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The Morning Post from Raleigh, North Carolina • Page 5

The Morning Posti
Raleigh, North Carolina
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE MOANING POST, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER, 1005 fmmmm mm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Hmmm He wears coarse stripes, thick with the dust and srrimA nf theu inn. nTiM ON ATTACK REP ORT OF CAROLINA TRUST COM PAN Raleigh, li. to th North Carolina Corporation Commission, Close of nusiness RESOURCES. Loans and discounts 88,897.84 0eW(rft8, secured 1,855.43 Stocks and bonds, 25,475.00 Premiums 110.21 Eahking house, vaults, safes and fixtures Demand loans 18,405.20 Cash on hand and duo from banks 73,595.49 $262,000.68 H. F.

Smith, cashier Carolina Trust Company, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief H. F. Smith, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 30th day of August A. 1905.

PRANK P. HAYWOOD, Notary Public Correct Attest: 1 ALEXANDER WEBB, Leo D. HEARTT, F. WARD, Directors. Middle Creek, D.

Vaughan of Cedar Fork. THIRD WEEK W. R. Smith, J. C.

Beavers, R. B. Raney, Ashe, T. W. Dobbin of Raleigh, Moses Fort; J.

H. Lassiter of Wake Forest, J. L. Roberts, N. I.

Hodge of St. Matthews, S. V. Hudson, W. H.

Mills of White Oak, S. S. Richardson of Neue, Floyd, Ferrell, J. T. Woolard of Panther Branch, Geo! Allen of St.

Mary's, Isaiah Hall, Jr. (col.) of Mark's Creek, B. Wilson of Switf Creek. Numerous complaints having been made on account of the condition of the Avent Ferry road, the matter was referred to Supt. H.

G. Holding, with instructions to examine and report to the board. It was ordered that, in view of the fact that Mrs. W. Ffi Black has rendered valuable assistance in making the administration of her husband a successful one, really filling the position of matron at the home, thid board pay to her the sum of $60 for services during the past eight and one-half months.

On motion of Commissioner Terrell It was ordered that the resolution passed at the last meeting allowing Capt. B. P. Williamson, county treasurer, $50 for services rendered in negotiating the bond issue, be rescinded and he be paid $100. County Attorney B.

Norrls reported that in accordance with instructions he had submitted the proposition past at the last meeting to Judge T. B. Womack, attorney for Seaboard Air Line Railroad Company, relative to the Pigeon House and Pilot Mills crossings, and the latter had stated that he would transmit same to the president and general counsel of the company; that Judge Womack has since informed him that the company declined to accept the proposition, but 1 III 225 South Wilmington Street, East End of Market HEADQUAHTERS FOR EVERYTHING Builders' Supplies, Stoves, Cuttlery, Firearms, Dairymen Supplies, Ready Mixed Paints, Blacksmiths' Supplies, Contractors' Supplies. Ask for what you want and you will get it. August 25, 1905.

i LJABIMTXES. Capital stock $100,000.0 Undivided profits 4.M189 Bills payable Deposits subject to check WH, $145,118.79 Cashier's checks 62L48 145.8S3.2f I -I $262,000.61 MOD ERI OfEfeoN CO Ht Mm h'frmLX, Va. 1 DO NOT BUY A Range, Cooking Stove Heating Stove Of any kind until you examine 111 sfcspsj r. 1 it i Uk Finding Money nndinr health Is like findlnjr money so think, those who are sick. When you have a cough," cold, sore or chesl irritation, better act promptly like W.

C. Barber of Sandy, Level, Va. He says: VI had a terrible chest 'trouble caused by smoke and. coal dust on my lungs; but, afttr Ending no re lief in other remedied, Vas cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds." Great est sale of any cough or lung medicine In the world.

At all duggists; 60c and guaranteed. Trial bottle free. Guilford Colleeg For Both 5exes Location on a SOO-acre dairy farm. Electric lights. Abundant supply of pure water.

Fifteen members of the Faculty. Five courses of study, Including one Bible course. Excellent Library and Laboratories. Fall term will open September- 6th. President Hdbbs, GUILFORD COLLEGE.

N. Louisbufe: College Will Begin Its 49th Year Stptem-, ber 6th, 1905. The stately and commodious build ings -are situated in a grove of splendid primeval oaks, comprising twelve acres, affording and inviting grounds for out-door exercise and sports. The number of boarding pupils Is limited' to eighty. Thus -ensuring to each; careful individual training by a strong and well-equipped faculty.

