np, with all necessary out-houses.

Upon "the farm. I think the buil- tical mechanics, 18: artistic, architectural, 8: NEW Crop Raisin. 100 packages new crop Raisins, just landed. For sale by HOWARD Fntitttevitle Carolinian Ath Molasses rA cargo has arrived frero Havana, and sates of political, 10; commercial, 12. nigs altogether are seldom excelled.

i hoea wishing to about 40 hhds. at 18 to 20 cents per gallon, according to FLOUR. 200 bbU; Flour, just received and for sale, by HOWARD PEDEN. RrtamlMK An India Fight. Real and Ideal.

-Dow, in one of bis discour Eurehasc are invited to cxitiniiie for themselves. Teruu tball lowj and payments accomodating. Come and seo. I MACKEREL. half barrels new No.

1 Mackerel We take tbe following from the St. Louis Repub quantity, at 90 days. 30 tart, at auction this morning went at 15 to 18 cents per gallon. cevin which be describes the contrast between sem CI HOES, Direct front the Itlatiuat-re- Any person wishing to purchase, can be ruriiiiihcd with a ZWi pair lican of lith: sufficient number of tennis and wagons to esrry on both tho 250 pair Dutch Boots, fur wo Planters Boots, for women Navat. Stores.

Since our Tbursdav's weeklv review. blance and reality, hits off a ball sccno A woman," says may not bo an angel, though she pcrattonsor farm and 1 urpcntinc. and with a rear sut-piy A -company of emigrants have arrived at St. Joseph from California. They 'were sixty-two days from nrqr.

do. do. do. 20 do. do.

do. 20 do. do'. do. Salmon'; 20 I do.

Sounds and Tongues Mackerel and Salmon at retail, by HOWARD PEDEN. turpentine has gone np 10 cents per bbl. On Thursday eve of provision. JOHN A. AVIUETl.

glides through tbe mazes of the dance, like a spirit men 1200 pair Lxtra Heavy Brogans: all bf which are warranted to do good service. Persons wanting the best Negro Shoes at low prices are invited to call and see them. I O. HOLMES. ning 52 bbls.

sold at 2 15, clear of extra. On Friday morning Nacramento City. Among tbe number are Lapt. L. Catharine Lake, Onlow T.

C. ImI.T 22, 47-41 LOOK AT TIIIr. 130 bbls. brought $2 20, andl 30 price not made public. Jackson, B.

F. Howard, John Cunningham, George Vance and son. In a battle with Indians, one of the clothed with a rainbow, and studded with The young man may behold bis admired object on the morrow in the true light of reality, emptying a Clarendon Horse Gum As On Saturday the market opened at $2 25 per bbl. of20 lbs. THE undersigned having determined on moving offers for siilc his nlantaMon whereon be now reridc.

I rrIIE Officers and Members of the Troon will meet at the company waa wounded, and left on the road dead EALKR In Groceries. Wine. Liquors, Tobaere, for and has remained firm ever since at this price. Sumo wash-tub in tbe gutter, with frock pinned op behind Segars. North Water street.

Wilmington. N. C. it i presumed. Ibey had five skirmishes with the I Court House on Friday evening, October 31st next, at 7 I o'clock P.

M. As business of importance will come before ber checks pale for the want of paint ber -hair small parcel of tho hard article went at $1 35. The receipts have been very light, and the sales generally made to Indians, but with what result is not stated. Tbe Indians were assembling for the great cnan- mussed and mossy, except what lies in the bureau OHK. 25 barrels City Mess, daily expected to arrive and for sale by M.

McINNIS. istillers. Tbe sales to-day up to 12 o'clock, reach only 213 tuera, punciur-i aicenaance is requested. W. C.

Howard, Capt. E. D. HALL, O. S.

Sept. 27. 18-tm and her whole contour wearing the appearance of an el at Fort Laramie; but the Catnancbes and Black bbls. at 42 25. The sales of the week foot nn 1.835 bbls.

angel jammed through a brush fence, into a world QHEESE. 100 boxes crime, just received and forsnleby M. McINNIS. Spintt Turpentine Thi article remained inactive un of wretchedness and woo reet would not be represented there. This company was joined on the road by R.

