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Newport Daily News from Newport, Rhode Island • Page 1

Newport, Rhode Island
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WeatKer Data Friday Sun KIsCs 5:11 Sets 8:17 Titles high 8:17 P.M. .1:26 A.M. P.M. Wednesday's Temperatures high 75 low 38. Local Forecast Fair weatiicr with llttlo change in temperature tonight and Friday.

(Detailed report on page 2) ESTABLISHED 1846 Vol. 112--NO. 205 NEWPORT, R. JUNE 7, 1956 TWENTY EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS Army Plans To Weed Out Ranks WASHINGTON UV-The Army announced today it will discharge 475,000 ready reservists and transfer 500,000 others to the standby reserve list. It described the action as a wholesale effort to terminate the military- service liability of War II and Korean veterans and to weed out dead wood.

An Army announcement said this screening process will take place in the 12 months starting July 1 When completed, the Army said it will leave in the ready- reserve only those who arc fit. who possess needed military qualifications and who will be available for immediate active duly in time of war or national emergency. The ready reserve is composed of individuals and organized units who would be called to active duty promptly in time of war or a national emergency declared by Congress or the President. The standby reserve is liable Tor active service only in time of war or in an emergency declared by Congress. The Army's ready reserve now has a nominal strength of 1.8S5,- 000, exclusive of the National Guard, which will number 407.000 by the end of this month.

The present strength of the standby reserve is only The Army suid most of Ihe reservists who i be discharged from the ready category are those who saw active service prior to June 19. 1931. Most of this group LOOKS I.IKE A. WEDDING --President Eisenhower hands the First Lady clown the south portico steps of the White House as 'they appear before a waiting group of Young Republicans. Tae latter have been attending a leadership training school for the younger element of the Council Votes To Continue'Indefinitely' Ordinance Creating Aide For Fire Chief An ordinance lo create ti fire chief's aide I he rank ot during the war in I Councilman Erich also served Korea.

Priority for transfer from the ready to the standby reserve will be given to reservists who served in Korea at any time between June 26. 1950, and July 27, 1953. The Army said, however, that ready reservists who now are members of organized ni 's and want to continue their military duty will be retained. Young men who have volunteered for the ready reserve and who have had jio prior active service will not be included in the weeding out program, the Army said. The screening program will be automatic, the Army explained, and reservists who do not object to discharge or transfer need not write to the Army.

Taylor moved to continue Biilganin Writes New Letter To President WASHINGTON' Soviet Premier Nikolai Bulganin has written a new letter to President Eisenhower. Soviet Ambassador Georgi N. Zarubin arranged to deliver it at the State Department today. A Soviet Embassy source, questioned about an afternoon date that Zarubin made with Secretary of State Dulles, told a reporter: captain was continued indefinitely by the Council last night. An ordinance to regulate fires in the open was carried over two weeks.

O'D. both matters indefinitely. The action on the fire chiefs aid resolution was unanimous. On the other ordinance, some councilmen objected to an indefinite postponement and continued the proposed law for two weeks with Taylor vOting "no." A letter from, the Waterfront Commission, of which Councilman George W. Lawton is chairman, asked when the King Park ramp would be started.

Lawton said he had talked with Acting City Manager George W. Michael and work had been started on the ramp during the day. "With nil duo respect to the Waterfront Commission, 1 am concerned with highway work on Henry C. Narragansett Avenue. Wilkinson a reason that he said, and fill from Narragansett Avenue was be used on Agoncy was fionlinued one week to permit the association lo have a speaker before the Council.

The lo pay Richard Adams for appraisal work on the Brenton's Village tax case- was adopted. '-Tayloi agency was also notified of the let-1 voted "no." Taylor said I had. been appropriated previously for the case, and this now makes it A resolution transferring bond money for the Ellery Road sewer project was approved. Also approved was a- resolution appropriating $453.43 from antipollution bonds for purchase of pump for the trench-digging crew. Taylor voted "no." A resolution transferring S5.000.

from the canvassing authority to Easton's Beach rehabilitation was approved. Michael stated that it would be reimbursed from tlie 5100,000 bond issue. O'Brien The Muni ford Junior High School staff commended Arthur S. Maloney and police officers for acting beyond the call of. duty in taking care of 275 boys and girls who received polio shots.

