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Stilwell Democrat-Journal from Stilwell, Oklahoma • 2

Stilwell, Oklahoma
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73 Pitt Two STILWELL DEMOCRAT-JOUR NAL STILWELL OKLAHOMA Thnrsdar December 18 lMj 4 From A Reader STILWELL DEMOCRAT-JOURNAL PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT STILWELL OKLAHOMA HOPKINS hMhkir NOXIE ANN HOPKINS Altar talinl aecsn ctaaa ana uttar at tha Paat Oftiaa at SUlwalU Ofclabaan Marah 1SS7 a alar tha Act af Oaanraa at March ISIS Tha Atalr Caaatr DcMrral-Cicaaar caaaatiCalct aa "The DraMaral" May SI IMS Tha Walla Jaanal caaiwIMatrS aa tha "Daaaacral-Jaaraar Fchraarr IS 137 All Bursa aa "SlilwcU Pfacrat-Jaaraal" Jaaaary 1 IMS Vt I SUNDAY lnterwthl I SCHOOL By HAROLD LUHDQU1ST Of Tha Moody Bible Xnllitula of Chicago Balcaasd by Western Newspaper Uniea McQEITTYS RETURN TO FARM HOME Mr and Mrx McQuitty who for the past several months have been employed at Leoti I Kax returned Sunday to make their home on their farm in the Peavine community and Mr McQuitty expects to follow his car- penter trade in connection with his farm work His mother Mrx McQuitty and an uncle have been managing the farm while he was away NOTICE THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA To Harry Welch Bill Welch Junie Peterson Frank Welch Ballard Charcoal Company a corporation the unknown successors trustees and assigns of Ballard Charcoal Company a dissolved corporation having no legal existence the unknown heirs executors Administrators devisees trustees and assigns immediate and remote of Yell Ward deceased and of John Welch deceased and of Dovie Welch deceased: You are hereby notified that you have been sued by George McFarland and Sophia Mc-i Farland in case No 5923 in the I District Court of Adair County1 Oklahoma and that you must answer the petition of said plaintiffs filed against you in said before court on or the 24th day ROCKY MOUNTAIN Mr and Mrx Elmer Turman and children returned Monday night They will move to their home where Mr Fate Nolan and family now live The pie supper at the school house was wel attended and proceeds amounts to $7500 The fund will be used for singing which started Mtonday night In the contests Miss Billie Jean Nolan won a cake for prettiest girl Grant Turman won a guess box for a best guesser Stan Christie and Daylight Batt returned home Wednesday from a several days trip in search of employment Church services which were held at the school house four nights were well attended Rev Acorn will fill his regular appointment Sunday with all day services at Echata SUBSCRIPTION NATIONAL CDITORIAU MCWASSOCIATION Phoenix Ariz December 4 1946 Please find enclosed $300 for renewal to the County paper My subscription was out the first but have been so busy getting located Sold my place in Midway City Calif to Marion Gregg and am now located in Phoenix Marion used to skin me in cattle deals back in Adair county but I sure put it over him this this time for the sum of $15000-for our home But he still is doing good business in real estate for himself Please mail me back numbers of the paper Respectfully and a long reader of your paper Mrx Ophelia Carrisoza Mrx Coulter who with her late husband has made her home in the Bunch community asks that her Democrat-Journal come to her at Stockton Calif where she is spending the winter with her daughter NOTICE The Adair County Singing convention will hold a special session on Sunday December 15 in the convention hall in Stilwell beginning at 1 pm trustees Carroll Vandenheiden and Skako Hogner announced today As this is a very important business meeting all members of the convention are urged to be present Read Our Classified Ads OUR MOTTO: "GIVE THE PEOPLE LIGHT AND THEY WILL HAVE CONFIDENCE IN YOU REGARDLESS OF Each outbreak of polio adds new names to the steadily growing list of patients many of whom must receive continuing care TIRE REPRIRS with Mas Math Mahal Sat -pain Hut Oaltait tha Thai tafattr I eauae! Faftetaianae NOW AT mdk 1st door south of Buckner Service Station