D. Riddle, of Spring ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. til Tuesday, when 190 bbls. were taken on terms not inade For sale rpHE subscriber havin? obtained letters of A itminiirt ration yUAbf I'owilrr. Something new and useful A Lion Fight ix the Empire State! Sunday McINNIS.

JL upon the estate- of Margaret Allen, at the September in Duplin county, lying on tho inain road from Kayettevilln to Newbcrn, three miles west of Ivenansville. coiilaiuing a-bout 900 Acres, one-half of which Is clean and in a foo state of cultivation and he has no hesitation in saying thst it is the best Corn plantation in the neljf hboi IumhI. ilhu Dwelling Honse is convenient and comfortable, with the beet set of out-buildings in tho County. I Also, one tract of Tar and TupentIno Iand ncr the Rcil Road, three miles clow Sftricklund's 1'cpot, containing u-bont 600 Acres. Also, a valuable Steam Mill, (of tea horse power.) Wafrd at Strickland's, in good order; and a superior team of iiuYsc.

Waggon, tie. -) 1 A bargain can had by applying soon, and payments made accommodating and easy. 1 JAS. M. MIDDLITOX.

Dnplin county. Oct. 25. 1S30 7-tf J. iy field.

Ill-, Stephen Beelen, of, and James Williams. ofOttnmwav, who came from California afternoon, tbe 14th ultimo, there is said to bave term oi tne vourt of (Quarter Sessions for New Hanover public. On Wednesday morning 55 bbU. were taken at 28i, and bbls. at 2Sj.

In the afternoon of the same day, 700 bbls. changed hands at 30 cents per gallon, being an advance CK.K'J'i uroenu. 20 doz. come off a terrible battle between Mr. Barnums lion each.

M. For sale by McINNIS. by way of Oregon City. They met the emigration County for 1851, hereby notifies all persons indebted ta tbe said estate to make immediate settlement, and all nersons to Oregon, composed of 367 families, with 580 wa Mrcarans. 500 pair heavy Brocans 500 do.

an- gons and ovXX) bead of loose stock, getting on well of two cents per gallon sipce our last Thursday's report. The having claims against the same to present them, properly sales foot np upwards of 945 bbls. Rosin. -Tbe transactions tbenticated, within tbe time prescribed by law, Xl Ki do. 500 do.

Calf do. S00 do. womens' Buskins 50 otherwlsa otheri and lioness, at New York, where "the noble beasts and were encamped. It appears that their leonine majesties had a domestic broiL'and got clapper clawing. the result being do.

heavy Hoots. Jrorsaleby M. McINMS. this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. and in good spirits.

In a fight which tbey bad with the Snake Indiana, a Mr. Stewart was slightly, and in this article have reached about a 5,600 bbls. at 95c. per Sept. 18, 1851, WM.

BLANEV, Adm.f A few dos. on hand, and for sale at TTATS and Cie. bbl. Stock light, and market appears to be firm. We hear Mr.

Hadly and Mr. Blacki dnfrernly wounded. Mine barm to each, Madam, however, getting the r. i i i New York cost by M. McINMS.

QUPERIOR. GRINDSTONES AND FIXTURES. For ESTATE KOK HALE. I i rn wrn it. i ma is me rcuit iuieness.

iiau mev oorTHKaji Maui faitcr i iierr are in Inll oper-1 i t. JDAMANTINK Candles. KJ sate by J. M. ROBINSON.

Wilmington, Oct. 3. 1851 23 25 boxes, for sale ehenp by M. Mc INNIS. THE Lots and improvements thereon: at nlin couutv.

N. C. former! oeeunied bv Win. () I r- i -1. I own on eiuiuiuun, pHnj uiruucn meir aauy routine aiion at Coiomon.

lour nittnn mill, with a raji-1 i i- lal of $360,000. and employ in sr 560 li.iinls. In tbese TTHISKKT. 100 bbls. Old North Jeffreys as a Store and Distillery, are oflVreil for sale.

situation is a very advantageous location for the above or State. For sale by M. Mcl.VNI.. iron bars, showing their claws to crowds of admiring spectators, kissing their keeper, and permitting him OIL. FOR MACHINERY A Neve and superior Article.