The letter was referred to the chief of police. A petition for an extension of sewer on Homer Street was referred lo the city manager. The application of George Braga for a pool room license at 33 Marlborough St. was referred to the police chief for report, A claim Mrs. Edna Louise Fletcher for injuries she claims she received in fall on city cross- A Tesolution appropriating pro- walk was referred to the claims ceeds of sewer and anti-pollution bonds to public works for engin- A resolution, sponsored by Tay- eering expenses was adopted.

asking the Public Utilities 01 oted. "no." Commission not an inv --relocating 'parking meters crease in.children's'.school fares on; -artdition- -was adopted. j-space, was 'transferred'to the ramp 'We. in 1hc Fourth arc interested in Narragansett Avenue, "Wilkinson said. "There are other important things besides small boats.

You keep harping on small boating." Lawton replied that as a councilman of several years "1 do know if you want something done, you have to keep after it all Hie time." Wilkinson pointed out a i imii IMJI i VVIL i understand he is going to dp- oH inally suggested the ramp liver a letter from Mr. uld as clccic on lonR befovo for the th comm issj on was numofl. Since last summer Bulgamn and The commission's representative told him, Taylor said, that they could grant the raise for higri public works department from the parking meter account. A resolution appropriated to school students, but not for gram- pa Nathan C. White of West Hart- mar-grade children.

O'Bvien-, in seconding, agreed with resolution appropriating for expenses incurred (Continued on page 8) Navy Secretary Flies From Capital To Greet Global Strategy Group Secretary ot the Navy Charles Thomas arrived from Washington lodav to gi-cet the Global Strat- Kiscnhowcr have exchanged The Junior Chamber Of Com- i nny Discussion participants at the I'j iNCHI 11M i i i i. icu i ci i scries of letters mostlv concerned morce was granted permission to aval Base, with disarmament but'also inclucl- soda and 'cc a Sccl etary -j ing a proposal made by Bulganin or in January for a friendship treaty I f- Thomas arrived from between Russia and the United by on July i. T- -1 I I I I onal Boulevard from a to 1 QuonseL A Station, after making ni HniMMrr I I'll r-Lrovhnv 1 the trip from Washington by piano. during the Crackerbox Der- States and other Western powers. The spokesman declined to comment on the subject matter of the new message.

A request of the Second Ward Improvement Assn, for action on the West Broadway development plan of the Redevelopment Historic House Nobody Wants Used By County Firemen For Training Newport County firemen arc having a rare opportunity for training these days as they set and then extinguish blazes in a historic Portsmouth house that nobody wants. The building is the so-called "Old Coach Stop" on West Main Road at Redwood Farms. The in smudge pots and the firemen practiced groping through the smoke. Crews then extinguished the small fires that were set. Chief Wilkey had his Portsmouth tank truck on hand.

Chief Kit-win top commanders at the head table. Cmdr. Williarii S. Sluhr, USNR. was toastmaster.

Rear Adm. R. White fChCj USN (rct.l gave the invocation, and the Rev. Daniel. Quinby Williams, Emmanuel Church rector, the benediction.

Legal Barrier Gives Town 2 Tax Collectors A legal hitch has kept Jamestown's new tax collector from taking over the office to which she was elected on May 2. The office door has been locked and Jamestowners haven't been able to pay-bills for taxes to the Republican victor, Bertha F. Watson, who was elected by two votes over her Democratic opponent and personal- friend. Mrs. Shirley D.

Olson. the dispute Is an amicable one based on legal technicalities, which may all be straightened out when the Town Council meets next Monday night, Mrs. Watson, who was into office May 16, said today she just wanted to let people know why she wasn't collecting taxes yet. Mrs. Olson, who said this noon "I couldn't have lost the' election to a nicer person," emphasized that -she wants to be relieved of her official rcsponsilities as soon as possible, but is anxious to do it in the proper manner.