A special" course is arranged for those wishing tb prepare" themselves to teach In the public The expenses dt the School are as moderate as the advantages arid ac comodations offered will allow. For? catalogue address, President, Lonisburg; N. C. THE OLD FOGY PAINTER believes old things are best and does not wisn to keep up -with the times. CaJclmo, The Cold Water Kalsomint.

It is the, only kalsomlne that is soluble in cold covers with one coat; even dark stains; is not affected, by, heat; will Jell regardless of temperature; can not peel and will, not rub is strongly glued. Six cents per," pound. Send or call for color Card-' Young Hardware Co Summer Colds and Headaches Cured quickly by HICKS' CAPUDINE. Buy abottle now. At all drugstores.

RALEIGH Marble Works Fate'sh, N. C. iinis. Write for Catalogua We pay freight 111 -BOUGHT, SOLD IN ANY coivma i i i I GIV Description, price STAINS? 'STSti MUKPKEY GoLosaoko. tLCAROLrftA: CHATHAM CO.

CHAPTER The Exhuming of Nail's Body by the Coroner Legal Question Involved as to the Bringing of the Body to Raleigh. Some Hitherto Unpublished Fact. Great Indignation in Chatham Coroner T. M. Jordan was Interviewed by a Morning Post reporter yesterday, and gave out the first official statement concerning certain: phases of the Nail case, which has now become of state-wide notoriety and Interest.

Dr. Jordan said regarding his investigation that on last Saturday he was advised by a resolution passed by the jury and endorsed by counsel to go to Chatham, have the county physician or some other reputable physician make a proper autopsy In his presence upon the remains. Not having information as to the real whereabouts of the burying grounds and as to who was the county physician in Chatham, he proceeded to Pittsboro to ascertain those facts. He learned there that Dr. J.

N. Turner of Bynum was the county physician. He communicated with him by 'phone and arranged for the autopsy on Sunday at Sandy Branch Church, some fifteen miles southwest of Pittsboro, -arriving there about 11 o'clock. The remains were disinterred and a thorough investigation into th cause of the death made. The greatest indignation prevailed all through the county, he was told, and he heard plenty of expressions showing this.

The body was well preserved and there was no difficulty in ascertaining the cause of death. The autopsy was begun In the cemetery at the church, and before it ended the, experience was one not to be forgotten. A thunder storm came up with a tremendous rain and it was necessary for them to remove the remains to a school house to continue their Investigation, which lasted about three hours in all. About a dozen people were present, Including Nail's brother, his father being old and feeble and not caring to be present, but having given his permission for the disinterment of the body. The father Is an ex-Confederate soldier and a man well liked in his community.

His age is 71, and he has a wooden leg, and is a man of very moderate means. The body was reburied and the grave all filled up nicely, it being the intention then of Coroner Jordan it should so remain, in all probability. The coroner returned here Monday morning and at once laid his report on the autopsy before the county attorney, Solicitor Jones of this district being out of the The developments of the autopsy being reviewed to the county attorney on Monday, and the seriousness of the situation Impressing that official, he recommended that the body be brought here. After a consultation with the solicitor which was held by Dr. Jordan over the 'phone, Solicitor Jones being at Lillington, both the solicitor and the county attorney, advised a second disinterment and the bringing of the body here, that no legal questions might arise about the proper manner of holding the inquisition.

The original view of Coroner Jordan had been that the body should be brought back to Raleigh and the investigation and the accompanying autopsy be made here, and on looking Into the law it was found that this early view of his was the correct legal one, and both the solicitor and county attorney advised him to return to Chatham and bring the remains here at the earliest possible moment. Dr. Jordan left here Tuesday morning and went from here to Bear Creek, had the body disinterred and accompanied the remains to Raleigh, arriving here at 2 o'clock; having previously arranged with Undertaker Strickland to take charge of the body upon its ar- rival in Raleigh. It did not take the jury hilt a little time to find the facts as to these men, but there were other matters which it considered and which kept it in its secret session for an hour or more. The strain on the coroner and upon the jury during the long period of investigation has been very great, as many things might have happened which would have very greatly embarrassed officials interested," but everything went well and was carried to a most complete conclusion.