BlfAttV UPAlMHHl Legal Blanks A i Rat Stand The Test EAST SIDE ABSTRACT CO ADDIELEE Mr and Mrx Stermie Carter of Stilwell visited in the Jack Summerlin home Sunday Mr and Mrx Charles Calvin were visitors in the home of Mr and Mrx John Rains of Christie Sunday Mrx Henry Black left Sunday for the hospital at Tulsa where she will undergo an operation Her son Roy accompanied her Mr and Mrx George Summerlin have moved to Braggx We hate to see these good neighbors move But welcome Mr and Mrs Milard Wilson who will move into their place Mr and Mrx Bobbie Black Mr James Black and Freddie of Fayetteville were visitors in the home of their mother Mrs Henry Black Friday CHARLES HUFF BUYS McGOVERN FARM In a deal consummated last week Charles Huff ex-GI and Mrx Huff became the owners of the Jim McGovern 40-acre farm Lyons community 10 miles southwest of Stilwell Mr Huff is the son-in-law of Lloyd Center Mr and Mrx McGovern came from Oklahoma City 12 years ago when they bought the farm and have continued -to improve the place until today it is one of the most modorn farm homes in the county Mr and Mrx McGovern have no definite plans for the immediate future but will rest and visit relatives during the holidayx Mr and Mrx Huff will move to their new home as soon as the McGoverns vacate around the 19th of December Dr Lewis Winfrey University of Oklahoma professor is a member of the executive board of the South-Central Modern Language association Langley Mgr i Notary Public LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE No 3319 Final ACT and petition for distribution of Edith Johnson administratrix of Harvey Johnson will be heard at County Court room in Stilwell December 24th 1946 at 10 AM JOE LYNCH (SEAL) County Judge (Published in Stilwell Democrat-Journal Dec 5 12 and 19 1946) IN THE conn COVET IN AND POE ADAIK COL'KTT STATE OF OKLAHOMA Mary Buarake now Crittenden at 1 FlmtnUIfo The Unknown hrlri etc of Oo-yuak Bul-lateskee Chcro 33333 deed Defendant! No 3440 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION THE BTATX OF OKLAHOMA TO: Tha Unknown he Ira executor administrator truateea devlacca niecaaaora and aatian clatmanta and creditor immad-late and remote of Oo-yuak Hullateakeo CherokM 33332a dcooiicd Take notice that you hart been aued In the abort named Court by the Plaintiff Man Suwake now Crittenden an adult and by Eliaabeth Bullataekca a minor by Huxh A White Untied Slatei Probate Attorney her next friend altei-Int that laid Oo-yuak Bullateakee via a full blood Cherokee Indian Roll No 32333 and that he died inteoUla in the month of July 140 a resident of Ada'r County Oklahoma aelied and Boneaaed of an ealate ineludlnx real and perrnul property: that there haa been no administration on decedent'! ealate nor eauae tor admlntalratlon that hia helra hn not been determined and that ihla Ojurl haa juriadiction of the aettlenient of aaid ealate and to determine who are or were all of the particular peraona entitled to participate in the dialribution of aaid eatate Plaintiff claim all of raid male and aeek to hare tlieir right aa ltera judicially determined Said petition ta act for hearing In the County Court of Adair Oautity at Stllwe Oklahoma on the 33rd day of January 1M7 at 10 o'clock A and you moat anawer on or before aaid dale or aaid petition will be taken true and judgment rendered In accordance with aaid petition Dated thla 4th day of December 1946 Dannenberx Court Clerk By Xmogene Davidson Deputy (SEAL) Hugh A White 8 Probate Attorney Attorney for Plaintiffs Published In Stvell Democrat-Journal December 13 Jk IMS NOTICE Notice is given that the Board of Trustees of the City of Stilwell have called an election to be held December 31 1946 for the election of such officers as is provided for by the City Charter Said election will be held at the regular polling places for said town towit: Stilwell Precincts Nos One Three and Four and will be held under the direction of the Adair County election Board as provided by law This notice is given pursuant to resolution duly passed in regular session of aaid Board