JLawyer Cites Warrant Mrs. Olson said she was all set lo turn over the office, but received advice from her attorney, Daniel J. Murray, outgoing town solicitor, that legal forms had to be complied with. Murray said this morning that the warrant for a tax levy was directed lo a particular tax collector and that the matter was a personal responsibility for Mrs. Olson until the taxes had been collected.

She would therefore continue as a responsible party until tile proper measures were taken, according to law, for the transfer to Mrs. Watson. Murray added that he believes he knows what proper steps are required and that he expects to advise Mrs. Olson within a day or so. Mrs.

Olson said she plan to resign as soon as possible, and will do everything she can to help Mrs. Watson. If it would be of some assistance, she would take whatever personal records she needs out of the office so that Mrs. Watson can go in and get to work, Mrs. Olson said.

In fact. Mrs. Olson said she had Mrs. Watson in the office for several days showing her the routine and would have turned everything over, except that she received legal advice that a certain procedure had- to be- -fool lowed: Mrs. Olson has since taken a position in Lyons' Market.

She said Pickett M. Greig, new town solicitor, had called her and had agreed that the transfer had to be made in a propei- manner, but. had also told her not to leave- the office- locked up so that it could not be used by Mrs. Watson. Greig was in New London today and could not be reached for his interpretation of the hitch in changing tax collectors.

Meanwhile, there is a backlog of incoming tax payments piling up at the post office, Mrs. Watson said, so she is anxious to get to work on her new job. The custom has been 'for the office to open every morning five days a week. Peop'le have been calling her to (Continued on Page 8) Rayburn, Martin Hopeful ver Half Of Foreign Aid Slash Will Be Restored WASHINGTON UB-- a waged a touch-arid-go battle today to persuade reluctant House members to shore up President Eisenhower's heavily cut foreign aid program. In advance of shoVvdown voting, Speaker Rayburn of Texas and Republican Leader Joseph W.

Martin Jr. of Massachusetts were outwardly optimistic about their joint move to restore more than half the foreign aid slash voted by the House Foreign Affairs CommittcG- But supporters of Committee Chairman Richards D-S-C- and there were many among rank-and- file members of both parties -seemed equally confident he could make the $1,109,000,000 committee in Eisenhower's 54,900,000,000 program stick. Eisenhower declared yesterday it would be tragic if Congress doesn't support his program designed to bolster free nations against communism. House leaders faced a growing demand for a cutoff in U.S. aid to Yugoslavia and other "neutralist" countries.

Rayburn and Richards both administration forces in opposing this move. Eisenhower agreed that "where U.N. Command Goes Ahead On Truce Team Pullout Plans PANMUNJOM, Koraa Iff) The U.N. Command served notice on the Communists today that they are' going ahead -with plans to move the neutral truce inspection teams out of South Korea. U.S.

Gen. Robert G. Gard, senior AJliqd member of the joint U.N.-Communist armistice commission, announced the decision after both sides deadlocked on a compromise proposal from the four-nation Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission. The neutral commission-- staffed by Sweden, Switzerland and Communist -Czechoslovakia and Poland--proposed that it temporarily pull its teams out of both North and Korea. The U.N.

Command had that the Czech and Polish members connived with the North Korean Communists, in trying to liide a Red buildup troops and planes banned by the Korean armistice. Gard said that despite its expulsion order, to the truce teams, rhe U.N. -Command considers the truce in full force. He- the Allies would continue, to ''issue reports on movement of arms and troops in and out of South Korea. The senior Communist delegate lo the joint: armistice group, North Korean Maj.