JURORS FOR OCTOBER S. A. L. Declines Crossing Supt. Monday Week The board of county met again yesterday, and, drew the following jufors for the October civil term of court: FIRST WEEK J.

I Ramsey, B. N. Walters, W. H. Austin, D.

G. Rogers, Bernard Harris, E. K. Leeson, J. W.

Crawford of Raleigh, G. H. Pa'ge J. P. Uchurch qjf White Oak, M.

V. Weathers, L. J. Penny, J. F.

Andams of Panther Branch, Wm. D. Holder of Barton's Creek, Z. Pearce of Wake Forest, H. G.

Perry of Little River, J. I Watkins of St. Matthews, Judson Lee of Creek. SECOND WEEK W. A.

Upchurch, A. J. Crawford, A. J. Thomas, C.

P. Sprulll of Raleigh, S. E-. Shepherd of Barton's Creek, J. E.

Rogers, R. E. Jones of Swift Creek, ErxUm Hinton (col.) Troy Jones, C. N. Allen, of St.

Mary's, G. B. Richardson 6f Mark's Creek F. Marriott Amos Dean of Little River, P. R.

Allen, J. C. Ray of New Light, A. H. Mi Council of White Oak, Jas.

A. Adam9 of days bf a semi-tropical during the long hours of work from light to darkness, with bjrlef intermissions, with the guards armed with shot-guns and rifles, ready and "willing to shoot any convict who might flee from this Siberia located In the heartof a civilized state. This threat of death or great bodily harm makes escape impossible, and makes sure and persistent the tudding of the picks and the rapid flight of the shovels, which from dawn to dark Is typical of perpetual motion. And the boss who applies the lash is among the guards and Is armed with a leather strap about three feet long, ready to administer corporal punish-, ment In palpable violation of the express prohibition of the state constitution. He Is worked and confined and associated with thieves and felons and all "kinds of malefactors as are sent to the roads by Wake superior court.

He is about sixty-two years old and is compelled to labor from early morn to dewy eve of every clear day." The imprisonment is in violation of Article 3 of constitution, of United States which provides "th trial of all crimes, except cases of impeachment, shall be by jury. The petitioner was denied a trial by jury though the offence of which he was charged exists under the common-law of the land and by this law Is triable by a jury. The petition also charges that the 14th amendment to the constitution has been violated in that he was denied the due process of law. Then Col. Harris concludes with this burst of eloquence: Eloquent Appeal "Like thousands of the oppressed and down-trodden through all the centuries since that glorious day in the history pf human liberty, when the great charter made forever imperishable, the principle that 'no free man bo taken or imprisoned bue by the lawful judgment of his peers, or by the law of the land he applies for the great writ of right, the writ of habeas corpus, and he humbly seeks the portals of that court whose judges are sworn to know ho difference between the rich and the poor, where justice ever bends the listening ear to catch the plaint of the humble and lowly, and through all whose generous and benign jurisprudence is heeded the admonition of the Master "Inasmuch as ye have done it) to one of the heart of these my brethren, yet have done it unto INVESTIGATION ASKED Council of State Makes Requests of Dr.

McKse He Willingly Calls a Meeting of the Directors of the State Hospital for Wednesday, September 13, to Make a Thorough Investigation The following statement was given out yesterday evening from the execu- -4 tive office: "At a called meeting of the council of state today in the governor's office it was agreed to ask Dr. James Mc-Kee, superintendent of the State Hospital for the Insane, to call a meeting of the board of directors of the State Hospital. Dr. McKee said he was perfectly willing to do so and would notify them at once to meet next Wednesday, September 13th, to make a thorough investigation." Veterans on October 19 Hon. H.

A. London of PJJtsboro, who is adjutant general of the North Carolina division of the United Confederate Veterans, was in the city yesterday and was asked by a reported of The Morning Post" what part the veterans would take in the program on the' occasion of President Roosevelt's visit to Raleigh. To this inquiry Major London answered it would be determined by the veterans themselves at their meeting at Raleigh the night before the president's arrival, the call for which meeting was published a few days ago. He also said that he and General Carr, who Commands the North Carolina division of U. C.

were both personally heartily in favor of the veterans paying every proper mark of respect to the president during his visit here and that no allusion was made to this in the recent order for the meeting, because they did not wish it to appear that the veterans were ordered to do but that they voluntarily and of their own accord could determine what they would do in the matter of expressing their appreciation of the president's visit to our "state. Watch Walter Woollcott's Space Hereafter every day on the second page of The Morning Post will appear some new bargains advertised by the progressive Walter Woollcott. He will change this advertisement each day, and his space will always contain from one to five new special bargains. This is an evidence of Mr. Woollcott's up-to-date ideas of business.