TTTE are expecting daily, per Barque Muskingum. "10 bbls, mills are 14.636 spindles ami nearly 400 looms Another cotton mill ha recently been completed. any other business. For partloulars, apply to i i I DXoHonsalieln. i 30 bbls.

intended to be worked br slaves, and winch is J. IS. J. J. KEI.LV.

Konansvllle, Dnplin N. Airil 18. liiSl S2 li For sale by McINNIS. Machinery Oil, as a sample, manufactured by the N. V.

a rt mat o'- to put his beau in their mouths, and take it mi Tel oat again, they would not hare had time or inclination to quarrel. Thus true it is. that said to be mnrh lrrer than either of ihe other fmr of nothing doing in Nos. 1 and 2 rosin. Tar 203 all that has reached market this week, sold at $1 60 per bbl.

0. 1ts Very scarce -no sales. Potatoes. Sweet potatoes continue to arrive freely, and prices remain about the same as quoted. Pokk Mesa pork is selling from store at $18 per bbl Prime $15 50 per do.

1. ick No wholesale transactions. Sales in the small way to tbe trade, at $3 25 per 100 lbs, Staves and Heading. Nodc of first arriving. About of latter received, and were taken at $14 per M.

SniN-eLics. Sales of 200,000 common cypress shingles daring the week at $3 50 per with the exception of 25,000 on Fridays which brought $3 f'. FOR HALE. 1 175 barrels. I For sale by bat il has not rrl rone into operation.

There are also Stn finds some mischief still. M. McINNIS. in Columbus und its immediate vicinity-, a cotton cin i btk mi xaanuiaeiuriog to wtiica we eail tbe attention of persona using Machinery of any kind, including the finest and most rapid motion used. price will be 75 eents por gallon, and we will warrant the Oil fully equal, (in some respects superior,) to any other in a so for lubricating Machinery.

If not entirely satisfactory after a fair trial, the Oil may bo returned at our expense. A COMFORTABLE dwelling bouse, with suitsbloi out-bouses and a well of food water. 21 miles from U'iliaiojr ton, together with 60 or 100 acres of land arnnud It. jThe manufactory which turns out 1200 rina annnallr. 75 bags Rio and Laguyra Coffee.

For sale McINNIS. COFFEE, by Terr extensive flourinr mill, and two foundries and bouse is new and well furmnbed two srerys hieh. and baa and the eot will bo refanded. SUGARS. 12 hhds.

P. R. and Muscovado; 15 barrels Crashed 10 do. Powdered. For sale by five comfortable rooms.

There are shout 7 acre of cleared land immediately around the bouse, acre nf hii-b well improved as a garden spot. The remaining 6 ifrres are In Orders to any extent will be supplied at short notice. DeROSSET BROWN. Sept. ID, 1351.

M. McINNIS. cultivation, and contain about 1 00 yonng apple and p'rb trees, and 30 flourishing yoiing seuppemotia vines. The lo Salt. Our quotation of alum salt is tor store rates and that of sack, is tbe price obtained for tbe last wholesale trans t'GAR Cared HasuS.

3,000 lbs. For sale by M. McINNIS. cation is believed to be perfectly healthy. IV Irfm nn.l vtIIKEIj Bsnew.

0 Canal Barrows, for sale low by HOWARD PEDEN, action. A earco of alum salt just arrived from St. Martins. further information, apply to U. 1.

ilOWZE, l. 5,000 For sale by gHOULDEBS. ESS Beer. M. McINNIS- Not -j-XK )' 7 -rt7-? Tlmbkb We note sales of only 7 rafts since last Thurs 10 bbls.

Mesa Beef, for sale by i HOWARD A PEDEN. KOR ILlOa 1 For sale 25 bbls. and half bbls. or idle f-Mtre do. Distinctiox wituoot a DirreKExcc.