Gen. Chung Keuk Rok. countpred that the Allied move was "a serious threat and menace to peace in "Our side will keep a close watch on every step of your side," Chung declared at a meeting today of the joint commission. "Should your side wreck the armistice agreement, your side would have to bear the entire responsibility for all the consequences." representatives of both the Allies and the Communists have said unofficially they do not expect serious trouble to result from the pullout of the truce teams. Gard said he did not know yet when the neutral teams will begin moving back to the neutral zone between North and South Korea.

The truce group now has onlv 19 men stationed at the South Korean ports of Inchon, Pu- san and Kunsan to check on military movements, A similar, force is. in North Korean Truman Confers With Adenauer we stand" in relation to Yugo- slavia "has to be re-svaluated." The administration wants be free to continue help to Yugoslavia if the restudy Eisenhower men- tioned indicates President Tito remains neutral as between Moscow and the West- Eisenhower had asked 30 million dollars in economic aid for Yugoslavia in the year starting next July 1, plus a secret amount of military assistance. The House committee voted to cut the 30 millions in half. Its billion-dollar cut in arms aid also presumably would affect Yugoslavia. Rayburn picked Rep.

Brooks Hays (D-Ark) to spearhead the bipartisan funds restoration drive with an amendment which would put 600 million dollars of the committee cut back in the bill. Hays, a Foreign Affairs Committee member, said he understands tlie 600-million-dollar figure was advanced by Eisenhower himself and t'this is one area in which I think we should yalue the, President's recommendation." Richards said a number of 'congressmen have told him they will vote against Hie bill altogether if the amount is increased. He had on his side the parliamentary tradition that a cut already approved by the committee is usually upheld on the House Floor. On the other side were the weight of the administration and the influence of Rayburn. In six hours of debate yesterday, much opposition to tlie Eisenhower program came from members of tlie President's own parly.

Rep. Mason (R-H1) called it a "foreign i a a program." Rep. Nicholson (R-Mass) said he was for "spending money for our own defense without taking care of these foreigners." Rep. Flood was practically a lone voice in calling for enactment of the full $4,900,000,000. But a number of others indicated they wanted at least part of the committee cut restored in the hope of stemming the tide Both In Appeal For World Peace At his request -no honors were' given him.

The Navy civilian head was greeted by Vice Adm. Lynde D. McCormick, Naval War College head, under whose direction the Global Strategy session are held. A plenary session tomorrow will close the week's program for more, than 100 civilians here from says visit to Russia will not i over the country. It also marks -1 the close of two weeks' duty for 100 high ranking naval and Marine Still Friendly With U.

S. Despite Trip To Visit Red Leaders, Says Tito MOSCOW OTI President Tito ly on the sovereignty and inde- BONN (fll Former President Truman and Chancellor Konrad Adenauer appealed today for patience and firmness the free nations in the quest for world peace. The two statesmen conferred for 30 minutes in the federal Truman said they spoke mainly of world peace. "We both hope that this period (of world peace' will arrive." Truman said. "If we are patient and do what we must do, we will get it one day." He said his visit with trie 80- year-old Chancellor "was one of the most pleasant since I left the White House." Adenauer leaves tomorrow for Washington to confer with President Eisenhower.

Adenauer voiced appreciation reservists. Admiral McCormick was honor guest last night at a dinner tendered by civilians and officers attending the global discussions- at the Officers Club. A cocktail party preceded. About 300 attended. The Lepcs i developers of a new F.

Abreu of Middlctown was there housing projccl at the farm, had with a pumper. offered the colonial structure to Ken-port -Fire Chief i i a H. Conncrton said the firemen gained i invaluable experience in actual com a j. es- He attended with about 10 men from the off-duty shift in Newport. The Tiverton volunteer departments were also on hand.

brought a tank truck and also laid I visitors presented a check loi a line to a hydrant in Redwood S39S, surplus from the dinner, to Farms development. Chief John the Rhode Island Chapter, Navy' anvone who wanted to move it. There were no so i was decided to raze the dilapidated frame dwelling. It's being burned down in stages. Fire Chief Henry W.