He appreciates the necessity of constantly presenting to the public what he has to offer out of the-common run. mm High Point Trust Co. The High Point Real Estate, and Trust Company of High Point was incorporated yesterday with $125,000 authorized capital and $5,000 subscribed. The incorporators are H. C.

Pitts, Geo. T. Perry and W. F. Armfleld.

Warrants were issued yesterday for twelve rural libraries, as follows: One to Graham, to' Camden, one to Johnston, two to Caswell, one to Beaufort, three to Jackson, 'two to POLICE COURT three. Habeas Corpus Writs Before Judge Purnell WOMAN FINED $100 Eertha Brown Convicted of Keeping Bawdy HouseCol. Harris, as Counsel, Assails the Justices Court, 1 Claiming a Violation of the Federal Constitution Tho constitutionality of the Raleigh folice court and the legality of the f.rrm of warrants issued by the police will be tested in the federal 'c "Writs of habeas corpus will be sued before Judge- Thos. R. Purnell of the T'nited States district court this incining in three cases and the hearing will probably be set for i early next t--k.

in each case it is alleged that the r. ited States constitution is violated I i three particulars, to-wit: (1) the rant is sworn out by the chief of ivlice who has no first hand knowledge i the offence, (2) the petitioner was tiorsied. a trial by jury although ac-i used of a common-law crime, (3) he v. a convicted without due process of The individuals for wliom this relit is sought through the federal nirts are Osborne Brown, colored, rving 90 days for running a gambling house, Will Snow, colored, serving 6 Months for assault with a deadly wea-n, and Bertha Brown, a white woman who was yesterday fined $100 and for running a bawdy house on last Davie street. ol.

J. C. L. Harris appeared as v.insel for each of these and the writs habeas corpus have been drawn and sro ready for presentation to Judge Purnell this morning. City Attorney now will represent the city and th.

proceedings will be stoutly resisted by sim at every stage. In fact if the petitioners succeed on all these points then virtually means the end of the court the Raleigh police justice. Bertha Brown Convicted The matter came to light yesterday t. the trial of Bertha Brown, which as the feature of the day In the police court. Wednesday afternoon two from her house were before the for disorderly conduct and were s.

el JS.23 each. During their exami-: at ion City Attorney Snow brought out i.p character of the house. This fur-hed a basis for a warrant against Fertha Brown for keeping a disreputable house and her trial was set for four o'clock yesterday. The two girls, -frc-ne Land jind Maggie Vick, were among the eight witnesses subpoenaed by the state. No sooner had the case been callerr than Col.

J. C. L. Harriss, attorney for the woman, moved to quash the indictment on the grounds that the warrant was not legal. In an extended argument he contended that it was not sufficient for the warrant to be sworn cut by the chief of police on simply information and belief." This he claimed, article four of the United states constitution.

The warrant must be based ouon direct knowledge." said Col. Harris, "this prosecution should fail, then my client de-Fires to bring suit for damages against the prosecuting witness. Such a course is not possible when warrants aria Fworn out on what the chief of police Is 'informed and believes and not upon any direct knowledge of a witness." point was discussed at great length by Col. Harris and City Xttor-rey Snow then Justice Badger held JVith the latter and ordered the trial to proceed. Col.

Harris' motion for -a Jury trial was refused. Witnesses who had talked freely the before became suddenly very incommunicative when examined yesterday. R. R. Smith, a young white man from another town, proved to a frequenter of the place, but was ignorant of the character of the in-itr-s except as to his friend "Miss -hnson." The two women questioned ve most remarkable testimony.