CARSON (SEAL) Chariman ATTEST: JOE CARSON Clerk (Published in Stilwell Democrat-Journal Dec 5 12 and 19 1946) Rest under medical supervision is the only proved cure for tuberculosis No drug has been found that will cure the disease Beautiful Memorials MONUMENTS AND MARKERS OF DISTINCTION Complete Stock of Many Different Kinds of Granite and Marble HANKINS MONUMENT CO Fayetteville and Siloam Springs Ark Lesson for December IS Leasaa aublrcta and Sr rl pure texts aa-levied and eopyrixhted by Intarnational Council of Religious Education used by permission PHILEMON: A LETTER ON CHRISTIAN BROTHERHOOD LESSON Philemon 4-10 MEMORY Now the Lord that Spirit: cod where the Spirit nl the Lord la there bt Corinthians 1:17 Chrfitisn brotherhood! That may not sound like a dynamic influence destined to change the world but that is Just what it has done We study today letter written about a slave boy at a time when slavery was accepted as right but it stated principles of Christian consideration and brotherly love which were eventually to overthrow Slav ery It is still at work today when and where we let ill This letter written by Paul and yet by the Holy Spirit personal and yet eternal and spiritual in its application is a model of letter writing and equally a model of Christian brotherhood It concerns one Onesimus a slave who had deserted his muter and probably defrauded him (v 18) He had been converted and now was being sent back to his mister I Might Be Yet I Bather Beseech (vv 4-9) After a fine spiritual salutation (vv 1-3) Paul enters upon an appeal to Philemon which is a model of tact and courtesy First he lets Philemon know of his prayerful interest in him Paul had been praying for him that's why he could say such a helpful word Then he recognizes Philemon's goodness and his effective testimony for Christ This was an excellent approach to the making of a request and be sure that it was not empty or hypocritical flattery We do well to recognize the line qualities of our Christian brother and we could profitably speak of them more than we do Then Paul was ready to make his request See how nicely he does it He skillfully reminds Philemon that he (Paul) might make some demands and especially in view of his age and his Imprisonment But he will not do so rather he eayx beseech thee" IL "Without Thy Mind I Would Da Nothing" (vv 10-181 Paul the aged prisoner had found in hie new convert Onexinus a real helper He would have liked to keep him In fact say he to Philemon Onesimus could do for me the things you would want to do if you were here (v 131 Paul could have felt sure of the willingness of Philemon He could have assumed that the request would be granted And in any case Phiiemon did not even know where Onesimus was so why not keep him? He did not reason thus True Christian consideration re-spec' the persona! rights and the property rights of another We must not assume or demand or put pressure on anyone (v 14) to get what they have ur to draw out their service Another expression of consideration is found in verses 19 and 16 Philemon had lost a heathen slave now he is receiving back a Christian brother No worker will give less in service and no master will demand more because both are Christians Now Paul touches on one of the flnest elements Involved in Christian brotherhood namely co-operation We are to live and labor together for a common cause Pleading for his fuend and brother the young slave Onesimus he says: III "If Thee Count Me a Partner Receive (vv 17-21) Partners share the benefits and the burdens ol their Joint enterprise Partners in the gospel like Paul and Philemon shared not only spiritual blessings but also the re-ponsibilities Paul was presenting such an item to Philemon in the return of Onesimus Something had to be done about the debt of Onesimus his failure as a servant Paul says to me your partner" It has been pointed out that there is here a blessed example of the important doctrine of imputation whiab Is the of God whereby he accounts righteousness to the believer In Christ" because he "has borne the believer's