Wilkey of Portsmouth is host for the burning sessions and will lead his department tonight as they practice extinguishing fires that will be set in the roof. This afternoon. Fire Chief Jos- pph P. Kirwin took some of his Naval Station fire department rrcw out for a training period on partition fires. Last night there was a regular' firemen's convention.

Several county departments had a useful drill with Scott air-pack breathing apparatus. Tarpaper was set off Relief Society. Admiral McCormick said ho considered the dinner an honor to the entire War College personnel. Speakers included Maj. Gen'.

Karl S. Day, USMCR," for the senior reserve officers; John S. Budinger of New York, for civilian participants, and Rear Adm. John J. Bergen, USNR, who introduced Britain Announces Plans For Nuclear Tests In 'Megatiion Range' Next Year Britain Cuts Another Link To Great Past; To Shut Scapa Flow 'LONDON l.T RritHin Is shutting down itt hugo Scapa Flow naval hasc.

In the Orkneys, where the Kaiser's high seas fleet was scuttled after World I A Xaval spokesman said the Admiraltty could no longer foresee sufficient use for the Installations either In peace or in war to justify the expense of retaining them. Scapa Flow, big enough to harbor A whole navy. In 13 miles aod miles LONDON Prime Minister Eden announced today Britain's nuclear test explosions in the Pacific next year will be "in the megaton meaning equivalent to millions of tons of dynamite. At the same time. Eden assured the House of Commons Britain is prepared to discuss with other nations methods of regulating and limiting nuclear test explosions.

Britain already has announced i that it is making an H-homb. but it. has never held any thermo-nu- clcar weapon tests. Eden said: "As I have previously stated, the holding of these tests is an essential part of the process of providing weapons. ourselves with such "The U.S.A.

and the U.S.S.R. have already held such tests and Her Majesty's government has de- Eden said 'explosions' will take part "far from any inhabited islands and the tests will be- so' arranged as to avoid danger to persons or property. "The tests will air bursts which' will' not involve: heavy fallout. precautions will be taken; in the light of our own knowledge and of experience gained from the tests of other countries." The main base of the Royal Air Forc-n aircraft and meteorological facilities used in the tests wil he located on Christmas Island, about miles south of Hawaii. "I emphasized on Dec.

last year in the House that the government were prepared to discuss methods of regulating and limiting test explosions, which take account of their position and that of other powers," Eden said, "This remains the policy of the affect Yugoslavia's friendly, rcla-1 oj: Yugoslavia's position was the tions with the United States. a I am convinced our coming and saia: when he was the American chief executive Talking with reporters at a here will play a great role in the Kremlin reception last' night, the Yugoslav chief brushed aside as "not important" Sen. McCarthy's move in the Senate to cut off U.S. aid to Yugoslavia because of Tito's trip to Moscow, "Our relations with the United States will not suffer," Tito said, when asked about the resolution. "Our friendship with the United States as before our trip here." When an American remarked that he journey TO Washington to make sure there was no misunderstanding Of- his jntentions, Tito replied'- "If I am invited, why not? But-first-1 must be invited." Some i.OOO diplomats and Soviet leaders, including Communist party chief Nikita Khrushchev and Premier Bulganin, attended the gala reception in the Kremlin's gold and marble St.

George's Hall. During the exchange of toasts, stressed Yugoslavia's independent "foreign policy. "We have had no difficulty finding a common point of view in the talks we have held so Tito told the Soviet leaders, "especial- cause of peace in general. "We came to Moscow because it is a principle of our policy to cooperate with all countries." Tito said Yugoslavia's -ouster from The Moscow-dominated Coni- inform eight years ago was "artificial and against the will of both our people." Hp made no mention of Stalin, whom the Kremlin's present leadership now blames for the Cominform campaign against Tito. 'I share his view that we will succeed in maintaining peace if we remain patient'and continue to have confidence in our aims.