Nei-jhr nf them pad any board, and ope rf rhem, was as pure and innocent a3 'r undrlveh snow, according to 'her count of herself. Her occupation was Ping clean up the house once in vhile." Molly Spericer, the colored "rrk, added little to the information of the court. She knew "Miss Bertha" slightly, so she said. "Miss Maude 'i-M nie, said Molly, "but "She went 'I'' a preacher, and since then I worked for Miss Bertha." When f-- evidence was all taken Judge zpr found Bertha Brown guilty and osod a fine of $100 and costs. Col.

ris stated that habeas corpus would instituted and pending this course -'i woman gave a $200 bond. Horrors of the Road Gang Tne petitions in the habeas corpus dings are all very similar. 'iv upon the same alleged violations the federal constitution. The i of Osborne Brown, after giving a ir' of the warrant which is alleged invalid because sworn out by the rLl' of police, the skillful attorney 1 this vivid picture of how Brown ending his ninety days on-the "Ho ia row wearing stripes, the tsV2ee.of infamy and that of a felon ln(J th insignia of the penitentiary. he had recently recommended to the company to send their civil engineer to Inspect and report if a noverhead bridge would be practical at Pigeon House crossing, of if he would recommend the acceptance of the proposed overhead bridge instead of an underground crossing.

The board adjourned to meet Monday week to elect a superintendent of the county home. FOR NEGRO PREACHERS Organization of Bible Institutes for Their Training Dean M. M. Ponton, field superintendent of the John C. Martin educational fund for the supplemental training of negro preachers on the field and the thorough education of theological students in schools, reached Raleigh yesterday morning.

Mr. John C. Martin is a layman of the Fifth Avenue church. New York city. He early conceived the Idea that the greatest need of the negroes was not more preachers, but better preachers, to hpld up before them better and higher ethical ideals.

Ha is a -Christian patriot and philanthropist who desires to do what he can to relieve his country of a most distressing and aggravating problem. To this end Mr. Martin inaugurated this movement, represented by Dean Ponton, known as the John C. Martin educational fund, and incorporated It In the city of New York under the laws of the state of New York. Mr.

Martin not only uses his own money in carrying on his work among preachers, but through his movement others who wish to assist in' the uplift of the negro people through their preachers are invited and encourage to co-operate with Mr. Martin in this great work. There are organized and are now maintained under this fund 120 local Institutes, 12 divinity schools in colleges, 12 professorships, 2 field men and between four and five thousand preachers and students helped. The work now being done is carried on in the states of Arkansas, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia and outh Carolina. Dean Ponton, who is touring North Carolina, is a native of the state and was born in Halifax county.

He left Halifax more than thirty years ago. "I have traveled through all the Southern and Northern States, but for some reason the North Carolina negro is the most progressive and wideawake I have found anywhere. The negroes in Charlotte, Salisbury, Greensboro, Durham and Raleigh are doing much to solve the race question. They seem -to be honest, thrifty and energetic. I find a great improvement in the home life of the people and a friendly relation existing between "the two races, such as I have found nowhere else." The John C.

Martin educational fund, through its representatives, appeals to the best people of both races to cor operate with them, in raising for the negro a higher standard of life and inspiring the negro ministers the true leaders of the negro race, to hold before their race higher ethical ideals. The great end of this movement is to popularize the Bible and to make Bible morals and Bible spirituality familiar to negro preachers, so that they may lead their people and teach them to be-good, citizens as well as to be good Christians. A large number of preachers rnet Dean Ponton at 3 o'clock in the colored Presbyterian church and organized a local Bible institute for Raleigh i and vicinity. I After the state has been organized i work will begin in the negro schools in the state. The work is carried on through local institutes, state Bible conferences, summer and di- jvinity schools in colleges.

Dean Ponton leaves this morning for Klttrell College, thence to Weldon, his? birthplace. Bank at Chapel Hill A bank was chartered for Chapel Hill in the secretary of state's office yesterday. It is the Merchants and Farmers' Bank, with an authorized capital of $50,000, of which $10,000 is subscribed. The incorporators are E. M.


IN THE USE OF LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO ADMIT OF ANT TROUBLE IN THE, KITCHEN. WE WANT TOU TO CALL AND EXAMINE OUR COMPLETB LINE. PRICES ARE REASONABLE Yours for warm homes, Hart-Ward Hardware RALEIGH, N. C. FaS 1 Opeiiii TOT ml bring Debarttne We want to show you the New Tailoring Fabrics that will be popular with well-dressed men the coming season.

We have therefore arranged with Schloss the famous "Quality Tailors" of New York and Baltimore, to have their expert cutter and fitter at our rtore September 6, 7, and 8. with a full line of samples and take take your measure. The fabrics this year are unusually handsome, whil- the style and fit of the garments is established. A GOOD PROPOSITION We propose to show you the best and most fashionable fabrics for com ing season; if they please you we will haye them tailored to yur order. Prices are moderate.


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