sins in vindication of the law" So we note that verses 17 and 18 perfectly illustrate imputation Paul's promise "1 will repay it" (v 19) was the legal phraseology of a promissory note in his day It was a boneflde partnership transaction yet It was coupled with a reminder of indebtedness Everything Philemon had end was he owed to Paul but says the latter will not apeak of that now" No right-thinking person Is content always to be on the receiving end The humblest recipient of fa vor or the smallest child who feels the love of another want to respond The considerate friend will therefore not always insist on giving but will graciously (like Paul) open the way for cooperation for partner ship I year la aSraaea S3 OalalAa af Caaalr Jt Siaala Caaiaa ADVEKTISIXO aar ralaaaa lach MI Ferrlaa par aalaaia Inch er creel I CONTRACT KATES ON APPLICATION No 3331 Notice is given that John Holt executor of estate of Frank Ross Holt will have Final Report and Petition for distribution heard at County Court Room Stilwell Oklahoma December 14th 1946 at 10 A Dated November 12 1946 JOE LYNCH (SEAL) County Judge (Published in the Stilwell Democrat-Journal November 21 28 and December 5 12 1946) NOTICE Candidates for City offices as Provided by the City Charter of the City of Stilwell Oklahoma should file with the City Clerk of Stilwell December 11th 1946 to December 21 at 5 PM CARSON (SEAL) Chairman ATTEST: JOE CARSON Clerk (Published in Stilwell Democrat-Journal December 5 12 1946) NOTICE THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA To Minnie Pulliam Daisy Rhea Ethel Duckworth Maggie Stal-cup George A Williams Jr Doss Williams the unknown heirs executors administrators devisees trustees and assigns immediate and remote of Martha A Phillips deceased and of William Williams deceased: You are hereby notified that you have been sued by Gertrude I Tittle in case No 5921 in the District Court of Adair County Oklahoma and must answer the petition of said plaintiff filed in said court against you on or before the 24th day of January 1947 or said petition will be taken as true and judgment rendered accordingly quieting title in plaintiff to and excluding you from any interest in the WVi of NW4 of of Section 32 Township 18 North Range 26 East and in connection therewith determining the heirs of Martha A Phillips deceased and of Williams Wiliams deceased WITNESS my hand and seal this 6th dav of December 194 DANNENBERG (SEAL) Court Clerk (Published in Stilwell Democrat-Journal December 12 19 and 26 1946 January 2 1947) NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That Freeman administrator of the estate of Lizzie Freeman in case No 3399 in the county court of Adair County Oklahoma has filed and presented for final settlement and distribution of the estate his final account and petition for distribution and that same will be heard in the county court room at Stilwell Adair County Oklahoma at 10 o'clock AM on the 4th day of January 1947 This 7th day of December 1946 JOE LYNCH (SEAL) County Judge (Published in Stilwell Democrat-Journal Dec 12 19 and 26 1946) Read Our Classified Ads xr lit your pantry shelf of January 1947 or said petiti will be taken as true ana jud ition judg- ment rendered accordingly quieting title in plaintiffs to and excluding you from any interest in the North 8 acres of the of SE of SEVt of Section 18 Township 19 North Range 26 East and in connection therewith determining the heirs of Yell Ward deceased and of John Welch deceased and of Dovie Welch deceased WITNESS my hand and seal this 7th day of December 1946 DANNENBERG (SEAL) Court Clerk (Published in Stilwell Democrat-Journal December 12 19 26 1946 onH JTaniiflrv 2 1947) NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE BY COUNTY TREASURER Notice is hereby given that the undersigned County Treasurer of Adair County Oklahoma has received a bid of Thirty-Five and 20jl00 Dollars made by A Wallace for the following described real estate acquired by Adair County under and by virtue of the resale tax laws of the State of Oklahoma situated in Adair County