We are both agreed in the hope that this day (of world peace) will soon the Stevenson victory "good news." He said- he had "no comment" on a report from. New York that Stevenson had picked up several delegates in New York state. There have been widespread rumors that Truman would like to see New York Gov. Averell Harriman get the nod- In answer to a question, the ex- President said he doesn't believe the California win assures Stevenson the Democratic nomination. "I won't know until the convention meets," he declared.

"I have no candidate and no favorite." Navy Hunts Airmen Lost Off Rhode Island QUONSET POINT, HI --Search continued today for Navy airmen whose a i a crashed Tuesday off 'the Rhode Island coast during flight operations aboard the carrier Antietam. The missing flyers are identified as Cmdr. C. H. Liebauser of East Greemyich, pilot; Lt.

(j.g.) Glenn A. Wilson of Quonset, copilot; Richard G. Weeks North Kingstown, electronics technician; and C. Nuckols Jr. of Quonset, machinist.

The Navy said yesterday plane, a twin-engine S2F-1 Sentinel, crashed about 9 p.m. American Diplomats Searching World For Missing Part Of Khrushchev Talk WASHINGTON officials believe a big chunk is missing from the version of Nikita Khrushchev's attack on Joseph Stalin which the State Department released this week. American diplomats and agents abroad have been ordered to hunt for any missing portion which may run between 10,000 15 On'his arrival this morning for I 000 words-and get it to Washing- visits with Adenauer and President Theodor Heuss. Truman told newsmen he was "glad" that Adlai Stevenson had defeated Sen. ESLCS Kofauver in the California Democratic, primary.

He termed ton at once if they find it. The search has been assigned the highest priority. What is missing, authorities here feel, is a long section believed to have dealt with a denun- cidcd to carry out a limited num- government and we shall seek her of nuclear explosions in the every opportunity In put it megaton range. 1 Ferry Slip Damage Covered By Insurance The damage inflicted' to the Jamestown ferry slip by the ferryboat Wildwood in the-M'ay 10 storm is covered with insurance and' will be repaired- at little or no cost to the state, Benjamin M. McLyman.

Ferry Authority chairman, said today in Providence. Some piles at the entrance to the slip were knocked askew -by the Wildwood during the heavy gale that day, as was. made known in yesterday's Newport Daily News. McLyman said the authority will seek the service of engineers from the state Department of -Public to-aid in the repairs. SELF-SERVICE At the tender age of five weeks, Mike, a kitten owned by Mrs.

Esther Larson of Los Angeles. has acquired a degree of self that has-made him. the envy ot lall the kittens in his-neighborhood. the-trick, about ciation of Stalin's conduct of foreign affairs. It could be especially significant for the free nations to know what Communist party boss Khrushchev said about these matters because it would indicate Khrushchev's own thinking.

President Eisenhower told his news conference yesterday he thinks the Khrushchev speech was designed primarily for Soviet domestic purposes. If this appraisal is correct, whatever Khrushchev said on foreign policy would be written not for foreign but for Soviet ears. The speech was delivered in late February to a secret meeting of the Soviet Communist Party Congress. Subjects not covered in the text given out Monday by the State. Department include Stalin's handling of Russia's relations with Red China, tlie Korean War, Soviet pressures against Iran and Turkey, Western formation of'the Atlantic 'Alliance, postwar treatment of Germany, the Plan for European recovery and tlie anti-NATO Warsaw Pact.

All these are matters which might logically be expected to appear in such a speech- The State Department said its version of Khrushchev's denunciation of the dead dictator had been prepared for the guidance of Communist party leaders in some country outside Russia. It is understood this was one of the Eastern European satellites and not Yugoslavia. There have ieen reports that tlie speech reached Washington through the French government. It is possible also that it fell into non-Communist hands from the Communist party leadership of some country Western Europe. Officials said the chief evidence that Khrushchev said a lot.

more han has so far been attributed to lim is to be found within the pab- ished version of his talk. Out of more than 25,000 words, only about 500 words deal directly with foreign affairs. Moreover, vith the exception of two brief passages, these 500 words deal en- irely with Moscow's- break -with Yugoslavia lo 1948,.

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