President Fillmore, it appears from a despatch we published yesterday, has dismissed the collector at N. Orleans for being absent from the post when the Cuban expedition sailed. This is certainlj a strange proceeding; when we take into consideration that tbe President himself, (and also his Cabinet) was absent from the post, not only at the period of the sailing of the Cuban expedition not only at the time a portion of that expedioa was massacred at Havana, hut also at the very time when our flag was insulted hj Spain, and when our citizens were crying out -where is oar government If, therefore, the collector deserved removal, what done with the President 1 Nett Jersey Tnie American. TrPFE" Tor a. Mr.

Martin FarquharTnppor, bo recently visited the States, is. it is said, about produce Iii-torT. ir ratber a sketch of Aaieri-an writers. day. Six rafts ordinary mill timber ranging from $7 to $8, and one extra quality prime at $11, and inferior at 5 50 to $6 IcINNIS.

M. THE subscriber offers for sale the following tracts of land, lying at Lockwood's Folly, in rnn-ty, only 28 mites from Wilmiugtun. Tbe property will sold in lots to suit purchasers 1 machine shops. The editor of the Clinton (La Floridian, has an in-tereMinjr sketch of the Woodville. Mi-, cotton factory.

wbich i saul to be fnrnin; cut 33.000 yards of cotton cloth per week. Four thousand spindles are constantly emp'oyed. The capital inresleJ 175,000 profits fifiy per cent, an I ihe number of operatives i reneraUy one hundred and twenty-five, a cost of $4 2i r' week. CAaiDi Th Govrmment DmaJa remove' fiow Toronto to Quebec on Wednesday, tt is the or of strong of dissatisfaction in som. qaaitets.

What a life a man lea Is without wife or chil-VrfJ He n-rm lo as if, l.e were a loose dis-Ja'ned mrmher open socety, dironnrctcd from th rrT. bi felkw bems by all tbe lionehold tie- i Wb serin to frm tbe ciiniieclin link t.f life Olt. CIiblMK. 300 suits Oil Clothing; 100 dot. seamen's Shirts, Drawers.

Pants. Over Coats. Sheaths, Belts, Palms, Chests, and every article rennired for the voyage. For sale low by HOWARD fc PEDEN. I'PKRIOU OII Rye Wltlakey.

A few bbls. A No. 1. M. McINMS.

For sale by 1400 acres of Turpentine and Com lahdl Ivinir 011 1 rwt. wood's Folly River, and having on it-an excellent cnd mill. 50 per M. Receipts light and the market about bare. Freights Have again revived, and vessels to Philadelphia and New York are now obtaining 23 cents on and 30 to 33 cents per bbl.

nnder deck, for rosin, tar and turpentine, and 50 eents per bbl. for spirits turpentine. Charletton, Oct. 8. Cotton The Cotton market contin FIE JSC 1 1 Bmndy.

3 half pipes 4 quarter do. $10 eis-hth from common to best. For sale by NAILS 130 kegs Nails. For sale bv 400 acres only IO miles from mitbrillc A lot containing 3 acres, and lvinff wiihin a RD PEDEN. yrds of Iyekwo4d's Folly Bridge, on tho Georgi tow A desirable for a country stort.

EV CropRaUIna -Daily expected per tent. IeRoy, 5 balf pipes. from New York For sale cheap, bv M. MclNNL5- ues in a very lancruid state. 1 be transactions of yesterday JOLLAND bin.

1 ersons aesirou or puj-riiiuiinc, can make ..1 were limited to the sale of 700 bales. lYieos were depressed. 200 loxes new crop Kaifins 290 halves aad quarter boxes d. F' alc low. br HOWARD PI.

BEN. ARD. 15 half bbli. 5 bblA. Tbe sales were at extremes ranging from 7 to9 3-18 cents Courier.

UHllDgpn, IO A. I.OUIK, or tin tho protri-c i KuriTK LrnhdSTTick Anj. 1, 'il. For sale eheap. bv i M.


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