Oklahoma to-wit: Lot 1 Section 18 Township 16 North Range 24 East and that the sale of said property so listed shall be made at such price and for the amount of said bid and to such bidder on January 4 1947 at 10:00 AM subject to the approval of the Board of County Commissioners of Adair County Oklahoma unless a higher bid is received on such date for said property The sale will be made for cash in hand to the highest competitive bidder or to said original bidder if there be no higher price offered and said sale in any event will be subject to the approval of the Board of County Commissioners in their discretion Dated at Stilwell Oklahoma this 9 day of December 1946 WARD Treasurer of the County of Adair State of Oklahoma (Published in Stilwell Democrat-Journal Dec 12 19 and 26 1946) NOTICE THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA To Fratl-eia Iran Mack formerly Francla Irena William: Shell: the unknown heir tecutor administrator devtarea trust-eft and iBhinns immediate and remote of Shackelford deceaaed and Herr William deceeaed: You are hereby notified that you hare been lurh In eate No 5630 in the District Court of Adair County Oklahoma by Julia Williams and must answer her pe-t il in filed atalnst you In aaid court on or before the Sth day af January 1947 or said petition will be taken as true and Judament rendered aeeordinxly deter-mtmnx Interests ol owner of interest! In Lnt In Block IS tat the Town of Weit-vtlle Adair County Oklahoma quietina title thereto and partltumin same and In connection therewith determlnlnx tha helra of Shackelford deceaaed and of Harry Williams deceaaed WITNESS my hand and seal this Sill day of November IMS DANNENBERQ i SEAL! Court Clark (Published In the Stilwell Democrat-Journal Not 28 Dee 13 and IS 1M1) IN THE COUNTY COURT IN AND FOR ADAIR COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA In Re: Approval of Conveyance by Full Blood Heirs of Rufus Cochran Cherokee 19898 deceased No 3442 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Emma Cochran now Liver Cherokee 19008 Josie Cochran now Naked-head Cherokee 19010 Henry Cochran Cherokee 19012 and Cora Cochran now Walkingstick Cherokee 19013 full blood Indian Heirs of Rufus Cochran Cherokee 19006 have filed in this Court their Petition for approval of their conveyance to Kate Jones now Soap of certain lands allotted to said Rufus Cochran to-wit: SE SW: W2 SW SF S2 NW SE SE NE SW of 36-15N-25E and that hearing upon said Petition is set for and will be had at the hour of 10 o'clock AM on the 26th day of December 1946 at the County Court room in the City of Stilwell Adair County State of Oklahoma JOE LYNCH (SEAL) County Judge (Published in Stilwell Democrat-Journal December 12 1946) Mrs Murray of the Oak Grove community is visiting her son Murray and family of Kansas City Kax accompanying them home Sunday when they came to Stilwell for the funeral of his grandmother Mrs Anna Cora Shaffer who made her home with her daughter Mr and Mrx Roy Frank and family and Mr and Mrs Lee Holland and family of Fayetteville Ark visited Sunday with Mrx Frank's and Mrx sister Mrx McGovern and Mr McGovern at their home 10 miles southwest of Stilwell Tulsa was first called Tulsey Town for the Creeks Indians who iclonged to the Tallassee or Tul-xy community ONLY GIVES BIG-CAR QUALITY AT CINNAMON BUNS A Hot luscious Cinnamon Buns at a notice! Fast Rising Dry Yeast is always ready for quick action keeps fresh fix week on your pantry shelf IF YOU BAKE AT HOME -just dissolve according to directions on the package then use as fresh yeast At your Stays fresh In fact Chevrolet has the lowest-priced line of passenger cars in its field! Moreover the new Chevrolet is the only car in its field thaf give Big-Car beauty Big-Car comfort Big-Car performance BIG-CAB QUALITY AT LOWEST in all items of purchase price operation and upkeep Toko it from any and ovary standpoint Big-Car quality-low purchase price-low operating and upkeep costs-aU loll you to choose Chevrolet! Carson Chevrolet Company.

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